The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 03, 1917, Image 8

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IRA L. KAKE, Editor nnd Publisher.
One l'cnr by Mnll In Adtnnce....1.2fi
One Year by Currier in AdTnncu..$JJ0
Entered at Nortb Platte, Nebraska,
PoBtolllco tXB Second Clans Matter.
SHinl. Howe Jr., loft Kridny aftor
lioon tor Omaha to complete IiIh traJo
an a boiloi maker.
A L. Konald of Uiramlo, is spend
ing a fww day here on bimlnotis for
the B. of L. K.
Rlloy Warren left Saturday ovonlng
for Rawllim where he was transferred
m engineer hint weok.
Hnglnoor Jamo McNenl left Fri
day evening for Laramie where ho will
be employed for several months.
Jame Raker, Loo Newton and Roy
Kolly accepted positions In the Union
' Pacific baguHgo room th0 latter part
of lust week.
Engineers Morris, Cauffman. Maston,
and Skow Iw'oro transferred to Wy
oming the latter part of last week
and loft Friday ovenlng.
W. (". WhUney, late superintendent
of transportation on tho Union Pa
cific, spent the latter part of last wook
in town wlillc enrouto to Ogdon to
nccept a position with tho Sprecklo3
sugar company.
John Sullivan, employed at tho
Tound houso, was takon to a local hos
pital Friday for troatniont for burns.
JIo was working under a dump cur
filled with hot clndors when a follow
omployo pulled tho levor and dumped
the cinders on him.
A coroner's inquest Inquiring into
tho auto acoidont at Lexington Satur
day aftornoon was hold yostcrday, and
Wood W. Whlto. onglneor of tho train
which struck tho car, wn fully exon
erated, tho Jury Tondorlng u vordict
to tho effect that bo far as bo was
concerned tho uccidont was un
. nvoldablo.
Tho Wolla-Fargo company lias put
on tt-iiuw through expross train bo
twoon Nqw York and San Francisco,
which pawsc through bore ut about
six in tho ovonlng. Tho first of those
trains, which will urn dr.ily, passed
through last ovonlng. Tho train runs
from Now York to Chicago as a solid
oxpros train but at tho lattor place
, sieopor, diner ana day cor.cii aro at
Checks will be issued this week,
says an Omaha paper, by tho Union
Pacific for oottlomont with tno iiroui
Virhood omployos for tho back pay duo
thorn slnco January l under tno Ad
nmson law. These sums will bo paid
In a lump and tho omployos thus fitv
ored iwhll rccolvo checks of very In
torftRting size. Tho gonoral Increase
in salarlos on all linos will amount to
botwoen 15 and 20 per cent In tho ng
grogato. ,;o
Tho Toll of (lie Auto.
Saturday's toll of tho auto In part
wa two killed and throe Injured at
Beatrice by a car turning turtle; ono
kllluri and two Injured at Lexington
when train No. 1 struck tho car; ono
killed near Superior when car over
turned. At Lexington tho mou In tho
,onr liitod for an onst-bound frolght
to pus over a crossing onst of tho
town, and ua they drovo up on tho
crossing thoy woro struck by wost
bound No. 1 which thoy had not no-
, tlcod.
r:o: :
Tho Firt National Rank of Ilorshoy,
of which I). R, McNool. tho woll known
north aldo stockman, is prosldont nud
J. Slmrlploy Thompson cashier, ox-
pacts to opon for business Thursday
Tomporary quarlora will bo occupied
until tho now building Is complotcd
In "Tho Mystorlous Mrs. M." show
ing nt tho Crystal Wwlnosday night
Hal Ford has bis fortune told and see
ing hl finish waits for it but is sur
prised royion for onco tho fortune toiler
inmsoH it
At a rocont mooting of tho Nobraakn
PI Rota Phi sorority. Miss Myrtlo Heol
or, of this city, wob clccte-a dolognto
to tho nnttonnl convention which will
bo bold In Chicago In Juno.
C. 1 4. Countryman, Into cashier of
tho Hcrnrhy Bank, at Wallace, has
rt-cf if nud and accoptcd n posltloj with
tno unisons' uanic or Ognlallu.
