The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 20, 1917, Image 8

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IUa i.. haKK, Kdltor and I'nblltlier.
One viir tr Mall In AdTanee....?L
One Year ly Carrier la Aflneo.fLCO
Entered at North PlAtt, Nebraska,
Postofllco oa Hccond Clasa Matter.
riMDAY, A1MUL 20, I 1 7.
Tl state s:nnte Wednesday foro
noon passed the confer mice prohibi
tion bill by a vote of thirty to throe
Thtt meaaire now row to Oovornor
Neville" for hla alBtiatur.
The bill nrovlde:
Agalnai sale and manufacture of all
Intoxicating liquor.
AgndMt sale and manufacture of
"near beer."
Kor possession or liquor In private
lionioa for pcisonal uao, provided It 1h
purchased bttfore May 1st.
Against aalo by retail drug stores
of any intoxicating liquor but alcohol.
Cities and counties liable for dam
ages from Illegal aale of liquor where
shown officials are lax In la! enforce
ment. Whan complaint Is made 'possession
of liquor by person complained of re
garded na prima facie evldonco of In-
tonl to VKfita lav.
Tbnt nil liquor dealers and manufac
turers must dtoposo of stocks by
May lsU
Oovornor responsible for enforce
ment of law and will have $50,000
fund for this 'purjKHO.
Fine of $100, or thirty days In Jail,
or both for llrat offonHo; thirty to
nlnoty days In Jail for wocond of
fonao; lmprlsonmeiit in penitentiary
not more than two years for all sub
sequent offonaH'
Emergency clause making bill af
fective May 1st.
: :o:e
Wlnos Patterson, an oil oxport who
has operated In tho Holds of Alaska,
California, Oklahoma and Texas, and
rocontly formed a company at Storing,
Cojo., to bore for oil, spent Tuesday
in town Investigating conditions as
rolatos to oil prospect In tills section,
and pronounced the prospocts good.
Ho will .return horo in a fow days
and make further Investigations, The
company rocontly formed at Sterling
and in which two North Platte rail
road mon are intorosted, havo started
to bore a well and havo reached n
depth or ovor 700 feet. Drilling will
conlinuo mntll a dopth of 1 100 or 1000
foot Is reached. At a dopth of less than
700 fot Indications of oil were found.
Tho strata formation at Sterling and
North Plntto In similar, and if oil Is
found at Sterling It probably exists in
this Immediate section.
A Oorman suhmarlno Tuesday llrod
on tho United States destroyer Smith,
about 100 miles south of Now York.
Tho prosonco or onomy submorslblos
In Amaricnn waters Indicates that the
threatened Gorman submnrlno block
ado of American Atlantic ports has
President Wilson visited , tho
cnpitol in his determination to havo
the conscription b;ll passed. Ho
oafd that tho wolfaro of tho nation da
mundB such courso being pursued.
Ho wnn ih tho bill passed nt ondo
and without a change.
Tho somite military commmlttoo
Wednesday approved the bill
providing for tho soloctlvo conscrip
tion plan ni suggeted by Prosldont
Wilson, but the military coinmltteo of
tho house by n, veto or twolvo tp
olght favored tho army bill to carry
a provision to llrat try to ralso tho
now army by tho voluntoor procoss.
Tho house committee favors making a
call for C00.000 voluntcora.
Major Loonnrd Wood says tho gov
ornmont will not havo fullllluj Its
duty In this war until It sends men
to tho front. "If v,o nro a part of tho
war," said Gonornl Wood, "our men
In our uniform must bo nt tho front
It Is no child's play. We shall ootid
living mon and bring them buck dead,
but novor until this Ih done shall wo
fulfill our duty. You nro now stand
Ing behind such foro.w as wo havo
afloat. Thero Ih a long period or prop-
parntinn ahead or -ih and tho first
step Is to bnck up the plan Tor unl
Yarsal military service. You cannot
lot somebody olso do your Job and
have a clear conscience."
