The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 30, 1917, Image 8

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    . ....... itiiuvHH it on i n rLM I in, ncPftHBISW.
Rev. Robert Whlto epont a fow day
this week in Sutliorland.
Mrs. C. S. Clinton, who ha& boon
111 for aovoral weeks, Is Improving.
For Sale Hounchold furniture anu
gas range. Inqulro at 908 east Fifth
MIbr Lllllo Beetle, of Gothenburg,
who visited with Mrs, P. J. Norrls for
a week has returned home.
John Fredorlcl came down from
Ohoyenno Wednesday ovcnlng to trans
net business anl visit relatives.
Miss Iluth StrclU will roturn to
Lincoln Sunday after spending a weel:
with her paronts.
W. S. Dasklns, of Staplcton, spent
Wednesday In town transacting busi
ness and visiting relatives.
Mrs. HI Smith left Wednesday af
ternoon for Denver to visit Mrs. Percy
O'Brien, formerly of this city.
Th empolyes of tho Davis garag'j
woro ontortnlno,i by tho proprietor at
tho Oasis Wednesday evening.
Miss Ellzaboth Welrh, who recently
located In Grand Island, camo Wed
nesday afternoon to visit local friends.
Miss Sadie Shoody will leave April
1st for Denvor iwhcro bIlq will prob
ably accept a position In a largo do
, 'partmont store.
Hov. and Mrs. Hull are oxpoctod
to return tomorrow from Grand Island
whoro thoy attended tho Daptlst con
vention this week.
Mrs Margaret McDonald Is visiting
hor sistor Mrs. William Hubbard
whllo onrouto from San Antonio,
Texas, to Cheyenne.
Mrs. Gcorgo Smith loft Wednesday
ovoning for Grand Island. Sho will
visit hor daughter Mrs. Carson for
sovoral weeks.
Tho Twentieth Century club will
hnvo clmrgo of tho fourth municipal
entertainment which will bo given
during tho laat week in April.
Joss F. Lchnkuhlor and Graco I,.
Goodmnn of Gandy wcro granted a
niarrlago llconso Wedncsdny after
noon by County Judgo Fronch.
Mrs. Gcorgo Wolnbarg, of Oorlng,
formerly Miss Irma Fredorlcl ot this
city, loft Wednesday morning aftor
visiting tho homo folks for sovoral
Tho mooting of tho music and art
ddpartmont of tho Twontloth Century
cjub which waB to bo hold at tho
homo of Missl Irono Stuart this week
has boon postponed
Miss May Bond and Snydor It. Zlm
mormun wero married at tho court
houso Wodnoaday morning by County
Judgo Fronch In tho prosonco' of Ellsa
Breeder and M. L. Zimmerman.
Gordon ncbhauaon, who sustained a
dlslocntod knoo throo wooks ago, is
not Improving as rapidly as doslred
nnr was obliged to havo his knoo
placed In n plastor cast yostorday.
Shorllff Salisbury loft Wednesday
morning for Glilotto, Wyo., whoro ho
will tako in custody Earl Bray. Bray
was a formor employee of tho Van
Lawrence ranch and on November
2GUi was givon a chock for $0.00
which ho ralnoa to $4G.OO and cashed.
Ho was located In Glilotto this weok
and will bo brought hero for trial.
P. J. DIKNEE & 00.
Real Estate and Insurance
Come and boo us 'for town lota In
different parts of tho city. Good In
vestments on easy torms. Houses for
ealo and rent. We havo also good bar
Cor. Front and Dowov 8ts.. upBUlra.
gains In farm and ran eh on.
This: Is The Busy Building Season
Let's Have A Building Room!
Every bnilding thnt is built brings just so much
prosperity to the community.
We nro usually busy, but never so busy thnt wo
could not be busier, nnd will rjet busy with your
building business as soon ns submitted to us.
Coates Lumber & Coal Co.
North Platte, Nebr.
Program Manager .Mrs. York Hlnmnn
IntrodiiceN In a Norel .Manner
The Tnlent Which Tnkcs
That tho community Interest spirit
is growing was evidenced by tho at
tendance at tho second municipal en
tertainment Tuesday ovoning when the
attondanco was greater than the seat
ing capacity of tho big Franklin au
ditorium. Conservatively estimated,
moro than 1000 woro present.
Mrs. York Hlnman officiated as pro
gram manager nnd presented tal
ent thnt Interested tho big audience
and brought forth woll moritod ap
plause. Following a selection by tho Junior
high school boys glco club, Mrs. Hln
mnn introduced hor performers in a
novel manner. With tho stago sotting
representing a homo scene, she
summoned hor talent from a lawn
feto, Boated them and then dangling
articles over tho head of llttl0 Tholma
Starr, nskod tho latter (what forfeit
tho owner of tho artlclo should pay,
and tho little Judgo nnnounced in
rotation tho part thatpartlcularpcrson
should take In tho program. It was tho
old game of "forfeit" which some of
.... i
tin Tllnvml fnffv ni mnrfk trnnfa nnn Oil. .. I
nrnirrnni In l.Hnf m, -in i, ht
. . v ... ...... v jumio itfeu. x 1113 i
v o.
