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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1917)
j i ,;i ' Sflte. Jlorth (Tribune. 4 464 . I r . it.t.. THIRTY-THIRD YEAR, NORTH PLATTE, NEB., APRIL 3, 1917. No. 23 YEOMAN CONCLAVE NOW IN SESSION HERE about 200 delegates visitor aim: in attendance AND 'llilrty-Slx Novices arc Given (ho "Third Decree Lust Night by (ho Ladles' Team of (his City VIoing with tho national colors In profusonoss In North Plnttn mi nv nrn the green and' red, tho colors of thoJ n-umuii, ior more man zuu or these fraternity men and women are guests of tho city at tho state conclavo which opens Its first business session this forenoon. Tho delegates and vis itors began arriving yestorday morn ing and by night practically 200 had registered at headquarters at tho Ho tel McCabo, and this morning's trains brought in additional dologatos and visitors. Yesterday mlis devoted iargoly to receptions and sight-seeing, followed last evening by a meeting at tho Yeo man -liall where thirtjj-fflx novices woro glvontho "Third Dogroo" by a team of ladles of tho North Platto homostead. This Initiation was put on in lino shopo and furnished much amusement to tho crowd which llllcd every nvallablo soot In tho house. Fol lowing tills wnrlf Mm NnHh Plnttn team, which goes to tho national con clave at uetroit m Juno, gavo an ex hibition drill. This forenoon and aftornoon busi ness sessions will bo held and this ov onlng a banquet and ball will bo glv on at tho Yeoman hall. Tho convention Is In charge of W. J. Tlley. state manager. Tho local dologatos arc Mrs. Albort Durbln. Los llo Basking. P. W. Henderson and T. J. Kerr. The chairmen of tho enter tainment, refreshment and rocoptlon committees nro Earl Stamp, Mrs. P. S. Evans and A. W. Shilling. ::o:: Former llcsldent Dies. A tologram recolvod yestorday by Mrs. Henry Bretornltz announced tho death of Mrs. J. D. Regan, formerly Miss .Tnnnln WliHo. nf Mila rllv Ktihn for a number of years has made her homo In ono of tho New England states. Death followed a long Illness due to tubercular trouble. Mrs. Regan was for a number of years, a teacher In tho city schools and will bo remembered by many of our peoplo. PATRIOTIC MEETING CALLED FOR THURSDAY EVENING BISHOP liEECMElt WILL MAKE THE lMUM'H'AL ADDItESS ASSISTED BY OTHEltS Lloyd Opera House tfevtlng Place and Members of Co. E, Spanish War Veterans and II.. S. Cadets to be In Lino Cities, towns nnd hamhts In nil sections of tho United States nro hold ing meetings nnd passing resolutions assuring President Wilson and con cress tlint Mm nnonln nrn Knliltnl llinm in whatever action Is taken in tho crisis wnicn now confronts tho nation. North Platto will do llkowlso. and next Thursday evening a patriotic meeting Will bo hold nt tho Llovil nnnm limitm at which nddreseoss will bo made by Rt. Rev. Goo. A. Bcocher. of Hastings, and by local men. By that timo con gross will havo taken notion on the absolution Introduced yesterday and thoro Is llttlo question but that tho resolution mfll bo passed, and that a stnto of wnr will bo declared to ex ist, Nouo of us want war; wo havo been fortunntn un to this tlinn In knnn lng out, but tho President and con grew nro acquainted with cortnln conditions of which tho people nt largo know not, and ns a patriotic people It is our duty to heartily support tho piesuioni aim congress m whatever action is takon. PlnllH for TIllirsMlfiv nvnnltip'a mnnl lng havo not been fully completed, but me loninuvo arangomonts include a pnrndo of mombors of Co. E, Q. A. R., bpaniMi War