The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 17, 1917, Image 1

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No. 27
Exnntlno Present 31111 Prepurutory to
Making an Offer; If Xot Ac
cepted Will nt Once l'ro
coed to llulld.
T. L. Carroll and son L. C. Carroll,
dwfners of tho Gothenburg Electric
Flour Mills, together with their head
miller, have visited North Platto sever
al times during tho past weok with
tho object of establishing a Hour mill
in this city; cither by purchasing the
present mill, which has not been in
operation for a year or more, or else
erecting a now mill.
Tho head miller of tho Gothenburg
firm spout Sunday In town making a
thorough examination of tho macula
cry of tho present mill, noting that
part which they could, uso and that
which they would need tear out, and
after computing tho value of the plant
to them, an offer will bo made to Mr.
Roynolds, tho present owner. If this
offer Is declined), the firm will at once
frrocoodi to make arrangements for
erecting a mill with a dally capacity
of two hundred barrels.
It is understood that a convenient
slto on tho Union Pacific right-of-way
has been secured in case tho firm de
cides to build..
The Carrolls have long been resi
dents of Gothenburg, and have been
engaged in the banking and milling
business for many years. Their fi
nances aro very strong and they would
never bo hampered by lack of capital
to operato a mill at full capacity ev
ery day in tho. year anr their experi
ence in tho milling business would
means success for the North Platto
Conscription Not Ear Off.
Up to last evening Recruiting Of
ficer Rowland reported ten enlist
ments in Company E. This Is coming
along -rather sldwily, and tho dllatorl
ness only hastens tho day of con-
scription which It is believed is only a
week or so away. Lincoln county s
nuota under the call will bo two com
panies of 150 men each, which Is full
war strength. Waiving middle aged
men and young men who have others
dependent upon them, the drafting of
300 will cut quite a swath in the total
number-of young men In tho county
I'.oi :
Weather forecast for North Platto
and vicinity: Partly cloudy and warm
er tonight and tomorrow. Highest
tempeh-aturo yestorday 52, a year ago
03; lowest last night 35, a year ago
Tho domestic science department of
tho Twentieth Century club will hold
a "Short Course" program from April
30th to May 4th inclusive. Demon
strations will begin at 9:00 a. m. and
at 1 : 30 p. m. each day.
Miss Minnie Seaman loft last ev
ening for ar short visit in tho eastern
part or the state. ...
roit SALE
120C west Sixth street, seven room
house, pilfer in house. .Tust the place
for person working1 nt roundhouse or
shops, tan be bought on easy terms,
' Seo
During tho past weok a total of 2180
votos Iwjoro cast for queen of tho semi
centennial ball, and thoso votes were
well distributed .among tho eighteen
contestants. Tho vote up to Inst ev
ening was as follows:
Hlldogardo Clinton 330
Maymo Plzor 225
Elizaboth Hinman 230
Catherine Hall 220
Hazel Barber 235
Rlancho Fonda 230
Myrtle Heeler 225
Lucllo Wilcox 225
Janet McDonald 285
Sybil Gantt 230 '
Hol(Ln Waltomath 300
Louise Otten8teln 235
Florence MacKay 255
Mario Rowon 225
Hazol Smith 250
Mabel Durko 240
Mario McCabo 225
Elva Day , 215
A Hoodoo Month
It begins to appear that tho month
of April will bo as significant to tho
united btatcs as the month of March
to tho kaisers, czars, and other
crowned heads. Every war tho United
States has over engaged In was start
ed in April. Tho revolutionary war
began in April, 1715. Tho embargo
which brought about the war of 1812
was enacted in April, 1812. Tho hos
tilities of both Mexicnn tangles took
place In April. Fort Sumpter was
ilro4 upon and captured in tho month
of April, 1861, and tho iwiir of tho re
bellion was under way. McKinloy
declared war on Spain in April, 1898
And now President Wilson and con
gress has declared war on Germany
in April. Ex.
: :n: :
Elsewhoro Is publlahd a notice call
ing a special election on May 18th for
the purpose of voting ,$10,000 bonds to
aid In tho construction of tho steel
and concrcto brldgo south of town.
This brldgo will cost approximately
?40,000; tho stalto paying hair the
amount, Osgood one-fourth and North
Platto city one-fourth. Tho proposed
bonds draw five per cent intorest and
'run for tmienty years, but can bo paid
after ton years at the option of, tho
Tho Standard Oil Co. placed a new
International oil tank motor truck
on tho streetg yestcTday. The tank
has a capacity of 400 gallons, 150
gallons less than tho tank wagon,
but tho trips to surrounding towns
can ho made in about one-fourth- tho
time the wagon mado them-
A good sized audlenco attended tho
'piano recital at tho Franklin audi
torium Friday evening given by tho
pupils of Miss Florence MacKay.
