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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1917)
ft You miss much 3; ft o interest The nearsighted person does not see ninny interesting things other people observe; Lack of sharp vision is nn embarasling handicap. Nearly always nearsightedness canfoe, greatly benefited by properly fitted glasses. Clinton's is especially equipped to. ex-, -j amine eyes and provide the lenses ' to correct nearsight or other defects . The exnminntion will not interfere . to , , with your ordinary routine or be un- mi ...t. . ill i pleasant in any way. i ne results wju be of incalculable value. UP" J) is q C. S. Clinton, Jeweler and Optician,' At tlio Sign of tlio !!(,' King. DR. 0. II. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Office over the McDonald Stato Bunk. CITtf AND COUNTY NEWS. Gllbort Peters roturned "Wednesday from a short visit In Oinaiia. noBsard Maternity Corsots, $3.75 and $5.00 at Wilcox Dopt. Storo. T. o. Patterson wont to Omaha Wednesday to transact business for a day or two, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Potorson will lcavo Sunday afternoon for Omaha to spend a wcok. Miss Mario Mossoy arrived horo a fow days ago to visit mftth Mr. and Mrs. T. F, Iloaloy. Have, jouij Htonigo iMitlei m re pntrcd Ity expert repair man. WIMiAKO HKIlVICK STATION. Goorgo l-lrood: loft last night for Omaha, whoro ho will transact busi ness for a raw' days. Mrs. Dan Uoborts will lcavo In a fow dayB for Choyonno to visit rela tives folr a couplo of wooks. Goorgctta Cropo Waists alf colors a beautiful assortment to boioci rrom. B. T. TRAMP & SONS. at. Mlllnnl IIolor loft Wednesday for Houldor, Colo., whoro sho wAs called by tho Illness of hor slstor. Miss Hazol Olark returned to Goth enburg a fow days ago after visiting with hor Bister Mrs. Charlos J Me Namara. I have a mont attractlvo assortment of hats for $4.00 and $fi.00 In my nill- llnory department at tho Wilcox storo. Arvllla WhlttakoT1. Mrs, T. G. Thompson and sons, who spent several weoks In California with, frlonds, lcuirncd homo a fow days ago. , Mrs. Goorgo M. Smith, who had boon visiting her daughter Mm. Car eon In Gl.and, Island for several iwboks, returned homo yosterdny. For Salo Piano, Detroit Vapor range, and other articles of house hold furniture Phono lllack 1005. 118 wost Third utroot. 20-2 Mrs. Cal Lowell and children, of Chicago, formerly of thin city, arrived horo Wednesday ovonlng to visit her paronts Mr. and Mr. I. Lr Mllton-borger. Drive your car around to tlio WIN lard Service Station and have free I Wlllnrd service. Mr. and mW S. A. Urlnk of Grand Island, ara-vlsltlng with tho Owons and StogOJt" families this wcok. Mrs. Urlnk wft- formorly Miss Allco Stuart of this city. Broken oyo-glnss lenses can bo re placed the samo day n order Is given in our lenso grinding department. HARUY DIXON, 29-tf Graduato Optometrist. With Patrla tonight will bo shown tho featuro, "Tho Romantic Journoy" In which Is Btarrcd a NobrasKa girl Allco Dovoy her homo having boon at Plattsmouth All children's coats nt a discount of 20 during tho Anniversary Salo at ULOCK'S V, L. Moonoy spent Sunday In Lex ington, gtolng down from thoro to Omaha, and onrouto homo attended tho banker's convention In Grand Island Wodnesdny and yestorday. Carpots and Rugs of all kinds thoroughly cleaned by tho Llttlo Giant Vacuum Cleanor. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phono Red 1009; or call at 2 South Maplo. au-4 Tho now brldgo across tho South Plntto river south of tho vlllago of Sutherland was accoptod Monday by tho county commwivonors and! the construction company released from Its bond Juet recolvod, another big Bhlpmont of coata yesterday, and wo -placed thorn on salo at a discount of 20 por cent OFF tho rogular prlco. BLOCK'S. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Thompson and baby, of Pomona. California, aro ox- i.t :: it it i.t i.t it 't.i i.t it it i.t i.t it it i.t i.t it it i.t i.t a i.t :.: g j.: it tt it it j.: j.t :.: j.t -ON- We will put our stock of Ladies' Spring Coats, Suits and Silk and Wool Dresses on sale at prices you will not be able to duplicate for a long time to come, The reductions we have made in many instances will run from one fourth and up to almost one-half. The time to buy is now while our assort ments are complete and before your size is gone. Ladies' Suits Lot 1 Includes all our Inchest grade suits priced in a regular way as high as $40.00, your choice of these for 1 J M M M O $24.48 Lot 2 Consists of all of our medium priced suits. This lot has a very good assortment of sizes and colors, but will not last long fl 4 k iQ at the price $14.40 Lot 3, Cheaper grades of suits, some last season's styles, all at rtA AO one p rice. Ladies' Coats $14.48 Lot 1, Strictly highest grade coats, some values of $35 and fZfl $37.50, your choice JZZ3U Lot 2, High grade coats in all the new cloths and colors, some extra fine sport jackets in this lot, your choice Lot 3, Medium quality coats in plain and fanev cloths, up to the rQ minute styles $0 Lot 4, Good coats made of clleaper materials Lot 5, Ladies' fancy sport (J An coats in plaids and checks.. t jtj9j $4.98 Ladies' Dresses Lot 1, Highest grade silk dresses made in the latest modified harrel skirt de signs, S30 and $35 values $24.48 j.t i.t it :: i.t i.t i.t it i.t it :.: j.t :.: :.: J.t :.: j.t :.: j.j it i.t it :': j.t :.: Lot 2. This lot is made of silk crepes, silk jerseys and highest grade woolen crepes and serges, valuestf 4 PJ A Q up to $25, your choice . . K) tO Lot 3, Ladies dresses made from French serge, silk poplins, etc., 'dQ iQ values up to )OT"0 Lot-4. This lot is made mostly from silk poplins, but a few finer dresses of last season s styles are included $3.98 SALE STARTS FRIDAY, APRIL 27. Act Quick and You Will be More than Satisfied. Wilcox artm'nt Store i.t it J.t :.: j.t j.t LOCAt AND PEB50NAL Mra. Elmer Coatos loft Wodnoaday pouted bore May 1st to vlHlt Mrs. -Em- morning for Keystone to visit nor ma l'ulvor and family. Mrs. Tiiomp- unngntor, A big lino of fancy silk skirts. Thoy are suro to vleaso yon. E. T. THAMl Ai BUNS. son was formerly Miss Evolyn Free man of this city. Tho constant dropping of wator woarn avmy a stono, a Hllglit oyo strain Impairs health because It Is .J'J ,'t ,B,t constant Ilarry Dixon.-Jeweler and iS.B0rt Du?blS WllUIllLt IQ La Noxt Thursday, May 3d, wo put on Mrs. Sollors, of Wolllloet, came a with Mr. anu Mrs. William Ilutchlns, formerly of sale a now lot of whlto drosses In tnis cuy, camo up uom uumu xamm. not. vollo, orgnndlo and othor fine Wednesday ovonlng. materials, all tho most aultablo for mi83 Eionoro Ilucktoll loft Wednos- grauuntJon purposiis. wait 'to soo ,iv mornlnu' for Saithorland to spond uiom, you 11 nuy aim uavo uio ouai ulQ romalnlor of tills wcoK. of all. Tho Lendor Morcantllo Co. . , , . ... . I'or aaio .now imuuuoi uruiunuiu, Antono I'ohl, of Urady, was flnotl ,,iS1 vanor runiro. Phono black 151 ton dollars ami costs in tho county OP ,. 310 west A street. court Tuesday on the chargo of giv- , ,,. , ,..,., Ing liojLlor to Imnk Pock, who Is j. w. omuui .u tormed a habitual drunkard. Pohl n .fow "B for Dotriot. Mich., plead guilty to tho charge. visa romuvea ior so.uu uu.o. '' Mnnaln nlnnnnla wnrn nlnnnil VOS- terday afternoon on tho housoa oc HeglsTercll Hulls for Sale Ono Ilroford and two Shorthorns, cuplcd by Uov. Hull and Uev. Wood. MWtJhsorvIcoablo ago. best of ... , t, ,.,,! nrn,i tq good brooding. Frank Turplo, North . " l,, "r" , r ; rall Good boWta8orvlcoablo ago, best of Platto. Plqn0 78GF13. W. T. llorry returned to Grand Is- road buslnoas horo for sovoral days. ThoHo coming May days tho school boys will want now walBts, caps, knee pants, stockings. You'll llnd what tho boyB ltko at Tho Leader Mercantile Co.'s. Tho Normal Training class of tho high school chaporonedi by Mlsaoa Alloon Gantt and Nolllo Wright spoilt TluMsduy nftornoon visiting schools In tho oastorn part of this county ft. It. Dlckoy, Rny Lt.ngrord nnd Joo Utrson wont to Lincoln Wod nesdny ovonlng to attend tho state convention of tho H. P. O. Elks. Thoy will ipond a day or two In Omaha mm onto home. For Sale Frame building 8x12. Call at 310 wott A streot. Mrs. Louisa Ilurka has sold tho cor nor hcJuna In th (100 block on wost Fifth stroot to C. I. Lewl who will move It to a lot In the south part of town. Next yoar Mrs. Uurke will i?roct a inodorn rosldonce on tho lot "Tho Honornblo Algy" iwith Clmrlos Itny will form tho drama at tho Kolth Moiulay alao vlows takon at Mabel N'ornmnd Poaco Day Colobratlon at San Diego oxpoaltlon of Joo Iloquot ust boforo hU tragic uoatii) teacn Scene from, "Katinkn" which comes to the Keith Wednesday evening, flay 2d, UUHt Ing Mabol Normand how to lly. It you want to suvo nioney on your anrlng apparel don't fall to attend tho groat Anniversary Salo now on at ULOCK'S. Donald llrlan as John Uattloboy, who has niado millions by convortlng hay Into breakfast food, has a sorloa of comic ndvijnturos trying to ro covor his wlfo'a ?20,000 poarls which ho has foolishly lost In tho humorous photoploy "Tho Smugglers" at tho Kolth Saturday night. Farm and lliuich loans nt lowest rntoB and best terms. Money on hand to close loans promptly. 