The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 30, 1917, Image 1

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    3He l o rih
?4 r
No. 22
VlUm 100 to 200 YISlTOltS WIMi
Fine Fronim Prepared for (lio Social
Entcrtiilntiiicnt of Delegates untl
Members by the Local
The stato conclavo of the Nebraska
Yeomon will bo hold In this city next
Monday and Tuseday, and tho local
homestead, GOO members strong, Is
preparing to entertain their vlsltlni$
brothers. In a royal manner and give
them a strong taste of North Platte
Stato Deputy Tiley and his commit
tee announce tho following program:
Hominy, April 2d
Beginning at 8:00 a. m. and con
tinuing throughout tho day, registra
tion of all Yeomon at tho Hotel Mc
Cabe. It Is necessary that overy Yeo
men register In order to secure free
tickets and badges to all tho meetings,
banquet and ball. Reception of dele
gates and visiting Yeomen all day at
Hotel McCabo.
At 7:30 there will, be fifty or more
candidates to bo adopted at Lloyd opera
house. Work will bo put on by two or
more degree teams. Tho drill team
that is to represent Nebraska at De
triot will give an exhibition. Several
other attractions will bo staged. This
1s for Yeomen .only.
Tucsdny, April .711
Reglstrlng of all Yeomen at Hotel
McCabo from 8:00 a. m. to continue
throughout tho day.
10:00 a. jn. convention will be
called to ordor In I. O. O. F. hall for
businoss meeting.
5:00 p. m. Sight seeing auto trip for
visiting dolegates and Yeomon start
ing from I. O. O. F. hall. ' .
7:30 Program at Lloyd opera
8:30 Refreshments and toasts.
9:00 Grand march.
9:30 Big ball for all Yeomen with
their better or (Worse halves.
Wo would like all business houses
and residences to display an American
flag and streamers of red and green,
tho Yeomen colors.
All applicants who have not been
initiated aro requested to bo present
at tho Lloyd opera house at 8:00 p, m.
Monday. Aplrl 2d. Thoro will , also bo
a class of out-of-town candidates In
itiated at that time.
Every Yeomen come and help mako
this conclavo tho best evor hold in tho
stato. Every Yeomon iilcaso register at
tho Hotol McCabo as it is nocossary
to do this In ordor to secure your free
tickets and badges for tho meetings,
banquot and ball. Everything is free
to all Yeomen.
i .ti. .
Animal Church Mooting
The annual meeting of tho mem
bora of tho Prosbytoriaa, church' was
hold Wednesday ovonlng and tho fol
lowing officers olected: Trustees,
Frank Buchanan, Carl Hollman, By
ron Oborst; older, M. E, Crosby; Sun
day school officers: superintendent,
Arthur Allen; assistant supt., M. E.
Crosby; secretary, Eva Dick; assist-,
ant, Esther Elder; treasurer,
Besslo Salisbury; organist, Flor
onco MacKay; prlmnry superin
tendent, Mrs. Emma Poor; assistant,
Mrs. Helen Laughlln; second assist
ant, Mrs. Nettle Robinson; librarian,
Loren Hastings; assistant, William
Thoso present pledged themselves
to donate and solicit the $4,300 now duo
on tho church by July 1st. Tho church
was built seven years ago at a cost of
$26,000, later a pipe organ costing
$3,800 and other furnishings were In
stalled making a total of $35,000. It
is tho intention of the offlcorsUo have
tho indebtedness wiped out by tho lat
ter part of Juno.
Will Call Kpiscopai Rector.
A call for a rector of the EJplscopal
church of this city to succeed Arch
deacon Bowker will bo made next
week. Bishop Beecher will bd In town
next Monday and in tho evening a
mooting of tho vestrymen wjll bo hold
at which tho Bishop will present tho
names of three available ministers,
giving tho record of each. These will
be takon under consideration by the
vestry and a selection made for the
rector of tho local parish. '
Wo hardly think it necessary to
urge tho voters to support the school
bonds. These bonds aro issued to pay
a deflclncy of $9,000 on tho contrac
tion cost of the building nnd tho other
$0,000 is to equip the manual training
and domestic science departments, for
uhlch quarters aro provided in the
building. Everyone realizes that mon
ey spont for Increased educational ad.
vantages is well spent, and in North
Platte wo deslro to have our boys and
girls woll equipped for their life's
tvvork whatever it may bo.
