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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1917)
- - j3f 'i 1 jfl ' s An ill "ill 1 THREAD 6 Spools 19c with a purchase of SI in Notions. J. & P. Coatcs Best. 5U h hi w n wm m n kji n Ainu un bALh HFREE OFFER Noi!'ol'ysk at 2;30 in the afternoon we will jive to the woman attending the sale, that has the higgest foot, a box (3 pair in box) of Best Cot ton Hosiery. STARTS SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 21 ENDS MONDAY NIGHT, APRIL 30 Gifts and Prizes Given Away to People who Attend This Great Notion Sale THREAD 12 Spools 37c with a purchaac of $2 in Notions. J. & l Coatcs Best. OF UNUSUAL Interest and importance to eV ery woman is this carefully planned event which begins at this store Satur day morning and continues for Eight Days. COME HERE on one or more days during this You'll need them' . nouonaaie. iou wm rind new , surprises every day. You cannot help but profit by each and every visit on this occasion. BUY NOTIONS During Sale and Save, later. PEARL BUTTONS We have the finest for that new Wash Dress. IVORY SOAP During sale with $1 or over purchase of Notions, 8 BARS 23c, Procter & Gam- ble s Ivory Soap. ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi m ffi ffi 31 ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi I4C GIVEN AWAY FREE SfcCf HAT EACH DAY OF SALE PU 1111 Starting Monday, April 23rd. $5 Hat of her own selection and style, dress hat, street hat or auto hat. Not comnulsorv to buv. To tlm wom an who will chaperone and under her care and rlmr XiroSa,8 tiv sleStnbfn ? 1- no ,.W. of aton. . i ttt,, i,AVE,ri rmoi oaiUKUAY Ut THti SALL. TEN PRIZES We oficr Ten Prizes each of One Dollar Value to people who will send in to us the Best Piece of Poetry about our Notion Sale. The contest closes Mondav, 3 p. in., April 30th. SEWING BOX This is the op portunity of the year to fill the Sewing Box. BUYING NOTIONS HERE Saves Dollars to put in the Bank. TOILET SOAP JAP ROSE During sale with purchase of SI or over of Notions 4 Bars for 23c. ol Kirk s loilct boap. W 1 ji ffi Fr! Contest to be at 2:30 each EXTRA SPECIAL EACH DAY OF SALE We every pCr com discount Petticoats Milli f Tl Tr i c" al1 T buy In T-y dTrlmem the S,0rc; 0,1 Dry Goods; on Women's and Misses' Suits, Coats, Dresses, Skirts, l etticoats, Millinery, bhoes for the whole family, Clothing for the Father or Son, and on everything else in the Entire Store. This certainly makes it some Bargain Feast Women's Suits New lot direct from the manu facturers in New York. A Big Money Saving Prices. Buy During This Sale Soap,Flake White Laundry boap 4 Bars 10c with a purchase of 50c in Notions The best manu facturers of No tions contribute their wares to this sale Prices never were lower than in this Notion Sale This is the Notion Store for Buyers of Notions. Old Dutch Cleanser 3 Cans 19c With purchase of $1 or over in Notions The Dressmakers can also ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi Draperies Now is house cleaning time Come to this store and supply your present and future needs at Notion Sale Prices All the materials in all tlje new colors and designs in rose, gold, greens and other staple shades. The best we have ever shown. Ask to be shown. Camisoles In silk and crepe de chine wash satin. Buy now at Notion Sale prices. 