The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 01, 1917, Image 1

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    Wxt ' jlorth
No. 31
Capt. Wm. 1J. Wallnco, Twentieth
United States Infantry, arrived In town
yesterday, coming hero to examlno
thoso who had inado application to bo
admitted to tho officers' training camp
at Ft. Snclllng, Minn.
Those who have mado applications
for admission to tho training camp
are Robert Gnntt, Cody lloal, Arthur
Uullard, Leonard Robinson, Lowls Kel
ly, Cecil Cool, James Lambert, James
Flynn andl Abnor Wossburg. Arthur
Iiullard took tho examination yoster
day afternoon nnd Is reported to have
passed with flying colors. Soveral
other applicants will bo examined to
day. Captain Wallace will remain in tawfc
all of this week and will examlno all
who mako tho proper application.
These applications may bo filed aip to
and Including May 14th.
: :o: :
Will Plant 10 Acres of Menus
Arthur Rush nnd one or two others
have leased forty acres of tho Albert
Muldoon farm west of town and
plant tho forty acros to beans. Tho
ground solected has been well tilled
and can bo Irrigated. ,
Tho present high prlco of beans and
tho likelihood of them remaining
at tho altltudlnous vrico, has boon
tho lncontlvo for Mr. Rush and his
associates to ongago In the bean cul
ture so extensively. Tho crop will be
put in aftor tho danger of frost is
: :o: :
In tho voting for queen of tho semi
centennial last week 14G0 votes wore
cast. Miss Elva Day mado tho great
est gain, and through tho gain be
came tho loader In tho contest. Tho
standing of the contestants follows:
Elva Day GOO
Janet McDonald 4G0
Hildogardo Clinton 410
Florence MacKay ....... .405
Helon Waltemath 325
Mario Uowen 300
Ilazol Smith 300
Sybil Gantt 280
Elizabeth Hlnman 275
Mabel Durko 2G5
Hazel Darber 2G0
Louiso Ottonstoln 2GG"
Blanch Fonda J.....255
Maymo 1'lzcr 250
Catherine Hall 245
Myrtlo Heeler 225
Lucllo Wilcox 225
Mario McCabo 225
Mrs. Prcmus Forstcdt Pnsscs Away.
Annlo Louiso wlfo of Premus For
Mrs. Stella -Adams will loavo Friday
morning for Iowa to romaln lndoflnlt
ly. Mrs. Frank Martin will ontortaln
tho. Lutheran aid society Thursday af
ternoon. Chnptor Alt P. E. O. will moot Wed
nesday afternoon at tho homo or Mrs.
M. E. Crosby.
Mrs. Dan W. Roberts and son Dan
returned last evening from a short vis
It with relatives In Cheyenne.
Scott McCrono, who llvos northeast
of town, reports tho loss of thirty
young calvos during tho recent storms.
Koranic Parlor organ, In good con
dition and .Will bo sold chonp. 303 east
Third street, or phono Red 737. 31tf
Mrs. Roscoo Zlmmor, of Sidnoy,
camo down Inst evening to visit Mr.
nnd Mrs. W. II. LoDloyt for a 'bok or
Mrs. Robort Lannln and baby, of
Grand Island, nro expected this after
noon to visit at tho Lannln homo for
Merle Lawla camo up from Contrnl
City yesterday afternoon to visit for a
fow days.
aii-uk, uiu(i juoiuiuaj illuming ut mv ; ,,., i ,invH
homo of her paronts Mr. and Mrs. 8 u J
Ferdinand Tangor, of tuberculosis," Charles Mnrtlnll, Jr., who has beon
which she contracted several years omnloyed in Cheyenne for soveral
ago. Tho deceased was thirty-sovou months past, camo last evening to vis
years of ago and Is survived by hor it tho homo folks.
i. . i i i . ft .1 1 i .
uusuumi, iwo cuuurun, nor iuireius, , r v o ri .i,nnt in
nvo sisters, Mrs C. O. Weingand, Mrs. Q h yostor(lay at ?3.0n !V bushel.
