The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 06, 1917, Image 5

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    Shortage of
this year is certain, but compared to the shortage
of Dodge Brothers cars, it may be said to be as
yet unimportant, and with most makes, plenty of
cars are yet to be had for delivery.
I am not only short of Dodge" cars, have
been short all winter long, but right now and for
some time past, have been totally OUT of
Dodges. Orders are now on file for a number of
cars, and I could have delivered at least three
carloads last week to my agents, if I could have
obtained them. I do not expect to catch up with
my orders for many months. Won't you call in
or phone your order for a Dodge car, if you want
one this spring or summer, as only by filing
these orders, can I hope to get cars for you any
where near when you want them. Do it today.
Do not take some lesser car solely because you
can get an immediate delivery. It will pay you
many times over to wait and finally get a Dodge.
Walter Hoxlo left a few days ago
for Ogalalla to spend a week.
J. C. Den returned to Sidney Wed
nesday after a short visit In town.
Christian Science servlco Sunday 11
o'clock. Building & Loan building,
room 25.
Rev. Donley, of the eastern part o
the state, Is visiting this week with
Rev. P. F. McDaid.
Ground Alfalfa for sale. Third cut
ting. THOMAS E. DOOL1TTLE, phono
782F022. 24-2
Joseph Oberfelder, of Sidnoy, was
hero yesterday while enroute to Oma
ha on business.
Dr. W. T. Pritchard went to Goth
enburg yesterday afternoon to spend a
day or two.
Llonol Barrymore in tho 5-act Metro
wonderplay, "Tho Uphcavel," at tho
Crystal Monday night.
State Fish Warden Holmes of Gret
na spent several days here on business
and left yesterday afternoon.
William Norris. who is attending
tlm iinlirnitnHil ir.mrx ii F rtnf l V. nil I
ago to visit tho homo folks.
John Lincoln, Jr., who has been at
tending school In Kearney, came tho
first of the week to attend the Lincoln
Brooks wedding.
Mr. andl Mrs. Chris Schick, of Cur
tis,, wore hero this week to attend the
wedding of tho latter's sister at the
Lincoln homo Wednesday.
Mrs. Margaret McDonald, of San
Antonio, Texas, who visited Mr. and
Mrs. William Hubbard whilo enrouto
to Cheyenne, left a few days ago.
0. H. Thoolccko reports tho salo of
ICO acres of tho west part of tho for--mer
Cody land to Steve Albro, who of
lato lived on tho Dillon farm.
The general meeting of the Twenti
eth Cntury club will bo held Tuesday
evening at tho Chamber of Commerce
rooms. Election of officers will bo
Mr. and Mrs. George Shaffer, who
had been residing ' on east Fourth
street moved yesterday to tho resi
denco ;lliich they recently purchased
in the Fourtli ward.
Tom O'Day was arrested Wednes
day for being drunk and disorderly
and fined ?G.80. lie was unable to pay
but iwlis released on condition that he
would leave tho city. j
Wllllnm U firnirnn nnil Miss Aca
Winterers, of Cozad, wore married in
this city Wednesday by County Judge
French. Witnesses were Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil Vickers.
W. L. Knowles of Cheyenne, and
Sellna M. Peterson of Jabeo, Nebr.,
'wro united in marriage Wednesday
morning at tho court house by County
Judg0 French and left that afternoon
for oastorn points.
Cliff Anderson and Joseph Gosnell
who were arraigned in tho county
court Tuesday for stealing corn from
F. J .Kusor nnd otatoesp from J.
Slaughter and tho caso iw'as continued
until April 12th.
Notice to llldddcrs
Plans and specification's for a two
story brick and tilo building sizo 44x
124 aro now ready and can be seen at
my store.
All bids must bo in Monday, April
lGth. It. X. LAMB.
Maurice Lanning recently employed
In the Union Pacific stor0 department
has resigned nnd lwjill locate on a
homestead In Wyoming.
John Bun. who hndl been employed
in tho Western Union office for sovoral
months, rslgned yesterday and will
leavo In a short timo for Arkansas.
General Roadmaster Scott and Gen
eral Superintendent of signal service
Grant were hero tho first of this Iwteek
on Union raclflc business.
Mrs. C. E. Souser and family will
move to Grand Islnnd in a short time
where Mr. Souser was recently trans
fortied as roadmaster. Misses Cora and
Ethel Souser will remain hero for tho
Chas. F. Burns, a former North
Platte engineer, died in Denver a
few days ago at he ago of slxty-tliroe.
