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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1917)
1 COrXTY WILL PAY CLAIM i'ili:d ijy Tin: stati: RACTICALLY no article of jewelry can exercise a Greater in fluence upon character than does &ood watch. We see evidence of in every walk of life The lad just bordering onto manhood regards a watch as indicative of his bigness, and the pride he shows in its tirnnkeepin qualities may be the basis for a useful, am bitious future. The man who "stakes his all" upon the accuracy of his watch is another phase of the pride of possession which &ood time-pieces instill. The woman, whose dainty time-piece loses none of -its effectiveness by its smallness, also can have satisfaction, if the watch is a ood one. The price of a watch is no guarantee of its value. The name back of it establishes its worth. Every watch purchased here is a ood watch an excel lent &if t for the boy or &irl. The fact that it is here proves that the movement is worth standing back of. Dixon The Jeweler UNION PACIFIC WATCH INSPECTOR ' Tho county. GoitimlsBlonoivi sptfct Wednesday in Lincoln in eonforonce ! with tho stuto auditor rolntlvo to tho 1 claim which the stato has Med with , tho county for tho enro of insano patients. Thi claim amounts to $5,G98.02, with Interest amounting to : moro than that sum. Tho state nudl I tor 1ms, however, consented to thirow off tho interest if tho amount of tho principal is paid. In 'this conference tho commission ers agreed to pay tho amount claimed duo if allowed to do so in annual Installments. Tills tho auditor con sented to accept. 'llioso claims have boon accumu lating since 1S73. and for years their vnuvuty was qucstloncu Finally a tost case was mado in tho state su premo court, and tho court decided W nt thq counWosi wero (hablo IJor tho amounts claimed duo. The (jmeriuir Will Visit Uw. Governor Novlllo, now that ho has tho legislature off his hands, Is plan ning a trip to North Plntto in the near future. Ho comes horo to look nftor business interests, visit friends, and tuKo a much needed rest after four) months of real active work as govornor. ::o:: Lock Will Itulld ItcIdcuco A. M. Lock has uccoptoii plans for a now house which ho will build' this summer on tho site of his present residence, the latter to bo removed. Th plans call for a Uu story eight room House, modornly equipped in every particular with stucco exterior. It promises to bo ono of tho hand somest homos on Fourth street. ::o:: I'lace l'Iro L'senno A flro escape is boing plncod on tho front of tho Hotel McCnbo this week. tunning from a third story window at tho northeast comer of tho build ing to tno second lloor veranda, with a ladder extending from tho veranda to within seven feot of tho sldownlk. Tills escapo is In addition to tho oho placed when tho building was erected. ::o:: Hcnfs Preparedness. Tho slogan of "pro'parednosn" Is not wholly applicablo to war condi tions. Ono day this week twto dray loads or barrols containing bottled boor dragged through tho streets and not more than ono barrel was con signed to any ono individual. Simply getting in "proparedness" Hlnrpo for tno drouth which visits Nebraska May 1st. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. v Charles Boguo returned yestorday morning from Omaha and other east ern points. Compare prices on our shoos with what you are paying. It will pay youi Wilcox Dopt. 'Store. mss Irono Schott returned Wednes day 'evening from Kearney where she attended tho marriage of her cousin. Attorney Ca,'rl Ilollman returned Wednesday evening from Kearney and left yesterday morning for Chappell on business. , Experienced man ana wife can se cure permanent employment on small ranch. Address F.G. Hoxie, Ogalalla, Xebr. 28-5 Mrs. Frank Hoxie returned Tues day from a month's visit in lorn to and Illinois and left Wednesday for the Hoxio ranch north or Ogalalla. Don't forgot our Suits are right, our prjeos aro right and our altera tions too. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. i Margaret Ruth, tlio eight months' J old daughter of ML", and Mrs. T. II. Wathan who live southeast of town, died yestorday morning nfter a short illness. Tho J. S. Davis Auto Co. unloaded several cars of Mitchells and Puicks this week. Tho latter wore covered with canvass and shipped In opon cars, -close,;! cars being unavailable. At tho stato convention of insur ance agents !held at Kearney this week, W. II. C. Woodhurst was ap pointed a member of tho commlttco on legislation and E. R. Goodman a member of tho oxerutivo board. Copyrighted 1011 The vogue in out door headwear HEIDCAP. Far, far ahead of tho ordi nary cap tho IIEIDGAP has stylo and verve. Mado of ex clusive English can cloths it Is a fine cap and-it makes a man look fine. Wilcox Dol. Store. Beular Melcalf, of Lincoln, spent a few days hero this week and loft yesterday morning. E. A. Roberts left at noon yester day for Omaha where ho will trans act business for several days. C. C. Parsons, of Kearney, camo hero this week to look up a location and make his homo in this city. We have maintained our old price on clmrglng batteries. WILLARI) SKKV1CK STATION. Mr. and Mrs. T. S. McCoffeo, of Scotts liluff, aro spending a few day3 hero looking after tholr property In terests. Wanted to trade Piano for good milk cow, Holstein preferred. Call any day but Saturday, or phono Red- 951, Mrs. B. F. Sunderland- i 28-tf A. L. Kanold, of Laramie, chair man of tho H. of L. E. protective board, spent a dayi or two in town this week. Remember iw'o arc selling our suits and coats at cost. Now 13 tho oppor tunity to buy ono. