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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1917)
THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. 1 I1 as 11 MS Net Contents ISFluid Draohmj ICASV3RIA .; n ,,, if- -i n r i "' a a i r. . I m similntinthcFood by Regular j j tlngthcStomadisandDww GASTQRIA For Infants and CMIdron. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Bears MTIONAL (MM AFFAIR tpf ' Get Th: Cabinet Coachmen Fear Intrusion of Automobile Thereby Promoiini Digestion neither Oplum.Morphlncnor wnplai jaw bcMUiSatfl Jkmummt . tsbm Sd tie, namr and Fcvcrlshncss and fl rcsdUnlhcrefromM j raoSiraKcS.jnatorco'- IiiECnKrAilnCoHP- Always a. Mr Signatiiroirtr fid jr For Q Exact Copy of Wrapper. Some Consolation. Wo are told that housewives can uo longer afford to serve cabbage. That's oo bad, of course but how much bet ter the boarding house of the future (s going to smell I WOMEN! IT IS MAGIC! LIFT OUT ANY CORN Apply a few drops then lift corns or calluses off with fingers no pain. Just think 1 You can lift off any corn or callus without pain or soreness. A Cincinnati man discov ered this ether compound and named It freezone. Any druggist will sell n tiny bot tle of freezone, like here shown, for very little cost. You apply a few drops di rectly upon n tender corn or callus. Instantly the soreness disappears, then shortly you will And the corn or callus so loose that you can lift It right off. Freezone Is wonderful. It dries Instantly. It doesn't I eat away the corn or cal lus, but shrivels It up with out even Irritating the sur- I rounding skin. Hard, soft or corns bo jtween the toes, as well ns painful calluses, lift right off. There Is no pain be fore or afterwards. If your druggist hasn't freezone, tell him to order n small bottle for you from his whole sale drug house. adv. JU ML 11 I 1 111 .illll .ii If HI , II 1 Husband's Qualities. Agnes The ostrich doesn't see much and digests everything, firnce What an Ideal husband. GOOD FOR HUNGRY CHILDREN Children love Skinner's Macaroni and Spaghetti because of its delicious tuste. It Is good for them and you can give them all they want. It Is a great builder of bone and muscle, and docs not make them nervous and irri table like meat. The most economical and nutritious food known. Made from the finest Durum wheat. Write Skin ner Mfg. Co., Omaha, Nebr., for beau tiful cook book. It Is sent free to mothers. Adv. In Use ver Thirty Years TORIA thc e(ttTun oumnv. mw von omr. Its Sort. "Good story that about the rattle snake, wasn't It?" "Yes; rattling good story." WASHINGTON. Half a dozen or more veteran coachmen In the cabinet set viewed with no little trepidation Secretnry of Stnto Lansing's move to have nutomoblles substituted In the legislative, executive and Judicial appropriation bill for thc traditional horse-drawn carriages used by mem bers of the president's official family. The secretary usked for n $0,000 ma chine. The house scaled the allowance to $4,000. When he gets his motor car the secretary of state's pair of sleek bays will be relegated to the depleted equine market. It may be expected that other cabinet officers will follow the premier's lead. The passing of the cabinet carriages will bo regretted by many Wnshlngtonlnns, who have taken n sort of pride In the prancing steeds which transport the various secretaries on their olllclnl errands. Presi dent Roosevelt was thc first chief executive to discard the White House teams, when ho purchased a limousine, now doing tnxlcab duty here. Subsequently President Taft drove nn unusuul bargain with un excluslvo nutomobllo concern, by which he obtained three big cars nt an annual cost of only $500, with new enrs furnished every year. The same agreement Is still In force, and thc manufacturer, although he Is not allowed to advertise the fact that his cars are used at the White House, has shown no Inclination to niter the contract. He is Good Book FREE "Health and How to Have It" tolls import ant facta every person ought to know. It is clean, concise, and scientific. It tells you why you drag along uncomfortable from day to day. It offers you advico on how to overcome this condition. . If it doesn't anneal to you. you nro not under oblltra llona to follow it. If its conclusions nro common sense, you will want to benefit by it. It'a youra for tho asking. If your druggist can't glvo you a copy, writo to us direct. The Portion Company, Columbus, Ohio Alfalfa seed, $0; Sweet Clover, $"8. J. W. Mulhall, Sioux City, la. Adv. Logical Conclusion. "Ho Is uot out of the woods yet." "That Is why they think they can tree him." Anurio cures Uackache, Lumbago, Rheumatism. Send 10c. Dr. V. M. