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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1917)
A Revival Of Romance By SADIE OLCOTT - An Episode Of Mexico By P. A. MITCHEL Miss Joscphlno Wnrren, n prominent Bocloty girl in un cnHtcrn city, bolng tlrctl of tho winter soclul snyetliw. pined for something llfcrent. In the first place, sue lind had half u dozen proposals, not one of them having in it anything Uko real love. They came from men who wished tt marry from Homo Interested motive. Ono wantoJ her because she would bring her liu baud some- meauH, auotlier becnuso fthe would give him a better nodal position and still others Ifecuiiso they wished to marry and sho was considered one of tho prizes of tho hcobou. Miss Warren's father owned, among other tilings, n ranch In tho far west, which had fallen to him through a foreclosed mortgage. One morning tlur- lug the early uprlug Josephine, heard hbn eay that his ranch, which he called his western elephant, would ruin him If ho did uot go out and look after It "Do go, papa." Hhe said, "and take mo with you." Ills having his daughters company decided him, and within a few weeks father and daughter were in a west ern ranch house nud Miss Warren In ntend of receiving tho attentions of young men in silk hats and spats was surrounded by cowboys with sombreros and spurs. Ono night Josephine was awakened by u serenade under her window, A man, uccompnnlcd by a guitar, was singing with a voice smooth as a run ning brook. Moreover, Ida wholo heart seemed to como out with his voice, and uls song was one of passlonato love, Joscphlno could not help comparing It with tho lovcmaklitg sho had listened to from the glided men of tho eastern social world, Rising from Juor bed, sho went to tho window. Tho moon was at tho full and shone directly upon tho faco of tho screnndor. llo was In cowboy apparel oxcept for tbo hat, which lay on tho ground bcsldo him. Whether It was tho moonlight or that his faco was roally more rcflucd than tho avcrago cowboy or tho effect of tho music, ho certainly appeared to Joscphlno as a superior being. IIo sang but ono song,, which seemed altogether too short to tho listener, then went nwny, leaving Joscphlno In a sort of ecstasy sho had never felt be fore. Oh, that sho might bo wooed in such fashion by ono of her own sta tloul Tho next morning sho asked those In tbo house who was tho scrcuadcr. They had heard the serenade, but no ono know any cowboy who could sing anything oxcept ragtime music, and thoro was no musical instrument among thorn except n banjo. Joscphlno was disappointed. And yet What ben. oflt would sho derive from knowing which of the many herdors had poured forth an Impassioned lovo song? She was not for such as theso; she would return to tho cast and sottle down to tho artificial Ufo of a woman of society with somo man who spent a part of tho day In trade, tho rest at his club ami his ovcnlugs escorting hor to social functions. Joscphlno hoped that tho sorcunilor would favor hor again. Every night sho lay awake till sleep conquered her, hoping to hear thoso dollclous notes onco inoro. When sho rodo out, which she did n great deal on horseback, sho ' scanned tho face of every man sho met, looking for that of tho scrcuadcr. Hut no ono appeared with tho same fea tures, and Josephine at last concluded that tho moonlight hud given tho one sho had seen its heaven born expres slou. When her father announced to her that ho had dono what was to bo dono In respect to his investment, which was to sell tho much to a neighboring ranchman, hor heart fell at tho idea of leaving. Tha last night sho spent at tho ranch was ono of regrot. Sho was going to sleep thinking of her soro- nadcr when again that melodious voice camo up from under tho window. Tho next day tho father and daugh tcr rodo twenty tulles to tho train, and soon after boarding It Mr. Warren brought a man to his daughter and In troduccd him as tho purchaser of his ranch, no was about thirty years of ago and evidently a gentleman. It soon appeared that ho was ono of Uioso young men who, having inherited moans, prefer n frco llfo to ono of con finement and go In for ranching, lie was going cast to rnlso fuuds to pay for tho property ho had bought from Mr. Warren. Tho ranchman traveled nil tho way to tho Atlantic coast with Uio Wan-ens and uou arrival became, for tho timo ho remained In tho cast, a frequent visitor nt their home. When ho had converted somo securities ho owned Into money ho paid for tho ranch he had bought, received n deed for it and, tho transaction being closed, asked Mr. Warren for his daughter's hand. Ho wan referred to Josephine, was accept, cd, nud sho informed her father