All or tho French territory now hold
by Teuton nrmlos Is menaced by tho
Klnnt Fronch and UrltlBh offensive
which will go down Into history as
the gpeatost army movement tho
world has ovor known. Tho battlo
front Is ovor ono hundred inlloa long,
oxfaefldlng from Dlxmunde to Rholms
and vigorous fighting U taking plnco
nlong tho ontlro lino. Tho alllos con
tluue to make grant gains steadily.
Not as Rail ns Pictured
Messrs. T laird ami Hlddlo or Chicago,
utMl Mr. Kiuslor or Omaha, all grain
men, with Charlos W. Hayulo or Lin
ooln made a drive in tho wheat
country ntwr Lincoln Monday nnd
auino bnck with the bailor that bo-
twern fifty ami sixty per cent or
tha wheat is alive- Ono or theao men
went bnok to Chicago offorlng to bet
a big turn that Nebraska will pro
dltoe ninro than forty million buahols
0,, wlntor whont this aeaaon, iwflioroas
no reported that nets una noon or
foradiJn Chicago before ho loft that
tho iltito would not produce twenty
millions, Lincoln Journal.
Mrs. II. C. Meyor nnd children loft
yostorday morning for Sterling to
. mnko Uielr futuxo homo. Mr- Moyor
bus been omployod with tho Union
pauinc tnoro ror some tinio past,
F. J. MENElt & CO.,
Real Estate and Insurance.
Qomo and soo us for town Iota In
different parts of tho city. Good In
vo8tmontR on oaay terms. Houses for
salo.and rent, wo havo also good bar
gains In farms and rnnchos.
Cor. Front and Dejutoy Sts-, upstairs
it is now Mayor Waltomath, the
new expctitlv. head of" tho city gov
ernment having Uiken tho oath of
office at a meoting of the city coun
cil Tuesday evening. In the ranks of
the councllmen Dave Pay sncoeodod
J Carl Simon in tho First ward, Howard
i MoMIchael took tho chair of J. II Van
Cleave In the Second and Councilman
Stone of the Third and VonOoetz of
tho Fourth succeeded
J. II. Stono was unanimously re
elected president of tho council, and
Mayor Waltemath nnnouncod the fol
lowing appointments: E. II. Evans
city attorney, .1. S. Slmrns city
physician, C. J. McNaniaraclty engi
neer. V. IJ. Salisbury streot commis
sioner, and J. M. Wilson and Wlllads
Hansen peclal pollcemon nt tho court
house and school lious respectively.
The nominations wero unanimously
Tho mayor announced the following
standing committees: Streets, Colla
gen, McMlchnel, Stono, VonOootz;
lights, Stono, VonGoetz, Knox, Day;
public buildings, McMlchnel, Cohugon,
Stone: flro department, Bell, Porter,
VonOoetz, McMIchaol; ordinandi,
VonOootz, Porter, Cohngon; water and
soworago, Cohngon, Hell, Knox, Day;
flnnucu (Knox, Stone, Doll; paries,
Day, Porter, Bell.
Tho mayor announced that tho ap
pointment of pollco officers would bo
made lator, probably at tho first
mooting in May.
The council then sottled down to
the transaction of business nnd
considered a petition signed by ton
members of tho lire department asking
the council to make an investigation
of the department, alleging that cer
tain irregularities oxlstud In tho
election of offlcors, and that other
matters wero not conducted In a rog
ular mannor. The flro coinmltteo of
tho council was Instructed to make
nil Investigation.
Tho council ratified a contract with
tho Union Pacific for a supply of
water, to obtain which tho company
will install 1100 feet of main running
from tho corner of Tonth and Onlc to
tho round houso. Tha price to be
paid for tho watoi is on n sliding
scale proportionate to tho amount
URo'd, tho rate when a million or more
gallons por quarter is used to bo flvo
cents por thousand gallons. Tho com
pnny usos a number of million Kallons
each month, nnd ns tho pumping cost
is loss than rour cents, tho contract
will earn money for tho city providing
the present equipment at tho wator
plant is Biifflciont to supply tho de
mand of both city and company.
i Q
ron youk auto service
Call 125 for Taxi day or night.
