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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1917)
Appropriate Easter gifts The Easter jjift should be in keeping with customs prevailing nt this spring festival, A modish piece of jewelry, which enhances the beauty of spring cloths, is a charming Easter gift. A silver bud holder, or a cut glass basket for flowers, is especially appropriate for an Easter present. Rosaries and crosses are most fitting of all confirmation presents. Clinton's being preeminently the gift store, has many articles, at inexpensive price?, in keeping with the spirt of Easter time. C. S. Clinton, Jeweler and Optician, At tlio Sign of Uio Big King. vlv.uuk united support TO WILSON AND CONCJKESS DR. 0. II. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Office over tha McDonald Stat Bunk. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. F. C. PIolBtlckor lott Wednesday for Dickens to spend a day on buslnoss. For Salo or Rent Bam, lnnulro 214 oaBt Third. . 23-2 Jo30ph Spies has returned from Kearney where ho visited his son for a week. EL II. Goodman '.will leavo next wook for Omaha where ho will servo on tho fcdoral Jury. Dr. Brock, Dentist, avor Stone Drug Store. Miss Myrtle Boolor nrrlved hero yes terday from tha stato unlvorslty to spend Easter week. Attorney J. 0. Bceler and City Kn glnoor McNaniara went to Ogalalla yesterday morning on business. m. .Trim statoB loft yestorday morninc for Denver to visit Walter States and family for some time. To get your auto hat or cap now gives you host selection; nt DOc and up at Tho Loader Morcnntll0 Co.'s. Mr. and Mnv Herman Schlouttor, who wero visiting In Grand Island for a week returned homo Wednesday nr-tcrnoon. Now is tho time to lit your llttlo Iiovh out In a nlco suit or cap. Tho Louder Mercantile Company Is show lng all tho nawl styles. Miss Sadlo Trovlllo, who has been taking vocal Instructions in Omaha for Dovoral months, enmo homo yoator- duy to spond a wook. Mrs. N. A. Itutledgo, of Choyonno, returned homo yestorday morning aftor visiting with Mrs. Theodore Tottenhoff for some tlino. Havo your painting, pupor hanging and decorating don0 now by Landgraf Iloga. Wo also do sign work. Phono Blk C92. 15-tt J. V. Armstrong, who had boon vis iting his daughter Mrs. George Shaffer for some time, left for his homo in Chappell yestorday morning; Mrs. I. if, Ary and children, of Om aha, arrived Tuesday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Halph Smith. Mrs. Ary former ly lived hero but this Is hor first visit In nine yonra. Uoy Humphrey who had boon om ployd in the Stobblns moat market for somo tlmo, roBigiied a few days ago and Mill tako up his rosldonco on a ranch in Wyoming. Florence LaHadla tinnonrn nt Mm Keith tonight In "Divorce and tho Daughter," a 5-purt Patho feature that shows how a family OHcapos moral shipwreck from tho divorce court. Tho J. Y. M. Club was pleasantly ontortninod Wodonsday afternoon by Mrs. T. 0.. Chrlstenson, 214 south Ash. Contests wore hold and prizes awurdod to Mrs. Ralph Ford and Mrs. II. L. PennlnKton. Lunch was sorvedat six o'clock. For Sale 1 frame chicken house size 8x12 Inquire at 310 West A street. L. B. Dick left Wednesday night for Omaha to transact business for a duy or fcwo. William Huxoll and C. Kilmer be gan work in th0 Davis garago tho first of this weok. Ray Mavorish returned Wednesday from Wallaco whoro ho visited his brother for sovoral days. Mrs. Herbert Mavorish of Stapleton, who had been vlBltlng Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Frazlcr left Wednesday. George Anderson has returned from Omaha whor,, ho was called by the serious illness of his brothor. Tho Ideal Bakery handles