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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1917)
REDUCED PRICES Important To Automobile Owners, In keeping with our policy to furnish our cutomers first-class work at the least possible cost, we are pleased to announce after carclul observations and data kept by us on batteries charged since the installation of our new Kectificr sixty days ago, the following reduced prices for charging batteries, jeffeclive since April 1st. 0 6 Volt Battery 12 Volt Battery 18 Volt Battery 24 Volt Battery New Price - $ .30 .75 1.00 1.25 Old Price $1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 J. S. DAVIS AUTO CO. Exide' Distributors. "WE CAN DO IT." INVOLUTION NOW SKKMS IMMINENT IN GKIUIANY UU L. 1JAUE, Editor nnd I'ubllnker. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Your hj Mall In AdTWice....$1.2J; One Ycnr by Carrier In Adrauco. Entorod at North Platte. Nebrtmka, Postofllco na Second Class Matter. FltHlAY, APRIL 27, 1017. CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. Suits and CoatH ut cost. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. ClmrloH Loth spont tho first ot this wook visiting irlonds In Kearnoy. Dr. Morrill, Dentist. Vlncont FitziKitrlck roturnod- Wed nesday from .a short stay in uinaim. For Sale Motorcycle Call ut 318 south Sycamoro or phono 202. flu-2 .. S. S. Morgan, of Wallaco, spout a fow days hora this weok on business, Tlio Ideal llakcry bandies exclusive, ly the Ntnto farm milk nud cream. If Postmastor Prank Cox, of Suther land, spent a fow days hero this weok. , Porcy Schott was called to Sallna, KansaB, rocontly uy tuo uinoss or nis brothor. Hrlnif In your Moi-iiki) battery and bnvo It put In Hhape. , WILIiAim SKRVICK STATION. Frank Huehannn wont to Kearnoy Tuosday ovoning to sporid a fow days on business. Save from $5 to $10 in buying your spring suit, coat or dross during tho swing at hlouks. Dr. ami Mrs. Naatnan of Wallaco, spont tho lore part of this week horo visiting frlomlB. Goo. A. Moonoy was tnkon to tho aonornl Hospital Wednosday to take treatment.- Havoltno Motor Oils nna Groasos-r Ponnsylvanliv. Vacuum Cup TIrea, 0,000 nitlos guarantood, now to b had nt tho Romlgh garago. 107 WcHlfGoatcm' Iloauty Parlors. 6th Btroct. 20-4. sos Ethel and Ilolon Sousor will Ieavo Sunday for Grand Island t6 Visit frionds. , Mr. and rMs. It. A. Scott, of Suth erland arp vlsitllng with' Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Scott. You can cut tho If. C. of L. If you act now and buy your spring outfit at ULOCK'S Anniversary Salo. Comity Attornoy and Mrs. P. R. Halllgan left at noon Wednesday for Lincoln to visit rolatlves. I now have funds at 54 per cent on choico bottom tablo land. Gono Crook, Rooms 3 & 4, Waltemath Bldg, Julian walkor rcsigncu his po sition In.tlio Green pool hall ami has accoptcd ono in Lowollon. Robort Warwick in "A Girl's Fol ly," at tho, Crystal Saturday afternoon and ovoning. Miss Mnybollo Hurko has accoptcd a position as stenographer In tho of fice of tho Stacy-Grangor Co. Any porson desiring' omplovnont call at numbor 10 cast Front street North Plntto. 20-2 Clarence MacKay, who was called hot'o this weok by tho death of his father, returned to lloldrego Tuos day. x Harold Langford will lcavo short ly for Salt Lake City, Ogdcn and oth or western points to spoml two wo ok s. Wo aro prepared to tako caro of any and nil skirt customers. A big and varied assortment to solect from E. T. TRAMP & SONS. Tho ladles' auxiliary of tho IJ. of L. F. and E. mot Tuosday nftornoon and held a luncheon nt tho Gem Can dy Kitchen. Anothor now lot of wotnon's and misses' skirts, suits, coats, Just ar rived and placed on salo at Tho Lead or Morcantllo Co.'s. For Ront Good dwelling house two blocks from contor of town. For fur tbor particulars soo Paul Harrington 120 cast Front street, phono 012 Attornoys Shumnn, Crosby, Oborst Halllgan, J ml go Grlmos nnd Court Reportor llarron will go to Tryon Mondny . to attend district court. SOl'T WATKR Shampoo, Electric Massago, best Toilet Articles, nt Phono Red 29-: JlCti.. fiOG'fc Dowoy. 1IKAIUI OX THE STREETS. ROME Tho popo was Informed to day by papal representative in the Central powers that tho strike which have rngod thoro within the 'past! fow wookto aro now) approxi mating a revolution. It Is bollovml by those aironts that tho revolt Is spread- I Ing nnd that It will tcrminato in an open demand of tho people for peace. AMSTERDAM Tho now antl-gov- ornmont solclallst party precipitated dlsburbnnco at tho Tuosday meeting the Rclchstng which for a time threatened to end tho moot in an up roar. Tills body charged that tho gov ernment was nwupoiiBlble for tho food rlsls and doninnuuri a discussion of tho mnl-admlnlHtrntlon. , Tho Reich- stng. adjourned not to meet again un til May second. Reports of serious strike troubles and riots continue to como In from various sources and thoy aro manifest In