Many ills come from eye strain Frontal hendnclios, dizziness, nervousness, exhaustion are symptoms of eye strain . Constant overtaxing of the eye muscles re acts on the whole system. The strain can be removed by properly fitted glasses. Clinton's can fit you with glasses which will be comfortable to wear, improve and protect your sight, nnd benefit your general health Prices are very reasonable. No medicine used in the examination. C. S. Clinton, Jowelor and Optician, At tlio Sign of tho IHg King. vhmAM,V. MILITARY "STRKXOTH OF LINCOLN COUNTY DR. 0. H. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Office over the McDonald Stats Bunk. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Hub Millinery for special niado lints. Most completo lino In city. Cut down tho II. C. of L. nnd buy a pnlr of Shoos at tho Shoo Market. Archdeacon Bowkor loft yostorday for Alliance to Bpoml a row unys. For quick nctlon and gntlsfnctosy salo list your land with ThocUcko. tf Mrs. Stolla AdamB loft this morning for Iowa to rotnaln for Bovorai wooks. W. It. Malonoy Is expected to return today from a business visit In Kansas City. Any ono needing work dono by day or month call at 11C oast Front stroot Labor Agency. 31-2 NoA Japanoso Kimonos. Soo our window display. Wilcox Department Storo. Attornoy Leslie" Buskins .left Wed nesday morning for Donvor to spend a fow days on business. Gonornl Manngor Win. Joffors and Mrs. Jorfors, or Omaha, -came Tuesday to attend tho May Party, Mrs. Josbo VanDyko Is visiting rolntlvos In Cozadi this wook having loft WodoiiBday aftornoon. Captain and Mrs. P. It. Hnlllgan rotumod tho foro part of this wcok from n visit with rolatlvos In Lincoln. Wnltor IIoxlo i!ho was visiting Ir town thlB weok whllo onrouto from Lincoln to Ogalalla, left Tuesday nf tornoon. A big now assortment of silk skirts nil now novel IdeuB that cannot fail to pleaso you. H. T. TRAMP & SONS. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. T. Borry, of Grand Island, woro guosts nt tho Grimes and Smith homes this woek. Miss -Mabel Smith, of Gothenburg, arrive hero Tuosdaw to visit Mrs. J. P. Pillion and other friends. Mrs. Gub Ilollowt of Omaha, came a fow days ago to visit with Mr. and Mrs. John 'Day for a wcok. Suroly you cannot holp but And a suit or pout, at our prices. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. Mrs. Elmor Coatcs, who had been vlalting her daughter in Keystone for a weok has returned homo. I now hnvo funds at S1 por cent on cholco bottom tablo land. Gono Crook, Room 4, Kolth thoatro Bldg. Mr. and Mrs. Salfrotta expect to loavo shortly for Wyoming iw'horo tho former Is Interested in mining. Mrs. Elmor Mills will return to hor homo In Wyoming Sunday nftor visit Ing rolatlvos for sovoral wooks. Boltod Suit Modols for mon, $15.00 to $30.00. Order lor Docoratlon Day. THE HUD. Mrs. J. K. Elms, of Lincoln, for merly or thlB city who spont soVornl days hero, lrct Tuesday afternoon. Extra Spoclal, all Ladles Patont Leather high Shoos reduced ono dollar oJT, at THE SHOE MARKET. ,, u w. r woriomont, or unoyonno, cnriio horo Wodneaday ovonlng to visit for a wook at tho HUbbard homo. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jack Crisp and baby loft Tuesday ovonlng for Kansas City to visit rolntlvos Tor sovoral wooks. Dr. Morrill, Dentist. Mrs. Thomas MitchoU, of Loxlngton, who has been visiting at tho Mitchell homo for ton days, will leuvo Sunday. Miss Edith Potors and Cluudo W. UucUnor woro marrlod horo Tuesday ovonlng nnd hnvo gono to Donvor to spoml a wcok. Dlxon-Porfecto classes aro cuarnn tood not to break. It will pay you to invoBUgnio mom. HARRY DIXON & SON, Qraduato Optomotrlsts Tlioro have beon a good many guess es as to tho mlUUiry strongth of Lin coln