Votornns, high school cadets and citizens. Tho conimlttoo to nrrango for this meetlmr U coninoeail of P. 11. Hnl- llgnn. A. W. Shilling, Mrs. C. P. Spon- cor, nirs. Aiuuo unurcn, Miss Annlo Krnmnh. T. c. Pnttorson. M. M. Rod onbaugh. A. P. Kolly. J. O. Boolor. W. J. Tiloy. Ray Cnntlln. Walter O'Con nor, M. II. Douglas and Ira L. Bare. ::o:: onintr from a iwok's visit In Omnhn and Falrbury. Ernest Rinckor is oxpoctod hero this week from tho stnto university to spend his vacation. : :o: : in.'Mi."inivi If you want to soil, buy or exchange jour reni csuue. see 11HATT. GOODMAN & DUCKLFA'. ... :.: EASTER STYLE if t.t hJ 1 P3L M nil RJLJ J. kJ a t.t if t.t t.t if it it if i.t VOU men folks will want to dress up for Easter just x as well as the women. To make it easy for you to pick everything you need to wear, from head to foot, we've laid ourselves out in an Easter Apparel showing mat tops the market ior variety and value. MEN WJ THE BEST if if if DRESSED EAR if if if if if it if if i.t if if if if if if i.t if if a if t.t if if if if :.: :.: :.: i.t if if if 8 it tf COLLEGIAN CLOTHES---' -- Adler's Collegians are our idea of what good clothing ought tobe snappily stylish, made of honest materials, tailored to fit you and wear like the oldtime homespuns. You'll find just the right pattern for you in our big new stock. Stylish Top Coats $15.00 to $25.00 Collegian Suits $15.00. to $30.00 Boys Deserve Stylish Togs Believe us, thier's no live boy but ap preciates it wben Dad picks out a smart-looking suit for him. Here's place to get it, for in our Boys' Cloth ing neither style nor wear are sacri- , ficed. It pays to buy the kind we sell. Boys Suits $2.50 to $8.50 Easter Ties in profusion 50c and $1.00 Easter Shirts galore $1.25 to $6. Easter Gloves that are 0. K. $1 50 to $3 Easter Hose with the right quality 50c to $1.00 Easter Hats Classy models that match up right . with your wife's t (or girl's) new bonnet. The latest shades and shapes in both soft and stiff hats are here for you. Stetsons $4 and $5 Others $2 to $3.SO 3 Z" a'i t T 'S Spring Shoes The built-for-wear kind that stand a lot of use and keep your feet comfortable. Made from quality leather by reliable manufacturers. Regals $4 - $8 Other $2.50 to $3.00 5,. " All these Easter Stocks are, now at their finest. Step in and see jhem. It's a real :;: it if i.t if i.t if i.t if i.t i.t if if if it pleasure to show such goods. North piatte, Haiccourt Clothing Co., Nebraska. it i.t t.t if i.t if if if if if if if if i.t if i.t if i.t if if t.t if i.t it if if i.t it tf if if if if if i.t if if if if if i.t if if tf t.t i.t i.t if i.t t.t if if i.t if if if tf if t.t t.t if t.t t.t if i.t it if if if t.t it t.t tf it it t.t if t.t tf t.t if t.t i.t if i.t H :.t :.t tf t.t if t.t t.t t.t t.t i.t if l if if PRESIDENT ASKS STATE OF WARJE DECLARED UIHJKS THAT UMTK1) STATUS AC TIVIJIA CO.Ol'KKATK WITH T1I12 ALUM) l'OWEltS Kocoinmciids ltnlslii nu 'I'll f ..UlMl 111 11 I' o mi of Unit omul Service. Army of Last, nik'ht Prosldent WlUnn catigirwiR to tloolnro stnto of wnr ox- iHiiiiK uenvoen tuo unltoil stntos nml aornmny. This notion followed Uio rocoljit of nows tollInR of tho tor poxloliiR of tho Aztec, un Amorlcnn nrnicd ship londod with a cargo of food atllff Olid tho first, nrninil Amnrl. can vossol to ontor tho wnr zono. Sov- orni Ainoricnna nro roportou. to hnve lost tholr Hvofl dion tho voasol wont down. In his nxldross hofctr tlm inlnt ens. slon of congress tho prcaidont said wnr with Uormnny woitld lnvolvo prac tical co-oi)oratlon Willi ihn monts nd nt wnr