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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1917)
IBA L. BAKE, Editor and Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION HATES! One Year bj ilnll In Adrnnco....$lJ25 One Year by Carrier In Adrnnco.UiO Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, PostoQlco as Hecond Class Matter. TUESDAY, MAItt'll 37, 1IM7. IIKIIIHIl INSURANCE RATES IP IMPROVEMENTS NOT MAIIH, Mr. Votor and taxpayer do you know that roontly the lire Inspection bureau or Omaha made an Inspection of tlio olty of North IMutto and In tho report made stated that If North Platte wlsli ud to retain the fourth class rating that we now have cortaln Improve ments would have to he made in the llro .lopnrtmont and Its equipment. The recommendations of tho huronu called for n reorganization of tho do partinont Into three companies, oaoh company to have charge of a soparato 'piece of apparatus. One piece, a hose oart with 500 feet of llro hose, was to ho loaatod In the Fourth ward hose house, and to he looked after hy one company; tho other two companies woro to have charge of tho hook and lad dor and motor trucks, We have recently reorganized our do partinont which now consists of two companies, with provisions for a third company us soon as tho necessary niim- hor of moil volunteer. It Is Imposslhlo to got thorn to volunteer under tho prosont conditions. Thoroforo Mr. Voter It Is up to you to provldo suitable quarters for tho voluntoer firemen and the necessary equipment so they can bring the depart inont up to the standard demandod hy tho Insurance colnpanlos or thoy will be raising your Insurance ratos. "Which do you profor, to pay an ox tra dollar towards a permanent bulld ng to house your fire department and apparatus or pay an extra dollar or more to tho Insurance companies? For ovory dollar thoy recolvo for Insuranco premiums In the stato of Nebraska tho Insurance companies only pay haok forty cents In llro lossos. Which Is tho host? Voto for the fire station house honds and wo promlsu an efficient fire de partment and lowor insuranco rates Instead of higher. noutii platte von. Kill 13 DEPT. 1HHMM) for it Hull. County Commissioner 8. J. Koch re turned from South Omaha this morn ing whoro ho attended a largo stock sale. Mr. Koch' bought four bond of pure bred holfcrs and a bull. Tho bull topped tho sale by $20D, Mr. Koch pay. Ing $900 for tho animal. Fifteen min utes after bo made-the purchaso ho was offered $1,000 for him. which goes to show ho secured nn exceptional value. Ilorshoy Times, ;n' ' Humid over for Clillil Stealing. 'Waltor Knuaho, of Horshey. aged twenty.nlne, who tvns brought back from Omaha by Hhrlff Salisbury on tho charge of abducting IUthy Hutchinson, aged fourtoon, was arraigned In the county court Fr.lny, plead not guilty, wrilvod preliminary examination and vns bound ovor'to tho district court under bond of $1,000. - He furnlshod surety and returned to Horshey, (Jrnit WoNlvrn to llulld UiiinpH. Tho Groat Wostom Sugar Cp., opor atliig this your In tho Lincoln and Keith counties beet districts, will eroct ranker dumps for loading boots at O'Fnllons and at Snrheu. These dumps cost about $.1,000, and tho Investment In tho dumps Is uvldonco that tho Qroat Westorn Co. has ehtorod the district to stay. -i.oii- Cn nfer Degree on Many. At a spoclal meeting of tho I. O. O. F. Friday evening, twenty candidates were given the .Patriarchal dogroo The program forMlte ovenlng was In olmrgo of George And John Fowler and Loron Hchwortz. 'A chicken supper was solved by the ladlos of tho Ho bokah lodge after the buslnoss moot ing. Tho nttenihviiee was seventy-eight - n CITY ANI COUNTY NEWS Tho l'atho disc rouord Is ludestruct able. Hold by the Music Shop, llllnior Thomimon, of Clinppell, visit cd the homo folks tho first of this week. Attorney J. fl. Heeler, who hnd boon 111 for somo time, Whb able to out Sat urday. ...... I'M' Ri.U Cheapflood six-hole range .stovu. liiiiutro ntfKl Wt 10th streot or pnone lieu juif. Attorney O. N.- fllbbs returned the latUr part of last. week from a husU noun vlNlt In Ltnebln. Hv. Oleason returned to Ogalalln eveuiuif Hjiar visiting llev, MoDHld for several days. Mra-Ored Qaribw. of Cody. Wyo.. I the KiibHt of Mrs. ,U W, Walker, hav nig nriveii a lew (luys aifo, lionald O'llrlen will return Thursday rrom a visit with friends In Omaha and relatives In Oklahoma. Mr. lUrry lUmplilll returned Sun day venlnir fpoiu 'Alnaley, where she was called veoenliy by the Illness o her mother. ' 1 Mr. and Mrs. JofH Hyl.a and ehlldren Of Kearney, who, Had been vlsltln th former's parents for some time, left Bunuay evenlna. Mrs. Kroh, of 0talaUa, who visited Mr. WulUr KookajB and attended th Women's club oonvatttlon last week left HaturUsy eveuiltif. Mr. and Mrs Wi, Waltemath, who nave ueen maKiur uieir home at th Hotel MeCabe, win move this week to their residence, uh wt Third stree Charles Uuble, a fireman on th Union Pacific, was taken ill with small pox the lattor part of lam week. Tut la the first ease to be reported within year. -::o:s- F. J. niKNEK a ('0. Hen! Estate and Insurance Come and aoe us (or town lots In different parts of tbo city. Good In vestments on easy terms. Houses for ealo ana rent. Wo have also good bar Cor Front and Dowov fits- upstairs galna in farms and rancbos. OIlITtAHV. Mrs. Ann LoDloyt wan born In Mn line, N. Y., Juno 4th, 1840, and died at t'axton March 18th, 1917. Sho was married at Morris, III., In 1862 to Ros wcll I.eUloyt who died In 1880. Mrs. LeDloyt moved to Hastings, Neb., In Octobor, 1884, nnd resided there until March. 