Ho was employed at this tcrmianl more
than a quarter of a century ago, and
pulled the first passenger train over
tho Julesburg branch.
Traveling Auditor Datesman, of the
Union Pacific was hero yesterday and
chocked in the following employes of
the freight house: FTT. Redmond has
been officially appointed station agent.
Earl Stamp chief clerk, R. H, Dill
cashier and Donald O'Brien clerk. Mr.
Redmond has been employed as cash
ier for twenty-six years.
II. V. Hilliker, formerly of this city
who had been superintendent at tho
Union Pacific depot in Omaha received
a promotion April 1st and is now car
service agent of Union Pacific with
offices in headquarters building and
will be in tho department of Supt. of
Transportation E. C. Manson. J.
Walter Adams of this city will suc
ceed Mr. Hilliker as depot superin
tendent. Nine switchmen and two car in
spectors employed by the Denver &
Rio Grande railroad were arrested at
Salt Lake City on charges of stealing
thousands of dollars' worth of whis
ky, clothing, household goods and
other valuables. One of their feats,
it is charged, was the wrecking of a
car of whisky, so they could loot while
tho car ap.s unsealed, r.nd the goods
not wanted wore reloaded. The car
was allowed to collido with another,
causing tho damage.
Oscar G. Mnrrv. formnrlv iironMnnt
of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad,
is another rich man who saw to it Unit
his fortuno should bo doing good after
his death. Tho greater part of It will
bo devoted under the terms of his will
to tho establishment of a home for
widows nnd orphans of tho company's
ompioyos, ana so his memory infill bo
hold in honor by tho men with whom
ho worked. This is something beyond
tho old community of interest between
railroad presidents and all who serv
ed the company.
: :o: :
Mrs. William Baldock formerly of
this city camo down Monday evening
to visit her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
The Darktown Minstrels composed of
school studonts will glvo a negro
musical farco entitled "Tho Colfln
CluV nV tlve Ilrnnklin AudltorluVn
Friday evening, April 20th.
Just received, a big shipment of
boys' wash suits. Little follows'
bloomers and regulation, army, police,
and Indian outfits for boys nnd girls,
2 to 8 year in sizo at The Leader Mor
cantllo Co.'s.
Business men of North Platto and
farinors of tho adjacent territory of
Swedish Nationality to Uio number of
twonty-flvo havo organized a Swedish
Colonization AssoclMion and olected
as offlcors John E. Nelson proeldont,
Claus Andorson vico-presidont, J. E.
Stouvall secretary and trensuror and
S. M. Johnson assistant - secretary.
While tho mcmbors of tho association
now number but twonty-ilvo, this mem
bership will bo increased, and ovory
Swede In tho county Is Invited to Join.
Tho object of the association Is
colonlzo or have locate In Lincoln
county Swedish farmers and stock
men, to assist in financing them In
tho purchnso of land, llvo stock or
iinplomonts, and to this end assist
mon of that nationality to obtain good
homos and at hto samo tlmo further
develop nnd lmprov0 Lincoln county.
Tho association has already ndvor
tlsod in eastern papers tho advan
tages Lincoln county offors, and as a
rosult Uio secretary Is bolng doluged
with letters of inquiry. A fund has
been created to further carry on
this advertising campaign, and later in
tho spring a representative will bo
sent east to thickly populated Swjed
Ish settlements to further tell of Lin
coln county's ndvantngos.
Lists of land for sal0 havo been
furnished tho association, nnd when
an Interested party writes tho secre
tary for information as to a cortain
class of land desired, tho writer is
furnished with tho lands listed, tho
conditions nnd prices.
It Is bolleved tho association will
bo instrumntnl in securing many now
settlers for Lincoln county. Certainly
theso efforts aro to bo commended.
Ilnspel Denies lleport
A rumor has somehow boon circu
lated, that I should, havo said, that If
any ono put an American Flag on my
auto, that I should tear it davsji, spit
on It, and tramplo upon It. This rumor
is absolutely false, and I hereby
brand tho samo as a malicious false
hood. I furthpr desire to say, that as be
tween Germany nnd its European
enemies, my sympathies have been
with tho land of my birth, but as be
tween Germany and tho United States,
I stand loyal to tho country of my
adoption, and I glvo it my undivided
and loyal support.
A Well Deserved Promotion.
Tho promotion of Frank T. Red
mond to the position of Union Pacific
station agent at North Platto is cer
tainly a merited promotion. For over
twenty-fivo years Mr. Redmond, as
cashier, has given the Union Pacific
tho best that was in him conscien
tious, painstaking service that entail
ed long hours and close application.
