The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 27, 1917, Image 7

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"THE RMOP THAT Uni no ito oi..,,.-..
$3 $3.50 $4 $4.50 $5 $6 $7 & $8 X8J88in
Q .... . I xr j . txr . "l,u WOMEN
ljr IIUU111IH y. 1. LOUglCIS
shoes. For sale by over OOOO shoo denlpm.
Tho Best Known Shoes in thn WnM
L. Douglas name and the retail price is .tamped on the bot- inwij', vaiuc u guarameea and
the vrearer protected against high prices for inferior shoes. The
retail prices are the same everywhere. They cost no more in San
Francisco than they do in New York. They are always worth the
price paid for them.
nphe i quality of W. L. Douglas product is guaranteed by more
, to" 4. V"M experience in making fine shoes. The smart
styles are the leaders in the Fashion Centres of America.
?hY aH .made it a. 4-quipped factory at Brockton, Mass.,
by the highest paid, skilled shoemakers, under the direction and
r... ..r.ra ,ul ivuiKiug mm an nonest
ocicrmmauon to maice tne uest shoes lor the price that money
I2UV ,ho denler tor Dooeliu hoei. If he can.
2?-i,il,,llrJ09 w lh "'"kind jrou want, take no other
tor .Interesting booklet explaining Uow to
K ti.. JL "Si "'E"c iianuara 01 quality Top the price,
oj return mall, poitusro froe. (1 ttT.T.
180 Spark St., Brookton, Mat
LOOK FOR W. L. Douglas
name and the retail price
tamped on the bottom.
2 H
Boya Shoe
But In thi World
Diagnosis by Patient.
Tho physicians were consulting be
side the bed of n rann supposed to
hnve appendicitis.
"No," said one of them decisively,
"I think wo should wait until he gets
stronger before operating."
The other doctor opened his mouth
to speak, but the patient beat him to
"What do you take me for?" he
asked feebly. "A cheese?"
Only a lot of cold ensh can mako an
Impression on a marble heart.
California Is about to Irrigate 1,000,
000 acres in San Joaquin valley.
In tho Wrong Place.
An old gentleman walked up to the
pretty girl attendant at the counting
room of n daily newspaper olllce a few
days ago and said:
"Miss, I would like to get copies of
your paper for a week bnck."
"You had better get a porous plas
ter," she abstractly replied. "You get
them Just across the street."
Red Cross Dogs In War.
There are more than 2,500 Red
Cross dogs In the war fields doing
work for the wounded.
Pulling up pigeonholes concealed In
Its top converts u new library tublo
Into n writing desk.
Canada 0ers 160 Acres
Free to Farm Hands
Bonus of Western Canada Land to Men Assisting in
Maintaining Needed Grain Production
The demand for farm labor in Canada is great As an inducement
to secure the necessary help at once, Canada will give
and allow the time of the farm laborer, who has filed on the land, to
apply as residence duties, the same as if he actually had lived on it.
Another special concession is the reduction of one year in the time
to complete duties. Two years instead of three as heretofore, but
only to men working on the farms for at least six months in 1917.
This appeal for farm help is in no way connected with enlistment
for military service but solely to increase agricultural output. A won
derful opportunity to s'ecure a farm and draw good wages at the same
time. Canadian Government will pay all fare over one. cent per
mile from St. Paul or Duluth to Canadian destination. Information
as to low railway rates may be had on application to
W. V. BENNETT, Room 4, Dee Bldg., Omaha, Nebr.
Canadian Government Agent ,
Guaranteed Quarterly Return on Preferred StocK
Alfalfa Butter Company
Eleventh and Capitol Ave., Omaha, Neb.