1885, when sho located on a homcstoad near l'axton. Four sons are loft to mourn the loss of n devoted mother. Thoy are I'otor and Albert of Pnxton. Oeorgo of Horshey and Her man of North I'lntto. -:n: lllg Dimities nt llcrslicy. Tho Horshey Times says that during 191(1 $471,500 were distributed In the vicinity of that village undor the fol lowing heads: Beets and salaries $1.17,000, wheat, rye and oats $118,000, hogs and cattle $109,000. hay nnd al falfa $86,000, poultry, produce and cream $22,000. During the yonr Hershey shipped 1.861 cars of products, which Included 618 cars of beets, 982 cars of hay, 147 of live stock anil 53 of wheat. The number of cars of merchandise re oelved during the year was 171 Nollcr of I'liuil Report testate No. 1430 of Silas A. Hill, de ceased. Jn the County Court of Lincoln Coun ty, N bracks. The Sti.U of Nebraska, to all persons Intcrected in said Estate take notlco that the At'ninlstrator has filed a final account imil report of his administra tion and a petition for final settlement and dlM'Iibi'iii' as such, which havo been aer for on ring before said court on April 'n, 1(17, at 9 o'alock a. in. when ou mry appear and contest the Man ii I mIh.1 3k, 1917. OHO. E. FRENCH, in 2 7-1 7 County Judge. .NOTICE OF PETITION Estato No. 1170, of Ooorgo Schick, Deceased, In the County Court of Lin coln county, Nebraska. The Stato of Nebraska: To all per sons Interested In said Estate, tako notlco that a petition has been filed for the appointment of John 13. Evans an administrator of said oStato, which hns beon sot for hearing on April 13, 1917, at 9 'oclock a. m. Dated March 21, 1917. OEO. 10. FRENCH, iii27.3 County Judgo. Vacation of l'nrt of Honil No. 20. To all whom It may concern: The consent petition of John J. Cllnapp and othors, has been filed In orflco of tho County Clork of Lincoln County Nobrnska, asking for a vacation of that part of Hoad No, 20 ns follows: Commencing on tho north lino of Hoctlon 9, town 11, rango 27, running south through sections 9-10-17-20-29, In town 11, range 27, to tho one-half section line running east and west In Hoctlon 32. town 11. ranirn 27. thin lin ing a part of Hoad No. 20 In Conroy Canyon. AH ohtectlonH thereto must lin fllnrt in tho office of tho County Clerk on or oioro ii ociocic noon or uia zum day f May 1917. or said road will bo vacated without roferonco thereto. Dated nt North Plntte. Neb., this 14th day of March, 1917. A. H. ALLEN, ni20-nl.1 County Clork. notice, decree or heirship Estato No. 1108 of Ettn Lou Cohniren. eceasod. Intho County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. Tlio noirs, creditors nnd all porsons ntorosted In said Estato, will take no- ice tnnt on mo stii day or march. 1917. . M. Cohairon. nn lielr of Hnhl rieceil. out, filled hla petition herein clleglng that tho sftld Ktta Lou Collagen died In testate on or nhout May 2, 1913, n rcsl- loni oi Lincoln unui iv. anil timi nt tun Ime of her death sho was tho owner of. or hnd nn Esthto of Inheritance In Lot h, mocic y, I'onnlston'n Addition to Original Town of North Platte. Lincoln County. Nebrnskn. and that no nnnllcn- iion nan neon mane in me said i-uato ror tho appointment of an ndmlnlHtrntor. Tlmt she loft surviving her: . t. hi. i-oungen, rather, age Dfi, roslrt- ng nt North Platte, Neb.; Christina 'ohnaron. mother, nee T.2. rntilillnf nt North Platte, Nob. j lint an mo dents or me said decod nt have been nalil. anil nrnvlm- tlmt rogular administration ho waived and a decree ho entered barring credltorn and fixing the date of hor death nnd tho de gree of kinship of hor bolrs nnd tho right of doHoont to enld real estate. nia petition will ho honrd April 13. 1017. at 9 o'clock n. m.. nt thn nfllr-n nf the County Judge In enld Countv. OI30. K FltKNCII, l"20-3w Countv .Tudire notich. ni:(:iii:i: oi? iikiuniiip Kstnto No.. 1404 of William Schick, deceased, In tho County Court of Lln- uuui v-uuiuy, jNonriisKa Tho heirs, creditors and all norsonn ntorosted In said Estate, will take no co that on the 7th day of March, 1917, hris Schick nn hnlr nf until tiled his petition lioroln, alleging that tho said William Schick died lntostato on or about Oct. !k. iki? t-.ui.i..,. nr .uiuuiii cuuiuy, ami mat at the time of County. NnbriiHk fl. ntlrl Hull nn nimllfln tlon has ben mndo In tho said Stato for ii aii,,oiiiuuoni pr nn niimlnlstrator, Tlmt ho left survlvinir him. Carolina Sehlek. Whlniv. ed: Chris Schick, ago 30. North,.f;0"' B0"i c"rl Schick, ago 34, North Platte, Nob., son; Llzzto Schick agp 32, Madrid, Nob., tlaughtor: Lena Miles, age 30, daughter: William Schick, ngo 2S, North Platte, Neb., son: Frank Schick, now deceased: lred Schlek, ago 3, North Platte. Nob., son; Ooorgo Sohlok. nwe zO. Nnrih Ulniin Wni. Jn.. .mi nn inn uouis oi said dooedeut unn iihhi, aim praying that reg- Cree lift (tiitnti1 Imrrl 1 t.r nrnilltnitii ! iiiiiiiinii ii Liiiii nn wiiivnii nriii n d. fllM II. 1 A . " " V l"iiui o nun "5"'V i i" 1 . . OI "js earn and the do. ' , .of (le,Bfent to said renl estate. inV? " J'E1"." " r"1 " hoard April 13. I.'ll. nt !l n'elnnlr n i II.