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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1917)
0- An Important Easter For the Rev. John Redfield By ELINOR MARSH $ .Tohu Itcdflold left tlio theological seminary full of honors, but despond eut Ills father had died Insolvent, pud tho support of a mother and young er brothers and sisters devolved upon tho son. John was ubqut to accept a business position when he received through tho bishop an offer to deliver au Kastcr sermon, with a fee of $50, nt tho church of tho Edmonson Manufactur ing company. IIo was to go up on Sunday morning, to meet tho presi dent's car nt the station. John considered $50 a very liberal feo fpr n single sermon and conscien tiously determined to do his best to merit tho money. IIo was la sympa thy with tho labor classes and had done somo work to ameliorate their condition, no spent much tlmo in preparation, but wrote nothing, since ho possessed the gift of speaking ex temporaneously. On Easter morning .John made half an hour's journey to Edmonson and on alighting at tho station saw only a sluglo vehicle wnlting, a car with a girl in it. She was evidently looking out for an arrival and, seeing a mnn In clerical dress, beckoned to him. When ho Joined her sho asked If ho was Mr. Redllcld and when ho admit ted tho fact said that sho was Miss Cbalflnch. Tho president of tho Ed monson company had been suddenly called away, and sho had como to take him to tho homo of her aunt, with whom sho lived, whonco sho would drive him to the church. Redllcld was conveyed to a hand some houso in tho principal residen tial part of the town, whcop ho spent au hour before tho tlmo for tho church service chatting with Miss Cbalflnch. Whnt connection she had with tho Ed monson Manufacturing company was not apparent; but, not liking to ask her point blank what it was, ho re mained in ignoranco of it. Miss Cbal flnch was not as backward as ho in asking questions and learned from him tho conditions which liavo been thus far mentioned. Itedflcld. seeing a congregation of working people looking earnestly up at him for ndvico and comfort, soon warmed to his subject and preached a heart to heart sermon to them. Miss Cbalflnch waB seated among them and seemed much pleased at tho effect pro duced upon the listeners. At the close of tho service a number of men unci women gathered around John and ea gerly asked him If ho was tho now' rector. When ho said ho had only como to preach tho Easter sermon they looked disappointed. Meanwhile Miss Cbalflnch was wait ing for them to finish their questions and when they had done so led John out to the car nnd drove him to her home for dinner. Her aunt and John and herself dined together, and after dinner tho aunt retired to her room. Miss Cbalflnch spent tho tlmo before John was to return to his homo chut tlng with him, and tho questions she asked as to his affairs, the require ments of his family and other matters seemed somowhat Inquisitive to him. Finally sho said that the church built by tho Edmonson company was as yet without a pastor and asked him how he would like tho position. John said that he had weighed tho subject of remaining In tho ministry nnd had decided that he could uot afford to do so, encumbered as he was, IIo would bo obliged In a pastorate to start with a diminutive salary, and, since his heart would be in the field of thepoor. bo would not be likely to increaso It. If money were his object and, consid ering his responsibilities, money was an important matter with him It was far better for him to enter business. Miss Cbalflnch agreed with him in this. Sho said she believed tho Edmon son company was lo pay tho sulary of the pastor of the church and that it was not to bo over $S0O a year. She expressed her approbation of tills un less a man could be secured who would have a marked effect for good on the