exclusive ly the state farm milk and crcnin. tf Mrs. W. L. Cary . of Omaha, who had boon visiting Mrs. M. Dunn and other relatives, has returned home. Miss Ethel Stegall, of Omaha, came lust ovonlng to visit hor brothor Wil liam Stegall and family. MIbs Edna Falk has accepted; a po sition as stenographer In tho office of tho Coates Lumbor Co. Tho Club Novlta wore pleasantly ontertalncd at a konslngton Wednes day nftornoon by Mrs. Ada Lewis. Frank Stegall of Omaha, cumo last evening and will spond tho summer with his son William Stegall an fam ily. Rov. Anthony, of Chester, Pa., Is oxpected hero noxt weok and may bo appointed rector of tho Church of Our Saviour. Miss Alblna Hahlcr who has boon in California for soveral years is ex poctod horo to visit Mr. and Mrs. JuUub Hahlor. Monday's Trianglo program at the Keith will show Hosslo Lovo In "A SIbIop of Six." and Fay TinchOr In tho Comedy "The Lady Drummer." Mrs. John Davis, of Grtna, and Mrs. John Llttlo of York who enmo hero to attend tho funenil of tho late Mrs. Nolllo Gough returned homo Wed- nosdny. Vera, tho Infant daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. VnnArsdalo, of Sutherland, died Wednesday morning. Undortakor Maloney wont to Sutherland yesterday to take chargo of tho amoral. Mildred, tho throo mnotli old daughtor of Mr. and Mrs. William Hall, died Tuesday ovonlng. Tho fun- oral service wero hold nt tho rest donco Wednesday aftornoon conducted by rov. Hull. Clarence Day, formerly of this city who has boon omployod with tho Con- tlnontnl Oil Co. In Uvalo, Tex., for somo tlmo, Is oxpected here noxt week to visit tho homo follcB. Palostlno Commandnry No. 13, Knights Templar, will attend divine sorvlco at tho Episcopal church Easter Sunday at r p. m. Famllios and friends nro requested to attond. Mrs. S. D. Wadsworth. of Sioux City, and Mrs. J. A. Bout, of Pasa dena, Cal., visited friends in town Tuesday evening while onroute wast. Doth wero formor North Platto girls. Mrs Wadsworth was Miss Hattlo Hyatt, and Mrs. Bont wns Miss Kffio Dougherty, and both left town about twenty-llvo years no. The ladleu spent tho ovonlng at the W. II. Mc Donald home and wero called on by a number of their old frlonds. At tho special meeting of the Elks Tuosday evening the following resolu tion was unanimously adopted: "Wo, tho members of North Platto Lodge No. 085, B. P. 0. Elks, in special session assembled, hereby pledgo our loyal support to President Wilson nnd congress in any stop deemed necos rniry to protect the Uvos and rights of American citlznea and the honor of our country and Its Hag." This resolution was wired the same night to Prosldont Wilson, to Congress man KInkald and to the Grand Exalted Ruler of tho Elks. The rogolutlon was Introduced by T. C. Pattorson, who made nu address favoring It, as did nlso Itlshop Beechor, John E. Evans, Capt. Hnlligan, Exalted lluliir Ivonfn nnil nMinra. fill imRnir the assombled Elks stood and Bve tho voting sign, nnu Uio vote was witnout a single dissent. Similar resolutions have been passed In the more than 1200 Elk lodgos in tho country which have a member ship of over six hundred thousand. :ro:: Llticolii-ltrooks Wedding A pretty homo wedding took place Wednesday evening at the homo of tho bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. W. T.lnrnln. '..hon .fnlin R rtrnnUn and Minnlo E. Lincoln, two popular young peoplo of our city were united In marriage. About twonty guests consisting of the Immedlato relatives of tho bride and groom wore present. Tho attendants of tho couplo wero tho brldo'n brothor .lohn Llnroln. .Ti mid tho groom's Bister, Miss Margaret Hrooks. A Rtrlltlncr fonturn of thn ceremony was tho entrance of little marguerite Lincoln, me tnree year om niece of tho bride, bearing tho ring in tho heart of a great whlto lily. Mrs. H. A. Drooks nlavcd tho weddinir march and soft music on the piano during coromony. Rev. A. C. Hull, pastor of tlio Bancist chiwrfi. rrrfnrmfvl Mm ceremony aftor wlilch a plato supper was sorved to tho guests. Mr. and Mrs. Brooks will remain In North Platto for a short tlmo but expect SOOn to reninVf in finthpntinrt .'