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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1917)
$635.00 NOW $665.00 May 1st because of the increased cost of the high-grade materials used in the manuf ac- ture of Maxwell Motor Cars, and because the policy ' of the Maxwell Company will not permit of cheapening its product, ScmMJJccklu (iEriinme. (It A L. BARE, Editor and Publisher. therefore the price of the Maxwell be slightly increased as follows: Touring Car Roadster - Buy from $635 to from $620 to will $665 $650 YOUR Maxwell before MAY FIRST and save the increase. C. M. TROTTER, MAXWELL Motor Cars J SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Yeur by 51 all In Acbnuee. . . .$L8 One Year by Carrier In AdTUiico. .IlilO Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Postolllce as Second Class Matter. Fill HAY, APRIL C, 1917. THE YKOJIAN CONCLAVE CLOSES WITH A WALL The Yeoman stato conclave closed Tuesday evening 'w,1th a largely attend ed dancing party at tne Yeoman nan. DurlnK the evening punch, Ice cream and cake was served. Two business sessions wero neiu during the day, and at one of these tho following oincers oi tno state as sociation were elected: C O. Heath, Omaha foreman; W. L.. Hanke. Butte, master of accounts; Mary Elizabth Calkins, Fremont, cor respondent; Maty spongier, Lincoln, My Companion For a Day By ETHEL HOLMES In the leafy mouth of .tunc, 11)14, 1 was mnklng a pedestrian tour through Switzerland, and when 1 emerged from there It was over tho heights lying on the west. Standing on an eminence I was looking down upon Franco sprend out before nio when, glancing aside, I saw a young woman sitting before an easel sketching. Sho turned her face, and, seeing a woman standing near her, sho smiled. I went to her and looked at her picture. I sat down on the ground nenr her, and while she remained on her sketch, lug stool and worked wo chatted. 1 attempted to Interest her lu tho United States, but she did not appear to ad mire our Institutions. "You aro a nation of Individuals," sho said, "and tliero Is nothing to weld OLD LINE LIFE Policies ON EASY TERMS J. E. SEBASTIAN. Slnto Mcrr. Minn.Mutual Lifelns.Co. Phone Office Red 612 Residence Red 348 NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. been master of ceremonies; Sam Thomas, you. Many rnces aro represented Sutherland,, chaplln; J. A. Brown, among you, and tho people of each race Alma, overseer; Mrs. Etta Bartlett, stand together and keep up their na- Lyons, sentinel; Cleo bhazer, Aivo, tlonal traditions. If a war should guard. ... break out between any too nations W. J. TIley, of the city was oiccteti hPn thn ,nn1n nf ,, ,n Amnrt S et" tt V "TZZn would come back to flght for tho fa- 7"'.," v therland, even those who had nf TTnlvnroltv Plnr-n nml Ami Honlv UOrn On American SOll." nf nrnnim P.iinr rfnintmtAa. "You are mistaken," I replied. "Our Tho conclave nledced the suDnort of toreiguers aro giau to escape tno ms- tho Nebraska Yeoman ' to President advantages of a monarchical form of Wilson and congress In the present government. They become naturalized. crisis. and that makes them American cltl- : :o: : zens.' Lutheran Church "Lot a war come In Europe," contln- uoou rnuuy. louuy, it in. 10 a p. in. nPfi Hlf ni-Haf "nml vnn will con " mi. mi. TTmi ,i I i . n7 , i1 "You prefer an emperor?" nilllrAQDAa 1 1 if Annliflonnnn TlrMirln I ' ...mmo u1u JltuJJiu uu, r'nns.lullntr T nnlnti rnirtt na u uvu. ,iu uum luo uiuok cui' Faitr Unv cient form of government" 10 a. m. Mornlnc worshin. Tho Holv I asked her where she was going, and Communion, reception of adult mem- suo said that she Intended sketching bors. Easter offering: For tho now along tho French border northward. Church fund, Benevolenco, Current Ex- Sho described tho scenery northward ponses. ns attractive, nud since I was wander- Music "Down in the Valley;" "The Inp nr. will 1 nnplnilpi1 tn pn n rtnrt- nf SAtlrr In Vlnl.t I . . " . l' ..t, ... tiin wnv with nor. Sim rnenlvrol thn nn. iq m Ot.n.inl. 1 1 i i " n rr n3C , nounccment coldly, but when I added 8 pP: nT-cK'rantResur- I would take the flrst good road 1 Rtinn Hnm i, nnrrio, n A,inma came to down into Franco she seemed Published by the Lorcnz Co. I bcttcr Pleased. Tho numbers follow: Sing With all tho Sons ofv Glory. All Around tho Clouds arc Breaking A Vision of Angels. Angels Roll tho Rock Away. The Day of Resurrection. Awake! Glad Soul, Awako! uut I Know. "Calvary" trombone solo, Tramp. Christ tho Lord is rUsen. Tho Shade and -Gloom aro Fled Mv Flesh shall rest In Hope. The name of Jesus. I am, tho Resurrection and tho LIfo. 