The Alfnlfa Butter Company Is engaged exclusively In the Man
ufacture of CHEAMERY AND I'KOCBSS BUTTER. The butter In
dustry Is the third lnrgest Industry In Omaha nnd Omaha lends the
world In Hie Manufacture of butter. Creamery Stock Is In the front
rnnk of Industrial securities because the product manufactured Is
one that Is in dally ubc three times a day, 305 days of the year. Tho
food vnlue of butter makes It one of the three chief necessities of
There Is always a market for all the butter manufactured re
gardless of Its quality, because the demand Is far greater than tho
supply. Tho history of all the well known creameries and the In
creased value of their stock, is conclusive evidence of their safety
and exceptional earning power.
Tho Preferred stock of the Alfalfa Company Is even more attrac
tive from tho Investor's standpoint than tho .majority of creamery
stocks, from the fact that a GUARANTEED dividend of 7 per cent
Is assured, but tho dividend Is not limited to that rate, as this stock
Is curaulaUvo and participating (sharing with the common stock In
tho lncrensed dividends that this company Is certain to pay) nud In
addition this stock Is non-assessable und uon-taxable (tax being paid
by the company).
Alfalfa Butter Company
Eleventh and Capitol Ave., Omaha, Neb.
Cut Out This Coupon and Mall Today
Tho Alfalfa Butter Co., Omaha, Neb.
Gentlemen :
Without any obligation to mc, send full particulars regard
ing the Issue of Preferred Stock, guaranteed to yield 1xh per
Federal Employees Are "Chained" to Their Jobs
WASHINGTON. If you happen to see n man walking nlonff tho streets one
of these days with two chains spnnned across his vest, don't come to thu
hasty conclusion thnt he Is queer and curries two watches, because you arc
wrong. He Is simply n government
Caht find
employee who has n watch attached te
one chain nnd u pass to his otllce at
the end of the other chain.
This Is one of the results of "pre
cautionary measures" which tho war
scare has given birth to.
Tho employees of Uncle Sam nro
not taking uny chances. They have
learned that the possibility of n war
Is ns serious n business ns war Itself.
Listen to the experience of several
clerks: In the state, war and navy
building, one of the employees lost his pass. Although he was well known
to the doormen and guards of the building, he was not admitted to work.
Tho matter was brought to the attention of his superiors, with the result that
ho was suspended from work for .10 days.
In the snmo building another clerk had tho same misfortune. He was
not suspended, because he had only been In the service for several weeks,
but he was warned that If he should be careless again he would be "dis
charged for the good of the service."
These "examples" have become known to the thousands of government
employees, with tho result that they know by this time Just what precautions
must be taken.
(l GWE UP)
king Ro- (CiMrggg
y aged-
ifczMAoin'N HIM-
Uncle Sam Discovers Mystery of Roquefort Cheese
BETTER Roquefort cheese Is being made In Washington today than In Its
native habitat. Experts in tho dairy division of the department of agri
culture are making it out of ordinary cow's milk at thnt, whereas French
cheesemakers use expensive sheep's
milk. The experiments hnve been go
ing on eight yenrs.
Heretofore all Roquefort cheese
has come from France nnd enormous
qunntlttcs are Imported each year. Tho
price has steadily gone tip until now
one hns to pay about 80 cents n pound,
with the prospect of soon paying clou
ble that for French Roquefort,
The difficult part In mnl
qucfort wnB to get It properly aged
to get the mold started, and the cheese
properly colored. The French age their cheese In limestone caves which have
a low temperaturo and high humidity. The cheese Is kept In these caves
about four months nnd Is carefully watched. It has never been posslblo
heretofore to innke good Roquefort by aging It In any other way.
The experts In the dairy division, working under Chief Bncterlologlst L.
A. Rogers, had no caves In the District, so they got some special refrigera
tors that mako tho old French caves obsolete. They found that the refrigera
tor served better than the cuves In -every way.
After they learned how to age the cheese they were confronted with the
scarcity and high prices of sheep's milk, which the French Insisted was a
necessity. The experts treated cow's milk In a speclul wny and found they
could mrike Just as good or better Roquefort with It.
Now that the cheese has been made In experimental laboratories here It
will bo made on a commercial scale at the department creuinery nnd checso
factory at Grove City, Pa., nnd the process then turned over to nil American
cheese manufacturers who want It.
