The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 13, 1917, Image 1

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    i ju "rip- fry -r- - -
No. 17
"""" . ., . - I. .... .
3rcn, Women mid Children nr0 .Cor.
dinlly Invited to be Present at
Frnnklin Aimdltorlimni nt
Eight O'clock Prompt.
Tho first of a sorlos of municipal
ontorta nmonte will bo given In the
auditorium of tho now Franklin
school building next Thursday even
ing commencing at eight o'clock. Ono
thousand can b0 accommodated, and
It is hoped that that many or more
will bo frosent, Tho program chair
man, In sollctlng talent for this on
talnniont, was gratified with th0 will
ingness with which thoso asked to
into pari responuou; without oxcop
tlon each one heartily approvd the
plan of holdng thoso ontortainmonts,
uno iauy rcmarKing, "i imvo attempted
for sevoral years to arouso Interest In
such a plan;" another said, "I havo
uiioa wuiiuoreu way tins was not be
fore attempted." Thero is sufficient
talent In town to givo thoso enter
tainments twico a month and vary the
irugruni enan OTonmg.
Tho program for the initial cnter-
luuimeui win do as loilows:
"My Country 'Tls of The,"
Malo Quartette Messrs. Clinton,
Harrington, Birgo and Mungor.
Vocal Solo Mrs. Harry Cramer.
Heading Misa Dorothy Hlnman.
Trombone Solo Arthur Tramp.
Black Face Sketch, produced by
young mon.
Short Address Dr. N. McCabe.
Solection Girls' Gleo Club.
Reading Mrs. W. J. Tiley.
Vocal Solo Paul Harrington.
Piano solo MIbs Florence MacKay.
Solection Malo Quartette
It should bo understood that this
initial municipal entertainment is in
41... e a , . - ...
uiu mini oi uu experiment, u mo ciu.
zens show an interest in the move
ment by attending in liberal num
bers tho entertalnmonts will bo con
tnued and niado a permanent feature
of tho city's social and entertaining
life. If not patronized liberally, they
will not bo continued. In other words
if tho citizens at. largo don't caro for
them, no attempt will be made to
forco them upon tho public. It Is up
to tho public as to whethor wo bhall
havo them.
Remember, all,, and, especially adults,
are invited, and' further' rememb"eT It
is absolutely freo to all.
Will ltllllil mv l!(inw.
Leonard B. Dink linn nnlil hla ii
on west Sixth street to Engineer Ward,
wno win remove it rrom tho lot and
Mr. Dick will oroct a modorn home
that will Include about all tho
convonloncos that tho human mind can
C. W. Edwards Wlin Inst Yanr!r nun.
chased tho cornor lot In tho COO block
on wost Firth street, Is having Archi
tect Roynolds draw plans for a mod
orn homo which ho will build this
spring or summer.
Harry Block Is maklnR arrangements
for erecting a modem residence on his
cornor lot in tho 400 block on wost
Fourth street which will bo completed
boforo fall.
Cliunpo in Hanking Honrs.
On account nf tlm nnat rrrl,.rt 1nta
uuv u,i.t,u V V. 1 o -
tor window closlntr nf R n m nn1 l.n
uouerai uouvory window at 0:30 p. m.
tho largo amount of mull sent out
from North Platto can hardly bo pre
pared on time.
Nebraska towns aro now closing nt
3 and 3:30 II. 111.. cnnimnnnlTitr Aiill
1st, 1917, tho banking hours of tho
banks of North Plntto will bo 9:00 a
m. to 3:30 p. m. This will also bring
tho working hours of tho bank em
ployes moro noarly tho 'usual working
nuuiH man iormeriy.
Mcdonald statr hamk-
Honors Como Ensy.
- J -"
frlond Davo Dav thnsn iinvi ijc.,ii,.
ho was appointed major on tho staff
...... u . ..v, hid liiuuun
aro circulating petitions nominating
him for councilman from tho First
ward. Candor compels us to admit that
u wo uvea in tno First vari i e would
certainly cast our voto for him against
any and! all comers. Davo is a level
headed young man and tho older ho
grows tho bettor ho becomes.
Business Lot for Sale.
Full business lot In tho heart of
city, CGxl32 feet, will bo sold at once.
Business is suro to extend on Sixth
r.treet Bids will bo received by P. II.
