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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1917)
THE SEMIAVEEKLV TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Need a Tonic This Spring? Are You Weak and Run-down? Is the Appetite Poor, the Liver Lazy or the Bowels Constipated? TRY HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters Caught the Post. Pnt was walking along tho rood, when, hearing n whir, he loked bnck, unil suw Lnrry flying fast and furious on a blcyclo. "HI! wait a minute I" shouted Pat. "I want to spake to you." "I can't, I'm In a hurry. I want to catch the post," cried Larry, flying by. Suddenly tho blcyclo swerved, and crashed Into a telegraph polo on the ondslde, and Larry and the blko lay In a helpless tangle. As Pat carao on, Larry was extricating himself from the wire puzzle "Hcgorrn I" said Pat, with a grin, "1 see you caught tho post." GIRLS! GIRLS! TRY IT, BEAUTIFY YOUR HAIR Make It Thick, Glossy, Wavy, Luxur iant and Remove Dandruff Real Surprise for You. Your hair becomes light, wavy, fluf fy, abundant and appears as soft, lus trous and beautiful as a young girl's after a "Danderine hair cleanse" Just try this molston a cloth with a little Danderino and carefully draw It through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. This will cleanse tho hair of dust, dirt and excessive oil and In just a tow moments you have doubled tho beauty of your hair. Besides beautifying the hair at once, Danderino dissolves every particle of dandruff; cleanses, purifies and invig orates tho scalp, forever stopping itch ing and falling hair. But what will plcaso you most will bo after a few weeks' use when you will actually sco new hair fine and downy at first yes but really now hair growing all over the scalp. If you care for pretty, soft hair and lots of It, surely got a 25 cent bottlo of Knowlton's Danderino from any store and Just try it. Adv. Details Wanted. "Whar you git dem hens, Rastus?" "Raised 'em." "Frum whar eggs or coops?" The United States yearly spends $100,000,000 in building public schools. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription make weak women strong, sick women well, no alcohol. Sold in tablets or liquid. Adv. If you would have the respect of others begin by respecting yourself. Self-love Is tho only kind that never gets cold feet. Rest Tliose Worn Nerves Don't give up. When you feel all unstrung: when family caret seem too hard to hear, and backache, dizzy head aches, queer pain and irregular action of the kidney and bladder may mystify you, remember that tuch troubles often come from weak kidneys and it may be that you only need Doan'a Kidney Pills to make you well. When the kidneys are weak there's danger of dropsy, gravel and Bright'a disease. Don't de lay. Start using Doan'a now. DOANTSW 50 al all Stores FbstetvMlIburn Co.ProP.BuffnTo4.Y. ECZEMA lloner buck without question It HUNT'S OUItK falls In the treatment of ITCn, ECZEMA, UINQWOUM.TETTERorother Itehlnjr skin diseases. Price 60a at druirKlsts, or direct from ..lcbardUtdJclMCa.,Shirniia,Tei. re n Tr IITP w.tinn it a Watson E Qpleman f m 1 nr ! n 1 1'aUiDl lAwjor.Wublnilon w D.o AdTlc and books frss. Kites reasonable. Illgbeatnrersnc jMiunrteei. "R0UGH8nRATS,,uI&M1iSVnnans& W. N. U, OMAHA, NO. 12-1917. WHITE DIARRHEA IS MENACE Eternal Vlnllance In Sanitation Is Prco of Health of Flock Formula for Antiseptic. (By GEORGE H. GLOVEIt. Colorado Ag- ncunurai uonegc, rori. uoiuns, uoio.) It is claimed that not less than GO per cent of yhlckens hatched die of whlto diarrhea and the loss from this disease Is greater than tho combined loss from all other diseases. It Is not dlftlcult to distinguish be tween the whlto diarrhea and non infectious diarrhea. Tho latter attacks older chicks and Is not nearly so fatal. Incubator chicks are tho most susccp- tlblo and the disease usually appears within the first three days after they aro hatched. At least 80 per cent of chickens affected die. Tho treatment must bo preventive. The cause must be removed and sani tation Is practically tho whole thing. Tho