V THIRTY-THIRD YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB,, MAY 4, 1917. No. 32 PATMOTIC MEETING AT AUMTOItlim THIS THE EVENING TODAY'S NEWS CONDENSED A patriotic meeting under tho aus plcos of tho local lied Cross Chap tor will bo hold at tho Franklin audi torium this evening at eight o'clock. To this meeting all citizens are Invit ed and tho parents of tho children who havo joined the School Qardon Clubs are especially urged to bo present. Tho following program has boon arranged: "Tho Community Spirit," Mlsa Annlo Kramph. "Woman's Place In tho Present War," T. C Patterson. "Army Commissary on tho-Mexican Border," Capt, P. It. HalHgan. "Lincoln County's Production," E. S. Davis. "Boys' and Girls' Garden and Can ning Clubs," G. M. Davles. "Our Garden Plans," Wilson Tout. "Homo Patriotism," Rov. Patrick McDald. Song, "America." ::o:: Car Offered for Government Purposes. In accordance with the policy of Dodge Brothors in being of ovory as sistance possible to tho national gov ernment In tho presont crisis, J. V. Romlgh, their local dealer, has offer ed a Dodgo Brothers' touring car for tho use of any of tho army, govern ment or national guard In tho local or Lincoln county territory, and has so notIfloi Captain Wallace and Captain HalHgan.. Mr. Romlgh stated that ns tho Dodgo Brothers" car has been thoroughly tested In army use, It mVmld bo particularly fitting that the Dodgo car bo used at tho present time. ::o:: Announcement I wish to announce that tho firm of Landgraf & Hoga, Painters, Paperhangers and Decorators will bo dissolved May 15th, 1017, and that I will contimuo to do business in my own name. Any one wishing work done after that date phono Black 570. 32-3 H. H. LANDGRAF. : :o: : Miss Alloon Gantt left last evening for Maxwell to visit tho schools. Wanted Young girl to assist with housework. Inquire of Mrs. Charles Wholan. , 32-2 Tho general mooting of tho Twen tieth Century club vAl bo held at tho home of Mrs. George B. Dent Tuesday evening. Save all you can theso days. You can save from $5 to $12.50 by buy ing your spring suit, coat, dross or skirt at BLOCK'S Annivorsary Sale which closes Saturday, May 5th. . LOCAL AND l'EKSONAL Tho British troops have smashed htelr way through Hlndnoburg's lino In two places, and captured Bullocourt after passing tho groat Prussian forti fied trench. Tho German U-boat monnco has mado tho food situation In Belgium and northern Franco ono of cxtromo grnvlty. Tho mortality among adults in tho industrial districts has been multiplied by thrco during March and April, according to Herbert C. Hoover, who arrived In this country yesterday from Europe on an Amorican ship. Curtailment of passenger train ser vlco and shipment of tho country's en tire output of rolling stock and rails to tho allies were forecasted today by Daniel Wlllard In a speech beforo the national defenso conference of govern ors and representatives of state de fense councils. ' Omaha railroads, says tho Beo, wUl curtail their passongor sorvlco In the near future. A curtailment of tho frolght sorvlco is cxpocted later on This action Is In lino with tho plans for Carl Llntz will loavo shortly Wyoming to remain Indefinitely. Tho Rod Cross Circle will meet Wodnesday ovonlng In tho federal court room. Mrs. John Weinberger loft last ovon lng for Omaha to spend a fow days with hor daughter. Rov. Henry Ivos will officiate nt tho oleven o'clock service nt tho Episcopal church next Sunday. Mrs. Guy Congdon and baby, of Chicago, arrived a fow days ago to visit nt tho D. C. Congdon home. Mrs. Guy Covor nnd daughter havo returned from Gothenburg and Cozad wihoro they visited rolntlves for sov otal days. Miss Beulah McGraw, who had boon teaching In tho Brndy vicinity, closed hor term of school this week and re turned homo. Mrs. W. It. Kesslor, of Kansas City, who Is visiting hor parents Mr. nnd being worked out