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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1917)
WALTEMATH WINS EASY; BONDJSSUES CARRY .til, II L.MAN DKFKATS JlOOA'Kl' IX bl'UUTO ilOJIT lOJt IITI TJtHAHl'JtKJt SutMMgMlMiWI Day i;ioclcil Councilman In First, liownrd Jlclllchncl In Second, Stono In Third and Vonlloolz In Fourth F.O.B. Chicago W TO THE NEWCOMERS this bank 1ms gained its present advantageous position in this community by its ready helpfulness to its depositors. We have a service here for every one and will be glad to welcome you to this bank. Come in and get acquainted with us. Platte Valley State Bank! North Platte, Nebraska. Mrs. A. II. Dllllon, of Oinnha, Is ex pected horo tomorrow to visit -with hor daughtor Mrs. II. W. Allwlno. Folks stand and won der at the success of Sherwin-Williams Paints and Varnishes easily the best known and most widely used finishes on the market. There's no secret to this great success un less it is the secret of quality maintained for fifty years and never les sened. Sherwin-Williams X MINTS & VARNISHES m are mado to standard they are tested, analyzed and protected by many experts. There is a uni formity about them that assures people of the right shade and material in each package when they want to match a job or start a new one. We're agents. Kexall Drug Co. NORTH PLATTE, NEB. IRA L. BAKE, Editor and Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One l'cur hj Mall In AdTiwco....?1.2f One Year ujr Currier In Advance.. ?).T0 Untorod at North Platte, Nebraska, PostoQlco us Second Class Matter. FRIDAY, AIMIIL (5, 1917. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Bids for the construction ot tho now Plzor building will ho opened today and tho award will follow. Both Mr, Plzor and J. V. Romlgh tho latter tho lessoo aro anxious that tho building ho completed at as early a date as pos sible. Loulso Huff. In "Destiny's Toy," showing at tho Keith Saturday night, rolates a story of a child saved In a wreck that has cost lier mothor's life, and mournodi aB dead by her fathor, loads a varying and thrilling Hfo; a poor Hltlo human bedng mado tho plaything of fato. Tho Easter sale tho Methodist ladles will hold tomorrow at Dorryborry & Forbos' Btoro mllll commonco at 10 a. m, and all donations by tho ladles aro roquostodl to bo In early. All kinds of fancy work, rugs, aprons of diff erent slylo, alBo ontaiblee such as plo, cako, broad and Eastor eggs, etc., will bo on salo. Tho ongagomont of Miss Hazel Bo atrloo .Obofoldor of Sldnoy and Ray mond E. Frank, of Donvor, has boon announced ly Mr. and Mrs. Josoph Oborfoldor, parents of tho brldo-oloct. Miss Oherroldor 1b woll knotoln horo, having frequently visited local frlonds. Tho wedding will tako plnco In July. Tho Htrect comnilsslonor sorvos no tlco that tho garbago collector will begin his rounds Monday. Whothor all houaoholdors havo provided thom solvcs with theso cans wo know not, but If not, they should. By tholr uni versal ubo North Plntto will become a cleaner, moro healthful and swootcr scented town. Allco Brady will appear at the Crystal Saturday afgtornoon and ov onlng In a touching Btory with truth as tho foundation. "Tim Hnm?rv HoarL" This photoplay was mado irum mo Bingo piay "i rou I'Tou," the slory of a girl who married to ploaso her fathor while loving another man, lj.'jvpy wrecKing nor mo. Tho city election Tuesday was a iViUior quiet allair, less It'han 1000 voters out or a total of 100 0xerclalng tho right of suffrage. Tho only en thusiasm displayed was by tho sup porters of Roy Mehlmann, candidate lor city treasurer, a half dozen or more workors for him bolng In ovl uonco throughout tho day, and tholr efforts in his behalf won him the victory. There was some ,brk done by the friends of Henry Waltomcth, candi date for mayor, but as between him and Hollman tho contest was not very spirited and Mr. Waltomath won easily. If there were foaturos of tho day, they woro tho big voto received by Major Davo Day for councilman In tho First, nnd tho defeat of VanCloavo for councilman in tho Second. Particularly pleasing to tho progres sive olomoiit of tho voters woro tho