In a llttlo while probably Roquefort cheese will drop to 20 or 30 centB n
Ostriches at Zoo Desire No More Indian Visitors
THE ostriches at the zoo have become peevish at tho very sight of Indians.
Every tribe from Montnnn to Arizona seems to know about" the local
animal garden, nnd when n delegation comes to town to see tho Great White
Father they hike for the zoo Just as
soon as they're oft the train.
Nowadays, of course, neither
Apnches nor Navnjos wear feathers,
even In their festivals. Just the same
they seem to have a mania for col
lecting them.
The zoo gives tho crafty old boyf
a great opportunity. Out thero Is a
fin string of ostriches which wander
along the wire fence all unsuspecting,
and It Is no trick for n quick bond to
grab severril plumes. The pcacockf
roam at will through the park and nre also easily plucked, and even the
eagles aro foolish enough sometimes to let their tall feathers project through
tho wire screen.
Tho Indians made such u clenn-up n bit ago that several of tho ostriches
looked as If they had been In Belgium, and the peacocks were about the sor
riest looking things In these pnrts. There probably was great rejoicing bnck
In Arlzonn the next week, though.
The Indians have got In so bnd with Superintendent Ilolllstor that they
are about as welcome as pickpockets, and when u delegation heaves In sight
several keepers are detailed to follow them.
- iij Ma
Uses Sidewalk Grating for His Wireless Aerial
AT 11:C5 O'CLOCK the other morning Rudolf Wilson, chief electrlclnn of
the house oflice building, looked at his watch. Then ho put together a
rather one-eyllnder wireless set and glanced toward the sidewalk grating
above his head. Geography must In
tervene for a moment. Mr. Wilson's
olllce Is below the street level. One of
his office windows opens out upon a
small arenwny, built upon the side
walk. A long grating prevents tho
pnsser-by from tumbling Into Wilson's
llght-nnd-ulr shaft
That grating Is about eight feet
above the wlndowslll of Wilson's
oflice, so at 11:55 o'clock Mr. Wilson
took tho two wires of his wireless sot,
climbed out his office window nnd hung
each wire over a jiepnrnto bar of the grating above his head. Then he climbed
down and adjuated tho guttapercha receivers to his ears and listened.
Pretty soon ho took out his wntch, held It In his hund, und present!)
switched up tho tnlnuto hand a tiny bit. Thnt act completed, lie took the
receivers off his ears, unhooked the wires from the grating and remarked
"My watch must be losing time. I Just got the Arllngtou time-flash over
my wireless set, and thnt clock of mine was a good fifteen minutes slow. You
Hue, I get tho time-flush every day nt noon from tho Arlington wireless sta
tion. That grating up there yes, those Iron bars Is my aerial. Pretty nifty.
fsn't It."
Then Wilson told tho rest of the story.
A year or ro ago they planned to put a clock system In the house oflice
building. A clock system depends on one mnster clock, which regulates the
Becondary clocks. Tho master clock must bo right, of course, and It was up
to Wilson to keep It right. Ho knew Arlington sent out a tlmo flash, but lie
didn't know how to catch It without building an expensive aerial.
. Sitting In lils oflice one day, gazing up toward tho street level, ho saw the
grating, and lie had an Idea. Ho got a couple of rubber erasers, propped up
n section of the grating and slipped the erasers under for insulators. Then
he connected up tils wires nnd, sure enough, It worked.
"That's nothing, though," deprecnted Mr, Wilson. "If I hud a tree handy,
I could drive u nnll In 't and use tho null for an aerial. That's all I need for
short-distance work, though the grating is handler."
Eat SKINNER Macaroni
1 ninlto
Skihneks i)i
in 4ljo larAosT
ttjacarorji iacror
it) Anjcrica nrjcll
019 Vory
l;ow I njako if
All ood Grocorj
soil if.
