THE 8EMI.WEEKLY TRIBUNE. NORTH PLATTE. NEBRASKA. 01 a Tnr SOME OF OUR BLUEJACKETS IN CUBA KITCHEN CABINET Yot oro wo part ono losnon I can loavo you for ovory day, Bo good. Do noblo tiling", not dream thotn all day long And no mt.ko Ufa. death und that vast forever One ennui, awcet song. Klngsloy. These aro a few of thu sailors ol Uk AinerK.ui i..i uu stationed in (iuimtaiianio. Cuba. ANCIENT ROMANY IS STRICKEN BY WAR .. for an extended Inspection. About Simple Folk Of the Carpathians I forty families were encamped on the Bewildered by Passing of Giant Armies. BOAST OF ROMAN ANCESTRY Picturesque Scenes In Roumanla De scribed by Correspondent Chll dren Are Genuinely Handsome, But Cleanliness Is an Unknown Virtue. By OSWALD F. 8CHUETTE. (Bpoclal Correspondent of Dally News, Chicago.) With den. von Fiilkenhayn's Army In Roumniilu. -If a stage director could floor, with a strange collection of household paraphernalia. Besides the door, the only possible ventilation was a broken window pane. What seemed to cause particular complulnt was the broken pane, not the ventilation. You could not help feeling sorry for these poor mountain folk, driven from their homes by a war of which and about which they know nothing, and In which they had no Interest. To them Bucharest was ns far off as Berlin. Not one but cuvlcd the prosperity of the Roumanians on the Hungarian side of the Carpathians. Yet the war had wrecked their city and their homes. and strange German soldiers worn marching through their streets In pur suit of the fathers nnd brothers who had lied with, the Roumanian iirniv ? U JL '"to tbc mountain fasesses 'be ond Bll'UU 111 IIIIUUII I IV uum iij a , i.. i i .. uw in. nu iiuu inin.ieu euiiiiiin niter fortune. Hut nobody would believe it to be reul. It Is the temporary Internment camp for civilians Into which the Ger mans have converted a spacious Greek column of heavy baggage trains car rying provisions nnd ammunrtlon to the front. Now our automobile slowed up, as we picked our way through n ilriftlitti, ... ... t ... r. .. mi . 1 . .. church of linear, In the heart of the "rV In i i m Roumanian Carpathians. Most of the " ' .'?' ?w,t'. hmv? city has been burned. All men of mil itary ago aro gone. But the houseless Inhabitants that remained had to be concentrated where they could be wutched, for this city Is nn Important base for mountain operations. And such a camp. Such colors and types. The stained glass windows of tho church fade before the gaudy ap parel of these Roumanian women. Young and old alike wear the loudest Df red skirts. Above thu waist there knapsacks and their winter equipment For the nights are bitterly cold In these passes. Yet they sang as wo pnssed them and seemed as cheery us though they were going on a mountain lark. That Is, most of them did. For some of them It wns a hard struggle with no pleasure ahead The head of this column had Just reached the crest and left the rond For down tho other sldo thero wns no need of following the long windings Is n little mora Individuality, but not 0VT wcb our automobile had to go ttiiu ijuiiiun nvu Liu: aui.uri Minn less color blue, white, green, yellow nnd a few black. Some are richly em broldered, others are cheap print cloths. But all are garish Wo found tho original silt skirt here ns though tho skirt were but an out pered freely down the bluffs, reaching thu bottom almost as quickly as we did. But again we had to climb a long and tedious hill on the other side be fore wo came to tho valley In which growth of "blanker days. Yet these ,H0 wnr wrtMom wore now on. Are not an aboriginal type, like our In Alans. Clothes aro no civilized after thought for them. Their proudest boast Is that they are descendants of the Romans, Many of them reveal the Roman pro file. Borne of them are genuinely hand ionic, especially tho children I but they corn to age quickly. Apparently there The Darker Side of Marching A week later wo made he same trip this time following General von Falken hayn himself on an Inspection trip of this front. And now It mined. Th( ' gorgeous beauty of these wild moun tain crags, the purple mists that vellet' he garish