almost all of the larger cities of Germany nnd-Austrla. Fidelity Encouniges I'liirlotlsnt. At a meeting of tho Hoard of Directors of tho Fldollty RoHcrvo Company Saturday night, thoy adopt ed the following clause for their policies: Military and Naval Sorvlco RIdor Applicable only to tho Gormnn-Amcr- can wnr. Tho policy to which this rider Is nttncliGiii shnll cover tho Insured hereunder wbllo ongagod in Military or Naval Service, not Involving acr onatlc dutlos, during tho German- American Wnr, while In tho ontI ncntal United Statos, without oxtrn premium, and to tho same extent as n any othor occupation classified as medium, anything In tho policy to tho contrary not-with-standlng. If tho Insured horeln should leave tho confine of tho continental rnltod States fori military or Naval servlco during the Gorman-Amorlcan war, : :o: : lied Cro"s Society Meeting. Tho meeting of tho Red Cross Socl ety was bold Wednesday ovoning in tho fcdoral court room and attended by forty IndloB. Tho Food Supply was discussed by Secretary Durliin oi tho Chambor of Commerce. Mrs. C. S. Spencor spoko on gardening for school' childron, and luldirestU-s on this subject wero given by Mrs. J. S. Sininis, W. H. Dlnlock, Mrs. C. F. Ri dings and Miss Annlo Kramph. A committee mas appointed to give add'rossos at tho ward, contral, Junior high nnd Catholic schools to .inter est the childron In garden work. The committee Is as follows: Mcsdamcs J. S. Slmms, Wilson Tout, Edward Davis, W. II. Blalock, James Hart and Principal Davlos. Fanners in from all sections of the county, nnd ospoclally tho wost and southwest sections, toll of tho havoc wrought rurnl telophono linos by the storm of Thursday of last weok. On linos running oast and wost practical ly all polos wont down, as the storm camo from tho north. Labor i3 mighty scarco In tho country, nnd by reason of this It will bo somo time before all tho linos ran bo again put in service. Paul Harrington Is now 'shipping out tho last of 300 tons of liny ho had, pur chased and expects to lcavo North Pmtte May 10th to tako charge of tho Arkaiufcs office. During his stay In North Platto Mr. Harrington has ontorcd prominently Into tho buslnoso nnd social Ilfo and all acquaintances villi regret his go ing. It. A. Framo, who hns n bunch of 300 cows on a ranch south of Hor shoy roports tho arrival of 1G0 calves and more coming each day. With Indications of cattle gradually grow ing scitrcer and prices tending up wards, a bunch of 200 or 300 spring calvos ought to look good to tho own or. Tho Initial work on tho now Pizor building on Locust street was started this week, and there is a rumor that anothor now business block on that street will be constructed this year. Tins is our business section expand ing, and ns theso navi storo rooms are created a tenant seems to be In wnltlng. In speaking of tho rocont un earthing of fifteen million pounds of storago sugar In Omaha, a local gro jor stated that ho had just received a letter from a southern broker Aviio ald that .he had 000,000 sacks, of sugar which ho would put on tin market If ho could secure cars for Its shipment, but ho couldn't got tho cars. Every day brings evidenco that the high price of food stuffs Is not wholly duo to a scarcity, but to speculators and othor things. -nv Mrs. Myrtle McCcllnn who returned horo last week after being ordered by city officials to leave tho city or appoar in tho district court to answer several charges, was arrested Mon day evening and is a prisoner in tho county Jnil mlioro she causos consid erable trouble by becoming hysterical. V. J. DIEXER & CO., Real Estate nnd Insurance. Come and seo us for town lots In dlfforcnt parts of tho city. Good In vestments on easy terms. IIousos for salo and rent. Wo havo also good bar gains In fa,nns and ranches. Cor. Front and Dawtay Sts-, upstairs. A Military Highway Why not use part of that seven tillllcin war un'ptourlaUon In mak ing n military highway boticon Now York and San Francisco via tho kin- coin Hlgliwliy route. Tho distance is in round numbors 3200 miles, and a pormnriont roadway can bo built for not to exceed $15,000 a mllo, or a total of $50,000,000 for tho completed road. This latter sum Is but- rt small fraction of sovon billion, and as a nicasu."o of propnrodncss tho high way would bo practical. It would also bo used by hundreds of thousands of autos nnd other vehicles annually. This schemo Is not visionary; it is practical and: would bo of wonder ful bonollt to tho government in Avar tlmos and to tho public in times of ponco. Would you llko To know how Motion pictures Aro really mado? You would? i Thon seo Robort Warwick and Doris Kcnyon In "A Girl's Folly," at WAN NOTES. The first gun for the United States In tho war with Germany was Hired April 19th when a gunnnor on tho steamship Magnolia, an American vessel, hit and sunk a Gonnan U boat nt a distance of 1000 yards while In Uritish mtitoib. Tho