The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 20, 1917, Image 4

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    Wear Toric lenses
Do so because they give you a wider range
of vision and greater eye comfort. Toric
lensos are nature's curve. They are better
for the eye than flat lenses and more be
coming to one's appearance.
Come in and let us demonstrate Toric
Wc can fit them to correct any defect in
Prices are big value for the increased
benefit you secure.
C. S. Clinton,
Jeweler and Optician,
At tlio Sign of tlio Big King.
Graduate Dentist
Ofllce over the McDonald
State Bunk.
Dr. Brock, Duntlst, uvor Stonn Drug
Mrn Halstod, of Pnxton, spent a
few days lioro UiIh week.
Alisfi Edith Ilowland Is UBBlstlng In
tlio Clinton Jowolry storo.
Miss Ruth Carroll loft "Wednesday
morning for Sutherland.
P. J. McGovorn apont Wednesday
In Grand , Island on buslne8.
For Sale Two GG foot lota ut 920
west, Thlrdl street Phono Bed
GOB. , 28-4
A. Holztnark, of Qothonbun:. snout
day horo this week with J. 13. Nol-
Attorney John Grant loft Wednes
day morning for Oshkosh on logal
Mra. Honcklo of Hastings, camo a
tqw days ago to visit Mr. an, Mra.
il. P. Honcklo..
Mrs, Hugh DavlB began work as
saloslady at tho Hub department storo
a fow days ago.
BntlerlcH .re-charged .and .rebuilt.
illard ai'rvlco station, (ill,) Locust
Ntreet, North Platte- (
MrB. W. C. McDormott and sons loft
Wedonsday aftornoon for Grand
Island to visit rolattvee.
MrB. Guy Urako who liod, been em
ployed at tho Hub for sovoral months
resigned Tuesday afternoon-
Wo will clean up our Suits and
Coats at cost.
Mrs' Grlnnell, of Ulg Springs, who
hud b?on visiting her son limoHt Grln
nell, returned homo a fow days ago,
I now thave funds at 6 por cent
on cuoico ooiioin muio land, uono
Crook, Rooms 3 & 4, Waltomath Bldg.
Mr. and Mrs. N- 13. Buckloy wont
to Portland Wotlnosday evening to
visit tho former's niothor who Imb
bcon 111.
Thomas Muohllnskl, Sr., of Omaha,
camo a fow days ago to mako an ex
tended visit with his son Thotnatf
Mrs. B, C. Cdsey and daughtor Mrs.
Balph Hanson left Wednesday morn
ing morning for Omaha to visit for a
fow days, -
Mrs. E. T. Tramp and, Mrs. Herbert
Tramp loft Wedonsday morning for
West Point to visit friends for a week
or longor.
Mrs. McKlnloy of York, who had
beon visiting her daughter Mrs. Geo.
Glbba for sovoral weeks loft Wednes
day aftornoon.
Howard McMlchaol wont to Bayard
Wednesday morning to look after tho
construction of tho big hotel for Milch
hv ham tlio contract.
J. Zimmerman of tho Sun Insurnnco
Co. of Omnh'd, Bpent a fow days hero
this weeH adjusting tho loss on the
Platto theatro fixtures.
Mr- and Airs. Asthcn Honderson
loft Tuesday aftornoon for Callartiy
aftor visiting' tho latter'a brothor Har
ry Bybco for a week.
Carl Arson Branson and Miss Marie
McConnell of Horshoy, Ivsloro married
In this city tho first of this week by
County Judgo French.
Mr. and Mrs. Milan Frank, of Iowa,
who havo boon visiting Mr. and Mra.
Lochia! Johnston wlillo niirnnto lmnin
from California, will leavo Sunday.
Skirts coming In ovory fow days;
unusually nifty Btyles at very roa
Bonablo prices. '
Dr. McKlnloy, of York, intent through
this city yesterday enrouto to Great
Falls, Montana, whoro ho was called
by tho Illness of his son-lnlaw, Goorgo
Take mcdlclno for oyo-atraln hoad-
ache and you, do yourself Injury.
Romovo tho cause and tho effect with
proper glasses. Harry Dlron, Jowolor
and Uptomotrlst.