- r....... ... . . v "iiiuti ui ...o luuiu, juiiiiii m saiu count v. man s- OKn- w- HliSNCH, m?n-Sw Countv .Tn. In , ."f Aflilllloiml I. and ; i7, v,!V ,,,,.UI,r,1,vV,Ml '"wXlim DUtrlet evkf. ',9',,.L.'flY. .!? Irrliiatlnn IMatrlot tl at on' thl.aiVint ,i?y,,"t.?JXrc"'.191?'. "eVVan tiled U-'.."1 l1" nwi iwMt uuurter and tha nf.Srt.T.'.f fflrt" "f the No"r heu.t STi. Y ii ; f'""J-niree, went or tlu Lh'iik i4' 1,1 '''J10"1" county, NebruB" a IrrlKHtlou nintiTct. and which eon a u"riBv."'.'.ilri" ?.?.?. ' PTtlti. a fted In the dU riot atVd 'bSTrrVin . from the ennui ui.,i i IT- wrlatlon of uald district the same i.i fcli?" " e.l?bnicr wthln ths boun- ... ' iimiriei. All peiMona Interested In haM n -y ..r'' ''.V'.St this, ornce l'o , in M, . iiV. . ' "now eauH- in wilting, why prner of said neti tloner timy not h grunted. Dated this Jtth day of March, 1317. MA11Y C. McNlBBL, 8ee'y. ... MH'ICK OF IMTITION Estate No. 14(19 of Henry Jasper Co hngeit, deceased, In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, i. ? '1 ln.toi 01 NpinwJkn. to all persons Interested In snld ISstato take notloo that a potltlon has been (lied for the nppolntmont of T. M. Cohngen ns Ad mlustrntor of said estato which has ""I",.,?01 .r,r !,'nK herein on April C, 1917, nt 9 o'alock n. in. Dnfod Maroh 8, 1917. Q 120. K. FUENCIt, ml3-Sw County Judgo. iiih iioaiu no was tlio owner or, or had an lwHtato or Inheritance In S',i of NV4 of Hoc. 28. Township I I. North of Hango 29. West of tin, f.ili i ai i t i. ,..?.. The H. & S. Agency SELLS CITY PROPERTY Sells Fire, Tornado, Auto mobile and Hail Insurance. LOANS MONEY. We respectfully solict your patronage. LET YOUR WANTS BE KNOWN. Office Phones Black or Red 012. OOOLITTLE BUILDING. NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Hall Block North ol Postoflice. Phone 58 , A modern institution for the scientific treatment of medical, surgical and confinement cases. Completely equipped X-Ray and diagnostic laboratories. Staff: Geo. Ii. Dent, M. D. J.B. Redlield,M. D. Y. Lucas, M. D. J. S. Simms, M.D mi. JOHN S. TWINEM . Special Attention to Surgery, Gynccologry nnd Obstetrics. NOKTII PLATTE, NED. Nurso Bnawn Memorial Hospital. Notice of Nnle . In tho District Court of tho United HtateH, for tho District of Nebraska. North Platto Division. In tho Matter of Jacob J. Qottman, Iinnkrunt. In IJnnkruntcy. Notlco la hereby given that by order or mo Jiororeo in uunKrupicy, l win on tho 20th day of Mnrch, 1917, at 2 p. in. offer for nubile salo at 10S East Fifth Streot, In tho city of North Platte, NenrnsKa, property or mo aioremcn tioned bankrupt, consisting of tho fol lowing described property, to-wlt: Cigar mnkor's equipment, consisting of moulds, presses, work tables, to bacco boxes and cans, and Ht,oro fix tures constating of show cases, wall enses, etc. . , Dated this 8th day of March, 1917. UVItON U. OBRUST, If,. 3 TruBtoe. HKFKHKHVS SAI.K. I, O. K. Klder, tho undersigned rof oree, In partition proceedings pending In the district court of Lincoln coun iv. VnhrnHlcii. In which William A. Wil son Is plaintiff nnd Mrs. Mablo Wilson, William S. McCord and James H. White, guardian of William S. Mc rnrl. urn defendants, will. In pursu ance of nn order therein, sell at pub- lln nur.tlnii to thn hlchcst bidder for cash at the cast front door of tho rnnrt tinnsn In North Platte. Lincoln county, Nobrnsko, at tlio hour of threo o'clock P. M. on April ,2S, 1917, thn followlnir described renl cBtnte sit uate In Lincoln county, Nebraska, to- wlt: All that part of tho Northwest quarter of southeast (fuartor twwa or His'Ai or Mociion 'rniriy i.iuj, xown shin Fourteen (H,. HanKo Thirty threo (331. west of tho 0th P. M. ly ing north of tho right of way of tho Union Pacific Hallrond track through said section; also all of Lots Thirteen (13) Fourton U-iJ. t'litoen ui'J, mx toon (181 nnd Seventeen (17). Hlock Two (2). of tho Water Company's Ad nitinn to tun town oi tiorsnev. i.incoin county, Nobrnska; and ulso a parcel of land In Section Thirty-three (33), Township Fourteen (14), north of itnnge Thirty (30), west or mo tm r. M. In Lincoln countv. Nebraska, known and described as Lot "G" In tho Coun ty Clerk's nlnt of tho subdivision of Lot Two (2). of tho Northonst quarter (msy4) or Hecuon Tinny- mrpo tas) Township Fourteen (14), north of ltnngo Thirty (30), wost or tno cm i M. In Lincoln county, Nobrnska. Said salo to remain open ono hour. mn u. is. jsldhii, Hercroo. NOTICI3 OK IM3TITION ICstato No. 14 07 of Lorenzo S. Mn combor. deceased. In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. tiio Htnio or Nonrasua, to an porsons Interested