congregation. "They nro not well edu cated," sho added, "or used to relying on themselves. They require somo one to lean on, and that person can often influence them to action required for their welfare when somo demagogue Is trying to persuade them to tho con trary. For my part; I believe that the right man in the pastorate of the church would bo a good Investment, to sny nothing of other considerations." ICedmoud was much Impressed with this opinion, but made no rejoinder. Taking out his watch, bo remarked that It was nearly his train time. "Would you accept $5,000 a year and a rectory frcoV" asked Miss Cbalflnch. "Would I accept tho sky for a pas ture?" replied John, smiling. "I have asked you a question, and 1 think I am eutltled to a reply." "In that case 1 assure you that 1 would accept $5,000 a year with great pleasure." "Very woll. Consider yourself called to the pastorato of tho Edmonson church." John looked at her, wondering If she bad gono daft. "My father owned nearly all tho stock of tho Edmonson company and left It to mo In his will. I can do what I llko with tho property, but havo never Interfered In Its management except on matters concerning tho comfort and spiritual welfare of tho laborers In tho factory." A day camo when tho owner of tho Edmonson works married tho rector, nnd together thoy became the dispens ers of much charity. . a A Willful Woman By OSCAR COX $ It was in tho reign of King Edward of England, tho fourth of that name.' that John Ochiltree, u young farmer I living hi the county of Kent, mot n ! lass called Mary Orlggs at a Maying and conceived n strong love for her. ' Uo danced with her around tho May polo nnd looked at her languishing ly, but his modesty nnd tho strength of his lovo tied bis tongue so that ho J could sny nothing to her. j And so ho danced and ogled and ogled and danced, but never a word could he say to the girl. Mary had been keeping company with Richard Doyle, a maker of nrmor. but the moment he In Id eyes on John Ochiltree Doyle saw that sho was lost to him In favor of his rival. IIo drew away sulky, thus leaving tho Hold to tho man who had supplanted him. The day after the Maying" John waited' for Mary to come out of her father's thatched cottage and joined her. IIo managed to wish her "good morning" nnd said that the crops promised to bo good and that one of his cows had eulved. but. besides this ho said nothing. Mary was a girl of spirit nnd would not help him out. She snld to herself that he siiould talk to her like any other mnn or she would have nono of him. Do continued to show her by bis expression that he was ennmored of her, nnd when he looked nt her his eyes had a melan choly expression. Now, us Boon as John got away from her his tongue was unloosed, and he could say what ho liked. IIo told his mother of bis troublo and convinced her that It was impossible that ho should toll Mary bis lovo and ask her to marry him. "Then." snld his mother, "Mary must propose to you." "She will never do that," sighed John. "Sho must bo mado to. My son wishes her for n wife, and ho must havo her. Besides, Mary Is n good girl and will have a good dowry. 1 wish her for u daughter-in-law. I bavo mado up my mind that, slnco you are unnblo to ask ,Mary to bo your wife, she shall claim you for her bus band." "And bow will you do that, mother?" "Novci; mind, so that I do it Wo women havo to get through tho world by exercising our wits. Wo nro not men, to force our way, so wo bavo to plan." Things went from bad to worse be tween John and Mary. Determined to force him to declare himself, she en couraged her former suitor. This made John ill, and so great was his ailing that his mother feared ho would die. Sho wont to Mnry and. telling her of John's coudltlou nnd the cause, begged her to do that which was ex pected of tho sterner sex ask John to bo her husband, Mnry vowed that sho would bo no man's