'n' Remember the Nurse Brown Memorial Homeopathic Hospital When requiring hospital care Medically, Surgically, or Obstctrlcally. Horo your interests and comfort will bo served. It is not tlio biggest, but ono of tho best places wherein to get well. 1008 West Fourth Street. Dr. J. S. Twinem. Offlco Phono 70 Res. Red 687 DR. LATIIAN Sulpho Vapor Baths WITH REGULAR TREATMENTS Belton Building DR. JOHN S. TWINEM Special Attention to Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics. NORTH PLATTE, NEB. Nurse Brwwn Memorial Hocfrltal. CITY AND COUNTY NEWS DELCO -LIGHT Si "ELECTRICITY FOR EVERY FARM" A Complete Electric Plant Delco-Light is a complete electric plant for farm, village summer resort and suburban home. It has been developed by the same Engineering and Manufacturing ability that has made Delco Cranking, Lighting and Ignition for Automobiles the standard of the world. It has Delco quality in it and Delco reputation and guarantee backof it. Delco-Light combines in one compact unit gas engine and dynamo for generating current. It will furnish 40 to 50 lights for house and barn, and also provide power for small machines such as churn, cream separator, pump, washing machine, sewing machine, etc. l'he expense for lighting the ordinary home is not more than 5 cents a day. A child can operate it nothing to get out of order self starting and stops automatically when bat teries are full. Price $27 5 less 5 fur cash. F. O. II. Diiylon, O Writ today lor illustrated fotdar Tho Domestic Engineerin g Company Dayton, - Ohio Frank Grimm, of Ulysses. Nobr.. transnctcu business hero Monday. s So-wo proceeded northward together. she stopping now and again to sketch. Her pictures were very singular. In deed, they were rather, it seemed to me, the groundwork for pictures, and when 1 told her that 1 did not under stand them she told mo that they were Arthur momoraulla from which pictures would Berlin. We kept together Ull evening, when wo came to a hotel where wo asked for rooms. Wo wero told Umt thero was but one room vacant, and if wo cared to accept It together wo might do so. Jly companion expressed herself as agreeable to tho plan, and I also con- Miss Marie Stack snent Wednesday scnted. In Grand Island. "I must look out for my nassnort." 1 Miss Blanche Fonda snent a fow sa,a t0 llcr whcn wo wcro soing to bed. days this week in Grand Island. "A stranger in Europe without a pass port is like a fish without gills." And I put my passport under my pillow. Wlinti I nwnlfn flio tiorf- Ttinrnliif nml Z. A. Russell, of Whittior. attended tho Yeoman conclavo as a delcate. .t ! in. in slcht Fler sketching materials, too. week to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Woods, worn enno. I enr nwt nf hod nml wont Mrs. Orval V. Hodges left Wednps- to tu loor' was locked from the in day morning for Lincoln to remain In- side. Turning to a window, I noticed dollnltoly. that a few feet beneath It was a shed. .iirniM Morrrvw nml fnmiiv lonvn ir occurred to mo that my artist friend day for Guernsey. Wvo.. whore thev unu Gno out uy 1110 wmuow nnu ue- havo a homestead. scended from tho roof of the shed. m no Ai an was she a thief? I opened my bag. v a. V4HUH , w iruaii4Uii in t i , . T . , . dcnartnipnt storo wero mere, i counicu iuem, nnu none wero missing, ucucveu, i uresscu my- uU w f stn,Pleton v,B,tlwl ,her self and put my hand under my pillow for my passport. It was gone I was clad that my cush had been Mrs John Kennedy of Omaha, camo snared instead of mv nassnort I could a fow days ago to visit her husband get on without tho ono, though I might iur a iow imjs. no,i lt ROrV. iiut not without thr. Mr. and Mrs. Win, Huddart and son other. But what did tho girl want with loft Wednesday morning for Broken it? For my klfe I could divine no rca- uow to visit relatives. son for her stcnlinir it. Sho was colnc Trainmaster Weir, of Graiiii Island. oac,c to Berlin to workup her sketches formerly of this city, was hero on ad surely in her own country sho business this Iwliok. needed no pnssport, especially ono be J. 11. McDoimld. who snont snvm-ni longlnjr to another. wookH in Onmiia nml niih-ntrn r. "oing to a mirror to ao a bit or turned homo Tuesday. prinking before descending to break Mrs. Charles Bocuo and UaUKhtcr rast m' ,II?nB reminded me slightly of Emilia loft Tuesday oveninc for Oni- no thief. Then I remembered that wo nha to spend a fow days. wore both about tho sumo height and Mrs. Goorco WIiibIow was called to u"d, both blonds and both blue eyed Lincoln a fow days ago by tho serious though sho was of lighter hair and eyes condition of a relative. thau I. Nevertheless, I could not dl Molvln Hoopor, who was operated vino why sho should want my passport. upon at tho city hospital