Sullivan, J. E. Evans or A. A. Elliott,
, Trustees A. O. U. W. 15-4
: :o: :
Tho beautiful Zoralda wrecked men's
Tlveri 1V linr RlrillPiil illurnirniKl fnr
their happinoss; sho toyed with thoir
affections and cast them off ono by
ono. But her fato was terrible and sure
when rotrlbutatlon finally overtook
her Thoro Is a lesson for ilirtationa
and) illcklo maldona in '"Black Or
chids" tho Blue Bird photoplay an
nounced as tho attraction at the
Crystal theatre on "VVedensdny night
with Cleo Madison supported by a
cast of suporlor artistic attainments. I
Sonil-Centcnnial Meeting.
A meetinc nf tim
Holding company, members of all com
mittoes. and all nthp-rn itl
tho soml-centennial celebration will bo
num m mo Hotel McCabo tomorrow
evening at eight o'clock. Important
business demands tho attendance of
all iwho aro Interested.
W. T. Green has ben awarded tho
contract for installing two additional
niuuuurs in uie lower floor of tho fed
oral building. No longer will tho em-'
ployos fool tho need of overshoes and
gloves while at work. Postmaster Mc
Lvoy has also asked for certain1
changes in tho main room that will re-!
suit in more working space. Tho bus
iness, of the office -hasrso grown that
tho clerks aro handicap'ped for lack
Of snuce. Tho erection of a west wing'
to tho rosont building will in a year!
or two bo necessary.
Elsowhoro tlm li
offers a reward for arrest and convic-
non or parties who have been entering
tho city school buildings and destroy
ing property. Tho guilty parties aro
apparently nosiaMKmi
sot of lmrglnr tools, for they gain on-
tranco thronirli lnnlrml .1
-y- a-- u"w a t villi will-
dows with apparent ease and in a
nnisned manner, and not in tho
bungling manner adopted by a novico
with rudo tools.
For Snle
Oakland Roadster, model 32, six
cylinder, in good shape. Boya hero Is
your chanco to buy a snappy, power
ful Roadstor cheap. Inquire at 214 "W
Ninth street. 17.2
Among the Local .Men to ho Bcnelltled
by this .Measure nro .Messrs. Elrd-
am. nioin, .HrKvoy, Ilendy,
HHiicr and Lcnve.
Men who In tho plonoor tkiys of tho
WOHt fOUCllt tlln .wllv Klnnv rn olnr.,1
CllUrd ftVor llln Imln .....1 .1..
hardy emigrant and his family whllo
wuuiBing wioir way ovor tho plains tire
iu uu rowarneu lor tno bravory they
luniMiivixi UIKl 1110 liurdftlllria tlinv mi.
dured. Fow of tho ninny hundreds
iiu wore inns ongngod in tho sorvlco
ui uncio wim nro lert, but thoso few
who still remain urn tn im ik n hi..n
dosorvad pension. Under a recent bill
pustjeu oy congroas and which has been
Signed bv tho nroalilnnf llmon mnn
. " "J v.. wow mull 1 1 1 U
to recolvo twenty dollars por month,
inui uiuy win me men rocolvo tho bon
oflt, but tho widows of tho decenscd
Will alike bo cftnftrmiHlv
Fonnerly thero wero oulto a number
ui uioso oiu Indian lighters residing
in North Plntto and Lincoln county,
but time has thinned their ranks.
Thoso whom wo can now recall aro
Theodore Eirdam. Nicholas Kloin. P.
II. McEvoy, W. C. Ritnor, Thoodoro
Lowo and Chas. Hendy. of this city,
Cyrus Fox, of Garfiold, Fred Glnapn,
of Gaslln, and Mrs. Kato Sullivan, of
Brady, tho lattod a wldbw of an old
Indian fighter.
The govornniont has boon somowhnt
slow n recognizing thoso mon, but it
Is better Into than novor.
Elks Elect Officers
At the rnirillnr innnllmr nP Tnii.-
ilasc evening the following officer
wero olocted: Loron Sturima
nilor, P R. Halllgan esteemed load
ing knleht. P t . ,
Ju ,kn,?ht; ,nn' tt"tlln esteemed
ro n r v 1 1 o JI.. A', 1 V "oamonff boc-
- ' j nfiwuiBr, i. u.
I lOIStlCKOr trilston Till
nnd G. R Tigho Inner guard.
Will bo nnlrl hv flirt nnn,i t.i..
cation of North Platto for Information
loading to arrest and conviction of nnv
person Iwho 'irnlnwfniiv 1.'
en ercd any school building, or who
unlawfully destroys, or has destroyed,
school Property within the School DIs-
T. C. PattOrRnil nnil Ttwtrrn TTnl 1
attended a meeting of tho enmp of
evening at which Governor Nvillo waa
a membor of the class initiated. Many
promlnont members of tho G. A. R. of
tho stato uoro present.