by. Daniel Willard ' - Chnrlos Stamp was takou quite . . . . . i 111 vnatnpilnv and other members pi tho tcuoral, council's general railroad board. It I Is in tho Interest of economy and to ro leaso mon and equipment that thoy may go Into othor sorylco. I Conferees on tho army bill yesterday agreed on a provision to pay $100 a month to mon in training camps seek ing to qualify as members of the of ficers' reservo corps,. Regular army recruiting again show ed good results yesterday, with a total of 2.GG5 men accepted, making 45,540 brought Into tho sorvlco since April first. Tho Russian provisional government has sent to Russian representatives in tho cntonto allied countries a noto as suring tho allies that tho change in government In Russia cannot afford For Rent Alter May luth, a G-room modern houso In tho west end. Apply to Mrs. George Rogers, 1203 wost Second street. 32-2 Ferdinand Stroltz exports to leave ne,t week for California, where he eoos to look tho country over with ft posslblo vlow of locating. Miss Genovlovo Bontley, of Sldnoy, who had boon visiting Miss Mabel Mc- Farland for sovoral days, returned homo yostcrday morning. Grace Dolanoy Hied suit for dlvorco yesterday from Claude Delanoy on tho grounds of cruelty. Thoy Avoro mar ried in this ctly May 15th, 1915. Miss Ella Weaver, who has been cm a pretext for any slackening on tho ployed In the McVlckor millinery par part of Russia In tho common strug gle of all tho cntonto allies. Top price for hogs at Omaha yes terday was $15.75. No. 2 wheat sold at $2.94, and corn around $1.60. Subscriptions to the first $2,000, 000,000 offering of bonds of tho Lib erty loan of 1917 poured into tho treasury yesterday nt a rato of more TRAINLOAD OF BU1CRS COMING TO THIS CITY FIFTY FLAT CARS SE(TltEI) WHICH TO TKAXSI'OHT ISO CANS riu; IN hut Tho fnmo of North Platto poultry Is far spread. Wednesday Leo Simon sent a sotting of Blue Orpington eggs to a Mrs. Tumor living In Barrio, Mass. Dlxon-Porfccto glnssos aro guaran teed not to bronk. It will pay you to Investigate thorn, HARRY DIXON & SON, Grnduato Optomotrlsts. than a million dollars an hour. :o:: Crystal Tonight June Caprice -IN- A Modern A delightful slory of youth's eternal dream. Mr. and Mrs. Jorry Purdy and chil dren returned last ovenlng from Oma ha. Attorney George Glbbs, who was taken ill nt Great Falls, Mont., sev eral weeks ago Is improving. Tho Rowona Cirolo will meet Tues day afternoon with Mrs. T. J. Kerr. All Yeomen ladles como and bring a friend. Miss Josslo Baker, of tho Western Union office, left recently for Omaha to havo an operation performed on her throat. Miss'Eva Miles, of Sldnoy, camo tho first of tho week to attend tho May party and visit Mrs. Borton and oth er local friends. Mrs. Charles Reynolds of Maxwell, was hero this week having returned from a visit of sovoral weeks In Oma ha and Lincoln. Tho high school gleo clubs will glvo an entertainment ontitlcd "Tho Morry Milkmaids" at tho Franklin auditor lum Friday evening. May 11th. lors for sovoral weeks, will resign this week to take a position in tho OCon nor store. William Sanderson, a young ranch man of this vicinity nnd Miss Clara Humphrey of Sutherland, wcro mnr rled Wednesday afternoon by County Judge French. Margarctto Miller Malcolm and Al exander Allen, both of this city, iworo mnrried hero Wednesday afternoon nnd left that ovenlng for Omaha and othor eastern cities. A. T. Goyer, of Arthur, for many years a resident of this county, was Sn town yestorday onrouto to Los Angeles where ho will spend sovoral months for tho benefit of his health. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Mcuovcrn who rosided at Maxwell for a year past came a fow days ago to make their homo hero. Tho former has accepted a position in tho Union Pacific storo department. Tho sale on women's coats, suits and dresses is certainly appreciated by all late buyers, you would think to see tho eager buyors in our ready-to wear section nil hours of tho day. Direct from tho anakors, tho most boautiful in tho last hour styles now on sale at a saving which means nil the wav from one-fourth to ono-thlrd less tho regular season's prico, at tho Leader Mercantile Co. s. Fuctory Hud the .Machines It was up to tho Davis Com pany to Secure the .Means of Transportation' A trninlond of Bulck automobiles, confelgnod to tho J. S. Davis Auto Co., of this city, will loavo tho factory at Flint, Mich., within tho noxt wook, and will bo rushed through to destination on passongor train time. The ourly part, of tho week J. S. Davis rocolvod a wire which stated that tho factory could furnish him a tralnload of Bulcks If ho could nr- rango for tho transportation. Tho llrat move was to ascertain Just how mauy cars woro needed at North Platto and by his aub-ngonts. This number he found to bo ono hundred and fifty. Then ho got busy with tho railroad company In an attompt to socuro box cra for shlpmont. "Nothing doing In the box car lino," sahl tho railroad company, "but wo can furnish you with gondola coal ars." "Glvo mo fifty of them," wllrod back Davis, and tho Bu Icks will thoroforo bo shipped In opon cars though thoroughly protected by canvass covorlngs, and sovoral mon will rldo tho train to prevent any pos slblo llro by sparks from tho locomo live. Only threo machines can bo plnced on a car, honco thoro will bo a string of fifty cars .At Omaha thirteen carloads of theso Bulcks will bo di verted ovor tho Northwestern to Chad ion, tho othor thirty-seven carloads will como direct to North Platto. Mr. Davis wont to Omaha and Lin coln last night to complote tho details for tho shipment, which is valued at over $150,000. HERE is an exceptionally good illustra tion of a most attractive shoe for spring Regal through and through and backed by the great Regal, institution. Possibly you will see other shoe pictures that please you other shoes that look as well in the windows. But today more than ever you need to go l?ack of the picture, back of the window dis play. You want to know the soo itself and who makes it. What wo offer you In this store is a wide selection of Regal Shoes, with all the repu tation and value-giving of the Regal Shoe Company behind them and us." You will get sound leathers and honest worktnan Bhlp In those shoes, values that can't bo duplicated at our pricos In the market today and aa to Stylo, you will get tho smartest the eea&on can show. REGAL SHOE Harcourt Clothing Company. Drill For Cinderella Ball Miss Mario Massoy, of Omaha, his been engaged to tench dances nnd drills to tho boys and girls who will tako part In tho Cindorolla ball to bo given in connection with tho Soml- I'ontennial celebration. Theso In structions will bo absolutely free Tho first class Instruction will bo giv en at the Lloyd' opera houso Monday iftornoon, May 14th, and children bo- twoon tho ages of eight and Blxteon who exnect to participnto In tho ball are requested to moot thoro Immedi ately following tho cloBlng of tho af ternoon session of school. EVENTS IN SOCIETY Tho D. O. T. Club will hold n Hocial danco at tho Masonic hall Wednesday ovenlng. Mrs. C. P. Earhart will entertain tho members of tho Zota Jiotn club on Wedncsdny afternoon May 9th. Tho J. F. F. Club was ontortnlnod Tuesday aftornoon by Mrs. P. H. Lon- organ. Card games woro played and tho first prizo was awarded to Mrs. II. P. Hencklo.second to Mrs. Edwnrd RobhauBon and third to Mrs. I. E. Trout. Mrs. Theadoro Lowe, Jr., and Mrs. Trout woro guests of tho club. :o:: ItAILKOAI) NOTES The Importance of Good Bread To the Family Health. Do your children have the robust look? You owe it to yourself, nnd little ones to use the. best und most nutriciouB bread that you can get. Bread costs the least of all foods that go to make up n meal and yet is tho