The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 13, 1917, Image 2

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    MB" FOR
For sick headache, bad breath,
Sour Stomach and
Oct a 10-cent box now.
No odds how bad your liver, stomach
or bowels; how much your hoad
aches, how mlserablo and uncomfort
ablo you aro from constipation, Indiges
tion, blllousnoss and sluggish bowels
-you always get tho desired results
with Cascarots.
Don't let your stomach, liver and
bowels make you mlsorablo. Take
Cascarots to-night; put an end to tho
hcadacho, biliousness, dizziness, nerv
ousness, sick, sour, gassy stomach,
backacho and all other distress;
cloanso your Inside organs of all tho
bile, gases nnd constipated matter
which is producing the misery.
A 10-cont box means health, happi
ness and a clear head for months.
No moro days of gloom and distress
If you will take a Cascarot now and
then. All stores sell Cascarots. Don't
forgot tho children their little in
sides need a cleansing, too. Adv.
New Footwear Which 8eems to Be
Made of Calfskin Has Not a Bit
of Leather In Its Composition.
"Ilnve you seen the near Hkln shoe
our Intcst laboratory product?" asked
tho boot nnd shoo expert.
Tho boot that ho set down on the
table Hcctncd to be made of calfskin. It
would certainly pass for an ordinary
black calf boot displayed In any shop
windows. Perhaps not one person in
ono hundred thousnnd or even ono mil
lion would have discovered Its tmo
Identity without an exceedingly careful
"There isn't n bit of lenther In It,"
snld this unfoldcr of mysteries, "nnd
I'M bet you can't tell the difference."
Ho enjoyed my astonishment for a
moment nnd then ho Bnld: "Smell It."
I put the seeming box calf too to
my discerning nose nnd Inlinlcd. Ah I
there was rubber In ltl At least It
had tho smell of n rubber factory
nround It. It might perhaps hnvo come
from some tiro works or garden hose
"Hero Is tho story," the boot nnd
shoo philosopher went on. "There you
hnvo n near skin or leatherette shoo.
Xon can cnll It what you please, it Is
a laboratory masterpiece. Tho vnmp
nnd top nre made of Ijnltntlon leather,
n rubberized product with n fabric
bii sc. Solo nnd heel are composed of
what they call fiber, nnd this fiber Is
n mystery and masterpiece all by it
uclf. The box too counter is made of
tho snino material. You will find felt
welting and inner sole, Imitation leath
er back and lace stays nnd top facing.
'"Hint's tho whole story, nnd that is
what ono part of the world Is coming
to ns regnrds boots and shoos." Bos
ton Transcript.
His Memory.
"Do you remembor," sho nskod when
thoy met nfter tho Inpso of years, she
having become n widow nnd ho hav
ing remained n bachelor, "do you re
member that evening long ago, when
you and I walked In tho gloaming?"
"I remember tho swamp wo walked
Into, but I don't remember tho gloam
ing," ho replied.
Then n fond hope died in her breast
nnd sho turned nwuy to mako herself
ugrecublo to others.
To removo Ink from whlto clothes,
oak spot In sour milk, then wnsh an
Those Nerves!
If its caffeine the drug
in coffee that's causing
shaky nerves, the remedy
is perfectly plain
Quit coffee, and for a
Cleasant, healthful table
everage, use
Postum is a delicious
cereal drink, pure and
nourishing and absolutely
free from any harmful in
gredient There's a big army of
Postum users who are en
joying better health and
comfort since joining the
"There's a Reason"
Dawning of a New Russia Seen
Rule of the Romanoffs Duma's Long Struggle for Liberty
Meets With Success Rasputin, the "Mad Monk,"
Blamed for Fall of the Czar.
New York. How pro-German trea
son In the government anil the court
brought about tho revolt In Itussla was
described hero by Herman Hernsteln,
editor of tho American Hebrew, and
ono of tho best Informed men on ltus
slan conditions, in this country. He
"The revolution In ItUHsIa may be
tho bitterest, bloodiest uprising of a
people In the history of tho world.