majorities received by tho flro station bonds nnd tho school bonds. Tho voto in dotail follows: Mayor Waltomath First ward 1HG, Sec ond awrd 78, Third ward 140, Fourth ward 11G, total 400. Hollman First ward 111, Second ward 104, Third ward 103, Fourth wam 105, total 423. Waltonmth's majority Clly Clerk For city clerk O. E. Elder had no opposition. Ho received 235 votes In tho First, 152 In tho Second, 214 in tho Third and 192 In tho Fourth, a iouu oi ma. Clly Treasurer Mohlman First ward 187, Second waru luz, Third ward 121, Fourlth waru lib, total 058. Moonoy First ward 8-1, Second warn vb, Tiura ward 125, Fourth ward 7G, total 3G0. Mohlman's majority 198. naler Commissioner For wator commlsainnor TToraimv Welch milth no opposition, received 233 in tho First 165 In tho Sncnml. 215 In tho Third and 17G In the I'ourtli, a total voto of 779. Councilman First ward Davo Day 17G, Julius iiainer 37, XI. A. Brooks 53; Day's majority over both 8G. Second ward H. R. McMIcliaol 109, vumjicavo u; AicMlchaors ma orlty 38. Third ward J. II. Stono 148, A. M Lock 95; Stone's majority 63. Fourth ward V. Vondnotz ihr. in McMlchnol 83; VonGoetz's majority 52. It mill Tticnns For Flro Houso Bonds First wnrd iuo, acconu ward 1J9, Third ward 17 Fourth ward 13K. intni r.oi Against Flro House Bonds First ward G3. Second nn.rri m Tutt-A ...i 5.1, Fourth mVird 58, totnl 211. majority ror bonds 380. For School Bonds First iwfcird 1GG. Socond ward 113. Tiiiri io Fourth ward 135. Against: First ward ... nwra,, wnrn -la, Third ward 41, Fourth ward 58. During tho winter wo congratulated OUrsOlVOS that nilli!h nnnur - " " " .IfrliVJJ and that tho ground woulj bo soaked w..o oiMniH. it now develops, now ovor, that tho earth is wot but a short distance below tho surface. It takes ton Indies of snow to mako an Inch of wator, and It requires several Inches of wator to wet tho ground to any considerable depth, thoroforo tho snows did not soak tho ground nearly so dcop as wo thought. Wo wish to thank .tho Degroo of Honor, Yeomon, Auxiliary of Spanish War Veterans, and tho Junior and Senior High Schools, also our many frlonds for thor klndnoss during the Illness nnd at tho funoral of the lato Mrs. Nolll Cough, and for tho beau tiful floral tributes sont Mrs. Mary Aloxandor and Granddaughters. FOR YOUR AUTO SERVICE Call 125 for Taxi day or night. Also flvo or seven passongor car for funoral sorvlco. " MOGBNSEN-LOUDEN AUTO CO-, Chandlor & Elcar Agency, Comor Eighth nnd Locust Sts. 1 .ill.! Ti 7 '-"-'i - !ow Cam You Afford to Overlook This? A MASTERPIECE of transportation design, built for your requirements to give you the lowest hauling cost in the world and the most satisfactory service. An attachment that makes a fully guaranteed one-ton truck out of any Ford, Max well, Dodge Bros., Chevrolet, Buick or Overland car. That gives you a permanent truck construction as well built as. the most costly truck you can buy and yet cheaper in price than a good pair of horses. A hauling unit that moves twice the tonnage moved by horses that has demonstra ted a ton -mile operating cost of less than 8 cents from records obtained from over 10,000 users in over 400 lines of work. A sturdy truck construction that has reduced time lost out of service to a minimum. The first Smith Form-a-Truck has been in steady service for four years has covered over 20,000 miles hauled an aver age load of 2,050 pounds and cost but 8 for repairs. A proved transportation service of wonderful day in and day out efficiency and earning power. That has added to the profits of every user by cutting down expense in the hauling and delivery depart ments and by eliminating unneces sary and wasteful equipment. The Smith Form-a-Truck gives you a one-ton truck of 125 in. wheelbase; with either 9 or 12 ft. loading platform; with a sturdy double chain drive; solid truck type rear tires; a rear axle con struction that supports 90 of the load carried takes all the carrying woi k off the power plant and puts it on the truck construction. Every type of bodv from th ihi, fiat iiid mpress txpe to the big Heel dumping bodies fot contractors and xht huge vans for movers is usiti m Smith Form a l n4ck. 