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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1917)
Clinugo In Hanking Hours. On account of tho post offico Rogls tor window closing nt (5 p. m. and tho Gonornl Delivery window nt 0:30 p. m. tho large amnunt of mall sont out from North l'lntto dan hardly bo pre pared on tlmo, and aa many bank In N'ebrMka towns nro now closing nt 3 and 3:30 m., conimonclng April 1st, 1917, tho banking hours of tho banks of North Platto will bo 0:00 n. m. to 3:30 p. m. This will also bring the working hours of tho bank om ployou more noarly tho usual working hours thnn formerly. FIRST NATIONAL DANK, MoDONALI) STATE HANK, PLATTE VALLEY STATE DANK. No. 3496. Itoport of the condition of tho FIRST NATIONAL BANK nt North Platte, In tha state of Nclirns )m, nt the clone of IiuhIiicbb on March 5, 1017. IlHSOUItCES I.OHI1H Illlll 1S- coilnu $001,250.25 OvenlraftM utme- cured 671.35 U. 8. bonds tie- Pflt(ltl to - oiiro circulation (tmr value). . .$100,000,00 ml to iirura li 8. ile0Kil ' 1 Ur vHiim).. U0Q0.OO Tofcl U. H. honilii , HomlH other than ' ' U. H. hond " Iil(lKi(l to ho curr iiootiil mv- ,j , (IftllOHltM 11,000,00 Weourlllf m other t thnn U.H. Uondn (not Including . ntool(B) own wl unpl-dned. 17,170,01 TotRl lionet, mirltleM, eto... Stock of Feder al It a 8 e r V o flank (RO liir ctnt of mu1i orlptl(i!i) ,.". . '. Value of ban It- m- lntr lioimo (If u n o n cumber- ;":-(- oil ICciulty In Imnk- Infr hoiiHo Furniture nnrt - fixtures Honl eHtnte own- V " eil other than "' lmiikliiK lioiixe Not mnoiint due from approved renurvo nontn Nw York. Chi- nauo, and Ht. Lofus ......... 8,775,77 Net amount duo from approved reserve amenta , Inothur reworve ' cUIoh 13G,130,G4' Not amount duo . from hnnlcH and lmukurH (oth- tlmn Included la 12 or 20 1.C8S.01 Other checkM on bunks In tho flame city or town tin roport-' IllK hank 8,137.97 Fractional cur- runoy, nlckule, and contH .... 330.C7 Notcn of other . - national hankH 1 , 6 7 5 1 0 0 Federal HoHorvo tmnlc notoH... 1)5,00 Lawful roeorvo In vault and net amount dun from Federal HoHorvo Hank, B9,ti80,10 Iledimptlon fund ' with U. B. Treasurer anil $101,000.00 B1.&7G.02 4,1100.00 CI, 003.10 ' 1.0B9.25 lO.7BO.00 duo from U. H. Troasuror .... 5,000,00 224,013.09 Total 1,053,227.02 LlAlllMTIEH utook - Ciipltul , pnici in ...... BurplttH fund .. Undlvldod profltH $100,000,00 fiO.UUU.UU 13,338,05 Ijosii current ex pensed and tax en paid 15,300.12- Clrauliitlnir iioten outstanding ' Net amount due to hankH and Imnkom (other than Included In 29 or 30... 03,143.70 Dainuml Uopoultn Individual de posits Huhjeot ' to cook ..... 150, 531. S2 Cortlnofttes of deposit duo In , Iahh thnn 30 days 20,433,72 Cort I Mud checks 100.00 Cashiers chocks outstaUdltiK .. 1,501.97 United (Untes do- pnHlts 1,000,00 Postal savings doliOHltH 10,289,52 Cartlllcatcs of deposit 189,233.09 Other tlmo de posits 3,018.21 27,072.153 100,000,00 775,255.09 Total 1 053 227.02 State of Nohraskn, County of Lincoln 'si I, F. L. Moonoy, Cashier of the above uamod hank, do solemnly nwour that the nhovo Htatomontls truo to tho best of my knowlndRo and hollof. , F. U MOON10Y, Cashier. Buhsorllxid and sworn to hoforo mo this 14th tiny of March, 1917. N. 10. HUCKLUY, Notary Public. Correct Attest: n f, HKianiiuaiim, ;11AY C IiANQFOIlb, JOHN J. IIAI.T.TaAN, lureptorH, ROHIGH .TAKES LEASE ON PIZER'SJEW BUILDING lkask jiadk for ten ykaks on m:w block on locust STKKKT Bids on New Building Which will be 11x80 Feet, Two Stories, Will Ho Asked for Next Week. J. V. Hoinlgh, agent for the Dodge, Chovrolot and Hupmobilo chiti, who itlnco Init Septcmbor has conducted n gnrugo In the Illtner building on wont Sixth Htroet, has neuirrod a ten year lease on the 44x80 foot two Htory build ing "which Julitm I'lzof will oroct oil tho corner of Locust and Sixth streets. ThiB building will correspond In stylo to Mr. Plzcr's buIWIng Just north. The new building will have plate glass windows on both the west