The work of tho pupils has been well
spoken of by the attondants.
Wiley Crane, of Omaha, who for
merly ireslded hero, is visiting this
week with his sisters Mrs. James
Smallwood, Mrs. John Jones and Mrs.
L. I. Bailor.
Meeting of Sarah Rebekah lodgo Fri
day evening; initiation, refreshments
and social hour. Visitors from Max
well and Kearney aro expected.
Leo Sullivan, of Omaha, a former
resident, was hero tho latter part of
last week while onrouto homo from
Salt Lake City. .
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gould, of
Pennsylvania, aro visiting at tho
homo of Mrv. and Mrs. J. E. Koontz
Socrotary Durbln, of tho Chamber
of Commerce, has jecolvod word from
Lincoln that North Platte's wholosale
grocery houso will open for business
in tho IHntnan hulldlng on Front street
next Monday. Tho stock will bo re
ceived this fwcok and the mnnagr and
his sales forco will arrive Friday or
Saturday and will get tho stock In
rcadlnoss to begin business Monday
The houso will bo conducted by men
who aro associated with Grnlngor
Bros, nnd Stacoy Bros, of Lincoln,
both strong firms.
Earl Stamp left last evening for
Omaha to spend 11 fw days.
J. E. Sebastian roturned Sunday ev
ening from a short visit In Chappoll.
AK chapter P- E. O. will moot to
morrow afternoon with Mrs- J. S.
Miss Tholmn Thompson was called
to Tryon today by tho serious Illness
of her mother.
Mrs. Wood Whlto returned. Sunday
from Lincoln uSiuro sho visited her
slstor for sovoral wooks.
Mr. and Mrs- D. M. Murray ami son
loft Saturday cvonlng for Chicago to
visit relatives for a week or longer. -Mrs.
J. R. McWllliams returned Sat
urday ovenlng from Denver whero sho
vias called by tho death of a relative.
Tho price of hogs at Omnhn yes
torday was $15.90 and for hoof steers
$13-30. No. 2 wheat sold at $2.58 arid
corn $1.45 to $1.49.
Miss Amanda Weingand, of Ross-
vlUii, Il uirrivtodl loiit evening Ijb
visit her slstars Mrs. Charles Stamp
and Mrs. Louis Peterson.
Mrs. Joseph Moonoy, of Denver, a
former resident of this city, Is visiting
hero whilo enrouto to Grand Island
to spend a week with her daughter-
"Put In a garden and reduco the
high cost of living," Is tho general cry
in North Platto, and acting on this
a number of vacant lots have boon
leased and will bo .planted to pota
itoes and, other vegetables. If all
the vacant lots in tho outskirts of
town woro put Into crop tho people of
North Platto could grow tho supply
of vegetables needed by tho city
A score of members of tho married
men's military company gathered
the Franklin audito'rlum Sunday after
noon and latere put through squad
formations, marching and setting
up exercises by A. W. Shilling. Tho
company will meet nt tho auditorium
next Sunday aftoifnoon for further
Instructions and will bo glad to h.-.vo
others who desire to join tho com
pany attend.
R. C. MeGavic. a traveling salesman
for tho Red River Lumber Co., of
Lincoln, died at a local hospital yes
terday morning at tho ago of thirty
nine. Ho had boon Jll for sovoral days
and was taken to tho hospital from his
room at tho Hotel McCabo. Rolntlvos
In Omaha wero notifies and tho body
was taken thoro last ovenlng at tho
request of his parentg Mr. and Mrs,
William McGavlc.
Money to loan on real estate, can
return saino as rent or keep It for a
term of years, be
Next Thursday afternoon .at thrco
o'clock tho ludlos of tho Women's Re
lief Corps will present n ling for dis
play In tho district courtroom. Tho
Hag will bo received in behalf of the
county by Judgo Grimes. It Is hoped
that citizens generally will turn out
to this ling prsentntlon and thus show
their appreciation ot "old glory."
Ono object of having tho ling dis
played In tho court room Is thnt when
a forolgn-born swears alloglanco to
this country and renounces tho land of
his brith, ho will, take his obligation
with tho ling In. sight
L ri
Tho Eldeon club will moot Wednes
day afternoon lullth Mrs. Edward
Mrs. Lsollo Bnsklns will entertain
tho M. M. M. club at tho Oasis tomor
row afternoon Instead of yesterday as
Mrs. P. S. Evans was tondoroil a
surprino party "Friday ovenlng by a
number of frlonds nnd nolghbors who
spent the evoniug In games and music.