Also flvo or sovon nnaaomrer cur for
funoral sorvico.
Chandler & Elcar Agency,
Cornor Eighth and Locust Sts.
J1 p.o.o 1
The M
Over 450 Lines of Work
Over 10,000 Users
30,000 More This Year
Smith Form-a-Truck is the
master hauler of the world. With more
sold in the past twelve months than all other
truck attachments combinedmore than any, other
make of motor truck and wjth a stapgerinfj demand
ahead for the next twelve months.
Overwhelming demand has
forced the factory to develop a univer
sal attachment to combine with any Ford,
Maxwell, Buick, Dodge Bros., Chevrolet, Overland car.
Insistent buyers demand almost superhuman results
to satisfy their demands; we are' assured that every
demand will be met.
Present users are doubling their
equipment to take care of the new op
r.ortunities opened I y a tremendously widened
field of delivery. Every day brings new records of
economy and of sensational delivery and hauling
achievements. Do not put oil giving us your
order come in today for a demonstra
tionsee what low ton-mile hauling and de
livery cost really means. See how this Master Hauler
puts big money back into your profits.
GEORGE GARMAN, Agent. North Platte.
short contsn PROGRAM of
Mlse Maudo Wilson, of the home
economics extension of tho state
university and Miss Morcdlth, of Lln
cdlr, 'will' conduct a slhirt cour
under tho nusplcee of the domostlc
science department of tho Twentieth
Contury club from April 30th to May
4th. Tlckots will bo on fialo by mem
bers of tho dflpartmont.
The program will be as follows:
Tuesday The caro of tho houri?.
dirt and Its composition, what we must
oat and why. Demonstration of food in
large quantities. Economy in Dress.
Demonstration, salads and Relishes.
Wednesday Economy In cleaning,
tho cost of food. Demonstration, cako
substitutes. Oarmont making, Dem
onstration, old foods in now ways.
Thursday What tho homo maker
should know about dlseasos; food and
tho wenthor. Demonetratlon, season
able cookery. The ropalr and upkeep
of clothing. Demonstration, a com
pany dlnnor-
Friday The homo care or tho sick;
rood for the sick. Demonstration,
cookery for tho sick and convales
cent; children's clothing; sorvlng a
company dinnor.
: :o: :
(Illy Hospital Notes
Mrs, MIko McCullough, who had
been convalescing at tho hospital
from an operation, will return home
this week.
Mrs. Catherlno Woodhurst is tak
ing troatmont. at tho hospital-
A son iWas bom tho first or this
w.k to Mrt nnd IMry Asbony. or
IJrulc, at tho hospital.
Miss Ethel Strong Who recently
submitted to an operation, Is getting
along nlcoly.
Mrs. Peterson, or Brulo, who had
been taking treatment, is doing nice
ly. -::c::
Nurso Itrown Hospital Notes
Mrs. A. Itosonburg, who rocontly
submitted to an operation, is getting
nlong nlcoly.
Kenneth Ware, of Hersboy, was op
erated upon last woek and is im
proving. Mrs. J. C. Chlldorston, of Tryon,
who was a patient at tho hospital for
tfj weeks, wont homo Tuesday.
Margaret, tho llttlo daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Bostwlck, submitted jto an
operation the first of this week.
Mrs. Madding, of Summit, ehtorod
tho hospital a few dayB ago for treatment-
John Anderson lias been taking
treatment for an injured eyo for sev
eral days past. . '
Mrs. H. C. Kammoror ireturned to
hor home in Flats yostorday rafter
spending a fortnight at tho hospital.
