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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1917)
TYLE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28th AT THE KEITH THEATRE. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28th ADMISSION 4 A wonderful showing of SPRING STYLES to be displayed by North Platte's leading dealers in Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Garments and the latest styles in Spring Millinery. Each house will display its choicest styles on LIVING MODELS with a representation of every part of the wardrobe -Hats, Goats, Suits, Dresses and Skirts for every occasion. This style show will be shown in connection with a five-reel feature of the usual excellency and will be as up to date in every way as those of the larger cities. The following houses will participate in the showing: Wilcox Department Store, The Leader Mercantile Co. Miss Villa Whittaker, Milliner at Block's and at Wilcox's McVicker Sisters, Milliners at Leader Mercantile Co. Block 's Ladies9 Ready-to-Wear Store, TEN AND TWENTY CENTS Remember the Date Wednesday, March 28, at 7:30 P. M. (pc t ' if i Se "Hp Sc & Sc "stc c p Sc &p iSp "A vtf "A 3c p "ilc A tc . A Sp A -1? ir A A 3f 2r 3r r p "A Sf Sf Sf ? Se S? CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. John E .Schram returned Friday irom Omaha. Miss Artlo Lloyd 1ms accepted a po sition In the Dickey confectionery, Miss Isabelle Stafford spent the week end with tho home folks in Paxton. Harry Cramer transacted business In Sidney tho latter part of last week. Attorney W. V. Hoagland left Satur urday morning for Sidney on business. llrs. J. II. Doncgan returned Friday from Omaha after unending a Week there. Lon Kldwoll of Wallace, transacted bustenas here the latter part of last week. All tho now croatrons in laces and enibroldorios nro being shown at The Leader Mercantile Co.'h. Mrs. Carl Simon entertained the Lady Forrosters at a kenslngton Fri day aftornoon. Mra. Giorgo Austin returnod the lat ter p.irt of last week from a visit with Omaha relatives. Mrs. John Bonner roturnod tho lat ter part of last week from a week's visit In Omaha. Miss Mabel McVickor, of Lexington. spent the week end horo on business at her millinery parlors. MIhs Josephlno MoKeown has accept ed a position as cashier at The Leader and began work Friday. Miss Eunice Brognn, who hud been visiting in Omaha for a weok past, re turned home Friday. Webb Ifl. Jenkins and Gladys Grundy, both of tills city were granted a mar riage license Friday afternoon. Minn Grace Winslow left Friday venlMK for Grand Island to visit friends for a week or longer. airs, u, c. Hastings and daughter left the latter part of last week for Omaha to spend several days. Mrs. Harry Wells and two children left Friday morning for Lexington to visit relatives for a couple of weeks. TJf. TT T TTanolrlo lmu rntnrnBfl from Fremont where she attended tho Iloyal Nlghbors' Convention last week. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hollman are en joying a visit from the latter's mother, v. ho arrived Friday evening from Iowa. Dr. Brock, Duntlst, over Stono Drug Store. Miss Hthhel McWIlllams, of tho New ton store, Is off duty with an attack of tosiletas. Mrs. John Weinberger loft last ev ening for Omaha to visit her daugh tr for a week. A son was born the latter part of last week to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tollo, who llvo on east Sixth street. C. A. Mlddlcton, Carl Coleman and G. A. Bailey, of Cozad, spent tho week end hero on business at tho court house. Deputy Sheriff Hoy Wilson who re cently, submitted' to an operation for appendicitis was able to bo out Satur day. Rov. John Tinncy, of Brooklyn, N. Y.. came last week to visit Rov. 1'.. F. Mc Dald while onrouto home from Califor nia. Mrs. Charles Stump returned Friday from Rossvlllo. 