John Nelson, an employoo of tho
SllODS. Iwiln nrrnalod ai,r..1ir...
10 chargo of drunkenness. In tho po
lice court yesterday morning ho was
filled fivn 1nllnr0 nr.,1 .."
Wanted attlo to pasture for tho
uiKoinan itnnch, Horshoy.
'1 VUi
11 acre heel snpnr tract, ndjolnlnj:
W. Can bo IrrltciL Hay nnd
trrnzlni? lands, houses, unfurnished
..M.iii, sumigo room nnd snfo deposit
Tho stutn senntn nt Liuwiln viuitnp
day atternoon votml In unll Hia unimxi
lands ot tho stntei by a voto of stxteon
10 uurieeti tutor u lively discussion.
The pioposltlon Is embodied hv Sonato
Pile 96. bV Roboitsoil ol' Hull nnil
If It nnally pussoa tho sonato and tho
iiuuuo aim t,no governor signs tho
saiue, It illl place lands estimated to
be Worth S24.7U4.00O. on Mm mnrlml t-
1. i. . r
ue dlNDOSOd or lo tlin lili?linaJ
No individual can buy more than
Old ncres and thn nronnni lnnun iwii.t.
pis will havo tho right to purchase nt
uiu ingnoai urn price.
Sftiiator Robertson oxplnlnol that It
the lands wore sold and tho monoy
nvestod in G por cent bonds It would
uimg in .l.aas.a to tho tomporary
school fund nnnlinlly Instead of ?207,
9.15, as now comes in under tho prwl
out lease systeau.
Senntor Douthett. of this district,
voted In favor of tho bill.
TrliuiKo Club .Meets Tonight.
The Triangle club will meet for or
ganization nnd election of officers In
the bascmont of tho Baptist church
""ism. mosi 01 1110 furnishings havo
been ordoroii and lmv. nri.iv..,i if i
oxnectod tlint iii ,.pir c i. ...n..
t ham will proceed tho latter part of
m v .u,u WUW nnu txnt tho club
Will beclll in rlnriim i. n
ng week. InimodluLoly upon thu opon-
, . u,uu u "'omuorsnip campaign
will bo undertaken to secure a full
number of niomhnm n
acconmiodato. Already nlthomrii
forma cnmpnlgn for momborshlp has
OeiOll laillichoil anmn n' ....
c'giity havo lmnllnii tn
and a very widespread Interest has
vim iiiiiiiuusica.
It has bSiOn Inn
equipment of a community club, which
is no longer operating, can bo securo.i
a t a fourth of fifth of Its original cos
" ,' . . ua'ru l presont this propo
o.iiuii iu uio ousiness meoting to
All men ntornn(n,l
or they havo mado application for
pSiTK.S!; not' T,1 moetliiff is
""vu lui f tOJ,
: :o: : .
Ml'H. SlllUlnif III,...
Mrs. NelKn SnlluU,,,-
Salisbury, dlod at sovon o'clock this
.uur.mig, nircr mi llnoss of several
: .1 Bn"suury had an op
uiuuuii ii(rinniifii n n i. n.i .
Missouri in Novembor nnd since that
time had novor rcturnmi tn imr 1
coiidition. For two months past sho
u uuuii uuiuusi aim nor condition was
such that thn ntlnnilln,- i.ii .,. .
i,,.r r -'"b i'"juinin3 uiu
ut ..urn uut any nopo of hor recov-
pi mr,,,.,, "w-. il"y. "opo or nor recov-
n ffi W ?ry to Ul rolativ!s. Tho deceased had
A F. STREITZ. Sec resided In tfiis city for S ro
...! nnil i.n.i ......... -.! ... . . ...
Have been built and actually delivered to retail buyers since August. 1st, 1916.
These figure3---320817.--repre3ent the actual number of cars manufactured bTTs
since August 1st, 1916, and delivered by our agents to retail buyers.
This unusual fall and winter demand for Ford oars make it necessarry for us to con
fine the distribution of cars to those agents only who have orders for immediate do
livery to retail customers, rather than to permit any agent to stock cars in anticipa
tion of later spring sales. 1 -
We are issuing this notice to intending buyers that they may protect thomselves
against delay or disappointment in securing Ford cars. If, therefore, you are planning
to purchase a Ford car, we advise you to place your order and take delivery now.