Incubators and brooders should be thoroughly scrubbed with soap and water In which a disinfectant has been added. They should then be fur ther disinfected by fumigation with formaldehyde gas. For 30 hours after hutching, the chicks should receive no feed. An Intestinal antiseptic may help to prevent Infection. Doctor Knupp has recommended for this pur pose sulfocarbolato 80 grains, blcU'nr- Healthy and Vigorous Type. Ide of mercury sir grains and citric held three grains, dissolved In one gal lon of water. This mixture should con stitute their drinking water. Experience has fully demonstrated that success in the poultry business Is impossible without the exercise of eter nul vigilance in suultutlou. USE INCUBATORS FOR DUCKS As Pekln and Runner Rarely Show Dis position to Sit, Artificial Means Are Used. On commercial duck farms most of the hatching Is done In Incubators, for the Pekln and Runner rnrely sit. On farms where no incubator Is avnllable, the eggs aro usually hatched under hens. The porlod of Incubation is a week longer than that of hens' eggs, and, for this reason, the hen must ho well cared for. While ducks arc euslcr to brood artificially than chickens, they may ulso be raised successfully under hens. In tho latter cuse, it is better to confine the hens and to allow tho duck. lings free range. Birds that nro In tended for sale as green ducks, how ever, are not usually allowed much range, but nro fed heavily and forced for rapid growth. The brooders uud brooding systems used for chickens give good results In rearing ducklings, although tho latter do not require as high n temperature. KEEP DUCKS DRY IN WINTER Fowls on Many Farms Receive Shabby Treatment During Cold Weather Give Them Dry Beds. On many farms, duoks receive shabby treatment through tho winter. Because they uro a water fowl tho assumption seems to be that they can stand any amount of water. Big pans In tho duck runs are slopped over un til the litter Is thoroughly wet; tho ducks cannot find a dry place to sleep In, and when they go lame as a natur al consequence, their owners wonder whnt dlsenso has uttacked them. Ducks require n dry bed. They can Btand n good deal of cold, and some neglect as to food, but dryness at night they must have If they are to thrive. Another cause of lameness in ducks is careless handling. Do not pick up a duck by the legs. Grasp It by the neck If you would avoid lameness. FEED FOWLS SPROUTED OATS Most Excellent In Ration of Laying Hens in Winter Job of Sprouting Is Not Difficult Sprouted oats aro excellent feed for hens in the winter time. It matters not how long tho sprouts get. The longer they get the more green food they furnish. They aro easily sprouted In the house In pans or in a large flat bor that can bo placed over the range by hanging it from the celling. WETS" ACT mm No sick headache, biliousness, bad taste or constipation by morning. Got a 10-ccnt box. Aro you keeping your bowole, llvor, and stomach clean, puro nnd fresh with Cascarots, or merely forcing a passageway ovory fow days with Salts, Cathartic Pills, Castor Oil or Purgative Waters? Stop having a bowel wash-day. Let Cascarots thoroughly clcanso and rog ulato tho stomach, roniovo tho sour and formontlng food and foul gases, tako tho oxcoss bile from tho llvor and carry out of tho systom all tho constlpatod wasto matter nnd poisons in tho bowols. A Cascaret to night will make you feel great by morning. Thoy work whlio you sloop novor grlpo, sicken or causo any inconvenience, aud cost only 10 cents a box from your Btoro. Millions of men and women take a Cascarotnow and then and novcr have Hoadacho, Biliousness, Coated Tonguo, Indigestion, Sour Stomach or Constipation. Adv. Frederick the Great. "Docs your wife ever pay you any compliments?" nsked Frederick Jim son of his friend Bendcrlcy. "Never," replied Bendcrlcy. "Well, mine docs; sho flatters mo." "Often?" "Oh, yes, frequently particular in winter," replied Frederick. "Why does she flatter you so much In winter?" "Whenever tho coul fire needs re plenishing si lo points to the flreplncc, and says, "Frederick, tho