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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1917)
ClTiT AND flOUNTY NEWS. Honry wqll is transacting business In Grand Inland this week. Miss Hildognrde Clinton roturnod yestorday morning from an oxtondod visit in Omalia and Lincoln. Tlio Mciil Itnkcry bundles exclusive- ly ilio Hlnio farm milk and cream. If Tonight's Fox will be "Little Miss Hnpplnofw" with Juno Caprice and Harry Illlllard. It Is a village lovo story with a horolno of tlio sweet un spoiled llowor liko, close to nature kind, mlille tlio lioro is tlio business liko manly son of tho village usurer. Tho Eastern Star konslngton which Iwtta to moot with Mrs. C. S. Clinton Wednesday nftornoon was ontortaln C(i by Mrs. J. F. Clnbaugh on account of tho Illness of Mrs. Clinton. A beautiful lino of Suits and Coats now on divplny at K. T. THAMP & SONS'. Tho Royal Neighbors' state conven tion wllT be hold nt Fromont on March 21st. Dclogatos from tho local camp who will atlximl are Alosdamos C. Hayos, A. A. Elliott and II. I Hcnckln. Whllo roturnlng to this city Tuosday cvonlng Engineer Joseph Schwnlgor found tho following articles on tho Un ion Pacific river brldgo: Fifty pound sack of salt, two bed rails, ono wagon end gate, ono can of oil. Ownor enn liavo samo by applying to Mr. Schwalg or and paying for thi8 notice. I liavo tho most complcto lino of trimmed hats ovor shown In Nortli Platto now ready for your Inspection. Do not fall to visit my d'epartmont at Block's Store. AHVILLA WHIT TAKER. 17-2 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sudmnn, Jr., of Chappoll, spent tlio forepart of this wcok horo whllo onrouto to eastorn points on their honoynoon fT3ioy woro married Tuosday In Chap'poll aiul wliilo hero woro tho guests of tho brldo's sistor, Mrs. J. E. Sebastian. Mrs. Sudmnn was formerly Miss Julia Homing. Miss Francis Dolf has been 111 for several days with tonsllltls. .... I)r, W, T, Prltcbard loft nt noon yosterdny for Grand Island on busi noe. I now have funds at 5 per cont on cholco lottpm tablo land. Gone Crook, Rooms 3 & 4, Waltomath lildg. Mlsi Margaret McGlnloy, formerly of this city, iwjio lins roaidod In Koy atono for several months spent a few days horo this week while onroute to Douglas, Nebr., to mnko her homo. "Tho Islnnd God Forgot," tho sixth chaptor of "I'atrla" will bo shown at tho Koith tonight and In addition to it will be shown "Shadows and Sun shno," In which IJaby Mario Osborne is starred. In this flvo reel comedy tho work of tho little lady Is delightful and will plonso both chlldron and grownups. Efficient and Tollable light draylng of any kind, taxlcab servlco and coun try livery. Splccr's Pnrcol Delivery. Call Huffman's Cigar Store. Phono 97C. Julius Hoga has received word Hint his brothor-lnlaw, who Is omploycd by tho Allls-Cambors Co., of Mil waukee and bad been sont to Cuba to install cortnln machinery, has been nrrostcd in that country and hold as a spy, Tho details aro not fully known, but it Is presumed that hotwas taken up as an agent of tho aorman govern ment. Soft Wator Slmmpoo, Electric mas sago. Coaton Beauty Parlor, Phono Red G55, over Hinman garage. 15-4 : :o: : KplNCopal Cliurch Sunday next (Mid Lent) sor vlcos will ho at 8 o'clock and 11 o'clock. Archdeacon Bowkor will of ficiate at both of theso services. ::o:: F. J. DIENEK CO. Real Estate and Insurance Come and see us for town lots in different parts of tho city. Good In vestments on easy torms. Houses for sale and rent. We havo also good bar gains in farms and ranches. Cor. Front and Dewey Sts.. upstairs. GROCERY SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Swift's Premium Hams 25c per Ik ORANGES 15c, 29c, 33c, and 39c a Dozen. Wilcox Department Store. STOP THE LEAK IN FARM PROFITS A Checking