The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 27, 1917, Image 4

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The cause of
Astigmatism is not a disease. Medicine will not
help it. It is due to an uneven condition of the
front part of the eye. This causes some light,
rays to be bent in the wrong direction. Uncon
scious effort to correct astigmatism causes eye
strain, which, in turn, causes headaches, nervous
ness, tired eyes, poor eight and other distress. At
Clinton's yon can get glasses to correct uny degree
of astigmatism. A competent, registered opto
metrist is always ut your service.
C. S. Clinton,
Jeweler and Optician,
At tlio Sign of tho Mg King. '
I I). V.. IlAKI'll passu. , I
Graduate Dentist
Office over tha McDonald
Stat Bunk.
1). W. Maker, In point of consecutive
roBldenco, North Platte' oldest citizen,
PRssed away I'rhlay evonltiK after an
lllneKH of nvral montlf duration, tha
Kroator part of which tlhie Iio.wuh con
flnnd to hl home. In his death the city
loses a man who for forty-nine ynrn
I wan Intlmatelr connected with Its
liroKresa as a citizen and as a county
and city official, havlriK as the latter
filled tho position of villnRe trustee,
later as alderman, then as mayor andj
also served as county commissioner..
Kor fourtoen years prior to 1882 he
was a conductor on the Union Pacific,
and prior to comltiK wost was employ
ed hy tho Kovernment as a railroad
conductor and had change of the hoad
uuarters train of JraJ. Oenl. (loo. II.
Thomas. On Novomher IhI, 18CI5, when
Oenl. Thomas wns yet In command of
tho mllltnry division of tho Tennessee,
with headquarters at NhbIivIUo, ho Is-
suod tho following;:
"Mr. D. W. Uaker has been tho con
ductor of my hoadauartors H. H. train
for several months and haw given me
entire satisfaction hy the fidelity and
ability with which ho dlscharKcd Ills
dutlos. I thoroforo take Kroat pleasure
In Itolmr nblo to recommend him as a
Kontlentan who will kIvc satisfaction
In any engagement ho considers him
self competent to undertake."
Not only as a military train conduc
tor did Mr. Uaker provo Ills fidelity and
worth, hut In every position ho oc
cupied did ho demonstrate his honosty
and Integrity. Kor three years ho was
In the civil war, and the patriotism
which resulted In his enlistment ever
remained with him, for ono of his re
Charles and William Htrauss spent
Sunday with tho homo folks In l-oxlng
Miss Ituth Btroltz, of Lincoln, came
Saturday evening to- spend two weeks
with her parents.
You must soo nil tho now lato stylo
skirts and waists that aro being shown
at Tho Leader Morcautllo Co.'s.
Mrs. JnmoH Ware, of Hlalr, Is ox-
pectcd hero this wcok to visit with her
daughter Mrs. Wm. Waltomath.
Mrs. I'llo, of Chappoll, who spoilt
tho weok end with Mr. mid Mrs. H. C.
Mocombor, loft Hnturday overling.
C. I Ilahn, of Lincoln, who hud boon
vjsltlng his daughter Mrs. David Day
for-a weok loft Sunday morning.
Kastor Hulls, EuHtcr Coats, ICimtor
Dresses, Kastor Skirts and Hlottsos In
an ondlosH variety now on Bolo nt
Harry llllos, of aothenburg, visited
hero last week with local frloiids. Ito
made tha trip In his twelve cyllndor
rathdndor car. ,
Tho W. It. C. will hold a social Wed-
ncsday afternoon, March 28, at tho
Commercial house, 21(1 oast Fifth
street. A large attendance Is desired,
"Tho lUvll Thereof," palntlng tho
pursuit of tho almighty dollar In such
truo and bold colorH that iifto photo
play ban a startling realism, will bo
shown at tho Crystal tonight.
