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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1917)
Wk M o rth $croi TIHRJY-TIIIRD YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEK, APRIL 27, 1917. No. 30 THE AGED WIFE RETURNS; DIVORCE SUIT DISMISSED JOHN Hl'HXKKY STAKTS SUIT '0U LKGAL SKl'AltATIO" HUT JUtS. 1IUHXKKY AltHLVKS LOCAL AND PERSONAL Inquire 108 Wlfo luiil llcen in Kansas for Two . Years and Husband Started Suit In District Court for Abandonment. Young hens for salo. west Second street. Ernest Miles returned Wednesday from a business visit in Onmha. Sco tltoso now Gcorgotto Crono Waists at Wilcox Dept. Store. The Luthornn Girls club spent last ovoning as the guosts of Misses IIolou nnu Josslo Halter. For Sale Ear corn. 4G0. SEMI-CENTENNIAL FEATURES ARE ASSUMING SHAPE FLOATS DEPICTING THE PKOG- HESS OF THE WEST NOW HEADY FOH ASSEJritLING Vexed becauso his wife would not retum from Kansas after sho had been staying thoro Ifor two years, John Huhnkoy, living on a homestead north of Sutherland, filed a petition in the district court praying for a logal separation on tho grounds of abondonmont. Huhnkoy is seventy threo years of ago and! ills i(ifo is seventy-one. For nearly fifty years they had shared, each other's Joys and sor rows; had experienced many lean years and a fow fat ones: but ono day tho aged wife weary of tho lonely homestead life, announced her in tention of going to Kansas for a visit with friends. Tho necessary dollars wcro scraped together and sho de parted. Her visit extended from lay to day; her life in Kansas was among pleasant places, sho dreaded to re turn to tho lonely homestead life. Days, weeks and months passed and tho husband's entreaties for her re turn wore spurnedl Tho entreaties finally turned to a command; sho must 'return or a suit for legal separ ation would bo filed her nbsonco roUs of a poriod sufficient to consti tute abandonment. Even this throat did not bring results. Huhnkoy filed his petition, and then as though men tal telepathy passed between tho two, on tho very ay tho petition was filed Mrs. Huhnkoy started' for Sutherland, whoro sho arrived Wed; ncsuay. Tno reunion was as nappy as Ht was : tho divorce suit was dismissod, and John and Bertha will spend tho twilight of life on tho sand hill homestead iwJiero the quiet ude of tho night hours is broken only by the dismal howl qf tho coyote. ; to! ' "Whore Lovo Leads" will bo the Fox attraction at tho Crystal tonight Phono Black 30-2 Mrs. L. W. Toole loft yosterday morning for Stromsburg to spond a woek or longor. Earl Hunter was thrown from a blcyclo Wednesday evening and suf fered a fracture of tho collar bono. Mrs. Frank J. Doran and daughtor Margaret returned yostorday frbm Omaha uml Gretna whore they visited relatives. Whoat in Omaha sold at from $2.78 to $2.85, an advance of 12 to lo 18 conts over Wednesday. Corn sold as high as $1.G4. f Tho Lutheran aid society will moot Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Frank Martin. All members asked to come and bring a friend. William Schott formerly of this city who has resided in Sallna, Kansas, for several years is very ill witli an attack of appendicitis. Dr. Frnmor, president of the Hast ings college will speak at both morn ing and evening services at tho Pres byterian church Sunday. Miss Eva Harnish entertained tho young ladles confirmation class of tho Luthoran church at an auto party tho latter part of last week. Tho D. 0. T. dancing club hold- ono of their bi-monthly dr.ncos at tho Masonic hall Wednesday ovcnlng About twenty couples attended. Sleet and snow, accompanied by lightning and thunder, foil last even ing, nearly an inch of slushy snow covoring tho ground this morning. Tho $4.00 and $5.00 hats I am show ing In my department at Block's are up to tho mlnuto in stylo, material and workmanship. Arvilla Whlttakor Arrangements for the Huttle of Sum mit springs Nell rimer nay niiil Details for Halls are Completed We value our confidence in Adler "Collegian" Clothes at many thousand dollars a year JpHAT is the amount that we invest in Collegian Clothes each year with the conviction that our investment is a good one. We buy because we know that Collegian Clothes represent the best clothing val ues obtainable at the price. If we thought there were better clothes to be had for the money, we would have them here. We sell Collegian Clothes on a value basis only, in which fit, form and fabric play equally important parts. We are pleased lo have you buy them on the same basis and will be glad to help mlh the benefit of our experience when you call,, $15 to $30. HARCOURT CLOTHING CO., North Platte's Modern Clothing Store. Duo to tho untiring offorta of Socrotary Geo. A. Moonoy, tho nr- arrangomonts for North Platto's eomi- contonnial colobratlon to bo hold the last week In Juno aro nearing com pletion and only tho minor details remain to bo iwiorked out. By far tho most painstaking work, as well as tho most oxnonslvo, has been tho construction of tho dozen or moro lloats that will depict the dovolopmont of tho west. The most of this sculpture work has been dono In Omaha undor the direction of Qua Itonz, tho originator of tho lloata in tho Ak-Sar-Bon parados. This work has boon practically completed, and will be shipped In sections and ns somblcd hero. Tho drawings of these lloats show them to bo beautiful In design and will comparo favorably with those .uxilcli havo In past years boon used In the Omaha parades. Next in Importanco Is tho Indinn bat- tlo of Summit Springs, which lies boon worked out In detail through des criptions furnished by tho Into Col. Cody. In this battle fully thrco hun dred Ipeoplei will tnko pan!. Con tracts fo1.- furnishing tho uniforms, for tho infantry and cavalry which take part, and' for tho llroworks which Will closo tho balttlo scone havo been signed. Horsoa for this sceno will bo Aurnlshcd iby Cokor and Taylor, who havo tho contract for putting on tho wild west stunts. These west wild west exhibitions will be given each aftornoon. Contracts have boon closed with several amusomijnt! companies itliat will bring with them a multitudo of special acts of merit. Included is ono of tho biggest companies on tho road which represents about a scoro of features. Tho connnittco having chargo of tho Queens Ball has ordered 1G00 invitation)! which MUI1 bo Hint to prominent people , of surrounding towns. This ball will bo hold in an immense tent capable of taking care of 1G00 dancers and 2500 spectators Horo the qucon, atendod by her retinue of .maids, will bo coroncTfiu in regal style. Tho Cinderella ball In which 800 or moro children will take part, each in costume, will nlso bo hold in tho big tout. Ladles In adjoining towns have been selected as members of the com mltteo In charge, and they are work ing up an interest In their rospecltvo communities. Tho celebration will bo well ad vertised, ni fact it is already known from ono end of tho stato to tho oth eir: thousands of neat folders having been sent out. Thcso will bo sup plemented next month by specially do3lgnod illuminated lithographs, and by advertising mattor which tho Union Pacific will send out. Celphrntv Anniversary. Tho nlnoty-olghth nnlvorsary of tho I. O. O. F. lodgo rolls colebratud hero last ovcnlng at thoir hall and at tended by ono hundred and twonty flvo people. Tho Odd Follows' quar tetto gavo several selections, Miss Helen Bird gavo a reading and tho principal addross of tho ovoning was dolivorod by J. S. Hoagland. Messrs. 