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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1917)
THIRTY-THIRD YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., MARCH 27, L917. No. 21 4 STATE THREATENS TO SUE LINCOLN CODNTY AUDITOR ASKS ATTOHNUV (3I3M3H UIlAIi TO HKCOVKIt MOM3Y HUM VOll CA1113 (IF INSANH Stn(i Amlltor Claims There In Now Due From IIiIn Count- I'lvo Tlionn n ml DollnrH I'rliicliml nutl Seven TlioiiMnml Interent A spoclril to the Omnlm Hoe from Lincoln Htates thnt State Auditor Sinltli has nslccil Attornoy Qenernl Uccd to brine Bult nKninst Lincoln county to collect $12,000 claimed duo tho stato for Insnno patients sent to tho state Institutions from this county. Originally there wero fifteen or eighteen counties which owed money for this purpoHo, nenrly all of which have paid tho prlnclpnl; tho stato re mitting tho Interest, which In all cases was greater than tho principal. Of the $12,000 claimed due from Lincoln county tho principal Is $5,000 and the Interest Is $7,000, tho claims having run for twonty or thirty years. It Is probablo that If tho county makes payment or the principal, part or all of tho Interest will bo romltted. Actions against tho counties for tho collection of this money was started a number of years ago, and for a time the county refused to pay. Tho audi tor, however, brought BUit against Stanton and Gage counties In the su premo court and tho court decided that the countlesowed both tho Inter est and tho principal. Lincoln county has never been In financial shapo to pay tho amount duo out of the general county fund, and Is not In shapo to do so now. It Is prob ablo that It will bo necessary for tho county to confess judgment and than levy a tax to pay tho Judgment. UNION PACIFIC IS TO Tim (SOVF.UNSIF.NT From tho Union Pacific headquarters at Omaha comes tho announcement that the entlro system has been turned ovor to Undo Sam, providing tho strained relations with Dormant result In tho need of tho roadbed nnd Its equipment. Tho announcement Is as follows: "All of our present equipment and tho new equipment, ns soon as It ar rives, together with nil our resources, will be at tho command of tho United States govorument nnd tho Council of National Defense, for tho purposo of preparedness In the present national crisis." In connection with tho announce ment that tho property of tho Union Pacific is at tho command of tho fed. ornl government Is tho following ad ditional statement, Issued from the company's executive oftlcos: "As tho first Brent transcontinen tal rnllroad constructed In America for military purposes, tho Union Pa cific railroad has taken, and will con tinue to take, qvery possible step to make certain the highest state of effi ciency In caring for tho transportation responsibilities which It may bo called upon to furnish at nny time. "Nearly $4,000,000 worth of new motlvo power, In which Is Included olghty-flvo now engines, many of them tho most poworful over con structed In this country, andsncarly $5,000,000 worth of now freight equip ment, Is now under construction for tho uso of tho Union Pacific railroad." Tho Union Pacific has extended the scope of Its campaign of prepar edness and co-operation with tho gov ornmont to not only guarding tho Om aha brldgo and tho local yards, but Is extending, as n precautionary meas ure, tho guard system to all portions of tho main lines, :o: ::os: Fred Morgan went to Cheycnno Sun day evening to visit his son for a weok. f Mr. nnd Mrs. John Voselpka left yes terday morning for Lincoln to spend a week. Mrs. A. K tinkle loft Saturday evening for Orwigsburg, Pa., to spend several days with relatives. JtiMt Kceetved 75 New SiiKh Como In and look thorn over, you are auro to find your Raster Suit In this lot of later Spring Models. BLOCK'S EVERY VISITOR N2 si our Art Needlework Department WILL, UPON nnC"20T, BE CIVEN A C0egTTPflDDBi6 FOBEHl ANY ITYLS 0:t CUE INITIAL THE ONLY IMPROVEMENT OVER THREAD PADDING Save Time, Labor and Money TliU free offer made that )ou may try UiU Modern Method for Initialing fll direction, for Cmtroldirlug villi etta unjU 1 ALL THIS WEEK Wilcox Department Store BUT FEW PRESENT AT B.