No matter how rushed with work, Mr.
Redmond was aMays courteous and
obliging to patrons, and mndlo friends
fori the company. Shako, Frank, you
well deserved what has been given
Oul-of-Town Guests
At Dlxon-Coiilln Wedding
We have a car rolling, due in a day or two. Early Ohio
Seed Potatoes from Red River valley, Minn. As this car is
already partly sold, would advise you to place your order in
Also have cur tankage due, we have on hand nut size
cotton seed cake, old process Lihdseed meal, calf meal, pig
meal, egg-mash, milk-mash, alfalfa-meal, chop, hran, shorts,
and chick-food.
Tho following ouii-of-tio! )i guests
at tho Dixon-Conlln wedding will arrive
Sunday from Omaha: Mr. and Mrs.
Herbert Riggs. Mr. nnd Mrs. Mac
Harding, Mr. and Mrs. Will Jofrers,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harding, Mrs.
.Anna Doe, Miss Ruth Patterson, Miss
Mnrio Massoy, Miss Gertrude May
tham, tho Rev. Stonson, Lewis Mc
Shano, John Latensor, Lloyd Smith, A.
Bannister and Chas. Powell.
From Madison, Wis.: William Conlln.
Funeral of .Mrs. Jougli.
Tho funeral services of tho lato Mrs.
Nellie Gough wero held Tuesday af
ternoon at the Christian church and
conducted by Archdeacon Bowkor and
Bishop needier. Tho lloral offerings
wero beautiful. Tho Yeoman lodge, of
which tho deceased vas a member,
attended In a body. Mrs. Gough was
tho first chaplin of tho local homo
stead. Pall bearers wero Edward
Ogler, Sam Soudor, F. J. Dunn, Kirk
Sturdevnnt, Frank Martin and A. W.
Shilling. Interment was mado In the
North Platte cemetery.
: :o: :
Sups for Divorce
William Ei Regan filed suit for
divorce in the district court Wednes
day from Jesse J. Regan on tho
grounds of desertion Th nv wnri tun
ried in Juno '23. isn.i in en.i. t
nnd ton years ago ho allogos that ho
.iu uuHurieu iy tn0 defendant. Tm
children wero born to this union
Robert M. born in 1891 and Arnold R.
born in 1895.
; .ci. :
Ifosplfnl Must Enlarge
Business hns so grb'whi at the City
Hospital as to urgently demand great
ly Incrensod mmrtnra Tim -..i,,...!
Intorofited aro working on two plans
one to double or treble tho prosent
capacity; the other to sen the present
building, secure a good-sized tract of
grouncl and erect a building along tho
"""V" a iiiwmirii uospitai. Which plan
to adopt will soon be decided.
: :o: : .
Nollco to I'
Those who rake leaves and other
unman inio uio street ditcho must
burn or remove the, annm t t..
ensos where an attempt to burn has
neon made ana not nil has burnod tho
riMiiHiiiner must no removed.
We aro nil interested in a clean
looking city; will you do your part?
24-2 Streot CommlBsilonor.
1 :-'.o : ;
The flnrlmire .Han
Tho gnrbago hauler will begin
rnUIlds next Mniulnv ninrnln,. .....1 ..II
housoholdors aro roquostod to placo
their cans at the alloy gate or other
convenient plane In ronr of lot. Ploaso
iioposit nn Kitchen renise In theso
enns. nnd tho cans will bo emptied
24-2 Streot Commissioner.
Will Sacrifice Vllirh Grade iMnnn.
Wo havo had left on our hands nt
.ortn Platto. a now hlch erndo nlnnn
which, for immediato salo. win bo
sold tremendously cheap. Liberal
terms to a responsible party. This Is
tho bargnln hunters opportunity. If
interested write tho Denvor Music
company, Denver, Colo., nt onco
Swifts Premium Hams for- Easter Breakfast
Easter Morning. The
scurrying pit pats of little
feet; the search for "what
the rabbit brought." The
promising rattle of kitchen
thing then incense. Upstairs
conies a whiff that means
more to hungry folks than
Arabia's precious spices, the
tantalizing aroma of Ham a
the gods could ask no more!
Dress double quick and down
to breakfast. There it
splutters on the platter, thick
juicy slices, with Brookfield
Eggs, all white and gold, they
are sizzling too.
A sure enough feast.
Keep the holiday's, respect
their customs, that's part of
the romance of living. Easter
morning means ham and eggs
or bacon and eggs and best
Ham and best Bacon means
Swift's Products. They form
the premium test, a real quality standard. We care most to serve you the Best
Swift's Premium Tested Foods.