Frank Hatch, Miss EHzaboth Hinman
,i -ur ir iv,.. .
and W. II. Mungcr; cornet nnd clalr- a
Inot duot by Wilson Tout nnd W. E
Starr; readings by Miss Dorothy Hln
mnn nnd Mrs. Frank Buchanan; solo
with chorus accompaniment by Mrs
Victor Anderson, trio by Mrs. Ander
son, Mrs. L. W. Toolo nnd Mrs
Hnrry Cramor, piano solo by
Tholma Starr, solo by Prof. Rcdon
baugh, solo with chorus accompanl-
mont by W. II. Mungor, selection by a
malo chorus, nnd closing with "The
Star Spnnglcd Bnnnor." Each of tho
numnorB was ontnuslnstlcally ap
plauded and tho norformors responded
to tho oncoro. Tho choruses had nc-
companlmont by nn orchestra com
posed of Miss MacKay pianist, Miss
Wolch violinist, HorBhoy Wolch cel
olst, Prof. Tout cornet and W. Y..
Starr telarinot.
Th0 nudlcnco was apparently woll
pleased with tho mako u'p of tho pro
gram and its rendition.
: ;o: :
Soaiod bids will bo rocolvcd up to
noon of April 9th, 1917, for tho snlo
of Lot a, Block 110, opposito tho Rit
nor hotel. A good business location
00x132 feet. Right 1b rosorvod to re
ject nny or nil bids.
J. E. EVANS, '
22-3 Trustoos A. O. U. W.
Mrs. J. J Crawford visited frionds in
Cozad tho foro part of this week.
Mrs. Josoph Qulnn will lcavo short
ly for Choyonno to visit hor mother
for somo tlmo.
Tho Ideal Uftkory linndlcs exclusive
ly tho Rtnto farm milk nnd crcnin. tf
A baby boy was born Wednesday
to Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Holms. All con
cornod aro doing nlcoly.
Miss Maybollo Hayes, ot Cozad, for-
morly of this city spont tho foro part
of this week (with frionds.
Tho domestic solonco donartmnfof
tho Twontloth Contury Club will bo en
tortalnod at tho homo of Mrs. Charlos
Bogue, 309 east Third street. Mondav
Irs. Margaret Post spent a fow
days in Maxwell this week.
Mrs. Ralph Hansen visited the first
o this week with hor husband in
Itov. T. D. Sullivan, of Elm Creek
camo Wednesday morning to visit
with Itov. P. F. McDaid.
Mr. and Mrs. Andy McGovorn of
BracTy, aro visiting in town while
onrouto west, having disposed of their
farm in that vicinity.
Tho Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Mil
lard Perkins died Tuesday evening
aftor a short lllnoss. Tho funeral was
held Wednesday afternoon at tho resi
donco conducted by Rev. Johnson.
Harry Phillfps, who located in Logan
county thirty years ago, and eight
years ago removed to Missouri, re
turned to thlB city Wednesday with
his household goods. 1
Notlrr of Finn! Report
EBtato No. 1430 of Silas A. Hill, de-
COIlHCll. ,
In the County Court of Lincoln Coun
ty, lit lirarka.
The NttiU of NobraHka. to nil persons
lnt-ieMod In said EBtato take notlco
that the At'ninlstrntor has nied a nnnl
account oihi report of his admlnlstra
tlon and a petition for nnal Bottletnont
and dlK'lintri' ns such, which havo
boon net for hearing boforo said court
on April 20, 1917, at 3 o'clock a. m.
when you niey appear nnd contest tho
1 ntud Mutch 25, 1917.
n27-ul7 County Judso.
Kstnto No, 1470, of QoorKo Schick,
Deceased, In tho County Court of Lin
coln county, Nebraska.
ino oiaio or. iNonrasKa:
unn u I n ( ii 1-11 u t ...1 I ., 1 .1 u
ino Biaio or iNonrasKa: To all per-
... ivi ... num jmuit:. iuku
ISstate, tako
notice that a po Itlon haB beon filed for
mo appointment or John E, Evans as
administrator of said estate, which has
l,Pn."0, on April 13. 1917,
i v uciuuk a, m.
Dated March 21. 1317.
"127-3 County Judge.
Vacation of I'nrt of Itond No. 20.
To all whom It may concern:
Tho consent potltlon of John J.
Glnnpp and others, has been filed In
offlco of tho County Clerk of Lincoln
I . .ww ..., ..niviiiH 1UI 11 VtlUUUUIl
of that part of lload No. 20 as follows:
nniiimnlifilnn1 ri !, II..