Louiso Potors, Mrs. Harry Samuelson,, T1. hlllI. ,.f . nff(,riP!, Rnl.l a few
Mrs. Gcorgo Atchoy and ono residing
. A. Jt. 3Ieet Friday
Sioux Lookout Chapter of the D. A.
R. will meet with Mrs. C. R. Morcy
Friday evening, May 4th, at 8 o'clock,
Mrs. J. V. Romigh assisting tho host
ess. Tho following is tho program:
Singing of America, flag Baluto and
pledge; roll call, curront topics, local
or national; reading, Mrs. J. N. lion
nor; report of state conference, Mrs.
C. R. Morcy; quiz, Chapter; election of
: :o: :
If you want a house and lot we can
suit you. Wo have over 40 on our
"for salo" list, ranging In price from
$700 to $5000. Can accept live stock
or automobiles for equity on some.
If you want a farm, wo have It.
Small farms closo or larger ones far
ther out.
Wo havo money to loan on choice
land at G to G.
Wo represent some of tho best In
surance companies doing business in
Nebraska. It would bo impossible for
you to own anything of value that we
coulu not insure, including automo
biles and hail insurance. Wo aro
also representatives of tho Bankers'
Reservo Life Insurance Co., or omana
If you own a houso and it is empty,
list it with us to rent. Wo are unable
to got enough to supply the demand
Office 723 North Locust Street.
A suspicious passenger was arrested
on train No. 17 Sunday evening by
Sheriff Salisbury and U. P. Agent
Ralph North. Ho had aroused sus
plclon by his actions on tho train and
by remaining in the berth tho greater
part of tho day. Ho was searclieu in
tho county jail and two revolvors
woro found In is possession.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Tarklnton aro
enjoying n visit from tho lattor's fath
er, T. Adams, who arrived from Sid
ney a few days ago.
W. R. Malonoy left Friday evening
for Omaha and Kansas City to spend
two weeks.
In Wisconsin, nnd a brother, E. T.
Tho funornl services will bo hold
at tho Lutheran church tomorrow
afternoon at 2:30 conducted by Rov.
Tho deceased was born In Gormnny
Sept 2, 1880, and math hor paronts
camo to Wisconsin In 1882. She camo
to North Platte in 1007 nn(ii was mar
ried in 1000 to Mr. Forstedt. Sho was
confirmed In the Lutheran church In
Wisconsin in 1805 and received Into
tho church In this city soon aftor her
What a treat this is to lato buyers,
or tnoso women wno navo put on
buying their spring coat or suit This
morning Just arrive from Now York
manufacturers' sample lines of suits
and coats, bought at a big discount
under tho regular prices. All with oth
ors out of. our own stock goes on salo
at a discount that means a saving of
from 20 to 35 por cent off from tho
regular price, at Tho Leader Mercan
tilo Co.
Mrs. Joseph Feltrlnello and four
children visited hero Saturday after
noon mlillo enrouto from Los Angoles
to Now York to make their home.
Mrs. Feltrlnello was formerly Miss
Annie Merz of this city and is a half
sister of Fred Marti and Mrs. William
Gates. The family were making pre
parations recently to move to Italy
when Mr. Feltrlnello was accidentally
Mrs. Amanda Martin, of Des Moines,
who had been visiting Mr. and Mrs.
E. N. Oglor for several days whilo en
routo homo from California, loft yes
terday afternoon.
Any ono needing work done by day
or month call at 11G oast Front street
Labor Agency. 31-2
Mrs. Lloyd Thomas, of Allianco,
camo last ovonlng to visit her aunt
Mr. J. G. Beclor whilo enrouto homo
from Lincoln
The bulk of tho offerings sold a
cents under $3.00.
Murton Morrill, who hnd beon with a
Blgnal corps on tho Mexican border
for six or eight months, returned
homo last evening.