Tho domestic sclonce department
of tho Twentieth Century club met
yostorday afternoon with Mrs. Ralph
Smith, Mrs. W. R. Majoney acted as
loader and an Interesting paper was
iread by Mrs. M. E. Scott. Tho sub
ject for discussion was "Cleaning
Miss Emma Smith was hostoss to
tho Travel and Stay club last even
ing. Miss Grnco Moonoy read an nr
tlclo on tho "American Flag," Mrs. M.
E. Crosby gavo a paper on "Women
nnd Homo Life In India," and Mrs.
Tout's subject was "Social Transfor
mation in Indin."
A Chicago lady who has boon visit
ing in town for a weok or two says
that tho prlco of eatables in North
Platte .is cheaper than In Chicago
with tho oxcoptlon of onions. Tho
fact is that North Platto grocers who
wore stocked up on certain lines bo-
foro tho strongest advances enmo, are
selling thoso lines at a less prlco than
thby can bo purchased at wholosalo
today. This Is particularly true In
canned, goods.-.
Still a nlco and varied assortment of
SuttB and Coats to solect from. Your
cholco at cost.
Sunday Vas a1 "ihYsly,' foggy day
with enough moisture falling to mols
ton tho top of tho earth. Today is of
a similar nature, though tho local
weather bureau can find no Indlcn
tions of coming precipitation.
11 ncre beet or vegetable tract un
der Irrigation adjoining city, liny and
grazing lauds, houses, rooms, storage
space ami sine ucposii iioxo".
ituATT, tiUUII.UAA A; lllllKlil',1.
Houses Mado of.Glais.
Glnss is bccomlnir more generally
used as a building material each year.
For somo years glass bricks llavo uecn
utilized whero strength and durability
us well ns boautv wero esscntlnl fea
tures. Gluss Is used for wnlnscotlug,
for partitions, for ceilings nnu for rac
ing tho fronts of bulURiigs. It Is also
bolnir used for foundations.
It has been demonstrated that tho
ffrushlnir stronirth. . ot class Is thrco
times that of granite, six times thnt of
orl narv brick nnd ten times tunc or
concrete. Another udvnutage it has
over theso materials Is thnt it Is abso
lutely nonubsorbent, so that n glass
building can bo perfectly dry Inside, no
matter what tho atmospheric conui
tions outside. Atlanta Journal.
Total number of Cars made and sold
to April 1st, 1,812,000.
Number made and sold in March,
5 PASSENGER $360.00
SEDAN $645.00
COUPELET ------ $505.00
F. O. B. Detroit.
Fish Versus Mosquitoes.
Myriads of mosquitoes used to infest
tho rice plantations or Madagascar,
Dr. Legcndro, a savant well known In
sclentlllc circles in Paris, conceived
tho Idea of freeing the region of main
rial trouble by tho Introduction Into
tho watercourses of cyprln, or red ilsh
which aro very fond of both mosqul
toes urnl their eggs. Within 11 vo months
COO llsh multiplied to 10,000, and theso
destroyed nearly nil tho mosquitoes
Tho Ilsh besides being a mnlariu do
stroyer .became very Important as un
addition to nativo food. London Tele
Smiled tho Wrong Way.
"Well, my boy," he asked cheerfully
nt tho brenkfast tnblo the morning aft
er Cholly hud taken the leap, "liow did
things go last evening' Did sho smllo
on your proposal? '
"No," said Cholly faintly, pushing
invny u breakfast roll. "Sho smiled at
it." Pittsburgh Chronicle-Telegraph.
mM Clieapesit Mieans KB
Poorest jp
foS Specializing In Sclz Shoes Ijl
Low price does not always represent
economy. Cheapest means poorest- sure as you're
alive, and it's too bad that price is the single at
traction for man people.
If the man of meager means could or
would wait until he could buy real quality shoes,
he would never need to qo back to the extrava
gant, cheap kind.
If you're short on cash today, maybe
it's because you persistently and continually buy
things that "tjo tp pieces" too soon.
Did you ever think of that?
It's common sense, nevertheless.
There's a good reason for the popularity
of Sclz Shoes. Come here, we will tell you why.
Harcourt Clothing Co.
Kobort Hoagland has been very ill
for sovoral days past Hth tonsllitiB.
Joseph Schntz will loavo tomorrow
for Koaruoy to spend a fow days on
Tho Indies' aurlllary of tho liaptlst
church will moot In tho chur'ch base
ment Thursdny aftornobn.
Allen Tift, who hns boon In Archor,
Wyoming, for sovoral weeks, roturn-
od hero Sunday ovenlng to look after
business matters.
Mr. ami, Mrs. J It. Rowland, of Bay
ard, formerly of this city, aro visit
ing In town this weok.