with Gornmny. ln- uiuuing imorui iinnnclnl credits. Ho urged tho nilslnir nf nnn.nnn mnn n.i unlvorsnl mllltnry service Tho pros- iiium mnuo u ciour uiat no action wna bolng tnkon against tho Austrian gov ernment nnd tho other nations nlHcd with Germany. Innnedlntoly after the prosldont loft tho cnpltol tho houso nn sonnto re convened and un Identical Joint reso lution was Introduce! In linth i,r.ncw. doclnrlnir tho oxlRtnnpn nf n otntn i Han and directing Uio prosldont to employ nu tho resources of tho coun try io carry on wnr against tho Im perial Gorman tho conflict to a successful conclusion. ino resolution rends as follows: "ttosolvod by tho soimfn nnil li nf rnmnt.ati(nHirnN P 41. I'm. . w& i uui uaoiiLiiii vit.n i iiii iiiiiriii Nrnrna of America In congross nsaomlilolj that omiu i war ooiwcen Ainorica and tho lmnorlal Oorm fill trnvnrntnnn f JIYIITLK SIcCLKLLAN NOW SKKKS A DIVOIICE. Jlvrtlo McClollan. who during tho pnsryoar1 has llgurod oxtonslvely in tho county niul district courts, yestor day lod n potltlon for dlvorco from Edwiml AlcClollnn to whom sho was married In Kenrnov .lmm jmi 1007 Sho alleges that sho haa atwnys con ducted horsolf as an obetllent Wlta and mat ior two yours provlous to 1908 sli Wn Sllblcct to OXtrnmn nminltv frnm tho dofondnnt, who was nlso an habit ual tfrunlcnrd. Sho nsks that tho court annul tho ninrrlnpo nml trivn Mm custody of the child Uouliih, ago four- luun, 10 uio ninmiiaa mother Mrs. Anna Jameson, of Amhorst. LOCAL AND PERSONAL j. lj. Wllllcnr la flnmil1lin tlifn urnnlr -- ' wJ.w........e, v.t.a tvuvtv mflth Sholton rolntlves. Mr. and Mrs. John Wolbnch visited Sunday lu Cozad with frlonds. MlSS Marv Cnilcln nnnnl Rlliulnv ivltli hor slstor Mr. Hogg, In Pnxton. Mrs. John Schrnm and baby return ed Sunday evening from St. Cnthw- Ino'a hospital In Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Garard aro re joicing over tho urrlvnl of a baby girl at thoir homo yesterday morning;. Arthur Tramp hns begun tho con struction of a modom bungalow on tho 800. block on wost Third street Mrs. Bert Drown, of Schuyler, for merly Miss Ituth McGulro, is visiting hor paronts Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Mc Gulro. Largo Grey Gooso eggs tor buIo; also lilack Lnngshan roostorg for snle. Mrs. Georgo Snydor, box 101, Max tvoll, Nob. Goo. M. Smith resumed hla duties as stoward at tho Elks' club Sunday arter four montliB employment at tlio O'Connor store. A son wns born yostordny morning to Mr. and Mrs. Jamos Chlldorson, of TrVOll. nt tho Nlirnn llrnwn li ! and died shortly after birth. miss uortruuo Maytham, of Omaha, inu iiujiuriui uorman governmont,' ,', 11U1U'- "ibb. 01 uint cuy, Which llnw honn flirunt imn,, lm I Will arrlvo on Wcdnosdav fnr Mm Tllv- ed States IR horoby formally declared; I on-ConlIn wedding. Miss Mnythnm Is ivmi mat mo prosldont bo and islu " herosby authorlze'd and directed' to ' B J Vnndorhoof. who recently sub- iiiiiuuuuiu Hiups 1101 only to put """-'w iu i'iumi ut mo juy Mm prvtmfrv nu n HmM.i.i, i llORnltal. U'llu nliln tn tnbr, nr. liln ,1.. tho country on a thorough stnto of uiuuiiHu, uui aiso 10 oxort all or Its power a'nd omnlov all nf Ha to carry on war against tho Imperial v.urnmn government ami to bring tho conlllct to a successful termination." Tho resolution wna rnfnrrrl tn lm foreign nffnlrs commlttcccs by lioth houses nnd adjournment until today followed soon nftnrwnrld Until on,T, mlttoes meet this morning. ::o:: jlfnrch Wenllier Tho monn tomnorafnm lnsf mnniii was thlrty-tliroo degrees, compared with forty-thrco last