IRA L. RARE, Editor and Pablliher. FOl KILLED WHEN TRAIN HITS AUTO SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year by Mali In Adrntice. .. One rear by Carrier In Adrauco. .lJJJ0 Entored at North Platte, Nobraaka, Postofllco as Second Class Matter. I'JMDAV, APRIL l.'l. IIH7. WAR NOTES Congress Ih expected to pass today! tiio Kitcliln bin for a Ave billion dot Four women woro Instantly killed atulJoiio seriously Injured Wednesday oyoning at uiuhon. wiien tho car In which tliey wore riding was struck by train jno. no. wiilcli was running nuy nines an nour. tho car was tossed Bovonu Hundred foot. Miss Hutli 'matcher, principal of the Gibbon scnooiB, was driving tho car. and did not notlco tho annroachlne train. Miss Thatcher was sorlously Injured, ana tno Killed are Mrs. C. S. Thatcher and. daughter Sadie, of Glhhon, Norma Gordon of Keilirnoy, and Mrs. James i-nwflon or North Hend who guoet at tho Thatcher homo. ::o:: was a Library Nolcs Tll.i Pntinff tT 111. ......I lar bond Issue and a two billion dollar that during March 1917, thore wore SOUTH SIDEIIS ALMOST UNANIMOUS FOIL HONRS Tie Tribune has never recorded so nearly, a unanimous voto on any pro position as was cast at tho election held south of the river Tuosday. This election was hold for tho purpose of voung nonos in tno sum or ?10,000 to, aid In the construction of a new I brldgo across the South Platto river! south of tho city. Thcro woro 133 votes cast. 131 of which wore In favor oi mc proposition and two against i'orliapB the two follows who vota-J against, itho proposition aro now sorry that they didn't voto for in stead of ngalnst. The practical unanimity of tlm voto on tho south side should certainly bo repeated In North Platto at Uio election to ho hold May 17th, who-n a proposition to voto an equal amount le Hi & Si Agency SELLS CITY PROPERTY Sells Fire, Tornado, Auto mobile and Hail Insurance. LOANS MONEY. We respectfully solict your patronage. LETT YOUR WANTS BE KNOWN. Olflcn Phones Black or Red 012. DOOLITTLE BUILDING. Kovnnlv.tlirn,. ,.i rm. ... i"""" -U"iU amount flinoo wwiiiOHiiay witli representatives 2,485, made of as follows of tho allied "powers. Tho reprosonta- juvenile 10C7. iivos or railroads and Individual During March 101(5 the total rir loaders have aUo been called In for oulatlon was 1180 of which 843 woro conference with the president and taken out by adults and C37 by we iw advisors, nllo patrons. . r " "'"'"'""TB o"- something now Woman otuuo i iciiik ouliiiiuii, uuui lor uio Hooklcts, American Hov Adults 1428, Suffrage ; ;o. F. J. DIENEE & CO. Eeni ft stale and Insnrance Come and boo ub for town lots in different parts of the city. Good In vestments on easy terms. Houses for uH.o.", and for the cntrs own use A Wtauta wSSor XliSSSoS "? Vr,"" B Feeding tho allies, supplying am- lssubd by thi I) A n ivISn o-nh?! i ? a Dower 8ta upstairs munition and building ships to carry A' "f tV'l,rnH'"-' '" farms and ranches. DI?. JOHN S. TWINEM Special Attention to Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics. NORTH PLATTE, NEB. Nurse Brown Memorial Hospital. IV. J. IIOLDEKNESS Eectrlcnl SnppIIcg "'"ng Storage ButtorJeh Morsch Bldg Phone 175. those necessities of life to the allies is to bo tho duty of the United States for tho present. In tho meantime a big army will bo