In snld Estato tnko notice that a netltlon has beon tiled for tho appointment of Abblo D, Macombor as Administratrix or said isstate, wnicn hns boon sot for hearing heroin on April o, iui7, nt u o-ciocic n m. Dated warcn s, iui. OEO. E. FRENCH. ml 3-3 w County Judgo, NOTION OF PETITION Estato No. 1460 of Frank Schick, do censed In tho County Court of Lincoln Countv. Nobrnska. Tlio stato or iNonrasna, to nn porsons Interested In snld Estato tako notlco that a potltlon has boon filed for the appointment ot jonn w. isivans as ah been set for hearing horeln on April 0, 1917, nt 9 o'ciocit n. m. HEO. H. FHENCIT. ml3-3w County Judgo viiTinu mi" iilvi'I'i'ihv Estfttn No. 1405 of Caroline Schick deoensed In tho County Court of Lincoln r-nuntv. Nfliirnsicn. The sstnio oi iNonrnsKn, to an iioronuo Interested In said Estate tako notloe that n petition has unon men ror jm atipolntmont of John E. Evans ns Art mlnlulriiliiF nt nalil lCatntft. which ha been sot for hearing herein on April 0, 1917, at 9 o'olocic a. m. Dated March 7, 1917. nwrv vi. FrtTHNCII inl3-Sw" County Judge '.i,ai.,,Yi. ..ti. tAr.inr"iiifiv Notice Is hereby given that on Tues dny. the 3d day of April, 1917, a gon ernl election will be held In the City o V..R,1. Dl.M. T.lnnnln nmmtV. Nftm'RH , , ' I 111 , ihiiqi ...... ..... ---. - t , , kn. between the hours of 9.00 o'olook . .nn . i. ill. anu i .vu i-. ...... . III the Flret ward In the entrance or the Illnman building at No. 601 Dewey treet; In the Second waru in uiw v"' mlssloners' room on the eepnd J'oor iv. Min-t limine: In the Third Ward a the hone house on Vine street between Sixth and Front streets; In the Fourth ward at the hose house In snld ward on north Ixieust street; at which eleo t Ion there will he elected: One mayor for the term of two years. One water commissioner for the term nt lu'n vanril One city clerk for the term of two years. , One city treasurer for the term of two years. One councilman from the First ward to serve two years. One councilman from the Second wurrt to serve two years. One councilman from tho Third ward to nerve two yottrs. One councilman from the Fourth ward to sorve two years. Two moniberM of the board of educa tion for the school district of tho city of North Plntte, NobrnBkn, for the term of three years. Signed this 12th dny of March, A. D. 1917. ... K. H. EVANS, Mayor. Attest: O. E. ELDElt, City Clerk. luiiiiotl Bought and highest market prices paid PHONES Residence Red 636 Oillce 459 C. H. WALTERS. NOTICH OV l3l.liCTION to me voters oi buiu .uy.. Mimii tim rritv nr Nortn I'latto. iso- ty years from date but .payable at any ii ,1. i niinp Ton v., n ra n t run iimiiiri ill a ,1.1 nitt. In .lr.iW Intnl. ,ut n I tlm ruin f.f R S Jinr ai niiin navblo sornU ., CUnrit ehml and InLrest nav" n i nl it.o'n lien nf ibS mntn TronHurer able nt tho oillce or tlie.Htato iroasurer " 7 In the City of Lincoln, Nobraskn; said ..Vis to Ve issued f 'or the purpo'se" o niniMM- inonSv with w .iff. to ore? fi JJ'Vr wVJ nyT,-iri ii n 1 1 nn itniiBn on d construct n I' Ire Station nouso on bond obtnl nn tho lot now owned by said City to corner of Front -It l .1.1 17lHn I wit: On the Southwest and Vino streets in said Station House to bo for anil to accom 'Li'1u .' " MinilOU llOUSO lO IIO lur Illlll IU ucbuiii- modate tho Fire Department nnd fire npl!?iu,Z iL ILKmnaru nf i,i :ity" be" authorized "to levy and collect a tax annually In tho same manner as ntlmt- mntilnlnnl larna mnv hn lev ell o"0-,m"n!c,1ftl ia.x.s..,nR3:... IP..1.0.:'?" HIIU collected 111 nil llinuuni. nuniu.uiu iy I pay the Interest nnd principal or said law until mifd onde 'and nrost are imhi.n'Vnmeproprty with"' -Sid LT'S eUartsseUs,,sonrsUof uswi'HHineiii renin oi me nnsessorH oi said City, said honds to he negotiable 'nThe"polllng places for said oleectlon shall, be nt and In the. same, polling u nu fnr flit, i-nnnrnl olnpMnn Alint i follows T to-wlt- In tho ni,tif .f0A,x?l"w.":,1."ti,?r ii"' Is as Ward Hi mo iiiiiiuuii uuuuiiiK, uuu uun- ey street, In said Second Ward ltoom of tho County Court IIouso the Third ward said ward, and 1 th" Hoso IIouso The bnllots to bo election shall havo printed thereon: collecting 'v annually to pay tho interest and principal or saiu uonus as rVW-iHn ti9.nnn.nn nf the bonds brnsk eonstru for and to nccommodnto the Flro De commounto me tiro ije- wiS2,nii nii.Mim? i levying and collecting n partmcnt and I'ifv. nnn ior levvinir ann couectinir n :1.ri. iaA7 i i1"'!0 n principal of said bonds ns thoy ma- lu,':- ., . , ,,, -iMl?a2inUl?,fni?i ui aJ ,5ffn" "L"2" Sitt".,m,arJ,..tn2L,:a.l,2i V"nn. : .. .. . i , , unn, ," """;!."" ".'