John Saltow underwent an opera
tion a few days ago and is improving
Mrs Margarot Hall, superintendent
of tho hospital, has been very 111 for
ecvctral days past.
aster Hauler
K u nn.r rr-m -- it-hutt ii
Food l'rlrt'8 In Omnlin
The Omuha Boo of yostorday pub
lished th prosont price of food stutTs
in that city, showing tho por cent
of incroaso compared with six months
ago. Horo are some of the present
day prices given, compare thorn with
North Platto prices, adding freight,
and sec holm Omaha and North Platto
price comparo: Flour $3.10 to $3.25
por sack, sugar 10 'pounds for a dol
lar navy beans 17' conts a pound,
potatoes SO to 90 conts a peck, corn
meal four conts a pound, milk ten
conU a quart, butter 42 to 50 conts
a pound, ham and bacon 35 conts a
pound, steak from 25 to 30 conts a
pound, pot roasts 20 cents a pound,
pork chops 25 cents a pound, tomatoes
17 cents a can.
The Heo says that prices of twon-
ty-two staplo food products show an
average increase of CG per cent In Om
aha during the 'past six months. Navy
beans Increased 400 por cent, corn
men! 100 percont, potatoos 00 per cent
and meats CO por cent in six months-
Rain, then sleet, then snow those
wore the weather conditions In North
Platte ysterday and they continued
from morning until iato at. night. The was Just what wo had
neodedv and it is gonarullyconcoded
that the thorough Wetting of tho
ground will greatly improve the con
dition of wheat in Lincoln county. In
many Holds In tho county the whont
prospects have nuuorlally increased
during the past ton days and' yester
day's moisture is certain to further
: :o: :
Mrs. Agnes Iloyer has returned
from Gothonburg where she wont on
business for the L. O. T. M.
..General Hospital..
One Hall Block North ot Posloftice.
Phone 58
A modern institution for th
scientific treatment of medical,
surgical and confinement cases.
Completely equipped X-Ray
and diagnostic laboratories.
Geo. B. Dent, M. D.
J. B. Redfield. M. D.
V. Lucas, M. D.
J. S. Simras, M.D
Remember the
Nurse Brown Memorial
Homeopathic Hospital
When requiring hospital care
Surgically, or
Horo your interests and comfort will
bo served. It is not th0 biggest, but
ono of tho best places whoroln to
get well.
1008 "IVcst Fourth Street.
Dr. J. S. Twinem.
Quality in Cigars has has been our
nim sinco wo bogan making cigars in
North Platto over thirty years ago
Wo put quality in tho first cigars wo
mado, and that same quality is In tho
cigars we mnko today. Schmalzrlod's
Cigars havo stood tho test or thoso
moro than thirty years. What greater
ovldonco of quality could you doslro?
Ifyou havo not boen smoking Sshmalz-
died's cigars, try thorn thoy are cor-
taiu to pleaso.
Xullt't- u .Voil-Ut'HltU-llt I)l-feli(liiu(M
ro liari-is, nrst una real name
unknown, tho son of Sylvia Harris, de
ceased; and Harris, llrst and roal
name unicnown, tna wiro or Har
ris, tho son of Sylvia Harris, deceased,
non-resident defendant).
You and each of you will take notlco
mat on the litli day of March, 1917.
t.llll.. AT 11...... lnu(. I 1,1....
......u .... iomi. .turn r.Biiu.ll mill X-IIUU-
ford Anway Hied their petition In the
jJismci L-ouri or Lincoln county, Ne
braska nifalnst you and each of von
(Impleaded with others), the objoct and
prayer of which Bald petition is for
tho partition of the following described
lands, to-vlt: All ot Section Five lO)
In Township Twolvo (12), North of
HaiiKo Thirty-one (31), -West of the Cth
1". M. : the South half of tho Northrnst
Quarter (SNICW) and Lots One and
rwo (uva in woouon six (0) in Town
ship Twelve (12) North of Hanice
Thirty-one (31). West of tho Cth 1. M
and the South Half (SM,) ot Section
Thirty-throe (33) In Township Thirteen
(13) North of IIriiko Thlrty.ono (31)
West of the Cth 1. M.. all of said lands
belli locatod In Lincoln County, Ne
braska: nnd that said Court partition
the said lands ninoiiK tho parties en
titled thereto or If tho same cannot tie
oriuttably dono that said lands bo Bold
in mo manner proviuea uy law ana the
nrocccds thereof be divided between
the partleir'TiccordinRr to their reBpoc
tlvo shares and rights nnd for such
othor rollof ns may ba Just and cciuit
nblo. You are rcnulred to answer said nn.
tltlou on or beforo the 28th day of
juiy, mil.
liatod this 12th day of April. 1917.
lly U. U. HAHKINH,
atTmll Their Attorney.