county, and though Tho Tribune has made soma Investigation, It can not accurately glvo the number of men In tho county betwoen tho ngos of Lvfonty-ono ani forty, the ages ilos- Icnatea by tho army bill now In con- gross. In 191G, according to tho sta tistics gathered by tho precinct as sessors there wore In round numbers COO men in Lincoln county, outside of North Platte betweon tho agos olghtoon and forty-flvo years. Tlicso llguros, compared with tho voto of tho county outsldo of North Platte, Indicate that thcro are nearly twico as many votors as thore arc men listed batweon the ngos of twenty-ono and forty-live. Tho assessors In North Matte last year made only partial re turns of those of military age, but basing tho numbor on tho vote, North 'latto would have about 700, thus mnklng tho total numbor of mon In ho county between olghtoon and forty- llvo about 2200. That number, howovor, would bo mntorlally lessoned under tho now nrmy bill vsjilch places tho ages be tween twenty-ono and forty probably would reduco tho number at least flfteon por cent. Tho Trlbuno would therefore haz- zard tho guess that there are In Lin coin county In tho neighborhood of 1800 mon botweon tho ages of twenty- ono nndi forty. If farmers aro to bo exempted from conscription, and railroad employes as well, it would look as though to so- curo two companion of 150 men each would bo combing tho county pretty cioseiy. Mobilization of Our Hoy-Powcr All boys In Senior and Junior HIkIi Schools aro canvassed as to summer occupations. Superintendent Tout has tho names of 5S boys who aro ready to take up worn on tn? minis or anv.vhoro else they aro needed. Tho ages rango from .J to 1U. faomo arc experienced. 44 others havo already been cncaKcd for tne summer on farms or ranches. 'ino boyB aro warned that tho pcoplo aro not In tho mood to rcsncct joy-ruiers ana loators nmonc tho hltih scnooi crouu wnen thero is noe,j of uinn nuip ana wont to do nad. Any boy who Is wanted on a farm anu can got a jou now or at anv time win uo auowea to drop out of school nnd receive credit for tho semester In nil subjects In which ho bus dono passing work boforo ho dropped out. This snmo prlvlloKO is oxtondoii to all boys v. ho Join tho navy, the army or national guard. Wo consider It ns Im portant to onllst In tho 'agricultural army io tho military urniy nnd wo aro n favor of allowing tho same tirlv lieges. It Is appreciated that If prices keen on going up, thcro aro many families In North Platte whoro thero will bo mirroring noxt winter becauso thd father b wagoB will not cover the nec essary oxponses of tho family. In some caaos children will havo to Ue. kopt out of school to holp sharo tho burden of finances, To prevent this as far an possible wo nro bringing the orgnnlzntlon or the schools to aid In gottlng as many children nt work dur ing tho summor ns possible bomo of tho boys aro financially ablo to Btay In school but they aro asking for work on farms during tho summer n order to holp in tho production of roods for tlioso who aro lighting or will light. SUPT. TOUT. : :o: : A248 OF 2868 COUNTIES IN THE U. S. 1750 ARE DRY The Whole Country would be dry if roofed over with OUR PEERLESS SHINGLES They Shod Water Like A Porpoise Coates Lumber & Coal Co. North Platte, Nebr. Dodge Brothers ) Hupmobile Cars and Repair parts r in stock at North Platte. Chevrolet ) J. V. ROMIGH, Dealer. 