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. For Rent Good dwelling house two blocks from center of town. For fur ther particulars sco Paul Harrington, 120 cast Front street. Phono 912. Mrs. Margaret McDonald, of San An tonio. Texas, left yesterday morning for Choyonno after visiting her sister Mrs. William Hubbard for several weoks. Tho Ilollman & Sobastlan ' Insu-r anco Agency, which formerly occu pied rooms over tho Stamp bakery, moved a few days ago to tho Ilrod bock building. Miss Lillian Atchison, of Kearney, who had frequently visited her aunt Mrs. Honry Schott in this city, was marrlod at the Catholic church m Kearney Wednosdny morning to Ilor man Ivorson. Tho3. McDormott, of Walkor pre cinct, was a business visitor in town vestorday and mado The Tribune a call. Having to travel about sixty milos to got to North Platte, Mr. McDormott comes but once a yonr Every new spring suit, coat, dross .... ulHrf fn im atnrn nvnn Hincm Vf 1 unpacked yestorday Is Includod In the M discount offor during tho An nivorsary Sale at DLOCK'S. The funeral services of tho late Joseph Wilson wore held from the Presbyterian church Tuosday aftor noon and conducted by Rov. Cram. Many frionds attended and sent beau tiful floral offerings. Pall boarors woro Messrs. J. Koch, E. Springor, I). H. White, Arthur Allen, Goorgo E. French, F. W. Hormlnghauson. In torniont was mado In tho North Platto cemetery. ;:o:: Dogs Lost Howard Lost, April 9th, black and whlto polntor bitch and a black Shepherd dog. Finder return to Otto Mesmer and receive reward or phono 79GF14-27tf New Potatoes in .Market. Now potatoes from tho south ar rived in town Wednesday but they do not solvo tho question of tho high cost of living by any means for thoy rotall at 12V cents a pound or at the rate of $7.50 a bushel. Tho only pos3iblo solution of tho high cost of potatoes lies in tho suc cess "attained by Mrs. T. F. Healov and Mrs. Jesso Edwards who, wo un derstand, aro engaging rather oxton- I slvoly in potato culture. ::o:: Heavy Demand for Trucks George Garman, manager of 'tho North Platto Truck Co., tolls us that ho Is unable to supply the demnnd for tho Smith Form-a-Truck aim that ho has orders for nioro thnn half a doz- mi nf thnun uanfnl mntri (run lo Minf GIRLS IX GARDENING 10 cannot fill becnuso tho factory is so far behind. Mr. Garman hns oven Tho Tccently organized Red Cross gone so far as to lot ono 'urgent cus- Soclety will nttonmpt to interest tno tonier hnvo bis demonstration truck. boys and girls of North Platto In cut- Ho has, however, boon promised sov- INTERHSTING ROYS AND tlvatlng vegetable gardens this year. This Is ono feature of work which the federal government has sug gested that the society tako up the country over in order to holp out on food production. It is aimed to interest a sulficlent number of cnll- oral of week the Smiths iwOthln tho next Lee Newlon Marries JIury Shutter. Leo Nowton and Miss Mary Shaffer wore, i marriod at the homo of tho bride AVednosday ovening by Rov. dron so that at least 200 tracts of not White in tho piescnco of relatives less than 10x20 feet shall bo intense- of tho contracting parties. The ly cultivated. Fifty dollars for priz- bride Is the daughter of Mr. ami Mrs c,3 1-3 available If this number of Jaino Shaffer, and Mr. Nowton Is at tracts are secured. This sum of present employed as baggageman at money will bo divided into sovoral the l iilon Pacific depot. They will prizes and awarded to the boy or reside with tho groom s mother Mrs. girl who has tho best and most pro ductive garden. ::o:: SOCIETY AND CLUBS. Mrs. . L. Hortho will entertain tho Ellto club Wednesday afternoon. The EntreNous club will meet Wed nosday afternoon with Mrs. John Rauskc. Tho Tillikum GirlB will bo enter tained at the homo of Miss Edith Pat terson Monday evening. CATTLE LOANS Quickly Made Mnke your cnttle lonn at the Mc Donald Stnlo Bank. Come in and learn the liberal proposition we can make to you. We will tJlndly figure it over with you without the slightest obligation. It is certainly reasonable to ex pect satisfaction and fair dealing in every particular from this bank which is actively devoted to the cattle industry in this section of Nebraska. See Us ,Now. MS Donald State Bank North Platte, Nebr, KEITH THEATRE Wednesday Evening, May 2, 1917. ARTHUR HAM M EPSTEIN OFFERS THE BRILLIANT AND SPARKLING SUCCESS A M USICAL PLAY OF INFINITE CHARM DY HAUCRDACH AND FR1AVU AUTHORS OF "HIGH JINKS "AND "THE riREFLY" ONE YEAR at THE LYRICand44ST. THEATRES, NEWY0RK! "From a musical standpoint 'Katlnka' scored easily the season's sensation and took Its placo at tho head of musical comedy produc tions of nntivo origin In tho history or tho New Yoilk stage. 