The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 27, 1917, Image 2

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Ttf&i HI
7baBy Aw' yvt, tout trAmas&i las
Minw Mi Sr awwmt 4&it jwit
Ctttrt Vxk sVn" tux It
' yn itr&uuU am
tlbwac WMif .& cut
. aA Sr 4toU7 taut irt&rtn Sa
jkksW Kb Mnt TxfVt fMr,ty
gfaf J "JW4Ut " ifAa.' i
iJl MiiSi 4trrtt TMHbft H t trv. 7
lit -'a:Vs U -B'itM T.fA' V9 sm
iA rxzQ -f t t-t Xiir sj&-
tisMA tfrrxjt & it lix&Aj
ta at: &f ttek. fme. vcinX rfszWn,
Anting It 6xj or xi vt&L W IX
tVrrtX'.'b CfAiff to Uu vrAi.. A-r,
TMKm; "WW. fn KM;
On M&foz. xxd7 tiff tM
Juvt wrttawv fcsk4Mr few
i'f lip4r il irjf & tifUii IA,
Xrw yMtr4. Oniem, Dvt. L,
maam shoes ih Moscow
vf VUi Fttt&t r4
Chiron h44:4 Prtvtt Lvtr
AitirtfXU yWk vrtti pat W
mUi l Mrvftyr, ft In thu autumn.
rrmnrkM lUtiH. a, imrtm ut HuPAian
Atnxiiri.ti ttA 'rfi Jnurtml lit iti i
ay ot imn: "Mf mntA trim
Attftieu iMrr tAnt(4l on thi marlw-t 1
In Uow. Vtin tinn har alrtartr I
pt tbrn m k. aid trpk rwy Mb
1 of lfcTA vrofktttttmhip ot thl
)fli fJ to tint lnprwwlojj U 1
rovtft, tut tb jrl (In tuU ot th
fact Uiat Urn prirj! ot fMAwnr ha
rtvm Uy 25 lr wit In AwrifM), pin
tin) mwtrt duly and tout ot truiufWtr
tntUrtt, urn lovrer by two or three
ruble a pfr (l to US)) than cur-r-t
Itlan print. On i torcrtl
to Mitrn that tttt Import of lhe
li r;ut nt-rfnv: in the ar future
lthotj(fi, on th other hand, It rnut
)K iPftWi n n handloip that the
Atnvrimn nupfAiKr tnukm it a tondl
(fort that a third of th tout muni bn
paid In ivh ttt lh tl lh ordr I
tnUen, and th balonw of the taomy
on tUn arrival of Ihe xtxxU at
Uttdtn'f Iron DepoilU,
ISiprla hnr tlfl'd th Iron ore
detwMU of Hwwlen at about M'Mfm,
tm lofl.
A tnotor-drlvHi Hdiln hitH ht-iri In
rciilM that An:n a cuwpldor In half
M MhlMlf.
Have You Ever
that the cause of various
annoying ills might lie in
the daily cup of tea or coffee?
A euro end eaay way out
of coffee and tea troubles
k to shift to
Tficrc'a no caffeine nor
anything harmful in this
delightful, pure food-drink
just the nourishing good
neso of wheat.
Postum has put thou
sands of former tea and
coffee drinkers on the
Road to wcllvillc.
"There's a Reason"
wr lirt wtrattm '.I'M" wviUt
THE fAWttr W4
Tiwwto Ctfl &w
'AM f tK
mm m4 p$Vem umt -,
MHMiHf mA mh Mzxtmp the
4W 9mwk Jm wmm w hmuxtfi j
tauter twh' w4f i mM4
rt wMt r tfc rIV
ymtr w4 t" ovfrfMk f r44d
rift4 fttik, HwK to riwoMMn
'jumtrt jA try to fep fat. Arnm&e
; tbm witk xtUrf ml immUt mm a atot
: Uit xnAhH vStU tmlu mf trnmj.
i impamix. Cmi up a t-wm
mmr t,tn f& yitfU. u a f mm
Wittnut, a llttl tHttrr If 11 rbUjctn t
a Ih fat al a thbU-iinful ot
ritir, (rtr Urn Urti ut th Ham
1tlt w-t iAHUm aiifl ake nUny
ftrr two or thrttt hvura. Hrrr lit.