107 W. Gth. ST. PHONE 044. New Sorvlco Station thin Spring. Mini Confesses to Robbery Jos, Curtis, tho man 'who was taken off train No. 17 Sunday ovonlng and plnccd In jail, confessed to having boon an accomplice to anothor In stealing ?700 worth of clothing from nn apartment houso In Omnhn, and that ho sold his sharo of tho garments for $235. Ho hud on his poraon two rovolvors and S190, nnd shortly after his arrest offorcd ShorlfC Salisbury tho guns nnd monoy if ho would' let him go. Monday ovonlng thd sheriff phoned tho Omaha authorities and Tuesday morning an officer arrived nt?d took Curtis back to Omaha. ::o:: Rend This Item It you aro earning loss than $150.00 por month in your present occupation, wo have an exceptionally good oppor tunity for you in this county. For full particulars boo elthor A. A. Schatz Dlst. Managor, or E. T. Kollhor, Asst Stato Managor, North -Platto, repre senting Groat Woatorn Accldont Ins Co. 31tf : :o: : Tho domestic scloneo class of tho ProBbytorlan churuch will moot Mon day ovaning in tho church basement D. S. GrolT, of Fairbury, who visited Lfor ton days with his daughtor Mrs II. V. Brock, loft Wodonsdny morn ing. Experloncod man aim wlfo can se cure pormunent omploymont on small ranch. Address P. u. IIoxlo, Ogalalla Nobr. 2S-5 Tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith at 523 wost Second street has boon plnced titular scarlet fov&r quar nntluo. A new lot of auto and stroot hats on sale at ORo, $1.15 and $1.95. All new ami soasou's best stylo nt Tho Lond or Morcnntllo Co.s. Miss lSdtth Ilungorford, of Grand Island, anno a fow days ago to visit Miss Blanche Ponda and Mrs. Victor Audorson for a wook. Mrs. Thomas Gorhnm, of Grand Islniuli cumo Tuesday ovonlng to at tond tho May Party and visit with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Frlond. Miss Dulclo Prater left yostorday morning for Lincoln to visit hor sis ter. isnrouto nomo siio will nttotiu a concert at Grand) Island. , Our Annlvorsary Salo will cIobo to morrow, bo do not miss tho opportun lty to tako advantage of tho groat savings oliored on all the now spring garments nowl on sale at BLOCK'S Mlko CnrtK, of Kearney, formerly of tho focal base ball beam, ik )iI1o onrouto to Oshkosh on buslines Ho was nccompnulod by his father. Pivrm nnd Hunch loans at lowest rates and best terms. Money oir hand to close loans promptly. SPECIAL PRICES ON I J ' Ladies Cciats. Suits teses We will put our stock of Ladies' Spring Coats, Suits and Silk and Wool Dresses on sale at prices you will not be able to duplicate for a long time to come. The reductions we have made in many instances will run from one-fourth and up to almost one-half. The time to buy is now while our assortments are complete and before your size is gone. Ladies' Suits Lot 1 Includes all our highest grade suits priced in a regular way as high as $40.00, your choice fl-ft k in of these for 0;4r.4O Lot 2 Consists of all of our medium priced suits. This lot has a very good assortment of sizes and colors, but will not last long fl f k k Q at the price $1 4a40 Lot 3, Cheaper grades of suits, some last season s styles, all at one price , Ladies9 Dresses Lot 1, Highest grade silk dresses made in the latest modified barrel skirt de- $9.98 signs, 30 and $35 values $24.48 Lot 2. This lot is made of silk crepes, silk jerseys and highest grade woolen crepes and serges, values d m AQ up to $25, your choice ) 1 Lot 3, Ladies dresses made from French serge, silk poplins, etc., values up to $8.48 V. Ladies' Coats Lot 1, Strictly highest grade coats, some values of $35 and C'"l'"l EA $37.50, your choice 3)ZZ,it)U Lot 2, High grade coats in all the new cloths and colors, some extra fine sport jackets in this lot, (T tj i k Q your choice J) 1 Lot 3, Medium quality coats in plain and fancv cloths, up to the rkQ minute styles WeO Lot 4, Good coats made of cheaper materials Lot 5,Ladies' fancy sport d3 fiQ coats in plaids and checks.. tPv.O $4.98 LADIES' DRESSES Lot 4. This lot is made mostly from silk poplins, but a few finer dresses of last season's styles are rt j q included JMoVO Act Quick