that hor llnnco would remain In tho east till tho wedding, which was fixed for on early date. i When tho couple, after a quiet wed dingconsidering the soclul standing of tho bride wcro siccdlng westward, tho groom naked h'ls brldo how It camo that Bho bad accepted him In prefer enco to ono of her eastern suitors. "Because," sho wild, "they never woo cd me. In this commercial ago It is BUDnosod that romance is dead. It will never dlo with us women. Your wooing was delicious. Your serenade" "My sorcnadol How did you know? You did not bco wo" "Xou forgot tho moonlight" During tho presidency of Diaz of tho republic of Mexico I went there with a stock of goods nnd opened a store In tho sUito of Durango. For awhtlo I did very well. Mexico had long been at peace with herself, foreign capital had como In to develop tho country, and it looked as though hor prosixsrlty would continue. Tho first wreck of my hopes was tho revolution that displaced Diaz and nlaccd Madcro at tho head of tho Mexi can government Hut this was nothing to tho accession of Huerta and tno tur moil during his administration nnd fall. Tho Mexican people, especially thoso who supported Ilucrtn, believing that their troubles camo largely from tbo re fusal of tho United States government torccognlzo him ns president of Mexico, turned moro bitter than over against Americans. I had made n number of friends among Mexicans and was permitted to continue my business without molesta tion. This was nil very well so long as I remained In tho location of my homo and business. IJut 1 was fond of sketching, and 1 intended ns soon ns I could get out of Mexico with my capital to go north and study art Tho Sierra Madro mountains nro uot far from my homo, nnd I desired to tnko us many sketches as posslblo away with mo of tho fino landscapes there. Ono evening nfter sketching during tho day I went to a houso devoted to tho entertainment of strangers to pnss tho night Tho placo corresponded to tho old American tavern of former days. It was not especially clean, nnd tho persons it contained wero of n low grade. About 10 o'clock at night I was sit ting in tho dining room reading a news paper. I had gone thcro for tho pur pose, slnco a lamp swung over tho ta bio gavo tho only light that enabled mo to read comfortably. I was seated di rectly under It, with my back to an open door, when, hearing u faint creulc of a lloor board In my rear, I raised my eyes from my pnpor. They lighted on n shadow cast on a wall beforo me. Tho shadow was not cast by tho light over my head, but by ono back of tho object that produced It It was not very dis tinct, but Buuiclontly bo for mo to dis tinguish it ns tho shadow of n man. Tho bend covering was plainly a som brero. Tho owner nnd shoulders camo noxt Tho loft arm was lowered, and since tho shadow of tho right arm was simply a lump I surmised that It was raised and pointed In my direction. It required only a frnctlon of n sec ond for mo to bco In this shadow what is called In art n foreshortened arm I believed also that tho hand contained a weapon. That It was u pistol and not a knlfo was evident, Blnco It, too, wns foreshortened. Had It been a knlfo it would have been held In n dif ferent grip, which would hnvo produc ed n shudow. I would hnvo seen somo cvldcnco of a blndo. In short, a man wus standing In n passage behind mo and about to shoot me. Expecting to bo Immediately killed, I was paralyzed. I hud not oven tho power to duck Un der tho table. Naturally my eyes wero glued to tho evldenco of my danger, Suddenly I saw an lncrcnso of- tho urea of tho shadow. On either side, Just below tho shoulders, n protuber ance nppenrcd momentarily, then merg ed Into tho main bulk. Tho right arm wns lowered nnd hung at an uuglo with tho body. Now I could seo that It was an arm and thcro was n shndow of what It was plain was n pistol barrel. When wo nro In dungcr our faculties becomo grcntly sharpened. I question If they do not become rather instinct I reasoned out tho chaugo Is this wise : Somo ono had como up behind tho man who was about to kill mo nud thrown a pair of arms nbont him. What should I do now? I nlwnys carried n revolver on my sketching tours, but It wus at my hip, under my coat If I turned now to defend myself whllo my ene my's weapon wus lowered I might bo too late, whereas If I sat still, pre tending to bo Ignorant of what was go ing on behind me, I might bo saved. This consideration Hashed through my brain within n fraction of a sec ond. I had scnrcely conceded it when I saw t1" shadow of tho arm drawn up to its former position. Evidently tho man who hud been Interrupted wus Intending to proceed us beforo tho In torruptlon. Then thcro was a commotion In