I A. . V 'tvl' . 1 a a FwH mm mm m.m m am THIRTY-THIRD YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEK, APRIL 10, 1917. No. 25 "UNCLE JOSH" PECKHAM TAKESHIS OWN LIFE KIGHTV-FOUR YEARS OF AGK, HE USES ARMY MUSKET TO COM MIT DEED Came to Lincoln Count)' In 1S79 And lVus one of the Wealthiest and Rest Known Fur mors in t lie County. Supposed to have boon suffering from temporary Insanity duo to advanced age, Joshua S, Pcckham, more fa miliarly known as "Undo Josh," took his own lifo Thursday nftornoon of last week at his farm homo in tho proclnctt that 'lutus his nam.i six miles southeast of Brady. Taking his army musket, which ho carried in tho civil iwlir, ho placed it over his heart, and using his cano to touch tho trig ger, sont his soul to tho lifo eternal. Death was instantaneous. Tho funeral was hold Sunday and by reason of tho deceased being so woll and favorably known, was very large ly ottended. Mr. Pecklmm camo to Lincoln coun ty in 1879 and located on government land. lie succeeded well, and during tho Intervening years had nccumulat- od about 3,000 acres, much of it fine hrm in,i a vnn- ntrn i,n ; mado u division of tho land among his sons and a young man who had mado his homo with him. Ills wife died about a year ago and since then he had brooded considerably. Ho was eighty-four years of age, and was tho son of an English lord. lie leaves three sons, Herman, ftslho llvos just south of Brady, Fremont who livos in Pecklmm precinct, and Elmer who Is now in California. Sues For INrorcc. John Hulmke, arosldont of this county since 1909, flle,i suit In tho dis trict court yestorday for 'divorce from vi lire married In September, 1897. Twoja" young men who nave uiougin oi children. Emma and Paul, now of age,! wero norn to tins union, tho ninintin htm two years ago and has since ro- sided in Decatur, Kansas. : :o: : Dizzy Height lis for Grain On the Omaha market yestorday i-nsh .'nthoat sold at $2.32 and corn at 1.37. Tho top prico for hogs at South Om aha yesterday was $15.95. FOR RENT H.ncras sugar beet laydor -rege. table tract adjoining city, under Irrl. gntlon. A rare chance to right party. Also ((unrtcr section of bottom land, houses, unfurnished rooms, storage spare mill fiafe deposit boxes. RRATT, GOODMAN & BUCKLEY. ::o:: Herman Postell of Sutherland ar rived hero yesterday and Is looking up a desirable location for a cigar factory, Passeo Passem Mend PHONE 34. FLYS A HE UMAX FLAG; CITIZENS ARK INDIGNANT Two Muxwoll mon who wore in town yestorday said that the people of that section aro vory indignant over tho action of Henry Golso, a woll-to-do Gorman farmer who llvos six miles northeast of that village. According to tlieso mon Golso painted tho Gor man Hag on n large plqco of tin, and nailing it to a 1olo placed it on tho cupalo of his barn. Thoso two men, in order to satisfy thomselves, drove to the Golso farm and saw tho flag. They said that tho probabilities are that If Glso does not take down tho Hag harsh moasuros iwUll bo taken. Golso was arrosted sovoral years ago on tho chargo of cattle stealing, found guilty and served a sontonce in tho pentltontlary. Piano Jtccitnl. The pupils of Florence MaqKay will hold tholr second annual piano recital Friday, April 13, in tho Franklin audi torium. Thoso taking part are liar rietto Flolshmann, Alma May Crane Trullo Forbes. Virginia Scott, Eliza beth Ilortho. Nancy Mitchell. Dorothy Cummins, Adah Carlson, Zoo Roy-; nolds, Helen Armstrong, Zella Dor-, rom, Hclon Schwaiger, Clara Orton, Donald Newton, Frances Edwards,' Neva Troxlcr. Alta Dcrryberry, llul-i