"Tho 'Challenge" a flv ipnrt West
ern story with Montnguo Lovo and
Helono Cltadwlck will bo shown at
tho ICoIth tonight with the serial
Mrs Ralph North Is oxpeqted to ar
rlvo horo next woek from Grand Rap
Ida, Michigan. Mr. North recently
purclinsod tuq William Stack, Jr., res
ldoneo on east Third street.
l urin and Bunch loans nt lowest
rates and best tonus. Honey on hand
to cIoho loans promptly.
Tho llttlo daughtor of Mr. ami Mra.
G. T. Rntomnn Is 111 from the offocts
of Cacinl Injuries Inlllcted by her pet
cat a row days ago. Tho cat attacked
hor whllo at play and a physician was
hastily Bununtvned who states that the
results mttll not bo aorloua.
Many fanners arc doing business at a loss,
because they do not keep records of tiieir in
come and expenditures. A check account at
this bank will furnish you with an easy means
of keeping such iecords of your work this
summer. Let us do your bookkeeping for
Platte Valley State Bank
North Platte, Nebraska.
Ilot'wcoh ttlxty am) woventy mon,
twenty of Whom are colored, an cm
ployd on tho terminal Improvomonta
whlah the Union Pacific Is making In
thls 'clty. Those mien are now at work
laying tracks on the tract of land
between the road bod and Sovonth
strieot and extending wont from Wil
low street to tho round house. Six
tracka each approximately 2,000 feet
In Length havo been laid and 'tho tlos
strung for two moro of equal length.
Those tracks are In pairs, and bo-
twojn each pair Is a sufficient area
for tho storage of coal, and it Is to
this purposo that the ground IwMll bo
dovoted and for this purposo that the
tracks have beon laid, for this will
ba tho icoal storage yardsi in tho
future Inntoad of using tho yards
eaftt of the machine shops. By having
tho tracks in pairs tho clam shovel,
which is used, to unload tho coal
cars, can he placed on a track along
aido tho our to bo unloodied. The
sloughs nro being filled, tho Waldo
outfit having charge of this work'
Theso 1 0,000 -feet-of -track are only
a small part of tlii yard improvement
to 1)0 made, tlJ total ttuckugo to be
laid, aggregating ovor' twenty mile.
Frank Lawroncc and son have ro-
JMPROVOKNT OF CKMKTEItYhumod from a short visit in Donver.
Mrs. A. J' Frazlor left Tuesday after,
noon for Kearney to spend a few days.
Tho Ideal Bakery handles exclusive
ly the slate farm milk and cream, tf
Mrs. Trent, of Horshoy, who had
been visiting her (laughter Miss Opal
Trent left Wednesday evening.
Dr. Morrill, Dentist.
Mlsa Lulu Groff, of Falrbury, came
Wednesday evening to visit hor sls-tej-
Mrs. H. C. Brock for a week or
Still a nlco and varied assortment of
Suits and Coats to select from. Your
cholco at cost.
13. T. TRAMP Sr. SONS.
Mrs. and Mrs. Quade, of Stapleton,
visited tho lattor's sister, Mrs. C. R.
Moroy Wednesday wlillo enrouto
homo from Omaha.
Bxporlenced man ami wife can se-
curo permanent employment on small
ranch. Address F. G. Hoxie, Ognlalla,
Nebr. 28-5
Ed Walker moved this week to the
Dick Wood property In the Riverside
addition, which ho recently purchased.
His new possession consists of eight
Bert Culton will leavo today for his
homestead at Melrose. Mrs, Culton
and baby who havo beon visiting for
Havernl weeks with her paronts Mr.
and Mrs. Chris Brodbeck, will leavo
An onjoyablo afternoon party this
week hold Wedonsday afternoon
in tho Mezzanine room of tho Oasis
will en Mrs. Leslie Buskins entertained
the members of the M. M. M. club.
Card games la'cro played and a lunch-
con served..
VJc Ilialllgan .is anxious, says, a
Lincoln dlbtmtoh, to become a member
of Undo Sam's artillery forcoa.and has
applied to tho war department for a
commission as a Hcutonaut in the sex.
Thomas McGraw, who had beon an
tnmato of the county Jail for several
weeks, was released Tusday in order
to resume work, on conditions that he
would refrain from tho use of liquor
In the future.