year, and 3R.0 1" grcsa ns tho normal for tho month. Tho lowest tomnerntiiro ivn Mitao nhovo zero, and tho highest olghty. tno precipitation for tho month wns 1.48 inches compared IwIth one-fifth of an Inch In March, 1910, and with olghty-flovan ono hundredth of nn Inch ns tho normal for tho month. The to tal movement of wlml wna finoR mil nnd tho highest velocity attained thlr- rv-nvo muos nn nour. tiu data Is obtalnobd from tho monthly sum mary Issued by Observer Shilling. : :n: W. L. Stevens, of Potior. Nnh n profcsfior of schools for thirty voara. nnd wiio recently pufforod a nnrvnnn IfonVdown, Is ri ported somo ij,. 5r nftor u week's stay nt tho Gon-vil Tlnsnltnl. Ills son. TT. Rlnvonu. nn Pil- Itor, Is with him. ITaVO VOIir nnlntlncr. nnnnr linmrlmr and decorating donQ now by Landgrnf Iloga. Wo alBo do sign work. Phono nik 692. iR-tf William Ottoil. who hnil nnmlni-Wl Tno Den in tho McDonald hank hulld. lng for sovoral years, moved his lix- tures. Saturday to tho building recent ly vacated by tho First National bank. TllO Hull Htlro rnnnlviwl n nnrlnnil of orairgcs yostordny direct from Na- 11 I in.. y-i . . . . uumu uuy. uai., tn snipper uoing w. T. Banks, who Is now livinir in that stnto. Twolvo innrrlnoro llnnnorvu worn lu. sued during March and sovon couples woro marriou uy uounty Judgo Fronch. FOlV 11KNT 11 acres cuHlvnlvil Inml luTloliitmr lils clly. Hiillnblo for Hiignr heels, vcL'cfnlilcH. cfc. inn loin liny land six miles fioullitvVst of lotvn.. IfoiiNes, rooniK, Nlorngo fijmco nnd nf deposit boxes. Se Hit ATT. HOOD.MAN & IHirKLIIY. hospital, wub ablo to tako up Ills du nes in i no acnr yostoniay morning. Mrs. Georgo Song and Mrs. W. O'Noll. of Torro Hnuto, mother and sister of Mrs. John DoRolf. camo n fow days ago to apend a fortnight MIsb Florence Stroffreggan of Ooth onhurg. Bpont tho week end 'horo visit ing her brolhor Edwarvl Stofrpggau and nttbndihg tho teadiors' coiivontlon. Miss Janet White, fonnorly of tho Wilcox candy department, began work In tho Tomplo offlco yostordny moni Ing. Sho Is succeeded by hor slater Miss Gladys White A bridal dinnor party Tor Miss Har riet Dixon nnd Dr. Conlin lh dated for April 9th nt tho homo of Mrs. Thos. Healoy. Tho hostesses aro: Mrs. T. IJcaloy. Mra. Seoborgor, Mrs. Stono, Mrs. L. "Wulkor, Mrs. Crosslor njid Mrs. Dr. Wai'tolo. , Wanted About 1000 head of cattlo to pnsturo. 35c por month. Address Box 412, North Platto. Nobr. 19-tt Tho Doano College Gleo Club was ono of tho big features of tho Wost Contral Toachors' Association -which mot horo last wcok. To say that thoy plonsod is putting it too mildly. Thoy gave nn hour -program Just prccodlng uio luuiuro y juugo lion Llndsoy, and wlion their hour was ovqr wo wished that a wholo ovoning could havo boon given to each attraction. They nro a manly bunch of young follclttb who know how to ontortaln. Tho violinist, Mr. Hlady, and tho reader. Miss Sgott. woro both artists in thoir linos. Money (o loan on real osliito. No delay If clenr title. Can return after a lenn of yearn or monthly muuo ns rent HKATT. OOOlnrAX & ItUCKLfiY. Easter Lillies For Saturday AT W. J. O'Connors 5, 10 AND 25c STORE, SEEDS! We have been able to secure only a limited amount of Cane and Millet seed, and it will be ncscssary for you to place your order early if you are in the mar ket for either of these arlicles. We will also have Alfalfa, Sweet Clover, Seed Corn, Seed Oats and oth er seeds. , " Place your written order now and be sure you. will get the goods. Leypoldt & Pennington, Phone 99 East Front and Silber Ave. SERVICE if::