Immediate orders will have prompt attention.
Delay in buying at this time may cause you to wait several months.
Enter your order to-day for immediate delivery with the authorized Ford agenTa
listed below and don"t be disappointed luter on.
Prices: Runabout $345, Touring Car 360, Coupelet rnnn MnTnn nnmnum
5505, Town Car S595, Sedan 8645, Lo. h. Detroit rOHD MOTOR COMPANY
Authorized Ford Agents
joarst anil had inanv frimwiu ,.,m
wiiiiu iniiii n 111
mourn hor death. Sho was born in
uu urcnaru in December, 1872, and
resided thoro for sovoral year3. On
miiy mil, ivib, sho was mnrriod in
Omaha to V. B. Salisbury wlm i.r.
VlVCs her. Othnr rnlntlvna ....I
hor aro hor daughters by a former mar
1UKU, 1UIHS irorn fr(nma nr
Margarot Taylor, of Omaha, who havo
boon with hor during hor illness, sls-
jih iirB uowaru McMIehaol and Mrs
, If JJ01,is, or this city, and t
brother W. II. Stnvnr. nv n-r.'r ....' ,
Iho funeral services will bo hold to-
iiiunow niLornnnn n ... ,
., "-uu ivi, mo rusi-
uuuco on west Sixth street.
FOH rv?'ir A vsu
Section of Imiii r,if ......... ,
i'"ipuiiv nun
For Salo Hnlilmirrt .in. .
boots. Phono ltoii fifiR it n
Bryon Schott rot ll r 11 nil Qn 11 ii n ? r
cning from a short visit in Denver.
Georgo Freed has boon transacting
uuBlnqsa In Omaha for sovoral days
past, '
Lon Graves snnnt dm wnnu -...1
hor.o transacting business and visiting
friends. '
Mrs. Li. L. HrnoTin rntuitin1
day afternoon from a visit with friends
iu ivearnoy and Grand Island.
Wo can iroplaco broken oyoglass
lonsos samo day order Is'given. HAR
RY DIXON, Registered Optometrist.
Mrs Phillip Lllggor. of Omaha, ar
rived horo last ovonlng from Donvor
to visit with Mr. and Mrs. P ..A Nor
ton. Frnncls Marsh, an organlzor of com
munity clubs, spont yeatorday In town
whllo enrouto to Gothonbirrg whoro ho
will organlzo a club.
Jamos Cotton an old tlmo rosldont
of North Platto, Iwho has been making
Reatrlco his homo for sovoral years,
is in town visiting frlonds.
Tho top prico of hogs In South Oma
ha yostorday was $14.50, ton cent low
Sons of Votornns in Lincoln Saturday
er than Saturday's market.
Mrs. Jamos McGInloy, of Douglas,
Nob., .who had frequently visited rol
atlvos hero, died in a Lincoln hospital
ladt week aftor a short Illness.
" Mrs. E. A. Halsoy and threo chlldron
oi Alberta Canada, who had been visit
ing hor sister Mrs. V. R. Malonoy for
tf i days, loft Sunday ovonlng.
Mrs. Hugh Scoonovor, of Lead, S. D.,
fc:.nerly Miss Ruby Manuol, of this
cl. . Is expected horo this woek to vis
it with Mr. nnd Mrs. Lomuol Toolo.
I Toolo, of Koarnoy, visited with
his daughter Miss Ada Toolo Sunday
whllo onrouto homo from a visit with
his daughter; Mrs. Harry Boylo In
Low' Hon.
Mf ;8 Sarah Kolly roturnel last ev
ening from Osknlnoan Tnwn iirlir.
sho had boon nttomilng school. Sho
wm visit nor parontB during tho two
weoks spring vacation.
Olrl for iron e ml linnuAivnfb hi .11a
west Fourth street.
One IlnttliorluHul .linn Quoted as Say.
lug that tho Jlen Havo Walled a
JtiMMinnblo Time for tho Su
premo Court Dcclfdosti
Now Yorkl March 12
roilOrtu Warn OIlh-rAlit In rnll
- -w..- ... -
CIO IlPro tntinv tlint n nmittt ff.titl.ln
strike woulu rosult If a satisfactory
"H'nuiumn is 110L roacuou at 1110 con-
foroilCO OII tlm minatlrm nt tl,o n..i.i
hour workday to bo hold horo Thurs
day bfttwonn Hi rnlliw
- pair"" JllltllilhUl a
and roprescntatlvos of four brother
hood, of tralnmon.
