The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 04, 1917, Image 2

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Mny 8 Hlcnnlal Swwlmi A. O. 0. W.
Grnnil Lodge nt Omnhn.
Mny 8-0 Knights of Columbus Stnto
Meeting ut Alliance.
Mny 12 State High School Truck
nnd Field Meet tit Lincoln.
Mny 10-17-18 Aniunil Encampment
Nebraska O. A. II., Ladles of the U.
A. It., Women's Relief Corps; Span
ish Wur Veterans mid Sons of Vet
erans at Columbus.
May 22-25 Nebraska Sportsmen's As
sociation Annual Tournament Ht
May 2-1-25 Stnto Association of Com
mercial Clubs' Mooting Ht Alliance.
Juno 4 to 7 Nebraska State Dental
Society Meeting at Omaba.
June 5 to 7 Ncbrnska-Iowii Funeral
DlroclorH Joint Meeting at Omaba.
Juno C-C-7 State Association of Post
masters' Mooting at Lincoln.
Captain Ness of tbo steamboat "Sil
lier" hns boon told by tbe Navigation
league of Omaba that be must change
the nnme of his barge from "Knlscr"
to "President" before bo can obtain
any more clearance pupors from the
port of Omaha.
A bnndngo circle lm Just boon or
ganized nt Weeping Water under tbe
Amorlcnn Hod Cross. Tbo work con
templated by this organisation Is tbe
making of bospltnl garments and sur
glcnl supplies. .
The members of the Grand Island
Soldiers' Homo passed resolutions
eliminating inoat from their jnonu In
order to "do their bit" In conserving
tho food supply of tho country.
W, G. Huntington, a farmer living
near Liberty, marketed four bogs nt
tbnt placo for which he received
$280.30. Tho porkers nvcrnged -170
pounds each.
A car of Wisconsin pure-bred Hoi
stein cattle arrived nt Geneva n fow
nys ngo and was distributed through
out Flllmoro county to farmers who
had made the purchases.
Thirty thousand dollars was added
,to the. $200,000 building and endow
ment fund of tbo Hastings college tho
other day. Tho donor's name was
Coleridge, Cedar county, has con
tributed twenty-eight men to tho
United States army. Tho 1010 census
gave the town n population of 535.
Prlco of lnmbs Jumped to 510.50 per
hundredweight on tho South Omaha
market Inut week, tho highest In tho
history of the innrkot.
Mrs. John Elders, well known Scrlb
nor woman, died nt her homo follow
ing nn nttnek of blood poisoning,
caused by n scratch of n pin.
Becauso of tho partlnl folluro of
winter wheat Lancaster county far
mers nro contemplating planting an
unusual largo acreage In corn.
Over 2,000 volunteers hnd been ac
cepted up to April 20 In tho Omaha
district for sorvlco In various military
Spalding Is to hnvo n factory to
mnlco puncture- proof compound for
nutomohllo tiros, according to an nn
Consolidation of Nehawka schools,
operating under ono governing head
Is being planned. Tbo Num of $35,000
Is nvnllablo for building purposes.
Over 2,400 head of cnttlo worn sold
nt miction nt tho Fremont stock yards
Just recently In loss thnn two hours.
Greeley Is planning on n strong In
dependent hnseball team, nrganlza
tlon of which Is now under way.
Niobrara, with 8S0 people, has sent
twonty-ono men to Omnhn to enroll In
tho nnvy. Twenty woro accepted.
People of Ouldo Hock nro urging
tho Burlington railroad to build n new
depot In tho town.
, Work Is progressing on Grnnd
Islnnd'a now ton-story hotel.
Tho Qngo County Crop Improve
mont nssoclatlon hns decided to con
duct n lnbor hurenu this year to
meet tho unusual demand for help
from tho Gago county farmers. Farm
demonstrator Hist will endnvor to en
rol n large number of young men from
tho schuolH of tho county.
L. 11. Goodhntid of Ord was award
ed tho contract for tho now govern
ment building at Wahoo. Ills bid was
$40,550 for sandstone. Mr. Goodlmnd
built tho Wnhoo high school threw
years ago. Tho building must bo
completed for uso by April 18. 1018,
Building Is Btllt nt fever heat In
Goring. Aside from tbo twenty new
residences tbnt nro to ho built by ono
firm, a number of new homes and
business additions nro arranged for.