Soctlon 9, town 11, range 27, running
south through sections 9-16-17-20-29, In
town 11, range 27, to tho ono-half
soctlon lino running oaBt and west In
.Section 32, town 11, rango 27, this be
ing a part of Road No. 20 In Conroy
In tho oltlco of tho County Clerk on or
iiuiiii u a, o chick noon or tno aotn day
of May 1917, or Bald road will bo
vacated without reference thereto.
Dated at North Platto, Neb., this 14th
day of March, 1917.
m20-al3 County Clerk.
NOTiou. nicciiici: on iieihsiiip
Estnto No. 1408 of Etta Lou CohaKon.
doceaHcd, lnthe County Court of Lin
coln County, Nobraska.
Tho holrs, creditors and all porsons
Interested In said Estate will tako no
tlco that on tho 8th day of March, 1917,
T. M. CohaKon, an holr of said deced
ent, nilcd his potltlon lioreln olloBlnB
that tho said Etta Lou Cohapron died ln
tcstato on or about May 2, 1913, a resi
dent of Lincoln County, nnd that at the
tlmo of hor death sho wns tho owner of.
Or liml fill TCfltntn nf lnhAfltnnnA In T n.
Ji, Hlook 9, I'onnlflton'H Addition to
OrlKlnal Town of North Platto. Lincoln
County, Nobraska, and that no applica
tion has been mndo In tho said Stato for
the appointment of an administrator.
That sho left surviving hor:
' T, M. CohaKon. father, atro GC, rcsld
ItiK at North I'lntte, Nob.: Christina
Coha?on. mothor. aso 52. rosldlnir at
North Platto, Nob,
That all the dobtR of tho said deced
ent have boon paid, and praylnp; that
roffulnr administration bo waived and a
dooreo ho entored barring creditors and
nxlnjr tho date of hor death and tho de
KToo of kinship of her heirs nnd the
rlRht of descent to said renl estatn.
n??''1 xnJtIt.,l?n .wlu bo heard April 13.
1017. at 0 o'clock a, in., at the ofHco of
tho County Judso In said Cotmtv.
fln , 1 GEO. K. FUENCII,
w2-3w County Judpo.
.iJ?.?.1! I?-,1'"5i, ' William Schick,
doceasod, In tho County Court of Lin
coln County, Nobraska.
i 7" .ll0Jr?' creditors and all porsons
Interested In mild Estate, will tako no-
tifln thnt nn Mm 71. ur i.
C " ",.?-oh.l.c,.?n h5"l .? ! cedent
... i'uii nun iiu ru i ii. nuotrintr that
tho sal. William Schick' died Intestate
on or about Oct. 28. 1897, a resident of
Lincoln rminlv nn.1 u ..." i
IiIb doath ho wns tho owner of. or had
io1381'!,1.,0 Inheritance In 84 of N$
of Sec, 28. Township 14, North of Itango
& Wo8t f the 6lh P. M. 'In Lincoln
fi".1 NobrnBkn, and that no applica
tion has bon mado In tho said State for
the i appointment of an administrator.
n,iftr?.MnfiScL,,k',wlrtow' now ecens-
rii' i, v "i , "MuiuK. ko an, North
Nil.1ttti0,iSroH" 80,ni Cnrl Schick ago 34,
n2ZUVite,' Wkt ,80n!, L,"' Schick
un"' M?al,',' N.b" 'nKhtor: Lena
''eBn'on1? 3?t "laughter: William Schick.
ui "url i-iaiio, mod., son: Frank
.?l,lV,,,?w,,,,'0,c.0JlB' Frcl Sohiclt. ago
TV nu, iiuu., son; uoorcro
fiV "R .l0 .rt'1 I'lntte. 'Neb.fson"
have T.nn.V i V, " "ocetient
..lar almlstration 'bo 'waTve.T aVTol
rri,n. V. " ."i.rlnR creditors and
jJ'UJr10. "Maof his, death and tho do.
7Ui. of, kinship of his heirs and the
right of descent to said real eBtatc.
J,91"- "t 0 o'clock a. in., at tho otllco of
tho County Judgo In said Count v.
m-0.1w ai3a !h PHI3NCH.
m- 3w County Judge.
Xmi'! i"' l;V,J'l"'il iinil o lP i".
every owner of T5nT In tho ill rd woo
V1; Kntlon District that or this seven?
iof Mnrch. 1917. Daniel Hoagaii i fUo 1
iHrAwonil iXV Y" '." "J "0H Ot Said
JnZ.rn ?, 1 W!l .' . following"-
hS .nnLV 0 N.P" te08i. nunrter and tho
r,n Townp'fSuri
Irrlifiitl'ni? iiiU?nl0Ui?
tutd' ono" tract of la : de Itlon
?afl " i1'?. J'"t',pt nl I'? Irrigated
nila loVro?"'.'.'.'.," n.PPro-
lands now" e mbraced v 1 1 h In t ho bo un -dnrlos
of snld district.
i.i 1 l,01r,B,u,H Interested In said po
rtion will nppenr at this of ice on
T,l,0.sJ(,?.y,' Apr,l 3' 1917' 'l 'how caime"
!n-..wIu.,nsr' w,y. Prayor of said potl-
'"i" iimy not do granted.