You aro cordially Invited to attend
tho Christian Science loctur0 Friday
nigiit at tho .Masonic tempio.
t :ot :
S00 noros of table, land In Morrill
ability 9 mllen from good town, blnok
root solid soil, 200 ucroH broke, SO
nanis In wheat and ir uoroH alfalfa,
balance In pasture and liny land and
lots of good fences, good four room
ho mm with barns, hog house, two wolU
and wind inllls and othor Improve
ments; ono mile to school nud one mile
to potitoKioe itnd Mtar. Vrloe $30.00
pr ner, part down and balance on
land. Clan title. Lot mo honr from
you If you menn business
lea o. it. riioahidh.
10 South Chestnut, North Platte, Neb
Get a Torrington
Before you elenn house.
It will keep your house clean
with the minimum amount of
It is hcltcr than tho rest.
Il will soon he time for the
dust to hlow. Bo prepared.
Norfli Platte Light and
Power Co.
For Salo or Hont
enst Third.
-Barn, inqulro 214
For Hont Furnished rooma. In
quire G02 wost Sixth. 23-n
Walter Hoxlo enmo from Lincoln
Saturday to visit relative for a week.
Miss Edna Falk is assisting in the
II & S. Agency office.
Mr. and Mrs. John Vosolpka return
ed a few days ago from Lincoln.
Charlas Edwards loft Saturday
morning for a short visit In Lexington.
Jack Husband has returned from u
visit In California.
E. S. Davis spent the latter part of
last week in Omaha.
Mrs. William Huddart loft Satur
day morning for Molborta to visit
A. M. Mason returned Friday oven
!ng from a brief visit In the east pnrt
of (he state.
Harnett and Wlnlfrod Wnltor wont
to Sutherland Friday evening to visit
Mrs. Buy C. Langford will return
tomorrow from a weok's visit in
Mri. llee llanoy, of Wallace, spent
the week ond with her mother Mrs.
Greeley Puridy.
Miss Hazel Clark, of Gothenburg,
spent tho wook und with her sister
Mm. Chnrle McNnmara.
j Miss JMhor Sohwalgor came up
from tho Kearney normal Friday to
visit over Sunday.
For Snle
onst Third.
-Parlor Sot,
Inquire 214
Ilormuu Paumlmuh, who had boen
visiting his grandfathor Adolph Wendt
has returned homo.
Attorney J. G. Beolor returned tho
Inttor part of last weok from a busi
ness visit In Lincoln.
Rov. Tinnoy, of Brooklyn, N. i'.,
lho has boon tho guet of Rov. P. F.
McUald, will lonve today.
Sonford Hartman roturned Satur
day morning from a visit o'f two
woeks In Knoxvllle,, Tonn.
Mrs. Law, of Sutherland, spent tho
wook end bore with friends while en
routo home from Omaha.
Mrs. Jnmos Roddy and daughter
Marguerite returned Friday evening
from a visit in Grand Island.
Mrs. Fred Wolngnnd returned to
Omaha ! riday after visiting tho Stomp
aim wonut lamihcs tor n week.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Holzmark, of Goth
enburg, ppont the weok end in town
Ins the guests of .1. 13. Nolson.
Edward Thompson, a student at tho
stato unlvorslty, enmo up Saturday to
spend .a ueok with tho home folks
Mrs, Epply, of Grand Island, who
had boon visiting Mrs. Joseph Jossup
for if week, loft Saturday aftornoon
Mrs. Harry Wolls niiii children, who
had heoii' visiting In Lexington for
ton days, returned homo Friday even
ing. Miss Wynnjo Sullivan;, of IBrndy,
vlHitoil at tint Fltzn.'itrlok boom ln'
woolc and nttondod tho teachora' con
Now merchandise in ovory dopart
ment arriving dully.
20-2 E. T. TRAMP & SONS'.
Mrs. H. B. Stryson and dnughlor
Haaol who havo resided In Mlndon for
aovernl yoars, havo roturned horo to
mako their homo.
Mrs. EVlwnrd Elsassor and baby
who spoilt sovoral wooks In Omaha
with rolatlvos, will rotum the lattor
part of this wook.
