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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1917)
Semi-Weekly Tribune UlA L. BABE. Editor and Fnblliaer. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year bj Mall iu Advance. ...9125 Ouc Ycnr by Carrier In Advance. .$1X0 Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Postomco as Second Class Matter. FRIDAY MARCH 1, 1017 City and County News Dr. Mario Ames spent Tuesday In Cozad on business. Gcorgo McQInloy, of Ogalalla, spent Wednesday In town visiting friends. Mrs! James McMlchael has returned from a visit with her daughter In Sidney. Miss Olennon, of Omaha, Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Norton this week. Attorney W. E. Shuman loft Tues day afternoon for Omaha to spend a few days. Miss Forn Wilson spent the first of this Iwioek with tho home folks In Gothenburg. Jack Harter returned Tuesday even ing from n short visit In the eastern part of tho state. Mrs. Temple of Lexington has re turned homo after visiting her sister Mrs. C. P. Spencor. Mrs. Martin Foderhoof returned Wednesday afternoon from an extended visit In cities of California." Miss Florence Guendell who sub mitted to an operation tho first of this week Is getting along nicely. Tho D. O. T. dancing club hold an enjoyablo dancing party In Masonic hall Wednesday evening. Mrs. William Jeffers of Omaha, left Wednesday evening after visiting Mr. and Mr.s. Albert Schatz for several days. A. 0; Hamilton, traveling auditor for tho Union Pacific for a number of years, died recently at his home In Omaha. Hllbert J Golken ago 21 of Gothen burg, and Miss Ruth M. Vlter, ago 18, of Etna, were married In this city by County Judge French Wednesday morning. Save AThree Hours out of Every Four Your Horses Work by Using Smlf 4 $350 F. O. Bm Chicago Tyii ii r. i nil iiuiiu i rmB Mrs. J. I). Jeter, who was called to Washington throo woeks ago by the Illness of a relative, returned homo Sunday evening. Mrs. Charlos Mann, of Sldnoy, ar rived hero Wcdnosday to visit for somo tlmo with hor mother Mrs. Jas. McMlchael. Mrs. W. E. Shuman, who was oper ated upon recently at tho Clarkson hospital In Omahn, 1b roported to bo Improving. Gllbort Taylor, of Omaha, was callow horo last week by tho Illness and death of his mothcr-In-lnw, tho lato Mrs. W. B. Salisbury. Itov Ives, of Ogalalla, Iw-Jio spent tho first of this week horo conducting ser vices at tho Episcopal church left Tuesday evening. A. Anderson, of Omaha, traveling passenger agent for tho Milwaukee railroad, spent tho first of this week at tho local offices. Albert L. McGregor, of Sutherland, and Hazel R. Burcham of Semon, O., woro granted a marriago license at tho county' Judge's offlco Tuesday. Tho case of tho state of Nebraska vs.. Mrs. Muriel Smith of Wellfleot, for assaulting Alberta Mrioney, was con tinued this week until Tuesday, March 20th. Fred P. Leypoldt, a merchant of Horshey, filed a petition for bankrup-' tcy In the district court Wednesday. His liabilities are $1,069.83 and assets are $481.00. Bruco Mallery and E. R. Guendol, of Alliance, camo here a fow days ago to visit tho lattor's mother Mrs. W. S. Dolson and sister Miss Florence Guen dol, while enrouto to Durengo, Colo., to engago In the stock business. Dr. Foot, of Omaha, who has fre quently visited Dr. Twlnem horo and performed a number of operations at tho Nurse Brown hospital, will leave ' in a short time with his family for California to locate. Francis K. Flynn of this city, now' stationed at BatobanI, Cuba, In tho em-' ploy of the Luce sufear cane harvester I comapny. writes Tho Tribune as fol-' lows under date of March 8th: "Con ditions outside of Havanna