Tho brick work on tho new Gcrlug
hotel and Stnto bank building hns
been completed.
Ed Kinsley, member of tho Hound
Grovo district school, bonrd, Richard
son county, resigned becnuso Pros!
dent Wilson's picture was ordered re
moved from tho wall of tho school by
tho board.
Broken How Is to stugo a colobrn
tlon In tho nnturo of a pageant on
May 12 In honor of tho fiftieth unni
vcreary of Nebraska's statehood. Tho
Custer county declamatory contest
will be hold at the same time.
Applications for lonns from tho
Federal Land bank of Omnhn up to
April 23 amounted to J8.175.82S,
Elghty-flvo associations In Nebrnsli
applied for $-1,1110,053.
A sixty-foot flag pole with pcrmn
nent cement foundation Is being erect
ed In tho center of the business dis
trict of Havennn
In tho llrst of li relator weekly
crop and soil reports Issued during
h farming m-nson, tbo Burllnston's
experts cstlmnbi winter wheat In east
ern Nebraska nt CO per cent of a full
crop; In tho central portion nt 30 per
cent; In (ho southeastern portion at
10 nor cent, and In the southwestern
district at 00 per cent. Extreme cold
nnd hick of snow did the damage, al
falfa lioltiv iilwn LTcfillv in lured. Soil
Is In satisfactory condition all over
Nebraska. Of the winter wheat acre
skb sowed to other crops, about -15
per cent will bo seeded to oats, 15
nor cent to corn and 10 iter cent to
spring wheat. This doubtless Includes
considerable acreage, however, that
may be used to grow potatoes, says
tho report. '
Farmers and ranchmen of tho mid
dle west are Invited to write A. F.
Slryker, secretary of the South
Omaba Live Stock Exchange, If In
need of licit) to till their soil or as
sist In raising stock. This service Is
to be rendered free lttion orders of
Ibo directors of tbe Stock Exchange,
who have turned over tbe energy of
tbe establishment In an etllelency
campaign, Its nnturo being tho supply
ing of men and acting ns n iniior
bureau. This action was taken In
view of the threatened food shortage.
Everv nillrond In the state bus of
fered tho land along Its rlgbt-of-wny
for crop raising. Employes of tbe
various lines aro given first choice of
tho ground nnd what remains mny bo
hnd by applying to the nearest agent.
Tho Methodists of Crawford have
decided to build n new church, which
will cost about $18,000.
Thlrlv-flve head of cattle shinned
to tho South Omaha market last week
by E. E, Adams of Pleasanton, sold
for $12.85 per hundred pounds. Mr.
Adams bought tbo cattle at South
Oinabn. Sentember 20 at $5.00 per
hundred. At that time they averaged
882 pounds per head, when sold tliey
averaged 1,38-1 pounds.
Chester Kelloire. 11. oldest son of
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kellogg, who re
sides near Ashland, was driving n
four-horso team In front of n discing
machine when the animals became
unmanncoablo nnd ran. throwing him
henonth. mangling his lower limbs,
face, eye and back. Ho died from ins
Sir hundred employees of tho Hell
Telephone company In the district of
which Omaha Is headquarters, hnvo
volunteered for two signal companies
tlm comnnnv Is organizing. They will
bo given full pay by tho company, less
what they receive from the govern
ment. Officials of tho South Omaha Live
Stock Erchnnire have received assur
ance from Secretnry Houston of tho
Depnrtment of Agriculture, that tno
irnveriiinent hns no Intention to estab
lish a fixed price for food products.
Ho declares thnt regulation win ne
confined to controlling speculation.
Tho Bethel Hrothren church nt Cnr-
llsle, Flllmoro county, passed resolu
tions nledtliiL' tho agricultural sup
port of the community to tho nation
nnd begging that tho president oiimi
nntn unnecessary middlemen nnd tbnt
congress suppress tho manufacture of
alcoholic liquors.