front nnd tho south side, Mr. Ilomlgh will use tho south twonty-two feet of tho ground lloor for a show room and of- flco, tho north twonty-two feet for storage and iwwth room for oara. Space Is provided on tho north side for an elovator, with n direct ontranco tfroro. to from Sixth stroet. Tho ontlro Hccond lloor will bo usod for storaco mir- posos an(i nmchlno shop, tho lat tor to bo woll oqulppod with power drlvon machine suoh an will bo need, od In tho buslnes. Tho lower floor will bo concroto. Tho building will bo heated from a plant locatod In the prosont PIzor Handing. Tho plans for tho now building aro about completed and will bo plncoi In tho hands of tho .contractors for bldB oarly noxt wook. It is hoped to be gin work shortly aftor April first and havo tho building completed not Intor than Juno 115th. Tho building mill bo a model ono for a garage, occupying as It does a con-1 tral location, and so constructed as to' bo convenient for that purpose thi: 'nun bogs to announce Hint tlmv nr nrv oxhlbltlng thoir Spring Modol Hats for tho trado. The War Ih on nnd We nro Prepared to give you sorvlco In papor hang1-1 !nj?, painting nnd Intprior decorating,' with tho largost stock of wall papor; ovor brought to North Platto to mnko your solcctlon from and decorators who know how to apply them. ! Wo can glvo you sorvlco that Is uncqunlod. Mnko your selections onrly. L,. rt. DUKE, ; Waltomnth Dldg, 110 East 0th m30 ::o:: LOCAL AND PERSONAL Jolin Don enmo down from SIdnoy yestondny to visit his family. . Whoro do you buy your music? Try tho Music Shop. Thomas Watts rotumod a few days ago from a busluos visit In Omaha. Jnnios Koofo transacted lognl bUBl- noss In Onudy Amoral days this weok. Mrs. Robinson, of Council Bluffs, oamo a fow days ago to visit with Mrs. J. N. Ilakor. Suits, and ContH in nil stylos to fit ovory flguro nt prlcos which nro very reasonable E. T. TRAMP & SONS. Mrs. Prank Buchanan roturned Tuosdny from Iowa where sho was called by tho Illness of n rolatlvo two wooka ago. Havo your painting, papor hanging and decorating don0 now by Landgraf Hoga. Wo also do sign work. Phono Blk G92. iG-tf Tho lltoraturo dopnrtmont of tho Twontloth Contlury club met Tuesday aftornoon jwlth Mrs. Mary Eldor. Mrs. r. C. Patterson road a "Story from Life" and Mrs. Joseph Roddy read a papor on Mark Twain. Quosts of tho club woro Mrs. J. Bnkor, Mrs..N. Kloln, Mrs. Snmuolson and Mrs. Robinson. of Council Bluffs. Lierk I The Price . Remains The Same f i Their style, their quality, their guarantee of satisfaction has become the new standard of value for $17 throughout the nation. Their achievement enables men tobe well dressed without being asked to pay one cent more. are still $17, When the war came everyone in fche clothing business thought that wool would go up. The makers of Style plus Clotheo $17 on account of their extensive advertising were duty bound to keep on supplying the public with "all wool fabrics, expert tailoring, the skill of a great designer," at the known price $ 1 7 provided there was any way on earth to do it. What happened? These makers bought woolens and Hnings in tremen dous quariSty. They kept on adver- I jjp, Trade Mark Mrs. V. L. Gary, of Omaha, epont a fow days horo this week r.vth her slstor Mrs. Mary Dunn. Robort Warwick at tho Crystal Sat unlay aftornoon and ovonlng In "Tho Man Who Forgot." In this rocont Brndy-mndo nlcturo ho Is snnnnrtoil by Doris Konyon and Gordn Ilolmos. Fnscinntlng Clara Klmbnll YoUng Is socn at her brilliant best In "Cnmlllo," tho splendid motion Jplcturo made from tho famous novol by Aloxnndre mwnue., uuiss young portrays tho pnrt of a Parisian ndvontuross who ll.TH IllflllV nnflirnlllntr InMirnnn nn.1 who llnnlly learns to really lovo. What uuiuuB ui una iovo Torms an exceed ingly Interesting nnd unusually en thralling drama Rnn If nl tlin Prra. tal theatro on Monday. 