tho outlluo of tho shadow. I Judged It to express a strugglo between two per sons. Tho right arm shadow appeared and wus grasped near tho wrist by a hand. Now was my tlmo to act 1 mndo four moves Inatuntnneously I drow my pistol, I rose, I turned, nnd 1 cov ered my enemy. A Mexican stood beforo mo strug gling with u woman, who maintained firm grip of his right wrist. At my movement both stood still. "Drop that weapon," I Bnld. Tho man replied by nu effort to wrench his wrist from tho woman. I tried to quiet him by putting a bullet a few Inches from his head, but ho con tinued to struggle, nnd tho woman held on. In another moment I saw his hand with the pistol In It oxtetidcd on his right. I put u bull In tho baud, nnd tho pistol dropped on tho floor. Darting t'orwurd. I picked It up. "Gringo!" hissed tho man. I linked him why ho wished to kill mo, and he suld that ho butcd gringos. This wax the only reason ho gavo. I had been xuvod from being murdered by the woman who kept tho house Every household needs a HOT SPOT gas room heater. A quick clean heat without dirt, soot or smoke. North Platte Light and Power Co. The H. & S. Agency SELLS CITY PROPERTY Sells Fire, Tornado, Auto mobile and Hail Insurance. LOANS MONEY. We respectfully solict your patronage. LE.T YOUR WANTS BE KNOWN (Mice Phonos Black or Red 612. DOOLITTLE BUILDING. NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Hall Block North ot Posioflice. Phone 58 A modern Institution for the cientific treatment of medicnl, surgical ond confinement cases. Completely equipped X-Rny nnd diagnostic laboratories. Staff: Geo.NB. Dent, M. D. V. Lucas, M. D. J.B. RedfieliMD. J. S. Simms, M.D NOTICE OK ELECTION To the Eelctora of the City of North Platte, NoIjiuhKh. .oticn ib nnrliv given that at the general City election to be held In the Ity or Noith Platte, Nebraska, on the jiu day of April, A. it. 191?, the fol- lowitlK proposition bhuii ue nuuinmeu to the voters of said City: Shall the City of North I'latte, Ne braska, Issue Its bonds In the eum of $1.:, 000. 00 In denomlnatlouM'of $1,000.00 each dated June 1. 1017. due In twen ty years from date but payable nt any time after ten yoars at tne option of aid City, to draw interost at the rate of o per cent per annum payablo semi annually, principal and IntureHt pay able at the olllce of the State Treasurer in the City of Lincoln, Nebraska; sate bonds to be Issued for the nurnoMe of obtaining money with which to erect and construct n Klre Station House on the lot now owned by said City to wlt: On tho Southwest corner of Front and Vine streets In said City, said Klre Station House to he for Rinl to accom modate tho Fire Department and ure apparatuses of said City. And shall the proper olllcers of said Cltv bn authorized to low nnd collect a tax annually In tho same manner as other municipal taxes may ue lcvicti and collected In an amount suMlclent to nay the Interest nnd principal or said bonds as thoy mature, as provided by law. until said bonds nnd interest arc pain, on all the property within said city, as shown and valued upon tho assessment rolls of tho assessors of said City, said bonds to be negotiable in rorm. The noil ni mnces for said oleoction shall be at and In the same polling: ilaccs as for the general oloctlon that m nu follows, to-wlt: In tho First Ward In tho Hlnman building, 505 Dew nv Mtrnet. In said ward: In tho Second Ward In tho Court Iloom or the second lloor or tne County Court House In said ward: In the Third Ward In the Hoso House. In said ward, and In tho Fourth Ward at the Hose House in said warn. The ballots to be used for said bond ilwtlnn xhnll have; brlnted thereon: FOU Issuing $12,000.00 ot tho bonds of the Cltv of North I'latte. Nebraska, for the purpose of orcctlng and con- Htructing a fire station uouso on me lot now ouned bv said City to-wlt: on tho Southwest corner of Front nnd Vine Streets In said City, to accommodate the Flrn rjetinrtment and flro nnnnrat- uses of said City, and for levying and collecting n tax annually to pay tbo Interest and principal of said bonds as they mature. AOA1NST Issuing $12,000.00 of the bonds of tho Cltv of North Platte. Ne braska, for the nurnose of erecting and constructing a Fire Station House to be for and to accommodato tho Fire De partment nnd fire apparatuses of Bald Clfy, and for levying and collecting n tax annunlly to pay tho Intorost nnd principal of said bonds ns they ma. ture. Those votlntr In fnvor of said nrono sltlon shall mark tholr ballot with n crosH. onposlto tho paragraph begin ning "For Issuing $12,000.00 of the bonds of the C tv of North Platte. No braska " nnd thoso voting against snid proposition snail mnrlt their ballot with n cn-i onnoslte the narairrnnh beglnnlm" "Ar-nlnst issuing $12,000.00 or mo iioniio ot tno t:ity or North I'l"tto. Nebraska. The nous at said election shall h rem opn between the hours of 0 o-riopf a. m. nnd 7 o clock. I', m. on snld dnt. i in i"'tn"SB 'wboroof T hnv hereunto ""boTllifd in" name this Gth dav o March, A. D. 1917. . 