trained for uso if It bo needod later. It Is feared on the part of many congressmen that tho withdrawal of COO.OOO or 1,000,000 mon from the farms and factories will bo tho begin ning of another dra or high prices; that,lf tho number Is quadruple, It will moan a famine In this country and a mlorld famine. There Is also a fear that IiIkIi taxation to meet tho cost of war, as demanded by the prov ident, -will cause a great deal of mis ery, because such taxes aro passed on to labor and production. Ono, hundred and fifty persons mostly girls, wore kille, and twb hundred or more Injured Tuos day by an oxplosfon In a munitions plant at Kddystono, Pa., owned by tho Russian govornmont. It Is bellovcd tho explosion was tho rosult bt a plot, and sovoral suspects are under nrrost. Four plottors, with plans and ex plosive, have boon nabbed nt Chicago. Tho plans indicated that the men woro preparing to blow up sky scrnp ors. Gormun submarines ar0 said to bo operating In tho Pacific ocoan and all steamhlp captains at sea have boon notified by wireless to koop a look out. W.,111 J1. 1,e ft Ion war or n short war Opinions dlffor In Washington. Most men think It will en nn for years; that thor0 Mil l)0 many lives lost and vast troasuro expended beforo Gonimny Is conquered. Ono or two keen obsorvors, howovor, assort that before an army win be landed In iMiropo from the United Stntoa tho war will be over. Thoy baso tholr vlowtt on tho biillof flint aonnany will not only want peace, but tho prospects for a world famine on ac count of tho entry of tho United States Into tho wnr will causo tho othor warring nations to sook peace. Ncbrnnkn'H U'fitiif Shordigc. .AY: W" P1Irr for'norly of tho North Platto Bub-station, nun1 boini nt n..,l ngronomy depiurtmont of the state un-noi-Hity, itetlniatoH that almost 70 per cent of Nebraska's wlntor wheat Is 'nd.'.i ,ut tl,nt w!th fivorablo weather conditions a CO por cent crop Ib posai , '. , n Homo loi:al'tlo8 reports show that DO per cent of the wlntor whent , intI ollwn that 00 por cont Ib dead," says Prof. uurr, "piKiire,, tabiilated by tho Stato Hoard of Agri oulturo indlcnto .that 00.9 por cent ol tho wheat In flftv-fnnr I T. . .. 7 vu"nw in I uuu. hi Homo locaiitloa wheat hus Bovoroiy uurini; Uio IiiHt weok. --- IIMIIUIUl . II1III VI lltllfk it chnnco for moro than u 30 por cent v.Wy, muuu vory uun Htanils nt this tlmo of yeuir may make a fair crop. In fact a number of yoarB ago when the Hessian fly was bad. a 15 por cont Htnnil early In May mado prnctlcally a ru l orop. I look, thoroforo, for No- minor wneiu crop to bo ....... mi riw,uuu,uuu niiaiioiB. Tho nor- crop is aoout GO.000.000. Last year Nebraska produced 3,500,000 bus- i.uih ui Hprmg wnoat, anil as tlio avor ngo will bo IncrmRodi this year tho ylo d ought to bo Increased to 5,000,000 making a total yiold of 25.ono.nfin .T,a of l,ont" "t courso, ....., liiouiuuiciu data. An)i lit Have lloail (Jriulcd. A petition, conUUnlng tho munos of In I iniiiurwi runners, has boon Hlod with tho county commissioners nBltlng that 'Mlnxt is known as tho north Horshoy road bo grnntod. Tho 'potltioners ask that tho grading stnrt at a. point ono nillos wwt of Bakor sohool hoiiHo on tho rondrtinnlngnorth thonoo wot fourteen mllos to the rrwd running south at tho J. R. Whito rami. Kor ninny yenrs this