Ied Grapefruit, Cut OratWrult In
r0'v Hi citrir, rut awwid f
" if' wli nlmjlw Idnx
w''"r' t" 711' color hrjlnK It on
t"" narfae of th fmlt-
iwio mck n jn ot innt. 'Xn !
fruit tbotild bit vrull ohUld ami lb; !
Ida plaml jMt lefore jirrln.
ttMny juk ytHtt vfhnut it ymt
wf Itw utifAufiir ymt rtunUi hit
man Mkc ytmiiuAt. It I a Mr way t,f
r4tlHK rrv yMftf.
Omk of the earllent wetlMd of pro
paring iwat wa In the forw of mu-
xhik, a the lough meat
nxed waa finely diopid,
not knowln the more
modern methol of haiist
ItiK meat to otun the
fiber. ISoloitnu unumtc
baa Ita name from the
lioman dly of that tiane.
'J'hlx aniiNiiKe la unu
ally bollwl before It Koea onto the inar
kt m that It miiy then be jw-rred with
out further cooking.
Sautago Omtlet. Drop n IxiloKtia
Into water nnrl cook for five minute,
(hen eoof und akin; cut In dlc-e, Tuke
threw ckiim, ft lahleioonfnl of butter.
oiiw-half fetiffpoorifiil of finely minced
onion and n fourth of a tmtmw, I'ui t
the butter Into a amooth fryluj,' pan,
ndd the onion and cook K'filly In the
tuller without browning. Have the
vuz well htmten arid "nwu wllh ault
ami pepper; add the diced mtiMKv.
four thu riutn Into the hot frying pun
nnd wllh a fork keep Mirrlng until the
mixture la lightly aet. Khtiko the
pan to keep it from cooking on. Tilt
the pan and roll out the omelet on n
hot ptfllter. Kervu garnlahed wllh
Oauaage EoO- Mix two tnblepoon
fill of Due brt'iid Tiiuihx wllh half a
pound of NUtlNiige mint, adding hiiIII
dent aeaHoutug to Innle, Cook thre;
egga in Ihe aliell until hnrd, llii'ii di
vide Into quarter. 1'ut u layer of the
ariUMMgu meat round each piece of egg
ami amooth It well wllh u knife dipped
Into boiling writer, I'lnce the piece to
harden on a plate. Dip Into beaten
egg and finely crunhed vermicelli jmuI
Iry until a golden hrowu. Herve with
tried paraley aprlga.
Oytter Sauaaue. Take two
yterM, rlune Ihem wull In remove
pleeeN of aliell, mix with bread crumb
mikI aiiMl, II ii dl y chopiicd ami well
hlemled, lining two liihleNpomiftilK of
brnd crumb to one of auet, add milt,
pepper, grated nutmeg and n liulf
pound of Naioiuge meal, with the yolk
of two egg. Let thl aland until llrm.
Mold In the haiiil Into cuke mid fry
(ii doep fnt until hrowu,
Another good luncheon dinh lining
toHt, 1 prepared by lining a little
wtril Nt'imoncd tomato poured over but
tered ImiMt, aervlng hot with ten.
Cauiatje Turnover. Muku aomu
light pftHtry, cut Into four-lnuh aiiimren.
I'laco (it eiich n heap of finely minced,
wellca(iiicd aatiaago incut. Fold cucli
ximirit In IIiii form of it turnover, ImiMi
with Hie while of egg, dip In crunhed
it i " i!t mni
nine- Tttw m
iW-iHlHWII ttMfc Mf
-iaar cm .tot mt-
c f wftia- mniitMii
tyr&WtAt' wMfc
fV-tf- b KtA fttv r
tat 4mM tlkr- Vn t-w rnec
HcMIr ; at hiJf nMfal f mow.