My Sinafurt
Ir ot) oVory racltno
Twill 5on d
Coo B00V
Reo fo cVerj
v0n7nn roador
Sorjcl for your
Copjr fodft
Oij oOory Paclag
Two lartJ PclcK6
Cut clown 41)0 WJ) co.stoP liVirj at)d PrescrVo t1;o
)qM) ofyour Tan;ilj Ly ferVipgKlNNER' aciroi)i
aid Spnl)ei4i two btxljreo Tinjos awoelc Cljildrci) loVo
ir ai)d iljriVo on ik Ir is )c leslr Possible -food ior adulta.
m.. tin
Wall paper that Is nuido from rubber
has been Invented by an Kugllshman.
Alfulfa Heed, $0; Sweet Clover, 58.
J. W. Mulhall, Sioux City, la. Adv.
The Norwegian government main
tains an agricultural eollego and threo
experiment stations.
Holds Broomcorn Championship.
Oklahoma raises more broomcorn
thnn all of tho rest of tho United
States combined. A shortage of tho
crop last year In other parts of tho
nation stimulated the farmers of Ok
lahoma to add a few acres to (he area
of 1010. The Lindsay district, la Gar
vin county, Is tho favored spot of the
state. From that section enough
"brush" was shipped last year to
mako 10,000,000 brooms. Dally Okla
homan. .
German Coal Supply Twice Britain's.
Professor Letlner, an Austrian, esti
mates that at the present rate of con
sumption thu coal mines of Great Hrlt
aln will bo exhausted In 720 years,
whereas Germany has enough coal, In
cluding the Invaded territory, for
eighteen hundred years.
Important to Mothora
Examine carofully every bottle of
CASTORIA, that famous old remedy
for Infants and children, and see thnt It
Signature of UUAlaU
In Ubo for Over 80 Team.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
Kisses that are not Intoxicating aro
the kind (hat drive a man to drink.
Pure glycerin will help to dlssolvo
fruit stains from linen.
Universal Service, Certain-teed
stands for universal service. In every
part of the world you will find Certain-teed
products "doing their duty," in all kinds of
weather and under all conditions rendering Uni
versal service of the best kind. j
Certain-teed - Certain-teed
Roofing Paints & Varnishes
gives Universal Service to all
who use it. For factories,
office buildings, farm build
ings, garages, etc., CERTAIN-TEED
is the efficient
roof. It costs less to buy, less
to lay and less per year of life.
It is light-weight, clean, sani
tary, weather-proof and fire
retardant. For residences
Surfaced Shingles have all the
advantages of CERTAIN
TEED Roll Roofing, plus
artistic beauty.' CERTAIN
TEED is guaranteed for 5,
10 or 15 years, according to
thickness (1, 2 or 3 ply),
but lasts longer than the
period of guarantee.
If you are building or need a new
roof, it will pay you to investigate
UU.K 1 AIN-TISISU before
deciding upon any type of
roof. Sold by leading deal
ers all over the world at rea
sonable prices.
they are good, dependable
products, honestly made from
high grade materials, by ex
pert paint men, and guaran
teed to give satisfaction.
Mixed by modern machinery
which eliminates the uncer
tainties of hand mixing and
insures absolute conformity
to the expert's formula on
the label. The extensive or
ganization for selling and dis
tributing all CERTAIN
TEED products reduces
costs to a minimumand
makes it possible to sell
and Varnishes at very rea
sonable prices.
Whether you do your own painting
or employ a painter it will pay you to
insist on getting CERTAIN
TEED. Any good dealer can
supply you. If he doesn't
can get it for you.
General Roofing Mfg. Co., Gregg Varnith Co., Mound City Paint and Color Co.
N.wYork CMcaga PhlUd.lphU St.LoaU Botton CUvoUnd PltUburth D.trol
Buffalo San FrancUco Mllwaukoa Cincinnati N.w OrUaoi Lot Ang.lea MlnnaapolU
Kantai Cilr Saattle Intllanapollt Atlanta Richmond Grand Rapldi NathvtlU
Salt LaltaCltr DaaMolnaa Houston Duluth Loodou Sjrdnay Harana