"If tho army is fully intormco 01
it, nnd follows Its dominant inclina
tion which I believe Is toward ue-
poslng the reactionary, autocratic
and pro-German elements at retro
grad the revolt has great chances of
success, and a new llusola may
emerge from tho turmoil.
"For natriotle reasons tne iinerais
in tho duma have been upholding the
hands of the Itusslan government dur
ing tho war. They hnvo prevented
general strikes, thoy have held back
their followers among tho people from
uprising while tho wnr was going on.
They have done everything In tnelr
power to nld the government, lnstend
of opposing It as they did lu peaco
Hut this was not appreciated by
the reactionaries nnd tho court clique,
which Is of German origin and holds
pro-German sentiments, nnd which for
u long time has been seeking a sepa
rate peaco with Germany.
'And so theso elements succeeded
n having tho czar issuo n ukase order
ing tho duma to dissolve. Hut tho lib
eral members of tho duma refused to
bo quieted, nnd, being pressed beyond
tho limit of what they could stand for,
thoy allowed tho revolution, which long
was brewing, to como to a head.
Forced to Extremes.
'This revolution means tho ruling
powers In ltusslu so lost their heads
and went to such extreme lengths they
forced tho people, represented by tho
liberals, to go also to extreme lengths.
"Conditions In Itussln recently hnvo
been terrible nlmost beyond belief.
Tho food situation and tho trans
portation situation have been ex
tremely grave.
"Thero havo boon no railroad cars
to carry food supplies to tho armies
at tho front, and no enrs to carry
wounded men back from tho front.
Yet It has been proved beyond doubt
wcnlthy Russian merchants, by brib
ing tho proper olllclals, could got nil
tho cars thoy wanted for their prlvato
"This matter has been brought to
tho pcoplo's attention by tho liberals
In tho duma.
"Their speeches have not been al
lowed to get out of Russia becauso
of tho censorship, but thoy havo been
published thero, and havo been re
peated by word of mouth, so that most
of tho civilian population and most
of tho army, I believe, by now have
heard of tho outrages.
"Theso speeches, It will bo under
stood, not only aroused tho people nnd
tho soldiers, but also brought down
upon tho liberals the wrath of tho gov
ernment. It was lu an effort to stifle
such utterances, apparently, that tho
order dissolving tho duma was Issued.
"Among tho soveral reasons why the
czar and tho court cllquo have been
favorably Inclined toward a separate
peaco with Germany Is this one, that
Germany has promised Russia In the
ovont of such u pence being concluded
to help Russln lu quelling any rebel
lion of tho peoplo that might arise
In tho future. Tho peoplo of Russia
havo constantly been growing stronger,
tho stilfllcrs lu tho army havo been
gaining In education nnd broadening
by fighting alongside tho more 1
democratic Frenchmen and English
men, and altogether tho power of the
small court classes has been more nnd
moro threatened. This has led them to
fear for their future unless they al
lied themselves with a monarchical
nntlon llko Germany.
Czar Owns Pro-German Paper.
"Early lu tho wnr tho czar and tho
Grand Duke Is'leholns had a confer
ence, In tho course of which the grand
duko warned tho czar that If ho (tho
czar) continued to exhibit Indications
that ho desired a separate peaco with
Germuny ho would 'have a torrlblu
revolution on his hands.'
"'And who will lead this revolution?'
tho czar Inquired.
'"I will lend It with tho nrmy,' re
plied the grand duke.
"It was shortly after this Nicholas
wan displaced from tho high com
mnnd of tho Russian nrmlca and was
Bent to an obscure position, while tho
czar himself assumed charge.
"Tho methods used by the Russian
government In tho revolution of 1005
tho methods of cruelty havo been
thoroughly learned by tho present revo
lutionists. They will bo Just as cruel
as their enemies were to them twelvo
years ago.