Vlt-tri Bi'ssd K).iv-Mi; jrftz mt
' rt M p Im tJftr
,imm rMrrj mt ettecf to k n
1tl fr tj- iar. Mt? a mt)r
to iHnt'itJl h
OelUlou Swtn P (Ail','.. I'H aa4 J
ifMik I'AxUr, MWb. ifX UM
rvttfml; 44 a toilf mpfql f innpir. a
f'Htrth at a -wjftjl nirti f MttUr aa4
rr grains of -iMKi cm- na(n-r.
III" af(r iHttla? In a frakto mt.
ioi with unmrtnTfH umrrUHtlUrxi rA
hrrH In thf or. TWn I as eJi-tnt-ly
pretty 1lxti a rHI tarty.
Cymllnt or Sonvner 6quah Tbla
dlldouH T-jetaM I In in In tbr
(tbM In the North. OooJc wajili aaJ
jMrcii thn xJerofwl with batter
nJ wilt, with a daub of irpt?r. I'lac
in a iaking fljti, carer rltb cruiato
atwl WU of bncon ; tinVtt till th cthh
wre brown; frora the bkl? dUb. I
Prench loat, frlnl bread an mwY I
wb'bw with u rr b a ,
Milad o lettuce la a dl.h, and
Vie arc mi always Kku) wrwn w
Vm 1N Hrl (n a t pnin
May thru In ta rMm t a laaah In ta
Am ia rainbow raay He In the rata.
-J. W ttltey.
When egic are reasonable In price. '
If they ever are, try Ihem slazed. I
Glazed Egai. Heat I
until very hot the small
Individual Khlrring
dluhe. greaed with but
ter and spread with but
lered crumb to line j
Ihem. Ilreuk Into each i
li freuli egg, being care- i
fill not to break the
yolk. Cover each egg
with a mixture of crumbs
and butter, efloulng
with nail and puprlka. Cook
In n hot oven
tititll the egj; are set.
Placed In a pan of hot wuter they cook
tatter. Oanilsh with Nprigs of pnr
ley. Glazed Tongue. the tongue
nnd soak It overulglit. In the morn
ing place It In a kettle with cold wa
ter to cover. Ilrlug to the simmering
point and cook until the meat Is ten
der enough to pierce with a fork.
Then set It away to root In the water
In which It was cooked. When cold
remove the skin ami any rough pieces;
place the tongue In a deep mold, the
lip fnnleiied to tho other end. Heat
n pint und a half of the liquor In which
It wa cooked, add a cupful of to
matoe, u bay leaf, a nllce of onion,
pcpiHtr and salt to limte. 12 cloves,
and ti pinch of nllxplce; simmer theite
Ingredient for 'M minute nnd strain,
stir In one ounce of gelatine that ha.
hecu previously soaked, when din
solved pour over the tongue. Jut cov
ering It. Place when cold on Ice to
harden. When uiimolded Karnlnh with
olive mid parley,
Virginia Creamed Oeeta. lloll the
heel until tender In ununited water,
when tender rub off the klu, nil re
and arrange them In a deep dlMi. Make
a sauce, uMng two tublosjiooufulM of
butler, and when bubbling hot ndd two
lahlespoonful of Hour, a little Halt
ami red pepper, a Mwonful of sugar
nnd ii cupful of hot cream. Heat ull
well and when smooth pour over the
prepared heels. Hervu hot.
Whipped cream, shredded almond,
powdered sugar to biate with n few
drop of roso water for flavoring Is
especially appropriate for it sponge
enko or mi angel food.