111., whoro slip was call ed several weeks ago by the death of her mother. Pat Hnggorty. of Denver, a former resident, left Saturday morning nfter visiting his brother Thomas Haggorty for a weok. Molvy Wolllvor, of this city, and Annul Hall Tjincm n f Trvni. wnrrt mnrrloil fit' the court houso Friday by County Judge French. Mrs. Wllfrod Stuart and baby, of Lexington, are expected hero this wook to visit hor mother Mrs. Chas. Tlgho for several weeks. , Dr. and Mrs. II. C. Brock left Sunday The former will attend a fraternity meeting in Omaha and tho latter win visit relatives In Fairbury. Melvln Hooper, the young son of Dr. and Mrs. Hooper who was operated up on at the City Hospital Friday for ap pendicitis, is getting along nicely. Mrs. M. Hayes has returned from a week's visit In Omaha and Fremont. In Fremont she was delogate to th Royal Neighbors Convention last week. Just received another large ship ment of new spring coats, some class to them. They must be seen to be appreciated. . BLOCK'S At a recent moating of the class of 1917 Rev. C. U.'llarman was chosen to deliver the baccalaureate sermon. The date of the class play was set for May 25th. Thero aro twenty-ono girls and eight boys to graduate this year. RAILROAD KMPMIYHS TO IH'3 PAID TWICH A MONTH HVHNTS IN CONNKCTION WITH TKACll KUS' ASSOCIATION Dodge Brothers Hupmobile Chevrolet Cars and Repair parts in stock at North Platte. J. V. ROMIGH, Dealer. 107 W. Oth. ST. PHONE 844. New Service Station this Spring. Tho law enacted by tho Nebraska legislature requiring tho railroads to pay their Employes twice a month, Instead of monthly, was signed Friday by Govornor Novillo, nnd Is thereforo n stnto law. Tho measure passed, howovor, without tho emer gency clause, nnd will thoroforo not bo operatlvo until July 1st. Apparently llttlo interest was taken In the bill by North Platto employes of tho Union Pacific, and Its passago has created hut little comment. Some have said that they preferred ono monthly paymont to two. Tho now order of things will mako more work for tho force In tho local offices, as two pay rolls Instoad of ono will need be mndo each month. For many years In North Platto tho monthly pay day has largely governed buslnoss transactions with road and shop mon. If an employe bought mer chandise, tho usual oxprosslon wns ''I will pay you next pay day," nnd many thought of not settling their bills until tlioy recolved- tholr company chocks. The storos havo alawys kept open on pny day ovonlngs nnd gonerally thoro lias been a rush of business. With two pay days a month, nnd tho chocks only half tho formor size, pay day will not he as much of an event in local business circles as formerly, as only one-half the usual amount of monpy will ho plnced In circulation at one time. : :o; : I.liul Hound Over. Otto Llnd, age 35 of Brady, was tried in the county court the latter part of last woek for bastardy on complaint of S. L. Huffman of Brady, father of Dorothy Huffman age 15, the girl whom tho defendant assaulted In July, 1016. Lind plead not guilty and was bound over to the district court In the sum of 11,000. Bond was furnished by D. H. Dovenberger fand George Swancut of Brady. The girl refuses to marry the defendant and wishes him to be prosecuted. ::o:: Mrs, lloiui.T Settle Willi If. P. Mrs. Etta 8. Bonner has made a set tlement with the Union Pacific for IS, 500 for the death of her husband the late John N. Bonner an engineer who was killed near Alda, Nehr., In June. Mr. Bonner was struck on the head by a mail crano and received Injuries which caused his death four hours later. -::o::- Wmilril o I'liMtim 150 head of stock. D. 12. Fudge, Som erset, Nebr. 21. Hp : :o: : Mrs. B. PonatU. stato music chairman of the Women's club nnd Mrs. Jerry Rowan state corresponding secretary of Alliance, vlsltod with Mrs. W. H. Cramor tho latter part of last woek. FOR YOUK AUTO SKHVICK Call 125 for Taxi day or night. Also flvo or Hovon passenger car for funoral service MOGENSEN-LOUDEN AUTO CO , Chandler & Elcar Agoncy, Cornor Eighth and