Johnson, Claude Woingand and En"'1 Hogue. S11,8808. I)orot y man and Theo Schwaiger, with I3et- & Turpio as accompanist, will assist, Tho prico of admission is ton and 11 f toen cents and all proceeds will bo given to tho Franklin piano fund. ::o:: RECRUITING OFFICERS ARRIVE; OPEN OFFICE YESTERDAY Rnrirfuinta Undorors and .Tones, late of tho Twenty-eighth U. S. Infantry,1 now on detached service as recruiting officors, arrived from tho cast yestor day aftornoon and havo opened a re cruiting ofl'ico on tho second floor of tho federal building. They will romnln until Saturday af tornoon, and will bo glad to receive entering the service. said Sergeant lous to secure as many enlistments as possiblo and thus delay drafting men. Tho slower the men aro In offering tholr services, tho soonor will It be necessary for tho government to bo gln drafting. We 'wlill bo glad to havo young mon call and talk with us con cerning enlistment." : :o: : Notic to Ladies There will be a meeting in the Cham AOC ofCoounrftB' trOQm9 Thursday at 3 o'clock -for all ladles interested in improving and decorating tho ceme- tory. A largo attendance Is desired. : :o: : Tho county grader has been at work for a week "past on tho Lincoln highway between this city and Max 'ttbll. Tho machine is In chargo of A. B. Hoaglnnd and John Snyder, tho former handling tho tractor and the latter tho grader. Contrary to all reports Ford prices remain the same as before. The Ford factories are turning out 2600 cars per day and. the quality and material is as good and the con struction better. er Touring $360 er Runabout $345 F. 0. B. DETROIT. Place your order today or be disappointed in delivery. y-OgierAutoCo COR. DEWEY AND FOURTH STS. ASST. SUPT. ANDERSON SUFFERS BROKEN LEG STEPS OFF OF A MOVING FKEIGUT Tit A IN AT HILLSDALE YESTERDAY Until Hones in tho Left Leg lU'Iow tlio Knco Fractured and "Vic" Was Taken to n Cheyenne Hospital Asst. Supt. J. V. Anderson, of this city, Is in a hospital at Choyonno suf fering from a brokon log. Mr. An derson was riding a freight train, nnU dwslrod to got off at Hillsdalo, Wyo., to mako some observations. Tho train was moving at a fairly fast gait and in making tho step off Mr. Andorson was thrown, sustaining a fracture of the loft leg bolow tho knee, both bono bolng brokon. Ho also sus tained some severe bruises. Tho train was stopped, and Mr. Andorson taken to Cheyenne, placed in a hospital anu t.ho fractures reduced Mr. Andorson Insists that ho will bo homo In a day or two, but this Is not llkoly. Mrs Anderson wont to Choyonno last evening : :o: Annual Parish Meeting. The annual mooting of the Episco pal pariBh was hold last ovonlng, re ports of tho vnrlous church organi zations Tccellvod nnd wardns Hud vestrymen elected. Tho reports wore highly satisfactory, eacli organization having a balance on hand and for the first timo in many years tho church is without current indebtedness. T. C Patterson and Guy Swopo wore ro- elected wardens, and vestrymon aro Ed Dickey, F. W. Itmclcer. C. S. Clin- ton, Harry Dixon, C. It. Moroy, E. W. Mann and J. Q. Wilcox. : :o: : Notice to Water Consumers . .Water bills for the January quarter are now ready. The discount porlod hag been extended to tho 20th of the month to covor tho railroad man's iwiy day and all bills imld on before that of one cent per thousand gallons. HEIISIIEY S. WELCH, Wator Commissioner. With t'l regular army recruiting officors at tho federal building, a na tional guard recruiting station over to McDonald clothing store, with members of Company L on tho streets and members