1 II. EVANS. Mayor. V V, Fr.nRTi Cltv Clerk. notice or special election IN OSOOOI) I'HKCINT mi. JOHN S. TWDfESI Special Atontlon to Surgery, Gynecology nnd Obstetrics. NORTH I'LATTE, NED. Nurse Brown Memorial Hoopltal. Hogs andCat 0 Bought and highest market prices paid PHONES Residence Red 63G Office 459 C H. WALTERS. HOAl) NO. 401. To all whom It may concern: j. no Hjieuiui vuiiiuimaiuiiur ufiiJuuiieu to locate a nubile road as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner ot section -l, township 10, range 32 thence due .east along tho south ski of said Section 4 nud Soctlon 3 to th southeast corner of Section 3. town ship 10, range 32; thence east one-half mile on the south sldo or Soctlon township 10. range 32. Said road to bo 40 foot In width, has reported In favor or tno same, nnu an objections thereto or claims for damatres must bo tiled Ir tho olllce of the County Clerk on or beforo 12 o'clock noon of tho 10th day or juay, ivu, or oucn roan win be nl lowed without reference thereto. Dated at North Platte, Nebr., this 7th uay or juarcn, iiy. A. S. ALLEN. County Clork. Notice Is hereby given Hint a speolal election will be held In Osgood Pro. clnct, In the County of Lincoln, lit tho State of Nebraska, on the 10th day of April, 1317, at which tho following proportion will be submitted to the voters of said Osgood Pfcclnct, to-wlt: "Shall the Hoard of County Commis sioners of Lincoln County, State of Ne braska, Issue Ton Thousand 00-100 ($10,000) Dollars, of "Osgood Precinct Bridge Bonds," In denominations of One thousand 00-100 ($1,000.00) Dollars each, bearing Interest at tho rate of six per cent per annum, payable semi annually, Intel est and principal pay ablo at the office of tho State Treasurer of tho State of Nebraska. In tho City of .incoin. in tne county or Lancaster, in tho State of Nebraska. Raid bonds to llunr data of July 1st. 1017. and the Interest on snld bonds to bo payable on the 1st day of January, l'jis, ana on tno 1st any oi juiy, ivia, and on the 1st day of January and on the 1st nay or July or each and every year tnorenitor. until an ot tno inter- et on said bonds shall havo been paid Said bonds to bo numbered consecu tively from one to ten Inclusive, and the Intel est thereon to be evidenced by coupons thereto ntnehed. Bond number ono to becomo uuo anu bavnble on thu 1st dav of July. 1028 liorm number two to become uuo nnu payable on the 1st dav of July. 1920 liond number Three to become duo and payablo on the 1st day of July, Hond number Four to becomo due and payable on tho 1st day of July, liond number FIvo to becomo duo nnd n tUn 1 . .1n. n T..t.. into jajiiuiu un buu ..ok u.ij' yj L iiuii xu. Xionu number six to become uuo ana payable on tho 1st day of July. 1933 Hond number Seven to become duo and payablo on the 1st day of July, 1934. Hond number Elcht to become due and payablo on the 1st day- of July, 1 J u O. Hond number Nino to becomo due and payable on tho 1st day of July, Hond number Ten to become due and paynblu on tho 1st day of July, 1937, . , i ii . t .1 e . . . rt 1 U 1 1 111,. UL L.UUULV mlssloners of Lincoln County, Nebras ka, levy a tax in tho year ot 1917, nnd in each nnu .every year inoreaiter. sufficient to nay tho Interest on said bonds, nnd sumcient to pay live per cent of tho nrlnclnal thereor. as nro vlded by law; and in tho yenr 1927, and each and every year thereafter, suffi cient to pay the principal of said bonds us thoy become due, until sufficient tax lias been levied to pay all of the prin cipal of said bonds; and such tax, both tor interest anu principal to uo iovicu upon all of tho taxable property in said Oscood Precinct? Saul bonus to be uscu ior me purpose of constructing a wagon bridge across tho South Platto Itlver, beginning at a nolnt on the north bank of the South Platte Hlvar, whero a continuation of tho center lino of Locust street. In th Cltv of North Platte. Lincoln County, (curasKa, intersects saiu norm name In tho southonst quarter (bb) oi tno South-west quarter (SW'A) of Section four (4) In township thirteen (13) North, of range thirty (30) West of the 6th P. m. in Lincoln county. wobrasKa, and running thence In a southerly direct on across the South Platte rive nbout 1500 feet to a nolnt on the south bank of said River, about 25 feet, oast ot station mo. to. ot itoaa mo. u. L,in coin County, Nebraska, p.t the east edge of tho South