If you'ro not so ery fat "Tho Gift
Girl" will llko you una, you'll llko
Louise Lovely in tho dainty IJluoblrd
photoplay at tho Crystal Wednesday
baby boy was born last ovenlng
nt tho North Platto Gonoral hospital
to Dr. and Mrs. Donahoo of Kimball,
who woro on their way to Creston,
The tenant on W. IL McDonnld's
farm nt DIrdwood has planted thir
teen acres to onions, and will put out
acres of cabbages, tomatoes and .other
For Salo or Trado My rosldonco
property at tho corner of Mnplo and II
streets. Seven rooms ami modorn ox-
copt heat. Phono lied 010. .
27-4 WM. MOIUtlS.
Mrs, C. It. Moroy returned Saturday
ovenlng from ICearnoy whero sho went
to attond tho funeral of a frlendi who
was killed In the automobtlo accident
nt Gibbon last weok'
Chairman Tlloy, vof tho Clndorolla
ball committee "summoned tlio mem
hers ot his couimltteo together last
ovoning and tontatlvo plans wero mrulo
for this foaturo of tho seml-contcnnlul
No human brain can concolvo tho
complicated charactor of the organ of
sight, Tho oyo alono guides us through
naturo's unlverso and Is worthy ot tho
very host caro.
1 1 Aim Y DIXON,
Jowelor anil Optometrist.
Tho D. A. It. held a vory cnjoyablo
meeting nt tho homo of Mrs. Gcorgo
T. Field Friday ovoning- A patriotic
program was rondrod,. Tho noxt
mooting will bo hobji at tho homo of
Mrs. C. R. Morey.
Cards havo boon received In town
announcing tho birth of a daughter
on April 8th to Mr. nnd Mrs. Theodore
Whlto, of Cedar Rapids, IcKli, who
formerly rosided In this city. Mrs.
Whlto was formerly Miss Orra Hall.
Ono car traveling west and one go
ing north collldod nt tho cornor ot
Sixth and Dowoy Inst ovoning with
such forco that one car ws tifrned
completely around. No ono was ln
Jur'04 but both cars woro moro or loss
Ex-commlsslonor Davo Whlto has
roturned from a two wocks' auto trip
through wostern Nebraska' and eastern
Colorado. Ho Bays wheat In Douol
county looltte rathor sickly, but In
Choyenno county It Is in flno condition,
and In enstorn Colorado It Is excep
tionally good.
Tho Trlnhglo 'program at U10 Kolth
Thursday Iwlill present "Attn Roy's
Last Raco ' with Atta Hoy as tho star,
begging tho pardon of Dorothy Glsh,
who Is tho lending lady. Everybody
lovos a snappy plcturo of tho adven
ttiro on tho turf nnd that Is just what
this Is.
To clean up our stock Iwio will floll
tho balance of our Suits and Coats nt
absolutely cost.
13. T. TRAMP & SONS.
Rakers advanced tho prlco of bread
yostorday, ono bakery now selling tho
former six cont loaf at ten cuts, and
tho formor twolvo cont loaf at -fifteen
cents, whilo other bakora to
duced tho slzo of tho ton cent loaf.
Yoit can't fault tho bnkors; tho nd
vanco In bread-making materials justi
fied tho .Increase. ,
A complaint was filed Saturday
ngainstl MtU IMyrtlo McClellnn for
contempt of court, but It was. discov
ered that sho haa, loft tho cfty Friday
evening. Sho was to appear -hi tho
district court Saturday with hor thir
teen year old daughtor nnd answer
tho cliargo mado that sho was not a
suitable guardian for hor child-
Llfo is compensatory to tills ex.
tent: Whor a man reaches tho point
nt which his wife is compelled to mnko
I In- living for tho family ho hns also
re died tho point at which tho fact
ce-nes to hiimlllato him. Topeku Cupl
till. What Every Woman Know.
A woman always knows when a man
is In love with her. A man often knows
n woman Is In love with him when she
Isn't. Exchange.
He Was Fat.
Skinny What mudo tho tower of
Pisa lean? Aver D. Pols If I know I'd
try ltl -Ynlo Record.
Get in the Bread Line
And Buy a Loaf o
Dickeys' "Krisp Krust Bread " -
The increased cost of raw materials innkos the buying
of foodstuffs n serious problem.
We wish to call your attention to the fact that in spite
of the high cost of flour, sugar, lurd, etc., that go into
the making of bread wo are still giving a big loaf for 10
cents. Figure what it costs to bake your own bread and
you will find you can buy it just as cheap and get a fresh
loaf as you need it.
Order a loaf of Dickey's "Krisp Krust" today from your
grocer and save the time and worry of baking, Cuts
without crumbling and butters without brenking.