has boon tho main traveled and host roa,i, to Horslioy, and In rntet to O'lllon. but last fall the south road, 'wblch In mpra dkwct. was gnulod and now much of tii travel wont Is ovor tho Inttor riwiil. Tho fanners along the north road aro undoubtedly ontltlod to tiio consliloralon thoy nsk. It Is tho, , uiu worn, ana biioum made iv rood that It Is a pleanuro IH r Clival nviiK - I EnllslnicnlH nre Slow. Knllstmonts at tho two rocrultinir Htntlona in this otly this iweok have boon slow. At Uio National Guar,,, sta lion, a numbor havo nppoarod and rondo Inquiry of Offlelor Rowland, but have not Hlgnod. Tho phnHo thoy boiii to havo most objection to Is tho fear that of having to lay ldlo in concentration campK. They aro willing to enlist for action, but not to spond Bix months or a yoar in camp. Speaking of Company 13. Offlcor Rowland BnyB tboro .is no dangor of North PIntto losing tho company through lack of enlistments. Tho fact Is tho company Ib now noarly up to peace strength, and If tho Fifth is uruuruu uui, u is Doiiovd that Com Electrical Sewing Machine This fully guaranteed machine is light and can be carried arround the house with ease and used on any table. The machine is driven by an electric motor under perfect pontrol. Machine and motor fully u.FijUu wun auaenments, $db.UU. Lome in and see it. North Platte Light and Power Co. ake your investment earn four as siraeli use SmJA Fonn-a-Truck in place of horses Get full returns out of every dollar you invest in hauling and de livery equipment. Smith Form-a-1 ruck gets four times the value out ot every dollar you spend when you compare it with horse-drawn service. It hauls twice the tonnage horses can haul over three times the areaand in the same time. It costs you nothing in non working hours. And even when it is work ing it costs fully 75 less than horses. 10,000 users in 451 lines of business have proved this for you. Among them are many ot the largest corporations in the country- country; Cudnhy Pacliing Company U. S. Mail Contractors Schlitz Drewlng Company uuuer rapcr Company Standard Oil Company Armour & Company Morris & Company Indian Refininir Comnanv Flcishinanu Yeast Company Montgomery Ward & Co. And you can now use Smith Form-a-Truck with lord, Maxwell lJi.ick, Chevrolet, DodKeHrotherS or Overland power plan:,. Arrange for demonstration NOW. Start avina real money m your , touting by using itii $s SO f. o. b. Chicago North Plattte Truck Co; GEORGE CARMAN, Mgr. North Platte.' - Office phono 2-11. Res. phone 217 L. C . D RO S T, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, . . Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. Phono 308 ALIIEKT A. LANE, Dentist Rooms 1 and 2 Beltbn nniiiiinr - ..v.UO North platto, Nebraska. J. B. REDFIELD. VIIYSWIAN & SUJtGEOK Succoaaor to PHYSICIAN&SUnGEONS HOSPITAL Dra. Rcdfleld A. nprituiH Office Phono 642 Res. Phnnn B7 OLD LINE LIFE Policies ON EASY TERMS J. E. SEBASTIAN. State Mar, Minn.Mutual Lif elns.Co. Phone Office Red 612 Residence Red 348 NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA THE IMPORTED PERCHERON STALLION "NABOB" A'o. 07:152 Will iiinko tho KPiisnn nu full Tuesdays nnd Fridays at tho Moir. onsen l eed and Sale Burn, North l iauc, ijet'innint' April lOih. ji uiiiico oi uio neck (except Sun. uni at in v liirm slv mlii.u wnut