end of tht present timber bridge. Said bridge to be approximate ly fifteen hundred feet in length (1600 rtj nnu or sumcient wium ior twi teams to bass each other at anv noln on said brklire. and to be constructed of concrete and steel, and to comply with the plans and speculations pre nared and furnished bv the State End ncer of the State of Nebraska, and said bonds representing approximately one fourth (1.4) of the entire cost of the construction or said brldgo as herein uorore sot lortn. the entire cost which Is to bo "unnroximatoly forty thousand Dollars ($40,000), one-half (1-2) of such entlro sum Is to be borne by tno state or JMebraslcn Aid, as pro vuicu .',.rttif 'i fii.' nun ii I'iur,. SCHOOL IJISTIUt'T OF TUB CITV OF XUlTlt PI.ATTi:, IN TUB -GOUNTV OF LINCOLN, STATU OF NUIUIASICA In tho District Ponrt of Mm iTnii..i States, for tho Dletrict of Nobraska. North Platto Division. ' in tho Jlafter of Jacob J. Gottman, Uankrunt. In lliinknintov. ' Notice is hornbv irlvnn Hi, if In- nr.lm. of the Hefereo In Hankruptcy, I will on tno 20th day of March, 1917, at 2 p. m. offer for nublla sale nt 10S Fast Fifth Street. In the cltv of North Tlnit Nobraska, property of tho aforemen tioned banitrupt, consisting or tho fol. lowing described property, to-wlt: Cigar maker'a equipment, consisting of moulds, presses, work tables, to bacco boxes and cans, nud storo fix tures consisting of show cases, wall casos, otc. Dated this 8th uay ot aiarcn, iai7. HYItON 11. OHEHST. 16-3 Trustee TIOAII NO. 102. To all whom it may concern: Tho special commissioner appointed to locate a public road as follows: Commencing nt the southwest cor ner of Section llfteon (15), in town ship thirteen (13), thenco north one mllo between Sections Fifteen (15) and Sixteen (16) in township thirteen (13). north, rnnge thirty-one (31), fo tho Northwest corner of Section fifteen (15), township thirteen (13), north of range thirty-one (31), hns reported In favor thereof, and all objections there to, or claims for damages must bo filed In tho oinco of tho County Clork on or bofore 12 o'clock noon of the 10th day of May, 1917, or such road will bo al lowed without roforenco thoreto. Dated at North Platto, Nebr., this 7th day of March, 1917. A. S. ALLEN, County Clork. NOTICH TO CIU3DITOUH Estato No. 1441 of Elizabeth Whit. Ing, deceased in the County Court of Lincoln County, Nebrnska. Tho State of Nebraskn, ss: Creditors of said estate will take notico that the timo limited for presentation and filing ot claims acainst siild Estato is Sen- tomber 16, 1917, and for sottlomont of said lsstnte Is October 18, 1917; that I will sit at the county court room in said county, on March 10. 1917. at 9 o'clock a. in. and on September 16, ivn, at v o ciock a. m., to rocoivo, ox amine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. UISO. 13. FHr.NCII, f20-m20 County Judge. NOTICH OF I'HTITION . Estnto No. 14C9 of Henry Jasner Co llagen, deceased, In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nobraska. The State of Nobrasica, to all persons interested in said Estato tnko notico that a petition- has boon filed for tho nmiolntmont of T. 'M. Cohniren as Ad- mliiHtrator of snld estnto which hns been set for hearing herein on April u, ivn, nt 9 ociock n. m. Dated March S, 1917. OEO. 12. FRENCH. ml3-3w County Judge. NOTICH OF l'HTITION Estnto No. 14G7 of Lorenzo S. Ma comber, deceased, In tho Cdunty Court of Lincoln County, Nobraska. Tim Htntn of Nnbrnska. to nil Demons Intorosted In said Estnto tnko notice that a petition hns been filed for tho nppolntment of Abblo D. Macomber as Administratrix of said Estate, which haB been set for hearing heroin on April 6. 1917. nt 9 ociooit a. m uafeu Aiarcu o, mlS-Sw OEO. E. FRENCH. County Judge HIIHUIFF'S SALE I)y virtue of nn order of sale Issued from tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nobraska, upon a decree of lorcciosure rendered in snlu court wherein Francis A. Dennott is plaintiff, nnd Robort S. Hopper Is defendant, and to me directed, I will on tho 31st day of March, 1917, at 2 o'clock p. m. nt the east ironi uoor oi mo uourt iiouso in North i'latte, Lincoln County, Nebras ka, soil at Public Auction to the high est bidder for cash, to satisfy said de cree. Intorost nnd costs, the followlnir jioscrioeu property, to-wit: soutnoast quarter (Hi'JVi) oi section Five (u), Township Fifteen (15), North of Rnnge Thirty (30) West of tho Sixth P. M., In Lincoln County. Nobraska. Datod North I'latte, Nob., Fobruary .i, mi. A T OAT HlinTIV f27-6w Sheriff. NOTICH OF l'HTITION Estate No, 1460 of Frnnk Schick, de ceased In tho County Court of Lincoln County. Nobraska. The Stato of Nobraska, to nil persons IntoroHtod In said Estato