Tho good as thorio la In tho houso
for mou, women and children always
to no round at Tho Loader Morcuntilo
Co.'d. i-iS
Miss Amanda Woincnnd. of Ross-
vlllo, 1'.., la oxpoctod next weok to
visit her slstors Mrs. Charles Stamp
ami jura, mollis rotorson.
Mrs. George Frntor, who was called
to Custer, Okla., several wjoks ago by
the Illness, and donth of her mother,
roturned homo Friday ovonlng.
MrB. Munslngor, of Wnyno, roturned
to nor nonio Frlilny ovon ng after hav
ing visited Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gar-
ninn ror two wooks
Ralph Adams, formerly of this city,
arrived' rroin Konrnoy Inst weok to
visit frlonds whllo convnloBcIng from
an oporation ror appendicitis.
MIbb Holen Watts, of Corning, la.,
is oxpoeted in a fd-v days to visit
rolatlvofl and act as ono of tho brldoa
mnlds at the Dlxon-Conlin wedding.
Mr. nnd Mrs. F. J. GUI, formorly of
atapiston, aro visiting tho fornior's
sister, Mrs. S. R. Dorry borry, while
enrouto win California to Staple
ThB llrst Issue of tho Lowellon Op
tlnilst edited by John Barton, wiib pub
ltahed Thursday. It is a llvo-column
olght-pngo paper and Is a credit to
that town.
Mr. and Mrs. David Hunter, of
SutherlMid who havo been In Cnlifor
nla for everl months, write 'ihe
Trlliuue that thoy will rotum homo
Aprlj nth.
W. II. Turpie loft Saturday nU'.it
for Omaha to transact buslnoss for a
fow dnva rnd will then go to Suit
unite io superintend mo sale o; i
lit of blooded stock.
Mra. Irlwn Ary, of Omahn, is x
poctoti heroi this woolc to visit her
brotner. Bryon Oborat for aome tlm
Mrs. Ary wins formerly Mlaa Blancli
Widmoyor, of this city)
Rnrgonnt Glllnn. of Loxlncton. Cor
poral Cook of Cozad, Oscar Brown of
HarHhoy and Frank Brown of Oga
lnlln, woro horo Inst wook to uttond
tho nieotlng of Conipnny K.
- n-
Call 12G for Taxi day or night
Also five or sovon pnasongor oar for
funeral aervlco,
Chnndlor & Elcar Agency.
Corner Eighth and Locust Sts.
FiTe-Panenger Tonrinj Ctr
Four-Pnenjer Touring-Rodittr
Two-Passenger Roadster
We have just received
Roadsters. Come in and look them over or phone 125
for demonstration.
Our regular Scmi-Monthly Sale will bo held at the
North Side Ham,
Commencing at
A Large Number of Cattle
Including Milch Cows and Bulls.
of all ages and weights.
Implements of ail Kinds
One complete Outfit for Butcher Shop including Ice Box
8-10-10. Peanut and Pop Corn Roaster. New and Second
Hand Automobiles and Household Furniture.
If fanners or others have anything to sell bring it in
and wc will include it in this sale. Bring in your horses, as
there will be several buyers.
TERMS: Ten Months' time at ten per cent interest.
COL. McCLVRA, Auctioneer. F. C.'PIELSTICKER, Clerk.
Miss Harrietts Dixon will ontertaln
lior bridesmaids tit u trousseau tea
Thursday. .
Miss Ktbol Strong Mis oporateil up
on at a local hospital yesterday for
Dr. Morrill, Dentist,
Donald O'Drlon roturnod tho lattor
part of Inst weok from ti visit in Oma
ha and Oklahoma.
Now Silk Suits at
20-2 E. T. TRAMP & SONS'.
WX audi iUH Ooorgo Zontinoyor
returned yostortlay morning from Cal
yjlTi'Jjyboro they spent a fortnight.
- Hospital Phone BUck 633.
House Phono Black 633.
Graduate Veterinarian
Right years a Government Veterinar
ian. HobpIUI 2lJ. south Locust St..
one-half block southwest of the
Court nous
Will sill nny thing Hint can lm nuc
Honed on. Jlnko dales at Farm.
'rs' Slate Bank, or wlro at my ox.
Poiino, Reference, runners' State
Bank, Sutherland, Neb.