." nlng "For Issuing $12,000.00 of the bonds of thn City of North Plntto, Ne- braska." and those voting against said proposition Bhnll mark their ballot with a cross, opposite tho paracraph beg lining: "Against Issuing $12,000.00 iile IV0""8 ?z ,'xo cny or Nort" ml ..y... ......... Tho polls at said olectlpn shall be item open noiweon i in noura a o clock A. M. nnd 7 o clock P. M. on Raid ilnte, in witness whoroof T have hereunto n.ibsrrlbed my name this nth day of March, A. D. 1917. . rr,T, i,"'rPnNSi Mny0r' HOAD NO. 101. n'r-v iilii-im If try r f "nnnni-n "" w..ww.... The special conimissioner appointed to locato a public road as ronows; Commnnelnir nt thn Southwest corner of Section 1. townshln 10. range 32: men of ship 10, range 32; thence east ono-half iiimm un vxiu nuiuu mini ui auuuuu , townahip 10, ranye 32. Said road to bo 40 feet n width, has reported in favor t n .i.i' it ... in i. .. ...... i. ..i.i,. ini. i, iii-.i in ui villainies j i uain ihvfl iii uor uu it iuii n the oillce of tho County Clork on or before 12 o'clock noon of tho 10th dav of May. 1917 or such' road will be al- lowed without roferonco thoroto. Dnted nt North I'lntto Nohr this 7th iS'.A.-f!.0 ,n,imlt0' XN0Ur-' llus ml uujr ui muiuii, ll, . Pouiitv Clerk ounti "K. ItOAll NO. -loa. ,n.. 1 1 ...i i. . IU ill wiwilll llinr iwiitoii, . . . T io special commissioner appointed to locato a public road as follows: Commencing at tho southwest cor- nor of Snrtlmi nrtnnn (tro in town- ii.. ...i.?"1.?' ,,", 00.,.-.l.,'L". mllo between Sections Fifteen (15) and Sixteen (16) In township thirteen fin imrtii rniiirn M.iriv.ntin alv in 'V. V : 7 It I 1 day of March, 1917, A a att T-v . O. Aljljl'.iN. county ciern. uiikiiiki.'iu u . r. Hv virtue of nn order' of sale Issued from tho District Court of Lincoln County. Nohrnskn. upon a decroe of foreclosure rendered In said Court wherein Krancls A. Bennett Is plaintiff, Ilo'i, cree. Interest and costs, thn followlnir TroiVe'r' to-w t": S (SEW of Section Fivn (r ....fYeUVthuitne descriue quarter n-n..r..ul.l Thirty (30) West of VheSl Lincoln uountv. NMlirnslm. . . . . . ----- ... I, am., n All. Unit ,'niiiiini, A J SALSBIIUV f27-Cw Sheriff. Notice of FIiikI Iteiuirt Estate No. 1415 of Mary Ann Haw. Ulns, doceaeed. in the County Court or Lincoln County, Nebraska. The state oi iseurasKa. to an ner eons Interested In said Kstate take notice that the Elvla Hawkins has tiled a mini account, nnu rni nn ui mn Hu tnlnlstrntlon and a petition for final settlement and discharge as such. Exe- cutor, which have been set for hearing before aatd court on the 30th day of March 1917, at 10 o'clock a. mT, when you may appear anu contest me same. liaie.i luurcii Din. mil. CI ISO. is. jokicni'ii. mfi-27 County Judge, NOTICM FOIl 1MM.I.ICATIOX serial lu. uavvi iipi,Hriiiii-iii ill tilt- iiurniir. u. h. imii uirioe at Nortn i-iatte, -".e"r. uitii-ii i, uil.l Notice IS'hereby given that Thomas OWllHhll rlnclnni Meridian, hns filed notlco Intention to make llnal three year Proof, to establish claim to the land abovp desorlbed. before the Register and Iteolevcr at North Platte, Nob., on the 18th day of April. 1917. Clnlmunt names ns witnesses: II. P. Hansen, a II. AVntts, P. 15; McOraw, Harry Madison, nil of North Platte, Nobr. E. J. MAM KB. mG-6w Register. To thu KlptnrH at thn Cltv of North 8,x er csml ,or annum, pnyaoio Homi- imJVL tJSi.rV.MUn- y IS0"" annually. Interest and principal pay- V, .w' i. i.Vri.v iHwnn thnt .it tho nolo at tho oftlco of tho Stato Treasurer .iter ?v ti? l.n i.nid in thS of tho State of Nebraska, In tho City of f it v nt Norh Platte Nebraska o t e "ncoln. In the County of Lancaster, Vi.i.l r A..H Y ii - iiw foi. ' tlo Stato of Nohraska. ?orw.,ty,,?, nos' lo'nliall 'submit ted ," ."l!" J"..b.c1 ?' braska Issue Its' bonds In the sum of " f- n"m let dav of 'Yanuarv Wd on' $12,000.00 In denominations of $1,000.00 Bn'0l l" $K. orf caCh find over? each dated June 1, 1917, due In twen- .r.'.' itrriKd i I r ilia second floor of the b?""B.'"'L S flv J'Sr n t lo!ir?h 'wS nJ each and every year thereafter, suffl fn ii, S t Pay tho Principal of said bonds in Haiti waru. ... i,Pnnl ,ino imtll snfflolnnt tiiv useu ior sain uonu i.-ni? Miiiiinr. xi'jniiniiii nr rnn rt .i. Aii.7 X? tiXlVu Tin KiirViVn or interest nnu principal to oo levieu of the City of North Platte, Nebraska, ,.,.,. .m tnvnnln nronprtv In for thn purpose of erecting nnd con- "'.'."."oscood Proclnct? PrPcrty in ?triffnnirrvSt?nrlVvTnvrt-ton B t5 54 &U for the purpose !?4 e yMf'U'nV wLxt0",w of constructing a wagon bridge across the Southwest corner of Front and vine Mln t-nllfi. T'lnttn iilver hpirlnnlnir at a Streets In said City, to accommodate J&nWM Of tho City Of Norm Platte, WO; . (a i tnwnshln thfrtnon (131 n. for tho purpose of erecting nnd MM.vv r,.r ti.iiv rm wai nt thn ctlnc a Fin Station House to be V.X. i.. Pii -.....,. xt..i.,.,i, co duo east along tho south Bide xu"-i' , t "" said Section 4 and .Section 3 to tho T,"lnB V'i'n'nnTnn?"" ' knu nnxnnw nf 'I f miMi- I 1(111 LllUUnllllll U V " 1 W 1 I ilUiUVU.Uu 1 lliu ilUfUUVCni uuruur Ul neullUIl UllUVII , Till.. 1 ini7 nn.l Ilin Itllnrnnl n (ID), township thirteen (13). north of '..ju, "17e "'''X o,Uie 1st range thirty-one (31), hns reported In ''Yinimrv lnis nn?l on thn 1st favor thoreof. nnd all objections there- 'l?"ahnh " thn 1st dav to, or claims for damages must bo filed "'f". '?, llt ,nnV of In tho Olllco of tho County Clork on or ''inn"yivo?v venr thereafter until before 12 o'clock noon of tho 10th day n,Q,nfa.n, l ?tnrerit on s-lfd hondS shn of May, 1917, or such road will be al- S' ' in mi i n.,T A a tar in lowed without referenco thereto. i'he "vear niQPi 7 ,dAm Tin nnchn.l Svnrv Dated at North Platte. Nnhr.. fhls 7th 1 6 r?nr1!,l7' aijn eaci ana ovary nnu uonert s. nopper is uoronunnt, nnd i .7i A.j to mo directed, 1 will on tho 31st day able Property In sabl Osgood Precinct of March, 1917, at 2 o'clock P. in. at the nn AtinTinnnl east front door of tho Court IIouso In ""-l".0 i1,?:??0,"?.' In,"9sl?cl North Plntte. Lincoln County. Nebras- J roclnc-trtBrl',F,,"0A1,sft'n 'JS"1'" ka. sell nt Public Auction to the high- ''"," f,nr,,l0inni$f1'2?