tnko notice that a petition hns been filed for tho appointment of John 13. Evans aB Ad ministrator of said Estate, which hna been sot for hearing herein on April 6, 1917, at 9 o'clock a. in. Dated March 7,917. R pnENCH, ml 3-3 w County Judge, NOTICH OF l'HTITION Estate No. 1465 of Carolina Schick, deceased In tho County Court of Lincoln County. Nobrnaka. .... The Stato of Nebraska, to nil persons! Interested In said Estato take notice that a petition has been filed for thq appointment of John W. Evans as Ad ministrator of said Estate, which hns been sot for hearing herein on April 6, 1017, nt 9 o'clock a. in. Dntcd March 7, 1917, G-120. E. FRENCIT, mlS-Sw County Judge. No II op of Final Report Estate No. 1415 of Mary Ann Haw. kins, deceased. In the County Court of Lincoln County, Nobraska. The State of Nobraska. to all nor sons Interested In said Estato take notico that tho Elvis Hawkins has Hied a llnul account and renort of his ad ministration nnd a petition for final settlement nnd discharuo ns such. Exe cutor, which havo boon set for hearing bofore said court on tho 30th day of .March id if, at 10 ociock a. m., when you may appear anu contest tno same. union Marcu bin, iuit. OEO. E. FRENCH. ni6-27 County Judgo Notlrr. Charles F, Rhoadcs will take notico that on tho 23d day of January. 1917, Geo, 13. French, County Judge within nnd ior Lincoln county, isobrasica. is sued nn order of attachment for tho sum ot $94.85 In an nctton pending before him wnoroin l.ottio uronon is Flnlntlft nnd Charles F. Rhondos ue andnnt. that nronerty of the defendnn consisting, of money due defendant in tho nanus or tne union racino nan road Company, has been attached un der such order. Said cause was contln ued to tho 30th day of March, 1917 at n. in. Charles F. Rhoaden will take notico that unless ho appears and annwers In aald action on or beforo the' 30th day of March, 1917 at 9 a. m. judgment by aeiauu win do enioreu nuainoL mm. m6-!S LOTTIE CRONEN, Plaintiff, for in Artlclo 5. Chanter 28. Sec tlons 123 to 133 Inclusive, of tho Re vised Statutes of Nebrnska. for the yenr 1913, nnd acts amendatory thereof, and one-fourth (1-4) of tho cntlrd cost is to bo borno by tho city or ivorth Platto. Lincoln County. Nebrnska. snouiu tno stato or weurasKa tan to rant said Aid. and should tho City o North Platte. Lincoln. County. Nebras kn, fnll to vote bonds in the sum of Ten thousand 00-100 ($10,000.00) Dol lars, In aid of tho construction of said bridge, then the bonds of said Oscood precinct herein petitioned to be voted upon, snail not be issued. saiu uriuge to no constructed upon a line across said River whoro a con tinuation of the center lino of Locust streot, North Platto Lincoln County, jsooraBKn, intersects saiu North bank, and to run In a southerly direction across said river, and connected with tto nubile Highway to tho West com monly known as tho State Farm Road, and within said Precinct." The ballots to used at such special election shall have printed thcrcoon: "jvuu" issuing Ten tnousand oo-ioo ($10,000.00) Dollars, in "Oscood Pre cinct Hridgo Bonds," In denominations of Ono thousand 00-100 ($1000.00) Dol lars eacn, uearing interest at tne rate of nix nor cent ner annum. Interest and principal payable at the office of tho State Treasurer In tho City of Lin coln, In tho County of Lancaster, Stato of Nobraska, said bondt! to bear date of July 1, 1917, and the interest on said bonds to bo navable on the 1st day of January. 1918, and on tho 1st nay ot juiy, iuis, and on the 1st Uay of January, and tho 1st day of July of encn unu every year meroaitcr, until nil of tho Interest on said bonds shall havo been paid: and to low n tax in tho year 1917, and In each and every year thereafter sufficient to pay tho interest on Bald bonds, and sufficient to nay flvo ner cent of the nrlnclnal there. of ns provided by law; and In the year 1927, nnd In each and every year there after sufficient to pay the principal of saiu ounus as tnoy becomo uue, until sufficient tax has been levied to nnv an oi mo principal or saiu bonus; anu tiucii inxes iiom ior interest ana prin. clpnl to bo levied upon all of tho tax nblo property in said Osgood Precinct "auaiinst" issuing Ten thousand 00-100 ($10,000.00) Dollars, in "Osgood Proclnct Brldgo Bonds," In denomina tions of One thousand OO.lon m nnn nn uuimin oiiun, oearing interest at tno rate of six nor cent nor nnnum. Inter est nnd nrlnclnal nnvnbln nt the office of the State Treasurer In tho City of Lincoln, In tho County of Lancaster, iaie oi iMeurasKn, said bonus to bear date of July 1, 1917, and tho interest on said bonds to be payablo on the isi nay oi January. iym, anu on tno 1st day of July. 1918. and on tho 1st