wife who had not tho courage to ak her. and. though John might die. she would not do bis part for blm. Not long after this n sheep belonging to a neighbor was found in John Ochll treo's fold. John was arrested for sheep stealiug nnd thrown into prison. "Tho lad, has lost his mind for lovo of you," snld John's mother to Mary. Tho lass wns secretly troubled, but tossed her head and snld that a man who was afraid of a girl bad no mind to lose. John wns tried nnd convicted and sentenced to bo hanged. Then Mary began to regret that she had refused to bo persuaded. But it was now too late. Sho had driven John into insanity, for sho believed what his mother said, or sho had unin tentionally bewitched him so that ho had stolen a sheep. Sho sat at home mourning her sad fato at loving a man so defective. John's mother brought a request from her son that Mary would be present at bis execution. Mnry declared that sho could not en dure such a sight nnd would not go. But she was at last persuaded to grant this Inst boon to n man sho wns now persuaded sho had driven to tho senf fold, and on tho morning of the bang ing sho went there with her lover's mother. A crowd was gathered nround tho culprit. John, with tho ropo around his neck, had ascended n few steps of tho ladder. IIo stopped and, seeing Mnry below, said to her: "Mary, savo me!" "How can I do that. John?" "It is tho law that If one about to bo executed bo claimed In marrlago by any woman ho shall go free." "Is that so?" Mary asked of tho sheriff. "If you claim this man In marrlugo I daro not hang him." "Oh, Mnry," cried John, "have mercy on mo!" "Savo him," whispered tho culprit's mother. Mnry hesitated. "No," sho said at last; "let him hang." ' John staggered, then seemed reliev ed. Uo climbed nimbly up the other rungs of the ladder, and tho sheriff wns about to swing him off when Mnry cried: "Hold! I claim this man in mar riage!" John was taken down, and tho lov ers, of whom tho ono couldn't and tho other wouldn't till death was Immi nent, fell Into each other's arms, John's mother had stolen tho sheop and placed it In her fold to bring about tho result and forco Mary to make tho" proposition. And yet wo nro told that women bare not tho beads that men havo to accomplish results. MODEL "D" Fire-Pattenier Tonrinj Car MODEL "" Fonr-Paiienjer Toutinf-Roaditcr MODEL "F" Two-Passenger Roadster COME IN AND SEE THEM We have just received two carloads of Touring and Roadsters. Come in and look them over or phone 125 for demonstration. MOGENSEM-10UDEN AUTO CO. Live Stock Our regular Semi-Monthly Sale will be held at the North Side Barn, SATURDAY, Commencing at A Large 'Number of Cattle Including Milch Cows and Bulls. A LOT OF HORSES of all ages and weights. Implements Of all Kinds One complete Outfit for Butcher Shop including Ice Box 8-10-10. Peanut and Pop Corn Roaster. New and Second Hand Automobiles and Household Furniture. If farmers or others have anything to sell bring it in and we will include it in this sale. Bring in your horses, as there will be several buyers. TERMS: Ten Months' time at ten per cent interest. JULIUS MOGENSEN, COL. McCLARA, Auctioneer. F. C. PIELSTICKER, Clerk. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Miss Harriott Dixon will ontortaln nor bridesmaids at a trousseau tea Thursday. Miss Etliol Strong talis operated up on nt a local hospital yestortlay for appendicitis. Dr. Morrill, Dentist. Donald O'Brien rctumod tho latter part of last week from a visit in Oma ha and Oklahoma. New Silk Suits at 20-2 B. T. TRAMP & SONS'. Mi. andl MrjrJ. Georgo Zontmoyor returned yesterday morning from Cal Ifornla whero thoy spent a fortnight. Hospital Phone DUck 33. House Pbone Black 633. W. T. ritlTCIIAJtD, Graduate Veterinarian Bight years a Government Veterinar ian. Hospital 218-south Locust St, ono-half block southwest of the Court HouHfc It. I. SIIAPPELL. Auctioneer