1 FLOUR means successful baking. By using it any woman can make good bread, biscuits, cakes, and pastry. It is a guaranteed patent flour, made of Nebraska's best hard wheat by experienced millers in modern up-to-date mills. Fully equal to the widely advertised flours sold at a much higher prico. "As Sure to Raise as Sun to Rise" the - Sandall Co., Agts. aryiepius f IT h m is w Thc senta txicc but the price of nearly everything else Star Clot North Platte, Nebraska. You, will bo surprised at tho beauti ful styles and unusual prices In our now assortment of Dresses. B. T. TRAMP & SONS. Mrs. York HInman ontortnlned a number of Trlonds Tuesday aftornoon In honor of Mrs. Tomplo of Lexington, nnd Mrs. C. F. Spencer, of this olty. Tho domestic sclonco department of tho Twontloth Century club will moot with Mrs. S. C Mecombor, 408 west Third stroet Monday aftornoon. Swodlsh Lutheran congregation, cor nor of Tenth nnd Willow streets sorvlces noxt Sunday, March 18th, at 11 n. m.; Sunday school at 10 a. m Albln Olson, pastor. Loroy Sltz, a miller of Sidney, brother and nartnor to Edward Sltz who filed a petition for bankruptcy uio nrst of last weok, also filed a like petition in tho district court Tuesday afternoon. Ills liabilities aro ?G,934.32 and assots including a $2,000 llfo In surancd policy $2,223.05. Tho funorril of tho Into Mrs, W. B. Salisbury yaa lioldi Wodnosdny af tornoon from tho rosldonco, Rev. Rob ort Whlto conducting tho services. which wore attended by many friends. Tho floral offerings woro very beauti ful. Six mombors of tho city council nctod as pall bearors. Intormont was mndo In tho North Platto comotory. Tho geuornl mooting of tho Twenti eth Century club was hold Tuosday ovonlng nt 'tho homo of Mrs. J. II. Hegarty and nrrangempnts woro com peted for tho tonth annual conven tion which will bo hold horo March 22. to 24. Aftor tho business lunch was sorved by Mosdamos M. E. Scott, Wilson Tout, Frank Barbor and T. C. FnUorson. Business Lot for Sale. Full business lot In tho heart of city, GGxl32 foot, will bo sold nt onco. Business Is suro to extend on Sixth Etreot Bids will bo received by P. II. Sulllyan, J. B. Evans or A A. Elliott, Trustoos A. O. U. W. MUST BE SOLD BY MARCH 23d. the nation over," tising "the price remains the same." Volume doubled, manufacturing costs dropped because of the increased pro duction new efficiency and new economies came to light through the "necessity of the hour." incidently, the makers as well as our selves have been content with a smaller profit in order to keep your price the, same. Please do not forget Styleplus Store here. hing House MILTONBERGER a LEIIB COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY. Will look after renting your property at reasonable rates. Phone Black 550 and. we will call. Notary and Justice of tho Peace, DISPERSION SALE The undersigned will sell on tho Allen McLean ranch, known as the Fremont Watts ranch, 2 1-2 miles west of North Platte, on Tuesday, March 20th, Commencing at 10 o'clock a. m., the following described property; 100 Head of Cattle 32 bhort Horn Cows, 3 and 4 years old, extra good: 1 Short Horn bull, 2 year old; 20 Jersey milch cows, 41 Short Horn calves, 6 Jersey calves. 14 Head of Horses One Bay mare 12 year old weight 1200, one bay mare 12 year old weight 1100, one bay mare 9 year old weight 1100, one black horse 6 years old weight 1100, one bay mare 6 years old werght 1000, one bay mare 3 y.ear old weight 900, one black mare 2 years old weight 900, one grey mare 2 years old weight 900, two grey mares 2 years old weight 1600, four colts 1 year oldT FARM MACHINERY 1 farm wagon, 1 Acme hay rake, 1 gang plow, 3 sets work harness; 1 set single harness, 2 cultivators, 1 grindstone, 2 incubators, 1 churn, 1 table, 1 organ, other household furniture. TERMS: All sums under $20 cash, above that sum 9 months time will be giveu at 10 per cent interest. 2 per cent discount for cash. FREE LUNCH AT NOON. WORKMAN & McCLEAN, Owners. T. H. Wathen, Auctioneer. R. C. Langford, Clerk. has jumped. -we are the only Real Estatenda Insurance1