13 T. Tramp, Fred Tobas, L 12. Jonos, N. A. Sludor and J. F. Schmalzrlod wero prosontcd with veteran Jewels for twonty-fivo yoars continuous inomborHhlp and Jowols woro sent to Frod Wolngand of Omaha, and C. F. Schumann of Chicago, former resi dents. E. S. Davis mndo tho pre sentation speech and little Jcnnlo An na Klonk daughtor of Noblo Grand Wm. Klonk, pinned tho badges on tho pionoor monibors. A luncheon was served lato In tho ovoning. The I. O. O. F. lodgo was orgnnlzed in Balti more twtth ilvo members and now has a momborship of two and ono- half millions. LOCAL AJfl) l'EHSONAL -::o::- : :o: LOCAL AND PEItSONAL. Mrs. Joseph Quinn has boon vory ill with pneumonia for somo time. Mir. and Mrs. Jack Crisp returned Wednesday night from Tryon whoro they visited tho lattor s brother. Thoy will lcavo Monday morning for Kansas to visit two meks. Christian Science service Sunday 11 a, m. subject or. lesson sermon "i'ro nation Aftor Death." Building and Loan building, room 25. A cordial invitation Is extended to all. Miss Mario Massoy, of Omaha, who came horo a fowl days ago will drill tho children who aro to take part in tho Cinderella ball to ho hol,i hrr- tho Seinl-Contonnlnl celebration m Juno. Today's panors stato that tho roar of revolt is drowning out tho iioIku of battle in Germany, and that May 1st tho Socialists' national holiday, may soo that country near tho throes f a revolution. Walter Ellis, of Omaha, who spoilt tho first of this weok horo at tho i Elsassor homo purchased a half in torcst in tho Emil Morscheid Florist Co., and will locafo horo tho firm of next month. Thoso that havon't boon attonding tho Notion Salo at Tho Loader Mer cantile Co.'s aro fast finding out of thoir friends who havo taken nuvan tage of this sale, no that many new facos aro seen ovory day. Ploaso boa In mind that tho salo closes next Mon day night. IIolou Egan, a slxteon yoar old girl mlhose homo Is in Lexington, was takon off train No. 3 Wcdno&day night by Shorlff Salisbury undor orders from tho girl s mother and hold until last night whan eho was takon homo Tho girl ran away from homo on nc count'of differencoB with her mother. Tho suit, coat, or dross you havo I lookod at horo a while ago and ad mired, only it was a llttlo too ex pensive, If It Is still horo you can buy It now at a saving of 20 conts on tuo dollar, during tho Anniversary Salo at BLOCK'S. Tho Penny Co., tho firm tliat will occupy tho now Twlnom building has mndo a temporary leaso of tho oast room of tho Brodbeck building, nnu may conclude to rotaln tho room por- manontly In connection with uio Twlnom rooms, Tho firm lias had a lot of goods stored in tho B. & L building for a couplo of months past. Will Open Dancing School. Miss Mario Massoy, of tho Cham bers Academy of Omaha, will ro-opon liar children's dancing class at tho Lloyd opora house next Tuesdoy from 4 to (i p. m. A six weeks' courso will bo given for which nu admission of thrco dollars will bo charged. For further inofrniatlon phono Black 521. : .o: ; Many Iloosovell Warriors Now York, April 25. Approximate ly 123,000 mon havo applied thus fair and boon found to meet tho neces sary requirement for moniborslilp in Colonel Boosovolt's proposed army division, it was announced horo to night at enrollment hcadquartors, which woro opened sonio tinio ago with tho former prosldont's approval. Only fifty of tho applicants, it was said, woro under twonty-Hvol yoars old. Nono below this ngo aro now being accepted. Of tho total, 10,000 aro negroes. Sixty por cent of tho volunteers aro from southern states, while In Now York city not moro than 10,000 havo enrolled. ::o:: Wiw Tin-lull Train Service. Tim Tlnn tmvs flint In tho Interest of economy and to meet war condi tions tho rnllrnniln of tlio COUIltrv will nrooaoiy reuueo mo nuniuoivui passongor trains. For Instanco in-1 stend of operating sixty trains dally bctwoon umana nnu unicago ovor mo aiv llnna nf rnnds. it is Hcurod that the number might bo cut In two and tho public eufior no inconvenience. : :o:: . Notice TVnflpn Is linrnhv irlven that the Board of County Commissioners will soil the old woodon bridge across the North Platto rlvor north of Suther land on Saturday, tho 20th day of May. 1017, at lu ociock Mountain tlino. Said bridgo to bo sold by tho span ns it stands and far cash only. A K. ALiUliliN, 30-8 County Clork. lira. Anna Shaw was the truest of linnnp nt n. Riirnrlso nartv last ovon ing in honor of hor Hovonty-sovonth birthday at tuo nomo or