43tf 11UCIIANAN & PATTEKSON. Vacant Lois aro Heine; Farmed. Portions of practically every lot on tho Burlington right-of-way through tho city has boon leased freo to pair tlos who aro plotting tho ground and getting ready to plant potatoes, beans, tomatoes and othor vegetables. Gen erally speaking only tho land1 that was formorly cultivated by tho par ties who originally owned tho lots aro being cropped, as It Is generally con sidered that now land will not grow vegetables In paying quantity. Many othor vacant lota around town aro be ing planted to potatoes and othor veg etables, with a view of reducing tho high Cost of living. no::- Gothenburg Company Must Serve. Evory member of tho Gothenburg company of tho Nobraska National Guard declined to tako tho oath for fodoral survice, claiming that tho oath which thoy took at tho tlmo thoy wont to tho Mexican bordor last year was not binding In tho present omer- goncy. nils claim, jiowovor, is ro- futod by Adjutant Gonornl Hall, who sayB tho oath Is Just as binding now as It was then, and that ovory man of tho company Is subject to call un- dorthonatlonal dofonso act. Thoincni 'bdrs 'of tho Gothonbu.rg ejompany must therefore ontor sorvlco If tho fodoral government so ordoris. : :o: : Lutheran Church Service. Itov. Harnian ronuestH us to stato Uvat all c- vldcljl nl Yjiio Luthoran church will bo rosumcd noxt Sunday. Hy that tlmo conditions at the liar man homo will bo such that Mr. Ilar- Tho Luthoran Urothorhood will moot Monday evening nt tho homo of W. J. Hondy. : :o: : The Town Will Whistle It Is promlBd that tho whole town will bo whistling nndhumnilng"Hack ty Cool" after tho performance of "Katinkn." tho brilliant now musical uluy which Arthur nammorstoin vMill presont at tlio Kolth Wednesday night. Tho moloily of "Uackoty Coo! and the other singing and dancing num bers of "Kutlnka" aro tho work of Rudolf Frlml. who supplied tho scores for "Tho Flrolly" and "High Jinks." and whose fame nmong Amer ican light opera compoaors Is firmly established. Tho words to tho var ious songs and the plot and linos or the piny are tho work of Otto Knuor banh, collabonitor with Frlml in tho othor WWo .ptrodtucUoiift "Itackay Cool" is said to be tho most catchy gong tlioso two famous artists over turnodi out. and its popularity on Hroadwny hist wlntor iwhs a iromlndor of tho old days of "Tho Morry Wid ow" waltz. In nddltlon to "llnckoty Coot" the scoro or "Katinkn" fairly hHkttoB with such tunoful hits as "Katinkn," "I Want To Marry a Malo Qunrtotto" and "Youn Photo." o:: Paint Up! Clean Up! and Brighten Up! The Govenor has set aside Today and Tomorrow To Clean Up!. Here arq some good Brighten Up hints. Do not allow rubbish to accumulate. Do not mark or deface sidewalks, buildings, or public property. Keep the garbage can covered and destroy breeding places for flies and mosquitoes. Plant grass and flower seeds and encourage the love of nature, sunshine and fresh air. Apply Sherwin-Williams Paint to fences, sheds and buildings. There is a Sherwin-Williams Paint, Stain, Var nish or Enamel for every surface around your home that re quires protecting or beautifying. No matter what you want to paint we can supply you with the right finish. Bring your Brighten Up problemsjo us, we will gladly solve them for you. THE EEXALL STORE. North Platte's up to the minute Drug Store. LumDesr a uoai 1,0. Mrs. John Unkor loft last evening for Omaha to Bpond a fow days. Fon Yonn auto service full 125 for Taxi day or night. Also flvo or sovon paasongor car for funornl sorvlco. MOOHNSKN-LOUDBN AUTO CO-, riianillftr & Elcar Agoncy. Comer Eighth nnd Locust Sts. All Kinds Building Material Everything New. Phone 20 1 Block East Freight House i.t i.t i.t it it i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t :.: :.: in s.t :.: :.: i :.: it it J.t :.t it i.t i.t 5 i.i i.t i.t fir