Hob mic? K Wfwt mt twit Mif
AattvC It 3- tar hchbti
it tPW .IW MK jjWUlIC
' wy tM aiiOiir; die ufc
- mrikiKftft :M(r dbn ic .i Attn an
ttKB:- rvE V t lkiwmnC Sr Kf aK0.
hm&i in m "vQi mux Ah? tiimc 3t-
iM HMi itAv iHhw StKjMbr
27311 If KIWHtJ. "HMy -v! pn Iom
mtfc aarf tawcnw . Uwr TQity
vWi tattmJI Jnmi u4 ItuttHr im
la Mt musr ttf 4Mkk? 3T- THii-.y
T3kr' ft mc a. )h feur
Mb. Tir7 it0 ie&lj &as- iiirni'jr
b4 iMimr ml Witt -vtt
. mmmrr i-r an mxrucslT- n snap
5 f t& "juKfea feb Arir SttftC tauter lu
T T ?. Tike BtUts wrt;
,, A f tifc Gtti Trmte. Putt;
1 t owe 1 tWr r4te77 4&-
3 irrr t fc r lxir timx smwrj
Vr 4MtrWt.t xlw; Oa: a4
; jrJw7 fcw'C It irt )a iMf dhS.'ict
f Mir -l to M?U Wi zzx tA tx vrti
iU; htsL l- km 3i v4ul St
v acm. Hit enwp mm4 t vt. j
Hl Issd Mac flU0 (7
U Ml fr fe4 left
a )mJc ortr IdO, -arMda allia
Itn ; ris crop IKt nfi hhH m4
f7 fr the CA of opentUm. T&as
tx st r-Mj txi soatRul o, tmm4r4if
mi tbr faraMTX ia AR?rta sxvl SiJ-
i Kates 9f lajwi ar Wsf xvkXA
trout r&aarr fHrrO-l In lffcslt&c- V - i
kzuh'rvzh zM Alberta at r4 prfe. '
AM TaMtA are 7t Mrs, mm snia tse
flunr &i zmj Tilt; tlkat ff take place
after tb xr, v 4mwbi they be
"MraM7 Jrrvj. Ta nosse
Mea4 la tb Parle iFectioas "fblcli zre
to lr b4 actaally fre are htrja?
the atteatbw of a good da( of M-t-Uerx,
b waBt to ?o fa to ratzl fina
lae, AdTenlrawrat.
Leop the Lecp With a Lead.
IJetiteaant h'flgorskl of tb HBlan
army ariatloa corp1' bjus lexp'-d the
loop v1ih a ijeser aad 1.1OT
poaiHl of extra weight.
"California Syrup of Figs" can't
harm tender stomach,
liver and bowels.
Ever7 mother realizes, after giving
ber children "California. Syrup of
Flga" that this ia their Ideal laxative,
because they loro Its pleasant taste
and it thoroughly cleanses the tender
little stomach, liver and bowels with
out griping.
When cross, irritable, feverish, or
breath Is bad, stomach sour, look at
the tongue, mother! It coated, give a
teaspoonful of this harmless "fruit
laxative," and In a few hours all the
foul, constipated waste, sour bile and
undigested food passes out of the bow
els, and you have a well, playful child
again. When Its little system la full
of cold, throat sore, has stomach-ache,
diarrhoea, Indigestion, colic remem
ber, a good "Inside cleaning" should
always bo the first treatment given.
Millions of mothers keep "California
Syrup of Figs" handy; they know a
teaspoonful today saves a sick child
tomorrow. Ask at tho store for a E0
cent bottlo of "California Syrup of
Figs," which has directions for babies,
children of all ages and grown-ups
printed on the bottlo. Adv.
An Essential Gtep.
The republic of Pnnuma has had
Its nrnt bank failure, and feels that
It I cutting Its teeth a rui Infant In
the family of nations. The process Is
never wholly pleasurable, but It ha
to come. ISrooklyn Kugle.
Mr. Ilobert W. Ferguson, Illnghatu,
Mass,, writes: I suffered from kid
ney disorder for years. Had Incessant
barkache and trouble. Nearly died
from It at one time
while In Vancouver,
but overcame It by
n pcrrlstent use of
Dodd's Kidney Pills.
Finally I was com
pletely cured. I oc
casionally use the
remedy now In or
der to keep the kid
neys regulated. I
have the highest praise for Dodd's. He
sure to get "nODD'H," the name with
the three D's for deranged, disordered,
diseased kidneys, Just a Mr. Fergu
son did. No similar named article will
do, Adv.