colors of the peaks, the fas- Inntlon and tho splendor of what Americans call Indian cummer were . . .. ... ii gone. Everything had assumed, as u by magic, drab colors. Tho misty rain beat against us before an Icy wind, The steep roads became perilous with llppery mud. There was no song from the soldiers thnt we passed. Dripping, soaked, they plodded wearily nnd slowly. The horses of the baggage trains seemed to feel the same waj about It. The uutombblle trucks floun dered In tho mud and many had nnr- row escapes. It Is no light task to navigate one of these glnnt cars on a crooked, slippery mountain road. On little shelves of the mountain side were smoky bivouac tires trying hard to burn. About them were drenched soldiers trying to dry their soaked enulnmcnt nnd uniforms. Here and there tlnppcd tiny dog tents into wnicr. these soldiers would creep for tho night In tho hope that tomorrow would bring a bit of sunshine. Wounded Know No Hate. Around n turn In the rond came a slowly moving, weary ox train. The oxen seemed to mind the rain less than the horses. It was the contents of the wagons these oxen pulled slowly nnd ponderously through the mud that mudo our auto slow down as wo passed them. Each wagon contnlned a num ber of wounded lying In the straw. It was In this section that the Rou manians had attempted to stop the Germnn advance by blowing up the road at three abrupt curves. They had dono their work well. Tho explo sions tore off the whole shelf on which the rond was carried. But the Ger man engineers hnd done their work equally well. They hurriedly built up a wall nt about the middle of the de stroyed rond, then dynamited away n big chunk of the overhanging moun tain side. This fell against their new abutment, and In three hours the Ger mnns were able to put artillery over tho new road. HELPS FOR HOUSEWIFE. Common baking soda mixed to n pasto wltli water and ki;it moist, will relievo tho pain of a burn. Croton oil, mado by using equal parts of sweet oil of any kind and Umewnter will relieve pain and avoid bllstcr- frft-n. .i -atisH 18 In a burn. A lump of cam- minutes before adding tho sugar mixed with tho beaten egg ; cook, then flavor with a half tenspoonful of almond extract, add two-thirds of a cupful of shredded blanched almonds. Servo very cold. "Whoro Ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to bo wise." Ono way to make the world happier would bo to turn Ignorance into bliss. phor placed In the sliver chest will keep the silver from tarnishing. Soup applied to leaking gas Jets or rubbed on bureau drawers which stick, will remedy the dlillculty. Ink stains soaked In milk If applied nt once will remove the stain quickly. Vfter washing blankets and when tnen nddlnc the milk. Baked potatoes ary, neat with a carpet neater to raise ure especially good with this meat the nap and make the wool soft and IlonBt nork ieft-overs finely chopped PORK DISHES. Salt pork Is n wholesome meat which Is found In most families. In the country tho nicely fatted young pork salted Is delicious eating. The nfl vantage of salt pork is that It keeps Indefinitely and Is nn emergency meat always nvullable. Crisp slices of pork parboiled In water, then rolled In comment and fried brown and served with u gravy of flour and milk, cooking the flour In the hot fat, light as a new blanket. New tlnwnic If rubbed with lurd and then heated will not rust and adds to Its durability. To cut butter for measuring from a and served with chopped celery in salnd makes a fine substitute for chicken. Cornmeal pork fritters, with u rich irravv will make a oreautast utsn pound carton, wrnp the blade of the which t8 sufficiently filling for a good knife with tho waxed paper that wraps mcni, use cornmeal, ono egg, n little It, luy the butter on u flat surface and baking powder and sufficient milk to It will cut without broken edges. mi0 u butter thick enough to dip the Have small pieces of cloth fastened slices of parboiled and drained salt to a safety pin placed on the outside pork In, then fry In fnt nnd serve with of a pleco bag, then nt a glance one l cream gravy may see the contents, without looking Fresh pork