Tho last legislature passed a bill
making it optional with tho county
commissioners mlicther they pay a
bounty of ten cents on gopher scalps.
Another lot of boys' waists, tho Boy
Blue kind. ICb tho best that mothorB
can buy to ut boys 4 to 14 years.
Being sold at 50, G5 and 75 cents at
Tho Leador Morcantllo Co. s.
Miss Myrtlo Heeler, of tho stato unl
verslty, writes that tho annual con
vention of tho PI Beta Phi which was
to havo been held at Lake Genova, and
to which sho was a dolognto, will not
bo hold on account of war conditions
Today's Omaha Bee says tho reports
tndicato that throuch tho wlntor wheat
bolt of tho state not to exceed 50 por
cent of tho winter wheat has boon klll-
I ed, .whereas tho estlmato earllor In the
season placed tho loss at 75 pr cent
The damago Is tho greatest In the
South Plutte territory.
: :o:
For tho thirty-fifth tlmo Division 8S,
B. of L. E., will bo host to tho North
Platto nubile this ovonlnc on tho oc-
Dr. Mario Amos Is expected to eastern of tho annunl May Party. That
return today from a short visit In jt win bo largely attended Is an us
Loxlngton. surod fact: that tho attendants, whoth-
Mrs. P. II. Lonergnn will entertain or ns dancers or spectators, will havo
the momborfl of tho J. F. F. club this an onjoynnio evening is just ns certain;
afternoon at cards. land that everybody will voto Division
. , , , , ss, tjituirinun scnioutor niui ins co-
LOUlSO ami RobOrt BybOO, WhO VlSlt- ,..r,rl,ra ,ltl-nK niiiriiltinra la nlan
od relatives In Callaway lor two weeks, Ui,Sured. As suual, thu May Party
came home yosterday aftornoon. hllH i,ro.,Klt to town ntanv visitors, nn.i
Mrs r.iiv Hover and dauchtor ro- more will arrive today, and Included
turned last ovonlng from Gothenburg in the lnttor will bo Union Pacific ot
where they spent soveral days .with flclnls and their lndlos.
olntlves. osteruay tno cnairninn anil ins com-
.... , , . nutteo Muro uusy nil my decorating
Mrs. Elinor Mills Olltortalnod a fOV .,. lmll nml whim vmi nntnr thin nvnn-
young ladies at 'the homo of her par- ,K yo wII COncludo that you aro on.
pnts Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Jcftors tho yoloped In patriotism, for thoro nro
lnttor part of last week. tings to tho rluht of you. flags to tho
Dixon Perforin Qhissos nro sotno- loft of yon, lings In front of you, Hags
thine you should Investigate. Thoy are ovoriiond of you. Kings aro tho doco-
guarantoed not to break. Harry Dlx- rativo reaturo, Just as thoy should Do
on. Graduate Ontomotrlst. In tOBO tlmos of war, u tlmo that nono
, siioum lorgct. om giory.
WO are selling ngOUtS for thO MC- a ,. nHoo.l hv lllrt
Call Patterns. 10, 15 nnd 20 cents ,mbished olsowhero, Stamp's orchoe
Coinplete stock of all bIzos on hand at tra wlll glvo n concort preceding tho
I ho Lender Mercantile Co.'s. iium-inir. thin fr-nhir tr. win nf R;ir.
Miss y.otn Worloment of Chovonne. To bo assured n seat In tho gallery It
tamo Saturday aftornoon to visit with will bo necessary to go oarly.
her cousins tho Mlssos Irono ami Dor. ....
othy Hubbard for a week. Elijah M. Smith filed suit for dlvorco
hi ft tt in ...i. i, from Ella Smith in tho district court
niiHt vnnr w ill linr il!inirlitir Mrt4 . ' b.v...
Fred Porrott. returned to Fonnvlllo, cmiolty and abandonment.
Mich., vostordav aftornoon. Lost Betwoon west Second Btroot
Alro rll,, llnrrnlt f niilnlinmn ",U1 U" 1 ' ll0l'01- a mi"08' gOlU WatCll.