It Is tho Intention of tho government
of Uruguay to Iticreasa the manufac
tur of chemical product in tho Insti
tute of Industrial Chumlxtry.
; !
Sme J.U' ?ifr.I:0 SQUEEZE
tnmrnsiirr tJ"nr i"lH-BMiialti
StiitKt Hr. Ojmnmitl.
ltinr Miif -irf tln miaiflnfii Jiillt.;iiC mt
-tiMhn '(iBinwt; it aitllfc trmi) tiit '('
skhA. JaiF 3IhMih hT ttrt'Viiip tlif mat
.iOw iiftf 'Arrv lIHutfl IrmL laieTwn
Mf "flit ufl(l fliwu hitit tlif lmifclltr
lAnxa Hec Jmnu li' i:iil nbtn it will
HMte iifouwi- A( tiQhMuMe, w thut Hie
wr2j'tic- bJ" trUir a little lever, can
Sire a krkr neeze to a big-teated
cwnr aad a Msfeter Hiaeeze to a small
tested cow. Tbas each cow gets Just
the squeeze needed In her Individual
cj a feature that makes each cow
give br raailmam.
When tb calf mIIIw, Its tongue has
a zqeeezwg acuon on uie lent, me
aae a yocr unoce does If yon place
your finger in your mouth and suck It.
This xqeeeztog action, of the calf's
tcragBe keeps the blood In the teat in
circulation. If the calf stopped squeez
ing. Just sacked each swallow, it would
slowly rock o much blood down into
the Teins of the teat that the teat
would appear red and swollen. Fann
ers Mail and Breeze.
Small Amount of Work Required to
Keep Books if Done Regularly
Profit or Lots Shown.
It Is a good thing to keep records of
ail the farm operations. They may
seem trivial at the time, yet some day
are sure to be of great value and
are a great help and satisfaction in
clearing up difficulties that frequently
arie. It requires only a small amount
of work to keep them If the work Is
done regularly and systematically. The
very fact that records are kept makes
one careful of details and interested
in making the things of which the
records are kept turn out the best It
helps one to have a firm grasp on his
affairs and to know Just where he
stands In all his work. He knows
whether he I running his farm or nny
branch of his farming at a profit or
at a loss.
In no branch of farming are records
of more Importance than In dairying.
It is of actual money importance to
know whether n cow Is making a profit
on the feed she consumes or is eating
more than she Is worth.
Where Air la Good, Cows Should Re
main in Stalls at Night Both in
Summer and Winter.
If ventilation of the barn is good,
cows should remain In the stall all
night, both In summer and in winter.
IT ventilation Is Imperfect in very hot
weather It would be advisable to turn
them out in some clean lot or pasture,
but In doing this considerable manure
Is lost.
During some of the colder days of
winter It would he advisable not to
turn cattle out except during short pe
riod for watering. Chilly weather has
confelderable Influence In reducing mill:
flow und a good cow should not he ex
posed to too severe climatic changes.
Big Increase In Profits Made by Farmer
Who Weeded Qut All Unprof
liable Animals.
Merely by culling out the unprofit
able cows one farmer reports thnt he
was able to raise the milk receipts per
cow from $89 one year to $180 the
next, and the live-stock receipts per
$100 worth of feed from S70 to $170
This made it possible for the farmer
to Increase the profit $1,500 on his
form In uddltlon to what the farm con
tributed toward the living and after
5 per cent Interest on the Investment
una ueen subtracted. The year pre
vious uo farmer had lost money.
: lit ml
; ii::! V
i M o i
I, r?"ff km
i I
i Machine in Operation.