1 1 .
Maximum Capacity 1500 Pounds
Complete with top, windshield, electric lights, pneumatic or solid
$8 75.0O North Platte
Republics arc made for every purpose
34 Ton, 1 Ton, 1 3-2 Ton, 2 Ton, 3 1-2 Ton. (
Are profitable trucks became they are on the job regularly.
Give year 'round, dependable service.
Arc a "good buy" because you get what you pay for
Arc made to "deliver tho goods" Yes, and they do it.
"Put it up to Us to Show You."
Captain llallltran Directed to Re
cruit Company E of this City
to the Full War
Adjutant Qonoral Hall, of tho Ne
braska Guards, Issued tho following
statonicJit lato yostorday nftoruoon:
"Eight hundred men comprising the
Fout'th Nebraska infantry .machine
gun companies, etc., havo been or
dered out nt onc0 to guard placos of
national importance milthlit tho state
limits. This is a genoral ordor In all
statos In tho union. Appearances at
Washington lndlcato that our nation
is at this tiin0 In a critical condition
and a genoral call to arms may bo ex
pected in tho vory near futuro.
Tho Fifth Nebraska Infantry, signal
corps nnd Hold hospital havo been qr
dored to recruit to war strongth im
mediately and bo in readiness for a
The Nefiraska National Guard needs
nt once 3,000 nlon in addition to Its
present strength."
Captain Halllgan, of Company E of
this city, received a wlro last night to
recruit the company to full war
strongth nnd a recruiting offlco will
bo opened in this city.
It is probablo that mombors of the
local company will bo detailed to
guard the U. P. brldgo east of town,
relieving tho privato guards which
tho Union Pacific has had on duty
ther0 for somo.tlmo past.
: :o: :
Christian Science Lecture.
The Christian Scionco socloty of
North Plntto cordially Invites you to
bo present at a freo lecturo on Chris
tian Scionco, by Blcknoll Youns, O. S.
B., of Chicago, 111., nt tho Masonic
Temple, Friday ovonlng, April 6th, at
5:30 o'clock. Mr. Young is a mombor
of the board of loctureshlp of tho moth"
or church, Tho First Church of Christ,
Scientist, In Boston, Mnss.
. ;u. '
Christian Scionco sorvlco Sunday 11
o'clock; Sunday school 12 m. Wed
nesday evening meetings every week
at 8 p. ni. Building nnd Loan build
lng, room 25. A cordial Invitation Is
cxtonded to all.
New Silk Suits at
20-2 E. T. TRAMP & SONS'.
' Mr. and Mrs. Georg0 Mcdlnloy, nf
Keystono, are visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. S. It. Carnoy.
Miss -Thornton, of Cozad, Is expected
hsro in a fow days to visit hor broth
er l'ark Thornton.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Ilormnn Scliloutor left
Inst evening for Grand Island to visit
relatives for a wook.
Harry PIzer and William Norrls. of
tho stato unlvorslty. will nrrlvo Sun
day to visit tho homo folks.
Wo lit thorn all In tho newest blous
es nt Tho Loador Morcantllo Co.'s.
In buying that boy bin Enstor suit.
don't fail to soo what Tho Loador Mor
cantllo Co. has to offor you.
MIbs Alinn Wnltomath has returned
from Sutherland whero sho had boun
In charge of a class In elocution.
Miss Rubv GrlecR. nt Mm nrnn.i Is.
land tolophono office, lias beon horo
for a Irt-oek inspecting tho local offlco.
Now morchnndlso In ovory depart
ment arriving daily.
0-2 E. T. TRAMP & SONS'.