Tho frosh, salty breath of tho sea
breezo, tho tang of tho fishing
grounds, tho pulse-qulckenlng dip of
tho on rushing boat, tho fascinating
toll of tho sailors trimming sail
all tho alluring details that speak of
tho onon sea on a sparkling day are
Xemcnibranoe-bi'liigora when tho
ocean scenes In "Tho American
Boauty" aro seen, tho Pallas-Para
mount photoplay coming to ,tho Keith
Miss Gortrudo Fulkner and Harry
Goldsmith, of this city, wOro married
Monday morning at Cozad and re
turned here Tuesday evonlng. Tho
wedding was a aurprlso to their many
frlomls. Mrs. Goldsmith Is tho (laugh
tor of Mrs. Claudo Faulkner, a gradu
ato of the local schools and had beon
employed at tha Dolly Telegraph of'
lice for sovoral months. Sho Is a vofry
amiable and attractive young lady
Tho groom Is an ontarprlsing young
farmer of this vicinity. They will
roaldo noar this city.
: :o::
Nolko for Bids of Architects
Sealed bids l,(.ll bo rccolvod at the
office of tho City Clork of North
Platte, Nebraska, for draUtng plans
and specifications, and for supervision
of tho construction of a $12,000.00 Fire
Station to be erccto.1 on Lot Ono (1),
Block One, hundred and ono (101),
North Platto, Nebraska.
All bids to ba filed' with tho City
Clerk not lator than 5 o'clock P. M
May 1, 1017.
Tho Council reseirvea the right to
rojoct any or all bids.
iS-3 City Glorl
No. 07!lo2
Will make tho season as follows:
Tuesdays mid Fridays at tho Jloir
oilmen Feed and Sale Burn, North
Platte, beginning April 10th.
Hnlam-o of tho week (except Sun
day) ut my farm six miles nest of
North Platto and three fourths of u
in II o southeast of Blrdmiod switch.
Nalwb was foaled May 24, 1013, aad
imported with his mothor by North
& Robinson, of Grand Island, in July,
1013. Was bred by M. Doeproz, Depart
ment of Orno, In Franco. This horso
weighs 17S0, Is clean and sound In
ovory particular, and la ns good as
you will find nnywhoro.
Wo Invito you to como and soo this
Tonus -.15.00 to Insure colt to
stnnd and suck. If muros nro disposed
of or loavo country sorvlco foo bo
wlines duo and payable at onco.
Cnro will bo taken to nravont no
cldonts, but should any occur stallion
owner win not i0 responsible.
The Cemetery Improvement Aso
clntlon was organized the lnttor part
of last week In the Chamber of Com
merce rooms with a membership of
ofghtern. Mrs. A. J. Salisbury acted
as chairman. The object of tho so
clctyis to Improvo and keep in good
condition tho North Piatt? cemetery
and both men and womon are eli
gible to membership. Tho officers
edacted woro Mrs, Mary Elder pres
ident, Mrs' Albert Durbln vice-president,
Mra. Etta S. Bonner secretary,
and Mrs. John Evans treasurer. A
committee composed of Mrs. Harry
Cramer and Mrs. O. R. Robinson (
appointed to consult with the officers
of the former cemetery association
and Mrs. A. J. Salisbury and Mrs. Roy
Cottrell Uorc appointed to confer
with Water Commissioner Welsh
to ascortaln tho posslbllty and
cost of laying water mains to the
grounds- A meeting has boon called
for three o'clock this afternoon at
which the report of those commit tees
will br given and an Invitation to
attend K extended to all who are in
terest : In this work.
Will Present Veteran Jewels.
The ninety-eighth nnnlveranrv of
tho I. O. O. F. lodge will bo celebrated
nore on April ztitn with an appro
bate program, veternn Jewels for
,wonly-fivo will be nrlxionlfcd to
N. A. Sluder, C- F. Sclinrman, nohv of
Chicago, J. F. Schmalzrled, G. F.
Welngand, of Omnha, formerly of
this city. William Rector. Fred Tob.-s.
and E. T. Tramp.
Miss Catherine Foathor returned tn--,
Ogalalla Wednesday evening uTterTwT
visiting her sister Mrs. Edward West
.Milk Customers Wanted
Phone Mrs. Bon Beoman Bk 287.
Mrs. A. E. Tlmmorman wns hostess
to tho Elite cluub Wednesday after-
Mrs. Edward Weeks pleasantly
entertained the members of tho El-
deen club Wednesday aftornoon.
Mrs. P. II. Lonortriin will nntnrtnln
tho members of the .T. P. v. ninii nn
Tuesday afternoon, May 1st.