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., for large trial package. Adv. In a Novel. "Well, this heroine marries early, I must say." "Huh?" "Pago thirteen." ACTRESS TELLS SECRET. A well known actress gives the follow ing reclpo for gray hair: To half pint of water add 1 oz. Bay Rum, a small box of Barbo Compound, and U oz. of glycerine. Any druggist can put this up or you can mix It at home at very little cost. Full directions for making and uso come In each box of Barbo Compound. It will gradually darken streaked, faded gruy hair, and make It soft and glossy. It will not color the scalp, is not sticky or greasy, and does not rub off. Adv. Her Dual Attitude. "Does your wife ever show a bold, aggressive front when you reprove her for anything?" "Sure she does, and she shows her bold front by talking back." A MINISTER'S CONFESSION Rev. W. H. Warner, Myersvllle, Md., writes: "My trouble wus sclatlcu. My back was affected and took the form of lumbago. I also hud neurulglu, cramps In my mus cles, pressure or sharp pul a on the top of my head, and nervous dizzy spells. I had oth er symptoms show ing my kidneys nulr, so I took Dodd's Kidney They were the means of saving my life. I write to say that your medicine restored me to perfect health." Be sure and get "DODD'S," the name with the three D's for dis eased, disordered, deranged kidneys; Just as Rev. Warner did, no similarly named article will do. Adv. It) at I were Pills. There have been woman sailors among the Finns and Norwegians for many years. Ilousccleanlng Is never as bad as the poems written about it. In 1920. Justice What's the cnurge? Officer Stealing potatoes from Jewelry store, yer honor. The Qu aim 5 me Th&t ESoes Gms& Nervousness or Ringing in Hesi Because of its Tonic and Laxative effect, LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE can be taken by anyone without causing nervousness or ringing in the head. It removes the cause of Colds, Grip and "Headache. Used whenever Quinine is needed. hut remember there is Only One ronie Duinini That is tho Original Laxative Bromo Quinine This Signature on Every Box Uaod tho World Ovor to Cur a a Ooltl tS In Onm Day. Great Falls, these boulevards -iff il"J Boulevards Along the Potomac River Are Advocated ROULEVARD on both sides of the Potomac river from Washington to A bridge across the Potomac at Great Falls connecting A boulevard from Washington south to Mt. Vernon, con necting with the upper Potomac park development. These, In brief, were the sugges tions made to the national park con ference by A. R. Casselman, as the next stage In the development of Washington's park system. r-vA-5j Mr- Casselman, an employee of fi-6fi?OJ the Interior department, has rnude a proiongeu study or the scenic nenuties of the Potomac, with n view to adapt ing a park plan to make them acces sible. Mr. Casselman pointed out the propriety of connecting the Great Falls boulevard with Mt. Vernon because George Washington was deeply Interested in Grent Falls and helped dig the canals there, tho first In this country. Below the Hlghwny bridge, and north of Alexandria, he snld, there lie 400 or COO acres of shallow river which should be reclaimed. Some of the portion of the original District of Columbia, ceded hack to Virginia In 1840, Mr. Casselman said, should be restored to tho national gov ernment, because the government has Interests of grent magnitude, especially those In tho power site nt Grent Fulls, along both sides of tho river. no said that President Tnft had recommended tho acquisition by the government of a portion of the Virginia tract, nnd that Ambassador Bryco had said: "It Is an ingratitude to providence If the country does not use the grent natural beauty of thc