Tbo celebration of Arbor day and
tho somt-contennlal nt Nebraska City
woro tbo biggest ovents over hold In
tho city. One of tho special features
was a nurndo which contained sev
eral of tho hlstorlal floats used In tho
Ak-Sar-Ben nt Omaha last fall.
There Is hardly a vacant lot In
Fremont today that Is not being used
for enrden mimeses. The potato crop
In Fremont will bo tho biggest over
known If tbo senson Is nt all favor-
Fnlrhurv's new Masonic temple,
which cost In tho neighborhood of
;20,000 wns dedicated just recently.
All civic bodies in Hastings hnvo
united In a movement to lncreaso food
An automobile conveying Mr. nnd
Mrs. Nelson nnd their children of Fro
mont turned over In a ditch ten miles
north of town resulting In tho dcuth
of Mrs. Nelson and a baby daughter,
Thev wero caught undor tho cnr.
Other children In tho car woro slight
ly hurt but Mr. Nelson escaped. Thcro
wero four children nnd tho parents in
tho cnr.
OwlnL' to tho nrosent national
emergency, It was announced that tlm
annual rural life conference, set for
uno ! to 14, nt Lincoln, would bo
Search for sucar stored In Omaha
for speculative purposes revealed thnt
there woro largo prlvato stocus wmen
would hrlnir tho total holding to 15,-
000,000 pounds. Omnhn grocers says
thnt wholesale houses will not sou
moro thnn ono to three sacks nt a
tlmo to tho stores.
Fnrmers from tho vicinity of Mill
Ion met the business men of tho town
the other dny with plows and scrapers
nnd together they mado a decided mi
provement In roads leading Into Mul
ltleh schools of McCook. GolllCIl
burg, Loup City, Sutton, Harvard,
Clnv Center. Grnnd Islnnd. Central
City nnd Fnlrhury have entered tho
Interschnlnstle track tournament to bo
bold nt Hastings May 5.
A box containing fifty pounds of
dynamite was found nenr tho Union
Pacific round house and shops nt Sid
ney several days ngo. Tho exploslvo
was turned over to tne sncrirc una de
Tho Commercial club of Omnhn un
animously endorsed President Wil
son's selective draft bill.
Complete Agreement Is Regarded as
Near French General Sketches
Marne the Battle for the Students
of the War College.
Washington, April 30. Important
ml far-reaching plans for American
inrllclpatlon in military operations In
"ranee, wero discussed at n long con
ference between Field Marshal Joffro
ud United States army ofllclals.
A tentative plan, subject to approval
by President Wilson, Is understood to
utve been outlined to Joffro. Under
t an army of approximately 200,000
well-drilled Americans can be sent to
Franco its early as rfext August.
I'bls plan was worked out by the
war college before the arrival of the
'"reach and British missions.
In Its main details, It agrees with
the views of Marshal Joffro. The only
point of difference Is the time when
n American force should bo sent
The French Idea Is that Amorlcnn
forces should bo sent at Once. Tbo
number Is not regnrded n material fac
tor under existing circumstances. The
rench theory Is tbnt sending small
units us soon ns possible, would hnvo
nn lmportnnt moral effect upon the al
lies and tbo enemy.
Larger units would follow ns soon
as American armies have been raised
on a European war basis.
Tho friendly exchange of views de
veloped that most of tho war college
are opposed to sending any forces to
Surope except such ns would be of
mmedinte fighting value.
From this view was evolved the out
line of the plan under which It would
bo possible by August, If tbo president
deemed It desirable, to dispatch n
force of 200,000 men.
Prior to tho conference General
Joffro addressed at length the students
of tbe war college, composed entirely
of army olllcers of tbo line, on tbo
problems of the war.
Among other things he sketched
pithily the battle of tbe Mnme, the
high water mark of tho German ad
vance on Paris. No one was admitted
but army olllcers.
Workers Entombed In Shaft at Trlnl-
dad, Colo., After Gas Ex
plosion. Trinidad, Colo., Aurll 30. There Is
no escape for tbe 120 or more men
caught behind tho firo In the Hastings
mlno of the Victor-American Fuel com
pany, near Ludlow, and It Is feared
that all huvo perished. Five, bodies
wero recovered.