day of January, and on tho first day of juiy oi eacn nnu ovorv year tnoreartor. until all of tho interest on said bonds shall havo beon paid; nnd to levy a tax in me year iaiv, anu i" oncn nnu every year thereafter. Biifflclent to pay tho interest on Bald botuli and suf ficient to pay llvo per cent of tho prin cipal thereof, aB provided by law; and In the year 1927, and in eacli and every year thereafter sufficient to pay the principal of said bonds ns thoy become duo, until sufficient tax haa been levied to nnv all of tho nrlnclnal of said bonds; nnd such taxes both for Interest' nnu principal to bo levied upon nil or tho taxable property In aald Osgood i-recinct. Those votlntr In favor of snld nron osltlon shall mark their ballot with (X) beforo tho paragraph beginning witn tne worn "iuit"; nna those vot ing ncnlnst Bald nronosltlon shrill mark their ballots with (X) beforo the para graph beginning with tho word "AOAINST," Bald election will be open at 8 o'clock A. M. and continue open until 8 o'clock P. M. of said day, nnd tho polling placo of said Osgood Precinct will he nt South Bluff School house In said pre clnct In Lincoln County, Nebraska, and all electors residing In Bald Osgood Precinct will vote upon Bald proposi tion at aald South Bluff 8choolhouse In said Osgood Precinct, on said 10th day of Anrll. 1917. By order of the Board of County uommisBionera made on the za any o ftiarcn, 1917. A. H. ALLIEN. County Clerk Notico Is hereby given that at the euuiar election to be lulu in and lor lie City or North Platte, In tne County LlliLUin, " "-.-""".. VTJ and in ana ior tne scnooi jjisiriui w tllO City OI fiUrm -IUUVi in me .uuiuj oi Lin'o n, in tne stut of Nebraska, on tne Jrd day of April, ltfli, the fol- UWlllg piOpOblllOllS Will UU nuuiuiiitu o the voters 01 snm ounuui j-iow ... a. ... ... I .A. fT r lln I :l T V Snail me ocnuui winm" f North Plntte. In tho County of Lin coln, In tho State or iNeorasKn, uo ltB bOIlUS III 1118 BUIll Ul riimoii and 00-100 (160U0.00) Dollars in de nominations of One Thousand Dollars ($1000.00) eacn, to near uuiv ui -i", , 1911, WHICH UUI1UB lliail in.uiu.v ti iwutilv vnrs from tile dnto thereof, but may bo paid at any tlmo nftor ten years trom the date thereof, at the op tion of tho Hoard of Education of said School District. Said bonds to draw interest at tho into 01 Ave por cent per annum, payable semi-annually, on the st day ot January, iyis, nnu un mu iiuv of .1 11 1 v. 1H18. nnd on tne 1st days of January and Juiy of eacn and every year thereafter, interest and principal payauie at mo unite ui mo state Treasurer or Nebruska, In the City of Lincoln, In tho county or Lan caster, in tho state of Nebraska. Anil snail tne saiu Jioaru 01 uuuoa Hon of said Scnooi district of the City of North Platte, In tho County of Lin coln, in the Stato of NebrnsKa, cause to he i.'Xjtu anu conecieu nuiiuaiiy, a. lux. suttlcieiil to pay the principal anu lut rest oi said bonds ns tho same ma ture. 11. i:dultlon to the taxes now au thorized to be levied by law, upon all oi tin; Jtxaoio property wimin saiu S :l.ol L .bll lCt. Said bonds to be issueu ior, me pur pose or paying past uuo inuouicuness of s.ild School District, approximately In tho sum of Nino thousand uu-iuu ($9000.00) Dollars, and for the purpose of furnishing the manual training, and domestic science denartinclits. In tho Junior High School Uullding in said School District, approximately in tno sum of Six thousand 00-100 ($6000.00) Dollars." . ... The Ballots to be used at said elec tion shall havo printed thereon; FOR: issuing I'-ntcen mous- and 00-100 ($15000.00) DoPnrs, of bonds of the School District 01 tno uuy of North Platte, in the County of Lin coln, in the Stato of Nebraska, for tho purpose 01 paying past uuo ir.ucDieu news of said School District, approxi mately in the sum of Nine thousand 00-100 ($9000.00) Dollars, and for the purpose of furnishing tho manual training anu domestic science depart ments In the Junior High School Build ing in said District, approximately In the sum of Six thousand 00-100 ($6000.00) Dollnrs. said bonds to be ne gotiable In form, and to bear interest at tho rate of llvo per cent per annum, payablo semi-annually, Interest and principal payable at tno omco 01 tno State Treasurer of Nebraska, in tho City of Lincoln, in the Countyvof Lan- caster, in the State or .Nobrasica, anu which bonds shall bo duo as follows: In twenty years from tho date thereof, but may bo paid at any tlmo after ten years from the date thereof at tho op tion of tho Hoard of Education of said School District; and for the levying and collecting annually, a tax in an amount sulllclcnt to pay tho interest and prin cipal of said bonds as they