of Company H in uni form around the rearuitlng station, things take on a desidodly mllltaw aspdrft In North Platto. Tho Zctta Zetta club Will moot with Mrs. Cook tomorrow afternoon. . :o:: REWARD Will be paid for information lend ing to arrest and conviction of any parties caught breaking Into houses bearing our For Rent cards, or break ing windows In said houses. RRATT, GO ODMAN & BUCKLEY. you may ' FIltST COUNT ON THE CONTEST FOR THE QUEEN Mlsses Edith Patterson and Alloon Gantt, members of tho queen's' ball committee, mado a count of tho votes east during tho llrat week for queoji of tho Honil-oontennial ball. Tho re sult wm found to be an follows: UlhlPKRl-Ue Clinton 115 May me Plser 100 Kllzabeth Hlnmnn 1QR Cuthorlne Hull 11(1 Hnzl Unrber 116 IUhikIio KomU 110 Myrtle Heeler 100 Lucille Wlloox 100 Janet MclXnnlrt 3XB Sybil Oantt 110 Helen WiiUeiiinJh 100 I.ouIho OtteiivtQtti 10fl Florence MnoKny 198 Marie liowen UR llnael Hmltli 100 Mnhele Hurke 110 Murlo McCabe 100 Klvn Day 10B Twmty-two hundred votes wore cast tho first week, a showing that Is very satisfactory to tho committee Tho votes will bo counted onch Mon day nndi tho result announced in tho city papers tho following day. Rfc Crowd Attends Hall Tho thirtieth annual ball of the North Platto fire department wns hold last evening at tho Lloyd' ctyorn house and attended by sovoral hundred dane era and spectators. Tho program con sisted of tmbnty-ono popular dances for which the Stamp orchostra fur nished excellent music. Cy Hussoll acted as mastor of ceremonies and his assistants woro Frod Peterson, John Eves, Emll Traub, F. It. Parks and Joseph Wayman. Tho sale of tickets and door receipts !(oro greatly appre ciated by tho conuulttoe In chargo and the ball was tho most successful the department has ovor held. ::o: : LOCAL AND TEHSONAL Dr. and Mrs. McKlnley, of York, aro tho guests of their daughtor Mrs. Geo. N. Gibbs. Attorney Geo. N. Gibbs leaves to-1 night for Helena, Mon., where ho hits been culled on logul business. .7. W. Payne as boon confined to tho house for a couple of weeks pnst w(th a very bad attack of riiouumatlsm. Tho Christian Indies' aid will moot In the cliurch parlors Thursday after noon. A program will bo rendered! and a good nttendanoe is doslred. Doll Uonner who has been traveling as llrat violinist with Uio Ilamona Film I'o. for several months, camo homo Sunday to spond a wook or longer. Mr. and Mrs. Browntlold, of Coznd, ,ho spent tho past six months In Cal- ttornia and mid been visiting tht hit ter's sister Mrs. E. A. Surbor, loft Sunday aftornoon. Tho county commissioners mot In sossion yotordny and transacted rou tine business. They loft todny for Arnold to look after bridges In which Logan and Lincoln county aro Inter ested. Tho aid society of tho Methodist Episcopal ohurch will meet Thursday aftornoon in the Presbyterian church hasomont, Hostossos aro Mesdames llartman, Cox, Crano, Adams and van dorhoof. REE WINDOW FLAGS 5 cents each at C. M. Newton's. Wo cut them out freo. With tho viow of nsslsting their country in its war' with Germany, forty young high school girls Iipvo been organized Into a branch .of tho national bandngo association, and a branch of tho Rod Cross, tho forty be ing divided equally between tho two organizations. Miss Marjory Hussoll is general chairman. William Richardson, colored, was fined $5 and costs In the county court yesterdny for insulting Mrs. Esther Hemphill. Tho dofondant went to Mrs. Hemphill's home-Sunday ovonlng with a box of liquor and' when told ho was in the wrong place used Insulting and obscene