upper Potomac." "Nowhere In this country," Mr. Casselman said, "does such scenery exist within easy distance of n great city as that this side of the falls." He said that If the plan to have n great lake at Little Falls Is carried out that makes the development of the land above Little Falls all the' more desirable. The beauty of Washington, he continued, Is no longer u matter of local, hut of national, Interest. "It will not be many decades," ho predicted, "until Washington has a million population, nnd then It will be too late to acquire tho territory needci' for the Great FallB park plan." Rose From the Brickyard. Dr. Frederick A. Hall, newly ap pointed chancellor of Washington uni versity, roso to thc academic head of the institution after tho manner which has mnrked many successful careers In this country. Whoro other men overcame difficulties of humble birth nnd circumstance nnd rose to high po sitions In thc business world, he has done the sumo thing in the scholastic world. He started work In a brickyard, bat tled his way to an education, and through that became the head of Washington university. At the ago of twelve ho started out to paddle his own ennoe nnd three years later moved from Now Jersey to Illinois, where he worked on a farm. The struggle was n hard one, but he won. Puts Auto Above Railroad. A recent Investigation by n nntlonnl automobile organization brings out strikingly the Increasing importance of the place that the nutomobllo fills In America today. According to thc re sults of this Investigation, pnssqnger nutomoblles do ntore pnsscngcr-cn fry ing work, measured In miles per per son, than all the railroads of tho Unit ed States put together. Figuring the value of the service rendered by tho auto in passenger cnrrylng on tho basis of average railroad fare, It Is found that the gross value to tho country Is almost $1,000,000,000 n year. Uric Acid! Ever sinco tho discovery of Schcclo in 1775 that uric acid was foum within tho body most eminent physicians agree that rheumatism is caused by it; also many distressing symptoms oa head ache, pain in back, stomach distress, Bwollcn feet and ankles, gout, etc. It was Dr. I'icrco of Uio Invalids' Ilotcl, Buffalo, N.Y., who discovered a now agent called Anuric, n harmless remedy that if token before mcala will carry off tho uric ncid from the system and in this way tho pains nnd aches, tho creaky joints and all tho distressing symptoms of rhoumatism and other maladies dis appear. You can easily provo this your self, by obtaining Anurio nt nlmost nny drug store, or send Dr. Fierce 10c. for trial package Try it and bo convinced tliat Anuric is many times moro activo than lithia and eliminates uric acid as hot water molts sugar. Moth and butterfly eggs look like small but fancy pieces of candy. WITHIN TIIH MUCH of ovory woman- noaitii ana strength. Tiioy'ro brought to you by Dr. Plorco's Favorite Prescription. Tako this modlclno, and thoro's n snfo nnd certain remedy for all tho chronic woaknncssos, de rangements, and diseases pe culiar to tho sox. It will build up, strengthen, nnd invlgorato every run-down" or dollcato woman. It regulates and as sists nil tho natural functions. At somo period In hor llfo. a woman requires a special tonic and norvino. If you'ro a tired or afflicted woman turn to "li'avorlto Proscription," you will find It never falls to bcnoflt. Sold In tablot or liquid form. You will cscnpo many Ills and clonr up tho coated tongue, tho sallow comploxton, tho dull houdacho, tho lazy liver, if yon will tako a pleasant laxatlvo mado up of tho May-apple, julca of tho leaves Of aloes, root of Jalap, and called "Pleasant Pelluts." You can obtain at drug storo theso vcgotablo pollota In vials for 25c ask for Dr. Plorco's Pleasant. Pollots. Aged Servants in Washington Are Awarded Prizes HAVING lived In Washington for 01 years, and not having been downtowr In the lost 40 years, Is tho strange record of Theresa Harper, eighty seven years old, as revenled at a meeting of the Federation of Women's Clubs, when tho prizes were nwarded in the domestic servants' contest. She was awarded a diploma and first prize of $10 for having served the most number of years ns a servant In one