are unset tled. No actual fighting has taken place near here, but all roads are patrolcd and guarded by soldiers. It is re ported that ono hundred million dol lars worth of sugar cane and mills have been burned In tho Santiago district" Every minute wasted on the road by slow, inefficient hauling and delivery costs you real money. Horses take from three to four times as long to cover the ground as it will take you when you install Smith Form-a-Trucks in your service. Three to four miles an hour is the best horses can do with a ton load. Smith Form -a -Truck replaces the slow, time wasting walk of horses with a speed of from ten to fourteen miles an hour under every condition of work. And ik costs no more to buy a Smith Form -a -Truck than it does to buy a good pair of horses equal to the work of hauling a ton load. If your hauling or delivery requires all-day service every working day of the year, you must have at least two teams for every wagon. The sturdy, efficient, untiring Smith Form-a-Track never takes time out for rest, never has to lay off the job. It works steadily day in and day out, always maintaining its high speed, always moving its load quickly, easily, and at lower cost than any other lorm of service you can buy. Records ot service obtained from overlO.OOO Smith Fornva-Truck usert, show a ton mile cost of less than 8 cents. And the first Sin'itt. Form-a-Truck ever sold has been in service four years, covered 20,000 miles and cost only $8 for repairs Get a Smith Form-a-Truck, attach it to any Ford, Dodge Bros., Overland, lluiclc. Chevrolet or Maxwell chassis and end your excessive hauling and delivery costs Put your hauling problems up to us It doesn't cost you a cent to learn just now much money we can put back into your pocket that you are now putting into norses. North Platte Truck Co., NORTH PLATTE, NEB. GEORGE GARMAN, Mgr. is ii ii ran ii in Mrs. W. II. Blalock left Wednesday morning for Cnoyenno. Mr. and Mrs. A. Kunklo will leave shortly for an oxtondii visit In oast orn cltlos. Mrs, C. R. Moroy left Wcdnosday for Kearney and Hastings to visit with rolntlvos for a weok or more. O. H. Thoolocko returned Tuesday from Excolslor Springs whoro he took treatment for two weoks. Mrs. Gcorgo Frator loft tho first of this weok for Custer, Okla., whoro she was called by tho lllnoes of hor mother. For Sale Somo good Rhodo Island Red Cockorols cheap If taken at once, also good building 8x16 feet, movable. Phono Black 591. 18-2 Mrs. W. V. Hoagland loft Wednesday afternoon for the oastorn part of this state to spond tho remaindor of this week visiting Robekah lodges. Mrs. Charlos Thornburg loft Wed. nosday for Chadron to inako hor homo. Mr. Thornburg recently accepted a po sition there in tho Northwestern shops. General Chalrmnn J. A. Borgln, of tho O. R. C, whoso homo is at Bonnor Springs, Kans., spent tho early part of this weok visiting members of tho lo cal division. Frank Sullivan, formerly a partner In tho Lyman-Sulllvnn company, will open a plumbing shop In tho Dick building on oast Sixth street in tho near fwture. Tho W. C. T. U. mot Tuesday after noon Intth Mrs. R. F. Becack. An in teresting paper was read by Mrs. Harry Porter and Miss Sarah Kelly gavo1 sev eral enjoyablo readings. Headquarters for Window glass. STONE DRUG STORE. Mrs. Fred Glnn very onjoyably ontor talned twonty-two members of tho de greo staff of tho Robekah lodge at her homo Tuesday evening. Games and musical selections woro enjoyed and Mrs. Glnn was presented with a largo boquet of llowers by tho guests. Houso decorations wero In yellow and white. Four cylinder car0 for economy and service to the user. Ropalr liarts car ricd In stock