with carrots, onions and 'Tape's Diapepsin" fixes sick, sour, gassy stomachs in five minutes. Time It! In flvo minutes all stomach distress will go. No Indigestion, heart burn, sourness or belching of gas, add, or eructations of undigested food, no dizziness, bloating, or foul breath. Papo's Dlapopsln la noted for its speed In regulating upset stomachs. It la tho Burest, quickest and most cer tain Indigestion remedy in tho vrholo world, and besides It Is harmless. Plcaso for your Bake, get a largo fifty-cent case of Papo's Dlapopsln from any store and put your Btomach right. Don't keop on being miserable life la too short you aro not hero long, bo make your stay agreeable Eat what you like and digest It; en- Joy It, without dread of rebellion fn the stomach. Pape's Dlapopsln belonga in your homo anyway. Should one of tho fam ily cat somothlng which doesn't ngreo with them, or In case of an attack of Indigestion, dyapopsia, gastritis or stomach derangement at daytime or during tho night, It Is handy to give) tho quickest relief known. Adv. Mixed Up. Stella called on her newly married friend Bella and found her attired in a businesslike overall, while her arms were full of fashion papers and cook ery books. "Hallo 1" she exclaimed. "What aro you going to make?" "Some cakes," replied the young wife, proudly. "But why have you got those fash Ion papers ns well as the cookery books?" "You sec," confessed Bella, rather shnmefacedly. "I'm a bit of a novlco at cooklug. Tell me, do you make cakes from a recipe or a pattern?" through the whole bag. To remove stains or scorched places from linen dampen with peroxide and plnce In the sun. To protect the hnnds and fingers when cutting with shears or knife potntoes baked In a casserole Is an other dish which Is well liked. A small amount of meat will season the vegetables, thus making a most eco nomical dish. Spiced Shoulder of Pork. Soak the wrap tho linger with adhesive plaster shoulder In water for several hours which will nrotect it from little cuts after washing well, being sure that It and blisters. Is well scraped, removing nil tho Tn rnninvi. n HHir rim wrim tho smoked portions that might Impnrt a finger with cord beginning at the end strong flavor. Place In a large kettle nnd winding olnoiv ilnwn tn th. rlntr. with cold water to cover; bring slowly slip the end under the ring with n tooth to the boiling point, then add pepper- nick, nnd ns the strlnir is removed the corns, wnoie cioves win suge, u ring comes with It, If done cnrefully, A most delicious frosting for a cake to be made In an emergency Is this spoonful of each, with a bay leaf, if liked, a bit of mace or nutmeg. The sage may bo omitted If the flavor Is Use confectioner's sugar and crushed ketl- Ater vo ,l0Ur of strawberries, fresh or canned or any cooking, remove the skin from tho CUTICURA IS SO SOOTHING To Itching, Burning Skins It Not Only Soothes, but Heals Trial Free. Treatment: Bathe the affected sur faco with Cutlcura Soap and hot wn ter, dry gently and apply Cutlcnrn Ointment. Repeat morning and night. This method affords immediate relief, and points to speedy henlment They are Ideal for every-day toilet uses. Free sample each by mall with Book. Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. Strong Material. The professor was speaking to tho clnss regarding iron and steel for other fruit liked. It keeps better than shoulder und put it In a ""King pan buu,nK construction. many frostlngs and Is especially well flavored. To kind and Just and grateful hearts The present graco Is given To And a heaven In themselves, And And themselves in heaven. skin side up. Add half a cupful of vlnegnr, two tablespoonfuls of pugnr, nnd a cupful of water; use this to baste the meat while roasting. Any left-over portions arc delicious, sliced cold. "What is the strongest material which can be put Into u house?" ho asked. " "Llmburger cheese," promptly re plied the boy, speaking from experience. DARING FEAT OF CUTTER RECALLED X- Is no summer In their lives. They Jump Disabling Of Geier at Honolulu Brings Back Incident of Spanish-American War. TRIED TO RUtl CUB A BLOCKADE Interned Prussian