Mrs. Arllno Barrett, of Ok ahoina ,,.,. , n. un..n.
City who visited for a week with hor
father J. E. Johnston and slstor Mrs
A. W. Franden, loft yesterday aftor
Farewell to J. llnrleycorn
At 8 o'e'lock last night, 820 saloons,
fifteen brcw'erles and ten rectifying
plants in Nobraska closed under tho
now prohibitory luw.
Purchase, manufacture, salo or gift
of liquor is prolijbitcd, but possession
is not forbidden. A largo number of
saloons throughout tho state, reports
said, sold their stock beforo noon
As a consequence prices soared until
bottled whisky and beer, retailed In
many towns at prices prohibitive to
tho meager purse. Stocks of a few
dealers woro auctioned nnd tho bid
dors woro eager and tho ' knock
down" figuros high. Omaha Boo.
Even' kind of tho best insurance
Mrs. Mnrv Gutherless loft at noon written by us at lowest possible rales.
yesterday for Omaha to spend a iwicok It never pays 1o carry your owli risks,
or more. Till ATT. (3001MAN & BUCKLEY.
F-g PCS?
ord Truck
will be Ready Soon, Selling Price
Close to
Ford Tractor
Ready About August First.
Houses, vacant rooms, snfo deposit
liovcsi mill stnmirn siiiiro. Wn nro Hie
P. J. Murphy, traveling dining car only state licensed storage men In (his
inspector, formerly a conductor on tno city.
First district, is visiting in town this BR ATT, (JOOl)MAN & BUUKLKY.
week whilo enrouto from Ogdon to
Lost On tho strocts botween Front
and tho Waltemath block on Sixth, a
roll of currency. Flndor will bo lib
erally rowarded by returning snmo to
this office
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Peterson loft
at noon Sunday for Omaha to visit
relatives. Tho formor will attend the
Union Pacific ponslonor's banquet
hold there this evening.
Mrs. W. T. Miles nn,i daughter Miss
Eva. Miles, of Sidney, arrived last
ovonlng and aro guests of Mrs. W.
t. Borton. Thoy camo dowki to visit
Mrs. Borton and to attend tho May
MIHnn nn, Alliin. tlin Irfiwnll twins. I
I.-.-------- w ' '
of Chicago, who aro visiting tholr
grandmother, Mrs. I. L. MUtonborgor,
woro taken to tho Gonoral hospital
Sunday to havo operations performed
on tnelr tnroats.
John C. Den spent Sunday In town
and roturned to Sidnoy that night to
closo out his saloon business. Tho
Sidney saloons succeedod In getting
rid of their stocks-and havo only tho
par furnislngs on hand.
Mrs. J. O. Purbnugh who had been
taking treatmont at tho Nurso Brown
hospital ofr sovoral weeks wlll roturn
to Dickons today. Mrs. Purbaugh was.
Ill with blood poisoning cnused by a
small neouio wound in nor mum.
i For Salo or Trade My rosldonco
property nt tho corner of Maplo and B
streets. Seven rooms and niodorn ex
cept heat. Phono Red 010.
Tho young folks of tho Catholic
church held a roller skating party In
tho basoment of St. Patrick's school
Friday ovonlng which proved vory en
joyable. Thoy will hold a social danco
thoro on Friday ovonlng, May 4th,
Tho domestic sclouco class of tho
Presbyterian church mot last evening
in tho church basement. Mrs. Roy
Cottorell demonstrated salmon co-
quottes nnd Mrs. M. M. Rcdonbaugh
gavo an address on "Utility Kitch
Tho tomporaturo Sunday night
dropped down bolowtho freezing
point, and tho tomporaturo yostorday
was chilly and ponetrnting. It is for
tunate that fruit trees havo not ad
vanced sufficiently to ho damaged by
iho frcozo.