4 IW .V-vjCr'AW m nun n 4 41 Union Suits ALL SILK KAYSER'S Best you can buy for worn- fill. Rnv now nt Notion Sale prices. Ladies House Garments Convenient two piece out- yts consisting ol jacket and skirt, made of fine wash fabrics, all pretty styles. V Notion Sale Price $1.45, $1.65, $1.95 Hosiery ALL SILK Phoenix, Radmoor, Gotham, Kayscr. None better. Buy now at Notion Sale Prices. Sheets and Pillow Cases Now is your time to lay in the summer's supply. Pillow Slips 15c and up. Sheets, full size 65c up. Women's Coats save Ruu in anv dav and let us show money in our big yu Cats anu" plenty of them. Judge the qualities yourseli and notion Sale. at tlc nriC(J wo sell we know vou will buy here. All kinds of coats No need to emphasize hqre that you will admire. inc importance ol . coming early each day CORSETS For the women of fashion, the R. & G. Corsets are foremost in correctness of style and beauty of lines. $1 to $3.50 Come see the newest modes. SILKS A new lot just received, mostly in 36 inch goods, What now is so much in demand and most popular in all the combinations, in stripes, plaids, paisleys and pongees. Georgette crepes to match. Buy now at Notion Sale prices. Be wise and you'll buy. Brassieres The form fitting kind in lace and embroidery trimmed. Buy now at Notion Sale Prices. E. M. C, the new cool and comfortable union suit ior women. Perfect comfort with freedom in every movement most practical. On sale at $1, $1.50, $2. SKIRTS Poplin, Serges, Velours and other novel ty materials. Pleated and tailored mod els. Special lots at $3.35 and $4.90. in the two lots are skirts worth double. The Notion Sale saves money for you in every Depl. of the Store. IcCall Patterns 10, 15, 20c BHY GOODS-WOMEN'S READY Ml 9? 1 111-1 -tH1 invinii Phoenix Hosiery on Sale Here IU WEAH - CLDTHINf, . SHflFq I J I -""- rmut IU UVLHi UUQY J.E.NELSOM. MAMnr.rD KK-Wj- T bba W 1 . I. .lltfU 11 t irr .-l ,l!-ir,IM Jl One Day Optical Service LOCAL AJfl) 1BS0NAL By the installation of a complete lense jrindinf plant under the supervision of a competent optician we are now in a position to give our patrons a most satis factory service. We can now make in our own factory a new lense or match any old lense from the broken parts same day as order is given. We guarantee our optical work. You are invited to avail yourself of this service, Our business is growing very rapidly and we have the good will of hundreds of satisfied customers. If your eyes need attention our optometrists are thoroughly competent and you may rely implicity on the satisfactory results of our advice nnd the glasses we prescribe. HARRY DIXON Registered Optometrist and Optician, Mrs. A M. Selbart left Tuesday af tornocm for Omaha to visit for sovoral uays. Mrs. Geo. Slilndlo loft a few daya ago fur Clioyenno to visit with rela tives. Dr. Morrill. Dentist. Mifw Elaine llundy will begin work in me nrooKs- studio the first of noxt month. Mrs. Sanford Hartman has returned from a short visit with friends in Omaha. For quick net Inn ami sutlsfaciuNy salo list your land with TlioelBcke. (f Mrs. M. H. Douglas and nicco loft a fow days ago for Omaha to spend a wook. A baby girl was born tho first of this week to Mr. and Mrs. .TnmeB Mason. Mr. and Mrs. Charlo Liork visited rolatives at Ilrady tho foro part of this week. Mrs. Harrv Hvboo has lionn sorl- ouaiy in at a local Hospital ror sov oral days. MrliiL' in your battery and Imio it re paired for the summer use.. Wlllard .Service .Station. Itov. and .Mrst Sntnlinll. nf Hnr. shoy, spent tho fore part of tho wook here visiting frionds. Now Is tho oniMirtuno time to buv your Suit absolutely at cost. li T. Til AMP & SONS. Mrs, Martha Schlevltz, of Omaha. visited last wc k iwath her brothers Messrs. Thomay and Florin Much I llnskl. 1 fttl. Florence Stack went lo Lex ington Wednesday to attend tho Stu-att-KJar wedding. Jlr. and Mrs. Bon Iloekius, who iiad been visiting in Stnpioton for sevornl daya, liavo retu'rnod lionie. Mrs- Payton, of Sutherland, who vis ited Mrs. J. Ij. Cox for several days lias returned home. GoorK.? Wilklns, of Gothonburg, vlB. Itod litH cousin, Porry Carson, a fow uays mis wook llOV. AllfllOllV. of PliiMitnr. Pn . wlin visited lioro last woek with Arcbdeu- con uowKor, ion i ueday evonlngr. A Suit at coat; now is the opporturie time. 13. T. TRAMP & SONS Walter Kllla. nf Dinnlm lu ovnnniru horo tliis afternoon to visit hiH sister mrs. jMiwuru jaicassor lor a low days. Mr Davlil C.moUnli will rnt nin t Grand Island tomorrow aftor visiting ner son Arinur uowani ior a week. Miss .Mao Winters, of Oabkosh, who had been visiting her sistor, Mrs. Earl Lambert, left tho foro part of tills WOOK .Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sousor, of Lin coln, who wore visiting tho former's mother. Mrs. C. E. Sousor, will leave today. Miss Margaret Sulllvnn, of Grand Island, Is expected horo noxt wfcek to visit hor sister and attend tho May Hall. Miss Knna Schofrbackor left tho first of tho wook for Hastings and Guide Rock to visit relative for u coUplo of woeks. Mrs. Thomas Green nnd daughter Catherine lift Tuocday afternoon for Grand J'dand to vhlt relatives until Sundry Mrs. J. Waltoir A.-ams, who recent ly moved to Omaha, came a fow days ago to visit Mrs. A. W. Shilling and oilier friends. Wnntod to trade Piano for good milk cow, llolstoln preform!. Call any uy nui aaiurciay, or phono Ho4 951, mrs. h. i' Sunderland- 28-tf , A number rf tinlcliluiru nn,i frtmi.iu tondorod a surprise ptirty to Mrs. Ell Monday aftomoon. Tito ladles spent sovorm nours in Kensington work and social convocation. Optometry can't gfvo you noU" eyes, but it can bring your present ones to niH uiKuesi oiueioncy. Harry Dixon, uuwuior aim upiomoinst. Tho remuliiK f 11 r, ir-n.nvtn traveling salesman who died the first of tliis wook at a local hospital, wero aunt uj wiiiuua -i uoiuiay. Mrs. Elmer Mnatnn wli VlsltlllK rolatives near Grnnlnv. Pnln ior bovorui wooks will return tlio hit ior part or thu weok. MISS Ethol SteL'all. nf lived horo a fow days ago to spend a lunmgiu or longer with her brother William Stegall and fumlly. liurdott Wrlcht. who im.t iw.m, nuiKing ins Homo mlith ills aunt Mrs. in. ii. unugiami, ion Tuesday evening iui iuicoin 10 roinain lndellnltely. Roy Ames, who iiad he mi nnmlni'oil on a rancn in 1'rovo. ntn i tnr uv- orai wvoios, returned hero Tuesday and will enlist In tho regular armv. Mrs. Jack Carroll ami el.11,1 ruosday aftorncon for Primmnt t visit hor mother Mrs. Knink UMnuiii. man, who formerly rcsldod here. Havo yorr painting, papor hanging and decorating don0 now by Landgraf Hoga. Wo also do sign work, Phono 131k 092. Tho A- T. and T. company have tak on tho rooms In tho Waltomath build, ng formerly used by tho Crook Ilwil Estate Co. and liurko clothing sltop. Wiley Cruno, of Omnha, who had boon visiting his sistors for a weok, lun 411M1 ovouuig. no is now omployod lA'lth a largo sign painting company of Omalia. Mrs. J. M. IJryant, daughtor Maud and son Millard, or Council Dluft's, who had boon visiting Mr. and Mrs. Millard Hoslor for some tlmo, loft Tuosday afternoon. Hcadacho Is one of the great an eilllOR of llllli.Iftliil. l,'lft ., 'a nil hoftdiiehos come from eyoitrnlu. niiny wiaou, jewoior and Optome trist. Mrs. Victor Amlnrinn wlm -,a ' cnllod to Choyenno Inst wok by thg-, UllUdMi of her hnali.nul . - I 4 lift ilUCB Anderson groat ly improved. P" If you HOed a hniian ilrnua lutiiaa apron, why worrv to mnicit it win... you can get such nlco ones ready niad at E. T. TRAMP & SONS. Attomoy Goorco aildis contly for Great Kails, Mont., on lnuti. mmn was umeil 111 WllllO tlioro With typhoid fevor ami Ih taUtmr trnnt..,t - - ........ 0 k UMVIItUMIi in n lioMpItal of that city. Dr. J. S. Twliioni u-iiu oiiiin.i in Stapleton TllQSdnv nvnnl w . .trt kw ttlVUIIU Mri Goldie Ilolchor who was injured intti, nay wnen iter rir tnrtwi.i Hip u Sho sunorcd a dislocxitod hip and so- ' vere bruises. Dr. nnd Mrs. Allon Clirnntn hnnm trnm i........ ...i i over In town yesterday to visit Mrs. C P Iddlngs, Mrs. All'ii (Bias formerly MIut Julia Conklin, nt one time n rciident of North Platte,