mtb. j nines Calhoun. Fifty friends woro present audi spent U pleasant, ovoning. A largo birthday cako decorated in red, white and blue candles was a feature of tho luncheon which was sorved. Wool skirts, silk iBkitMl sport skirts, ovorything that's now In skirts now going at a discount of 120 diVrilig BLOCK'S AnnlvcrFHry Salo. Miner Hull loft this morning for Omaha to spend the woek ond. Mrs. Hnrry Murrln loft this morn ing for Cheyonno to visit hor sisters. Perry Carson loft yostorday for Omaha to spond a tow days on busi- 11008. Miss Mabel McFarland returned yostorday aftornoon from a short vis It in Sidney. DiV and Mrs. N. McCabo left at noon Wodnosday for Omaha to spend several days. Mrs. Louis Uogg loft Wodnosday afternoon for Donvor to make hor homo In future Mrs. William Borton and daugh ter left "Wednesday morning for Sid ney to visit friends. Mrs. Thos. Mitchell, of Lexington, arrived today for a visit with Mrs. M. V. Mitchell and family. Mrs. Bert Culton and baby return ed to thoir homo in Molroso this morning after an oxtondod visit with rolntlvos. All our now silk waists and silk pottlcoats aro soiling nt a discount of ton por cont during our Annlvor nry Salo. BLOCIvfS. SUHMAHIXi: .MHXAOK FACTOlt in niicimxa Tin; iyaii London, April 2G, A grnvo warn ing that tho submarine monnco may bo an important factor in deciding tho outconio of to mnr was sounded today by Sir Albert Stanloy, prosl dont of tho British Boaird of Trado. men, Sir Albert said: Addressing u luncheon of business man Sir Albert said: "Wo havo not yet found a way of dealing witli tho submarines so ns to remove tho dnngor of theft being nn enormous factor In dotormlniug tho outconio of tho wnr. "Tho offect of tho submarlno war upon tho oxistonco of tho British cm plro is simply this that wo cannot contlnuo to bring into this countlry nil tho supplies and materials required for our oxlstorlco, for tho continuation of tho war and for tho actual needs of our Industries. ::o:: Harry Hnythorno is In town today from his Arthur county much. His 2000 bond of cattlo canio through tho wlntor in good Bhapo, but it 'required an unusual amount of hay to carry thorn through, Lot 3, block 110, on wost Sixth tho A. O. U, W, lodgo iMns sold yos torday to tho North Plntto Croamory Co., who will probably havo a build ing erected. -S E E ROBERT WARWICK and Doris Kenyon In "A GIRL'S FOLLY" AT THE CRYSTAL THEATRE. Matineo 2 to 5 p. m. SATURDAY, APRIL 28th. Why Baking Bread at Home Don't Pay The average housewife has heretofore thought by baking at home she was saving on her expens es. This practice is being radically changed more and more as she figures the cost of each loaf. The practical baker of today only figures a frac " tion of a cent profit on cadh loaf, and by buying ' materials in great quantities and making hundreds of loaves each day he is able to sell the housewife bread about as cheap as she can make it. In case of BAD LUCK with your bread it means a total loss. There arc no failures in our bakery. Each loaf of Dickey's "Krisp Krust" and "Home Made" bread is scientifically made, insuring uni ' form bread. Made in 10 and 15 Cent Loaves. The bread that don't crumble. DICKEY'S BAKERY. THE UNJVERSALCA'K To Owners of Ford Cars The Ford Motor Company, of Detroit, appointed us authorized agents for Ford cars in this territory, to properly represent Ford interest, to give service to Ford owners. The Company in return demands that we equip and maintain an adequate service station, employing competent Ford mechanics, using only genuine Ford made materials and charging regular Ford prices. This is the service we are giving to Ford owners. Materials workmanship prices, the standard of each guaranteed. When Your Ford car needs attention, bring 'it to us, and get the benefit of expert Ford Mechanics. We'give you the assurance of genuine Ford-made parts. . Ford cars Runabout $345; Touring Car $360; Coupelet $505; Town Car $595; Sedan $645, all f. o. b. Detroit. M It I HENDY-OGIER AUTO CO. 1