Hoscuo crews reported on Friday
night they cannot reach the entombed
men because of tho wreckage, the ex
plosion having torn ceilings and walls
of tho main slope.
Superintendent Cameron said he hnd
little hope of saving any of tho men
who were In tbo mlno when tbo explo
sion occurred.
Tho exact number of men caught In
the mine still Is undetermined. Tho
company has compiled a list of 83 names
of men known to be In tbe mine, but It
Is asserted that the list Is not com
Practically Every Cent of Loan to Al
lies to Be Spent In United
Washington. April 28. Preliminary
reports to the treasury department..
upon which Secretary . McAdoo will
baso bis recommendations to tbe presi
dent ns to tbo size of the first bond Is
sue under tho $7,000,000,000 war
finance law, Indicate that tbo United
States will bo called upon to tlnnnco
tho nlllos to the extent of at lenst
$400,000,000 and possibly $500,000,000 a
month. The tentative program also
calls for the expenditure of virtually
every dollar of tbe borrowed money In
this country for foodstuffs, munitions,
coal, clothing, railway equipment and
other supplies.
Washington, April 20. Secre
tary McAdoo handed the Hrlt
lsh ambassador a treasury war
rant for $200,000,000, the llrst,
lonn made to any entente gov
ernment by the United States
under tho $7,000,000,000 wnr
tlntince measure.
Turk Envoy Wants to Stay.
Washington. April 30. Abdul link
Hussuln Hey, churge of tho Turkish
embassy bus nppealed to the state
department not lo compel him to leave
the country, giving us his resan the
health of his wife.
Blast In British Plant
London, April 30. A small explo
sion occurred In a North of England
munition factory, It Is olllclally an
nounced, on Friday afternoon. Otic
person was killed and four persons
were Injured.
Captain of Mongolia Tells of the
on ui.iiuri ui enemy viiiu
Off England.
London, April 27. Captain Hlco of
the American steamship Mongolia,
which has arrived at u Hrltlsh port,
said that the Mongolia had lircd the
llrst shot of the war for tbe United
States and sunk a German sub
marine. Tho submarine, Captain Hlco said,
was about to attack the great liner In
Hrltlsh waters on April 10. He de
clared there was no doubt that the
U-boat was hit and that there was
every reason to believe It was de
The naval gunners on board made a
clean bit at 1,000 yards. The periscope
was seen to bo shattered.
"There was n haze over the sen at
the time," said Captain Hlce. "We
had Just taken a sounding, for we were
getting near shallow water, and we
were looking at tbo lead when the
llrst mate cried : 'There's a submarine
off tbe port bow.'
"The submarine was close to us, too
close, In fact, for her purposes, and
sho wns submerged again In order to
maneuver Into a better position for tor
pedoing us when we sighted her. We
saw the periscope go down and the
swirl of the water. I quickly ordered
n man nt the wheel to pull It to star
board, nnd we swung the nose of the
ship toward the spot where tbe sub
marine had been seen. Wo were go
ing at full speed ahead, and two min
utes nfter we llrst sighted the U-bont
It emerged nguln about 1,000 yards
olT. Its Intention probnbly bad been
to catch us broadside on, but when It
appeared we had the stem gun trained
full on It.
"The lieutenant gave the command
npd the big gun boomed. We saw tbe
periscope shattered and the shell and
tho subninriuo disappeared.
"I can't speak too highly of the cool
manner In which tbe lleutennnt han
dled his crew or tbo elllclency of
American naval men."
Owners Driven Off as Soldiers Spread
Spirit of Revolution In
Petrogrnd. April 20. Tbe revolu
tlonary spirit Is manifesting Itself In
tbo rural districts of Hussla, bringing
tbo long-standing agrarian troubles to
a head. Soldiers visiting their rural
homes, with or without leave, spread
tho news of the revolution and lead
the peasants against the Innd owners.
This Is chiefly the case In the Saratov
government, where the people nro
often Inclined to he turbulent. Tbo
peasants here, after passing resolu
Hons of confiscation, have proceeded
to take possession of the hinds and
drive tho owners away.