smbmarlno was about to attack the Magnolia when tho shot was fired. Secretary McAdoo, of tho U. S treasury, Wednesday handed tho Hrltlsh embassador a treasury war rant for two hundred million dollars tho first loan mado to any cntento government by tho United Statos under tho $7,000,000,000 war finance measure. Secretary of Agriculture Houston has assured: the Omaha Live Stock Exchange that tho object of tho government will not bo to fix prices of food products. The secretary do claros in a telegram that regulation will bo confined to controlling specu lation. "It is not suggested," Secre tary Houston says, "that maximum prices bo fixed to producers, but simply that power to fix prices gov ornlng tho distribution of products bo given tho government to bo usod If necessnry, to control uneconomic speculation and manipulation In the handling of food products," Tho British public has been ol omnly warned- by tho British food controller! that tho country's shlo "ping Is being dally depleted in largo volumo by the German submarines and that severe nrlvatlono mennced England boforo the next hnrvst. Ho Insists on limiting tho consumption of bread to four pounds per cnplta per weok. Tho doplotion of tho re servo stocks of food, stuff Is causing tho controller much anxiety. : :o: : 'J Air u I tho Crystal thoatiro on Saturdayj and you will got your i1sh. Mntlnco 2 to 5 p. m. ::o:: Will Enforce Dry haw. Governor Novlllo is reportod to have bogun organizing his forces pre paratory to tho strict ctnforcomont of tho now prohibitory Hnjuor law. Knowing Governor Novlllo as wo Lincoln county pcoplo do, wo feel certain that tho govornor will not side-stop In enforcing tho law to tho lottcir. Tho loglslaturo provided n fund of $50,000 Tor tho enforcement and evory cont that I3 spent undor tho dlroctlon of Govornor Novlllo will bo effoctlvoly and well spont. w 0 Again the busy nctivitiool the farm have commenced. Every cStmtry in the world is looking to our fanners for food. It behooves 'us all to do our very best this ycnr to raise the best crops possible., Ilho bank is closely connected with every fanner in this commun ity and we aro ready at all time to give them the very best possible batik service during the coming crop season. May wo be of service to you.'' , iH Platte Valley State Bank' North Platto, Nebraska, f Mathewson & Shank FOR MASTERING AND STUCCO 'hone Red 317 or Blk 907. Ono of tho most striking features of "A Girl's Folly." Is tho great ro volvlng stngo shown In this produc tlon. Settings nro plnced on tin stngo and tho stago is revolved so that tho sots always havo tho sun falling on them at tho samo angle wbllo tho day plrogrosse and tho picture is bolng filmed. Crystal Sat urday matinoo nnd ovoning. Tho prlzos offered by Tho Lead or Morcantllo Co. In the boys' nnd girls' contest Inst weok wero award cd to Darnell Qulnn, Leonard Monroo, Honry Hanor, Ina Smith, Mnry Lou don, William Clark, Leo Leon and David Livingston. Capt. R. E. Haskell, whoso ranch Is on the head of tho west Blrdwood crook, spont Wednosday and yestor day in town. Mr. Haskoll Is ono ot tho old-tlmo cntlomon of the vfrst part of tho stato, having lived horo slnco 1877. Don't fail to seo our window dls play of tho now spring wbol and silk ' sport sweaters and middles. BLOCK'S. LEWIS ELECTRIC WASHER Has all of the lat est improvements and is an unusual ly quiet and smooth running machine. It will pay you 4 well to investigate before buying. NORTH PLATTE OF 2868 COUNTIES IN THE U. S. 1750 ARE DRY The Whole Country would be dry if roofed over with OUR PEERLESS SHINGLES They Shod Water Like A Porpoise Coates Lumber & Coal Co. North Platte, Nebr. Own' Your Own Home Residence Park Addition Subdivision just open ing in southwest part of city. Splendid lots in a beautiful addition at rock bottom prices. WM. LYMAN 518 North Locust Street. - i O. B. CHICAGO Even This 30,000 Will Not Be EboimIi There will be 30,000 Smith Form-a-Trucks built this year but even this huge production will not be enough. So if you have waited for further proof of the yonderful economy efficiency service value of this tremendous achievement in motor transportation, don't wait another day. Over 10,000 users over 450 lines of work are all the proofs you need, and there is not a single Smith Form-a-Truck owner who will not t-y that he has cut delivery and hauling costs ircm 50 to 75. This year you not only Ret this wonderful attachment at the price of a uood pair of horses, but you get it adapted to any Ford, Maxwell. Buick, Dode Bros., Chevrolet or Overland Car. So you can seLct the power plant you like the best have the most confidence in. Smith Form-a-Truck is the mute hauler of the world the master economizer in hauling and delivery cost the master saver in equipment investment. Come in today for a demonstration but don't put off your order. North Platte Truck Co. GEORGE GARMAN, Mgr. North Platto. I LIGHT & POWER it CO. if