The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 23, 1917, Image 1

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    What florth
: i 1 1 . . .
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Keith Thenlro flto Place niul Wedncs.
ilny Etcnlng of Next Week (ho
Rnto for This Fashion
Ladle of North Platto and the trado
section tributary will no doubt bo In
terested In knowing that North Platto
la to havo a real Btylo show; a dis
play of spring fashions in roudy-to-wear
garments and millinery on living
, modols. To accomplish this end and
to niako tho showing well worth tho
attondanco of ladles from near and
far, tho Wilcox store, Tho Leader Mer
cantile Co., Block's Outfitting store,
find Miss Whittaker and tho McVlck
or Sisters havo united to mako tho
ovont a symposium of tho latost crea
tions desired by tho well dressed wom
an. By making this a collective rathor
than an Individual show enables tho
exhibitors to make a display that is
certain to bo varied and most pleasing
and at tho same timo acquainting the
general public of what's what In
garments and millinery , and by this
showing givo evldenco of tho wide
rango of merchandise of this nartlc-
ular class that Is carried In North
Not only will tho audlenco lm In-
forested In this display of "togs," but!
nil ..1U . i. . . ...... I
" "' wuiii io Know wno tho living
models are, hdw thoy look when dress
ed In suit or dlnnor frock or ovonlng
gown, and perhaps to criticize as to
wheUior tho models "wear tho clothes
"well." You can rst assured that thoro
. will bo stunning suits and dresses,
and stunning looking girls will wear
. Tho dato of this stylo show Is Wed
nesday, Mancli 28th, at 7:30 p. m., at
tho Kolth theatre. In connection with
Nhe stylo show a five reel feature
V'' be given. Tho prlco of admission
wlil bo ten and twenty cents.
V,.' ::u:':
Christian Science service Sunday 11
o'clock. Building & Loan building,
room 25. A cordial Invitation" Is. ex
tended to all.
For Rent Booms a,. 321 south Lo
cust. Phono Black 5G5.
Tho second' community ontortaln
mont (will bo hold at the Franklin aud
itorium .next TuoBday ovonlng, March
27th, at eight o'clock. Mrs. York Hln.
man' who Is program managor for tho
ovenlng' in a noto to Tho Tribune this
morning soys: "Wo do not want to nn
nonteGii' tho program in detail, but can
assure all who como a hearty wol
como ana a splendid ovonlng's enter
tnlnmont. Wo havo secured lino tal
ent, which Includes Mrs. Victor Andor.
son, Mrs. Frank Hatch, Mrs. Harry
Cranior, Mrs. 0. S. Huffman, Mrs. L.
W. Toole, Mrs. Frank Buchanan, Miss,
os Floronco MacKay, Dorothy and Ellz
aboth Hlnman and Tholma Starr, and
Messrs. Doucet, Harrington, Tout,
Munger, Starr, Redonbaugh, Yost, Boa.
glo, Antonldes, Mitchell and Bare."
Mrs. Hlnman has planned a very
clovor mannor of Introducing her por
formers, a method that is vory Infor
mal, and this Is to bo commended, for
tho doslro Is to mako thoso entertain
ments as Informal as possible.
Eovorybody Is cordially Invited to
attend Tuesday's entertainment which
Is absolutely free no admission, no
collection, no subscription.
Mrs. A. P. Kelly filed a potition in
tho district 'court yesterday against
Mrs. Myrt'lo McClellan In Iwhich sho
states tho defendant's daughter Boulah
thirteen years of ago is being -raised
In an Immoral house and surrounded
by conditions which will prove detri
mental to tho child's character. Sho
asks that tho girl will bo given a homo
In a suitable Institution, or taken caro
of by somo association. Tho petition
states that tho McClelland rooms havo
boon frequented by Immoral mon and
womon and that Intoxicating liquor lias
been used and sold in tho presenco of
tho child. Tho caso will bo heard in
tho district court on March 31sL
Tho Club Novlta was ontortalned
Wednesday afternoon by Mrs. Henry
Well. The contest of tho day was won
by Mrs. H.-A. Brooks and tho latter
part of tho afternoon was spent In
kenslngton. Mrs. Fred Barrett of
Green River was an out of town
ders for lubricating oils, greases and
paints. Salary or Commission. Address 1
Llnfcoln Oil Co., Cleveland, 0. i
Have Railed Three Rooms In Hln.
mnn Mock on Trout Which 1YII1
be Occupied Until Juilt!ln&
Is Erected
Lrfcy through the efforts Of Bee
rotary Durbln and tho dlroatflta of
tho Chamber of Commorco, North
Platto is to havo Its ilrst wholesale
houso. This Jobbingconeorn will handle
grocorlos and fruits, and tho mon
backing It aro rosldonts of Lincoln and
ongagod In that lino of business. The
proposition dovolopodt Wednesday
when Geo. F. Burt, manpgqr for
Gralngor Bros., of Lincoln, and E. F.