for tho cars I sell. I bo Uovo In after service to my purchasers quick and reliable, and so do you, Mr, Buyer, when yoto corao to think of it Hupp, Dodge and Chevrolet cars, and porvlco for thoso cars that's all. J. V. ROMIGH, 107 Wo?t 6th St. Phono 844 m iiiiiiii mm i in mi Ht'SHAM) OF FORMER NORTH PLATTE WOMAN IS KILLED From tho Goldflold (Nov.) Trlbuno of March 8th wo learn of the death of T. W. Nnwman, luueband of-sho who was formorly Mrs. J. W. Hlngston, for many years a resident of North Platte. Nawnuin 'was employed as u minor on a night shift and was In tho act of nscondlng from tho 700-foot lovel when the aklp or car In which ho was riding tilted ana ho was crushed be tween tho timber and car. Nawman is survived by n wife nnd two stepsons, ono of tho latter resid ing at Salt Lake, tho other nt Fresno, Cal. He was a member of tho Masonic ordor. Doctor and Mrs. Hlngston woro di vorced n. number of years ago, and lator Mrs. Hlngston married tho man of whom 8ho la now borcaft. ::o:: Will Sncrlflco High Grade l'lmio. Wo hnvo bad loft on our hands nt North Plntto, a now high grndo piano, which, for lmmedinto sale, Iwlll bo sold tremendously chao'p. Llboml terms to a rcsponslbln party. This Is tho bargain hunters opportunity. If Interested wrlto Tho Denvor Music Company, Denver, Colo., nt onco for particulars, 17-4 :::: CoinniNsIoners' Proceedings. March 12, 1917. Board of county conimlslonora mot pursuant to adjournamont, present Springer, Hermlnghauson, Koch nnd County clork Tho following business rwus trans, acted: Claim of Wm. Shaner damages to horso on Maxwell brhlgo allowed by agrecmont for $25.00. W. K. Beauchamp, road work Dlst. No. 28, on account, $50.00. P. A. Andorson, road work Dlst. No. 4, $8.00. Ed Marquetto, refund of poll tax Diet. H. $2.00. Chas. .C. Hupfer, meals etc, Jury, $36.10. Jens Somner, mdso county poor, $5.00. 1 Tho Hub, mdse county 'poor, $13.15. Gilstafson Bros., dragging roads, D. F. No. 2, $8.40. D. H. Dovenbargor, coal Co. poor, $4.42. Magglo Post, rent for county poor, Mrs. Mooro, for Feb. $0.00. Board adjourned until March 19, 1917. A. S. ALLEN, County Clerk. . Leave for Cnllfornliu Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Collins left Wcd nosday morning for Hollywood, Cal., whoro they will mako tholr homo, hav ing disposed of tholr resldcnco prop erty in this city. Mr. Collins had been a resident of North Platto for about forty years, and nearly nil these years hod boon an employe of tho Union Pnclflc sho'ps. Mrs. Collins had resided horo for a less extended porlod of tlmo, iit suffiontly long to bo well and favorably known. They take with them to their now home tho best wislics of many frlonds. : :o: : Buys Pedigreed Animal. Wm. Pornauor, who oMis tho U E ranch In Kent precinct, returned Wed nesday from Kearney whoro ho at tended a salo of thoroughbred cattle and purchased a two year old Polled Durham hull for which ho paid $210. Mi( Ponaur, like many other Lin coln county stockmen, Is constantly Increasing tho quality of his hord. : :o: : Wuulnd lo Sell Good restaurant m Albion, Nebras ka; hest location In town; good busi ness. Reason for selling, other busi ness. Addr,ess Mlchaol V. Ruddy, Albion, Nebraska. 