rccontly, ro- Tho flrst gun llred by tho Gcriuans a turned to his homo Wednesday. few weeks later forced tho reason Into Mr. anil Mrs, James Ware, of Blair, my stupid brain. Tho border between arrived horo Tuesday ovonlug to visit Franco and Germany was a hotbed for their daughter Mrs. Will Waltomath. spies on both sides. This girl was Mrs. I'orcy Louden and Vanco Mor- doubtless a Bpy for tho Gorman govern- mm mm Delco Light Products GOTHENBURG, NEB. We Charge mid Repair Storage Batteries. J mr an ivrringgrerMfi'JBCBiL Phones Offlco 333 Ilea Black G42 DR. HAROLD A. FENNEIl Osteopath. G Reynold Building Offlco hours 9 a. in. to C p. in. 7 p. m. to 8 p. in. I now havo funds at 5V6 por cont on cholco bottom tablo land. Qono Crook, Rooms 3 & 4. Waltomath Bldg. J. H. UKDFIELl). PHYSICIAN & SUROEOJI Succosaor to PHYSICIAN fflSURQEONS HOSPITAL Drs. Rodfleld & Redflold Ofic Phone 642 Roa. Phono S7 Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Al!tion given to Surgery awl Obstetrics. Offlco: Building and Loan Building l honts J Rta,denc, 115 -F. J. DIENEK & CO. Real Estate and Insurance Come and see us for town lots In different parts of the city. Good In vestments on easy terms. Houses for sale and rent Wo havo also good bar- Cor. Front and Dewey Sta.. upstairs. gains In farms and ranches. W. J. H0LDERNESS Eectrlcnl Supplies Wiring Storage Batterlea Morsch Bldg Phono 175. Office phone 241. ReB. phone 217 L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. ' Phono 308 ALBERT A. LANE, Dentist Rooms 1 and 2 Bolton Building North Platto, Nebraska. DOCTOR D. T. QDIGLEY. .. Practice Limited to Surgery and Radium Therapy '28 City National Bank Building. Omaha, Nebraska. NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Hall Block North ot Postoflice. Phone 58 A modern institution for .the cientiflc treatment of medical, surgical and confinement cases. Completely equipped X-Ray and diagnostic laboratories. Staff: Geo. B. Dent, H. D. Y- Lucas, M. D. J. B. Redfield. M. D. J. S. Simns, M.D rltt motored to Storllng, Colo., Sun day to visit tholr slstor, Mrs. Albort Mauplii. Miss Boi'tlui Thoolocko and futhor Louis Thoolocko camo Tuoeday evon- lug to visit O. II. Thooleeke and family. Mrs. Promus Forstodt, who had boon taking treatment In Konrnoy for soino time, was brought homo Tuesday ov- ontng. sue is in a sonous conuttion. Mi, and Mrs. Charloa Konnody, of Rawlins, who woro visiting tho for mer's brother Jnmos Konnedy and wlfo this weok, loft Wednesday morn ing. Mr. and Mrs. HUnior Thompson and baby, of Chnppoll, who visited tho Thompson ami Goldsmith families horo this !Vjok roturned homo Tuesday! ovonlng. A pllo of kindling and boxes near tho Stamp bakery was destroyed by flro Tuesday aftornoon. Tho danmgo Aas slight and tho origin of tho flro is not known. Fnrra and Ranch loans at lowest rates and best tonus. Money on hand to cleso loans promptly. 43tf BUCHANAN St PATTERSON. mcnt. Sho was laying down memoranda In tho shnpo of n basis for pictures of tho topography of the ground on the French border. But boforo the war oiened I saw her again. 1 had put up at a hotel near the Gorman border mid took a seat In the dining room for supper. At a table near by sat tho girl who had stolen my passport. If she saw and recognized me, which sho probably did, she main talned her equanimity perfectly. It was within my power to send her to a fortress, probably to death. All I had to do was to denounco her. Had I been nble to inflict upon tier a suit able puulshincut for stealing my pass port I would havo dono so, but to cause her to bo treated as a spy was too much for inc. I am an American aud had no interest in the military prob Icnis between France and Germany, so I permitted her to walk out of tho din ing room unmolested. When I finished my supper I asked tho laudlord, describing her, where she was. no said that she had just left the house. 50 Japanese Laborers WANT ANY KIND OF WORK BK TWEUN Jl'LY 10th TO SKI'TinniKn :tl8t. APPLY TO OR AlUIRHSK if. OSAKA, .P. 0. BOX 1501, SC0TTS BUTF, NEB. 2!).S H ogs an t uatt Bought und highest mnrket prices paid fJ PHONES Residence Red C3G Ofllce 459 C H. WALTERS. t- . . Notice of KIiiiiI lienor! nJ'j8t?t0 No- 1430 ot allas A. Hill, le- In tho County Court of Lincoln Coun ty. I0rafka. The of Nebraska, to all persons IntereMod In said Estate tako notice that the Administrator has tiled a flnal account nrii report of his administra tion and a petition for llnal settlement and aihc-libiBo as auoli. which havo been set f.r henrlnsr before said court on April 20. itn, at 0 o'clock a. m. when you may appear and contest tho Matin I atHd Mann 23. 1917. , , GEO. B, FllENCII, tnT-al7 County Judgo