"Tho cznr himself maintain nri.
vntely from his own funds a newspa
per called tho Russian llanner. which
ia wrumuiy pro-uerman, and tho
viows it expresses nro his own, R
Is nicknamed In Russln tho "Prussian
llanner.' It has constantly advocated
it separate peace."
Struonlo for Liberty.
Tho struggle of tho Russian duma
ior national liberty began In 1005,
as the Result of Shaking Off of
Tho first pnrllament was a direct
outcome of tin' revolution of 1005,
which followed tho war with Japan.
The cznr found himself confronted
with an almost solid body of liberals.
The dumn of 1005, the most radical
of uli, Insisted upon the czar's living
up to the promises of his manifesto
granting freedom to Russln. Hut tho
czar's premier, Stolypln. would not
countenance any Interference on the
part of tho duma In government af
fairs. This led to tho dissolution of
the first Russian parliament.
Tho second duma was convened
early In 1007. The government did
Its best to securo n largo numbor of
reactionaries In it. IJut the great
majority of the new deputies were
still too progressive for Stolypln.
Clashes soon followed. Tho govern
ment arrested a number of deputies
and exiled them to Siberia. Tho duma
was then dissolved.
Tho duma made an unsuccessful at
tempt at n revolution. More than n
hundred deputies left Petrograd for
Finland. Then an appeal was Issued
to the nation to stand up for tho
dumn. The nppenl, however, met with
llttlo response. The peoplo werb en
tirely under the control of tho military
and tho government.
A new election law was then pro
mulgated by Premier Stolypln. This
inw barred most of the people from
participation In tho elections.
War Makes Changes.
Tho third duma was then assembled
nnd the government found n majority
of conservatives In it. Theso con
servatives wero satisfied to let things
alone. At tho expiration of Its term
In 1012 a fourth duma, the present
body, was convened. Beforo tho wnr
It .was entirely controlled by tho con
servatives. Tho war, however, has
made theso conservatives progressives.
Tho Taurlda palace, tho house
whero tho Russian duma meets, has
become tho birthplace of the now pro
visional government, nnd Is ono of tho
most Interesting structures In Rus
sia. On Its site moro thnn n century
and a qunrter ago stood tho house of
Prince Potemkln, tho favorite o: Cath
erine tho Great. Tho generous em
press showered presents upon Potem
kln nfter his conquest of Crimea for
Russia. In 1783 sho ordered a mag
nificent pnlaco erected for her favor-
Tlu grounds of the Rockefeller In
stitute lu the crowded Now York East
sldo has been given over to the use
of children for a farm. All the farm
work Is done by tho children them
selves. More than HO boys and girls
aro learning something of tho Joys of
farming In crowded New York. It Is a
great relief from tho crowded tene
New York's Free Employment Bureau
Finds New Plan Gives Bet
ter Satisfaction.
New York. Tho freo city employ,
ment bureau will only direct would
bo stenographers and clerks to pro
spective Jobs, after a thorough test,
from now on. Every applicant for
work must go to tho trade extension
classes for a test and a rating. They
wU then bo recommended to a posi
tion based on proof rather than Judg
ment. Tho plnn has resulted In reducing
the number of places obtained, but
these situations nro of a higher or
der. For Instance, ono young man
whom tho bureau Judged would not bo
worth moro than $10 n week enmo
through his test so well that ho was
put In an $18 a week Job nnd Is glv
tug satisfaction.
Ite on the site of his Muse. This
was called Tnurldn. the RuMlan
equlvolent of Crimea.
Later the empress txnieht III vm- from Potemkln for -IBO.OOrt roMr
Rut when the Intter returned In 17TM
ns n victor from another mmrwlgn
he again received th rlei for a
present. On the night of February 1
28 of that year h bull was given thorp
In honor of Catherine II. which Is re- i
membered In Russian history as a
unique event. Ono hundred and forty
thousand lamps and 20.000 candles
were used for lighting purposes that
night. !
(fter tho death of Potemkln the
Taurlda palace was again acquired by
the czar.
Rasputin's Influence.