Gunboat Makes Dash From Havana Harbor, but Is Rounded Up by Coast Guard Cutter Manning. from spring to fall and winter In n day. Only n few of the women between fif teen und forty years revealed traces of the beauty of their daughters. As for children, there seemed to be plenty of them. Garb of Old Romany, Tho men ull woro the typical Roumu nlan garb tight-fitting trousers of cot ton or woolen goods that hnd onco been whlto, but probably laundered only In frequently; u whlto shlrtllko uffulr that hung outside tho trousers, halfway to tho knees, llko u kilt, und a llttlo tlcht Jacket. Few of the men showed nny Now York. Tho Interned Prussian traces of Roman anccstrv. Clennll- uunhont Geler. which wns reported In ness would have hurt none, although recent dispatches to have been dls It might have lessened tho picturesque, nbled at her plor In Honolulu, nt the AH about tho big churchyard were outbreak of wnr In 1014 was cruising gathered families and "neighborhoods," In the Pacific and while en route to tho rooking prlmltlvo meals by open fires. Cnllfornln coast was pursued by three One group wus particularly worth ob- Jannuese armored cruisers. In order lervlng, It might huve been tho city to escape, tho German ship made her rouncll of Rucur, for nil I know. Around way Into Honolulu, but finding that t fire sat lli weather-beaten pntrl- the Japanese maintained a blockade oft srehs, grave almost to silence. As wo the Hawaiian port the ueior interned. tamo up their deliberations stonncd nb- As a precautionary measure, It Is said ruptly. They arose, took off their dirty the breech blocks of the Geler's guns thecpskln caps, bowed and stood silent were removed and sent ashore, as were with nn air nlmoHt of servility. It Is also the main crankshafts and cylln i typical Roumanian expression. For, der bends, aot even exceptlug Russia, Roumanla during the Spanish-American wnr tlll seems to have the most serflike the Golor sprang into prominence by nn peasant folk. attempt to demonstrate tho Ineffective aii arose nut one. He was an old ness of the American blockade upon jian, though not the oldest there. In- Havana. The Geler had obtained per tead of wearing a dirty sheepskin cap, mission to pass through the American no miu one or black. His features blockade nt an early period of the war, were well cut. Ids eyes nnd nose re- ut a time when u strong Amorlcnn the senior officer present balled the Manning, which was close by, through the megaphone In tho following lan guage : "Manning, there 1 "That fellow coming out of Havana Is probably tho German warship Geler. He must be overhauled at all hazards. You have the only ship present that can do It. Go In, and good luck to you 1" With a flash the Mannings enirlno four tablespoonfuls of butter. Line n 1 I an Alt 111. il. I ....... room indicator was whirled to full "is" w I'asiry, mi wun u.u milium SEASONABLE DISHES. When a small amount of meat Is left from dinner u mentple will use the left-overs, making a most pnlntablu dish. Veal and Ham Pie. Take half n pound ench of cooked veal and ham, cut In small pieces; add two cupfuls of cooked macaroni, one small, chopped onion, one ten- spoonful of chopped parsley, two hard cooked eggs, chopped fine. Mix well and season with salt and pepper; add a half a cupful of veal gravy and Home 1b tho ono placo In all this world where hearts are sure of each other. It la tho place of confidence. It Is tho spot where expressions of tenderness gush out without any sen sation of awkwardness nnd without any dread of ridicule Frederick V. Robertson. WINTER VEGETABLES. veoled at leant the powdbllltlt of in telligent anewttry. He had the air of i man of Importance. On thv siugu he naval force was present before the Cu ban port, and she remained In Havana until only a few lightly armed cutters speed ahead, the bugles sounded all hands to quarters nnd In another In stant the Manning was tearing through the wnter at full speed. Steadily she crawled up, and us she did so her of ficers could see the stranger's hull steadily rise on the horizon. Then the gun sponsons came In view; her flag was showing, hut It was now plnln that