SUTHKKLANI), NElHtASKA. Will sell anything Unit can bo auc tloncil off. Make dales nt Farm ors' Slato Hank, or wlro at my ox. pono. Itefcrcnco, Fanners' Slato Hank, Sutherland, Neb. - .WI'ICH OK PETITION Estate No. 14GG of Prank Schick, do censed In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska, to all persons Interested In said Instate tako notice that a potltlon has boon filed for the appointment of John 13. Evans as Ad ministrator of said Estntc, which has boon set for hearing heroin on April C, 1017, at 9 o'clock a. m, Dated March 7, 1917. , GEO, E. FRENCH, ' tn!3-3w County Judge. NOTICE Oil" PETITION Estate No. 1485 of Caroline Schick, deceased In the County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. . The State of Nebraska, to all persons Interested In said Estate take notlco that a potltlon has been filed for tho appointment of John E. Evans as Ad ministrator of said Estate, which has been set for hearing herein on April C, 1817, at 9 o'clock a. m. Dated March 7, 1017. OEO. H. FRENCH. ml3-3w County Judge. ELCAR tQ1Ci At tho factory in ipOTO Elkhart, Indiana Built by Elkhart Carriage & Motor Car Company Before you place your order for nn auto mobile, come in and ice how good a car the ELCAR is for the money. The wheel base is 115 inches, which malet it a .large, roomy car of fine appear ance, and, with its excellent spring suipen ion, a splendid driver and an easy rider on any road, rough or imooth. The motor it powerful, developing 34.7 II. P. at 1,800 R. P. M, though not a large motor in size. It it, however, a modern, nnd up-to-date motor of the long stroke and high speed type. The electric starling and lighting system is the Dyneto two-unit, with Willard stor age battery and double-bulb head lights. The Delco automatic sparlc advance ignition is used, which is an installation that speaks well of any car. The ELCAR lias a multiple dry disk clutch, Raybettos on steel, so fine acting that, together with the quietness and ease with which the gears shift, contributes much to the satisfaction and pleasure of driving. The rear axle is full floating, with roller bearings at each end of the wheel hubs. Hie driving gears are strictly high grade spiral bevel, such as go in the high priced cars. The body styles must be seen to be appreciated. Small illus trations of the three models are here shown, but Sale APRIL 7th Ten o'clock a. m. DEIMIYBEHRY & FORBES, Licensed Embalmers Undertakers and funeral Directors Day Phono 234. Night Phono Bluck,G88. NOTICE KOIl PUIII.IOATION Serial No. OBC97 llcpiirtinwit of (lie Interior, U. S. Land Olllco at North Platte, Nobr. . March 5. 1917. Notlco Is horoby given that Thomas S. McCrone, of North Platte, Nobr., who, on July 24, 1013, mado Homostead en try No. 0DG97. for BEK Section 20, Township 1C, N., Rnngo 30, W., Cth Principal Meridian, has filed notlco of Intention to make final threo year Proof, to estnbllsh claim to tho land abovo described, before tho Iteglstor nnd Itoclover at North Platto, Noli., on tho 18th day of April, 1017. Claimant names as wltnessos: II. P. Hansen, C. H. WnttB, P. B. McOraw, Harry Madison, nil of North Platto, Nobr. E. J. EAMES, mC-6w Itoglstor. LET US INTRODUCE QUALITY TO YOU 4 Quality in Cigara has has been our aim slnco wo began making cigara in North Platto over thirty years ago. Wo put quality In tho flrat cigara wo, mado, and that samo quality la in the cigars wo mako today. Schmalzrlod's Cigars bavo stood the teat of thoso moro than thirty years. What greator ovidonco of quality could you doslro? If you havo not boon smoking Sflhmalz dled'a cigars, try them thoy aro cor tain to please. J. F. SCHMALZRIED. NO. 101., To nil whom It may concorn: The apodal commissioner appointed to locatu a public road as follows: Commencing at tho Southwost corner of Section 4, township 10, range 33; thenco duo cast along tho south sldo of said Section 