&L. ANNUAL MEETING ONI.V FIFTIJHN Ol T OF ONI? TIIOI'S- AN1) SlI.VIIKHOI.llKltS lll-.-SI'OM) TO I'Alili .SATTUO.YY XrocturM Finn, Mulonpy, WrliiKiiuil mill Forlii'M Ho-oleHvtl. mm nrr? AIho tlip Former Ollleern l'!eept TrciiNiirer. Ml'MCIIMIi ISNTHUTAIN.MKNT AT H THIS ivi:ni.(! Though there nre practlcHlly one thoiiHsud stockholders In the Mutual Htilldlng & Loan Association and thfcsc stockholders hnvo over olxht hundred thousand dollars Invested In tho asso ciation, yet at tho nnnual meeting held at the association building Sat urday evening- only four or flvo stock holders other than members of tho board of directors wero present. While the board of directors can, from one view point, consider this lack of In terest on tho part of tho stockholders ns evidence that tno inner are snt. isfiod with thu manner in which the HHHOClntlon Is conducted, yet the direc tors would feel better satlsllod if nit) re of tho stockholders would attend these annual meetings. The only business transacted nt tho stockholders' meeting was tho elec tion of four directors, three to 1111 three-year terms, tho other to fill a two-year vacancy. Tho retiring direct ors wore Cloo. W. Finn, W. It. Mnloney, C. O. Wolngand and M. J. Forbos nnd they wero ro-cloctod, tho latter for two years, tho othor for three. Following tho sharoholdors' mooting tho directors hold a mooting nnd re elected T. C. Patterson prosldont, Vic tor vonCloetz vice-president nnd Hulnl. Ooozee secretary. V. H. Mungor was olected trensuror to succeed. F, 13. Dill lard, who has loft tho city. Wilcox St Hnllignn woro ro-omployed as attor neys. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Boy s 15 and Up Wanted TO join thai great army of producers. YOU are entering early manhood. YOUR parents raised you and they are vitally interested in your future life. BY SAVING a few dimes each month you can complete your education and have a jiice nest egg at age 35. SHOULD you die prior, you would protect your busi ness interest and leave a cash estate. OUR OLD LINE LIFE AND TWENTY YEAR POLI CIES are sold on monthly pay plan, and every man under 65 years should see what they mean to him. NO ONE can pass judgment on something they have never seen. Without obligating you, will he pleased to call at your home and explain our policies iir full. CONSULT YOUR PARENTS about this and let me show you and them reason upon reason why you should start an Old Line Life Policy on easy terms while you are young. ENOUGH, SAYS J. E. SEBASTIAN, State Manager. Minn. Mutual Life Ins. Co., Res. Phone Red 348. Office Red 612. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. ' Judgo II. M. Grimes loft yesterday morning for Chappcll, on legal bunt nest.. Mrs. Itobrt Dickey returned Friday ovonlnpr from Denver whoro sbo spent a woek. Mrs. John Day loft Saturday evening for Kearnoy to spend Sunday with her daughter. Mr. .and Mrs. George Zcntmoyor left Wednesday ovonlng for California to romaln for sovoral vooks. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jack Palmer returned Saturday ovenlng from Cnllnwny where they spent two weeks with the lntter's parents. Miss Sarah Kelly, who vsltod tho home folks for two weeks, roturnqiUto The second munlolpnl ontertnlnmont will bo glvon at tho Frnnklln nudl torlutn at eight o'clock this evening nnd tho program manager Mrs. York Uintnnn tonds n cordial Invitation to nil citizens to bo prosont. "Tho pro gram," says Mrs. Illinium "will bo very Informal, so much so In fict, thnt I don't bollevo thnt wo will nssumo the forinnllty of publishing It." TIiIb does not mean that tho program will not bo Interesting; (inlte tho contrary, for Mrs. Illnmnn has