Dated this 8th day of March. 1917.
. MAUY C. McNEEL, Sec'yl
TCfltntn Nn Mfin TT..... i..
. v . KUlll dUOlt)r v.o-
nagon, doceasod, In tho County Court
of Lincoln County, Nebraska.
Thn Kfntn nf VArnilin ln ll
interestod In said Estate tnke notice
that n potltlon has been nied for the;
ui'.iuiu. muni, ui a, ni. vjunagen an Aa
mlnstrator of said estate which has
L,0?,l-at tor hearing1 herein on April
0, 1917, nt 9 o'clock a. m.
ntrn n. utrMriT
mlS'Sw County Judge.
Bought and highest market
prices paid
Residence Red 636 Office 459
To tho Kelctora of tho City of North
i'latte, Nebruuka.
Notice Ih herby lven that at tho
Kenerai uity election to bo hold in the
City of North Platte. Nebraska, on thn
3i d day of April, A. D. 1917, tho fol
lowing proposition shall bo submitted
to tno voters or said city;
"Shall the City of North Platte. N
brnska, Issue lto bonds In the sum ot
jil'.uuu.vo in denominations of 11,000.00
each dated Juno 1. 1917. duo In twen
ty years from date but payablo at any
tlmo after ten years at the option of
saiu uuy, to uraw interest at tne rate
of 5 per cent per annum payablo Beml
annually, principal and Interest pay
ablo at tho olllce of the State Treasurer
In the City of Lincoln. Nebraska: said
bonds to bo Issued for tho purpose of
ouiaininK monoy witn wnicn to erect
and construct a Fire Station Houso on
tho lot now owned by said City to
wlt: On the Southwest corner of Front
and vine streets In said City, said Fire
Station House to be for and to accom
modate tho Fire Department and lire
apparatuses or said City.
And shall tho nroner olllccrs of said
City be authorized to levy and collect
a tax annually In the same manner as
other municipal taxes may bo levied
nnd collected In an amount sulllclent to
pay tho Interest and principal of said
bonds as they mature, as provided by
law. until said bonds and Interest are
paid, on all tho property within said
city, as shown and valued upon the
assessment rolls or the nsscssors of
said City, said bonds to bo negotiable
In form.
The polling places for said oleectlon
shall be at and In the same polling
places as for tho genoral election fhat
Is as follows, to-wlt: In tho First
Ward In tho Hlnman building, COS Dew
ey street, In said ward: In tho
Second Ward In tho Court
Hoom of tho second floor of the
County Court Houso In said ward: In
the Third Ward In the Hose House, In
said ward, and In the Fourth Ward nt
thn Hose Houso In said ward.
The ballots to bo used for said bond
election shall havo printed thereon:
FOH Issuing $12,000.00 of tho bonds
of tho City of North Platte, Nebraska,
for tho purposo of erecting and con
structing a Flro Station Houso on the
lot now owned by said City to-wlt: on
tho Southwest corner of Fronf and Vino
Streets In said City, to accommodate
the Flro Department and fire apparat
uses of said City, and for levying and
collecting p fix annually to pay tho
Interest and principal of said bonds as
they mature.
AGAINST Issuing $12,000.00 of the
bonds of tho City of North Platto, Ne
braska, for the purposo of erecting and
constructing a Fire Station Houso to be
for and to accommodato tho Flro De
partment nnd Ore apparatuses of said
City, and for levying and collecting a
tax annually to pay the Interest and
principal of said bonds as they ma.
Those voting In favor of said propo
sition shall mark their ballot with a
cross, opposite tho paragraph begin
ning "For Issuing $12,000.00 of tho
bonds of the City of North Platto, Ne
braska." and those voting against said
proposition shall mark their ballot
with a cross, opposito tho paragraph
boglnnlng: "Against Issuing $12,000.00
of the bonds of the City of North
Plnfte. Nebraska."
Tho polls at said election shall bo
kept open botwpen tho hours of 9
o'clock A. 51. and 7 o'clock P. M. on
said dnt
in 'witness whereof T have hereunto
iibBPr!bd my name this Bth day of
March. A. D. 1917.
K II. KVANS, Mayor.
" F ELDETl, City Clerk.
IIOAD NO. 401.
To all whom It may concern:
Tho special commissioner appointed
to locntu a public road as follows:
Commencing at tho Southwest corner
of Soctlon 4, township 10, range 32;
thence duo east along the south side
of said Soctlon 4- and Section 3 to the
southeast corner of Section 3, town
ship 10, rango 32: thonce cast ono-half
mllo on the south sldo of Soctlon 2,
township 10, rango 32. Said road to bo
10 feet In width, has reported in favor
of tho same, and nil objections thereto,
or claims for damages musf bo nied In
the otllco of tho County Clerk on or
before 12 o'clock noon of tho 10th day
"ii, ur nucn roau will DO ai
lowod without reforence thereto.