18-3 Iiiidienm Announcements. This evening at 8 o'clock, the men's meeting at tho parlch houso. Mr. L. W. Toolo will mako tho address. Regular Sunday services: Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Morning worship nt 11 o'clock; ser mon subject Godly Sorrow. Solo by Miss Irma Huffman. Young people's meeting at 4 p. m. Luther Leaguo nt 0:45. Topic "Ashamed of Jesus." Evening worship at 7:30; aornion subject Tho Conversion of Cornelius. Tho chest wll bo set out again to ro celvo this month's offorlng to tho now church fund. Tho amount now on hand has readied $5,0Q0. Tho desire Is to havo doublo this amount In cash before tho building Is started. Con tributions from frlonds will bo grato fully received at any time. ::o:: Mrs. L. Schaveland, who had boon a member of tho miming staff In the North Platto General hospital, left a fow days ago for hor homo In Oma ha. Good Jack for salo or trado for al most anything. What havo you? M. R. Magnuson, North Platto. 18-3 Dr Frank Conlln, of Omaha, who spent tho first of this wock at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dixon, loft Tuesday. Miss Lillian Eaton has returned from a visit of sevoral Iweeks with rel atives In Denver. ' Dr. J. S. Twlnem spent tho first of this week In Wallace. 'I'll i T .n i (1 tfwi t n i1mt olmn lino )iaaii t turned over to tho palntora and dec orators and tho result of their handi work will bo vlslblo In n fow days. Now linoleum will also bo laid, tho bath room remodeled and a number of con veniences ndded. Louis Knor, a truck gardener of Donvor, formerly of this city, Is sor lously 111 at a hospital thoro from wounds rocolvod In u Bhooting affray with C. L. Laundy, a Bpecal offlcor of tho Donvor tolophono company. Tho trouble arose over n Joy rldo Mrs. Dorothy Knor, wlfo of tho wounded man. took with Laundy last weok. Tho Knors woro married In this city In De cember, 1915. Mrs. Knor was tho wid ow of Valdl Ilecht and Is tho daughter of Guy Chamborlnln of Whoatrcdgo. ::o:: SUSPECT YOUR KIDXEVS Too Jinny Korth l'lnlto Pcoplo Xe. gleet Early Symptoms of Kidney Trouble. If your back Is lame If you fool dull, tired and all-worn-out If you havo hard headaches, back aches and dizzy spells If tho kidney secretions nro disor dered Suspect your kidneys and "tnko a Btltch In tlmo." Uso Donn's KIdnoy Pills, tho tlmo trletl, homo-ondorsod kldnoy remedy. It may buvo you from somo sorlous kldnoy trouble. Makouso of Mrs. Rork's exporl onco. Mrs. Sarah Rork, 509 W. Ninth St., North Platto, says: "Doan'B Kldnoy Pills havo boon used In my family for years. I havo been greatly helped myself, though I havo had to uso them loss than others. I glvo them to my children whonovor I find thoy are feeling woak and run down, so that thoy do not cat or rest woll. To Doan's Kldnoy Pills belongs credit for tho good health my children havo." Prlco 50c, at all dcalors. Don't sim ply nsk for a kldnoy romedy got Doan's Kldnoy Pills tho samo that Mrs. Rork had. Fostor-MUburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. ' Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention given (0 Surgery and Obstetrics. Office: Building and Loan Building Phones tOmceI30 r hones residence 115 Phones Office 333 Ros Black 542 1)11. HAROLD A. FENN13R Osteopath. G Roynold Building Offlco hours 9 n. m. to 5 p. m. 7 p. m. to 8 p. m. Hospital Phone Black 033. Houso Phono Black 033. W. T. PIUTCIIARD, Graduate Veterinarian Bight years a Government Veterinar ian; Hospital 218- south Locust St., one-hnlf block southwest of the Court Housb. i MEN WANTED! THAT aro earning monthly Balarlos, professional and business men, mar ried and slnglo men, In fact all men In various vocntlons pf llfo who havo MORTGAGED HOMES OR USED BORROWED MONEY to conduct tholr business- Who will roplaco that monthly salary or financial earning ability of yours that your dopondont ones and backers aro looking to you for SHOULD YOU DIB TONIGHT OR TOMORROW? Havo you mado tho propor provisions? THESE ARE among tho MEN WANTED. Our Old Lino Llfo Policies protect, create a savings for old ugo. Dolnys aro dan gerous. You can't carry tho risk, when you can got ono ot