J. E. SEBASTIAN. State Mirr.
inn.Mutual Lifelns.Co.
Phone Office Red G12
Residence Red 348
Niillrc to Creditor
KstatP No. 1170 of CSeorKO Schick,
(lecetiRcd In the County Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska.
Tho State of Nebraska, ss: Creditors
of said estate will tako notlco that the
time limited for presentation and fil
ing of claims against said Kstato is
November 18, 1917, and for settlement
of said Kstate Is April 13, 1918; that I
will sit at the county court In said
county, on Jlay IS, 1917, at 9 o'clock
a. in. and on November 18, 1917, at 9
o'clock a. in., to receive, examine, hoar,
allow, or adjust all claims and ob
jections duly filed.
al"-ml5 County Judge.
sjinmrK's sai.i-j
lly virtue of nn order of salo Issued
from the District Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, upon a decreo of
foreclosure rendered In said Court
wherein Joseph R Nothels Is plaintiff,
and Benjamin W. IMnch et al are de
fendants, and to me directed, I will on
the 12th day of May, 1917, at 2 o'clock
I'. M., at the east front door of the
Court House in North Platte, Lincoln
County, Nebraska, soil at Public Auc
tion to tho hlKhost bidder for cash, to
satisfy said decree, Interest nnd costs,
tho following described property to
wlt: All of Section Thirteen (13).
Township Eleven (tl), North of rtniiKe
Thlrty-ono (31), West of tho Cth P. M.,
in Lincoln county, iseurnsKa.
Dated North Platto. Neb.. April 9th.
1917. A. J. SALISBURY.
alOmll Sheriff.
Estate No. 142C of Carrie 13. Marti.
deceased. In tho County Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska.
The State of Nebraska, to all per
sons interested In said Estate, take no
tice that the Executor hns filed a final
account and report of his administra
tion and a petition for final settle
ment nnd discharge as such, which have
been set for hearing before said Court
on May 4, 1917, at 2 o'clock p m., when
you mny nppoar and contest tho same.
Dated April 9, 1917.
fiEO. 13. FRKNCIT.
alOml County Judge.
Estate No. 1470. of Georcro Solilok.
Deceased. In the County Court of Lin
coln county, Nebraska.
The State of Nebraska: To all per-
Rf-inO IntArActml In Dntil nD.n.A .nlm
......... ... ..... Vi IJa.UlD. kUIVQ
notlco that a petition has been niod for
tho appointment of John E. Evan3 as
administrator of said estate, which has
been set for hearing on April 13, 1917,
at 9 'oclock a. in.
Dated March 21, 1917.
"127.3 County Judge.
No I Ice 1( Creditors
Estate No. 14R7 of T.nrirain S Mnnnm.
ber, deceased.
In the County Court ' of Lincoln
County, Nqbrnska.
Tho State of Nebraska, ss: Creditors
of said estate will take notice that
tno time limited ror presentation and
filing of claims ngalnst said Estate Is
November 11. 1917. and for settlement
of said Estate Is April C, 191S; that I
will sit at tho county court room in
said county, on Mny 11. 1917. at 9
o'clock a. m. and on November 11,
1917, at 9 o'clock a. m. to receive,
examine, hear, allow, or adjust all
uiuiuis ami onjeciions uuiy nied.
al0-m8 County Judge.
Notice to Creditor
Estato No. 14fir. nf HnT-rvlInn nl.lMr
deceased. '
In tho County Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska.
Tho State of Nohraskn. ss: Crf.,111 nrn
of said estato will tako notlco that
tno time limited ror presentation and
filing of claims against said Estato Is
November 11, 1917, and for settlement
of said Estato Is April G, 1918: that I
will sit at tho county court room in
said county, on May 11, 1917, at 9
o'clock a. in. and on Novembor 11,
1917, nt 9 o'clock a. m. to receive,
exnmine, hoar, allow, or adjust all
ciniins and oujections duly tiled.