Account in the Mc Donald State Bnnk is actually mak ing greater profits for many of your neighbors. HOW? Many trips to town are saved; nil deposits are sent by mail: all pay ments nro made by check; an accur ate account is kept of all money received or paid out: you "think twice" before spending money un wisely if you have to stop to write a check instead of "putting your hand in your pocket, Open an account witii us BANK BY MAIL and Donald State Bank h worth Platte, Nebr. Dodge Brothers Hupmobile Chevrolet Cars and Repair parts in stock at North Platte. J. V. ROMIGH, Dealer. 107 W. 0th. ST. PHONE 844. New Servlco Station tliU Spring. I IKS AlTnHKSS TO VOTERS Aftor mature Consideration, I have decided to run for mayor. It- li no thought of ,:ny awn but by tho large numbdr of my friends who have urged mo. If tho voters of N'orth Platte uliould eloct me to the "office, I Mould not be able to exproas my footings. I camo to N'orth l'latte from Ger many pennlleM whon I was slxtoon yoar old, and aftor thlrty-flvo years rosldoncb I liavo no lntorost or dosircr outside of the city. I am tho candidate of no committee or faction, but of all who desire to support mo. I nm the bond of no slate and I hope that my frlonds will vote for whatever 11.1-1- .1. I 1 VI . . 4 1. 4 cunuiuuiu iur me uiiioroni uuiuan uiuju bollovo best qualifed. I want to bo fair and Just betiweon mnn and man, and If olected I will bo lionost and economical, and do my host to keep down tho taxes. I nm a lover of liberty and freedom. I bollovo In recreation, and think that every man should bo allowed to chooso his own form as long It Is within tho limits of good govornmont. I am for tho bonds for tho flro sta tion, and if elected will do all I can to soo that tho bost possible building is erected, to meet the -wishes and de mands of tho flro department and tho city and will do nil I can to further equip nn(i nsslst the flro dopartment. I bollovo that tho next improve ment needed is Tt general extension of -water service and flro mains, In- Including the cemetery, and that this should bo attended to at once. I am directly ilntorcstcd and know the needs. I bollovo that tho north sldo of tho ctly .should havo for tho preseut, at least more pollco protection. I do not pretend to know all tho conditions In tho city, but if olected, would do tho bost I can to discharge my duties. Yours rospectfully, HENRY WALTEMATH. :o: :- Lots of Candidates. So many pptltlons aro In circulation for mnyor and councllmen that it is pretty hard to keep track of all, In fact Tho Tribune has not been able to do so and will wait until theso petitions arc tiled with tho city clork next week boforo giving a list. It was said on tho streets yestorday that thoro will bo a third candidate for mayor, a "dark horso" to be on tored -within a day or two. It IWas fur thor said that "dark horses" would also bo onterod for councllmen in at loast two of tho wards. ::o;: bpneg a Attractive Models in The Newest o T) fT 9 H nits an a a unus arrive Pa ily Every Express brings us new shipments of Spring Garments eacli day. Let us share these good things with you by your coining in often and seeing them as they arrive. One very important fact regarding the styles ol this season is that you are not limited to any particular type you muychoose a Jersey Suit, a Silk Suit, a Dressy Suit, a "Mannish" tailored Suit, or a sport Suit and feel correctly dressed. from , Our Suits ratme in price 12.75 to $50 Greatest Collection of Coats ever shown in the City at Moderate Prices Coals in novel styles and Color ings, Velours, Poplins, Gabardines, Serges, Fancy Mixtures, and Jersey's in all the Season's most Popular Shades. Prices $6.75 to $44.50 trow Beautiful New Spring Dresses Most wonderful assortment of Spring Dresses ever assembled