The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 16, 1917, Image 5

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    DR. 0. 11. CRESSLER,
Graduate Dentist
Office over tho McDonald
State Bunk.
Clara Kimball Young In "Camillo"
at tho Crystal Monday. 10 and 15c.
Dr. Morrill. Dontist.
Charles Calhoun left a few days ago
for Grand aland to spend several days.
Mr. and Mrs. Potter of Gothenburg,
spent yostorday here with local
Mrs. Bert Miller was called to Loup
City tho first of this weok by tho Ill
ness of a relative.
Attorney W. V. Hoagland loft Wed
nesday morning for David City to
spond several days.
The Music Shop Is headquarters for
tho best music.
Mrs. L. E. Hastings and daughter
left Wedensday evening for Cheyenne
to visit for several days.
Mrs. J. W. McGralw and Miss Alta
Derryberry loft last evening for Om
aha to spend several days.
For Sale Modern six room bunga
low full basement furnace heated.
Phono Black 581. 17-tf
Archdeacon J. J. Bowker loft Tues
day evening for a number of towns In
eastern Nebraska to spond tho re
mainder of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Berry of Grand
Island spent tho first of this week
visiting Judge and Mrs. H. M. Grimes,
Earl Carlton rcsirtncd his duties at
the Shoo Market Wednesday after tak
ing treatment for his eyes at a local
"Tho Rummy" with Wilfred Lucas
In tho tltlo role will be the Triangle
offering at ho Keith Monday night. It
Is an exqulslto story of human weak
ness transformed by the hand of des
tiny to deserved happiness.
Every woman In town and vicinity
will bo interested In this spring's
fashion styles at Tho Leader Mercan
tile Co.'s that aro now boing shown in
all tho staring styles in Coats, Suits
and dresses. We cordially Invito your
Farm and Ranch loans at lowest
rates and bost terms. Money on band
to closo loans promptly.
Maurice Lnnnlng Joft laBt jjvonlng
for Loxlngton to visit rolatlvos for a
Mr. and Mrs. Charlos Seatonwlll
leave In n short time for Bayard to
Whon tired or worn out sond your
washing to tho North Platte Laundry.
Phono 113. 8tf
Miss Lena Raskins returned last ov.
onlng from Wyoming whoro sho spent
tho paBt weok.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Borgman will
loavo shortly for Excelsior Springs to
spond a weok or longer.
Mrs. P C. TtflYln wiU lnnvn Htll.rv
day ovcn'lng for cities of Illinois to1
spend a month with frlonds.
Just this morning at Tho Leader
Mercantile Co.'R was opened another
lot of womon's auto and sport caps.
C. P. Martin, of Bayard, who ro
coiftly sold Ills pthperty thore o
Charles Seaton, Is spending a few
days In town.
For quick action and snUsfncfosy
salo list your land with Thoelecke. tf
Mrs. Addlo Brotornitz has resigned
her office as rocordor for tho Lady
Maccabeo lodge and Is succeeded by
Miss Anna Dick.
A big shipmont of Drosses Just ar
rived; plain nifty dresses, nlso fancy
dresses for every occasion. E. T.
Mrs. Hoyt Hart, of Paxton, came
Wednesday morning to visit her
mothor and attend tho funeral of the
late Mrs. W. B. Salisbury.
Everything that'B now in Silks,
Dress Goods and Dross Trimmings
you will find at Tho Leader Mercantile
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hibbert will
leavo this week for Rochester, Minn.,
where tho former will take treatmont
at tho Mayo Bros, hospital.
Mrs. Harrison Durham, of Cozad,
who has beon spending tho winter in,
California, iR expected hero this woeK
to visit her daughters the Misses
Maud anj Vena Warrington.
The most beautiful Spring Skirts are
now being shown at Tho Leader Mer
cantile Co.'s. Tho Bports Influonco is
dominating of fashions of tho com
ing season, and where tho sports Idea
Is prominent tho separate skirt Is in
dispensable. See them.
Tho girls' domestlct science club of
tho Presbyterian church will meet
Monday evening In tho church base
ment. Mrs. L. W. Walker Iwlll demon
strate a salad and W. R. Maloney will
give a lecturo on tho furniture of tho
home. A luncheon will bo served and
an Invitation is extended to all.
Rood Alfalfa Seed
At $8.75 per bushol. Albert Burton,
Wolllleet, Neb. 19-2
Call 125 for Taxi day or night.
Also five or seven passengor car for
funeral service.
Chandler & Elca'r Agency,
Corner Eighth and Locust Sts.
. Mrs, U. WyXle ontortalned a nmn
bor of ladles at a kenslngton Wcdnoo
day' afternoon In fionor of Mrs. Hugh
Scoonovor of South Dakota.
All kinds of ucw Skirts, silks and
'ttmcV wools. E. T. TRAMP & SONS.
Judge Grimes, Reportor Barron and
Attorneys Wilcox, Halllgan, and Hoag
land returned yostorday from Sidney
whoro a term of district court was
held this tvek.