assembled talent thnt Is oxcoptlonnl! v tj'iod, and the mnunor In which she will Introduce the var ious numbers Is very clover. Atten dants will confer n favor by being ptompt nnd nvold tho confusion of be ing Boated after tho program has oponed. : :o: : llnlil Family lleuiilon, Mrs. Josonh Sulus nnd .Mm Fred Welngnnd, of Omnhn, hold a family re union fiuunny nitornoon nt tno homo of the former. In honor of tho eighti eth birthday of their fnthor. Adohih wendt. There wero present In nddl tlon to tho hostesHos, three othor ilaughtnrs, Mrs. 11. S. Johnston, Mrs. 1). M. HOKSott nnd Mrs. Fred Wendo- horn. thirteen grandchildren nnd soven grent grnnrchlldron. A dinner wns served nt noon and tho tablo centerpiece was a large nocoraieii niriiiuay on ice. A number of snap shot pictures wero taken nnd ninny gifts presented to tho Kiiest of honor. Out of town guests wero Sir. nnd Mrs. Frotl Wolngnnd of Omaha, Mr. nnd Mrs. John Spies nnd family of Kearney, Horninn llaunni linch of Lnrnmlo. Mr, Wondt wns horn In Wlttenburg, Gorniany. nnd enmo hero thirty-two years ngo. He engaged In enrpentor work for n number of years and Inter wns employed with tho Union l'nclflo Co. lie rottred from ac tive sorvlco fifteen years ngo and hns matlo his home with his daughtor Mrs. II. S. Johnston. ::o:: Meeting of School lloiirtl Members Tho West Central Nebraska Teach, ers' Association will meet In North I'lntto March 29, 30 and .11. In connec tion with this association a meeting will be held for members of tho school boards of tho county. One of tho num bers ,on the program will bo a talk by Miss Allco Florer, of Uncoil, Assist ant Htnte Superintendent. lSvory school board member should nttond this mooting nnd tnke part in tho dis cussion "How Cnn Wo Improve Our Kurnl Schools?" Tho moetlug will bo held nt tho court house on Snturday. nt 2 p. m. ICplNeopiil Clmreli I.onten sorvlco Thumlny morning, March 29th, 10 o'clork. All members urged to attend. ::o:: Tho fire dopartmont was called out yesterday nfternoon by a prairie nro at the west end of Front street. Tho fire wns under control before any seri ous dnmago resulted. Mrs. I.OIIIIIO JJlinnilCK. who ion nuv eral weeks ago for California, has de cided to locnto thorn. 'J! the collofte ntt)skil5bstt tho latter-part oi last wooic. C. W. McMullon, a formor North Platte barber, who hns spent the past soven years In Omaha and Norfolk, oiurntd to town yesterday and today cut red service nt tho landgraf shop C'uirley has many friends who are glad to havo him back. I nin weaving carpets, rugs And cush ions at tho old prices. Glad to recolvo orders at any time. Mrs. Frank Wil son, Cozad, Neb. 21-3 Lato models In women's suits and coats for Knstor Just arrived and ready for your Inspection. Wo havo special ly prepared to caro for you In tho Into season's models, fresh from tho mnkors nt Tho Lender Morcantllo Co.'s. Tho J. Y. M. club was plonsnnlly en tertained Friday aftornoon by Mrs Glen Miller. GuestB or tho day wore Mesdnmes Illllobrandt, Fornnndes nnd Miss Kthol Donognn. Cards were recolvd In town Friday announcing the birth of fa son to Mr, and Mrs. Otto Hansen, of San Francis co. Mrs. Hansen was formerly Miss Sarah Cresslor of this city. Mr. Han son Is a federal paymastr. W" 1'. or tio Tv.Mi.oir. building has been ! t i;;co by tho non-arrlvnl of brick which wns promised not later than March 18th. Yestorday the concreto foundation walls woro poured and It Is hoped to begin on tho brick work in a row days Kvory day by oxpross direct from the makers wo nro rocolvlng silks, dross goods and dress trimmings such ns you will say when you soo them, nro tho prottlost yo uevor saw; at Tho Load er Mercantile Co.'s. Miss Inna Huffman, who hnd boon visiting her parents for two weeks loft Saturday evonlng for Chicago whoro sho will rohearso with an opera company for a fortnight and lator appear on tho Iledpath Chautauqua program this season. strayed or