IOstate No. HOC of Krank Selilck cle-
ceo",ry."Nl:,.,rea8Sfn:nty court f L W
thKt a petition has been tiled for "the
uppolntmont of John 13. ISvkt s as Ail-'
mlnlBtrator of hrU lSstate. which has
BBV9i7en.fSr.,Wlir hB,eln on April
u, 1817, nt 9 o'clock n. in.
DnUd Mnrch 7, 1917.
OKO. 13. KniSNCIT,
ml3-3w CouiUyJude.
isstnta No. H65 of Caroline Selitclc
that n petition him been fllou for tho
iiilnlstrntor of Bald Hetnto. which has
bean net for hearlnB herein on April
u, 1917, at 9 o'clock n. in.
Dated Mnroh 7, 1917.
n,l3"3w County Judge.
QRAK At the factory in
pOci,0 Elkhart, Indiana
Built by Elkhart Carriage
& Motor Car Company
Before you place your order for an auto
mobile, come in and tee how good a car
the ELCAR i for the money.
The wheel baie it 115 inches, which
makct it a large, roomy car of fine appear
ance, and, with it excellent spring suspen
sion, a splendid driver and an easy rider
on any road, rough or smooth.
The motor is powerful, developing 34.7
II. P. at 1,800 R. P. M. though not a large
motor in size. It is, however, a modern
and up-to-date motor of the long stroke
and high speed type.
The electric starting and lighting system
is the Dyne to two-unit, with Willard stor
age battery and double-bulb head lights.
The Delco automatic sparlc advance ignition
is used, which is an installation that speaks
well of any car.
The ELCAR has a multiple dry disk
clutch, Ravbcslos on steel, so fine acting
that, together with the quietness and ease
with which the gears shift, contribute much
to the satisiaction and pleasure or driving.
The rear axle is full floating, with roller bearings nt each end
of the wheel hubs. The driving gears are strictly high grade
spiral bevel, such as go in the high priced cars.
The body styles must be seen to be appreciated. Small illus
trations of the three models are here shown, but
two carloads of Touring and
Ten o'clock a. in.
Licensed Embalpiors
Undertakers anil funeral Directors
Day Phono 234.
Night Phone Black, 688.
Sorlnl No. 05691
IIlMUirtlllt'llt tiff tin Illtprlnr.
U. S. Land Olllco nt North Platte, Nobr.
Hnri-li K. 1017.
Notice Ib horoby glvon that Thomas
n. .Mcurono, or rvortn fintte, Nenr., who,
on July 24. 1913. nindo Ilomestond en
try No. 05C97, for 8EY Section 20,
TowilHhln in. N.. rtnnurn 3D. W.. fifh
1'rlnolpni Meridian, lias Hied notice of
mention to niaito tinai three year
Proof, to establish claim to tho lnnd
abovo described, boforo the rtoglstor
nnu iieciovor at Mortn I'latto, Nob., on
tho ISth dav of Atirll. 1917.
Claimant names oh witnesses: II. P.
Hanson, C. II. Watts, P. 13. McGraw,
Marry Madison, nil of North Platte,
mC-Ow Register.
Quality in Cigars has has boon our
aim slnco wo bogan making cigars in
North Platto ovor thirty yoars ago.
Wo put quality in tho first cigars wo
mado, niuUthat snmo quality is in tho
cigars we make today. Schmalzrlod's
Cigara havo stood tho tost of those
more than thirty yoars. What greater
ovldonco of quality could you 'desire?
If you havo not been smoking Sshmalz
dlod's cigars, try them thoy aro cer
tain to plense.
ItOAD M. I01.
To all whom It. may concern;
Tlie special commissioner appointed
to locate a public road as follows:
Commencing at the Southwest corner
of Section 4, township 10, rnngo 32;
thence due oast along the south side
of said Section 4 nnd Section 3 fo the
southeast corner of Section 3, towni
Bhlp 10, range 32; thence east one-half
mile on the south sldo of Section 2,
townshln 10. ranxe 32. Said road to bo
40 feet in width, has reported In favor,
oi ui same, ami an oojecuons ineroio,
or claims for damages musf be nied In
the ofllce of the County Cleric on or
before 12 o'clock noon of tho 10th day
of May, 1917, or Biich road will be al
lowed without reference thereto.