UEU. 1-J. I-lll'JNUll,
al0-mS County Judge.
Notlco Is horobv irlvnn T. T. T.onn
and Mrs. L. L. Leon, formerly of Mini
tare, Nebraska, that John Hratt will on
tho 21st day of April, 1917, at three
o'clock p. m., soli at public auction
certain goods, for storniro clmrc-nH.
which mey ion wun saiu .lonn ilratt
for storage in room No, 8. Bratt build
ing, on east Front street In the city of
numi a-iatto. mourusKa. on tun 20tn
day of August, 1914, to-wit:
i lieu springs, 7 mattresses, C bods,
1 box of dishes.. 1 drossor. 1 desk. I
wall desk, 3 rugs, 1 paper rack, 1 hat
rni'K, lour on stoves, l arm chair, 1
blue box, 1 doctor's table, 1 black
desk chair. 8 dlnlnir room chairs. 1
davenport, 2 boxes bedding, 9 folding
enairn, c loose mirrors, l small box,
1 tin can. 4 hand basins, morn or less.
except some goods shipped to Mr. L. L.
Leon, Mlnltaro, Nebraska, February 22,
191 5.
There is storage duo on said goods
in uaio ot saio Yt).is together with
cost of ndvortlslntr nnd sain.
Said sale will bo held at 114 cast
Front street. North Platte, Nobraska,
on unto uuovo namcu.
Nortl; Platte, Neb., April 7, 1917.
Xiillue to CrciIKurH
Estato No. 14 GG of Frank Schick,
In tho County Court of Lincoln
County. Ncbrnska.
Tho Stato of Nebraska, ss: Creditors
of said estato will tako notlco that
tho tlmo limited for presentation and
filing of claims ngalnst said Estate is
Novombor 11, 1917, nnd for settlement
of said Estate is April G, 1918; that I
win sit at tno county court room In
said county, on May 11, 1917, nt 9
o'clock a. m. nnd on November 11,
1917, at 9 o'clock n. in. to receive,
exnmine, hoar, allow, or adjust nil
claims and objections duly filed.
nlO-mS County Judge.
I, O. E. Elder, the undersigned ref
eree, in partition proceedings ponding
In tho district court of Lincoln coun
ty, Nebraska, In which Wllllnm A. Wll-
inn la vilnlntlff at..l HT.o A n 1 . . .. i 1 1
William S. McCord and James R.
vimu, KuuruiHii oi Wllllnm H. Jic
Cord, aro defendants, will, in pursu
ance of an order therein, sell :it pub
lio auction to the highest bidder for
cash nt the east front door of the
court house in North Platte, Lincoln
county, Nebraska, at tho hour of
throe o'clock V. M. on April 28. 1917,
tho following described real ostate sit
uate in Lincoln county, Nebraska, to
wit: All that part of the Northwest
quarter of Southeast quarter (NWM.
of SEV4) of Section Thirty (30), Town
fill' Fourteen (14). Range Thlrty
throo (33), west of tho Cth P. M. ly
ing north of the right of wny of tho
Union Paclllc Railroad track through
said section: also all of Lots Thirteen
(13) Fourton (14), Fifteen (15), Six
teen (16) nnd Sovontecn (17), Block
Two (3), of tho Water Company's Ad
dition to tho town of Horshey. Lincoln
county, Nebrnska; and also a parcel of
Und in Section Thlrty-thrco (3S).
Township Fourteen (14), north of
Range Thirty (30), west of tho Cth P.
M. in Lincoln county. Nebraska, known
nnd described as Lot "d" in tho Coun
ty Clerk's plat of tha subdivision of
rm i H '"oni quarter
(NEW) of Section Thirty- three (33),
lownnnin f ourteen (14). north of
Range Thirty (30), west of the 6th P.
M. in Lincoln county, Nebraska. Said
sale to remain open one hour.
m27 O. E. ELDER, Referee.