t iionii j-iiuie and three fourths of a "uio souiiicast or JJlrdnood switch. Nalwb was foaloi Mnv s.i inm nnii imported with hln tuntimr Uv mm. & Robinson, of Grand Island, In July. 1913. Was bred by M. Dosnrnz. rinnnrt ' - no, in prance. This horse wuigas ivau, is clean and sound In every particular, and Is as good as mil iiiiu liny wiierc. Wo Invito vou to horso. " Terms $15.00 to stnnd and suck. If m.irna tiro illimiu nil of or leave country sorvlco foo bo conies duo and payable at once. Cnro will bo taken to prevent ac cidents, but should any occur stallion owner will not b rna FRANK STROLLBERG, Owner. J. Co- Lincoln Aollc o rrctlor Kstate No. 1409 ot Henry luiKcn, deconned. In tho County Court of nuuiiiBnii. The Stato of Nebraska, bb: Creditors of said estate will tnke notice that the time limited for pro'senta'tlon and flllnff of claims aKalhst said Kstato Is Novomber 11, 1917, and for settlement of said Estate is April i, 1918; that I will sit at the county court room In said county, on May 11. 1917, at 9 ?c.,ck ",; .nni1 0,1 November 11. 1917, nt 9 o'clock a. m. to receive examine, hoar, allow, or adjust alf claims and objections duly niod. . alO-mS - County Judfje. isiato .NO. 1406 of Frank Mnl.lolo deceased. In tho Cnmilv r"niif V.UUI11J-, fteurasKa, The State of Nebraska, ss: ? "J1.1'1 es'ato will take n of Lincoln Credltorx otlco that , y.'""! '"'Ul,u IOV presentation and filing of claims aKalnst said Kstato is nr0-0y,,0.,: h ana for "ottlenrent "in sit at the county court room in Bad COUIltV. nil Mnv 11 iok '. . 11 ILL viutn u. in. anil on Nnvnml.nx 11 1917. at 9 o'olnnU n . ..'-i.1' examine, hear, nllnw 7n. !. ?! claims and objections duly Hied. ui!,u. j;. I'-JtliNCH, County JudRe. alO-mS N.ill,,. tfj. f4.n. berrcoaed!467 f LrnZ a Mnc'"- It! tho Pniintv Pmift r County. NcbraskV L '"co'n ino btato of Nebraska, ss: Creditors sad estntn win !,' ....i.u,..or? fllln'S? nV",,,fea Mentation 'a'rV, flllnir of claims aa nst said Kstate Is OV;e',",l,e,L.11.'1?.f7'. ""J ;: settlemon? will T nV i iipru b, iyi; that I win sit at tho county court room In WJ' ' county, on May 11, 1917? at 9 1017 at Us .an.'1 0n Novomb'er 11, un, at 9 o'clock n. m. to reenlvi examine. ) nii. " ;r,,ve. nil claims and objections d ilv lmi alO-mS HtlsNCH. nlu lns County Judge. 50 Japanese Laborers IV A NT WORK UK. fH ft. 15! &V1 NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Halt Block North ol Postofiice. Phone. 58 A modern institution for th scientific treatment of medical, surgical and confinement cases. Completely equipped X-Ray and diagnostic laboratories. Staff: Geo. B. Dent, M. D. V. Lucas, M. D. J.Oedfie!d,M.D. J. S. Simras, M.D ANY KIM) OF rill VI HV iitri V0SK-iV,,1LY T() OK ADDKBSS I l tv rl v,1.';, ' ,,ox mn SCOTTS BofsaiiilCattli! tii Ika -ii a doceM. N- "C5 Caroline Schick. In tho Hntintv rAIHt County. Nebraska. 1 ul Lincoln The Stato of Nebraska, ss: Creditors of said estate will tnk i,m- filing 'or 'presentation a'nd wffas?t Ean?:ri 11 r':thaetnj 10l7Cknt UX- ,nn.rt on Novem or 11. U17, at 9 o'clock a. m. to rpAi.ivi examine, hear, allow, or adjust III claims and objections duly Hlod alO-mS na FRI3NCH, ntu n8 County Judtre. Bought and highest market prices paid PHOMFIf? Residence Red 636 Office 459 'C H. WALTERS. LET US INTRODUCE QUALITY TO YOU xr .i . . NOT1CI3 isotlco Is hereby trlvon r. t t n 1 1 I I II I-a n ,, . , "i,n"-'H i uressor, 1 dosk. 1 ioU d,esk' 3 ,ruKs- 1 Papor rack, 1 hat rack, four oil stoves. 