Broken oyo glass lonsos can bo re
placed, tho samo day as ordor is given
n our lonso grinding department.
on.ff nriuliintn OiitmnntrlRL.I
Mrs. MInnio Karrakor, wlfo of A. J.
Karrakor. of Wallace, who camo to a
local hospital a fow days ago for treat,
inont. died Sunday morning. Tho ro-
I matiiB woro tnken to Contrnl City Sun
day ovonlnir for treatmont. biio lcnves
hor husband and a son ton years oi
Clarence Day who spent tho past
voar In Laredo, Texas, In tho omploy
f the Continental Oil Co., returned
homo Sunday and wlll visit tho homo
lolks for a fow days iwSillo enrouto
'o Elkhorn. Wyo., to look ovor oil
r ospocts in that country for tho
i mpany. '
Dick Wilson, a colored Inboror who
i(f ontly camo horo to work on tho Un
ion Pacific tracks, died suddonly yos
to'. lay morning In tho formor round
houso building, of npoploxy. Tho body
wa , taken to tho Malonoy morguo
win ro It will bo kopt for a fow days
pending word from relatives rolatlvo
to intormont.
All buIooiih In Nebraska closed last
ovcnlng nnd today not a boozo Joint
Is In operation publicly In tho stato.
It Is nrobahlo that for a tlmo consld-
orablo troublo will bo oxporloncod In
suppressing bootlegging, but gradual
ly this practlco to a largo extont, nt
least, coasor and tho pooplo of Nobras
Tho commlttco In chnrgo of tho mu
nicipal ontortalnmonts nnnounco a sn
ored concort Sunday aftornoon, Mny
13th at 3:30. Tho program will bo
given by twenty or thirty malo voices
assisted by tho Stamp orchestra. Tho
numbers wlll Include choruses, qunr
tottos and solos tho orchestra accom
panying tho choPuac8 ns woll as lntor
sporslng tho program with selections.
Moinbors of tho choirs of tho dlfforont
churches will partlclpato In this con
cort nnd a program worthy a largo
attoudanco Is promised,
Choice Acreage Tracts
Wo havo a numbor of choice ilvo
ncro tracts adjoining tho city that wo
nro offering at $150.00 por aero. Only
four tracts unsold. '
31-2 Solo Agents.
Tho tTravol and Study club mot Inst
ovonlng at tho homo of Miss Florenco
Stamp. Mrs. Brock rovlowea n maga-
zluo article, Mrs. E. R. Goodman read
n pnpor on tho building of tho Tentplo
of Agal, nnd Miss Stamp gavo n papor
on "Tho RolIgloiiB or India."
Among tho grad'uatos of tho Curtis
agricultural school Inst week was Rob
ort Buskin, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. W. M.
Bnskln, of Staploton, formorly of UiIb
Mrs. Grcon, mother of Thomas
Groon, who spont sovoral wcoks horo,
has gono to Gran(i Island to visit with
: :o::
Call 125 for Taxi day or night.
Also flvo or eovon passongor car for
funornl sorvlco.
Chandlor & Elcar Agoncy,
Corner Eighth and Locust Sts.
ee Brothers
The number of those who prefer tho Sedan for
use throught the year is steadily increasing.
The reason h easily understood when you
consider how adaptable it is to the frequent
weather changes common to all parts of
the country.
Almost instantly it can be changed to accom
modate itself to heat or cold, rain or shine.
Touring Car or Kointor, $835. In Canada, $1180
Winter Touring Car or Koadetar, 9I0O0. In Canada 91420
Sedan or Coupo 91200. In Cenedo, 91000
(All prlcea I. o. b. Dotrolt.)
Dealer and Service for Dodge Brothers Cars.
107 W. 6th. St. Phone 844.
unpHOSE who save for a rainy day are
Lliose whose lives are likely lo have
the most sunshine."
Start a Savings Account Now.
Four per cent paid on
Savings Accounts.
First Natal Bank of North Platte
ka will havo moro monoy to spend for i
rrl.AAm.lAn nml Alntlilm.