stolen Last Saturday n blaok dog with whlto ring around neck; white In face, white feet and tip of tall whlta. About six month old but large for age. Reward fo Information nr roturn of animal to Mylanibjr ranch. J. T. Keefe, who recently purchased the former Payne house In the 1000 block on weat Fourth street Ik havlnic It remodeled at a. cost of about $X00. We a ce mted Jim of likely being a par ticipant In a June event, but he waved hi hand and aald "nothing to It. The houae will be for rent." We never cnuKht him In a lie but thefe's alwaya the flrat tlme A lot of aport allka suitable for the makera are shown at The Leader Mercantile Co.'a.Alao a lot of Oeorgelte orepca in all the new ahadqa, Includ ing all the new gold ahailea, ind many other new ma.terlala; Jeraey . clothe, Khaki ICool In all the new ahadea. . For Ilent lloonia at 321 aouth Lo cust. Phone lllaek 585. .. 21-1 Herman Jolnmon retruned Saturday from Denver, where lie was called by the death of hla brother Jumes John son. The deceased was a former resident of North Platto, but for nine years had been living In Denver. Whllo n icsident of this olty he was employed as u machinist's helper In tho shopH. and boforo coming to town lived on tho Jobnson fnrm south of town. Death waB due to asthmatic troubles. He leaves n wife, n daughter and twin sens. LOCAL AND rEUSONAL. Hoy Cochran returned to Lincoln Sunday evening after visiting hero for a woek past. Representative Scott Hoynolds, who visited his family for several days, ro turned to Lincoln Sunday evening. Arthur' Ihillnrd, who had been off duty at the V. P. round house for two weeks on account of Illness, has re sumed work. City Kuglnoor Carlos MoNnmarn, who had been confined to tho hollso with bronchitis for two weeks, wns nble to bo out yesterday. Mrs. Kpplv nnd daughter Hosslo Loo, of Grand Islnud, enmo yoatorday aftor noon to visit Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Joh sun for n weok. Mrs. Georgo H. Dent returned Sun day from Los Angeles nnd Long Uonch, where she spent sovornl weeks visiting friends nnd looking after her real cs tnto Interests, Found An nuto robe. Owner onn havo samo by calling nt Fred Wnlto math's residence. Identlfylnr properly and paying for this notice. Leo Austin ontortalned thirty of his young friends nt a party Saturday af tornoon In honor of his seventh birth day. Tho nfternoon wns spent In games nnd a niimbor of romombrancos woro prosontod to tho host. At the Guild social to bo hold Thurs day aftornoon, March aotb, tho Dunlay cream nnd egg whip will bo on snlo, also needlework. A short program will be rendered nnd a fifteen cont lunch served, Cliff Anderson and Jim Gosnoll, who wore nrrosted last wooic lor sionim fn.ii- ,i,iiiiifH worth nf corn from 1' Kusnr and ilvo dollars worth of pota toes from J. H. Slnughtor, woro ar raigned In tho county court yostordny, plead not guilty, and tho onso contin ued until April 3rd. Tho West Central Nobrnskn Teach ers' Association will bo held in iNorin Platto, March 29th, 30th and 31st. At least n hundred tonehors from out or town are expected. Anyouo who onn aecominodato ono or more tonehors with either board or room please phono mo Alloon Gnntt, Co. Supt. The Travel and nudy club met with Miss May Walker last ovenlng nnd the following program was woll rondored! Current Magazine Artlolo on "Pannmn, ' Miss AVnlkor; "India nnd Her People," Mrs. Slmms; "How Knglnnd Won nn Kmplro," Mrs. Flold. Miss Tnunphlll. who was a guest of tho club, exhibited lntorotlng curios from I'nnamn, which she collected on a trip thoro. . ' ::o:: " Sues For Illvorcc. Walter llartof lllod suit for divorce from Kiln llartof In tho district court yestorday for abandonment. They woro married in July, 1907, at Kearnoy, later roslded In Kim Crook and for a number of yonrs located hero. The po tltlon states that In May, 1910. tho .inC.ii.iMTit inti tint nliilntlrr and ro slded In Cheyenno, using her Inlluonco to keep tho minor chlldron away from tho fnthor. Tho chlldron nro Charles ago nlno and Graco ago soven. '1 ho plaintiff nsks for tho custody or tho children. ::o:: .liiNt Heeelveil 7ft New Sultw Como In and look them ovor, you aro sure to find your liJastor Suit In this lot of lator Spring ModolB. 