thoso policies ON THE MONTHLY PAY PLAN. For further Information call, phono or addross ,T. E. SEBASTIAN. Slato Mirr. Tho Old Lino Llfo Man, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. LET US INTRODUCE QUALITY TO l'OU Quality In Cigars has has been our aim alnco mo began making cigars in North Platto over thirty years ago. Wo put quality In tho first cigars we mado, and that samo quality is In tho cigars wo mako today. Schmalzrlod's Cigars havo stood tho tost of thoso more than thirty years. What greater ovldonco of quality could you doslro? If you havo not boon smoking Sshmalz dled'o cigars, try them thoy aro cer tain to pleaoo. J. F. SCHMALZRIED. Remember the Nurse Brown Memorial Homeopathic Hospital When requiring hospital care-" Medically, Surgically, or Obstctrlcnlly. Horo your Interests and comfort will bo served. It Is not th0 biggest, but ono of tho best places wherein to got woll. 100S West Fourth Street. Dr. J. S. Twinem. NOTKUJ OK I3MSCTIOX Notlco In horoby given that on Tuos lny, tho 3d day of April, 1917, a Kon orul election will ho hold In tho City of North Plntto, Lincoln county, Nobras kn, hctwoon tho hours of 9:00 o'clock A. M. nnil 7:00 P. M..: , In tho First wiml In tha ontrnnco of tho Illnnian bulldlnir nt No. 505 Dowey Htreot; In tho Second wnnl In tho com mlssloncrs room on tho second floor of tho court houso: In tho Third ward n t tho Iioho houso on Vine stroot botwoan Sixth nnd Front streets; In tho Fourth wnrd nt tho Iiobo houso In said wnrd on north Locust stroot; nt which elec tion thoro will bo elected: Ono mayor for tho term of two yours. Ono wntor commissioner for tho term of two years. Ono city cleric for tho torm of two yenrn. Ono city trensuror for tho torm of two yenru. Ono- councilman from tho First ward to sorvo two yours. Ono counciimnn from tho Second wnrd to sorvo two years. Ono counciimnn from tho Third ward to sorvo two yenrs, Ono councilman from tho Fourth wnrd to servo two yenrs. Two members of tho board of educa tion for tho school district of tho city of North Platto, Nebraska, for tho torm of throo yonrs. DS19171 th'S 12Ul ,lftV f Mnoh A a.. E.I!'.,KVANS. Mayor. Attest: O. 13. ELDIOlt, City Clerk. Notice of Adilltlannl I.nml to ! In elwilo.l In III r tin noil IrrlKntlnu District Notlco Is horoby Klven to each nnd every owner of land In tho lllrdwood Irrigation District that on this seventh day of Mnrch, 1917, Dnnlol ItonRnn niod nt the ofllco of said district his petition jirnyluK that tho boundarlos of said lllrdwood IrrlRntlon District bo cltanir od so as to Includo tho following do scrlbed lnntl. to-wlt; Tho south ono hnlf of tho Northwest qunrtor nnd tho Southwest tjunrtor of thn Northonst quarter of Section one, Township four teen, HuiiKe thirty-throe, wost of tho 6th V. M., In Lincoln county, NobrnsUn, which nro contiguous to tho lllrdwood IrrlRntlon District, nnd which consti tute one tract of lnnd; snld potltlon prays Hint tho nforosnld lnnds bo In cluded In tho district nnd bo Irrlh-atod from tho canal nnd tho wntor appro priation of snld dlRtrlnt tho samo as lands now oinbrnccd within tho boun daries of snld district. All persons Interested In said po tltlon will npponr nt this offlco on Tuosdny, April 3, 1917, nnd show cause, In wrltlntr, why prayer of said peti tioner may not bo Rrantnd, Dated this Sth dny of Mnrch, 1917. MA11Y O. McN15I3Ij. Sec'y. Medicine vs. Food. Do not buy something which you nlrcady havo. You havo food which you feed your horsos, cattlo and sheop, but whon you want in'cdl clno, buy only medicine That Is what yow got In B, A. Thomas' Stock Rom ody. Wo sell It nnd guarantee It to bo niedlclno. Wo toll you that It will tono up tho