Prod Uarraolough and aon Arthur
lmvo returned from Kvnnston, whero
they woro called recently by tho sor
loim ninths of tlio former's brother,
who Is now greatly Improved,,
Mr. and Mm. H. V. AUwIno and
baby left tho latter part of last weolc
for Omaha to visit rolatlvcs. Tho for
mer w!l return today and Mrs. AU
wIno will remain for a month.
I desire to oxpross my sincere thanks
to Mio neighbors, frluuds and fraternal
orders who so Konorously assisted and
sent beautiful Mowers, during tho 111
iiohm and at tho death of my beloved
wife. J. C. ABlCWia.
MIsb Mao JJoml was the guest of
hour at preuuptlal mystery shower at
tho Coolldgo home north of town Fri
day afternoon, 'and reuelved a largo
number of useful gifts. Miss llond will
bo married to a Mr. Zimmerman tn a
short time.
Joseph Schwalger returned Sunday I quests wns that tho Hag bo placed with
evening from a abort visit In Denver. I bis body In tho casket.
Mm. Krnnk Johnston loft a few days Mr. linker saw North l'latto grow
. . I .. ... .. .nll.n.l r. . , nin ,i , rt n mndni.,!
nun ror umnna to snc iM a wook or "' "
longer. "" city or over u.uuu; no aw ranenmen
... ' ', T ,., ,, T o I succeed tho Indian and buffalo; and
AttornoyB iJ. J. Halllgan and J. H. , , .,i,, t
Hoagland went to Urant on business ' , t, , ", ,,7 ,,rt
, . this transformation ho played his part;
yesterday. t Jjo hollell ,,ull(1 tho col,nty fts well
Mrs. Charles Perkins, who had boon tllQ towni nml to ,,,m nml to others
visiting In Omaha, returned homo Sun- of ,,,H ,cln(1 wo iarBOiy Owo tho bless-
iay evening. lnK wo now onJoy,
William Htook, Jr., who is now em- Thn flmnri w hold from tho resl
ployed at Hastings, spoilt tho weok ond ,ionco Sunday aftornoon, Uov. White
visiting ins lamny nero. conducting tho sorvlco.
W. C. McKoown, of Denver, camol D. AV. Uaker, was born on tho 15th
down Sunday to attend tho funeral of day of October, 1839, at Knoxvllle,
tho lato D. W. Ilakor. Orleans County, Now York
I.'rml I'lnrHon of Huthnrliuwl. vlsltnd In 1801 at tho ago of 21 years, he
Clothes have character just the same
as people.
It is usually evident at first meeting.
It is sure to show in time.
Idler Collegian Cio
have character to start with and character that remains the same comfortable, companionable
dependable character you find in your best friends.
Collegian character is the best result of faithful adherence to Collegian standards of distinc
tive design, faultless fabrics and skilled workmanship.
Collegian Spring and Summer suits now on display in our store reflect the
best art and skill known to the garment trade.
$15.00 to $30.00.
with local friends yostorday while on
routo homo from Omaha.
liuy tho boy a now suit, hat and
shoes for Kastor at Tho Leader Mer
cantile Co.'m.
loft tho farm homo nnd wont to Lafay
ottc, Ind., where ho was omployed In
railroad sorvlco. In 1802 ho enlisted for
sorvlco In the Civil war, and in 18G4-G
wnB In tho employ of tho government
nH conductor, nnd hnd charge of tho
Mrs. William Spllnder, of Lowollen, I TToniliitiartorn train of Clonoral Thomas.