4 nnd Section 3 to tho southeast comer of Section 3, town ship 10, rango 32; thonco onst ono-half mile on tho south sldo of Section 2, township 10. rango 32. Said road to bo 40 foot in width, has reported In favor ui mo muni', ami an olfactions thereto, or claims for dnmages must bo Hied in tho olllco of tho County dork on or before 13 o'clock noon of tho 10th day ". mil, or hucii roRU will no ftl lowed without roferoneo thorofo. Dntod nt North Platte; Nobr., this 7th uiij- ui .unroll, mil. A. S. ALLEN. County Clork. o. -lie To nil whom It may concorn: Tho special commissioner appointed to locate u pumic roiui as rollows; Commuucing at tho- southwost cor ner of Section flftcen flS). In town. ship thirteen (13), thence north ono muo uotwoon sections 1'irtoon (15) nnd Sixteen (1C) In towiiHhln thirteen (13), north, range thlrty-ono (31), to tho Northwest corner of Section fifteen (16), township thirteen (13), north of rango miny-ono (311, lias reported in favor thereof, and nil objections thero to. or claims for damages must he ill ml In tho olllco of tho County Clork on or noioro in ooiocic noon ot tho loth day of Mny, 1017, or such road will bo al lowed without reference thereto. Dntod at North Platto, Nobr., this 7th uny ui iwiiccn, mil, A. 8. ALLEN. County Clerk. NOTICE. DECREE OK IIHIHSII1P Estnto No.. 14C4 of William Schick, (luL'oiiHoti, in county uouri ot im coin County. NobrnBka. Tho holrs, creditors nnd all persons Interested In said Estate, will tnko no tlco Mint on tho 7th day ot March, 1917, Chris Schick nn heir of said decedent, hied his petition heroin, nlleglng Mint tho snld William Schick died Intestnto on or nbout Oct. 28, 1S97, n rosldcnt of Lincoln county, nnd that nt tho tlmo of ins death ho was the ownor or, or had nn Estate of Inheritance In SW of N of Sec. 28, Township 14, North of Rnngo 29, Wost of tho Cth P. M. in Lincoln County, Nebrtiskn, nnd Mint no applica tion has ben made In tho said State for tho appointment of nn administrator. runt no lort surviving mm: Cnrollno Schick, Widow, now deceas ed: Chris Schick, niro 3(1. North Plntto, Nob., boh; Carl Schick, age 34, North Plntto, Nob., son: Llzzlo Schick, ago 32, Madrid, Nob., dnughter; Lena anion, ago ;iu, (iniigutor; wuiinm koiuck, nge 28, North Platto, Nob., son: Frank Schick, now doconsed: Fred Schick, ago 23. North Plntto, Nob., son: Ooorgo Schick, ago 20, North Platte, Neb., son. That all tho dobts of said docodent hnvo boon paid, nnd praying Mint reg ular ndmlstrntlon bo wnivod and a de cree bo entered bnrrlng crodltors nnd fixing tho date of his death nnd tho do. groo of klnHhlp of IiIh helrH nnd tho right of descent to snld real estate. Snld notltlon will bo honril Anrll 13. 1017. nt 9 o'clock n. m., nt tho olllco of uio uounty judgo in snm countv, GEO. E. FKENCIT, m20-3w County Judgo. NOTICE. DECREE OF 1 1 1 :i It S 1 1 1 1 Estnto No. 14C8 of Etta Lou Cohngon, deceased, intho County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. Tho holrs, crodltors and all persons Interested In snld Estate, will tako no tlco thnt on tho 8th dny of March, 1017, T. M. Cohatron. an heir of said doced. out, filled his potltlon heroin nlleglng wiui mo snm una uou uonagon died in testate on or nbout May 2, 1013, a rosl dcnt of Lincoln County, nnd that nt tho tlmo of her death sho was tho ownor of, or hnd an Estnto of Inheritance In Lot l Htock 9, Penniston'H Addition to Orlglnnl Town of North Platto. Lincoln County. Nebraska, nnd Mint no nnnlicn.