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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1917)
odcchln (tribune. 1" i- THIRTY-THIRD YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., APRIL 13, L917. No. 26 PLATTE THEATRE GUTTED BY FIRE THIS HORNING OKHJIXATES IN MACHINE HOO.M EVIDENTLY IIY SHOUT CM- ci'itei) KLiiCTmc wnti: Front End of t)io Itiilldlnir Hudly dinned, Half of flic Chairs on tlio Floor limned, mid llio Furnishing Dmuugcd Fire was discovered! In the Platte thcntro on Dowey street at four o'clock this morning, nnd though the fire fighting force made a quick response, the front end of tlio building was hadly chared beforo the flames were extinguished. Whllo not positively known, the flro apparently originated In the machine room over the front entrance, and l.s believed to have been duo to a short circuited mire. When tho alarm was given the flro had galnej considerable headway, and for an hour tho firemen had a real fight on their hands. Threo linos of hose woro laid, ani tho flames were con fined to tho east half of tho room Tho loss on the furnishings and fix tures is practically total, for that portion not burned was badly dam aged by smoke and water. Tho roof of tho building was burned to some extent and the front damaged. Julius Hahler, owner of tho building, did not carry insurance, having can colled tho policy by reason of what lio deemed excessive rates. J. T. Norton purchased tho furnish ings a couple of months ago, oxepnd ed quite a sum in improvements and was doing a good business. Ho car ried Insurance but Insufficient, of course, to cover tlio loss sustained. Acknowledges Itccclpt of Hesoliiltons Judge Hoagland, who was chairman of tho 'patriotic meeting recently held. lias received from President Wilson, bonator Hitchcock and Congressman Klnkaid, acknowledgements of the resolutions passed by tho meeting and toiegraplieu tnem. President Wilson's acknowledge ment reads: "The President thanks you cordially for the gojd will which prompted your kind message, which has helped to reassure him and keep him in heart." Senator Hitchcock in acknowledg ing receipt of tho resolution says: "I shall present this to tho senate." Congressman Klnkald's acknowl edgement reads about the same as tho excerpt published elsewhore, - ::o:: 3ellio(l!st-l'rcsbyterIan Morning worship at 11 o'clock Eyoning .worship at 8 o'clock. WILL ORGANIZE ItKI) CKOSS CIHCLi: TOMOl'lUiW The Tlllikum Girls will meet at tho homo of Miss Aileen Gantt next Mon day evening. A good attendance is desired. .Tnnllor Wauled For tho Episcopal church. Residence furnished to janitor. Apply to T. C. Patterson. B. & Ia Building. A mass meeting of iho women of North Platto Is called -or tomorrow aftornoon at four o'clock at tho Cham ber of Commerco rooms for the pur poso of organizing a Red Cioss cir cle. A general Invitation y emend ed to all tho women to be present, and it is hoped that tho women of the city will despond In largo numbers This Is ono phaso of war worl In which women can ongag anj car bo of great assistance to fiolr country should hostilities occur. By organiz ing these circles in ndvanc'o. the ad vantage of organization ,s nprarnt. ! !D! ;. Church KccelTcs Nice 01ft The treasurer of tho Episcopal church received this wrek from nn anonymous donor a check for five hundred dollars with the request that it be applied on tho roc'ory Indebted ness. Such gifts ns these arc cer tainly appreciated and tho wardens and vestrymen as well as tho com municants feel very thankful to tho unknown donor. ::o: Governor Neville has signed tho bill which provlds that one-half tho cost of bridges across Irrigation dltchoa shall be paid by the owners of abut ting lands. Tho governor has also signed tho bill providing a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $300, nnd a Jnil sentence of from three to six months for any ono found guilty of stealing an automobile. The park commissioners arc not m position to provldo runds for tho mu nicipal band this year, and unless popular subscriptions are taken. iho customary summer concerts will net bo glvon. The lack of these conc?rts will bo regretted. No other ono thing resulted in getting so many "people out on tho streets. By reason of tho Lutheran parson age bolng under scarlet fover quar antine no Lutheran church sorvlees will b0 hold Sunday and tho Lutheran Brotherhood meeting announced for Monday has been postponed ono week. Warner Harman, who is tho fever pa tient, has a very light attack of the disease. The contract for tho now garage to bo erected by Julius Plzer on the corner of Sixth and Locust streets was let Tuesday to Clyde McMlchael. 