!lint.n Mr. Brooks will engago in tho vulcaniz ing uusiness in wnicli lie was formerly engageu in tins (city. Mr. Broojts wtas formerly flinnlnvwl In tlm ntti of tho Davis garage and for several monuis nas neid a position as sten ographer with the Coates Lumber Co. Congratulations are extended. : :o: . llrldire Election Tnpmlii v. Next Tuesday tho resident votors of tho recently created nnd Osgood precinct will vote upon tho proposition to issuo bonds in tho sum oi ?io,uuu to am in tho construction of a now brldco across tho rivor smith of town. Supporters of tho proposi tion seem connuent mat It will carry, although a few of the opponents havo been busy working ngainst and at tempting to create a discord In tho east part of tho district. Tho nresont hr'ldirn lino nimut out lived Its usefulness and a now bridge in nny ovent must be built iwUhln a year or two. Under tho present propo sition Oacood nrnolnrt fn rnlali no $10,000, North Platto city $10,000 and uio siuio ?zu,uuu. This certainly Is an easy way to obtain a $40,000 steel or concrete bridge and -personally we wouki xavor tne concrete. : :o: : Jleji Wanted For Navy Postmaster McEvoy received tho fol lowing telocram WodnrHilnv nltrlif "Our country must havo 40,000 men immediately for the navy. Tho presi dent has called for full war strength. Nebraska must havo 2000 men apply at once. Representative of tho navy will bo in your city April 16th and 17th nnd will oxamino and transfer men nt government oxpeiiBo. Wo must havo men now nnd whllo wo nrnrrt Lincoln county to rally loyally to tho coiors an men should understand that tho navy offers wonderful oppor tunity from a purely personal stand point, men must do between tho ages of gevonteon nnd thirty. Parents should vuiuu wiui young mon lr possible. W. W. WADDELL, Lieut. U. S. Navy." ;;o;i For Sale Cheap 040 acres $11.00 'por aero 4 miles north of Mnxwoll. Nobr., on Union Paclfl Railroad. All good farm ing and hay land nnd 100 ncros In cultivation, .1 room houso, 2 bnrnr good wolt nnd wind mill,, all fenced. $1700 cash, bnlanco nt G" por cont to suit purchaser. Address Gono Crook. 2F SEEDS! We have been able to secure only a limited amount of Cane and Millet seed, and it will be nescasary for you to place your order early if you are in the mar ket for either of these articles. We will also have Alfalfa, Sweet Clover, Seed Corn, Seed Oats and oth er seeds. Place your written order now and be sure you will get the goods. Leypoldt & Pennington, Phone 99 East Front and Silber Ave. SERVICE North Platte, Nobr. Eumts nt Franklin Auditorium Anrll 13th Ronldil lv Miss Floronco MncKay. April aotn Junior Class Minstrel show. April 27th Student fllou r?ini, nnn cert. May 11th Students' Operetta May 25th Senior Class Play. May SOtli Junlor-Sonlor Dnnquet. May 30th Graduation Exercises. : :o: : Appreciation of Courtesy In behalf of tlm lrwwi immuim,i the Yeoman, we heartily thank tho PeOIllO Of North Plato tnr. , teslos extended delegates an, visitors i nit i toman state conclnve and to biminess men and othors for decornt- inir COmnllmeillnrv tn mir nr.lm. T1. visitors and deiecratea lnf Snui. Platte With lllnnv frtn.l trnnln f l.n cordial mnnnor in which they were rwulvod and the generous hospitality Signed: Hew j j EVRIIfl. Lftfillft TWfiiUtna 11 n T o imfni.i' Mrs. Daisy Martin and W J. Tlley. v uiiuiiiiioe. N'olco Soalod bids will lo rocolvod un to noon of April 9th, 1917. for tho salo of Lot 3, Block 11G. opposlto tho Rlt- nor hotol. A good business location 0Gxl32 foot. Right Is rosarvod to re ject any or nil bids. P. II. SULLIVAN. A. A. ELLIOTT, J. E. EVANS. 