Dated at North Platte, Nebr., this 7th
day of March, 1917.
County Clerk.
, HOAIJ NO. 403.
To all whom it may concern:
Tho special comiriluslonor appointed
to locate a public road as follows:
Commencing at tho southwest cor
ner of Soctlon nfteen (15), In town
ship thirteen (13), thence north ono
mllo between Sections Fifteen (1C)
nnl Sixteen (1C) In township thirteen
(13), north, rango thirty-one (31), to
tho Northwest corner of Soctlon fifteen
(IB), township thirteen (13), north of
rnngo thirty-one (31), has reported in
ravor thereof, and all objections there
to, or claims for damages must bo Hied
In tho olllce of tho County Clerk on or
before 12 o'clock noon of tho 10th day
Of Mnv 1 '1 1 7 n. nnnli ...111 i.
, y ' ' " . ' ' . ' " 1 will uu Ul-
lowed without roferenco thoreto.
Dated at North Platte, Nobr., this 7th
day of March, 1917.
, County Clerk.
Hy vlrtuo of an order of sale Issued
from tho District Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, upon a decree of
foreclosure rendorod In snld Court
wherein Francis A. Bonnett Is plaintiff,
and Itobert S. Hopper Is defendant, and
to mo directed. I will on tho 31st day
of March, 1917, at 2 o'clock p. m. at tho
east front door of tho Court House In
North Platto, Lincoln County. Nebras
kn, sell at Public Auction to the high
est bidder for cash, to Batlsfy said de
cree, Interest nnd costs, tho following
described proporty, to-wlt: Southeast
quarter (SIHi) of Section Five (6),
Township Fifteen (15), North of Rango
Thirty (30) West of tho Sixth P. M In
Lincoln County, Nebraska.
n Dated North Ptatto, Nob., February
f27-Cw Sheriff.
Notlvp of Final Itrpurt
. Estnto No. 141G of Mary Ann Haw.
kins, iloceased.
In tho County Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska.
The State of Nebraska, to all per
sons tntorosted In said Estate tako
notice that the Elvis Hawkins has tiled
a nnal account and report of his ad
ministration and n petition for final
settlement nnd discharge as such. Exo
ciltor. which havo been set for hearlnir
before said court on the 30th day of
March 1917, nt 10 o'clock a. m,, when
yon mny appear and contest tho samo.
Dated March 6th, 1917.
mC-27 County Judge.
Serial No, 05691
lU'iuirtiiipnt of the Interior,
U. S. Lnnd Olllce at North Platte, Nobr,
March 6, 1917.
Notlco Is hereby given that Thomas
S. McCrone, of North Platte. Nebr., who,
on July 24, 1913, made Homestead en
try No. 05697, for SEVi Section 20,
Township 16, N.. Range 30, W 6th
Principal Meridian, has nied notice of
Intention to make final threo year
Proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before the Register
and Reclever at North Platte, Neu., on
the 18th day of April, 1917.
Claimant names as witnesses: II. P.
Hansen. C. H, Watte, P. E. McClraw,
Harry Madison, all of North Platte,
Nebr. E. J. EAMES,
m06w Register.
Notlco Is hereby given that a special
election will be held In Osgood Pre
clnct, In tho County of Lincoln, In tho
Stato of Nebraska, on the 10th day
of April, 1917, at which the following
proposition will be submitted to the
voters of said Osgood Precinct, to-wlt:
"Shall tho Board of County Commls
sloners of Lincoln County. Stato of No
braska, ' Issue Ten Thousand 00-100
($10,000) Dollars, of "Osgood Proclnct
Bridge Bonds," In denominations of
Ono thousand 00-100 ($1,000.00) Dollars
each, bearing interest at the rate of
six per cent per annum, payable semi
annually. Interest nnd tirlnnltml nnv.
able at tho offlco of the State Troasuror
of tho State of Nobraska, In tho City of
Lincoln. In the County of Lancaster,
In the State of Nebraska.
Said bonds to bear dato of July 1st,
1917, and tho Intorest on said bonds to
be payablo on the 1st day of January,
1918, and on tho 1st day of July, 1918,
and on tho 1st day of January and on
tho 1st day of July of each and every
yeur wiereauer, until ail or tno inter
ot on snld bonds shall have been paid,
Said bonds tn hn niimliArnfl rnnnnmi.
tlvely from ono to ten Inclusive, and
the Interest thereon to bo evidenced by
uuuijuiis inereto atacneu.
Bond number Ono to becomo duo and
payablo on tho 1st day of July, 1928.
Bond number Two to become duo and
payablo on tho 1st day of July, 1929.
Bond number Three to become due
aml payable on tho 1st day of July,
Bond number Four to becomo duo
nnd payable on tho 1st day of July,
Bond number Five to become duo and
payable on tho 1st day of July. 1932,
Bond numbor Six to become duo and
payauie on the 1st day of July, 1933.