most nourish inii. Good broad costs no more than bad bread even when baked at home. Baking good bread is a science that cannot be leained without much experience and many failures. So called BAD LUCK in making bread is really a lack of knowledge in combining materials, proper fermenting and handling of the doiijjh nnd baking in the right heat. Dickey's Krisp Krust and Dickey s Homo Breads are wholesome and nutricious from day to day because they are made with utmost care by bakers that have made practical baking their life work. Buy Dickey's Krisp Krust ox Dickey's Homo Made and get tho best. Your grocer has it. 10 and 15 cent loaves. Cuts without crumbling and butters with out breaking. DICKEY'S BAKERY. Every Man Woman Child Horse Dog Loves Billtw.s. Hart and when it is known that he will be at the Keith Theatre Monday Night, IN --- "THE DEVIL'S DOUBLE" We shan't have to coax you to come. But you had better come early to get a seat. John J. Jones began work in tho Union Pacific round1 houso Wednesday morning. 'Special Agent Cnshinan, of Omaha, is hero this week on buslnoas for tho Union Pacific. nilnv WnrrAH will lnivvn noxt wook for Omaha, Kansas City and Norton, 1V1U1H., ID VIBIL 1U1 IU1 UUJi), Arthur Carnoy resigned his position in tho local shops u fow days ago and bogan work for tho Tramp grocory. Gonornl Munngor Jeffors who camo hero tho first ofUhls wook loft Tues day ovonlng for Donvor on business. Jack O'Leary, of Omaha, state trav eling engineer, vlstej hero this week with locnl friends and attended tho II. of L. B. May Party Tuesday ovon lng. Wllllnin WliHlnok. A. C. Wossbunr nrwl .Tniiina Mntulinll linvn roturnodl from Omaha whoro thoy attended tho Union Pacific ponsionors uanquot uus wceK. Frank Johnston, formerly of this city, iwflio hns boon omploycd Avlth tho oxnross oomnany at Sldnoy for Homo timo, Is visiting with tho homo folks this wook. Knglnoor Maston roturno,i Wodnos- day from Laramio whoro ho hns boon omnloyed for sovoral monthB. Mrs. Mnston. who has boon visiting In llouldor. Col., will roturn noxt wook. Tho body of IJick Williams, the col- oi od laborer, who dloii last wook of apoploxy whllo at work In tho formor round houso, Is still In tho Maionoy morcuo. Tho papora found on his norson did not glvo any Information iHKardlng hia rolatlvos or formor homo and an offort Is bolng mado to locato rolatlvcB. mm?aTabUGtiocl JOS2 SIEVES TMENT . Hundreds of oconomlcnl buyers have taken ndvantago of tho many 1r."rgalnB offorod during our Annl- vc ary salo. If you havo not got yours yet, you hod bottor act at onco as this Bale will positively closo Sat urday, May 5th. IU,OCIt'S. Mrs. V. J. Landgraf and Mrs. Josso Smith iworo called to Sholton wod- nonday morning by tho lllnoss of tholr Bister Miss Mono Thornburg, who was Buffering with ptomalno poisoning. W. L. Cary, of Omaha spent tho first of this wcok horo visiting roia- tlvos. transacting business nnd at A second-hand Studebakcr can be sold after a year, two years, or after many years of service at a price which is very high in relation to its first cost Why? because Studebakcr has won the confi dence of the public on tho character and quality of its cars. It is a standard of valuo, like a piece of gold, and if you wish to sell it, your car be comes an investment, which has a definite mar ketable value. ' The buyer knows that the name Studebaker for over G4 years has stood for honesty and fair ness. He knows that Studebaker heat treated steels, Studebaker standards of accuracy, and Studebaker efficiency of manufacturing methods make Studebakcr cars the highost quality cars on the market for the money. Studebaker Service is Nation-wide 20 groat factory branches, 6700 reliable dealers. 10-H. P., 7-Passcnger FOUR. . . .$ 985 50-11. P., 7-Passenger SIX 1250 Prices F. 0. B. Detroit Hendy-Ogier Auto Co, Phone 34- Corner Fourth and Dewey. tending tho May Party.