1 nrn , XniJ i ShS- 1c,,?,?i?l'8 tal". 1 black 0 uiiiiuir room bluo desk chairs, 1 Remember the Nurse Brown Memorial Homeopathic Hospital When remiirinn- hnsniinl mm McdlciiIIy, Surgically, or Obstctrlcnlly. i r 1 chairs nn. f "uuuiiiB. 'J lOKUnfr 1 tin c-in t lli, rro,rB 1 snia11 box i un can, -i hand basins, more or lri except some Roods shipped to Mr T t ' peon. Mlnltare. NebroBPkn. Veb"ary 2 There Is Htnm ir ,i., . Said sale will bo held at 114 east Front street. Nnrn, . lx.A,.55l.l on date above named. ' "ouru8Ka' North Platto, Nob.. aS?! 10' Quality In Cigars has has hcen nnr aim slnco wo began making cigars In iNonn Fiatto over Uilrtv vM n rf Mi. 0 HfcU, Wn Tlllf nitnllf.. I .1. . . uu mil vi'M. it l a Tint- t it i... a i . ono of tha ho toda Schmalzrled', got well Kurs uavo stood tho test of those uiuu imriy years. What greater ovldonco of quality could you desire? u you havo not been smokinc Sshmal. dled's cigars, try them they aro cer tain to pleaso. 100S West Fourth Slrcot. Dr. J. S. Twinem. Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention given to Surgery mm uusiemcs. J. F. SCHMALZR1ED. Office: Building and Loan Ruilding Phones "l"c.. ,,c i Residence 115 DOCTOR 1). T. QUIGLEY! 7. Practlco Limited to Surgory and Ilndlum Tliornwy 7oa v...i .. . . 1 J v.ij iwiiiuiuii liniiK Jiuildlng. To yVriV."" 1,nr " nd No. 20. T all whom It may concern: The consent nnMiinn t,. G'nPI' and others, has been filed in office of the County Clerk of Lincoln Zry Nebraska, asklnB for a vacatfo l"ul i uoau no. 20 as follows- SB&ennc "? ,"i th? north llneWoBf south throuBh sections 9-10-1720-29 n llWh,31 ?.. . ono'-half Section 32. town U. range 27 thllfbe c"rnyonrrt f nottd N 20 1,1 ConVoy im. IIAltOLI) A. FEKNEIl Osteopath. G Roynold Bulldlnc Office hours 9 a. m. to G p. m. i p. m. to s p Phones UII1CO 666 Tina ninnl? Kia Omaha, Nebraska. in.A". tho County clerk on or Wt2 i?ccl5 ot the 20th day of May 1917. or said road will vacated without reference thereto , Dated at North Platte Neb thls'l4 day of March, 1917. ' m20-al3 will bo th A. S. AT.T.T0M County Clerk. m. Hospital Phono Black 633. House Phone Black 633. W. T. PltlTCHAltl), Oradunto Veterinarian IIIM.M'.III'IW v . i .-. I. O. K. 10 hi or. tint iimi..i-oi.t...i ?mU?'. '".lrtltlon proceodlnh'H pendlne In the district court nr i.i.,,i. '. '" '. I... ' I . . V"-." ...iiv,uill CUUll" i, .oijriiBKn, in winch William A Wll 3 on s Plaintiff ami Mrs. Mab e Wilson" - w 1.1iftm R cCord and James It - White, Kuardlan of William S Mc. Cord, are defendants, will. In liursu Ul " oruer tiieroln, s 1, at pub !i0,.UUl0.n,.toi!' I'lBliost 1 wer for court houae In North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, at tho hour of m .. ........ - i,n bu u uiouk i. fli. on Anrll 's 1017 Bight years a Government Veterlnar- th 'oliowinu described real estate slt- lan. IospltM 218-south Locust St.. K,T 'a.m,?.1" Tnt.y'..Nebkn' to! nno.h.lf 1. . .. .'