Bond number Seven to bni'omn dim
and payablo on tho 1st day of July,
Bond number Eight to become due
and payablo on tho 1st day of July,
Bond numbor Nino to becomo due
nnd payable on the 1st day of July,
Bond number Ton to becomo duo nnd
puyablo on tho 1st day of July, 1937.
Shall the Board of County Com
missioners of Lincoln County, Nebras
ka, levy a tax In tho year of 1917, and
In each and every year thereafter,
sufficient to pay tho interest on said
bonds, and sufficient to pay five per
cent of the principal thereof, as pro
vldod by law; and In the year 1927, and
each and overy year thereafter, suffi
cient to pay the principal of said bonds
as they become due, until sufficient tax
has been levied to pay all of tho prin
cipal of said bonds; and suoh tax, both
for Interest and principal to be levied
upon nil ot tho taxable property in
said Osgood Proclnct?
Said bonds to be used for tho purpose
of constructing a wagon bridge ncross
the South Platto ltlver, beginning at a
point on tho north bank of tho South
Platto Ulver, whoro a continuation of
tho center line of Locust street, In the
City of North Platte, Lincoln County,
Nebraska,. Intersocts said north bank
in the Southeast quarter (SEU) of the
South-west quarter (SWtt) of Section
four (4) in township thirteen (13)
North, of rango thirty (30) West of the
6th P. M. in Lincoln County, Nebraska,
and running thenco In a southerly
direction across tho South Platte river
about 1500 feet to a point on tho south
bank of said River, about 25 feet, east
of Station No. 10, of Road No. 6, Lin
coln County. Nebraska, at tho east edir
of tho South end of tho present timber
uriuge. aaiu nriuge to no approximate
ly nfteen hundred feet in longth (1500
ft) and of sufficient width for two
teams to pass each other at any point
on said bridge, and to bo constructed
of concrete and steel, nnd to comply
with the plans and specifications pre
pared and furnished by the Stato Engi
neer of the Stato of Nebraska, and said
bonds representing approximately ono
fourth (1.4) of tho entire cost of the
construction of said brldgo as herein,
boforo set forth, the entire cost of
which Is to be approximately forty
thousand Dollars ($40,000), ono-half
(1-2) of such entire sum is to bo borne
by the Stnte of Nebraska Aid, as pro
vided for In Artlclo 5, Chapter 28, Sec
tions 123 to 133 inclusive, of the Re
vised Statutes of Nebraska, for the
year 1913, and acts amendatory thereof,
and one-fourth (1-4) of tho entire cost
is to be borne by tho City of North
Platto, Lincoln County, Nebraska.
Should the -State ot Nebraska fall to
grant said Aid, and should the City of
North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebras
ka, fall to vote bonds In thn sum nf
Ten thousand 00-100 ($10,000.00) Dol
lars, In aid of tho construction of said
bridge, then tho bonds of said Osgood
Proclnct heroin petitioned to be voted
upon, shall not be issued.
said bridge to be constructed upon
n line ncross said River where a con
tinuation, of tho center lino of Locust
street, North Platte Lincoln County,
Nebraska, Intersects said North bank,
and to run In a southerly direction
ncross said rlvor, and connected with
the public Highway to tho West com
monly known as tho Stato Farm Road,
and within said Proclnct."
The ballots to used at such special
election shall havo printed thereoon:
"FOR" Issuing Ten thousand 00100
($10,000.00) Dollars, In "Osgood Pre
cinct Brldgo Bonds," In denominations
of Ono thousand 00-100 ($1000.00) Dol
lars each, bearing Interest at the rate
of six per cent por annum, Interest
and principal payable at the office of
tho Stato Treasurer in tho City of Lin
coln, In tho County of Lancaiiter, State
of Nebraska, said bonds to bear date
of July 1, 1917. and the intoreet on
said bonds to be payable on the. iHt
day of January, 1918, and on the 1st
day of July, 1918, and on the 1st day
of January, and the 1st day of July of
each and overy year thereafter, until
all of tho Intorest on said bonds shall
havo been paid; and to levy a tax In
the year 1917, and In each and every
year thereafter sufficient to pay the
Interest on said bonds, and sufficient to
pay nvo por cent of tho principal there
of as provided by law; and in tho year
1927, and in each and every year there
after sufficient to pay the principal of
snld hnmlR nn tlin hnpnmo rtna until
sufficient tax has been levied to pay!
un ui ino principal ot saiu oonns, anuj
hucii taxes noin tor interest and prin.
