The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 03, 1917, Image 5

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.Music and l'loners .Murk Increase of
, Floor Space to More Than Double
That Which the Firm Has Oc
eupled In the Past.
The growth of tho automobile busl
,noss 1b beat evidenced by tho strides
which tho "ion engaged In tho garage
business have taken. Among the most
notablo Instances of tho growth of this
lino In western Nebraska. Is that of tho
J. S. Davis Auto Co., of this city.
Starting In a rather limited Iwjay, the
company Is now housed on Locust
and Fourth streets in buildings that
aro excollcd by but a few in tho
state. Occupying ono GGxl32 foot
building, they found such entirely in
adequate for the rapid grcMtth of the
business, and but recontly occupied
tho entire upper floor of the now CGx
132 foot building erected by A. M.
Lock, as well as a ground floor room
22x132 thu3 more than doubling tho
floor capacity of tho plant..
With a view of acquainting tho gen
oral public of the Immensity of the
plant, tho stock of cars and acces
sories carried, and tho completeness
of tho arrangements tho Davis Auto
Co. hold an oponlng Saturday after
noon and evening, and several thous
and people wcro conducted through
tho plant by employes of the com
pany. Stamp's orchestra furnished
music, and 3,000 carnations woro Riv
en tho visitors in addition to badges
and souvenirs.
Tho original room G6xl32 is still oc
cupicd for car storago. office, show
room and machine room in which to
mako light repairs while tho ground
floor of the new building Is devoted
to tires and accessories and tho en-
tlro upper floor to machine shop and
tho storage of new cars. In tho ncces
sorles department Is kept over $10,000
worth of tires and tho accessories and
repair stock exceed that value. This
room Is furnished with largo show
cases, shelving and cabinets for the
smaller repair parts. Its arrangement
Is -very convenient. Hack of this room
is an electric elevator for carrying
cars to tho second floor and In the
rear of tho elevator is tho battery
room, Iwfiere theso adjuncts to the
modern car are charged and ropalred.
Tho machine room Is well supplied
with electric driven machines, and a
half dozen or more men are kept busy
in this department.
At tho opening twenty-two cars
ranging In prico from $745 to $15G0
woro on exhibition; several cars in a
dissembled condition weroshown, thus
giving the visitor some idea of their
construction and other Information
J. S. Davis, tho head of the Davis
Auto Co., Is ono of the pioneer garage
men in western Nebraska, first engag
ing in that business in Cozad In 1903.
Ho came to North Platte in 1912, open
ed a garage in the Hlnman building
on Dawoy street, and took possession
of tho Lock building when-1t was
completed three vears aero. The Davis
iCo. handle tho Bulck and Mitchell
cars. and have sub-aerents In a large
number of twf-wtrtrn Nebraska towns.
Last year wn the company's banner
vear: with the increase'- facilities
brought about bv the more than
doubled floor anaoo tho business of the
comwinv duWncr 1917 lfll undoubtedly
mako the 1910 business look small.
Christian Science Lecture.
Tim Christian Science ... pociety of
North Plntte cq-dlMlv Invito you to
l)a t"M!nt. pf a froo lenro on Chris
Inn Solonco. Jrv PlokneH Voutifr. C. S.
R.. of CMnnro. Til., nt Hi Masonic
Temnlo. FHdpv ovonlnfr AnHl fith at
S-30- o'clock ATr Yountr l n member
of tho bnnrri o' leehire1l'n rtt the
mn1mr. fluirHl. Tio Firt '"''lurch of
C'rl"t. PMnnHat n Boston. Mass.
Kvorvthltip- in fh" new snrlng shades
Ir, .irflnf( nintorlil- nt ,
20-5 TV T TRAMP f- RONS'
Mr3. O. II. Oliphant, fofho spent sev
eral months in Des Moines, returned
hom0 last week,
' While the line is complete and se
lection tho best, soloct your this sea
son's auto cap on hat at Tho Leader
Mercantile Co.'s.
John Darrymoro In "Tho Man from
Mexico" Crystal Thursday night.
Miss Mildred McKoown Is visiting
With Lincoln friends this week.
The Nevlta club IM111 meet Wednes
day afternoon with Mrs. Ada Lowls.
Your Easter glovos and neckwear
aro hore at Thft Loader Mercantile
Miss Tholma Frator of the state
onlvorslty came Saturday ovenlng to
visit lioi' paronts for a week.
Brick" work started on tho Twinom
building yostordny. threo brick-layers
being employed.
Miss Thelma Thompson of tho Gom
Candy Co., Is off (duty with n threaten
ed attack of appendicitis.
Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Hoagland have
returned rfom a visit in Omaha and
other eastern Nebraska cities.