and You Will be More than Satisfied. Store, Wilcox D AVAR NOTES cnr..lnrv l.nnn tnlll tllO KOVOmorS conferring in Washington that ho b(j ii,i Mm wnr wnnlil last sovoral years anil that ovory resource of the country must no orougni nuo iiw bring it to n successful conclusion. England reports that for tho week ending last Sunday lltty-nlno ships had beon sunk by the German submarines. Thirty-eight of those vessels were oi over 1.G00 tons each, thirteen less than 1,000 tons ami cignt nsiuns vossels. Tho week before moro than fortv vossols of 1.G00 tons each wtoro sent to tho bottom. Tho American Steamor Kociungnani, Knlirnnkan. has been sunk by Gorman U-boats and thirteen mon aro missing, 'ino snip anu iuu was valuoo: $3,250,000. n.uinw r tVin Rhortaco of men, which shortago will bo much greater when conscription begins, u is in dicted that in Omaha nnd other cities women will bo employed ns con ductors on street cars, miin lmncn nnacjod urmv and navy appropriation bill, tho total call ing for an oxpendlturo of $2,837,553,- G53. This is tho largest appropriation of its nature ever made in tho history f Mm uhrlil The vote Oil this bill stood G23 for ono against. London, tho socialist mombor or tlio nouso, op posed It. This sum will moot all the ilnmnnilii nf Hin nrmv nnd nftW bOiirdS. tho various omorgoncy measures that faco tho country. Pinf PniTRlnv. nr t 10 slate univor ,ltv In RnnnltTnir nf the nrescnt and fnturn Inhnr Riinnlv SUVs: "Six million niiiii imvn nlroadv boon killed In tho Knrnnnnn wnr nnil Ihnro nro HOW 4.- 500,000 mon In .prison camps. Fifteen million mon navo uoon wounueu, oi which numbor 1,500,000 havo boon Incnnncltntcd. anil1 thoro aro yet G.000,000 In tho hospitals, a portion or wnom -win never rccovor and a portion will bo Incapacitated for llfo. Thoro aro now under arms approximately isu.uuu.uuu men nnu tne numbor Is bolng increased dally. This P.IX fllin nnn nt tlin nlilnut linillnil mon In tho world withdrawn from tho ranks of producers. To this doplotlon or larni lauor in oinor couiuries wo aro now adding our bit." For Sulo Ravao rnnm linnan nil tiinlnrn In GOO block on oust Third. Halt cash, balanco on time. Iuqulro of Isaac uont. 2G-tt Archie Hood, of this city, who en listee In tho navy sovoral wejks ago, writes Ray Cantlln that he Is now on tho U S. Steamer "Boxor" at Now port, It. I., and that he "Is having a pretty good time." Architect Bert Reynolds has com pleted tho plans and specifications for a new two story brick school houso In Paxton and bids will bo received Saturday. Tho now building mll havo six rooms. CopyrlffhtiM toil The vogue in out door headwear HEIDCAP. Far, far ahead of tho ordi nary can tho HEIDCAP has 6tylo and verve. Mado of ex clusive English cap cloths It is a flno cap and it makes a maa look. flno. W Hco )ojt. Store. Compare Your Present Delivery Efficiency With TMs 8 cents a ton-mile cost 10-14 miles an hour speed 2,000 pounds easily load Every hour, every day work Over 10,000 users merit Over 451 lines of work adaptability $350 and a power plant investment And twice the tonnage hauled by horses over three times the area in the same tinu this is how Smith Form-a-Truck saves you 75 cents out of every dollar you spend ior hauling or delivery if you are now udng horses. And there is a proportionate saving over any other form of motor hauling or delivery. You can quickly attach Smith Form-a-Truck to any Ford, Dodge Bros., Maxwell, Buick, Chevrolet or Overland car, and you get a per manent truck construction, fully guaranteed, that duplicates the most costly truck you can buy. Gee your ofder in earlythere'll be 30,000 buyers this year don'c vvatt, NORTH PLATTE TRUCK CO., GEORGE G ARM AN, Mgr.. North Platte. H3tf MTIIANAV & I'ATTKKSON.