the vessel ahead wns not only a large cruiser, but umulstitkubly tho Geler. A headline in the coast ahead compelled the stranger to haul out more to sea, nnd ns she did so she slowed down then stopped, und slowly thero flut tered to tho gaff end the Imperial flag of Germany, Cutter Circles Around Geier. The Manning, without stopping her great speed, tore under the Geler's stern, put her helm hard-a-port nnd mndu a full round of tho Gcrmun cruiser, ns much as to say, "Well, you didn't get out without being spoken to." As tho Manning spun round the Germnn the officers of tho Geler stood at salute, which was curtly acknowl edged from the Manning, and thou ns the Manning bonded back a great 'roar and cover with pastry. Bake In a medium hot oven and serve with slices of lemon. Braised Tongue. Put a fresh tongue In a kettle, cover with boiling water anil cook slowly two hours. Reniovo the tongue and take off the skin nnd roots. Place tn a deep pan and sur round with a third of u cupful ench of carrot, onion and celery, cut in dice ; ndd a sprig of parsley, then pour over four cupfuls of the sauce. Cover closely nnd bake two hours, turning after the first hour. Serve on u plat ter with the following sauce strained over It. Brown Sauce for Tongue. Brown a Tho potato Is our only .starchy veg etable In common use. These are stored for winter use with such oth er vegetables as beets, carrots, cab bage, turnips, pars nips, salsify -nnd onions. If stored under proper con ditions, all these vegetables keep without much loss. Such vegetables, If bought or stored In season, cost less than many other articles of diet, These vegetables carry a large amount of water, 70 to 00 per cent, nnd from 10 to 30 per cent of solids. As there Is llttlo or no nitrogenous matter, It Is Important thnt such food should bo supplied with them, an exclusive vege table diet Is consequently not desir able. There Is a considerable qunntlty of mineral salts In them, and tho woody fiber which they contain make them nn Important food. When used with other foods rich in protein tho tubers nnd roots supply a large amount of fuel for the body's needs. The ZV, . : . connie, woody fiber, though undigested .luunei ui w.,uu. u. . no,da foml 80 ,hat tno until well mixeu. Aim rour cupiuis ,.., ,... ;. ,,.. might well hsrc nxrn the chief of w and converted lighthouse tenders were mountain trtb. Vmy. tit. Uxi, nrw ; tt aimnl. the heavy shliw having been and greeted tw, lUomgU mliimty. Ltr withdrawn under Admiral Sampson to wo learned Iks I U w mm mt tU-' tl.- .i.Mwiml. wealthiest mm H llmur, tm M . Made Dash From Port. neither read w writ. . Picking her time, tho Geler ono lift- wo inurprtw Tt etary. ..rmon In May, 1S08, made n dash out Wo could mm w4v'uuw4 M tt ,f port, hugged the coast In n run to guuge, and ikrf tmtv ttUitt tttUxt U ih westward, ami would have made get Into u NvrifeMv- tiftfc m. A I kmh! bur getaway without being spoken woman from tuA&ttovtiHX wtfi'llru , to had It not been for the unexpected came ovw U my txmviUlux. IhiI we 'had no luterjwtisr ttu4 kur story was lost. Hut n km elhrwHoKlcal uxhlblt the picture lnttniKi In the SmlthKonlan Institution nt Wellington. arrival it few hours earlier before Ha VHiut of tho newly built ami fast const guard cutler Manning. At the first cry of "Black smoke coming out of Havana 1" which went plcti In (Iih ihun-li the scene was Just us up from every masthead lookout of i-U iv n,,.' -ut the air was too thick 1 the American vessels simultaneously, .ltnntlin fti! nno 1 m ' i KfWtix nnttnti At . 1, l ...klnl. MH UIKCBIHK JUIIVO .....u ""l" ill uiu niutR I" nun." HIV 1.... l.l Il . Season well with salt and . 