'Tho cost of rtjio bulldjfcig IwlAl be $15,000. What will stop a wlfo from running away? Tho answer will bo glvon at tho Crystal Saturday afternoon and evening by Ethol ' Clayton in "Tho Web of Desire." Tlio Rowena Circle will meet with Mrs. Robert Armstrong on west Third street Tuesday aftornoon. All Yeo men como and bring a friend. Mr. and Mrs. Harry McEvoy an nounce the bilrth of a son tho first of this week. : :o: : Bees Wnnk'd Wanted To Buy About 25 Colonies Italian bees. J. Loren Hastings, 210 Willow St.. North Platte, Nobr. 20-3 I'lmio Iti'cllal Tills KYi'iilntr A piano recital by tne pupils of Miss Floronco MncKay will bo held at tho Franklin Auditorium this cvon Ing. Thero nro twonty-sn'en numbora on tho program. An admission of ton nnd Ilfteon cents will bo changed, tho procods to go to tho auditorium piano fuud. Will Elect -lYnchers It Is expected that tho Board of Education will hold a meeting next week at ufiiich tho tonrnera for tho coming school year will bo elected. Tho bonrd held a meeting Wednes day ovonlng, allowed hills and can vassed tho voto cast for the schcol bonds at tho present election. ; ;o. . Bnrrctl Will Lecture. G. E. Barrett chtof electrician of tho U. S. navy, who conios hnro April 14th to 17th to enlist men In the U. S. navy, will givo a lecture Saturday ovonlng, April 14th, at tho Franklin auditorium. His subject will bo "Sub marine Boats nnd Torpedoes and their uso In Modern Warfare." Tho loctnro will bo Illustrated with chalk draw ings. : o x Six Enlist; iHoro Expected. Up to last evening six applicants for servlco in tho United States army had presented themselves; at the re cruiting offico in ths federal building. Four moro are expected io riport to? day or tomorrow. Sergeants Rrdgcre nnd Jones, in chargo of the oFIcq, satisfied with tho results. If two men secure ten recruits in live days their work Is considered above the avorngo In tow lis tho slzo of North Platto. : :o: : No Mail to Germany A bulletin received at tlio local postofflce yostordny announced that no mall for transmission to Germany Ausria or othar Gannnn-Allianca countries would bo received. Letters addressed to thoso countries deposited in tho malls will bo sent to tho dead letter offico. Tlio ordor becomes af fective nt. once. It is un lerstood that Germany has issued n limllar order iralaiV'vo to mall addjressed, to tho United States. ::o::- 31 ilk Customers Wanted Phono Mrs. Bon Bocman Bk 287. : :o: : Church of Our Savior. Sunday, April 14th, communion service at 8 o'clock a. m. morning prayer and sermon at il o'clock a. m. Rev. W. H. Anthony will officiate at tho 11 o'clock sorvlce. Full atten dance is desired. " r . Notice to Bidders Plans and specifications for a two story brick and tilo building size 44x 124 are now rendiy and can bo seen nt my store. All bids must be In Molday, April lCth. R. N. LAMB. : :o: : Frank Hahler has returned to Sid ney, after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Julius Hahler this week. U. P. Special Agent It, L. North transacted business In tho we3torn part of this stato for sovoral days past. Ford Prices Did Wot Increase Contrary to all reports Ford prices remain the same as before. The Ford factories are turning out 2600 cars per day and the quality and material is as good and the con struction better. S Passenger Toeraig $3 2 Passenger RiinafooMi $343 F. O. B. DETROIT. Place your order today or you may be disappointed in delivery. Hendy-Ogier Auto Co. PHONE 34. COR. DEWEY AND FOURTH STS. HARRIED HEN ORGANIZE MILITARY DRILL COHPANY rWKNTV.OSll JIEN ATTEND Til 12 .UEETINt? II Kill) LAST EVENING AND ALL KNTHI'SIASTIC A. W. Shilling Klected Instructor and tho First Drill Will be Held nt Auditorium Next Sunday Afternoon. Mrs. John ShofTiold and baby who havo been spondlng sovoral weeks ut tho homo of her paronts Mr. and Mrs. Con Walker will loavo In a fow days for Story. In. Mrs Paiil Korno, of Casper, Wyo, formorly Miss Emily Brook? of this city enmo Inst night to visit her mothor Mrs. Petor Mylandor and other relatives. In response to a call Issued for tho formation, of a married man's drill company, which moans a company prepared for war sorvico should such bo demanded by tho government, re sulted In twenty-ono men assembling at the Chamber of Conimorco rooms last ovonlng nnd ovory man present was an enthusiast. Tho object of tho formation of tho compnny in lis stated aud discussed, and as tlio discussion progressed tho unthuatosin grow stronger. A partial organization was effect ed by tho election of A. W. Shilling as drlllniastor, a mnn who has had wide oxperionco in military tactics. Tho first drill will bo held next Sun day aftornoon at tho Franklin audi torium, which tho Board of Educa tion kindly proffored for that pur pose. Each man prosont . last night was instructed to attend tho drill Sun day and bring with him unothed man. If this is done, tho company will be gin Its active career with more than forty mon. Tho auditorium vAill bo use,, until the 'rough spots" nr0 knocked off, and then tho city park will bo used as a drill ground. No age limit hns been placed on membors; any married man who can stand tho work even though fifty years of ago, Is eligible. Tho organization Is ono phnBO of "preparedness and uni versal training which Is recommend ed by President Wilson nnd army of ficers. . Evon though not called upon for sorvico tho miliary evolutions aro splendid cxorclso nnd of course con siderable nmusomont will result. Oil Meeting lit Ogalalla. Yestordiay's Osalalla Trlbuno says: "Thoro will bo a meeting of tho land ownors of tho district hold In Seurlo's opera houso on Monday ov onlng at 8 o'clock, April 1G, to con sider a proposal made by Mr. W. I. Paterson with