'Katlnka' also stands quito alono In tho gorgeous olaboratoness of Its 'sconlc equlpmont and tho costuming of its principals and chorus." Now York World. MUSICAL GKMS OF HAUNTING SWKKTNKSS "Itackotty Coo," "In Vienna," "In a Hujrry," "Ono Who Will Under stand." "Katlnka," "Your Photo," "1 can toll by tho Way You Uanco. Dcnr," "I Want All tho World to Know," "Skidlsklscatch," "Tho Weekly Wedding," "Allan's Holiday," "I Want to Marry a Male Quarotto." Prices: $2.00, $U0, $1.00, Seat Sale Saturday 2 p. m. Clam Nowton on wost Fourth. Tho attemlants woro Miss Florence Lou don and Harold' Langford. : :o: : Clean Up Days. Govornor Novillo lias sot apart to day audi tomo'rrow 1j3 "clean upf' days, and those of our people who havo not removed tho i a tutor's no-! cumulation of rubbish should tako advantage- of the days, designated by tho povornor. wo are all intorosted in a clean town, and to havo such wo must unite in tho work. Every alloy and cvory back yard In North Platto Members of tho Zota Zota club should bo kept as clean as Is tho pav- I I Ing district of tho city, nnd to do this really doos not require much work. The Heol of tho Law," showing at tho (iiystai Monday is a romance dealing with the ralnollity of oir- cuni'iantial ovldonco. A brilliant dla- woro tho guests of Mrs. Robert Ami' stronir ami Mrs. A. M. Scibort at tho homo of the former Wednosdny after noon. Tho Indies iwKsro entertained with kensington work. Mrs. John Vosoiiika pleasantly on- , , , , ., . . ,Tt ... n llf 1 I inuum i imuiiiiuu iiio fti-iv-viin win on "V": trict attorney is about to climb to ullu...u... 'm","' , . Ills "ln ambition ovor the wreck of KUOmib anu uib wiiniuio vu.u mi. ,... of .lfwnnrHtton lw.r wllu win W. A. Huchnnck and Mrs. L. W. Toole. demonstrating to him tho fallacy of The mooting of the domostlc scl- his theory by proving him guilty of oitcotlopajrtniont of 'tllietTwoutleth Con- ttiry club which was to be hobi Mon day afternoon at tho homo of Mrs. G. is. Dont has been postponed on ac count of tho Short Courso which will be held next :teok. a ciiino that has no existence Will InwMn in hi- story "An liven ing in Society" appearing in this week - Saturday ISveiilng Post intro duces as tho leading character "Mrs. LuffliuHon of North Platto with wads Tho literature department of tho and nuds of monoy and whoso clothes TAfentioth Century club mot in the arc :i scream." This is about the basomont of the public library Tiies- third time that a writer in tho Post day afternoon and "Lilnls was tho has brought into his story tho numo topic of tho day. Dr. Marie Amos I of North Plntto, which Is oviilence acted as loador and gave a very in- that us a town wo are constantly on teroatiug and instructive lecture. The Novlta club wlas pleasantly en tertained a tthe homo of Mrs. T. V. Austin Wednesday afternoon. Tho afternoon was spent in Kensington and two contosVi woro hold, Mrs. Hanry Samuelson and Mrs. O. H. Thoelecko winning prizes. Mrs. P Stewart was a guost of tho day. Tho Indian Card club was enter tained on Wednesday afternoon by Mosdanies E. F. Seoborgor, Charles Horrod, Arthur Hoagland ami N. E. the map. Rcmeiubor tho contest for tho ten prizes for thon best plocos of poetry Written about our Notion Sale closos Moivlay niglit, April IlOth. If you haven't sent yours In, do so at once. 10 prizes will bo awarded of $1.00 oacb as per our big ad in the news papers. Tho Leader Morcantllo Co. Hev Itobort Whlto, who had boon taking tvToatmcnt for ear troublo In a local hospital for a week was able to return homo yosterdny. Van K. Lawrenco will leave today Here are the Self Starters -4 innocent looking typewriter keys that force an automatic ( speed gam oi' 15 1 to 25 on or; dinary correspondence. A bmlt-'-in part of the new SELF STARTING " REMINGTON huckloy at the homo of tho formor. First prize in the card gamos was for Omaha to spon(i a fow days. awarded to Mrs. Allison Wilcox, sec- ::o::- ond prizo to Mrs. Josoph Stono and For Safe Mrs. Goo. Austin recolvcd tho guest Sevri room liouso, all modern, in prizo. Out of town guests woro Misses COO ln-ick on east Third. Half cash, Mario Massoy of Omaha and Helon balanco on tlmo Inquire of Isaac Watts of Corning, la, Deal 2C-tf TYPEWRITER Qruiid i rixePtnuiiu-l aujic Vxposition You must see this time saving Si invention for vourself. Let its denf-t ' m onstrateit in your ofiice on your own work, or send for literature today. Write, or 'phone" REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY (Incorporated) Omaha, Nebraska.