grate." Great Demand for Good Kidney Preparation Wo have found a satisfactory sale for your remedy ever oince tho market has jtnown such a medicine nnd those who have used it nre satisfied with tho results obtained from its use and speak very fa vorably regarding it. In gravel it has met with crcat success and wc believe Swamp-Root to bo a very meritorious preparation and we nre pleased to recom mend it for the ailments for which it is intended. Very truly yours, GOODYEAR DRUG CO. Oct. 3, 1910. LawBon, Mo. Prove What Swtmp-Root Will Do For Yra Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton. N. Y., for a sample size bot tle. It will convince anyone. You wiil alio receive a booklet of valuable infor- mmHn .1 ..i- il. 1J J LI. J der. When writing, be sure and mention this paper. Regular fifty-cent and one dollar size bottles for sala at all Atom atorss. Adv. Success at Last. "Hurrah I Hurrah I Five dollars for my Intest story, 'A Modern Husband.' " "Congratulations, young man. From whom did you get tho money?" "From tho express company. They lost it." Needn't Explain It. "There's ono good tldng nbout golf." "What is it?" "It's seldom that your wife Insists on you taking her to see It played." ANY CORN LIFTS OUT, DOESN'T HURT A BIT! No foollshnessl Lift your corns and calluses off with fingers It's like magtel Soro corns, hard corns," soft corns or any kind of a corn, can harmlessly be lifted right out with tho Angers if you apply upon tho com a few drops of frcezone, says a Cincinnati authority. For little cost ono enn get n small bottle of frcezone nt any drug store, which will positively rid ono's feet of every corn or cnllus without pain. . This simple drug dries tho moment It is applied and does not even irri tate the surrounding skin while ap plying It or afterwards. This announcement will Interest many of our renders. If your druggist hasn't any freezono tell hlra to surely get a small bottlo for you from hfs wholesale drug house. adv. Russian Salt Output. Russia's annual production of salt, which a government monopoly controls, exceeds 2,100,000 tons. Nearly nil of the work in ono of Germany's grentest breweries Is done by electricity. GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER Few persons can bo sick who uso Green's August Flower. It has been used for all ailments that aro caused by a disordered stomach and inactive liver, such ns sick headache, constlpn' tlon, sour Btomnch, nervous Indigos Hon, fermentation of food, palpitation of tho henrt from gases created in the stomach, pains In tho stomnch, and many other organic disturbances August Flower is a gentle laxative, regulates digestion, both in tho stom ach and Intestines, cleans nnd sweet ens the stomach and whole nllmnntary canal, nnd stimulates the liver to sc crcto tho bile nnd Impurities from the blood. Try It. Two doses will relievo you. Used for fifty years In every town nnd hamlet In tho United Htntcs snd in all civilized countries. Adv. Tho man who seeks vindication In generally pursuing tho will-o'-the-wisp. MOTORTRUCK ROAD ARRIVED First One on Record Being Constructed Between Los Angeles and Har bor of San Pedro. Tho motortruck rond has arrived. Tho first ono on record Is being con structed by Los Angeles, Oil. It is 13 miles long, and runs from Los Ange les to tho harbor of Sun Pedro. It is n 40-foot width of waterproof maend nm, covered with eight Inches of solid concrete, aud with an elastic bitumi nous "carpet" over tho whole. This roadbed Is more durable than those built merely for pleasure vehicles or light motortrucks. In construction and purpose It Is n sort of compromise between tho ordinary highway and tho railroad. It provides the kind of road needed for the heaviest sort of haul ing, nnd by segregating tho slow, pon derous truck trnlllc it benellts the lighter trnlllc on other roads. Tho Innovation Is sure to bo widely followed In time, whero conditions aro similar. Thero may bo truck roads es tablished in nil populous communities. Then wc may sco steady streams of great gas-drlvcn trucks hauling freight nlong