Arthur Plttman who had boon off
duty at the Lnndgrnf harbor shop for
sovoral weoks on account of Illness
caused by an ulcoratod tooth, resumed
work a fow days ago.
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Sooborgor en
tortnlned twolvo frlonds Tuesday ov
onlng In honor of tho out of town bank
officials wao attended the opening of
tho First National Bank.
For Salo Cabbage, onions and beets.
Phono Red COS. L. I. TUCKER. 17-3
Joo Soudor, former night man at
tho Hondy-Ogior garago, is now em
ployed In tho Cadillac automobile
factory and earning $4.80 per day on
piece work. Ho Iwtritos that ovorybody
In the factory Is working ovor-tlmo.
Mrs. Fred Garlow and daughter
Jano formerly of this city aro visiting
Dr. and Mrs. D. T. Qulgloy In Omaha
and will arrlvo hero next week to
Bpend a few days with friends whllo
onrouto to their homo In Cody, Wyo.
Georgo Lless, of Watson, Mo., who
owns 320 acres of tho former Bernard
Beer ranch southwest of town, 'ar
rived a fow days ago with his porsonal
effects and will rosldo on tho land.
J. K. Bamett resided on thlg farm
last year.
You certainly owo It to yourself to
seo the great varloty of beautiful tail
ored and trimmed hats I am now show
ing. . Every hat has character and
personality and they aro very won
derful values. Come and seo them,
your visit will be a great profit to you.
partment Store. 17-2
Do you want a comfortablo homo mid
a lucrative business in tho Satsuma
orango district of southern Alabama?
I have a nice brick store building and
residence, and big stock of general
merchandise which I will soil for cash
or trade for a ranch In western Ne
braska. The real estate, building and
fixtures aro worth $12,000.00, and tho
merchandise from nlno to ton thous
and dollars. Building woven years
old, stock fresh and clean, business
making monoy. Address: "Satsnma"
caro of Tho Tribune, North Platte,
Neb. 18-4
iolved the Gasoline Problem
ow r iirnished on
the New Birick Six.
The Gasoline Saver is One More New Invention of the Buick Six
It was shown for the first time at the New York Antomohile Show in January. Now
most all Buick dealers are showing the new cars equipped with this and other important
new features, The gasoline saver is the only new feature shown on automohiles at this
year's shows.
Hard starting and wasteful gasoline con
sumption due to cold weather and the low
grade gasoline are overcome. Radiator and
hood covers are not needed on the new
Buick Sixes even in the coldest weather.
This device has been in use on hun
dreds of Buick Sixes during the coldest win
ter weather. Its effectiveness lias "been
proven. It is as easily operated as the dam
per on a stove;
Low grade gasoline gives low mileage
and is wasteful and harmful to the engine,
unless the motor is operated steadily at a
high temperature.
In zero weather, even at 20 below, the
new Buick Six motor starts. The primer is
another new feature of the Buick Six.
On the new cars there are also other
worth-while features you should see. There
is the new upholstering, more attractive
door fasteners, an improved body finish and
other details you can see. The car that
last year won every worth-while record is
a much better automobile now because we
have learned to build them better.
We made those, records of endurance
for (acceleration and speed with cars of
earlier production. No one has yet equaled
anything we have done with stock Buick
Six cars. And yet the cars we turn out to
day aro infinitely better because of the in
creased skill and experience Buick work
men have acquired in building tho 75,000
cars that were produced last year.
At this time last season orders exceed
ed our production by 20,000. At no time
during the season were there enough Buicks
to go around. From tills you can see what
the demand will be this year. We are only
producing 146,000 cars as against last year's
77,500 because we cannot build more and
build them well. That is not a large in
crease. It shows, however, that if you want
a Buick you cannot afford to postpone buy
ing. Unless you act now you may be like.
other thousands who will be disappointed
this year because they could not get prompt
Don't fail to see the gasoline saver.
Sedan Seven Passenger $18!15.00
Touring Seven Passenger 1:185.00
Coupe Three Passenger Ill 0.00
Touring Five Passenger 1070.00
Roadster Two Passenger 1010.00
Touring Five Passenger (575.00
Roadster Two Passenger (1(15.00
(Prices f. o. b. Flint, Mich.
Living Models Fitted With
Gossard Corsets.
UR first announcement of the beautiful silent drama. "The Social Kcv." which wo will
exhibit to the ladies of North Platte brought forth so many inquiries that wc want to
again impress you with the details of this important event. This film will he shown at the
TUESDAY, MARCH 20th, from 2 to 5 P. M.
"The Social Key," was produced by the Essanay Film Company of Chicago, and in it
you will sec the contrast between the uncorsetcd and the correctly corseted figure, as each
figure type advances toward you on the screen. This a real educational treat with an amusing
story well told.
A few more complimentary passes can he had by calling on our Corset Department'
If you have not received your ticket, call and get it today. You can phone your reservation, if
you prefer. Every Gossard Corset shown in this beautiful story can he purchased at our store.