Scott, vice-prosldent of tho Stacy
Bros. Co., of tho samo city, b5th of
which firms aro wholesalers of groc
orlos and frulte, arrived In town, met
in conforonco Iwlth Sccrotary Durbln
during tho day and in tho opening
With local grocorsi, canvassed the
situation thoroughly and after '$loop.
Ing over" tho "proposition, announced
yosorday foronoon that a wholosalo
grocry and fruit houso would bo
opened In tho Hlnman block onront
street somo tlmo between April 1st
nnd April 15th. Tho firm namo has not
boon fully decided upon, but it will
llkoly bo tho North Platto Grocery
Company, both Mr. Burt -and Mr,"t Scott
stating that tho namo would bo lo
calized. Tho company will bo Jncor
poratod and tho financial backing will
practically bo unlimited'.
Tho Hlnman rooms on Front Btroet,
which havo a lloor area of CGx80 foot,
Iwlll mako rather cramped quarters
for tho corporation, but thla location
will bo but temporary, for tho. com
pany will as soon as possible oroct a
suitable building with "proper railroad
trackago for tho rapid and economical
handling of Incoming and outgoing
This now concern comes to 'North
Platto without asking for a bonus of
nny naturo; not ovon solieltlng tho
lnvcsment of locaPcapltal In th'trstbek,
It comes hero to open a wholosalo
houso which It believes tho country
tributary to North Platto can and will
What About
ETTER fix him up now, Here's an extra strong showing of
Suits for your son. They're in styles that you'll like and that
he will like-in qualities that wear longest and at prices you'll like
to pay. All sizes, of course.
You'll go a long way to find values
that equal ours
$2.50 to $7.50.
WASH SUITS $1.00 to $3.00.
support. It Is bsllovod such a houso
can supply tho torrltory from Koar
eny to SIdnoy nnd along tho North
River branch as woll as can the Lin
coln nnd Omnha houses; nnd In fact
ontor tho field along tho Koarney
Staploton branch.
Tho Tribune consldors this new
concern nn opening hvodgo that will
mako North Platto a Jobbing town for
othor Hugh, and welcomes Its advent,
promising to givo frooly such support
a s It can.
Tho annual mooting of tho stock
holders of tho Mutual Building and
Loan Association for tho purposo of
oloctlng throo directors for throe
yoars and ono director for two yoars
and any othor business that may,
como beforo said meeting will bo hold
nt Uio Building Association budding,
Saturday March 24, 1017 at 8 p; m.
Tho ordlnnnco nuhorlzlng tho call
ing of an olection to voto bonds to
nid In tho construction of u brldgo
across tho South Plntto rlvor, passed
a second reading at tho mooting of
tho city council Tuesday ovenlnc
ino orainanco will como up for
final 'passago at tho mooting of tho
council Tuesday ovonlng, April 3d.
Clco Bigham, llvo months old child
of Mr. and Mrs. 0. M. Bigham, living
on west Eighth street, died yestordny
of meningitis.
Mrs. Fred Barrett who has boon
visiting hor mothor Mrs. R. H. Lang
ford; for sovoral weeks loft last ovonlng
for Choyonno.
Miss Emily Richardson of Coznd.
camo a fow days ago to visit with
Mr. and Mrs. Frod Duncan,
Ethol Clayton In "Tho Bondage of
Fear" Crystal theatre Saturday after
noon and ovonlng.
Robert Mlllor, of Gretna, camo a
few days ago to visit his aunt Mrs.
Frank Doran.
Good Alfalfa Seed
At S8.7G nor liunlinl. Alhnrt llnrir,i
Wollfloot. Nob. 10-2
Hall Will bo Held In a Dig Tent
Accommodating tod Couples of
Dancers unit 2500
Tho .committee, with Harry Dixon as
chairman, who will havo chargo of the
Queon's ball to be glvon In connection
with tho soml-contonnlal celebration,
havo hold several mooting and have
practically complotod tho outlines.
For this ball a tent sufficient to ac
commodate 4G0 couplos on tho lloor
nnd 2fi00 spectators has boon secured;
tho spectators occupying raised soats.
Tho tent will bo docoratod with tho
colobratlon colors suppllod with a
soda fountain nnd a Lincoln or Om
aha orchostra will furnish tho music,
as all tho local musicians will bo
othonwlso omploycd. Tickets for' tho
nan will bo $2.50 each, and spectators
will bo charged fifty cents.