What Came From Reajding
a Pinkhara Adver
tuemcnL PiVenon, H. J. "I thank yon tor
tie Ljilt E. Ilnkbara remedie aa tber
Inava mmii mi wen
Bjxlbcaltby. &jmt-
Umo ago I felt bo
run d&vrn, ha1 pAina
In my back and Mo,
wm very Irrcjflilar,
tired, ncrvoun, had
audi bad drcoma,
did not feel llko eat
ing end had abort
breath. I read your
advertlnomnnt In
tho nnwipatmrti and
derided to try a bottlo of hvdn IC.I'lnk
han'a Vegetable Compound. It worked
from the flrat bottlo, ao I took a necond
tnd a third, also a bottle of I.ydlit 12.
Pinkham'a Illood I'urlllor, anil now 1 am
jtut aa well aa any other woman. I ad
irlae every woman, alnitlo or married,
who la troubled with any of tho afore-
aid allmonta, to try your wondnrxui
VegeUblo Compound and Illood Purifier
and I am aure thoy will holp her to get
rid of her trouble aa thoy did me."
Mra. EUlIB J. VAN DBR 8ANDB, 36 No.'
York Sb, Peterson, N. J.
Write the LydlaE. Plnkham Median
Co., (confidential) Lynn, Mass, if you
Deed special advice.
Kill Thtm Br Uttaa
U. 8. Qovernment Bayo It
SOLD EVERYWHERE 25c and $1.00
Vanishes Forever
Prompt Relief Permanent Cure
f rtrrra nil w c
LlVtK. rtLLo never
fail. Purely vegeta
ble act surely
but gently on
the liver.
Stop after
dinner dis
tresscure '
inrarove the comDlexion. briehten the eyes.
Genuine must bear Signature .
Ucrv-otf ccd.
trot. rcStfcfet
Ktwt vkr
fir Wrtabrtafr4rrmmtit!iH,
t erases km. nas. m i.
4ctM3.Bat!irKU. VI .00
Pt. ur Uitcat, hat deut"i &tsSst i entree
Tt tauaUxKi cf Cxaa crodam Is dtt U mi If
rnnol ?ed2tizt Im TACCIXC3 Axo snnu
OXL.Y. Inat OX CVTTZX'S. Ii nrfti'lltir,
Ita tetw UknsiT.Iattin, CsL tr CUatt. EL
A toilet pmrllnn ot mtrlt.
Balp. to tmlleau CtalraS.
For Ractocias Color and
Seantj toCrmr or Faded Hair.
Mo. a&d tlM at Drssrltta.
Changed the Bill of Fare.
Gent Is there any soup on the bill
of fare?
Waiter There was, sir, but I wiped
It off.
Naar Ii tba Tim lo Get Rid of Tbrae
t'glr 6 pot a.
Thtra'i no longer the allghteit need of
feelloc aibaraed of jour frecklea. aa the
preaertptlon othlne double itrenatb la
guaranteed to remove tbeae homely apota.
Simply get an ounce ot othlne double
trengtb from your drugglat. and apply a
little ot It night and morning and you
bould aoon aee that even the woret frecklea
have begun to dUappear. while the lighter
onea have vanlihed entirely. It la aeldom
that more than one ounce la needed to com.
Pletely clear the ikln and gain a beautiful
clear complexion. .
Be aure to aak for the double atrength
othlne, a thla la aold under guarantee of
money back If It falla to remove freckles.
Floating Concrete Buoys.
Floating buoys made of concrete for
mooring vessels have been Invented by
an Englishman.
The first sneeze is
the danger signal.
Time to take
The old family remedy-In tablet
formBale, sure, easy to take. No
opiates, no unpleasant utter effects.
Cures colds in 24 hours Grip In 3
days. Money bock tf it (alls. Get
tho Benulne box with Red Top and
Mr, Hill's picture on it 25 cents.
At A7 Druj Store)
Nebraska Directory
Fire, tornado and hall Insurance, farm and
town property, automobile and threshlnir ma
chinery. Policyholders and agenta participate
In the profit ot this company. Agents wauted
In open territory. Otajtar. UcerporeUe' Ju.4, ltM
Rooms from f 1.00 up single, 7S centa up double.
i; liiSJJiiiii
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