Icox Department Store
With tho exception of tho tlno lunch-
At a meeting of tho membors of tho cons to bo hold nt tho Presbyterian
Triangle olmb Tuesday ovonlng tho church and tho rocoptlon at tho homo
folciwlng officers woro elected: Pros-J of Mrs. G. T. Hold, nil sessions of tho
ldont, M. M. Itedenbaugh; vlco-prosl- convention of tho Nebraska Federation
dent, L. W. Toole; secretary, Italph
Robinson; treasurer, W. K. Starr;
trustees, M. E. Scott, J. II. Van
Cloavo, W. n. Malonoy,(J. L. Loudon
and II. M Grimes.
Tho Trlnnglo club was recently pro
emoted through tho efforts of Rev. Hull,
of tho Uaptlst church, and Its purposo
Is to furnish clean, wholesonio umuse
nient and entortainmont for tho mon
and boys of North Platto. Tho head
quarters of the club aro In tho base
ment of tho Uaptlst church, ond tho
furnishings will Includo gymnasium
apparatus, together with chess,
checkors mm kindred gamos, a rcnd-
Ing tnblo; In fact It wll bo provided
with means whereby all mombors canj
pass a pleasant and profltnblo ovon
lng. Tho prosont membership Is about
ono hundred, and It Is hoped to in-
creaso It to two hundred within thirty
Tho club wll bo formaUy opened tho
early part of next month.
FIro nt Lloyd Opera House
Davo Day.jon his way to work Wed
nesday morning was attracted by tho
Hinoll of burning wood as ho passod
tho Lloyd opera houso. Peeping
through tho window of tho coat room,
ho discovered tho building flill of
smoko. Kalllng to find an unlocked
door, ho gavo an alarm, tho flro boys
promptly responded, and upon broak
ng Into tho building found tho floor
of tho coat room on flro, which was
quickly put out with tho chemical ox
How tho flro originated remains
unsolved, bmit tho supposition is that
soiuo ono gained an ontranco to tho
building started a II ro In tho stovo,
wpent tho night thoro, and departed
at dawn. Following his departuro
llvo coals fell on tho floor and Btarted
tho blaze.
Tho Yeomen hold a meeting In tho
building tho evening before, but a flro
had not been built in that 'particular
stovo. Had tho flro' started earllor,
or had a draft been furnished through
on opon door or window, tho building
would probably havo been pretty -woll
gutted boforo tho llamcs could havo
beon extinguished.
of Womon's clubs, to bo held horo on
March 22 and 23, will bo public.
Jack Wright, Albort Cortes, John
Hans and Leo VonKuton wore arrested
yostorday for stealing twenty pounds
of peanuts from tho homo of W. H.
Blulock. The quantity taken amounted
to about three dollars. Tho caso enmo
up In tho county court yoetordny after
Dr. Brock, Dentlut, ovor Stono Drug
Tho Woflt Contrnl Nebraska Teach
ers' Association will bo hold In North
Plntto March 29th, 30th and 31st. At
least n hundred teachers from out of
town aro expected. Anyono who can
nccommodato ono or more teachers
with olthor board or room ploaso
phono mo. Alleon Gantt, Co. Supt. 18-3
Itemember Departing Chief.
F. E. Milliard, who has resigned ns
station agent, and will bo rolloved In a
few days, was presontcd with a hand
somo trnvollng bag by tho omployos of
tho freight hoitJao. This roinom-
appreciated by Mr. Dullard,
i 4 iiktii mi 1 .iiitfitu
No ninttor what stylo of. corsQtitho
flguro roquiro3, or tho lndlvldimthtatito
uggosts front of back lacqj ltfop,
hip confining, reducing qr ,froodtft
phram stylos Nubono golvesrTnho
problem. Lot mo show you. Phono,
wrlto or call for appolntmont.
810 cast Sixth street, Exclusive "Jftcal
roproeontatlvo. , .48-2
ito:: I?
Tho body of Georgo Oochs an aged
rosldont of Horshey who died tho first
of thig weok wns brought horo .yos
torday morning. Intormont wns mado
in tho North Platto comotory.
For Salo
Oakland Roadator, modol 33, t1x
eyllndor, In good shape. Boys horo is
your chanco to buy a snappy, power
ful Itoadstor chonp, Inqutro at 214 W.
Ninth street. 17-2
Tho Platto Valley Statu Hank offers
groetlngH and a hearty hniid-e.liisp of
good fellowship to those who are Just
now taking up their work and making
their homes In and about North Platte.
You will flint this community full
of helpful neighbors and among them
wo wish to assuro you HiIh hank
stands riMuly to assist and servo yon
in any way open to us.
Wo havo a serlvce fitted for every
legitimate lino of business and your
account at this bank will reecho the
courteous and considerate attention
of our officers In person.
Wo will welcome an opportunity to
. meet you come la and see us.
Platte Valley State Bank
North Platte, Nebraska.