Dated at North Platte, Nebr., this 7th
day of March, 1917.
A. S. AItiKN,
County Clerk.
HOAI) Ml. till'.
To all whom It may concern;
The special commissioner appointed
to locate a public road as follows:
Commencing at tho southwest cor
ner of Section (If teen (15), In town
ship thlrteou (13), thonco north one
mllo between Sections Flftoen '(15)
and Sixteen (1G) In township thirteen
(13), north, range thlrty-ono (31), fo
Uif NfirtliwnHt rurtifir of H.ntlmi flftpen
(1 5), township thirteen (13), north of
range thirty-one (al), has rcporteil in
favor thereof, and all objections there
to, or claims for damages must he filed
In tho office of tho County Clerk on or
before 12 o'clock noon of the 10th day
of Mny, 1917, or such road will bo al
lowed without rcferenco thereto.
Dated at North Platte, Nobr., this 7th
day of March, 1917.
County Cleric.
otk;i:. dkciikk ok iiioiitNiin
Estate No.. 14 04 of William Schick,
deceased, In the County Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska.
The heirs, creditors and all iiersons
Interested in said Estate, will take no
tice that on the 7th day of March, 1917,
Chris Schick an heir of said decedent,
tiled bis petition heroin, alleging that
the said William Schick died Intestate
on or about Oct. 28, 1S97, a resident of
Lincoln county, nnd that at the time of
his death ho was tho owner of, or had
an Estate of inheritance in SVi of N4
of Sec. 28, Township 14, North of Hnngo
29, West of thd Cth P. M. In Lincoln
County, Nebraska, and that no applica
tion has bon made in the said State for
the appointment of an administrator.
That ho loft surviving him:
" Caroline Schick, Widow, now deceas
ed: unris Mcnicic, ago .IB, orth
finite, iNci)., son: carl Schick, ago 34,
North Platte. Net)., son: Lizzie Schick,
ure ,12, SIndrld, Neb., daughter: Lena
Miles, iiko 30. daughter: William Schick.
age 2S, North Platte. Nob., son; Frank
Schick, now deceased: Fred Schick, ago
zd. worm fiaite. Neb., son: Uoorire
Schick, otfe 20, North Platte, Nob., son.
That all tho debts or said decedent
havo been paid, nnd praying that reg
ular admistrntlon bo waived and a de
cree bo entered barring creditors nnd
fixing the dato of his death nnd tho de.
irreo of kinship of his heirs nnd the
rlnht of dscont to snld real estate.
(snui petition w 11 be Heard Anr 1 13.
1917, nt 9 o'clock a. m., at tho ofllco of
tho County Judge in said Countv.
GEO. Jo. FllicNnir.
m20-3w Countv .Tudcro.
rvoTHu:. i)i:citi;i: on 111311(81111'
Estate No. 14C8 ot Etta Lou Cohatron.
deceased, Inthe County Court of Lin-
coin uounty, iNieoraslca.
Tho heirs, creditors and all persons
Interested In said Estate, will take no-,
ticc that on tho 8th day of March, 1917,
T. jr. CohaKcn, nn heir of snld deced
ent, filled his petition heroin olleglng
nun. mo sain vma ijou (jonnucn men in
testate on or about Mnv 2. 1913. n resi
dent of Lincoln County, and that at the
lime oi ner death sho was tho owner of,
or hnd an Estato of Inheritance In. Lot
!i, lllock 9. Pennlston's Addition to
Original Town of North Platto. Lincoln
uouniy, isenraslca, nnd that no applica
tion hns been mado In tho said State for
tho appointment of an ndmlnlHtrntnr
Tlmt she left surviving her:
i: m. t onnKon. rather, ago Br., resid
ing nt North Platte. Neb.; Christina
Cohauon, mother, age 52, residing at
North Platte, Neb
That all tho debts of tho said deced
ent havo been paid, nnd praying tliat
regular administration be waived nnd a
docree be entered barring creditors and
fixing tho date of her death nnd tho de
cree of kinship of her heirs nnd tho
right of descent to snld real estate.