Rov W. Martin, nf Kntlmrlniul mi. I
Naomie E. Royndlds, of Donvor, wore
granted a marriage licenso yesterday
You mbn that llko the boat In a
spring suit should not fall to visit tho
clothing cdpnrtmont of Tho Leader
Morcnntllo Co.
Miss Catherine Feathor, of Oga-
lalla, camo down yesterday morning to
Jsit her sister Mrs. Edward Weston
and attend the teachers' convention.
Won't fall to buy your Eastor glovos
you will find all tho colors and sizes
at Tho Leader Mercantile Co.'s.
Tho J. S. Davis Auto Co. will hold
tholr opening tomorrow. Souvenirs
will be given out, an orchestra will
furnish music during tho nftornoon
nnd ovonlng, and guides iwill taka all
visitors through tho building.
Todny wo rocolvod another now lot
of women's nnd misses' suits, coats
and skirts; You must see them, as
thoro aro so many styles that woro
not shown carllor by anyono now enn
be seen at Tho Leader Morcantllo
Two extra dross makers to assist In
tho alteration dopartment'at BLOCK'S
oxcluslvo Ladles Ready-to-Wcar storo,
La Camille Week! Don't miss the style event in
progress at our store now. Come and see
thie new styles and get acquainted with
as demonstrated and explained by MRS. PRITCHARD.
Mrs. Pritchard is one of
America's foremost corsctiorcs
and head of the International
School of Scientific Corsetry.
She will he glad to explain
why La Camille means hotter
stvle. hotter comfort, hettcr
health, and if you care to, demonstrate
to you personally the La Camille de
signed for your figure.
The Patented Ventilo Back gets
entirely away from discomforting pres
sure on the spine. Study the picture.
See the lattice-like Ventilo feature. It
makes a La Camille comfortahlc lrom
the very minute you put it on, and al
ways cool hecause thoroughly ventilated.
Tomorrow is the last day of "La Camille" week.
Whether or noL you need a corseL right now, don't
miss this authentic stylye exhibit of
elebrated front laced Corset 'L& Cclflllll6" Celebrated front laced Corset
is the
Last Day
Tho sovonth annual West-Central
Nebraska Teachers' Association opon
ed horo yostorday morning nnd ona
hundrtd and tirty teachers from tho
district between Chnppoll nnd Kearney
havo onrollod. Moro delegates aro ox
pcted to arrive on the nftornoon trains
todny. Prof. Slpplo and Mlas Wilson
of tho Kearney Normal arrived thla
morning to tnko part In tho progrnm,
and fifty delegates came on No. 19 this
morning. Tho high school cadets gavo
an exhibition drill on tho campus yos
torday afternoon nnd Mrs. C. O. Brad
ford, of Donvor, stato superintendent
of public Instruction, opened tho gen
oral session last evening with an In
teresting address. Stato Superintend
ent Clommons, of Lincoln, gavo a talk
and an enjoyable musical program wan
rendered. Tho primary work this
morning is in chargo of MIbs Lowe,
of Konrnoy. Tho gloo club will glvo n
concert ths aftornon and tho educa
tional ba'iquot will bo hold this even
ing In chargo of Miss Laura Murrav.
Th0 Boan Collogo glee club will fur
nish n program this evening.
Weathor forecast for North Platto
and vicinity: Partly cloudy and prob
ably unsettled and colder weather to
night and Snturday; brisk to Btrong
Boutliintost, shifting to northwest winds.
Highest tompornturo yostorday 05, n
yar ago 54; lowest last night 39, a
yonr ago 27.
Tho literature department of tho
Twentloth Century club wnB ontortnln
ed Tuesday aftornobn by Mrs. Frank
Hatch and MrB. C. F. Adams at the
homo of tho formor. Mrs. York Hln
mnn read a rovlow on "Aunt Jnno of
Cards woro Issued tho onrly part of
tho wook announcing tho coming nup
tials of MIsb Ilarriotto Dixon, of this
city nnd Dr. Frank Mntthow Conlln,
of Omaha, at tho Dixon homo April
10th at eight O'clock.