Thoro will bo a quoon of tho ball
with fourteen maids of honor. It Is
proposed to solect thoso by popular
voto. Tho commlttco has named 18
NorUi Platto young ladies to bo voted
upon and tho ono rocolving tho highest
numbor of votps wfiU bo dodlarod
quoon, nnd tho othor sovontcon will bo
hor maids. Votes will bo solr at ono
cent oach, nnd will bo on snlo about
noxt Monday at llvo or moro business
hoiisoa In the city. Tho young lady ro
colving tho highest voto will bo pro
snted with a handsome diamond ring,
and In addition sho and hor maids Iwill
bo given tho courtoBy of all attractions
during tho colobratlon, will havo au
tomobiles nt their command to mako
trips to and from tho grounds and
will bo tho guests at a bnnquot to ho
glvon during or following tho colo
bratlon. Tho contestants for quoon as Rolent.
od by tho commlttoo compriso tho fol
lowing .named young ladios: Hllde
gardo Clinton, Mnymo PIzor, Ellzaboth
Hlnman, Cnthorlno Hall, Hazol Bar
ber, Blanche Fonda, Myrtlo Boolor, Lu
clllo Wilcox, Janot McDonnld, Sybil
Gantt, Holon WnltesmnUi, Loulso Ot
tonstoin, Florence MacKay, Mario Bow.
on, Hazol Smith, Mabel Burko, Mario
McCabo, Elva Day.
It Is nocossary for tho commlttco
to name tho contestants for quoon,
othorwjso thoro would bo so many can
didates that tho maids of honor would
numbor greater thnn could bo accom
modated, for In that Instance each
contestant (would necessarily bo a
To (ho I.udtes
Mrs. M. S. Prltchard, principal of
tho International School of Scientific
Corsotry, will givo a frco demon
stration of tho La Cnmlllo Corsets at
Blank's Ladios' Outfitting sloro for
throo days noxt wook, Thursday, Fri
day and Saturday, March 29th, 30th
and 3lBt. Don't fall to attend.
-::o:: .
Friends In town havo rocolved nn
nouncomont of tho mnrrlago of Miss
Esthor Bnlloy, of Lincoln, aud Frank
Scharmann, of Pnctola, S. D. Tho cor
omony took plnco last wook In Belle
Foucho, S. D. Mrs. ScJmrmnn tl wnn n
tenchor In tho local schools for a
couplo of yoars and has ninny friends
In this city.
Buffalo Bill's pictures Mondav nlrrlif
nt Platto Theatre. You may honor thla
lusiory-mnKing man by soolmr him In
notual lifo just boforo ho died.
Tho domestic science club of tho
Prosbytorlnn church will moot In Mm
church basomont Monday evening. Mrs.
Frod Porrltt will demonstrate Wash
ington pio and Oliver Carroll wlll
givo a talk on rugs. Tho luncheon
commlttoo will bo Misses Esther Kelly,
Marjory Russoll and Bosslo Rannlo.
Tho lowor houso of tho Nebraska
legisluturo by a vote of 78 to 18 oassod
tho fodoral aid1 road bill. Under this
bill a lovy Is authorlzod which will
raiso ?(M0,000 for tho bl-onnlum. This
with tho federal aid will build consld
orablo pormanont road.
Tried and Failed to Get
Last year, thousands of buyers failed
to get a Little Buick Six. Wo were too far
oversold. Yet no car above $1,000 had so
largo an output.
More men, we fear, will bo disappoint
ed this year. The Llttlo Bulck Six is better
known. Over 100,000 owners are urging
friends to get it. And all Motordom must
now concede its supremacy.
Look it up now if you think you want
the greatest car that's built.
Men buy the Little Buick Six because
of endurance. Its speed, its power, its hill
climbing ability aro all interesting factors.
But the greatest of all is economy.
This inventionpatented by Buick
added 20 per cent efficiency.
This year wo add a gasoline savor in
the form of manifold and heater. Wo use
a patent pneumatic carburetor, which ad
justs itself to every englno speed. And wo
put an engine primer at the driver's hand.
Then note tho price. It is way below
many other cars which Buick has out-rivaled.
You aro bound to want a Little Bulck
Six when you know tho facts. If you buy a
fine car, you want tho ono which can outdo
tho others. If you buy a car to keep, you
want ono that stays now.
You will want its economy its en
durance. It may cost less, in the long run,
than a car at half price.
Remember that this motor is patonfed.
No one else has It.
It has won every record that counts. In
tho great endurance test it broke all rec
ords. Tho whole car, as now built,, Is worthy
of this motor. Every part is an engineering
masterpiece. Tho most artistic bodies over
built havo been created for it. Unique de
vices add to its economy.
A lesser car may bring you long re
gret. Find out tho facts while you can get an
early spring delivery.
Sedan Seven Passenger $18515.00
Touring Soven Passenger '. iaSS.00
Coupe Three Passenger 1410.00
Touring Five Passenger 1070.00
Itoatlster Two Passongor 1010.00
Touring FIvo Passenger 075.00
Itoiulstor Two Passenger 005.00
(Prices f, o. b. Flint, Mich,