Said petition will be heard April 13.
1917. nt 9 o'clock n. m.. nt the offlco of
tho County Judge In said Countv.
m20-3w County Judge.
Estate No. 1470, of George Schick,
Deceased, rh tho County Court of Lin
coln county, Nebraska.
Tho State of Nebraska: To nil per
sons Interested In said Estato, take
notice that a petition hns boon filed for
the appointment of John E. Evans as
administrator of said estato, which has
been sot for hearing on April 13, 1917,
at 9 'oclock a. m.
Dated March 21, 1917.
m27.3 County Judge.
Vacation of Part of Hond No. -0.
To nil whom It may concern:
Tbo consent petition, of John J.
Ginnpp and othors. has been filed In
offloe of tho County Clerk of Lincoln
County Nebraska, asking for a vacation
of that nart of Road No. 20 as follows:
Commencing on tho north lino of
section y, town 11, rane 27, running
south throutrh sections 9-1C-17-20-29. In
town 11, range 27, to tho one-half
section lino running east ana west In
Section 32. town 11. raniro 27. thin be
ing a part of RoadNo. 20 in Conroy
All obJectlons-theroto must hn filed
In the oftlco of the County Clerk on or
boforo 12 o'clock noon of tho 20th day
ui wuy or naiu road will oo
vacated without reference thereto.
Dated at North Platto, Neb., this 14th
any ot luarcn, ivii,
m20-nl3 County Clork.
Itl'.l'IOHKK'S S A 1,13.
I, O. E. Elder, tho undersigned ref
eree, In partition proceedings pending
In tho district court of Lincoln coun
ty, Nebraska, in which William A. Wil
son Is plaintiff nnd Mrs. Mablo Wilson,
William S. McCord nnd James R.
Whlto, guardian of William S. Mc
Cord, are defendants, will, In pursu
ance of nn order therein, soil at pub
lic miction to tho highest bidder for
ensh nt tho oast front door of tho
court houso in North Platte, Lincoln
county, Nebraska, at tho hour of
threo o'clock P. M. on April 28, 1917
tho following described roal ostnto slt-
umu ui i.incuin county, fs'ournslca, to
wlt: All that part of the Northwest
quarter of Southeast quarter (NWU
of SI3V4) of Section Thirty (30), Town.
?,h,, 1i'i?irteen . Kange Thirty-
throe (.13), wost of the fith P. M. ly
ing north of the tight of wnv of the
Union Paclllc Railroad trn k through
sld section; also all of Lou '"'llrteen
(13) Fourten (14), Fifteen (1,), six
teen (10) and Seventeen (17), lllock
hiiViJL x . uiiijmiiy H Ad
dition to the town of Hershoy, Lincoln
vuiiuiv, iicot hhhh , ami aiso a parcel of
land In Section Thirty-three (33).
Township Fourteen (ll), north of
Range Thirty (30). west of tho 6th P.
M. In Lincoln county, Nebraska, known
and described as Lot "G" in the Coun
Jy.Cork s,oV,(lt, f 'l1.8 subdivision of
ivrwV0 lk .f, tl'e Northeast quarter
(NEW ) of Section Thlrtv- tiiroo t
Townshln Fourteen (14). north ofi
Rnnirn Thlrtv mm. woof Ai it .'. V.1 1
" ' ' vt. tiiu U 1 1 1 I .
M. In Lincoln county, Nebraska. Snld
salo to renmlri open one hour.
m27 O. E. ELDER, Referee.
Estate No. 14(17 of Lorenzo S. Ma
comber, deceased, in tho County Court
of Lincoln County. Nebraska. y "
The State of Nobrnskn, to nil porsonH
nterosted In said Estato take notice
that a petition has been filed for tho
appointment of Abble D. Macomber as
Administratrix of said Estate, which
has been Bet for hearing herein on
April 6. 1917, nt 9 o'clock a. ml
Dated March 8, 1917.
ml3-3w County Judge.