langungo to Mrs. Hemphill Unablo to pay tho lino ho will sorvo a Jail sentence. Tho flro department was culled out early Saturday morning to ex tinguish a tiro which had started in a car of sulphur standing In tho west yards). Irho fuinjoa o'f tflio 'burning sulphur woro so strong as to hoiisI blo effect tho throats and nostrils of pooplo living throo or four blocks from tho burning car. She was direct from teeming gold mines and she sought among the fortune hunters one whose ideals woro high enough, whoso ambitions wero true enough, to marry her for horsolf alono and not for tho gold sho pos sessed. She mot him on tho broad lino and though differing on a social piano yet ho helped her In tho light on 'The Monoy Mill, the Vltagrnph feature showing at the Keith Wednes day night. The pre-nuptlal seven course dinner for tho Dlxon-Conlln wedding party, ; ut of town house guests, and n iium- bor of friends wns held at tho homo f.i Mr. anil Mrs. Thomas Iloaley last opening. Tho tables woro decorated v tli large basket Iniquets of rose and Wiiite swoet peas, fern leaves and b' vvg of pink chiffon and Easter 11 lies. Place cards were hand paint e 1 Kustor brides and covers wero laid ff forty. Assisting tho hostess 0ere M lames J. 11. Stone, E. V. Soeberger, L. W. Walker. P. J. Wurtele, O. II, O I islerk During the ovonlng Dr. Or:. 'In. presontod Miss Dixon with her br' il gift which was a link bracelet of .ilatlnum set with diamonds and sapphires. ::o:: For Sale, 640 acres of land north of Ilershoy at f 5.00 per aero. $500.00 down, timo on balance. Gano Creole, North Platto. Nob. TRIANGLE CLUB OPENS MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN TWO HUNDRED MEM HERS IS THE AIM OF THE HUSTLING COM MITTEE OF THIRTY Supper Served Lust Night, of Tenuis Appointed Now tho Can ass In Progress Captains and is Tho Trlanglo club hold a supper Inst night at tho oponlng of their cam paign for '00 members. A splendid sirppor iwhs sorved by Poulos Bros., and at its closo Presi dent ltedenbaugh sang a solo which wiih encored. Among thoso who who mado oncouraglng reninrks wore May-or-olect Waltomntli, J. V. Ronilgh of Dodgo llros. garage, and Roy Hanks of tho Hub store, David llrooks, Taylor, John Mnng, Jnmos Van Avery of tho Omaha Cycle club. Tho membership of tho club was dl vldod into two teams of about thirty ennvassors oach for nicmborshlp, call ed tho rods and bluos. W. E. Starr Is captain of tho reds, whllo Ralph Rob inson Is captain of tho bluos. Presi dent ltedonbnugh Is Robinson's 1st lloutenant and Managing Secretary Hull is Mr. Starr's ist lieutenant. A largo thonnometor is to bo 'plncel In tho window of W. R. Malonoy's hard wlare store and tho progress of tho teams marked oach day. Tho team securing tho largost nutnbor of mem bers Is to furnish tho program noxt Monday night whllo tho defeated team Is to provide tho suppor. ':o: : Crnddock Ghcu Mai eh. In tho wrestling match at Omaha lust night Crnddock was glvon the match over Stochor. Roports of tho match at this writing aro niongro, but Steelier threw his opponent In tho first round. In tho second Crnddock fought off Stochor for an hour and for ty mlnutoft, but finally securod some sort of a hold that resulted In him pin ning Steelier to the floor. Steelier ro fusod to como up for tho third round, ouo rejort saying on ncount of an Injury. Crnddook was awardod tho honors. ::o:: Governor Neville has appointed O. H. Thoolocko and Tho Tribune oilitor delecntos to tho1, national cood rends convention to bo hold this month at Dinningliiim, Ala. No expense check accompanied