.'" Ul l0 iNOrillWeSI w..v-uu. uiuun. uuuiuwohi ot tne ,'i"t,v;! . u nouinoast quarter (NW "0UB- fh .nI1onOtT4)Th,n(B3o0)'Tfe! orthwest TOT. ntvn. three (33), west of tho Ctli P. M. ly" Inir north nf tim riri,. iv if Union Paclllo nallVSad tfacirVrou1 said section: also all of Lots Tlilrtoon (13) Pourten (H), Fifteen (15), Slx- "'i "nuMwionii, icon flu) nml Seventonn fn m. Will sell anything that can bo nur. ,of "1,0 wAJV'&mV? ors' State, Rank, or nlro nt my ox. gn.ViK Ml1 TlAr? pono Jloferonco. Farniors' Stato 7,yn5h4R,.?2uf.tS?n north oi It. I. SHAPPELL. Anctloncor SUTHERLAND, NKHItASKA. SHKItlKF.s SAI.I2 County, NebrHska upon a decree of .f..r??1?sur rendered in said Ponrt from wherein Joseph P. iiu xjunjamin w. fondants, and to ine Nothols is plaintiff, I'inch ot al aro do- u e directed, I will on " ' "l "ny, iyi7, at 2 o'clock rn.,,.V' tt' tho. ea5rt fro,lt 'loor of the Lourt House In North Platte Llnrnin .Nebraska, sell nt Public aSc iJ" ihf , h Bhcst bidder for cash, to tno IOlIOWlnir l,.o,.r.ll..l costs. jiruiipriy to- ic. All of Section Thirteen fill Township Eleven (11). North of Kante Thirty-one (.11), West of the 6th I' M In Lincoln County, Nebraska " Dated North Platte, Neb.. April 9th. alOrnll A J" SAMSBUItY. aiornll Sheriff. XOTICI3 OP I.'IXAT, lllU'Oll r Estate No. H2C of Carrlo E. Marti, deceased. In tlm Pmmi., . i1', coin County, Nobro8kr 1 "l Um' Tho Stato of Nebraska, to all ner- tlco'thn?1?!?6?!. '" 8;a,1 ,Ksiilt0 takoPno tico that tho Executor hn nio.i n....i tion011!?,';,!'1' '"VM of,h,B administra tion and a potltlon for flnnl settle- ZcIl nnl '"schnrpro as such, which have been set for hearing before 'said Court " M.n.y 1917. at 2h o'clock p rir when von nmv ....; .i - "n n.t 1 ; '.. ""iest tne same. Dated April 9, 1917. ,c' UISO. E. PrtENCII, County Jude. alOml 'i'icii:. iii'f-ni'i i- ......... Estate No.. 1464 of Will lam Schick '"sed, In the County Court of iifn coln County, Nebraska. n ,n?ho ,e'r?. creditors and all persons Chris Schick an iVelr o'f said decedent' " '3st"to of Inheritance In s4' of NiA ?9f,Ses2 ' .Wlfi, KTSJ'3V County. Ni.rni7nt,tn.:,.- ln Lincoln dV " h h?c.?V,( n3f OA Matte. NTr.1, lK.a' North 23. Nor t h UP1 liU o"8 v :i Froh chick." Schlok.rn,,ffnPi1ntt.N,",,.":. Qeowe rvnri Til n & . . . r Kroo of klnshln of ,i i"in,ul tho (,e rlirht of lVJ' ,Sf.h. ? J,c r and tho Salil 01 7. n he Coun m20-3w ounty Juden sal.f'co'.n,0'"08 oi C'KO. R. PRRVPTT County Judge. Deceased. In the r'o,fn(,H??rif Schick, coir, county": NebraskSty CUrt of L1- tu 'oclock a. m. 4 " id' 191 ' J-'aicu Aiarch 21, 1917. GEO. E. PnENCir, County JuiIko. m27.3 t-. . Notice of Flnnl llenort J.8tate No. 1-130 of Silas A 1 Hunk, Snthcrlmid, Neb. DERItYBERItY & FORBE8, Licensed Kmbal mnra Undertaken ad FaBeral DIrectori Day Phono 231. Night Pkono Black, C88. Hanto Thlrtv in wl ..V"'i" 9J M. In Lincoln county. Nebraska, known and described as Lot "Q" n the Coun" ty Clerk's plat of the . suMlvlslS? at iSb .f. the Northeast qCrtef (NEU) of Section Th rtv- th Township Fourteen (14). north nf HanBe Thirty (30), west i5f the 6th P M. In Lincoln county, Nebraska. Said Ble to remain open ono hour. ceased. Silas A. Hill, do- ! V(b0rffskUnnty Court of Llncoln C"n- ih5V,..,?sbaasi totaft,!L prt.nce tion and a"potlti2n for nnalettlement: been SiVf6? n? BlchJ whlch 'avo A.en l'ir .hJlrln' before Bald court PJlAprll 20, U17, at 9 o'clock a. m ami. yU "my nppear and contt tho Uated March 23, 1917. in-7.t.l7 QiSO- E. PltENCn, m.7-al7 County Judge. -1 -.w.uiud. C 1 U. Lj. JJjI.IJKIt Il.f....