camo a row nnyH ago to visit wun Dr. Irl February. 1807. ho camo to Om
and Mrs. . CL L. Iloopor for a wcok.m liii. vi,. t the followlnir Anrll ho
. jv I '
Hon Carlson, of no Qrand Island ontcrod tho sorvlco of tho Union I'a
Telohono Company, Is expected olflc railroad, which was then complot
hero this weok to visit local friends, oil as far weBt as O'Fnllon, Nobr. Ho
Mrs. 15. M. Cnnklln. of MrinohoHtnr.UoHowed with tho road until It reached
Mich,, who upent several wookH with Cheyenne. Ho remained In tho employ
her sister Mrs. John Orant. loft for of 11,0 col"l"' is conductor until the
linmu Hmwlav inoriiliitr. Hpring oi iHi wnou no retired nna uo
. . . 1 voted his attention to farming nnd
,v. .,. v,,unu, Ui .m. ,,,, i.u ., 8t0ck rHlflIBi
visiting with the Scharmann family taroHt lu tho IlfTalrH ot tho community
whllo enrotito to Lincoln. ... ,.,,,, , ,, ,, .
I III tl IIIVII IIV t 1 rj lit 1,11 aui ) r iiiiiiij jwiiiu
Tlio Ideal Ullkcrv lllUldlcH oxcllislvo- ' to earlier years sorvlng as Trustee
Iv tlin Htntu fiinn milk nml erniiin. if County commissioner, later a mombor
im, ,,.ii ,ini ... ,,niu, f of tU6 board of Alderman for aoveral
tho Wesl Central District will bo h'old y. nndi served two terms ns mayor
III thn lfnililclln .iiulltorllim Mnlnnlnv ' t" "liy 01 fsortll t'lOltC
evening, Ton HChools will bo roprosont- , u" JU,y lt,ln' I8'- 1,0 wnH u,ulcu
ed nnd muslo will b ftirnlMlio.l bv Mm ' "'urrlago to Margaret McKoown and
l.nva ii ii ,1 irlflu .rnn nli, I, nr .11. nave iimuo ioitii iiano inoir
t I iiuuie Hinca inav lime, xu iihh uinuii
ou.u iw.mi'UuuiiK nuunraiif . .,,,,. ,. i,p. TVUmo florfrii.ln
inn , iv L V VI ' lor of this city.
V . L , ' rs. W. C. Itoynolds returned Sunday
lml I'Ul .,,,.,.,1,1., f t.,,t ,,.1,,,.. ul,
...v-.v.wwn ..muw iwwwu, oaioui. u, tended tho annual I). A. It. convention
Tho convention of the Sixth District last wcok.
Kouorntion or wonion'H ciuub closed Wanted Girl for gonoral houaowork
rriiiay ovoning. i no iiinonoon at noon ,, A n i.'i. oon w.. ci.m,
...1 I.. ,1,-- 11m.... I M IVUHU lAlll
I, no nui vuil.fl kill) I'liouiiiuu I, u, vilu M. lun-i
livtorlnn elmrali bv tho dninnHtla Hircot, U-
srlenco department. Mrs, Mary Hldcr
actod nn toast, mistress and tho speak
ors were Mrs. v. II, coltj of Omaha,
Mrs. Davidson of Lincoln and Mrs,
Kdholinn of Lincoln.
Mrs. Mary C. llrndford, of Donvor,
stalo superintendent of public Instruc
tion, of Colorado, will arrlvo horo
Thursday ovoning and bo tho guost of
honor with tho local teachorM at a tea
given by tho meinbors of the Twoii'
tleth Century club Krtday afternoon at
tho home of Mrs. T. C. 1'attorson, Mrs,
llrndford conios to glvo an address at
the West-Central Toaohora' Assocla-
Hon this week.
Hack In Albany, N. Y., there Is a
lonely girl who Is pining for tho pro
tecting nrtri and love of a western
man. She Is twenty-one, good looking,
accomp'lshed In domestic science nnd
well educated Sho desires to corres
pond vlth a g'entlemnn of good stand-
lngwlth matrimony In view. Her au,-
dress Is 29 Second street. These facts
aro contained in a letter received by
Postmaster MclSvoy Saturday. He
turned tho letter over to the single
mon In the federal building and each
Indited a letter; thon tho boys at tho
wost ond bungnlow. each sent an eight
page letter tolling of the tnlents they
p0sncs, and ns the eight or ten writers
aro young men of excellent stnndlng,
comfortably fixed financially nnd are
pining for a home, tho lonely Brooklyn
girl mny bo ablo to catch one of them.