tho lnvltntlon which cuts out the possibility of Tho Tribune man attending; wo don't know how Thoeleeko Is fixed. -tou. can gt the HUE WINDOW, FLAGS at C. M. Newton's, cut out, C conts oaclu The Royal Neighbors will meet AVud nosday aftornoon at !1 o'clock in tho K. P. hall. Miss Nina Elder closed a success ful term of school In district No. 1)2 Friday. ::o:: FOR SALE l'-'IMi west (Itli street, seven room house; filler In house. Just tho place for pcrNini Marking at roundhouse or shops. Can be bought on easy terms. ' ' RRATT, GOODMAN & RUCKLEY. ::o:: Homo For Sale. NclA' lvo room bungalow with baso niont equipped with washing outfit and watering plant; cornor lot 200x 210, good young orchard and out buildings, Mrs. C. C. Wlloy, Suther land. Nob. Phono M0. Mogensen's Next Sale WILL BE SATURDAY, MAY 5th. Farmers get your stock in shape for this sale, and have the stufi listed so as to gel it on the advertising hills. All stock and other goods must he listed before April 25th, in ordcr'to he advertised. . J Electrical Sewing Machine Thin fully guaranteed machine is light and can be carried arround the house with ease and used on any table. The machine is driven by an electric motor under perfect control. Machine and motor fully equipped with attachments, $35.00. Come in and see it. North Platte Light and Power Co. HERE'S A CHANCE TO LEARN MILITARY TACTICS Wo aro roquostcd to Btato that a meeting will bo hold Thursday ovonlng at tho Chamber of Commorco rooms for tho purposo of discussing tho or ganization of a rosorVo military com pany of married men. This company will bo organized for tho purposo of acquainting tho mon with military tactics, which would bo very helpful should they bo called Into sorvico. Among thoso who so far havo an nounced, tholr attention of becoming nionibers of this proposed company aro Frank McGovorn, IWI11 FVlond, Guy Swopo, O. It. Robinson, R. D. Ulrgo, W. J. O'Connor and W. H. Mun gor. All others interested aro urged to attend tho nieotlng Thursday .ovonlng. Meeting 'or I). A. Jt, Sioux Lookout chapter of tho D. A. R. will meet Friday ovoniug, April 13. at 7:;i0 with Mrs. G. T. Fiold. with tho following program: Song, America; roll call, patriotic quotations; roport of Konornl business transactions of stato conforonco. Mrs. O. F. Spencer; report of social affairs at the stato conforonco held at Fre mont March lil and 22, Mrs. O. L. Moroy; roport of D. A. It. mooting hold In Washington, 1). C, Mrs. J. D. Jotor; vocal solo, Mrs. L. W. Toolo; review March D. A. It. Magazine, Miss Edith Patterson. ::o:: Nurse llrowii Memorial Hospital Miss Ellon Kaln of Sutherland, who 'wjus recently opornted upon is doing nlcoly. Mrs. Elslo Ditch has returned to Wallace after bolng In tho city a fow days whllo hor throo chlldron woro being -treated at tho hospital. Tho small son of W. P. Sadlo of Paxton undorwont a minor operation Tuesday morning. Tho infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Horbert Woodgnto of Blgnell was takon homo Thursday after taking treatment at tho hospital. ::o:: , Cuftl(. for Snlo BOO 2-year-old Hereford and Durham bettors with calf. Good quality. Priced right. Must bo sold by May let. JAYNE & LATHOM, 26-a Cosad, Nobr. ::o:: Weather forecast for North Platto and vicinity: Partly cloudy tonight nnd Wednesday; cooler tonight High- l'Ht tenipuraturo yestorday 81, a year 'lK ,"8; lowost Inst night 40, a year On Sale At The v10c Store"'" TREES Apple Cherry Plum Peach Pear iOc each J ROSE BUSHES IOc. Large Variety Dahlia Bulbs, Canna Bulbs. W. J. O'CONNOR. 5, 10, and 25 Cent store. 1