TllO J. F. F. Clllll mot Tllfvalnv nt.
temoon with Airs. John McDonald and
woro entertained with card games.
Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Edward
Robhausen, Mrs. Harry Gutherless,
guest prizes were given to Miss Zella
Dornun and Mra. Honcklo. Out o
town guests were Mrs. M. n
lencklo of Holdrocn an,1. Mrs j w
Adams of Omaha.
Chester Mecombor has snvornil hia
connection with tho Llork-Sandall
Co. and acconted emnlovment wltii
tho Union Pacific Co.
Edward Mulcahv. of Denver, whn
waa employed In the district fore
man's offlco sieveral years ago, visit
ed local friends this week-
Tho roof and cnlllner nf tlio TTnlnn
Pacific Co. car shop vas damaged
by fire shortly beforo noon Wednes
day. It Is thought tho flro orlgiated
from a defective wire. Thla nnrHnn
of tho building waa used for storing
on anu trainmens equipment boxes'
: :o: :
Mrs Ilnv llnntinll ntnl inn. rnfnrn.
od a few days ago from a visit with
reiut.ivo3 in Washington, Kansas.
Virginia Pearson and tho Fox Juv-
onileVMHl figure at tho Crystal to
night- "Tho Straight Road."
Mra. W. V. Hoagland returned today
from tho eastern part of this state
after visiting Robekah lodges for a
Miss Helen Soibert and sister re
lurnou yesteruay morning from a
short viBlt in Omnha and Grand
Tlio chemistry class of tho high
school mndo an inspection trip to
tho experimental station yterday
To clean up our stock Iwio will soil
the balance of our Suits and Coats at
absolutely cost.
The members of tho Lutheran
church brotherhood will bo 6ntortaln
ed at the home of William Hendy
Monday evening.
Tho Crook real testate office former
ly In tho Waltomath building moved
yostorday aftornoon to tho ICoith
thoatro building.
Mrs. Charles Dill, of Chicago, who
had boon visiting hor parents Mr. and
Mrs- Honry Yost, returned homo
Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. C. F. hidings antortnined a
numbr of ladles and gentlomon last
evening In honor of hor house guosts
Dr. and Mre. Allen of Chicago'
Mrs. Doloplane, of Kansas City,
camo last ovoning to dellvor an ad
dress at the meotlng of the auxiliary
of tho, B. of R. T. this aftornoon.
For SuloCheap Slightly used piano
in good condition. Will guarnutoo for
twonty years. Write or phono nt onco
to A. Hospe Co.. Omnha, Nebr., 2S-2
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bunting left
Wednesday nftemoon for Grand Island
where tho former was recently trans
ferred as bollrnunkor and whore they
will make their future homo in that
Miss Sadie Trovlllo who haj beon
visiting Itreirt paronts Mr. and Mrs.
Charlos Trovlllo for two weeks re
turned yostorday aftornoon to Omaha
whero she Is taking vocal Instructions
from Mrs. MUllo Rynn.
. ::o::
Dogs Lost Howard
Lost, April 9th, black and whlto
pointer bitch and a black Shepherd
dog. Findor rotum to Otto Mosmor
and rocolvo rownrd or phono 79GF14-27tf
Scrap Iron 56 per Ton.
Dry Bones $12 per Ton.
Wc buy all kinds of Junk and
You can do it, no matter how far
you live from this bank.
The McDonald State Bank has
arranged a safe, convenient and
thoroughly complete system of
BANKING BY MAIL, that affords
every convenience to a customer in
the country that is enjoyed by a
resident of the town.
Write us today and learn how we
do it and how to make your money
earn interest for you.
M? Donald State Bank
Worth Platte, Nebr,
Lumber & Coal Co.
All Kinds Building Material
Everything New.
Phone 20 1 Block East Freight House
Has all of the lat
est improvements
and is an unusual
ly quiet and
smooth running
It will pay you
well to investigate
before buying.
Mogensen's Next Sale
v .. !. i i- .i ,
ruiiiiuia ,ci yum biuuj in sim ne ior mis sale, aim have M
the stuff listed so as to get it on the advertising hills. All
stock and other goods must be listed before April 25th, in
order to bo advertised.
Dodge Brothers
Car and Ropnir ports
in atock nt North Platto.
J. V. ROMIGH, Dealer.
107 W. Oth. ST.
New Service Station till, flprln.
I'llONI.' (144.