Miss Anna McLano loft for Cozad
yesterday afternoon after visiting hor
brothor Charles McLano nnd family.
Marguerite Clark, tho lovable, in n
romntlc story of youth and lovo. "Silk
and Satins" at the Crystal tonight.
Judge Grimes and several local at
torneys wont to Ognlalla yesterday
morning where district court will ho
Mrs. Ray Langford nnd Miss Holon
Watts will entertain at a one o'clock
luncheon for Miss Harriet Dixon on
Saturday, tho 7th.
Mrs. Julius Plzer returned Saturday
evening from Des Molnos whero she
was called by the death of a relative
two Iveoka ago".
Thore is still a lively domand for
baled 'hay at fifteen dollar's por ton on
track Will Slmants sold two hundred
trine o 4lnf rr 1 r rt h
For Sale Corner lot 1121 west Sec
ond, 2 room house, ongino house with
ongino for irrigating purposes. Price
$G00. Phone Blnck 1039. 23-1
Miss Elsa Boyd of Kearney, arrived
hero a few days ago to accept a posi
tion as superintendent In the North
Platto cGneral hospital.
Bishop Becchor, of Hastings, spent
yesterday In town arid attended a
meeting of the Episcopal vestry and
wardens held last ovenlng.
Gerald Stack. . the contractor yyho
put In tho street paving last summer.
Is spending a few days hero while
onrouto from Chicago to Denver.
Th0 mooting of tho D. A. R. which
was to bo held at tho homo of Mrs.
hold Friday, March 6th, has been
postponed until Friday, March 13th.
Everything a man wants In wearing
apparel. Don't fail to look nt he suits
wo offer you for Easter at Tho Lead
er Mercantile Co.'s.
Sarah Rebokah lodge No. 10 will
meet Friday, April G, at 8 p. m. After
tho initiation will follow tho regular
business meeting and refreshments
will bo served.
Tho 'marriage of Miss Minnie Lin
coln and John E. Brooks will take
place tomorrow evening at the home
or tho brides parents on west
Eleventh street.
Fancy silk dresses, also plain street
drosses, staple and fancy colors at
20-2 E. T. TRAMP & SONS'.
j Tho Golden Rulo Bibel Class of
the Presbyterian church 'will hold a
kensington and business meeting at
to homo of Mrs W. H. DIener, S20
east Sixth street, Friday afternoon,
J April Gth.
A coal shod at tho William Simants
rosidenco on Eastman avonuo was
damaged by flro Friday afternoon.
Tho fire was causci by sparks from a
'bonfltre In t!ialt vicinity which got
beyond control."
' Nifty silk petticoats, plain colors
and Persian designs, also tho sateen
petticoats for that new spring suit
. of yours.
I 20-2 E. T. TRAMP & SONS'.
I Have you friends or acquaintances
1 Who tako themselves too seriously?
Then toll them to soo "Prido" at tho
Kolth tonight. For prido will have a
fall. "Prido" tolls tho story of a girl
who thinks sho Is a little better than
tho man who loves her. In this feature
Holbrook Blinn plays th0 part of a
powerful banker.
Tho contest for queen of tho sctnl
contennlnl celebration opened yestor
tmy when Secretary Moonjjy distribut
ed the ballot boxes and tickets at the
places whore votos will be sold and
deposited. There nre six voting placos:
Tho Rexall drug store, Dixon's, Rtnck
or's, tho Oaels, the North SIdo drug
store and
The contetanls ns named by tho
committee aro Misses lllldogarde
Clinton, Mnyme Plzer, Elizabeth Hln
man, Catherine Hall, Hazel Bnrbor,
Blanche Fonda, Myrtlo Boeler, Luclllo
Wilcox, Janet McDonald, Sybil Gantt,
Holen Waltemath, Loulso Ottonstoln.
Floronco McKny, Mario Bowen, Hazel
Smith, Mabol Burke, Mario McCabo
and Elva Day. The ono recolvlng tho
gatesti number iof votes will be
proclaimed queen and will bo tho
iretgning pclionngo at i'lc queen's
ball to be holj In connection with the
celebration. Tho other ontostnntp will
be her maids. The successful contes
tant iaVH also bo presented with a
handsome diamond ring.
The votos will bo sold at the rate
of ono cent onch, the revenuo thus
recolved to go toward paying for tho
expoiuo of th0 hall and the colobra-tlon.
Tho styiing 'of tho ctmtcf.antw
will bo published each woek. Tho con
test will closo In tlmo for tho queen
nnd maids to prepare their gowns. '
Will Support the President.
A snocial meetinc of the H. p. n.