22'3 Trustoos A. O. U. W. Miss Irono Schott will spend Sunday with frlonds in Lexington. Easter Boots and Slippers We have an enormous quantity and can satisfy your every wish. All styles, all sizes, all widths. joMse, mag i This beautiful patent Patent cross strap, same White poplin pump, same Pump, same in black kid in soft kid in straps $4.00 $3.00 $3.00 Patent Baby Doll, growing Patent 2 strap dull kid top, This beauti girls' sizes 2 to 5, $2.50 same in black kid pump ful black kid Same in misses $1.95 We have everything that is new and popu lar in all solid colors or two tone effects; Browns, Ivorys, Cham pagne, Gray, White, Black and White, and many other beautiful combinations. $3.00 $3.50 Men's High Shoes and Oxfords, Tan and Black. Let us show White Levor kid boot ST.OO Canvas boots at $4.50 you our big line at f $3.50 and $4 See our big lines of Children's Shoes. HOE MARKET, AVES YOU " " ONEY ON SHOPS ONE DOOR SOUTH OF THE KEITH THEATRE. "Red Night," chapter No. 8 of Pa tria, at tho Keith tonight. Miss Mabol MoVickor, of Lexington, spent tlio past few days here on mil linery business. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Drown returned yostorday from Kimball where they visited this week. Mrs. II. C. Brock nnd son will return tomorrow from Fairbury whoro thoy visueu roiauvos ror a woeK. Mrs. Andy LIddoll has accepted a position as saleslady In tho McVicker Mlllnory parlors and began work yestorday. Shorlff Salisbury returned Tuesday evening from Lincoln where ho took Kolth Hrny and Clarence Murphy to the penitentiary. Improved Stock Farm for Salo Full section located -V miles north ilest of Hershey at $.1.00 per acre. This Is a bltf snap. ItlTIIANAK & PATTEHSON, 21-1 Solo Agents. The H. & S. Agency SELLS CITY PROPERTY Sells Fire, Tornado, Auto mobile and Hail Insurance. LOANS MONEY. We respectfully solict your patronage. LET YOUR WANTSIBE KNOWN. Olfico Phones Black or Red 012. DOOLITTLE BUILDING. THE IMPORTED PERCHERON STALLION NABOB" No. D78.V2 Will nuiko the season as follows: Tuesdays and Fridays nt the 3tog. onsen Feed and Salo ltarn, North I'lattc, beginning April lOlli. Kalaiico of tho week (except Sun. duy) at my farm six miles west of North Finite and threo fourths of a mile southeast of llirdwood switch. Nabob waB foaled May 24, 1913, and lmportod with his mother by North & Hoblnson, of Grand Island, In July, 1913. Was bred by M. Dosproz, Depart ment of Omo, in Franco. This horso wolghs 1780, Is clean and sound lit ovory particular, and Is ns good as you will llnd anywhoro. Wo invito you to como and see this horso. Tonus $15.00 to Insure colt to stand and suck. If mnros nro dlirposod of or leavo country sorvlco foo be comes duo and paynblo at onco. Cnro will bo taken to provont nc cldonts, but should nny occur stallion owner will not b0 rosponBlblo. s FRANK STROLLBERG, Owner. WALTEMATH Lumber & Coal Co. All Kinds Building Material EverythingfiNew. Phone 20 1 Block East Freight House This Is Tho Busy Building Season Lot's Havo A Building Room! Evcry'.bnildiiitf tliut in built briiiH Junt so much prosperity to tlm community. GET BUSY AND BUILD? We ure usually busy, but nnvnr no buy Hint wo could not be busier, nnd will got buny with your building business uh soon nn Niibmlttad touii, SEE Ufl FOR LUMBER AND IIUII.MNd MATERIAL. Coates Lumber & Coal Co. North Platto, Nefcr.