NOTK'i: OI' sphciai. i;i,kotion
Notice Is horoby given that a special
election will be hold In Osgood Pre.
clftct, In the County of Lincoln, In the
Stnto of Nebraska, on tho 10th day
of April, 1917, at vhloh tho following
proposition will be submitted to tho
votors of snld Osgood Precinct, to-wlt:
"Shall the Hoard ofCounty Commis
sioners of Lincoln effunty, State of Ne
braska, Issue Ten Thousand 00-100
(110,000) Dollars, of "usrfood Prucinci
Drldge Roods," In denominations ot
One thousand 00-100 11,000.00) IJollura
each, bearing Interest at tbo rate of
six per cent per annum, payable semi
annually, interest and principal pay
able at the office of tho State TreaBuror
of tho State of Nebraska, in the City of
Lincoln, in the County of Lancaster,
In the State of Nebraska.
Said bonds to bear dato of July 1st,
1917, and tho Interest on said bonds to
bo pnynblo on the 1st day of January,
191, und on tho 1st day of July, 1918,
nnd on tho 1st day of January and on
tho 1st day of July of each and ovory
year thereafter, until all of tho Intor
ct on said bonds shall havo been paid.
Said bonds to be numbered consecu
tively from ono to ton Inclusive, and
tho Interest thereon to be evidenced by
coupons thereto atached.
Hond number Ono to become duo and
payable on tho 1st day of July, 1928.
Hond number Two to becomo due and
pnynblo on the 1st day of July, 1929.
Hond number Throe to becomo due
nnd payable on the 1st day of July,
Hond number Four to become duo
nnd pnynblo on tho '1st day of July,
Hond number Five to becomo duo nnd
payable on tho 1st day of July. 1932.
Hond number Six to become due and
pnynblo on tho 1st day of July, 1933.
Hond number Seven to become duo
and payable on tho 1st day of July,
Hond number Eight to becomo due
and payablo on tho 1st day of July,
Hond numbor Nine to become due
nud payable on the 1st day of July,
Hond numbor Ten to becomo duo and
payablo on tho 1st dny of July, 1937.
Shall tho Hoard of County Com
missioners of Lincoln County, Nebras
ka, levy a tax in tho year of 1917, and
In each and every year thereafter,
sufficient to pay tho Interest on said
bonds, and sufficient to pay five por
cent of the principal thereof, as pro
vided by law; and in the year 1927, and
each and every year thereafter, suffi
cient to pay the principal of said bonds
ns they become due, until sufficient tax
has been levied to pay all of the prin
cipal of said bonds; and such tax, both
for interest and principal to be levied
upon all of the tux.iulo property in
said Osgood Precinct?
Said bonds to bo used for tho purpose
of constructing a wagon bridge across
tho South Platte River, beginning at a
point on the north bank of tho South
Platto River, where a continuation of
tho center lino of Locust street, In tho
City of North Platte, Lincoln County,
Ne.braska, Intersects said north bank
In tho Southeast quarter (SEV4) of tho '
South-west quarter (SWl of Section
four (4) In township thirteen (13)
North, of range thirty (30) West of tho
Cth P. M. in Lincoln County, Nebraska,
and running thonco In a southerly
direction across the South Platte river
about 1500 feet to a point on tho south
bank of said River, about 25 foot, east
at. Station No. 10, of Road No. C, Lin
coln County, Nebraska, at the east edge
of the South end of tho present timber
bridge. Said bridge to bo approximate
ly fifteen hundred feet In length (1500
ft) and of sufficient width for two
tennis to pass each othor at any point
on said bridge, and to bo constructed
of concrete nnd steel, nnd to comply
with tho plans nnd specifications pre
pared and furnished by the Stato Engi
neer of tho State of Nebraska, and said
bonds representing" approximately one
fourth (1.4) of tho entire cost of tho
construction of said bridgo as herein
before set forth, the ontiro co3t of
which Is to be approximately forty
thousand Dollars ($40,000), one-naif.
(1-2) of such'ontire sum Is to bo borne
by tho State of Nebraska Ald,s as pro
vided for In Article 5, Chapter 28, Sec
tions 123 to 133 inclusive, of the Re
vised Statutes of Nebraska, for tho
year 1913, and acts amendatory thereof,
nnd one-fourth (l-l) of tho entire cost
Is to bo homo by the City of North
Plntto, Lincoln County, Nebraska.