'lhete n no line of business in which lfie neiv era hauting and Mite ytehw rues n ifind a eadv place North Platte Truck Co. GEORGE CARMAN, Mgr. North Platte, Neb. LOCAL AND PERSONAL In Attorney Glhhs spent Tuesday Ogalalla on legal matters. For Rent Furnished rooms. In qulro G02 west Sixth. 23-3 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cramer wore In Ogaialla a few tlays this week. Dr. Morrill. Dentist. Cyril Doncgan has returned to Lin coln aftor a visit with the homo folks. For quick action and sadsfactosy sale lint your land with Thocltcke. tf Mrs. W. II. Huddartt has returned from a brlof visit with friends at Mol- borta. Mrs. J. II, Donogan returned Tues day from Omaha whoro sho visited for sovoral days. For Salo Parlor Set, lnqulro 214' oast Third. 23-2 Miss Mary Maloy, of Lomoyuo, came a few days ago to visit hor undo N. P. Clough and Mrs. Clough. 1 Mrs. Paul Koine, of Chicago, Is expected horo this wook to visit her moth or Mrs. Mylandor. j For Salo Cheap Good six hole' range. lnqulro at 521 west lOtli street,1 or phono Rod 1017. j Mrs. Louisa Peters and Mrs. C. O. Wolngnnd have returned from Omaha, whoro thoy visited tholr slstor. j MIbs Forn Wilson returned tho oarly part ot tho week from Gothenburg, nioro sho visited tho homo folks. For Salo First and second cutting of alfalfa, looao. Phono 7G0F11, or ad dress J. L. Caso, North Platto. 19-4 Mrs. Wilfred Stuart, who has been' visiting In town for a woek will re-, turn to hor homo In Lexington Sunday evening. Women's C. M. C. athletic union suits, something similar In stylo to men's 11. V. D. Ask to see them at Tho Loador Mercantile Co.'s. William Ii. Gordon, of Sutherland, and F.nnna J. Thompson of Paxton, ivjero marriod horo Tuesday by Coun ty Judgo French. Tho llttlo daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Scott who was accidentally hit ou tho head with a baoo ball bat Is gottlng along nicely. Tho gonoral woman's Club will moot Tuosday ovonlng, April 10th, at 8 o'clock In tho rest room of the Chamber of Couimorco. Miss Elslo Crano, who recently re turned from Grand Island mttioro sho Bpont aovoral months, will remain lu tills city Indefinitely. Honry Woll returned tho oarly part of tho wcok from Grand Island whoro ho epont Bevoral days visiting friends and transacting business. Miss Irma Barraclough entertained tho members of tho Eldecn club at a kenslngton Wednesday afternoon. Miss Irene Curtis and Clyde McKain both living southwest of this city were married Monday afternoor at the Bapist parsonage by Hev. Hull. Miss Curtis formerly resided In tlils city and has been a successful rural school teacher for the past threo years. Mr. and Mrs. McKain will reside on a farm four miles east of this city. A contest for thcr most sales of the Country Gentleman -was held for flvo weeks at tho C. M. Ndnjton storo and closed this wook. First prize was awarded to Louis Broternltz who sold seventy-five, second to Qulncy Wilcox, third to Glen Waltemath and Leo Leon and fourth to Thomas Orton, Jr. Mrs. II. N. Smith and Louis Push man returned Tuosday from Denver whero they had been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Percy O'Brien for ten days. Tho domestic science department of tho Twentieth Century club mot Monday afternoon with Mrs. Charles Boguo. Tho subject for discussion was" Insect Pests" and Mrs. Joseph Roddy acted as leador. A paper was read by Mrs. Ralph Smith on "Flies," Mrs. Mecombor gave a talk on "Ants." Mrs. C F. Adams' subject aws "Cock roaches" and Mrs. Roddy told of "Mo squitoes." Tho hostess demonstrated water Illy salad. For Sale. G40 acres of land north of Hershey at $5.00 per acre. $500.00 down, timo on balance. Gono Crook, North Platto. Nob. OVED! We opened for business in our new location 60S North Locust Street Monday, April 2d, with a full line of Bicycles, Motorcycles and Supplies. Harley-Davidson Motorcycles and Bicycles, Unexcelled and Dayton Bicycles. R. W. VROMAM, Phone Red 249. 60S N. Locust St. Dodge Brothers Hupmobile Chevrolet Cars and Repair parts in stock at North Platte. J. V. RO MIGH, Dealer. 107 W. Gth. ST. PHONE 844. Naw Service Station this Spring.