11LOC1CH Hansen to lie Deelnred llnnkrupt. A petition for Involuntnry bankrupt cy whb filed ngnlnst F. W. Hanson, ft plumbor of this city, by tho Crane Co., tho Donhnm Co., nnd tho H. Muollor Mfg. Co., all Omnhn crodltors. To tho drat nnmcd Hnnseii Is tudobtod $291.86, to Donhnm Co. M47.70, nnd to tho Muel lor Co. $99.70, n totnl of $839.20. It Is said that Hansen, wns crippled financially by the losses ho sustained on his contract for Installing tho heat ing nnd plumbing In tho now Cnthollo school, being unable to do tho work for tho nmount of his bid. ::o:: T. New Con In 75 Just unpaokod, don't fall to eco them as thoy nro positively tho nlftloat conta over brought to this town and don't forget no two alike, nil very reason ably prlcad. HLOCK'8 ::b:: Lost Hunch of koys. Sultnblo ro wnrd. Itoturn to 13. 8. Davis, 221 wait Third. 2t-l Tim Sutton was arrested Friday on tho drunk nnd disorderly charge nnd lined flvo dollars niid eighty cents In tho police court. Not being nblo to lhiuldntb ho was taken to Jail t,o lay out thho flno nnd costs. For Hont Hooms nt C02 west Sixth ttroot. 21-2 Jnmos Elliott Bpent tho wook end In Sidney on business. Fred Thompson loft Sundny ovonlns for Lincoln to spend a' fow dnys. Dr. Mario Amos lott ycBtcrday morn ing for Sidney to visit for a short time. ::o: Wanted Two extra dross makors to assist In tho alteration department nt IlLOCK'S e-xoluslvo Ladles Itoady-to-Wcar store Get a Torrington ELECTRIC VACUUM SWEEPER Before you clean house. It will keep your house clean with tho minimum amount of work. It is hotter than the rest. It will soon ho time for the dust to blow. Be prepared. North Platte Light and Power Co. M Prichard liead of the Internationa School of Scientific Corsetry Will Give Corset Fittings FREE In Our Corset Department This Week, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. DAY In view of the fact that we have been trying to secure the services of Mas. Prichard for over 6 months, we consider this ONE of the most important announcements we have made in months. Mrs. I'richard is not only thoroughly versed in the hygienics of corsetry, but has wide ex perience with many of the leading Corset Shops of the country. Hard-to-Fit Women are especially requeBtod to nvnil themselves of this unusual op portunity. It isn't necessary to buy anything. We want North Platte women to meet this emi nent corseticro, BELIEVING her years of experience in fitting nil types of women and her helpful suggestions will prove to be of inestimable value. Mothers with GrowingGirls aro pnrticulnry requested to bring in their daughters this week and allow Mrs. Prichard to fit them with a corset that will permanently establish the lines beauty which shall be their pride m future years. BACK AND FRONT SHIELD arc features that make La Ca mille (Front Lace) Corsets su preme, especially during the warm days of spring and summer. Ventilo Back affords ventila- . i.i ii i lion around tne Hack and re lieves all harmful pressure up on your spine. It prevents perspiration and strain on the corset, enabling it to wear and wear. Ventilo Front allows realer ranee of adjust ment for your corset and prevents llie laces from scoring your uesn. La Camille (Front Lace) Corsets are noted for t...!.. I . ! r. .11! l n pi .i men- nuuiuuui lines aim line iai)rics--tncy are famous for the many exclusive health-giving, ngurc minding lealurcs winch tlicy have. New Spring La Camilles $2.50 to $10.00 Thursday Friday Saturday This Week l Ml! Ladies" Outfitting Store NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Thursday Friday Saturday This Week