Elks will be hoi i this evening for tho
purpose of considering a resolution de
prtocnting possible war with Germany,
but assuring President Wilson that ho
nns tno support or 600,000 Elks In
whatevor action ho and congress may
tako. This Is a strp which loyalty to
country nnd flnir cortnlnlv wnrrnnta.
and will be taken by overy Elk lodge
in uio unucu states.
' ::o::
Notice of Church Meetings
Evangelist Jnmca D. Johnson nf Om
aha, Is continuing his lecturer on tho
Jt'roplioclcs or tho Scrinturo3, during
this week at tho S. D. A. Church. 10th
and WIlloW. Everyono should avail
tnemsoives or this opportunity. Ser
vices begin nt 8 p. m.
Farmers Organize to Oct Loans
Farmers of tho Garfield precinct met
Tuesday of last week and organized
a federal farm lonn association so as
to be In position to pply to tho fed
oral farm loan bank for loans, a. R
JClump was elected president. John
r. Kcuy vice-pro3ldent nnd L. II. Joy
scretnry treasurer. The loan com
mittee is conmoscd of F. M. Joy. A. J.
Goodenow nnd James Henry. Applica
tions have been made for, $2,500 loans.
Alfalfa Aunitlitg Shipment.
The Lexington Pioneer says: Two
thousand flvo hundred tons of baled
alfalfa at Elm Creek and 1.900 tons
at Cozad cUjiit shipment to Omaha
to 'bo milled and the owners have
complained totho statp railway com
mission that they are ablevto get only
five or six cars a week, says tho Lin
coln Journal. Theso slit nnnrq worn
told shippers nt Horshoy and Suther
land arc able to get plenty of cars.
When they nskel' n Union Pacific train
dispatcher about this they were told it
was true hut that under order of the
intcrptato oommorce commission rail
roads must keen cars on a division as
lonp- ni anv foodv wnnfs to use them,
which is not true nccording to the
state railway commission.
Commends Display of Hags
Editor of Tribune:
Tiie lnvbh display of the American
Flag in North Platto these perilous
times is very gratifying to tho old
soldiers and all lovers of our country.
Every loyal "itizen should take pleas
ure In unfurling olj glory to tho
b 'zoza
: :o: :
( . Home For Sale.
N . Ivo room bungalow with base
ment equipped with washing outfit
and watering plant; comer lot 200x
240. gepd young orchard nnd out
building.!. Mis.-C. C. Wiley, Suther
land, Neb. Phonc HO.
Tho greatest lino of ''s wnlstH
anij rkirts now to ho seen at Tho
Leader Mercantile Co.'r.
Do not neglect to hear tho freo
Christian Science lecture Friday ov
on'ng at ho Mnsonlc temple.
j a.
Swifts Premium Hams for Easter Breakfast
Easter Morning. The
scurrying pit pats of little
feet; the search for "what
the rabbit brought." The
promising rattle of kitchen
thing then incense. Upstairs
comes a whiff that means
more to hungry folks than
Arabia's precious spices, the
tantalizing aroma of Ham a
the gods could ask no more!
Dress double quick and down
to breakfast. There it
splutters on the platter, thick
juicy slices, with Brookfield
Eggs, all white and gold, they
are sizzling too.
A sure enough feast.
Keep the holiday's, respect
their customs, that's part of
the romance of living. Easter
morning means ham and eggs
or bacon and eggs and best
Ham and best Bacon means
Swift's Products. They form
the premium test, a real quality standard. We care most to serve you the Best
Swift's Premium Tested Foods.
Most Noted Leaders
of the Anti-Saloon League
Forces in America
At the
cm a
ry America
n 11
JOHN G. WOOLEY. M,nllilInn.
Conducted by the Anti-Saloon League of America with the Co-operation of the
State Anti-Saloon League
Subject "The Finish"
Christian Church, North Platte, Neb
Friday, April 6, 7:30 P. IVL
Successful Teachers' Meeting.
Tho Wost-Central Nohrnaka Teach
ers' association, which closed its threo-j
day sosalons Saturday ovenlng vas
vory successful. Not only was tho at
tendance much larger than customary,
but tho talent secured for tho lectures,
and entertainment exceptionally good.
Mrs. Bradford, state superintendent of
Colorado, gavo interesting talks
Thursday, Stato Supt. Clcninions in an
address added much to tho worth of
tho program, and Judgo Llndsoy's lcc
turo Friday evening, in which ho told
of his personal experience with Juve
nile offenders, proved very interest
ing to the big audionco assembled.
Prior to tho Judge's lecture tho men's
glee club of Doano College gavo a very
enjoyable concort for ono hour.