- tlon hns boon mndo In tho said Stato for tno nppomtmcnt or nn administrator. Thnt sho loft surviving her: , T, M. Cohngon, fathor. ago 50, resid ing nt North Plntto, Nob.; Christina Cohngon, mother, ngo 52, residing at North Platto, Nob. That all tho dobts of tho snld deced ent havo boon paid, nnd praying that regulnr administration bo waived and a docreo bo entered bnrrlng creditors nnd fixing tho dnto of hor death nnd tho de gree of kinship of hor holrs nnd tho right of descent to snld roal cntato, Snld potltlon will bo honrd April 13, 1917, nt 0 o'clock a. m., at tho offlco of tho County Judgo In snld Countv. OEO, E. FRENCH, m20-3w County Judgo. .NOTICE OF PETITION Estnto No. 1470, of Ooorgo Schick, Deceased, In tho County Court of Lin coln county, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska: To all per sons Interested In snld Estate, take notlco that a potltlon has boon filed for tho appointment of John E. Evans as administrator of snld estate, which has boon Hot for linnrlnir nn AtipM 19. 1!117 at 0 'oclock a. in. Dated March 21, 1017. OEO. E. FRENCH, ni27.3 County Judgo. Vnrntlon of Port of lliinil Nn. UO. To all whom It may concern: Tho consent petition of John J. Olunpp nnd others, hns boon filed In office of tho County Clork of Lincoln County Nebraska, unking for n vacation of thnt pnrt of Itoad No. 20 as follows: Commencing on tho north lino of Section 0, town 11, rnngo 27. running south through sections 9-1(1-17-20-29, In town 11, rango 27, to tho ono-half section lino running east nnd wost in Section 32, town 11, rango 27, Mils bo Ing a part of Itoad No. 20 In Conroy Cany6n. Ail objections thereto must bo filed In the offlco of tho County Clork on or noioro iz o-ciocic noon or tho 20th day of May 1917, or said road will bo vacated without roforonco thereto. Datod at North Platte, Nob., this 14th day of March, 1017. A. S, ALLEN, m20-nl3 County Clork. Hlll'IOItEK'.S KALE. I, O. E, Eldor, tho undersigned ref eree, In partition proceedings pending In tho district court of Lincoln coun ty, Nobraskn, In which Wllllnm A. Wil son Is plaintiff and Mrs. Mablo WIIboii, William 8. McCord and James It. White, guardian of William S. Mc Cord, aro defendants, will, In pursu ance of nn order thoroln, soil at pub lic auction to tho highest blddor for cash "t tho oast front door of tho court houso In North Platto, Lincoln county, Nobraskn, at tho hour of threo o'clock 1'. M. on April 28, 1917, the 'following described roal ostato slt uato In Lincoln county, Nebraska, to wit: All that part of tho Northwost quarter of Southeast quarter (NWVi of SE'4 ) of Section Thirty (.10), Town ship Fourteen (14), Hange Thlrty throo (33), west of the Cth P. M. ly ing north of tho right of way of tho Union Pnclllo Itallroad tn k through said section; also all of Lot a Thlrtoon (13) Fourten (14), Fifteen (15), Six teen (10) and Sovontoon (17), Ulock Two (2), of tho Water Company's Ad dition to tlio town of Horshoy, Lincoln county, Nebraska; and also a parcel of land In Section Thlrty-throo (33). Township Fourteen (14), north of Unngo Thirty (30), wost of tho Cth P. M. In Lincoln county, Nebraska, known uini iionui-iiioci as j.ot in tho coun ty Clork's i plat of tho subdivision of ("h of thn Northeast quartor (NEVi) of Section Thirty- threo (33), Township Fourteon (14), north of Hnngo Thirty (30), west of tho 0th P. M. In Lincoln county, Nebraska. Said sale to remain open one hour. '"27 O. E. ELDER, Roforoo. NOTICE OF I'HTITION Estate No, 1407 of Lorenzo S. Ma comber, deceased, In the County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho State of Nebraska, to all personH Interested In suld Estnto take notice that a petition hns been filed for the appointment of Abble D, Macomber as Administratrix of snld Estate, which hnH been set for hearing herein on April 0, 1917, at 9 o'clock a. m. Dated March 8, 1017. GEO, E. FRENCH. ml3-3w County Judge. NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION IN O.SCOOI) rilECINT Notlco Is horoby given that n special election will bo hold In Osgood Pre cinct, In tho County of Lincoln, In tho Stato of Nobrnska, on tho 10th day of April, 1917, nt which tho following proposition will be submitted to tho (votors of said Osgood Precinct, to-wlt: , "Shnll tho Hoard of County Commis sioners of Lincoln