Colonel Bullock Would Put Veterans
Now In Action In France Under
Old Glory.-
London, April 20. America may not
hnvo to await tbe raising nnd training
of nn expeditionary nnny In the Unit
ed States to put tbe Stnrs nnd Stripes
In action on the battlefields of France,
Colonel Uullock of tbe Canadian
army, a Chicago clergyman nnd later
lecturer before the New York school
bonrd, wns working todny, with the
aid of Influential Americans, on a
scheme to transfer all Americans now
lighting with tbe allied armies Into
ono American -fighting unit.
Zeppelin Wrecked In Gale.
London.. April 28. A Gorman Zen
pelln of the lntest type turned turtle
In a heavy gale while on a trial trip
and wns completely destroyed, nccord
lug to nn Amsterdnm dispatch. Every
member perished.
, "T. R." to the Front Soon?
Lexington, Ky., April 28. Col
Theodore Hoosevelt called an old
friend of his here on the long-dlstnucc
telephone on Thursday and told him to
be In readiness for Immediate service
In Europe.
Commission Includes General Joffre
and Former Premier Vlvlanl No
Submarines Were Sighted.
Washington, April 20. The French
commission has safely landed In tbo
United States.
The commission arrived In Washing
ton on Wednesday on board the presi
dential yacht Mayflower from Hamp
ton Honds.
This otllclal statement was made by
the government :
'The department of state Is advised
of the safe arrival of the French com
Later the state department issued
this further statement:
'The commission, which Includes
Marshal Joffro and former Premier
Vlvlanl, arrived early Tuesday morning
on board a speedy steamship of the
French line, which was convoyed
across tho Atlantic.
Tho vessels were met off tho coast
by American torpedo-boat destroyers
nnd escorted to n port.
The French mission wns welcomed
by the following:
For tho department of state: Third
Assistant Secretary Brcckcnrldge
For tbe wnr department: MaJ. Gen.
Hugh L. Scott, chief of staff; Lieut.
Col. Spencer Cosby, MaJ. Fox Connor,
dipt. Philip Sheridan.
For the navy department: Assistant
Secretary Franklin D. Hoosevelt nnd
Kcnr Admiral Harry McL. P. lluse.
Tho mission was also met by tho
French ambassador, tho French mili
tary attache, Colonel Vlgnnl, and tho
French naval attache, Commander do
Itlnuprc. .
Positions Between Roeux and Ga-
vrelle Are Captured Trenches on
Heights Are Taken.
London. April 30. lmportnnt posi
tions between Hoeux nnd Gavrclle nnd
nenr tbe Arras-Cambrnl road have been
captured by the Hrltlsh, tbe war of
fice announced.
Paris, April 30. The French have
captured several trenches on the
heights nround MoronvlIUers nnd nlso
have gained ground In tbe region of
Hurteblse and Corny, nccordlng to nn
otllclal statement Issued by the war
office. Tbo total number of cannon
captured since April 10 Is placed nt
Lieutenant Ware in Charge of Gun
Crew of Liner Mongolia Says
Periscope Was Shot Away.
London, April 30. Lieut. Hruco R,
Wore. U. S. N., commander of tbe
Mongolia's gun crew, declared on FrI
dny his belief that tbe ono shot his
men tired April 10 ut n Germnn submn
rlne did not sink the U-boat.
"All we know Is that we fired at a
hostile vessel with a periscope," he
said. "1 do not know If we hit the
vessel, but we knocked off the perl
House Votes Down Amendment to Con
scription Bill Vote Stood
170 to 106.
Washington, April 30. Hy a vote of
170 to 100, the houso on Friday re
fused to amend the army bill so as to
permit Colonel Hoosevelt to raise n
volunteer force for service In France,
Quake Kills Many In Italy.
London. April 30. A violent earth
quake In Tuscany nnd Umbrln Is re
ported In n Rome dispatch to tbo Ex
change Tolegraph company to have oc
curred Thursday morning. Many per
sons uru reported killed at Moutcrch!
Start Drive on Riga Front.