Tho threo rooms In tho Hlnmnn
building havo boon repainted, ropn
pored and now floor laid, preparatory
to occupancy by tho Lincoln wholesalo
grocery house. Tho firm begins pay
ing rent April 15th, so it is expected
that tho stock will bo shipped In by
or shortly after that date.
: :o: :
Homo For Sale.
NtlA" lvo room bungalow with base
ment equipped with washing outfit
and watering plant; comer lot 200x
240, good young orchard and out
buildings. Mrs. C. C. Wiley, Suther
land. Neb. Phon0 140.
: :o: :
Statement of Ownership
' (Rosuired by Act of Congress of
August 2i; 1912.)
I, Ira L. Bar'o, having boon duly
sworn according to law, deposes and
says that ho Is tho solo owner, pub
lisher, editor and manngor of tho
North Platto Somi-Weokly Trlhuno
published nt North Paltto, Nobr., that
thfiro aro no stockholders or bond
holders, nnd that only tho said Ira L.
Baro Is finnnclnlly interested in tho
Raid North Platto Semi-Weekly Tri
bune. IRA L. BARE.
Subscribed nnd swnrn to before mo
this 4th day of April. 1917.
Notnrv Public.
United Doctors'
Will Be At The
Thursday, April 12th.
Hours 10 a. m. to 8. p. m.
Iteniiuknlile Success of These Talent.
I'hvHlcIiuiK III (ho Treatment
of Chronic Diseases.
William Farnum and Noll Shlpman
will appear at tho Crystal tonight in
tho Fox featuro "Tho Fires of Con
nclonco," which, by tho way, Is a vorj
lino story, "woll acted.
Tho B. of R. T. and B. of L. F. and
E. aro planning to hold a banquet at
tho Vlonnn cafo and ball at tho Lloyd
opora houso on Friday ovonlug, April
Bank hmn
who need financial aid shon
call on us for prompt service.
The McDonald State Hank
a long and favorable career
making cattle loans in Line
We have a large fund, iiuiucd
lately available at lowest cur
Farmers and stockraisers in
vicinity of North Platte arc
diallv invited to profit by
long experience and ample bank
mc laeiiiucs.
I? Donah. State
TION i i(i:i:
Tho diagnostician of tho United
Doctors, licensed by tho stnto of Ne
biaska, for tho treatment of chronic
diseases of men, ivmi6n and children,
nitor to all who call on this visit, con
sultation, examination and advice
tree. Thoy havo a system and method
of trontmont8 thnt aro sure and cer
tain in their results.
Tliae doctors are experts In the
treatmont of chronic diseases of tho
blood, Hvor, stomnch. Intostlnofl, heart,
kidneys or bladder, rhoumntlsm, sci
atica, tape worm, leg ulcers, weak
lungs, and those afflicted with long
Manning, deep sentod chronic dls-
ons-es, that have baffled tho skill of
other physicians, should not fall to
According to their system" no moro
operation for appendicitis, gall stonos,
golfer, pllos, etc., ns all casos ac
cepted will bo treated, without opera
tion or hypodermic Injection. If you
havo kidney or bladder trouble bring
a i-ounce nottio or your urine for
chemical analysis and microscopic ex
Worn-out and run-down mon nnd
womoti, no matter what your nllmont
may ie, no matter what you havo boon
told, or tho exporlonco you havo had
with other physicians, sottlo It foievor
in your mind. If your enso Is incur
1lo they will tell you ho. Consult
them upon this visit. It costs you
Remember, this free offer Is for this
viu only.
Married ladies must come with their
nusimmiB and minors with their par
Boys 15 and Up
TO join that great army of producers.
YOU are entering early manhood.
YOUR parents raised you and they are vitally interested
in your future life.
BY SAVING a few dimes each month you can complete
your education and have a nice nest egg at age 35.
SHOULD you die prior, you would protect your busi
ness interest and leave a cash estate.
CIES are sold on monthly pay plan, and every man under 65
. years should see what they mean to him.
NO ONE can pass judgment on "something they have
never seen. Without obligating you, will bo pleased to call
at your home and explain our policies in full.
CONSULT YOUR PARENTS about this and let mc
show you and them reason upon reason why you should start
an Old Line Life Policy on easy terms while you are young.
J. E. SEBASTIAN, State Manager.
Minn. Mutual Life Ins. Co.,
Res. Phone Red 348. Office Red 012.