-?5) ..i i, i.i, in,. fn.Vni, tn ..ii.ii, do i.i Yin. Dollnrs oacli. bonrlng Interest nt tho n. .iittiuuoi ui .luiui i imiu, eoui., nnu, A. HI. anu COIlllIlUO open Until S O'clock on July 24, 1913. made Homestead on- p, m of said day, and the polling place try No. 05697, for SKU Seotton 20. of Bnd Osirood Precinct will he at TowllHhlll 15. N.. nallU-O 30. V.. Ctll Knnlli UlnlT Rrlinnl linno In aol.l .... NOTICH.OP SPI5CIAI. KI,I?CTION IN O.SKOOI) PIIKCINT Notlco Is hereby glvon that a spoclal election will be hold In Osgood Pro duct, In tho County of Lincoln, lit the Stato of Nebraska, on tho 10th day of ApMl, 1917, nt which tho following proposition will bo submitted to tho voters of said Osgood Precinct, to-wlt: Shall the Hoard of County Commis sioners of Lincoln County, State of No- braska, issuo Ton Tiiousanu uu-iuu ($10,000) Dollars, of "Osgood Proclnct Hrldiro Honds." In denominations of One thousand 00-100 ($1,000.00) Dollars each, hearing interest nt me rato or i, , nvni,i ,i. iB, ,inv nf Innnnrv. r.".. :. v"' 'r"""' id'bonJs a Imil havo been uald. .. . . . . . . - Knin linmiR to no niimiierefi coiiHncu Olllll IIUIH1H IU UU IIUIIIUUIUU tuuncuu- tlvel' from 0,10 to ton Inclusive, and 11,0 H'teiost theroon to be evidenced by coupons thereto atnehed. i,,,.,, ,,,viiw.r. nno n i.nnr,,.,,, ,iii nn,i ' on ' the 1st day of JulyT 1928. Uoml "u"or Two to hocomo duo and Paynblo on tho 1st day of July, 1929. j,,.,,,, ,,, rri,-.-',- i,,,,' ,i,, Hond number Thrco to becomo duo Pblo on tho 1st UtlU day of July, Hond number Four to becomo due .....i tmvnlilo nn thn Int ilnv nf Tnlv anil liable on tho 1st. day of July, Bond number Five to become due and " " i WuZ'lWt,:, "n i in n. thn it inv nf i,,lv i i PayaUlO Oil mo 1st llay or JUly, l'JJJ. Hond number Seven to becomo duo n,, ,..,,. fVl 1of ,in ... T,,t Tnii """" -uv 1934. Uon number Eight to becomo duo . wable on tho 1st day of July. BJind number Nine to become due , , . ,.., ,. nn .,. lHt (1v nf TllIv J," l)aaU1 on 1110 l8t "uy 01 July na"Sf0n0T tho Tlt day 'of ' jeuliUim P g.JS1 c00ruiftuvly' c"": OI1UH IIIO UUill U Ul v-UUIliy VUIIl m'ssloners of Lincoln County, Nebras ka. levy a tax In tho year of 1917. am , ,,,. n,i vnrv venr thermlf tnr. has been levied to pay all of tho prin cipal of said bonds; and such tax. both cltv of North 1latto. nnColn County. jsreUrxxsltn. Intersects said north bank 1" oi,theast .quarter CSEU) of the nntl runnnB thenco In a southerly direction across tho South Platte river txbout 1B00 feet to ,)olnt on tno south , . ,mn UUUUl 1UUU LKUI. LU u llUUlk UII UlU UUU.ll bftnk of said Klver, about 25 feet, oast of stntlon No 10 of Koul Nt)i 6( Lln. coin County, Nebraska, at tho east edge f tho South end of the prosont timber prlilKe. Said bridge to. bo approximate. v nrtnon hundred reot in enct i tlbUU j'"T ' JL" "? oti said br or sumcient wiatn ior two nass each other at any point nk on lil 1 1 I 1 r-r- - n rt I t n 1a nnnot fii nf nil of concrete Hnd steel, nnd to comply wlth the plans and spoclllcatlons pre ared and furnished bv tho Stato End neer of the State of Nebraska, and said i Dontis reiircsenting aiiproximaioiy one- fourth (1-4) of the entire cost of the construction of said bridge as heroin before sot forth, tho entire cost o whlnh Ih tn lin nnnrnxlmiitnlv fnrtl houS knd Dollars' ( R 00 ono'h u.2) of BUch entire sum is to bo hoi by tho Stato of Nebraska Aid, as p vfded for in Article 5, Chapter 28, S. forty nan borne pro Sec tlons 123 to 133 Inclusive, of the He vised Statutes of Nebraska, for the year 1U13. and acts amendatory moreor. nnd ono-fourth (1-4) of tho entire cost 1... .!, r-ll,. n? X?n-ll, "i i r!'. V ,V ' f, 'S,"0,,V., . "u"1'It i V n . Should the Stato of Nobrnska fall to Enuu saiu aiu, ana snoum mo viiy o J18,' ,n nAa of.,tho, S?n,"tr.lictlStJ f 8IM i iiriiiiru. Liiuu liiu ijuiiii ul mi i u uauuuu . t.. nn i i i Precinct horeln petitioned to be voted "'Y,"1,111, notf i lBSt,.1.fwi Sniil lirluirn to ho constructed unon a lino acroHS snld lllver wliero a con- . , - ... n t t'nuatUo'! f. Jtthtl1 streot, North I'lntto Lincoln County, NehrttBnknrn,,1nt1nr8eCtSH?,! 'llrVrpWn' nnil 0r.",'' " .n mltLL l,!w?5 across said river, and connected with the nubile II cliwav to tho Wost com- ,nnlr knnivn nM thn Rlnto TiWm Tlnn.l and within said Precinct." Tho balIots to UBCd at such speclnl 01?'0" .?.. ??.v& iIr "li .M,rc!n I JUU iMSUlllK J.UI1 LItUUilU(l UU-IUU ..nnnnnni Tlnilnra In "non-nn.l Trn. ii-i ti-i.ii. n, . in .wmiiintinna 'n "r" IK0. "?,m ', nlnn SSAS? 5. ini. itn., ,; uu, .V iEi Tntn 'ars each, bearing Interest at the rato of six ner cent ner annum. Interest f J vlnSj 'I5 ft' P.v0"!0? ,f ?'s'ate Treasurer colp, .In tho County of Lancaster, State I nf Ndlirnnkn. nnlil lin interest on buiu uoiiuh, uuu nuiiiuieui. 