'w IOIMI WUltT 111 11 DUIIU ...una, cooked. pepper. A cupful of tomatoes may bo added In place of n cupful of tho stock If desired. Dletstlc Brown Bread. Take one and n half cupfuls of graham Hour. one-half cupful of bran, one-half tea- spoonful of snlt, a tenspoonful of soda, a lulf cupful of molasses nnd one and oi muKiuei rsl i.uui ner men. ior r ,lnfllta nf w wnter. Steam there, coming down In the distance ns ... ! ... ' na .VV11 hnuri, lll(11 fnst as they could steam, was every one of the eight little American guard vessels, the fastest not able to make more than ten knots, and not ono carry lug more than a row six-pound guns, but they were nil determined to bo In that fight If It wns posslhlo to get there, Tho significance of the Geler's act lay In the fact that If sho had been itnio to break through tho American cordon without being itpokcn to sho dry In the oven. Peach Tea Cake, Cream two table spoonfuls of butter, ndd a half cupful The mineral salts In vegetables aro used In various waya In the functions of tho body; they also assist In tho maintenance of the alkalinity of tho blood, n most Important office. We are not fnnilllar enough with tho value of vegetables, or fall when read Ing their food value to put the em phusls on the -'uluable constituents, Vegetables require some labor to pre pare, hence many housewives buy canned goods which nre not nn econ spooniuis ot oiitier. ...... n Q Uu) ,)Uyor wh(,n froKh w,ntcr of sugar, ono egg, one-ha f cupful of ,,,,,, Illiy ,)0 oMlued. Where ono cans her own vegetables In the milk, two tenspoonfuls of baking pow der and two cupfuls of sifted flour. Spread In a largo slmllow pan and cover with sliced peaches, adu a few kernels, a sprinkling of sugar and cln- iinmon. liiiKe iKt minutes in a uui oven. flection of plenty, ennned vegetables ari valuable, as they afford a larger variety There should never be one spoonful of left-over vegetables wnstod. Two or three may be added to n cream aimnnn h inn nn. i.iiiti iii-rtmii b I . . ..... - .. could, on arrival at Vera Cm, whoro " :, 7. .... Z " - ...t-n Mniin so"l. running one u nme out or the . ' . , , - ' ... LUIIS mill nillin ui ojn...ttn . . ,itn.lrv sho put In a few days later, have cabled ,itnd c,ls,lir,i. uaig two eggs, half ordinary. to Berlin that tho American preten- B1,fi f ,,,. .,int of milk nnd ul.inu n hl.,nl',ln !, I... " "l"V o ..,v....u ucimu milium jw0 (nhlespoonfuls or cornsinrci. nni i .... .. iv... mm mcreioro tno Cook tll0 , utu cornstarch for nv u.ii-Kt-u u.ui-iwtue iviis uui recoguiznuie, S CHILD GROSS w FEVERISH, SICK Look, Mother! If tongue is coated, give "California Syrup of Figs." Children love this "fruit laxative," and nothing else cleanBes the tender Btomach, liver and bowels so nicely. A child simply will not stop plnylng to empty the bowels, and the result is they become tightly clogged with waste, liver gets sluggish, stomach sours, then your little one becomes cross, half-sick, feverish, don't cut, sleep or act naturally, breath la bad,, system full of cold, has sore throat. stomach-ache or diarrhea. Listen, Mother 1 See if tongue is coated, then give a tenspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and in n few hours all the constipated waste, sour bile nnd undigested food passes out of the sys tem, nnd you have n well child again. Millions of mothers give "California Syrup of Figs" because It Is perfectly harmless; chlldreh lovo It, and It nev er falls to act on the stomach, liver and bowels. Ask nt the store for a r0-cent bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which has full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly printed on the bottle. Adv. Thirteen Lucky Miles. Patience 1 see that 13 per cent f the line of a railroad being built In Switzerland will bo through tunneK Pntrlce Thnt Is a case where no girl, however superstitious, could pom slbly think thirteen unlucky. ACTRE8S TELLS SECRET.' A well known actress gives the follow ing recipe for gray hair: To half pint ot water add 1 or. Day Rum, a small box of Barbo Compound, and VI oz. of glycerine. Any druggist can put this up or you can mix it at home at very little cost. Full directions for making and use come In each box tf Barbo Compound. It will gradually darken streaked, faded gray hair, and make it soft and glossy. It wilt not color the scalp, is not sticky or greasy, and does not rub off. Adv. Its Limit. "Ia thero any limit to tho scope of this submarine wnr?" "Only the Bubmnrlne's periscope." Alfalfa seed, ?0; Sweet Clover, Ija. J. W. Multmll, Sioux City, Iu. Adv. When a man Is In love for the first time, ho thinks he Invented It.