County, Stato of No braskn, lssuo Ton Thousand 00-100 ($10,000) Dollars, of "OBgood Procinct Bridge IIoiuIh," In denominations of Ono thousand 00-100 ((1,000.00) Dollars each, bonrlug Interest nt tho rnto of six per cent per annum, payable soml a mm ally, lutorest nnd principal pny ablo at tho orrico or tho Stato Treasurer ot tho Stato of Nebraska, In tho City of Lincoln, in tlio County of LnncnBtor, in tho Stato of Nebraska, Said bonds to boar dato of July 1st, 1917, and tho Interest on said bonds to bo payable on tho 1st day of January, 191s, and on tho 1st dny of July, 1918, nnd on tho 1st dny Of January and on tho lBt day of July of each and ovory year thereafter, until all of tho lnter ut on said bonds shall havo been paid. Said bonds to. bo numbered consecu tively from ono to ton Inclusive, and the Interest thoroon to bo evidenced by coupons thereto ntached. llonil number Ono to becomo duo nnd pnyablo on tho 1st day of J(ly, 1928. Uond uumbbr Two to bocomo duo and pnyablo on tho 1st day of July, 1929 Uond number Threo to bocomo duo and payable on tho lBt dny of July, 1 J 30, Uond numbor Four to bocomo duo nnd pnyablo on tho 1st day of July, 1931. liond numbor Flvo to becomo duo and payable on tho 1st day of July, 1932. Uond number Six to becomo duo and pnyablo on tho 1st day of July, 1933. Uond numbor Seven to bocomo due ami payable on tho 1st day of July, liond numbor Eight to becomo due 193C lmyal'0 on ll0 Jst tmy ' Ju'y' liond number Nino to becomo du nnd pnyablo on tho lBt day of July, 103C. liond number Ten to become duo nnd pnyablo on tho lBt day of July, 1937, Shall the IJoard of County Com missioners or Lincoln County, Nebras ka, lovy a tax In tho year of 1917, and In each and ovory yonr thereafter, sufficient to pay tho Interest on snld bonds, and sufficient to pay flvo per cent of tho principal thoroof, as pro vided by law; and In tho year 1027, and ench and ovory yonr thereafter, suffi cient to pay the principal of said bonds as thoy bocomo due, until sufflclout tax hns been levied to pay all ot the prin cipal of said bonds; and such tax. both for Interest nlid principal to bo levied upon all ot tho taxable property In suld Osgood Precinct? Said bonds to bo used for tho purpose of constructing a wagon brldgo across tho South Plntto River, beginning at n point on tho north bank of tho South Platto River, where a continuation of tho center lino of Locust street, In tho City of North Platto, Lincoln County, Nobraskn, Intersects said north bank In tho Southeast qunrtor (SEU) of tho South-west quartor (SWU) of Section four (4) In township thirteen (13) North, of rango thirty (30) Wost of tho Cth P. M. In Lincoln County, Nebraska, nnd running thenco In n southerly direction ncross tho South Platto river nbout 1G00 foot to a point on tho south bank of said River, about 2.1 foot, onBt of Station No. 10, of Itoad No. 0, Ltn coln County, Nobrnska, nt tho oast edgo of tho South end of tho present timber brldgo, Said brldgo to be approximate ly flftoon hundred foot In length (1G00 ft) nnd of sufficient width for two teams to pnBs ench othor at any point on said brldgo, nnd to bo constructed of concrete and steel, nnd to comply with tho plans nnd specifications pre pared nnd furnlshod by tho Stato Engi noer of tho Stato of Nobraskn, and said bonds representing npproxtmntoly ohe fourth (1.4) of tho entire cost of tho construction of said brldgo as horoln boforo Bet forth, tho entlro cost of which Is to bo approximately forty thousand Dollars ($40,000), one-half (1-2) of such entlro Bum Is to bo borne by tho Stato of Nebraska Aid, ns pro vided for In Article 5, Chnptor 28, Sec tions 123 to 133 inclusive, of tho Re vised Statutes of Nobraskn, for the year 1913. nnd acts nmondntory thoroof, nnd one-fourth (1-4) of tho entire cost Is to bo borne by tho City, of North Plntto, Lincoln County, NobrnBka. Should tho Stnto of Nobrnska