Should tho State of Nebraska fall to
grant said Aid, and should the City of
North Plntto, Lincoln County, Nebras
ka, fail to voto bonds in tho sum of
Ton thousand 00-100 (110.000.00) Dol
lars, In aid of tho construction of said
bridge, then the bonds of said Osgood
Precinct herein petitioned to bo voted
upon, shall not be Issued.
Said bridgo to bo constructed upon
a line ncross said River where a con
tinuation of tho center lino of Locust
street, North Platto Lincoln County,
Nebraska, intersects snld North bank,
and to run In a southerly direction
across said river, and connected with
the public Highway to the West com
monly known as the Stato Farm Road,
and within said Precinct."
The ballots to used at such special
election shall have printed therpoon:
"FOR" Issuing Ten thousand 00-100
($10,000.00) Dollnrs, in "Osgood Pre
cinct Rrldgo Bonds," In denominations
of Ono thousand 00-100 ($1000.00) Dol
lars each, bearing Interest at the rate
of six por cent per annum, intorest
and principal payable at the offlco of
tho State Treasurer In tbo City of Lin
colh, In tho County of Lancaster, Stato
of Nebraska, said bonds to bear date
of July 1, 1917, and the Interest on
said bonds to bo payable on tho 1st
day of January, 1918, nnd on tho 1st
day of July, 1918, nnd on tho 1st day
ot January, and tho 1st day of July of
each and every year thereafter, until
all of the Interest on said bonds shall
havo been paid; and to levy n tax In
Uio year 1917, und in each and every
year thereafter sufficient to pay the
Interest on said bonds, and sufficient to
pay five por cent of tho principal there
?Li l,rvlded by law; and In tho year
1927, and In each and every year there
after sufficient to pay tho principal of
Bald bonds ns they becomo duo, until
sufficient tax has been levied to pav
nil of tho principnl of said bonds; anil
such taxes both for Interest and prin.
clpal to bo levied upon all of the tax
,lb.le. ,p,p!'i.y ln 8al(1 Osgood Precinct
ivAIi,ST Issuing Ten thousnnd
00-100 ($10,000.00) Dollars, In "Osgood
Precinct Hrldgo Honds," In denomina
tions of Ono thousnnd 00-100 ($1,000.00)
.Dollars each, bearing interest at tho
rato of six per cent por annum, Inter
est and principal payable nt the oftlco
of the Stato Treasurer In tho City of
Lincoln. In tho County of Lancaster,
State of Nebraska, said bondH to boar
dnto of July 1, 1917, and tho Interest
on said bonds to bo payable on tho
1st dny ot "January. 1918. and on tho
1st day of July, 1918, and on tho 1st
day of January, and on the first day of
.Y, oreftCJ' and every year thoreaftor,
until all of the Interost on said bonds
shall havo boon paid; and to levy a
tax ln the year 1917, and ln ench and
evory year therenfter, sufficient to
pay the interest on said bonds, and suf
llclent to pay live per cent of the prin
cipal thereof, as provldod by law, and
in tho year 1927, nnd In onch und ovory
tbjreafter sufficient to .pay tho
principal of said bonds as thoy becomo
duo, until sufficient tax has been levied
to pay all of the principal of snld
nonilg; and such taxes both for Interest
and principal to bo levied, upon all of
the fnxable property In snld Osgood
T.'.,08e Ytlng In favor of said prop
"Jj'lon shall mark their ballot with
A. hfrore the paragraph beginning
with the word "FOR"; and those vot
!n,n,?n,.nflt 8a''1 Proposition shall mark
their ballots with (X) before tho para
ffPkTNST5tflnntng Wth tho word
Snld election will be open nt 8 o'clock
A. M. nnd continue open until 8 o'clock
P. M. of said day, and the polling place
Kf Bald Oscood Precinct will ho at
South Bluff School house In said pre
cinct In Lincoln County, Nebraska, nnd
nil electors residing In said Osc-ood
Precinct will vote upon said proposl
f'on nt snld South Bluff Schoolhouse
In said Osixood Precinct, on Bald 10th
dav of April, 1917.
Bv order of the Board of Countv
Mn'rch 197erS mn',e on tno 2,1 ot
' ' ' A. S. ALLEN.
County Clerk.