Reports havo boon sont to tho rall
ronji' nrvKtldonla hv
. "'O " ...w .nun-
acors Stntllli'- flint hlnno l,n,1 ll.l
1)V tho lirntlinrlinmla in 1,n,.l ,.i.
" " , vw .u.i. auuii a
huiko Muuruny night in tho ovont
muir uuiiiiuiiis nro not mot nt tho con
Innulrv nt. mil
failed to bring out tho sourco of the
ii'iHiriB, aitnougn it was learned defi
nitely that such Information hns boon
sent thorn. This Information stated
that tho broUiorhoods londors consid
er thoy havo waited a rensonnblo tlmo
for tho supremo cou'rt decision on tho
Adnmson lnw and "thoy aro going to
hogln hostilities In a fow days" as
ono rallrond hrothorhood roprosonta
tlve pnt It. Tho plans of tho union
leaders. I ho report said, callod for a
nrogrosalvo strike beginning Saturday!
night nnd looking to a complete tloup
by tho following Wednosday night.
Hondy-Oglor has been notlflod that
the production of Ford oars during tho
month of Fobrunry was flfty-nlno
housnnd. This brings tho total num
ber mnnurnctured slnco tho first of
lat August up to 379,817. At tho samo
rutin fnr Mm i..t,...lnl.. n..- ..
. o monuis
of tho nutomobllo yoar, tho Ford fac-
tnrv w Ml tn 1... . ul"
:',, " fcwuno monuis turn
out fully seven hundred thousand cars.
You cortalnly owo it to yourself to
fiOO tlia rrrwit vnln.. f . ..
oretl and trlmmod hnta I am now show-
uiiiiv nut 1110 niinrnntnr ntwl
porsonalltv mni tii. n.A ,
dorful values. Como and sen tl.nm
:"r v's't will bo a great nroflt tn vn
partment Storo. iVo
Flnnr u'nllnn o.,.ti.
.,,"" ,, Vl 01 uio u uonnor
1.1,1" ,; , " vuuino 01 ureoita
h ? 82,0fl from tho counters In
tho storo Saturday ovonlng. Tho for-
lJ'll.fy! U' -two
Tlmv nil .. u,"uac BUSplCOIl.
l imi,rt f?r 11,0 K00118 tnkon nnd
woro ordered out of tho building.
r,"l fnn7" u Portion in tho Un
ion Pacific trainmaster's offlco
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Jodor and baby,
irs. W. p. Snllabury this week.
For Kent
Nino now modorti atoani honied liv
ing rooms cither In twn nr fr... v
----- w. .uu, 4llHt(L-
monts in tho Brndlinoir i,,.n,n c
or Phono THE 11, & s. AGENCY, of-
nuL-a uooiiiuo uidg., Phonos Red or
Black G12. ,
- ir
Sill!!' crf-"
IH U start A'l
You may he able to save ten
per cent of your income. Some
depositors in the McDonald Slate
Bank are doing thisjind such sav
ings vhciyncr(cased by 4$ com
pound interest mak"c truly won-"
derful results.
You know you must save
regularly faithfullyand defin
itely to over roach any success
ful goal,
Place your savings here now
whether large or small.
Bring a dollar or more nnd
The undersigned will sell on tho Allen McLean ranch, known
as the Fremont Watts ranch, 2 1-2 miles west of North
Platte, on
Tuesday, March 20th,
Commencing at 10 o'clock a. in., the following described
100 Head of Cattle
32 bhort Horn Cows, 3 and 4 years old, extra good: 1 Short
Horn bull, 2 year old; 20 Jersey milch coHws, 41 Short Horn
calves, 6 Jersey calves.
14 Head of Horses
One Bay mare 12 year old weight 1200, one bay marc 12
year old weight 1100, one bay mare 9 year old weight 1100,
one black horse 6 years old weight 1100, one bay marc 6
years old weight 1000, one bay mare 3 year old weight 900,
one black mare 2 years old weight 900, one grey mare 2
years old weight 900, two grey marcs 2 years old weight
1600, four colts 1 year old,
FARM MACHINERY 1 farm wagon, 1 Acme hay rake,
1 gang plow, 3 sets work harness; 1 set single harness, 2
cultivators, 1 grindstone, 2 incubators, 1 churn, 1 table, 1
organ, other household furniture.
TERMS:- All sums under $20 cash, above that sum 9
months time will be giveu at 10 per cent interest. 2 per
cent discount for cash.
T. H. Wathen, Auctioneer. R. c. Langford, Clerk.