The H. & S. Agency
Sells Fire, Tornado, Auto
mobile and Hail Insurance.
We respectfully solict your
Olfico Phones Black or Red 612.
Notlco Is hereby given that a special
election will be hold in the city of
North Plntto, Lincoln County, Nebras
ka, on May 18th, A. D. 1917, at the
places hereinafter speclllcd In the sev
eral wards of tho city, for tho purposo
of enabling tho voters of tho city hav
ing the legal right so to do to vote on
tlie following proposition, to-wit:
"Shall the mayor and council of tho
city of North Platte, Nobraska, havo
the power and be authorized to issue
ton thousand dollars ($10,000.00) City of
North Platte Bridge Bonds in denomi
nations of one thousand dollars
($1,000.00) each dated July 1st, A. D.
1917, due in twonty years from date,
but payable at any time after ten
years at the option of said city, to
draw interest at tho rato of live per
cent per annum payable seml-annunlly,
principal and Interest payable at tho
olllce of tho stato treasurer of tho
State of Nebraska; said bonds to be
issued for tho purposo of obtaining
money with which to aid in the con
struction of a wagon brldgo ncrosa tho
South Platto river, commencing at a
l'olnt on the north bank of the South
Platto rlvor where a continuation of
the center line of Locust street in tho
city of North Platte, Lincoln county.
Ncbrnskn, intersects said north bank
in the southeast quarter (S. E. V) of
tho southwest quarter (S. W. U) of
section four (4), in township thirteen
(13) north of range thirty (30), west
of the Cth P. M. In Lincoln county, Ne
braska, running thence in n southorly
direction across tho South Platte river
about nfteen hundred (1G00) feet to a
point on the soutli bnnk of said river
about twenty-nvo (25) feet cast of sta
tion No. 10. of Bond No. G, Lincoln coun
ty, Nebraska, at tho east edgo of tho
wl" cm? . ,of, ,t!le 1'i-esent timber
bridge. Said bridge to bo approxi
mately nfteon hundred (1500) feet in
length and of suillclent width for two
teams to pass each other at any point
on said bridge and to be constructed of
concrete nnd steel, and to comply
with tho plans and specMcationsi
prepared and furnished by tho stato en
glneer of the state of Nobraska, and
said bonds representing approximately
one-fourth of the entire cost of tho
construction of said bridge ns hercln
b,e.fir.0 .set forth- tne entire cost of
which Is to bo approximately forty
thnilRnml .lull., Iinnnnn T. "A
tfntCLeni'ro Slim l?.t, ue 1or by the
fnAe ?fi "jaska Aid as provided for
Til i , e h chnI"er 28, Sections 123 to
133 inclusive, of the Revised Statutes
of Nebraska, for the year 1913, and
one-fourth of the entire cost Is to bo
bornp by Osgood precinct in Lincoln
county. State of Nebraska, in pursu
n,n,5?,of ,thS I?rovl8lns of Chapter 8.
nf i) i . vt. . " lu inclusive
15.e "ovjsed Statutes of the Stato of
i ! L,,e year iyi3.
i..,i shnn. tnf Prlor offlcers of said
--- i iwy unu collect
a tax annually in the same manner as
c,U?.ctea, I" a" amount sufllclent
ii ?y V' tnterest and principal of
f.v inH?.n,M8i the.y. rnfltHre' ns Provided
l1"" ""111 sa,i bonds nnd Interest
..ii'i. mo iiroperty within
said city as shown and valued upon the
r. . . - Jl .nv iiHucssors or
said city Said bonds aro to bo iiego-
evidenced by coupons to said bonds at-
Should the State of Nebrnska falll
to grant said aid and should Osgood
fnnCViCtiain L,lnc0,ln County, Nebrnska.