entlro system of your stock and aids dlgetlon, thcroby cuuslng them to got all tho food valuo out of tho grain that you fowl thorn. Sold by Dorryborry & Forbes. m31 1, !:;. i, NOTICK Charles A. Doraoy, Hurry C. Dorsoy, Minnie Dorscy, and tho unknown own ers and unknown claimants, of tho North Hast quarter (NEtt) of Section twenty-nlno (29), township nine (9), rnnt'o thlrty-threo (33), Wost of tho fith V. SI., In Lincoln county, Nebrns. lea, will hereby take noMco that on tho lfith day of Fohruary, 1917, Stanley Constantino, plaintiff heroin, tiled his petition In tho Dlstrlot Court of Lin coln County, Nobrnskn, nsalnst tho following nnnieil defendants, to-wlt: Charles A. Dorsoy, Harry C. Dorsoy, Minnie Dorsoy, ,). A. MiiHsniiKnlo (first and real name unknown) nnd tho un known owners nnd the unknown claim ants of tho North Kast quarter (NRW) of Section twonty-ulno (29), township nlno (9), rnntro thlrty-threo (33), Wost of tho 0th I. M. In Lincoln coun ty .Nebraska, tho object and prayer of which nro to quiet tho title to tho North Kast qunrtor (NI0V1) of Section twonty-nlno (29), township nlno (9), I North of rnngo thlrty-threo (33), "Wost of tho 0th I', M., In Lincoln county, No brnskn, us nuiiliiHt the dofonrtnnts and each of thorn. Plaintiff further prays In IiIb potltlon, that 11 certain deed to said promises from tho plaintiff to tho said Chnrles A. Dorsoy, bo tlocroed and de clared to havo boon a morttfnKo, nnd that said inortfrnKo bo decreed to have been wholly paid nnd sntlsnod, nnd tho lien of srtld mortKarro thereby wholly oxtlnRUIshori, nnd that tho said de fendant Chnrles A. Dorsoy, bo ordered by decroo of court to oxecuto to plain tiff a ro-convoynnco of snld promises, nnd In dofnult thereof that tho said decree stand ns such conveyance, and that a certain deed from tho defendant Charles A. Dorsey to tho defondnnt Harry P. Dorsey purport!!)? to convey an undlv(ilod ono-hnlf Interest In said' pronorty to tho said dofondant Harry C, Dorsov, bo decrond to havo passed or vested no lion, title, Interest or cb tatn In and to snld renl estate, in tho said Harry C. Dorsoy, and that tho plaintiff's title bo quieted ns against tho said Charles A. Dorsoy, Ilnrry C. Dorsoy, Mtnnlo Dorsoy, J. A. Massen ifalo, nnd tho unknown owners, and unknown clnlrnnnts of tho North Enst quarter (NI3V4) of Section twonty-nlno' (29). In township nlnn (9), rnno thlr- , ty-throo (33). wost of th 6th P. M.. Irr Lincoln county, Nebraska, nnd thnt plaintiff's title In nnd to snld renl es tato bo forovor confirmed, nnd quieted In him ns nfralnBt said defendants clatm InK under snld deeds or othorwlso, and that tho said dofondnnts nnd each of them bo forever enjoined from Bottlnt? j up or claiming nny Interost In, or to said renl estnte, under or by virtue or snld deeds or otherwise, and for Huch other nnd further relief as equity may ronulro. You are reoulred to answer said pe tition on or beforo tho 2nd dny ot April, 1917. Dated February 19, 1917. RTANM3Y CONST ANTINTO, By WILCOX & HALLIOAN. f2f)-4w Ills Attorneys. notiok van VUI1MOATION Serial No. 00697 Ilrpiirtiiirnt of tlir Interior. U. 8. Land Ofllco nt North Platte. Nobr. Mnrch n. 1917. H. McCrono, of North Plntto, Nebr., who, uu juij .i, i9ii, mime iiomoBionii en try No. 015697, for SE Section 20, Township 1C, N., TtnnKe 30, w., 6th Principal Meridian, tins niod notlco of Intention to mnke nnal throo year Proof, to ostabllsh claim to tho lnnd abovo described, before tho Register nnd Itflclever at North Platto, Nob,, on tho 18th day of April, 1917. Claimant names ns witnesses: U. P. Hansen, C. II. Watts, P. K. McOraw, Hnrry Madison, all of North Plntto, Nbr. E, J. BAMKB, m6-6r Register.