In the entertainment lino tho ban
quet held at tho Presbyterian church
Friday evening at 0:30 wns all that
could bo desired, both as to tho menu
served by tho Methodist ladies and the
toasts proposed by Toastmastor Ited
cnbaugh and responded to by Miss
Gautt, Miss Cox, Miss Wright. Miss
Springer. Mayor I3vanH and O. B. El
der. ' Tho sessions closed Saturday even
ing with tho district declamatory
contest, which was intorsporscd with
music by tho 1ilgh school gleo club.
Tho attendance reached 225, which
is seventy-flvo more than tho average
attendance In past years.
Tim convention will bo hold nt Ogal-
alla next year.
. . w. ;
Three-Hour Service.
Tho Lutheran and Episcopal con
gregations will unite in a union
"threo hour service" nt tho Luthornn
church next Friday beginning at 12 m.
Dr. Harmnn will havo charg0 of tho
service and Archdeacon Howker will
mako tho seven addresses.
For several years these two
churches havo united in this three-
hour servlcc
John Fay, Ous Walker. John Ryan,
Tom Hnnnum. Tom Lyons, Tim Sut
ton nnd Tom O'Day-woro gathered In
by tho police Sunday afternoon while
Indulging in a Jamboreo nt the Fay
homo. AH but Sutton, who will ap
pear In court at a later date, woro
flnedd ono dollar and costs each.
Tho ladles of the Methodist .church
will hold their Enster bazaar next
Saturday at Dorryborry & Forbos'
ptor'o Plenty of aprons, rugs and
fancy work will bo on sale, also a foo,j
sale, inrludlng plo. cake, broad, East
er cues, otc. Tho-public is invited.
Dr Mario Amos roiurnoy yoetordny
afternoon from Kenney.
William Adair returned Sunday OV'
oiling from n visit In Oninhn.
founty Supt. Gantt spont yestordny
in Horshoy.
MIus Fayo Eldor visited in Cozad
You ano cordially Invited to hear
tho Christian Science lecture, which
will bo both Instructlvo and educa
tional, at Masonic hall Friday ovon-lng.
Another now lot of woman'o nnd'
misses' suits nnd coats Jtst rocolvod
this morning direct from tho makers,
now on enlo nt Tho Loader Mercan
tile Co.'s.
You have a certain amount of
pleasure, ease and extra comfort
due you fromybur work. It will
come to you if you use right
methods otherwise it's lost.
It's sure to come il you make
it your purpose to put part of all
you earn in an account in the
McDonald State Bankuinri make
it earn 4$ compound interest. -
Just tuy this one month and
you will surely continue.
Start Today.
M9 Donald State Ban&
Worth Platte, Nebr,
i Of all cattlo diseases, Tllaclclog la
! perhaps the most dreaded. Tho po
I c ''K-" thing about it Is the fact that
it almost invariably attacks the bast
I a -I'D is. A fat, Bleek, thriving calf
will uccumb whero a thin, scrawny,
j,. n j rished one Is not affected. The
(U..' o niakcsOts appearance with n
udd' nneuu that Js astounding and
nni:i its course in a correspondingly
iiioii length of time. A calf may be
p( rficily well and healthy ono day;
Hliov.- signs ot Dlackleg the following
niorii ng and bo dead by night.
Considering theso facts it Is no
wondr that tho disease Is much
dreuded. Tho host authoritlos admit
that there is llttlo uso trying to treat
It, but fortunately animals may bo
protected by vaclnatlng. To get best
results tills operation should be per.
formed early in tho spring beforo cat
tlo go out to pasture. Illaclclegolds,
tho woll-known nnd widely used
Blackleg Vncclno, nro unquestionably
an effectlvo means of protecting
against tho disease.. All cattlo own
ers should know about thorn. Tho
manufacturers publish booklets and
circulars which give many Interesting
and valuablo points about tho cause,
nature, symptoms and moans of pre
venting Ulacltlog. The next tlmo you
aro in town nsk for copies of thoso
publications at Stono's Drug Store
Boys 15 and Up W
TO join that great army of producers.
YOU arc entering early manhood.
YOUR purents raised you and they are vitally' interested
in your fulure life.
I3Y SAVING a few dimes each month you can cojnplclu,
your education and have a nice tiest egg at age 85. ,;
SHOULD you die prior, you would protect your busi
ness interest and leave a casli eslate.
CIES are sold on monthly pay plan, and every man undor 65
years should see what they mean to him.
NO ONE can pass judgment on something they have
never seen. Without obligating you, will be pleased to call
at your home and explain our policies in full.
CONSULT YOUR PARENTS about this and let me
show you and them reason upon reason why you should starl
an Old Line Life Policy on easy terms while you are young.
J. E. SEBASTIAN, State Manager.
Minn. Mutual Life Ins. Co.,
Res. Phone Rod 348. Office Red 612.