tho residents of the iPlhllto', valley in .tho district from ("Ogalalla to Juloaburg, to-."eoopernte n fiucurlng abouU 30,000 ncreU 6f leases, when he would undortako 'to commenco and prosecutp tho drilling of a tost woll to detormlno whothor or not wo havo oil in -this district. Mr. Paterson is confident thero Is n big oil field and will bo nt tho moot ing and cxplnin tho conditions and' terms of tho proposed leases and his reasons for believing that wo have oil in this valley." Op-toin-e-lry Is tho drugless, scientific adaptation of glasses for tho correction of de fective Bight. Optometrists aro tho pnly practitioners of optometry who aro required by law, In any state, to qualify thomsolvcs for this work. HARRY DIXON, Rcglstbrod Optomotrlst. Major llurlto Died Yeserday Major John M. Bulrko, for many years asoclated iwith Colonel Cody as press agent for tho Wild West show, died at a Hospital In Washington. D, C, yestorday of acuto pneumonia, at tho ago of seventy-four. Major Burko was lntlmntoly known by ninny of tho oldor residents of North Platto. :o:: W. AV. 20-2 1'IJItK IIHKD Ithoile IMuud Itcd Cockerels. IHrBf. Mrs. W. H. Mungor, of Omaha. Is tli guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. V H Mungor, Jr., having arrived last evening. Mr. nnd Mrs. Bruco Dye, of Port land, Ore, formorly of this city, visited last week with Mrs. Sarah Duggan. "Packy" McFarland was injured yostorday morning in a gamo of ball with sovoral companions. Ho was struck In tho faco accldontly. with the bat and tho noso bono broken. Wanted Woman wants cleaning or washing. A Ilfteon year old girl wants a plnco to work. A school boy wants work afternoons nnd' Saturdays Phono Rev. Robt. White, Black G03. James Norton, foreman of tho back shop, will bo transferred May 1st to Qrund Island, whoro ho accopts better paying position. Jim Is a popular man whoso leaving will bo regretted When in the store of Tho Loader Morcunlilo Co., ask to bo sho'vsti tlio new things In woman' ovornlln, for Indoor and outdoor purpose for euse and comfort All lunion ma by vonion for women. Constant or recurring lieadachos inability to study, aversion to bright i Wit, Irritability may moan that 1 1 r child Is wasting onergy through (iclectlvo oyoe. HARRY DIXON. Jdelor nnd Optometrist A mnmifacturorfs sample lino of woman's and mlsHos' sutU, womon's coat 3 and mlssos' and wonion s skirts dli ct from Now York. Bought at a lory big bargain and have all boon pla. M on salo at Tlio Loader Mor curtHo Co.'s at a prlco that means a Dig paving to tho purchaser. -::o: i Homo For Salo. Nd lvo room bungalow with base ment equipped with washing outfit and watorlng plant; corner lot 200x 240, good young orchard and out buildings. Mrs. C. C. Wiloy, Suthor When an Owner is Satisfied with the car he drives, as all Dodge Brothers car. owner, seem to be, they become traveling sales man for Dodge cars. Dodge reputation made by the 140000 users sells more cars than all their salesmen. Talk to a Dodge owner and he will bring out several reasons for his satisfaction with his car. Here are some of those I have heard. First Extreme economy on gas, many re ports of from 20 to 27 miles to the gallon, also on tires, rarely less than 6000 and up to 13000 miles on the original tires. Secondly Power when needed to go any where any car ever went, and some places other cars cannot go with full passenger loads. Third Many references aro made to the beauty and lasting qualities of the body finish on the car, alkali-proof. Fourth An almost absolute freedom from broken gears, axles and bearings and wonderful . springs. Fifth Repair part service at home, where they buy their car. Sixth Many have called it the easiest riding small car they have sat in. Ask your neighbor or the next Dodge owner you sec and get his reasons first band. The .result of making cars BETTER showjn., sales and owners satisfaction. Is that the sort of--car you want to order now for early spring delivery? J. V. ROMIGH. Dealer and Service for Dodge Brothers Cars 107 W. 6th. St. Phone 844. NORTH PLATTE, NEUItASKA. Saturday, April 21, is DE LAVAL SERVICE DAY at our store For the benefit of all users of Dc Laval Cream Separators 1 we have established a De Laval Service Day. On this date we shall be glad to have any Do Laval user bring his separator to our store for a complete and careful inspection and adjustment, which will be made free of charge. Should any parts, due to unusual wear or accident, need to be replaced, this will be done, the only charge being for the price of the new parts used. ; A De Laval Service man will be with us to assist with this work. Bring in your Separator and receive the benefit of his advice on the care and operation of your machine, as well as the free service. It is our wish, and that of the Dc Laval Company, that every user of a De Laval Separator got the maximum of efficiency at the minimum of cost. No expert is required to keep a De Laval in repair. A little care will the use of Dc Laval Separator Oil will keep it running satisfactorily for years if adjustments are made when needed. COME EARLY AND AVOID DELAYS Derryberry & Forbes Imp. Co. NORTH PLATTE, NEB. mnu, Nob. I'hon0 140.