However, with our well known loy
alty fo North Platte girls, we enter a
protect against young men going out
side of tho ctly to securo the main
stay of a happy home. Brooklyn, Kal
amnzeo or Hoboken have nono that
are Jafror, more accomplished or moro
desirable thnn has North IMatto.
Thirty-eight years of contin
uous growth demonstrates the
conservative strength of tho
McDonald State Bank.
Look at our statement of re
sources and volume of business
transacted with the people of this
community during all those yoars.
That record speaks for itself.
Your account is solictcd,
whether large or small... The
quality and completeness of our
banking service is not dependent
on the volume of your transact
McDonald State Bank
North Platte, Nemr,
Notli'fN of Clinrcli Meetings.
Services are being conducted every
ovoning nt tho S. D. A. Church cornor
of W. 10th and Willow streets by Hvan.
gollst Jnmos D. Johnson of Osceola.
Such tlmoly subjects as tho follow
ing will bo discussed: Armageddon,
World War, Crash of Umpires, United
Ktatos In Prophecy, tfheso topics and
a good mnny more of equal interest
will bo received In the light of Inspir
ation, A cordial wolconio to nil.
Lectures boglu tonight nt 8 p. in.
::o:: ,
('aril of TliiinkN
Wo express our grntoful thanka to
friends and neighbors for tne'v muy
acts of klndnefa t'ie lllui ts nml
nt th-j funervl of our in' vod mutlier
and scrandin ithor the lato Mrit Cynthia
Ann Koontz and for tho boautli' 1
llowors. Signed: ,1.13 Koontz nnd fam
ily, Ous Heck and family, Mr, and Mrs
Hoy Spaur
: :o: :
Mrs, I. C. Williams, of Wood Ulvor,
oanie Sunday to visit with local frlonds
for a fow days.
Folks stand and won
der at tho success of
a n d Varnishes easily
the best known and most
widely used finishes on
tho market.
There's no secret to
this great success un
less' it is the secret of
quality maintained for
fifty years and never lessened.
aro made to standard-
they are tested, analyzed
and protected by many
experts. Thero is a uni
formity about them that
assures people of tho
right shade and material
in each packag(j when
thoy want to match a
job or start a new one.
We're agents.
Rexall Drug Co.
J. E. SKHASTIAN. Stnto Mirr.
Minn.Muiuai Lif elns.Co.
Phone Office Red G12
Residence Red 348
Quality lu Cigars has has boon our
aim elnco nvo began making cigars In
North Platto ovor thirty yoars ago.
Wo put quality In tho llrst cigars wo
mado, nntl that sanio quality Is In tfio
cigars wo malco today. Schmalzriod's
Cigars uavo Btood tho tost ot thoso
moro than thirty yoars. What greater
ovldonco of quality could you doslro?
If you havo not boon smoking Sshinalz-
dlod's cigars, try them thoy aro cor-
taln to pleaso.
Lumber & Coal Co.
All Kinds Building Material
Everything New.
Phone 20 1 Block East Freight House
This Is The Busy Building Season
Let's Have A Building Room!
Every bnilding that is built brings just so much
prosperity to the community.
We ore usually busy, but never so busy that we
could not be busier, nnd will get busy with your
building business as soon as submitted to us.
Coates Lumber & Coal Co.
North Platte, Nebr.
We have beenble to secure only a limited amount
ofCane and Millet seed, and it will be nescssary for
you to place your order early if you are in the mar
ket for either ofthese articles. We will also have
Alfalfa, Sweet Clover, Seed Corn, Seed Oats and oth
er seeds.
Place your written order now and be sure you
will get the goods.
Leypoldt & Pennington, -
Phone 99 East Front and Silber Ave.