clpal to be levied upon all of the tax-
aoio property in saw usgood Precinct
"AGAINST" Issuing Ten thousand
00-100 ($10,000.00) Dollars, in "Osgood
t-recinci unugo jsonas, in denomina
tions of Ono thousand 00-100 m nnnntn
Dollars each, bearing Interest at tho
rato of six per cent per annum, Inter
est nnd principal payablo at tho office
of tho Stato Treasurer In the City of
Lincoln, In tho County of Lancaster,
Stato of Nebraska, said bonds to boar
dato of July 1, 1917, and tho Interest
on said bonds to be payable on the
1st day of January, 1918, and on tho
1st day of July, 1918, and on the 1st
dny of January, and on tho nrst dav of
July of each and every year thereafter,
until all of tho Interest on said bonds
shall havo been paid; and to levy a
iiiA 111 uiu yuur ivii, unu in encn anti
every year thereafter, sfclent to
pay the Intorest on said bon.K and suf
ficient to pay five per cent of the prin
cipal thereof, as provided by law; and
In tho year 1927, and In each and overy
yonr thereafter sufficient to pay the
principal of said bonds ns thoy becomo
due, until sufficient tax has been levied
to nay all of the nrlnclnat of nnM
bonds; nnd such taxes both for Interest
nnd principal to bo levied upon all of
the taxable property In said Osgood
Those voting In favor of said prop
osition shall mark their ballot with
(X) before tho paragraph beginning
with the word "FOR": nnd those vot
ing against said proposition shall mark
their bnllots with (X) before the para
graph beginning' with the word
Snld election will be open at 8 o'clock
A M nnd continue open until 8 o'clock
P. M of ald day, and the polling place
of said Osirood Precinct will bo at
South Bluff School house In said pre
cinct In Lincoln County, Nebraska, and
nil olxrtors residing In Bald Osgood
Prclnct will vote upon said proposi
tion nt snld South Bluff Schoolhousa
In ssld Ooirood Precinct, on said 10th
dnv of April, 1917.
Bv ordr of thn Board of County
Commissioners made on the 2d day of
March, 1917,
County Clerk.
Geo. B. Dent,
Physician and Surgeojj
Special Attention giren to Sargcrj
and Obstetrics.
Office: Building and Loan Building
1 bone. V ReBldenM n5
Notlco Is hereby given that at the
regular election to be held In and for
tho City of North Platte, in tho County
of Lincoln, in tne Stute of Nebraska,
and in una tor the Hcnooi District of
tho City of North Platte, in tho cJunty
o' Luico n, In the Stato of Nebraska,
on the 3rd duy of April, 1917, tno fol
lowing propositions win bo submitted
to tho voters of said School District:
"Shall the School District of tho City
of North Platte, In tho County of Lin
coln, In the State of Nebraska, Issue
its bonds in the sum of Fifteen thous
and 00-100 ($15000.00) Dollars In de
nominations of one Thousand Dollars
($1000.00) each, to bear date of July
1, 1917, which bonds shall becomo duo
in iweniy years iroin tne date thereof,
but may be paid at' any time after ton
yearn from tho dato thereof, at tho op
tion of tho Board of Education of said
School District. Said bonds to draw
Interest at tho rato of five per cent per
annum, payable semi-annually, on tho
1st day of January, 1918, and on the
1st day of July, 1918, and on tho 1st
days of January and July of each and
every year thereafter, Interest and
principal payablo at tho olllce of the
btate Troasuror of Nebraska, In the
City of Lincoln, In the County of Lan
caster, in the stato of Nebraska.
And shall the said Board of Educa
tli"J,0'..Ba,d School District of the City
of North Platte, In tho County ot Lin
coln, in the State of Nebraska, causo
to be lHvion and collected annually, a
iniVo'i.V ?lrentlt10,t,fty, the Principal and
interest of said bonds as the samo ma
ture, in adultlon tq the taxes now au
thorized to be levied by law, upon all
8li.t"iUTVxxa.u!e Property within said
S ir.oul ulbtrlct.
Said bonds to bo issued for the pur
pose of paying past duo indebtedness
of said School District, approximately
in tho sum of Nine thousand 00-100
($9000.00) Dollars, and for tho purpose
of furnishing tho manual training, and
domestic science departments, In the
Junior High, School Building in said
School District, approximately In the
sum of Six thousand 00-100 ($6000.00) .
The Ballots to be used at said elec
tion shall havo printed thereon:
"FOR: Issuing Fifteen thous
and 00-100 ($15000.00) DoPars, of
bonds of tho School District of the City
of North Platto, In tho County of Lin
coln, In the State of Nebraska, for tho
purposo of paying past duo Indebted
ness of said School District, approxi
mately In the sum of Nino thousand
00-100 ($9000.00) Dollars, and for tho
purpose of furnishing the manual
training and domestic science depart
ments In the Junior High School Build
ing in said District, approximately in
Vi2nnnsum of Six thousand 00-100
($6000.00) Dollars, said bonds to bo ne
gotiable In form, and to hnnr lntori,l
at the rate of nve por cent per annum,
fujuuiu ouiiii-uunuaiiy, interest and
principal navable at thn niiino nf th
State Treasurer of Nebraska, in the
City of Lincoln, In the County of Lan
caster, In the State of Nebraska, and
which bonds shall be duo as follows:
In twenty years from tho dato thereof,
but may bo paid at any tlmo after ten
years from tho date thereof at tho op
tion of the Board of Education of said
School District; nnd for the levying and
collecting annually, a tax in an amount
sulllclent to pay tho Intorest and prin
cipal of said bonds ns thoy mature, in
addition to the taxes now authorized
to bo levied by law, on all of the tax
ablo property within said School Dis
"AGAINST: Issulne Fifteen thnns.