Mrs. J. T. Murphy and daughtor Iza.
who woro called to Kansas City re
cently by tho death of a relative, will
rourn this nftornoon.
"Jim" Clinton lenvoHi Sunday1 for
Omaha whoro ho will remain for llvo
or six weeks completing his work in
"Ruddy," tho young bou of Mr. and
Mr,s. Arthur Hoagla-id, was oporntod
upon for nppondlcltls nt tho City Hos
pital thin morning.
Mrs. F. J. Wurtclo, accompanied by
a nurse, wont to Denvor last nlglit.
Ladies' Outfitting Stove
Wheat Fields In Hand Shape
Fedoral Crop Inspector. Anderson,
who has chargo of Hold work in Ne
braska, arrived In town Tuesday, and
Wednesday In company with S. R.
Dorryborry and W. P. Snyder investi
gated whoat llolda south nnd oast of
town. FIfteon or twenty Holds woro
examined and found to bo in rnthor
bad shape, Mr. Anderson predicting
that tho loss from wlntor kill would bo
from twonty-llvo to fifty per cont in tho
lllods that woro oxamlned. Whoat
disced In stubble was found to bo In
bettor shape thnn that in corn stalks,
and Hint Molds sowed early woro not
In as good condition ns thoso sowed
In tho soctlon of Nebraska south of
the Platte river and from tho Mis
sourl river to Dawson county tho loss
from wlntor kill vnrios from fifty pen,
cont to total, in many sections llolda
nreMbolng plowed and sowed to oats
;xo: :
Kplscopnl Church.
Sundny next (Palm Sundny) morn
ing sorvlco at 11 o'clock.
Next week (Holy Wook). Thursday
(Maundy Thursday) arovlco nt 10
Friday (Good Friday). Throo hours'
sorvlco v!ll bo tho usual Joint sor
vlco, boglnnlng nt 12 noon in tho
Luthornn church, Dr. C. U, Ilarman
will tnko tho sorvlco and Archleacon
Ilowkor will glvo tho aovon nddrossos.
Friday ovonlng SncrCd Cantata In
tho Church of Our Saviour.
Mlssos Alma and Holon Wnltomath.
will glvo a luncheon Monday after
noon, April 9th, complimentary to Miss
Harriot Dixon.
Misses Myrtlo lloolor nnd Lucille
Wilcox aro expected from tho Btnto
unlvorslty In a fow dnys to Bpond a
wook with tho homo folkB.
Miss Ellzaboth Hlnman will enter
tain a numbor of young ladles at a
brldgo party Thursday ovonlng in
honor of Miss Harriot Dixon.
SOO ncros of tiiulo lurid In Morrill
county 0 mllos from kooA town, blnclc
root Bollrt noil, 200 ncres 'hrolto, 80
ncroH in whoat and 15 ncros, nlfntfn,
Imlnuco In nnsturo and tiny Innrt nnd
lots of good foncon, nood four room
Iiouho with ImniH, hon ltottso, two wolls
and wind iiiIIIh nnd othor Improve
ments; ono inllo to HOtiool nnd ono inlln
to poHtoftlco nnd storo. Prlco $30,00
per nero, part down nnd Imlnnco on
lnnd. Clunn tltlo. Lot tno lionr from
you If you moan buolnoan.
20J-3 O. R. nilOADES,
219 South Chestnut, North Platto, Nob.
The Ventillo Front abso
lutely prevents scoring and
is a real hlcssing, especially
to stout women.
La Camille Corsets are de-
signed hy experts who not
only are thoroughly con
versant with style tendencies, hut
know anatomy. They combine unus
ual style and comfort.
We invite you to inspect the latest
models of this famous corset, examine
it critically, notice the good material
and workmanship, and find if it does
not mean hotter corset style and com
fort. There is a La Camille for every
figure and a very pleasing price range
$2 to $25. Wonderful value in
every corset,
is the
Last Day