rail to issuo bonds In tho sum of Ton
Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) in all
of tho construction of said bridge, then
the bonds of tho city of North Platto
herein submitted shall not be issued
The ballots to be used in said election
shall have printed thereon:
,ti,rn1n?ulnK.,Ten. Thousand Dollars
($10,000.00) of tho city of North Platte
bridge bonds in denominations of Ono
Thousand Dollnrs ($1,000.00) each bear
wig Interest at tho rate of 5 per cent
per annum payablo seml.afinualiy. In
terest and principal payable at tho
olllco of the S ato Treasurer of the
Stato of Nebraska, said bonds to bear
date of July 1st, A. D. 1917, nnd o
I nSm",1 twinty .,venrs from date but
payablo nt any time after ton years at
to option of said city, and for levying
.5t0,Iect'nf:r ,n annually to pay
a,sethnet;rne1att,?rnea.lnCl,,il, f la hon'Xs
''AGAINST Issuing Ton Thous.-iiiil
Dollars ($10,000.00) of CUy of North
Platto brldgo bonds in denominations
of Ono Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00)
each bearing Interest at the rate of 5
per cent per annum payable semi
annually Interest and principal pay
ablo at tho olllce of the State Treas-
bonds0? o 1 :.n rSt? f, 'ka. said
017 J , )Ba t,n.t0 of JuI' 1st, A. D.
lat but hZ 1u., ln twenty years from
(late but payablo at any time after
ton years nt the option of said city, anil
for ovylng and collecting a tax an-
2Mr.tnMPilly V10 '"terest nnd princi
pal of said bonds as thoy mature'". .
inoso voting ln favor of said prono-
cro808 m,no,l'inBnrJC, tl,0,r ,motB w'll
cross opposite the paragraph begin
ning: "For ssulng Ten ThouL.l nni
Inrs ($10,000.00) of the C Ity ot N?rth
t.n0Bf"r,',r, 1nd8,"and those voting
their balfn' roposltlon shall ma?k
tneir ballots with a cross opposite tho
paragraph beginning: "AOATNST Iss i
ofPt)?e0nr.Tv,0AVS!l1? n,0lls (n0?000 00)
Bonds" V rtM PIatt0 "ridge
bet'ViVffUJr co? for,SIll'l election shall
Frst Vnr,l"nV 1? P'nces0-Wlt: Tn the
iirst nrd at No. 505 Dewey Street
n thr1'"1 ,n tho 'Scpn" Ward!
of th nJ,Vt room ?n, 11,0 second floor
or the county court houso In Lincoln
ThlHit,rnn"Hn' "i1 "a1'' ward; iS th"
on vin i"!'.10 "oae 'louse situated
2tVi- i street botwpen Sixth and Front
v.fita.ln sall ward nnd in the Fourth
ard. In the Hose House sltunted on
North Locust street In sold ward Th"
polls nt said oleetlon shall be kept
open brtween the hours of 9 o'clock n
m. and 7 o'clock p. tn. of said date
Attest: R KVAT'P
nifAV Cltycierk.
nBni?il -.,1,siof Jon N. Bonnor,
coin Cm nii1 1 in, Co"nty Court of Lin-'
eom.County, Nebraska.
mViLV i . or Nf 'rnskn, to all porsons
V.!.e!,ste J". Estate tako notice
r.ii10 AlmlnlHtrntrIx hns nied a final
mav appear nnd contest the same.
"uicu pru iti, iui7.
County Judge.
inn i rePVrt or "er admlnlstra
ii R Pet'tlon for nnal settlement
1 '"fnarge as such, which have been
ii ioil,eal,15 b6fore Paid court on May
11. laiT. at 9 O'clnnlf n ... ..nil
. Notice to Creditor
i,l,at0i No' M6a ot Henry J. Co
hngon, decenscd.
In tho County Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska.
Tho State of Nebraska, ss: Creditors
?, e8.tate will tako notice that
the time limited for presentation and
filing pf claims against said Estato Is
Novembor 11, 1917, nnd for settlement
of said Estnte is April C. 1918; that I
win sit nt tho county court room in
said county, on May 11, 1917, nt 9
AC.,ook m- and on November 11,
1917, nt 9 o'clock a. m. to receive,
examine, hear, nllow, . or ndjust all
claims and objections duly nied.
al0-m8 County Jud.