To the Influence of Gregory Raspu
tin, Siberian monk nnd mystic, the
former cznr of Russia enn nttrlbute the
revolt which has brought into being n
new Russln.
Gregory Rasputin It Is a nnme that
Russian progressives hnte with the ut
most vigor. Rasputin Is dead, a vic
tim of assassination, but the whirlwind
he sowed did not die with him. The
whirlwind overturned a rock-ribbed
dynasty that the efforts of thousands
of patriots had been unable to slfnke In
tho slightest.
The rock foundntlon of the Roma
noffs owes Its disintegration 'to the
teachings and "rituals" of Rasputin,
tho most powerful man In Russia In
recent yenrs, tho "power behind the
throne" nnd tho "confidant of tho
No ono knows Rasputin better than
Serglus Mlchnelow TrufanoiT, who but
n few years ago ns Illodor, the Mad
Monk of Russia, was u factor himself
lu Russian court affairs and who re
cently wrote n serial of his life for
the Jewish newspaper Die Wnhrhclt.
Russia Before the "Deluge."
In his serial Illodor has drawn u
striking picture of tho Russia "beforo
tho deluge." It Is a picture that de
picts the degeneracy of tho Russian
court, of tho unheeded voices of tho
people asking for food nnd Justice, -jl
graft and license on every side, of u
cznr weak-kneed, foolish, pitiful, the
tool of his sycophants, believer In
mysticism nnd In tho center of this
most dramatic stage of centuries stood
Rasputin, the untutored, unkempt, re
ligious mystic from Slberln, who by
his hypnotic power over tho cznr nnd
tho czarina was able to make nnd un
mnke ministers, laugh ut tho holy
synod, force Russia Into war and nil
but succeeded In making a separato
pence with Germany.
Illodor, first favored by Rasputin,
"discovered tho real monster Rnsputln
was" nnd then fought him to the finish..
IJut Rasputin won, nnd Illodor fled
to this country.
Probnbly tho most surprising thing
nbout tho overturning of the Roma
noff dynasty was tho ease with which It
was accomplished. Rut a peep behind
the scenes with Illodor Into the court
life of the cznr. Into the degeneracy of
tho nobles, and to the czar himself, de
scribed by Illodor ns a "man without
a tongue, nervous, weak, phlegmntlc,
hardly able to articulate, an abrupt
voice, muffled, emitting sounds like
those from tho grave, eyes dull, misty
and filled with tenrs" may help to ex
plain. It wus the French revolution
repenting Itself.
Wielded Terrible Influence.
For years the czar hud listened to
tho "teachings" of religious mystics
and the last and the greatest of these
was Rasputin. Illodor snld ho pos
sessed almost hypnotic powers and this
power first exerted Itself on women
and then through them on the court It
self. Ono of those first to fall under
his Inlluenco was the czarina nnd the
cznr soon succumbed.
How strong the Inlluenco of the mys
tics was on tho Is Illustrated by
the fact that Illodor relates that when
bis ministers had llnlshed giving him
their opinions of weighty mntters tho
mystics would sweep In nnd get tho
lust moments of tho czar's attention,
often reversing nil thnt the ministers
bad said. Rasputin, tho grcntcst of
these, was able to uso this weakness
to great personal advantage, and many
efforts to overthrow him wero defeat
ed by the czar himself.
It was shortly after Rasputin was
Introduced to court by the wife of a
famous general that tho revolution of
1005 took place, and the czar and his
court, frightened by the clamoring of
the populace, prepared to Hoe. Huspu
tin, however, presented such n firm
front, that the czar ngaln took heart
and from that moment Rasputin held
full sway.
Many serious charges were mnde
concerning Rasputin's personal sway
over the czarina, Illodor said, but It
was always tho czar who quashed
those charges. What were the prac
tlces of the cult Rasputin led lu tho
Innermost circles of the court Illodor
nover wrote, but ho hinted that tho
so-called cult practiced tho most re
volting rites.