tho established routes, relieving tho pressure of trnlllc on common high ways and supplementing tho work of the railroads. It will bo n valuable ad dition to our transportation systems. New Bedford (Mass.) Times. NEED OF HIGHWAYS SYSTEM Concrete or Brick Surfaces for Heavy' Traffic, With Macadam or Gravel on Other Roads. (By D. WARD KING.) What wo need, and In tlmo will hnve, is a system of highways which will ramify from the largest cities to tho doorway of the humblest citizen vil lager or furmer. Such a system of highways will lncludo trunk lines with expensive concreto or brick surfaces for tho very heavy trafllc, Including trucks nnd automobiles. Less used but Important roads may be of water- King Split-Log Drag. bound macadam or gravel. Perhaps in certain regions whero stone and gravel uro not at hand oiled roads may provo most economical and prac tical. Minor wagon wuys must re- muln of native soil, built and main talned with tho road drag. Meanwhile antagonism to road dragging breeds In u luck of Information or a nurrow- ness which fulls to comprehend tho facts. IMPROVE ROAD BY DRAGGING Every Farmer Drags His Front Gate to His Neighbor's Front Gato Towards Town. Out from nil tho stormy talk about good roads and tnxatlon thero looms ono significant fact: Good ronds Can bo mndo In normal soils by dragging, Tho factor in making dirt roads is wutcr. Drag your roud bo as to muke It shed water nnd you will havo tho best all-round highway on earth. It can be kept In rcpnlr with small cost If "every farmer drags from his front gate to his neighbor's front gato towards town." Roads Attract City People. Better roads bringing city families out to tho country frequently In their automobiles to visit farm fumllles nnd to purchnsc supplies of them will act as an Incentive for better generul and special methods of farm-food produc Hon. The "Invisible" Road Tax, Broken hurncss, wagons, buggies, automobiles, nro part of tho lnvlslblo tnx tho owners puy annually to poor roads. Thin tax is said to bo greater than tho cost of tho road maintenance. 3 Ji Keep It Handy Ward off attacks of grip, colds nnd indigestion by timely medication with tho thoroughly test, ed and reliable remedy of tho Ameri can household PERUNA Ira better to be safe than sorry. Msnr a load spell of dUtreitlos sickness nufainavaDrenpreveniea u tus proved remedy bad beea resorted to (a the On states. Any article that hss been eBclentl td for nsarly half century has pravn IIS TBJUSW 1BMCWWTOII3 Atrowdruttut. Tablet form if you dettre it THS mUKA CO. CJUOIU He Got His Wish. Tho conjugal dispute waxed loud und furious. Mrs. Blank snld, "Yes, yes; It was sol" nnd Mr. Blank said, "Pooh, poohl It was not sol" In tho end enmo tenrs. Then Mrs. Blank fell to reproaches. "I was reading ono of your old let ters, James, only today," sho sobbed, "and you snld In It that you would rather live in endless torment with mo thnn In bliss by yourself." "Well," grunted Blank, "I got my wish." Farm Hands Wanted Western Canada Farmers require 50,000 American farm labourers at once. Urgent demand sent out for farm help by the Government of Good Wages Steady Employment Low Railway Fares Pleasant Surroundings Comfortable Homes No Compulsory Military Service Farm hands from the United States are absolutely guar anteed against conscription. This advertisement is to se cure farm help to replace Canadian farmers who have en listed for the war. A splendid opportunity gate Western Canada's agricultural offerings, and to do co at but little expense. W Only Thoso Acoustom&d to Farming Namd Apply ror particulars as to railway rates ana districts requiring laoour, or any other information regarding Western Canada apply to W. V. DENNETT, Roera A, Deo Dldg., Omaha, Nebr. Canadian Government Acent The Sign of Indian Prosperity. Tho ownership of n motorcar may not nlways bo a safe Index of material prosperity, but In tho case of John Llghtfoot of Arizona, ownership of u cur may at least bo taken ns u proof that tho blanket Indian can succeed at dry farming. Mr. Llghtfoot is snld to possess such u machine, but