Locust Sts, CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. Three really worth while events will bo held this week In conuoctlon with tho West-Contrnl District Touch ers' Association which moots In this city' this weok, to which tho public Is Invited. Tho first of theso will lie an educa tional nddress Thursday ovonlng' by Mrs Mary C. C. Bradford, stato su perintendent of public Instruction of Colorado. Mrs. Bradford is a national character1 In education, and has re ceived unstinted commendation whor ovor sho has appeared at educational meetings. Tho opening music will bp by tho high school gleo club. Admission fifty cents. Friday ovonlng Judge Bon Lindsay, of Denver, ho of juvonllo court fame, and also a national character, will de liver a lecture Judge Lindsay Is ono of tho most noted mon who has over visit ed North Platto, and his locturo Is cer tain to bo a treat. Tho locturo will be gin at nlno o'clock, preceded by a ono- hour concort by tho Men's Gleo club of Donno college. Admission 50 conts Tho declamatory contost, which will bo partlclaptod In by representatives of the schools of Ogalulla, Gothonburg, Sutherland, Gibbon, Hholton, Overton, Brady, North Platto nnd perhaps one or two other towns, will bo hold Saturdny evenlng The dramatic, oratorical and humoruH classes will bo roprosento"d. The local high sohool glen clubs will furnish tho music. Admission (lfty cents. ;.i;; Fifty-Nino Fire I,iihI War. Mr. Voter and property owner are you interested In the protection of your property against destruction by fire? It so please read the following and let It "soak In." The records of the lire department show that during tht past year there hnv been ftfty-i.lne fires In the city. Eighteen of these llres were slight and the property damage amounted to but little. ' The thirty-one other Ares resulted In a property loss of $39,880. Less than one-fourth of this loss was covered l,y Insurance. Vow ask yourself: Do we need a more efficient lire department? The first step toward greater effi ciency Is a lire station; a place to keep equipment and a place to bullij up a lire department membership, Instead of Just lotting te dheparttnont run Itself, as It has been doing In tho past. Romombor If you don't vote for the flro houso bonds your vote counts against tho proposition. F1R13 1)13 PT COM. : :o: : Furnlturo for salo, 908 east Fifth Btroot! J F Hnushorr. 20-2 Just imparked another shipment of 7G new Spring Suits, tho most beauti ful lot of suits over shown In tho city No two alike and all moderately priced at BLOCK'S of course Whon tlrod or worn out send your washing to tho North Platto Laundry. Phono 113. 8tf Rov. nnd Mrs. Hull loft Sunday ovon lng for Grand Island to spend u weok. Tho Happy Hour club will bo guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. L. L. Greono Friday aftornoon. Tho Kplscopal guild will hold a 15c social In tho church basement Thurrf day aftornoon. A married man wishes to work oil farm. Call 7S3F11, or .write S. Work man, North Platto. 21-2 Allen Tift loft Sunday ovonlng for Archer, AVyo., to lok after his grading contract on tho Union Paclllc. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wolngand, of Om aha, caino tho lattor part of last wook to attend the ro-unlon of tho Wondt family. . Miss lOuulce Babbitt, of the Lincoln teaching staff, oiimo Saturday evening to spond hor lCnster vncatlon with tho home folks. Miss Lulu Mrb of the local teaching staff visited tho homo folks In uotlion burg for a few days and returned Sun day ovonlng. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Mason returned Saturday from southern California whero they had buon spondlng sev eral mouths. Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Slmms are enjoy ing a visit from the former's mothor who arrived from Hastings the latter part of last weok Mr. nnd Mrs. ISdward Walker will move April 1st to tho former Hlolmrd Woods properly In the First ward which they purchased last week. Pianos, phonographs and musical gooo.i sold by the Music Shop. Miss Margaret Carmlchael, of Al liance, who had been visiting her sis ter Miss ICIIsabelh Carmlalmel for sev eral days left Sunday evening. Mrs. Oeorge Frater, who was called to Custer, Okl., by the sotlous Illness of her mother several weeks ago. has written that the mothher died on Tues day, of last weok. House for rent after April lat. Jn fiulre of llrry liyhee. 20-2 A special meeting of Signet Chap ter O. 15 8. will be held Thursday even ing, March 2 !Uh. Initiation and a soc ial hour. Looal and visiting members i' re asked to be present. Supply yourself for Kaster at The Leader Mercantile Co., whero thoy are Nhowing tho host In gloves for Kaster. hosiery for Kastor, all kinds of the finest silk midurwoar for IJnstor. Just unpacked another shipment of I 75 now spring Suits, tho most bonutl fill lot of suits ever shown In tho city. No two alike ami all moderately priced at BLOCK'S of course. For Salo A 1917 Modol Ford tour lng car with electric startor. Car used throo months. Good as now. Uox D08, North Platto, Nohr. 20-2 ::or: "Ruvv" the llrst of tho Sovon Deadly Sins at tho Keith tonight. l'oggy Hylnnd In '.Tho Enemy" at tho Kolth Wednesday nfght In connec tion with tho Morchnnt's Stylo Show. .Marguerite Clark at tho Crystal Thursday in "Grotna Groon," Mrs. C. F. Spencoi' roturnod Suudny ovonlng from Fremont whoro sho visit ed friends and attended tho D. A. It convontlon at which she was elected stato treasurer. Dr. Morrill. Dontist. Thursday's Trlanglo program at tho Kolth will present tlyn 5 part drama "The Old Folks at Homo," nnd tho Keystone comody "Ambrose's Rapid Rise." Fred Tlnnlnii was ablo to be out last weok after an lllnoss of several weeks. Ills condition Is such that he will not be ablo to resume his 'duties as Union Pacific wnlohinan for snvornl mouths. For Sale First nnd tweond cutting of alfalfa, loose. Phono 7G0F11, or atl druuB J. L. Caso, North Platto. 19-1 FOIt I'lLUS Uso Samsolla Pllo Conos and rectal niassago. A product of oxporlonco. Sat Isfaction guarantood. Address O. D. aamsol, llliulon, Nohr. "Her Soul's Inspiration," n five partk adaptation of Harris Anson's story, 'Mnry Keep Your Feet Still,' with Kiln Hall playing the lead, '.will bo shown at tho Crystal Wednesday night. Mrs. Ifl. F. Hmihergei' entertained a party of friends Saturday ovonlng at a movie party at tho .Keith nnd a lupeheou lit tho Gem It) Jionor of Mrs Fred Gurlow of Cody, Wyo. II. V. Allwlue received a draft tho latter part of Inst weele for f 1.71S pay-, ab'le to Mrs. Belle Melons for the pol icy which her husband, the Into Fred Malone, held In the Now York Life Insurance Co. The Methodist ladies will hold ttyrir WSaster baxaar on Saturday, April 7th, Derryberry ft Forbes' store. Plenty of home cooking as well as fancy work, aprons nnd rugs will be on sale to the public. Wanted About 1000' Head of cattle to iwsttire. :ifiu iter month. Addreee Hox n, North Platte. Nehr. 19-tt Am you going to buy a phonograph? The BRUNSWICK plij-e any disc ree ord. Let us send out to your home, where you can demonstrate the wonder ful qualltltes of this machine to your entire satisfaction, free pf charge. The Music Shop. Iloadquartors for Window glass. STONE DRUG- STORE. Tho aid society of -Xie Methodist church meets Thursday afternoon In Prosbyterlan church basement. Host esses aro MosdHmoM Jim MoMlchitel, Mehlninn, .Monks, Busklrk, Robt, Derryberry. An Invitation Is extended to all mcmbors nnd visiting ladlos A big saving to tho man who buys his Kaster suit at Tho Loader Mercan tile Co.'s. Tho very best makes In America aro handled horo for men ouch as tho Hlrsch-Wlckwlro Co.'s Alco brand, Alfred Boiijamln's Now York Clothing, nro to bo fqund horo at this storo. Hvorythlng that a man wariis aipl as good as there Is. ::o:: Good Alfalfa Seed At $8.75 nor hushol. Albert nnrfnn. 19-4 Wollflcet, Nob. 19-2