10 I ..n ,. n,,. ,V,n ni,li.ln.l kn of n8 ,,rovlaea by iaw. an(l ,n tno yoar i jz i. nnu in oncn anu ovory year tncro- after sufficient to pay the principal of fawi 'onus as ,"oy uocomo uuo, until sufficient tax has been evled to pay all of the principal of said bonds; and ue, taxes bo . for Interea . and prln rato or six per com per nnnum, mter- esrandHnclpa t tho Stato Treasurer In the City of Wneoln. In the County of Lancaster. tJ .uuu ...... ...u in, cni.i linn. in T ,1 nn tiavn i . nn in I uu unn, ,.'.., a v. u w .,.j nuii. ui, ma I.I .. nf Tannarv- 1 1ll S an.l nn ,n lRt rtay of July, 1918, and on the 1st 1 "ay or January, nnn on me nret nay oi i.niiy ui auiu nnu o.ei jmm uinrfaiier, I until nil of the Interest on said hnndH shnll have been nald: and to lew a I tax In the year 1917, Riul In -lch and every year thereafter, sulT ient to Pay the Interest on said bond mil uf- - 1 Mr-lent to nnv live ner cent ol the nrln olpsl thereof, as provided hy law; and In the year 1927, and In each and every - ivenr innremier auiricient in nnv ina principal of nald bonds as they become due, until sufficient tax haa been levied to pay nllof the principal of an Id bonds; and such taxes both for Intereat and principal to be levied upon nil of 1 1 lie taxanie property in said usgood i rreomci. Those voting in ravor or snld nron- onltlon ahall mark their ballot with i (X) nerore tne tnrngraiiu neginnlng Wtl, the word "KOIf'T and those vnt. l inir nvnlniir Nnlil nrnnna linn nVinll malr in.ii, m nm u' in 11 nmcn 111. nnw graph bea-lnnlng with the word "AnAINBT. Said eleotlon will be open at 8 o'olook of cinet In T.lnnnln f-onntv '.i, .i Bll electors rosldlng In snld Osgood Precinct will voto upon said proposl- tlon nt snld South Bluff Schoolhonse In snld Osgood Proolnct. on said 10th dav of April, 1017. ' lVt" rtv nnlnr nf Mm Ttn r,i nt r.n..... Commissioners made on tho 2d day of Mnrch. 1917. A. B. ALLEN, County Clerk. I uii. itiiii liiu Hiiuicai uh niLiti uu ua iu I Diifrlninrtt 1 1 tYn Intarnat nn milfl . nsaiu waru, in . v 1nw. nn. . .iln VP!lt. m27. and . - .v i json i n wfiKL nunrior iv-i oi aecLiuii iilii x . ,1. ill XJ1111.U111 uuuiu.v, iiij. i.oi.a. inns to lienr flatn 1 .vtitir 1 iciumiui DiuiiMuiii iu iity inn Gfeo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention given to Surgery and Obstetrics. Qfilco: Building and Loan Building Phones ( Uillce iau I Residence 116 NOTICE OF IIONO ELECTION, OF bCHOOi. IJIST111CT OF THE CITY OF -SOUTH l'LATTE, IN T1IU O'OLA'l'V OF LINCOLN, STATE OF MillllASKA i Notlco Is hereby given that at the rogulur olection to be held In nnd for tho City of North Platte, In tho County of Lincoln, in tho State of Nebraska. and in nnd tor the School District of ttio City of North Platte, In tho County or Ltnuo-u. Ill the .State of Nebraska. on the 3rd day of April, 1917, tho fol lowing propositions win ua submitted to tho voters of said School District: "Shall the School District of the Cltv of North Platte, In tho County of Lin coln, In tho Stato of Nebraska, lssuo its bonds In the sum of Fifteen thous and 00-100 ($16000,00) Dollars tn de nominations oc uno Thousuud Dollars (S1U00.00) each, to bear date of Julv 1, 1917, which bonds shall becomo due In twenty yours from the dato thereof, but may bo paid nt any tlmo after ten years from the date thereof, at the op tion of tho Board of Education of said School District. Said bonds to draw Interest at tho rato of flvo per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, on tho ist nay or January, lyits, unu on me 1st day of July. 1918. and on the 1st days of January and July of each and every yoar thereafter, interest and principal imvublo at tlio oiuco or the State Treasurer of Nebraska, in the City of Lincoln, In tho County of Lan caster, in mo state oi JNeurasxa. And shall the said Hoard of Educa tion of said School District of the City of North Platte, In tho County of Lin coln, in the Stato of Nebraska, cause to he levied anu collected annually, a la sutl'clent to pay tho principal and Interest of said bonds us tho same ma ture, in addition to tho taxes now au thorized to be levied by law, upon all ol me ;axauio property wimin said S .hool District. Said bonds to bo Issued for tho pur pose of paying past due Indebtedness of said School District, approximately in the sum or Nine mousauu uo-iuo ($3000.00) Dollars, and for the purpose of furnishing the manual training, and domestic science dipnrtnunts, In tho Junior High School lluildlug in said School District, approximately in tho sum oi six tnousanu uu-iuu ($uuuu.uu) uonnrs. The Ballots to bo used at said elec tion shall have printed thereon: X "FOU: issuing 1'irteen tuous- and 00-100 ($15000.00) DoPars, of bonds of tho School District of tho City of North Platte, In tho County of Lin coln, In tho Stato of Nebraska, for tho purpose