as early in the season as this, and as remarkably low prices. Swell Georgetta. And Crepe de chine Dresses, Taffeltas, Shantung and Silk Poplins in all the pretty shades of Gold Magenta, Mustard, Receda, Green, Gray, and light Blue, in big variety of Styles. Prices $7.98 to $45.00 SKIRTS AND SILK BLOUSES In endless variety to choose from any shade, any style, made of all the most popular materials at Lowest Prices. LaCamille Corsets, P.srPp8 in all the new n . S spring models :; every one fully Guaranteed. NORTH PLATTE'S ONLY EXCLUSIVE LADIES' READY TO WEAR STORE. P. N. Corsets, in Front and Back Lace Models. $1 to $3,50 guaranteed to wear or your money refunded. $2.".0O Howard. Will ho paid hy tho Board of Edu-j cation of Nortli Plntto for Information loading to arrest nnd conviction of any person iwlio -unlawfully cntors, or has ontered any school building, or who unlawfully destroys, or has destroyed, school proporty within tho School Dis trict of North Platte. 13. T. TRAMP. Pres. A. P. STRBITZ, Sec'y. : :o: : B. M. Johnston left at noon yestor day for Grand Island to spond sovoral days. Mrs. Charlos Trovlllo loft Wodnos day for Omaha nnd othor cities of onstorn Nebraska. Dr. Morrill, Dontlst John C. Galo, of Omaha, chief agent of tlio Union rnclflc, spont yesterday horo on buslnoss. Suits and Coats nrrlvlng daily in all tho now wanted spring shades. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. Mrs. Dan Rohorts will cntortaln a number of young ladies at a slumber party at hor homo tomorrow cvonlng. Public Library "Solon Tho Nebraska Library Association will moot In Kearney this year. The dates havo not boon decided upon. Anyono who cares to know what our young volunteors In tho Anibulanco Corps aro doing In Franco should read Ambulance No. 10 by L. Bushwoll. Thirty-two hundred and ninety ap plication cards havo been Issued. ' Avorngo dally circulation last week 104. Arrangements aro boing made for additional shelving, thoroby enlarg ing tho magazlno section and making a spocial section for oncyclopedlas. Thomas Balloy Aldrlch says, "A man is kndwli by tho company his mind keeps," thoroforo the rending habit should bo cultivated. Sovoral now periodicals have beon ndded to tho library. For Ront Sovon room dwelling, two blocks from center Of town. For par tlculars soo Paul Harrington, 120 oast Front. 1G-2 Live Stock Sale Our regular Semi-Monthly Sale will be held at the North Side Born, SATURDAY, MARCH 24th, Commencing at Ten o'clock a. m. A Large Number of Cattle Including Milch Cows and Bulls. A LOT OF HORSES of all ages and weights. Implements of all Kinds Including a complete set of haying machinery, and a six-horse power International Hay Baler. New and Second Hand Automobiles and Household Furniture. If farmers or others have anything to sell bring it in and we will include it in Ibis sale. Bring in your harness, as there will be several buyers. TERMS: Ten months' time at ten per cent interest. JULIUS MOGENSEN, COL. McClARA, Auctioneer. F. C. PIELSTICKER, Clerk. UPMOBILE The horsepower rating of the Hupmobile has never been advertised, but I will agree to at least duplicate the performance of any car, regardless of price or number of cylinders. If you want the ultimate in car performance power, peed, or stability, try out the Hupmobile'; Price $1250 at North Platte. J. V. ROMIGH. 107 W. 6th. ST. PHONE 844. j j A252 Who'll Be the Next to Build? Look What A Wide Choice! A Good Store Building for use or for rent. A Nice Home, Cottage, Bungalow or Mansion. A Good Barn, on the farm or in town. A Shed, for Automobile, stock or machinery. A New Porch, or Addition to the House. A Hennery or Fence. Be the Next and See Us for LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIAL Coates Lumber & Coal Co. North Platte, Nebr. r