and 00-100 ($15000.00) Dollars, of
bonds, of the School District of tho City
of North Platte. In the county of Lin
coln, In tho State of Nebraska, for tho
I'uiiiuae ui imyuiK past uue indebted
ness of said School District approxi
mately In the sum Of Nlnn tl.nnnn,l
00-100 ($9000.00) Dollars, and for tho'
purpose of furnishing tho mnnual train
ing, and domestic sclenco departments
in the Junior Hlirh Snhnnl lmll.llnr. In
said District, approximately in the sum
ui 3ix. niuusanu uu-iuu (7UUU0.00) Doll
ars said bonds to negotiable In form,
and to boar Intorest at tho rato of Ave
per cent per annum, payablo semi-annually,
Interest and principal payable
at the olllce of tho Stato Treasurer of
Nebraska, In the Cltv of Lincoln, In tho
County of Lancaster. In tho Sfto of
Nobraska, and whb:h bonds shall be
due as follows: In iwonty yea-f, from
tho date thereof, out may bo pa'd at
any tlmo after ten years from the
date thereof, at tho option of tho
Board of Education of said School Dis.
trlct, and for tho levying and collect
ing nnnunlly, a tax In an amount suf
lllclent to pay the Interest and prlncl
pal,.?.f Ba,u bonds as thoy mature, In
addition to the taxes now authorized
to be levied by law, on all of tho tax
ab,loA property within said School Dis
trict, 'Those voting In favor of said propo
sition shall mark their ballot with (X)
before the paragraph beginning with
the. lor.'i Issuing Fifteen thous.
and 00-100 ($15000.00) Dollars In bonds,
of the School District of the City of
North I'latte, in the County of Lin
coln, In the Stato of Nebraska;" and
those voting ngalnst said proposition
shall mark tholr hllot with (X) be
foro the paragraph beginning with tho
words "AGAINST: Issuing Fifteen
thousand 00-100 ($15000.00) Dollars of
bonds, of the School District of tho
?. Afc Li the County of
The poling places of said oloctton
mi. 1 ,, l,,B "into or iNeDrasua, '
" H ioiiowh;
,,n,ho first ward of said City of North
Platte, at the Hlnmnn building, 505
Pewcy Street in said ward;
tuu nuuiiu wuru or sn.l(i
City of North Platte, at theCourt Houso
In said ward; In tho third ward of said
City of North Platto, at the Hose
House, in said ward and In tho fourth
ward of said City of North Platto at
the Hoso Houso, In said ward. All
of tho electors of said School District
rS8i.rt,"ft th. flrst war1 of sal(l City
of North Platto. and nil of tho olectors
of said School District residing out
side of said City of North Platto, and
80nlt,l.f, tho. lTucha ot th" Union Pa
cinc Railroad Company, and cast of the
center line of Dewey Street, and pub
! oart NS'. c- which is a continuation
of Dewey Street, will cast their votes
at said Hinman building, 505
FiiW$ ..Stre ,n sahl ward:
' .r the electors of said School
?nli"frA?J --MJnic In the secon, ward of
i'i.rlty 1f North rintte. nn(, al, of the
electors of said School District resid
ing out side of said City of North
Platte, and South of the tracks of the
wni?nnf?clnc "al!roa,l Company, and
west of the center lino of Dewey Street
and Public Road No. 6. which Is a con
tinuation of Dowov Street, will cast
ward.Vni,iCnfnLthe,Co.urt House. In sa"fd
ward all of the electors of said School
EttlP itJ n1?1 VL third wa?d of
ftalcl city of North Platto. will east
wrd-VnneAtnthe, n? Ho. Sid
rnYtHn?11,!,!10 clrctors of 8al'l School
District resldlntr In tho fourth ward
of said City of North Platto. and nil of
sldlrfSi ?f B,iln R.ch00l faKtrlct r2:
Pin Snt,,ft PJ 1a,rt Cty of North
iTnlnn' T?nJ?inn0r4n.,f "'0 tracks of the
..i,Pinc,ne. nallrond Company, will
said warif. V at tho 1,080 houB8 ln
Said election will be open nt 9 o'clock
-i, am' .continue open until 7
?ic,lACkJ, Pl .M: Central time, on said
third day of April. 1917.
Dated this fith dav of March. 1917.
I JV firdftr nf rhA Tln4 a T7..mhIam
vn,l'U,R;h00! 'strict of the City of
iJ, VliPj'fat.te' 'PxV'S County of Lincoln,
(SEAL) Secretary.