oi paying past uuo ir.ucutcu noss of said School District, approxi mately In the sum of Nine thousand 00-100 ($9000.00) Dollars, and for the purpose of furnishing the manual training and domestic science depart ments in the Junior High School Build ing in said District, approximately In the sum of Six thousand 00-100 ($0000.00) Dollars, said bonds to bo ne gotiable In form, and to bear Interest nt tho rate of five por cent per annum, paynble semi-annually, Interest and principal paynblo at the olllco of tho Stato Treasurer of Nebraska, In tho City of Lincoln, In the County of Lan caster, In .tho Stnte of Nebraska, and which bonds shall bo due ns follows: In twenty years from tho date thereof, but may be paid at any tlmo after ten years from tho date thereof at the op tion of tho Bonrd of Education of said School District; and for the levying and collecting annually, a tax In an amount sulllclent to pay tho Interest and prin cipal of said bonds as thoy mature, In addition to the taxes now authorized to be levied by law, on all of tho tnx ablo property within said School Dis trict." "AGAINST: Issuing Fifteen thous- and 00-100 ($15000.00) Dollars, of " bonds, of the School District of tho City of North Platte, In tho county of Lin coln, In tho Stato of Nebraska, for the purpose of paying past duo Indebted ness of snld School District approxi mately In the sum of Nino thousand 00-100 ($9000.00) Dollars, and for 'the purpose of furnishing tho manual train ing, nnd domestic sclenco departments In tho Junior High School building In said District, approximately In the sum or Six thousand 00-100 ($6000.00) Doll ars, said bonds to negotiable In form, and to boar Interest at tho rato of five per cent por annum, payablo semi-annually, interest nnd principal payablo at tho oillce of the Stnto Treasurer of Nebraska, In the Cltv of Lincoln, In tho County of Lancnsto-, I.i the Svxus of Nebraska, and wlilon hondB shu.ll be duo ns follows: In twenty yearr, from tho dnto thereof, but nioy bo pa'd at any tlmo after ten years from the dnto thoreof, nt tho option of the Board nf Education of n:id School Dis trict, nnd for tho levying and collect ing annually, a tax In an amount suf (Tlclent to pay tho Interest and princi pal of said bonds ns they mature. In addition to tho taxes now authorized to be lovled by law, on all of the tax able property within said School Dls trict.'' Thoso voting In favor of said propo sition shall mnrk their ballot with (X) bofore tho paragraph beginning with tho word "FOH: Issuing Fifteen thous. nnd 00-100 ($15000.00) Dollars In bonds, of the School District of tho City of North Platte, In tho County of Lin coln, In tho Stato of Nebraska;" and thoso voting against said proposition shall mark their ballot with (X) be fore the paragraph beginning with the words "AGAINST: Issuing Fifteen thousand 00-100 ($15000.00) Dollars of uonus, or mo wcnooi .District ol tho City of North Platte, In the County of Lincoln, In the Stato of Nobraskn." tiio ponng places or said olection will be as follows: In tho first ward of said City of North Platte, at tho Illnman building, 505 Dewey Street In said ward: In tho second ward of said City of North Platte, at thoCourt House In snld ward; In tho third ward of said City of North Platte, nt tho Hose House, In said ward and In the fourth ward of said City of North riatte at the Hose House, In said ward. All of the electors of said School District residing In the first ward of said City of North Plntte, and nil of the electors of said School District residing out side of snld Cty of North Platte, and south of the tracks of the Union Pa cine Railroad Company, nnd enst of the center line of Dewey Street, nnd pub lic Road No 0, which Is a continuation of Dewev Street, will cast their votes t snld Illnman building, 505 l)wey street In said ward: nil of the electors of aald School District residing in the second ward of snld City or North Platte, and nil of the electors of snld School District resid ing out side of said City of North Plntte, nnd South of the tracks -of the I'nlon Pnclftc Railroad Company, and west of the center Una of Dewey Street, ifml Public Rond No. 0, which la a con tinuation of Dewev Street, will cast their votes nt the Court House. In said ward: all of the electors of aald School District residing In the third ward of nnlil Cltv nf North Platte, will oast their votes t the Hose House. In said ward: nil of the electors of said School District restdinir In the fourth ward nf snld Cltv of North Plntte. anl all of the electors of snld School District re "Idlnir ontolile of snld Cltv of North Plntte, end north of the tracks of the iTnlon Pnclflc Railroad Company, will ciat their votea at the hose house In snld wnrd Said election will be open at 9 o'olook A. M and continue open until 7 o'clock P. M Central time, on said third dav of April. 1917. Dated this nth dav of March. 1917. By order .nf the Board of Education of snld Rchool District of the City of North Plntte, In the Cpunty of Lincoln, In tho State of Nobrnska. E. T. TRAMP, President. A. F. STREITZ. (SEAL) Secretary.