It is safo to predict that ho will not long bo tho only red man to enjoy this privilege. Died of Premature Old Age! (BY V. M. PIERCE, M. D.) How many times wo hear of compara tively young persons passing away when they should havo lived to bo 70 or 80 years of ngo. This fatal work Is usu ally attributed to tho kidneys, as, when tho kidneys degenerate, It causes auto intoxication. Tho moro injurious tho poisons passing thru tho kldnoys, tho quicker will thoso noble orgnns bo do generated, and tho sooner thoy decay. To prevent premnturo old ago and promote long Ufo, lighten tho work of tho kidneys by drinking plenty of puro water all day long, nnd occasionally tak ing Anurlc (doublo strength) beforo meals. This can bo obtained nt drug stores. Anurlc will ovcrcomeBUch con ditions ns rheumatism, dropsical swell ings, cold extremities, scalding nnd burning urlno and sleeplessness duo to constant urlslug. DR. KNOLLENBERG'S D. C. SANITARIUM If You Suffer With ACUTia AMI CIIIIOMO DISEASES, Investigate Dr. Knot. lenbera'a New Druifleaa Treatment. ICOU UIIHUSIATISM, I.UMIIAUO, NISUIIALOIA, KIDNF3Y AND IIHAIIT Tiiouiuas. Mr Guarantee for Special Treatment You Don't Par If I Fait. If you remain In my sanitarium under my care and trefttmont Thoso treatments not only benefit, but eradloato poisonous aooumuU tlona from the system. Office and Sanitarium 24th nil it Knrnam Otm. Phone Sosg. 7300. Omaha. Neb. California is soon to liuvo the largest walnut packing establishment In existence Qood for the Nerves. To obviate tho nolso of pneumatic riveting machines, ono has been In vented that squeezes rivets into place with a pressure of a ton. The Quinine That Does Not Cause Nervousness or Ringing in Head Because of its Tonic and Laxative effect, LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE can bo taken by anyone without causing nervousness or ringing in the head. It removes the cause of Colds, Grip and Headache. Used whenever Quinine is needed. but rmmmmnor thero is Only Onm "Bromo Quinine" That is tho Original Laxative Bromo Quinine Thlm Signature on Evmry Box i ii Mi LW.1.... tiTiunutniflJ Hardly Possible. Tho following resolution was passed by an Irish corporation: "That a now Jail should bo built; that this bo done out of tho materials of tho old one, and that tho old Jail bo used until the now ono Is complotcd." A French inventor's collnpslblo boat can bo folded and carried within an ordinary suitcase. Lovo is nover satisfied until It gets both arms full. Canada. for the young man to investi One Way Out of It Sho was condemnatory In her man ner. "I refuso to tako this paper cutter," sho declared sternly, be cuuso It Is not Ivory, and I want to use It as a gift." Tho clerk looked nt her with the "I-don't-doubt-your-word-madnm" expres sion Indigenous to clerks. "That's very strango," ho snld. "The., ele phant must havo had falso teeth." Llfo's mysteries: Amateur golfers. PERFECT HEALTH IS EVERY WOMAN'S BIRTHRIGHT Omaha, Neb.- "After Bomo very, heavy lifting I had trouble with my kid neys, and also suffered with bearing down pains. I became vory weak and was In distress nil tho timo. I could not cat nor sleep, when I began taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Proscription. It built mo up In health nnd strength and I was onco moro ablo to do all my own work. I do recommend 'Favorite Pre, scrlptlon' to women who suffer. They, will find relief in Its uso." Mrs. M. & JENSEN, 01B N. 28th Ave. Dr. Plerco's Favorlto PrcscrlpUoa tins been a favorite with women for nearly fifty years becauso It contains no alcohol or any narcotic. It Is put up In both liquid and tablets and Is to bo found In any drug store. If you will Bend Dr. V. M. Plorco, Buffalo, N. Y 10 cents, In stamps or silver, he will mall you a trial puckago of Favor lto Prescription Tablets. Use Sewer Qao. An engine run by sower gas Is the Invention of an Australian engineer. Giovanni Llbrotto, dead in Now York, ordered $10,000 spent on his funeral. India hns begun active mining of pitchblende, tho chief source of radium. Umd thm Werfd Onm im liura m Gold ar 4