fall to grant snld Aid. nnd should tho City of North Plntto, Lincoln County, Nebras ka, fall to voto bonds In tho sum of Ten thousand 00-100 ($10,000.00) Dol lars, In aid of tho construction of snld brldgo, then the bonds of snld Osgood Procinct heroin petitioned to bo voted upon, shall not bo Issued. Said brldgo to bo constructed upon a lino ncross said River whero a con tinuation of tho coutor lino of Locust street. North Platto Lincoln County, NobrnBka, Intersects snld North bank, nnd to run In a southerly direction across Bnld river, nnd connocted with tho public Hlghwny to tho Wost com monly known as tho Stato Farm Road, and within said Precinct." Tho ballots to usod at such special election shall havo printod thoreoon: "FOR" Issuing Ton thousand 00-100 ($10,000.00) Dollars, In "OBgood Pre cinct Brldgo Ilonds," In denominations of Ono thousand 00-100 ($1000.00) Dol lars ench, bonrlng Intorost nt tho rate of six por cent per annum, Interest and principal payable at tho offlco of tho Stato Troasuror In tho City of Lin coln, In tho County ot LnncnBtor, State of Nebraska, said bonds to bear date of July 1, 1917, and tho Interest on said bonds to bo pnyablo on tho 1st day of January, 1918, and on tho 1st dny of July, 1918. and on tho 1st day of January, and tho 1st dny of July of ench and ovory yonr thereafter, until nil of tho Interest on snld bonds ahull havo been pnldi and to levy a tax In tho year 1917, and In ench and ovory yonr thoronftor sufflclont to pay tho Intorost on suld bonds, and sufficient to pay flvo por cent of tho principal thero of ns provided by lnwj nnd In tho year 1927, nnd In each and every yoar thoro nftor sufficient to pay the principal of Bald bonds ns thoy bocomo due, until sufficient tnx Iiiih been levied to pay all of the principal of said bonds; nnd such taxoB both for Interest and prln. clpal to be lovlod upon all of the tax ablo proporty In said Osgood Precinct "AOAINST" Issuing Ton thousand 00-100 ($10,000.00) Dollars, In "OBgood Proclnot Brldgo BondB," in denomina tions of Ono thousand 00-100 ($1,000.00) Dollnra each, bearing Interest at the rnto of Blx por cent por annum, Inter ost nnd principal pnyablo at tho offlco of tho State Troasuror In tho City of Lincoln, In tho County of Lancaster, Stato of Nobraskn, Bald bonds to boar dato of July 1, 1917, nnd tho Interest on Hald bondB to bo pnyablo on tho lBt day of Jnnunry, 1918, and on tho lBt day of July, 1918, and on tho 1st dny ot Jnnuury, and on tho first day of July of onch and ovory yoar thereafter, until nil of tho Intorost on said bonds Hhall havo boon paid; and to lovy a tax In the year 1917, and In onch and every yoar thotoaftor, sufficient to pay the Intorost on said bonds, ami suf ficient to pay live por cent of the prin cipal thereof, ns provided by law; and In tho year 1927, and In onch nnd ovory yonr thorenftor sufficient to pay tho principal of Bald bonds ns thoy bocomo duo, until Hufflcient tax has been lovlort to pny all of tho principal of said bonds; nnd bucIi taxes both for Interest and principal to bo levied upon all of tho tnxablo property In said OBgood Procinct. Thoso voting In favor of said prop osition shnll mark their ballot with (X) before tho paragraph beginning with tho word "FOR"; and those vot ing against Bald proposition shall mark their ballots with (X) beforo tho para graph beginning with tho word "AOAINST." Said election will bo open nt 8 o'clock A. M, and contlnuo open until 8 o'clock P. M. of said day, and the polling place of said Osgood Precinct will bo at South Bluff School house In said pre cinct In Lincoln County, Nebraska, nnd all electors residing In said Osgood Precinct will vote upon said proposi tion at said South Bluff Hchoolhonne In said Osgood Precinct, on said 10th day of April, 1917. By order of the Board of County Commissioners made on the 2d day of March, 1917. A. S. ALLIEN, County Clerk.