The assassination of Stolypln, Illodor
lnld directly to Rasputin and tho czar.
Stolypln had got In Rasputin's way
and his elimination was an easy mat
ter; Illodor said also that it was Has
putlu who prevented Russia going to
war with Austria when Austria took
over llosnla and Herzegovina. Count
Wltto was a favorlto of Rasputin's,
and was practically mado premier
through Rasputin's olllces.
Russia's entering tho present wnr
was due, Illodor said, to another dream
of Rasputin. Ho became an ardent
supporter of the Idea of a separato
peaco with Germany. It was only tho
scnndnl raised by the duma nnd his
subsequent assassination that prevent
ed It.
On ono occasion his life was at
tempted by u young woman, Ill
odor said, whom tho "Mad Monk" had
( CX
Breed as First Originated Was of
Barred Variety White Is Hardy
and Adapted to Farms.
The most popular of nil American
breeds of poultry Is tho Plymouth
Rock. This breed ns first originated
was of tho Barred variety, which Is
yet the most popular of all the colors.
Enrly In the breeding of Barred Ply
mouth Rocks fanciers reported tho ap
pearance of white chicks. They were
'sports" nnd some were bred together,
producing the present variety of White
Plymouth Rocks. They hnve attained
great popularity, widely bred, both for
utility and fancy, nnd have proven
perfectly satisfactory in either capac
They aro hardy and especially ndnpt-
cd to farms. Tho hens lay largo dark
brown eggs of u grade much sought
in certnin localities.
Tho chicks nre vigorous, strong nnd
active, and grow exceptionally fast on
range, reaching maturity tit from flvo
and one-hnlf to six und one-half
months old. They nre readily salable
for the highest grade of mnrket poul
try at ull oges from broiler size to
full mnturlty, nnd nro very popular
In somo sections for the production of
Mules weigh from 8 to 11 pounds,
females 7 to 10 pounds, and nro prob-
White Plymouth Rock Cock.
nbfy tho largest of all the Plymouth
Rock family. Their plumage should
bo pure white, legs and beuk deep rich
yellow, combs small, single and fine.
Such a fowl not only dresses to tho
best advantage nnd comraunds best
prices, but is also very attractive la
largo flocks.
Found Beneficial In Cases of White
Diarrhea by Professor Kaupp
of North Carolina.
When white diarrhea attacks a flock
of young chicks muny of them die,
while those that survive are more or
loss stunted., Feeding freely ou sour
milk has been found beneflclul. If sour
milk docs not net against the disease
It ut least gives tho chicks greater
strength and vltullty so thoy nre not
seriously affected if attacked.
In some tests by Professor Knupp
of North Carolina bo found that chicks
fed on sour milk quickly recovered
when attacked and the loss was only
10 to 10 per cent. In a similar lot,
handled and fed tho snmo except for
the milk, tho loss was 24 per cent tho
first month, while tho romulnder wero
In such n weakened condition that at
tho end of eight weeks 80 per cent had
Comfortable Houses Must Bo Provided
to Secure Most Profitable Re
turns From Hens.
Times havo changed since chickens
roosted out on tho trees nnd fences.
Onco in a whllo you may seo such
furms whero hens nro permitted to
follow this old wny of foraging. But
ub n rule every hen must pay n profit
or she goes to market and at nn early
ago too. liens are measured by tho
number of eggs thoy lay instead of by
tho number of pounds they weigh. Ex
pensive houses nro not necessnry but
must bo comfortnblo to Insure proper
egg lnylng. A house should accom
modate as many hens ns space calls
for without crowding; about two
squaro feet of floor space per hen Is
nbout right. This keeps up tho tem
perature In cold nights and still gives
scratching room to Insure egg produc
Coat of Whitewash Given on First
Warm Day Will Make Surround
Inrjs More Cheerful.
If tho poultry houso is dark and
gloomy, give It n coat of whitewash on
tho first warm day and seo how much
Uiat will brighten It up und make it
moro cheerful for the fowls. Surround
ings roako considerable difference In
the egg yield.