Petrogrnd, April 30. Active artillery
lighting nlong the Hlgn front, partlcu
larly In that sector where Russlu
started her December offensive, was
reported In the otllclal statement on
Admiral De Chair Does Not Believe
German Submarines Will Attempt to
Raid Coast Refuses to Give Num
ber of German Submarines Sunk.
Washington, April 28. Rear Admi
ral Sir Dudley It. S. De Chair, the vet
eran naval olilcer of Great Hrltuln's
war commission to tbo United Stntes,
gave a group of Washington newspa
per correspondents a llrst-hnnd story
of some of bis experiences during tbo
two yeari bo commanded a patrol fleet
chasing German submarines. Without
minimizing tho gravity of the subma
rine menace, bo confidently predicted
that It would be overcome.
Commenting on suggestions thnt
Germany might undertake a submii
rlno campaign on the American coast,
tbe admiral said this would not bo
molltable from the Germnn nolnt of
view without extensive supply bases
on this side of tho Atlnntlc.
Tho admiral spoke of tho momornblo
lessons the allies had learned In tho
nir, and snld he nnd his colleagues
lad come to plnce them at tho dis
posal of tbe American govern
"I only wish." he snld. "that 1 could
tell you the number of Germnn sub
marines thnt we have sunk. Unfor
tunately, however, that Is a nnvnl se
cret ns nlso nre the menns of detec-
on of submnrlnos nnd of combatting
them, which It will be necossnrv to
guard In closest secrecy until the end
or tne wnr. lour nnvy hns been fur-
ished with full detnlls. however, by
the present mission.
"Nobody knows exactly bow mnnv
submnrlnos tho Germnns nre buildlnc.
but we know they nre working nt
feverish speed, nnd hnvo heard report
that they aro turning out from two to
three n week."
Would Inspire Allies' Forces, the Mar
shal Says Avoids Advising Step,
But Cites Need.
Washington, April 28. The question.
of sending American troops to Franco
this year was the principal mntter dis
cussed nt n two-hour conference be
tween Secretnry of Wnr linker nnd
Marshal Joffro of the French commis
sion this afternoon.
Marshnl Joffre explained In detnfa
the mllftary situation on the westera
front nnd tho great need of additional
troops, which has boon evidenced by
tho emergency will by the British gov
ernment for 500,000 more men.
Thnt the United States can be of
lnestlmnble service to tbe common.
cause by sending troops to the firing
line In France nt the enrllest posslblo
moment Is the conviction of the hero
of the bnttle of tbe Marne.
London. April 30. Writing of
the submnrlno menace, A. G.
Gardiner In tbe Dally News
snys :
"Let us face tbe facts. What
Is tbe dominating fact of the
wnrtodny? It Is this: We have
got Germany by the throat on
land. Germany has got us by
the throat at sen.
"We are trying to force n
military decision. Germnny alms
at starving us before we can
get that decision. Our hope is
In the guns of Artols. Gerrannv's
J hopes are In tbe torpedo of the 4
submarine. Tho whale Is fight
ing on bind; the elephant Is
lighting nt sea. Germany Is los
ing commnnd of her element,
and we are losing command of
our element."
Raguse Made Offensive Remark Dur
ing Debate Over Resolution to
Print Wilson's Message.
Mndlson. Wis., April 28. Senator
Frank Haguse, Milwaukee Socialist,
was expelled on Thursdny night from
membership In the Wisconsin senntofor
contempt, disorderly behavior and con
duct unbecoming n senntor of Wiscon
sin, In making a disloyal statement on
the floor of tho senate In tbe courso
of debnte over n resolution to print
50,000 copies of President Wilson's
The vote on the expulsion wns 30 to
3, Senntors Raguse, Arnold and Zu
mnch, all Socialists of Milwaukee, vot
ing ngalnst the resolution.
British Exceed Bread Limit
London, April 30. Replying to n
question In tbe bouse of commons
Cnpt. Chnrles Hnthrust snld thnt tbo
estlmnto showed tbnt the consumption
of brend last week was six pounds per
head, Instead of four pounds.
To Command Fort Sheridan.
Washington. April 30. It was an
nounced hero on Friday that Col. Wil
liam J. Nicholson, Eleventh cavalry,
has been appointed to command the
ofllcers' training enraps at Fort Sheridan.