mature, In addition to the taxes new authorized to bo levied by law, on all of tho tax able property within said School Dis trict." "AGAINST: Issuing Fifteen thous and 00-100 ($10000.00) Dollars, of bonds, of the School District of tho City of North Platte, in tho county of Lin coln, In the Stato of Nebraska, for tho purpose of paying past due indebted ness of said School District approxi mately in the sum of Nine thousand 00-100 ($9000.00) Dollars, and for tho purpose of furnishing tho manual train ing, and domestic science departments In the Junior High School building In said District, approximately In tho sum of Six thousand 00-100 ($6000.00) Doll ars, said bonds to negotiable In form, and to bear interest nt tho rate of five per cent per annum, payable somi-an-nually, interest nnd principal payable at the olllce of the Stato Treasurer of Nobraska, in tho Cltv of Lincoln, 5n tho County of Lancaster, in. IM Sftto of Nebraskn, and wlihih boifW shall bi due ns follows:" In twenty years from the date thereof, but may be pa'd at any tlmo after ten y-iars from the date thereof, nt the option of the Hoard of Education of said School Dis trlct, and for the levying and collect ing annually, a tax In an amount suf niclcnt to pay the Interest and princi pal of said bonds. as they mature, in addition to the tnxes now authorized to tin levied bv law. on nil of tho tax able property within said School Dis trict Thoso votlnsr In favor of said nrono sltlon shall mark their ballot with (X) before the narairraDh bcirlnnlntr witn tho word "FOR: issuing Fifteen thous. and 00-100 ($15000.00) Dollars in bonds, of the School District ot tho City of North Platte, in the County or Lin coln, In the State of Nebraska;" and those voting against said" proposition shall mark their ballot with (X) be fore the naratrranh becrlnninir witn tno- words "AOAINST: Issuing Fifteen thousand 00-100 ($15000.00) Dollars oi bonds, of tho School District of tho City of North Plntte, In tho County of uincoin, in tno stnto 01 woorasKa.- The poling places of said election will bo as follows: in the first ward of said City or Norm Platte, at the Hlnman building, 505 Dewey Street In said ward: In the second wnrd of snld City of North Platte, at theCourt Houso In said ward; In tho third ward of said City of North Platte, at the Hose House, In said wr.rd and In the fourth ward of said City of North Platte at tne nose iiouse, in saiu warn, ah of tho electors of said School District residing in the first ward of said City of North Platte, and all of MiAelectors of said School District residing out Bide of said City of North Platto, nnd south of the tracks of tho Union Pa clflc Railroad Company, and east of the center line of Dewey Street, nnd pub lic Road No. 6, which Is a continuation or uewey street, win cast their votes nt said Hlnman building, 605 Dewey street In said ward: nil of tho electors of said School District residing In tho second wnrd of said City of North Platte, nnd all of tho electors of said School District resid ing out side or said City of North Platto. and South of the tracks ot the Union Pacific Railroad Company, and weRt of tho center lino of Dewey Streot, anu I'ubiic nonu no. 0, which ib a con tinuation of Dowoy Street, will cast their votes at tho Court House, In said ward: all of tho electors of said School District residing In the third ward of Hald City of North Platto, will cast moir votes ni mo nose House, in sain ward: all of tho electors of said School District resldlnc In tho fourth wnrd of said City of North Platto. and nil of the electors of said School District re siding outside of said City of North Platte, nnd north of the trncks of the Union Pacific Railroad Company, will cast their votes nt tho ma houso In said ward. 11 Snld election will bo open at 9 o'clock A. M. nnd continue open until 7 o'clock P. M. Central time, on said third day of April. 1917. Dated this fith dav of March. 1917. By order of tho Board of Education of snid School District of tho City of North Platto, in tho County of Lincoln, In tho Stato of Nebraska. E. T. TRAMP, President. A. F. STREIT5C. (SEAL) Secretary. NOTICE OF FINAL IIEPOIIT Estate No. 1423 of Motile E. Shoup, docenBed, In the County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. Tho State of Nebraska, to all persons Interested In said ERtnto take notice that tho Administratrix haa filed a llnal nccount and report of her admin istration and a petition for final Bet. tlement nnd discharge ns such adminis tratrix, which have been set for hear. Ing before said court on March 23, 1917, at 9 o'clock a. m., when you may ap pear and contest the same. Dated February IB, 1917. OEO H FRENCH, f7-3w County Judge. )