If cross, feverish, constipated
give "California Syrup
of Figs."
A laxatlvo today saves n sick chllfl
tomorrow. Children simply will not
tnko tho time from piny to empty their
bowels, which become clogged up with
wnsto, liver gets sluggish; Btomacb
Look nt tho tongue, mother I If cont
ed, or your child Is listless, cross, fev
erish, breath bad, restless, doesn't cat
heartily, full of cold or has sore throat
or any other children's nllment, give a
tcaspoonful of "California Syrup of
Figs," then don't worry, because it Is
perfectly hnrmless, nnd In a few hours
all this constipation poison, sour bll
nnd fermenting wnsto will gently
move out of tho bowels, nnd you havo
n well, playful child ngaln. A thor
ough "Inside cleansing" Is ofttlmcs nil
that Is nccessnry. It should bo tho
first treatment given In any sickness.
Bewnro of counterfeit fig syrups.
Ask nt the storo for a 50-cent bottle of
"California Syrup of Figs," which hns
full directions for babies, children of
all nges nnd for grown-ups plnlnljj
printed on tho bottle. Adv.
Blissful Ignorance.
"It's Just us well, perhaps, that tho
world didn't know whnt militarism
had up Its sleeve for tho last forty
years, wiiere ignorance is miss, you,
know "
Tho speaker was Glenn Curtlss, tho
famous airplane builder. He went ont
"It's llko tho case of Mrs. Rnyke.
" 'Aren't you worried,' u friend usk-
ed her, "when you don't know whero
your husbu'hd stays so lato every;
" 'Not so much worried, probably,'
Mrs. Rnyke replied, 'as I would be If
I did know.'" Buffalo Express.
Sleep, Mothers Rest After Treatment
With Cutlcura Trial Free.
Send today for freo samples of OutK
earn Soap and Ointment nnd learn how
quickly they relievo itching, burning
skin troubles, and point to speedy henl-
ment of baby rashes, eczema and Roll
ings. Having cleared baby's skin keep
It clear by using Cutlcura exclusively.
Freo sample each by mall with Boole
Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. Ly
Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv.
A Good Description.
"What does a shad consist of any
how?" asked the Western man who
had never eaten thnt kind of fish.
"Well," replied tho Eastern expert,
"it is mostly backbone, wishbone, fun-
nybone, and then some."
Nature often needs help
to keep the digestive
system in a normal condi
tion, and with the aid of
Stomach Bitters
you are able to provide the
co-operation Nature requires.
li hoo5sheep STOCK YARDS-OMAHA
no ntnra nflrAMar
than Smallpox. Army
experience has demonstrate
the almost miraculous till-
Caey, tjidhannlestnes(,af Aatttyphold Vaccination.
Be racclsated MOW by your physician, you gut
jour family. It li more vital than bouse Insurance.
JQV your physician, dniRlst. or lend for Hay
yoa bad Typhoid?" telling of Typbold Vaccina,
tcsulu f ron use, and danger from Typbold Curlers,
rrWuitui Valau tad Sirtmi undsr U. 8. Ucsom
TBI Cutttr Laieratory, Btrailty, Caj Cblcaga, 111.
Money buck without Question
If IIUNT'S CURE falls In Ihi
treatment of tTOU, ECZEMA,
Itching; skin diseases. Price
KOo at drug-fists, or direct from
1 1. Ilcsirdi Ucdlclii Ca.tbuaiia.Hi.
Atetlet preparation of rofrtt
VilMtt eradltate darulruO.
For nsatarinc Color and
Beauty toGray or Faded Hair
. and Slso st DrumrtiU.
Indian was to 11, snrrWors ead widowa. Clril.
war widows.) so fortserwMewsnewslnglfl. National
Ouards and heirs, l). S.serTlsff 118.17. Write MlLr
. . .-7 t-0. AdTleeaud boots tree.
sUuarsueaaaW. Highest retsranaM lleetsenleee-