family. She Is now In the house of George Clifford Bonrmnn, and has been In the Bnarmnn family since sho was n child. Theresa was brought downtown In an automobile to receive her prize, and she snld that It was tho first time that she was south of M street In 40 years. Sho Is well at her advanced age and said that she could still sew. buke nnd cook In the same uncqunlod style that is known only to her kind. The daughter of nn African princess and a Nubian nobleman Is the regal lineage of which Reglna Taylor boasted when she received the prize for hav ing seen the longest service under one mistress. She has been a servant for Mrs. J. II. Macnls for 52 years. Reglna sang a song In Spanish. Robert Allen received the prize for being the male servant who saw the longest service under one master. He has been In the residence of William M. Gait lor 02 years. Miss Flgra Brlggs led the singing of "Carry Me Back to Ole Vlrglnny.' As the old servnnts, many of whom were born slaves, Joined In the singing tears streamed from their eyes. 07 YEMiSOlf, JolKlrtWOM IfflAh1 A J-OflG Just to Show Them. "So you have been on a visit to your boyhood home?" "Yes," replied the prosperous-looking citizen. " 'How dear to my heivrt are the scones of my childhood when fond rec ollection presents them to view.' " "I know that's what tho poet wrote, but my principal object In going hack was to show the people there that 'that dirty-faced, good-for-nothing Johnson boy' has amounted to something In the world." Prldo often clvos truth a sovero Jolt. Logical Result. "That girl rings true." "Of course, sho does. Sho's a bello." Note tho evil results of smoking as Illustrated by tho volcano; It constant ly suffers from eruptions. The prune crop of the whole stnto of California Is valued at 0,000,000.. A danger signal has been devised to warn of overhead perils. A fire In an Ohio grain elevator burned for more than u yenr. When the Residents of the Capital Go Skating WASHINGTON on Ice Is u very giddy Washington. It is not the Washing ton of broad-brimmed senators, frock-coated representatives and tailor niaile diplomats, but a grand, whirling, gliding Washington of youngsters from eight years old to eighty. It Is a city tiiriii'd loose on Its very small parcel 1 of Ire to enjoy In the pleasant, crisp nir all the carnival spirit that Jack , Froxt will allow In this southern latl- j tude. Only n few hours' Journey to ( CN fffw ,llL' ,lort'1 w,n bring ono to a re- iCx-r -1111 ' kUiu wllt're ,co Anting lusts for days ' T2Rife5!J, Q c-- JffriC at a time often for weeks. Tho pretty little lake out a Chevy Clinso luiR tho reputation of freezing ...i.i. .......... r ti... .nlt..... I tpnnd In tho zoo a close seennd. When Washington goes out to skate the population of the city appears to be made up of a tremendous number of very pretty girls. That Is un Inter esting proposition to start off with. Wherever thero Is Ice there Is also Mabel und Maud and Clarlsse and all the rest, followed persistently by a large timb of very sporty-looking and proficient youths who really think tliey have gone out to skate but vho are following the eternal feminine as blindly and as slavishly ns did their parents long before them. There Is alw;; s on view tho brave young man who seems to he stuck with wall flower at dances and upper berths on hot nights on trnl:.s, and whose ski'Mng career seems to be limited to tenehlng two very heavy ladles how to do the simplest maneuvers on lie. With n heavy beauty on either side of him, his whole afternoon Is spent In fulling first on one and then on tho other, varied only when one or both of them fall on him. Tho Chevy Chase and zoo ponds have what seems to be the same emwd continuously through the few days of skating In Washington, but whenever the basin fifezes over, then, Indeed, Is the Washington sinter In the seventh heaven of d"llght. And when the river Itcelf offers u nfo Journey to tho hknter who would go from thu iiquedlict to the Long bridge well, all other hkntlng fades Into Insignificance. Above everything else CERTAIN-TEED stands for efficiency and economy. Any CERTAIN-TEED product will deliver these qualities in full measure. Ce r tain-teed Ce rtain-teed Roofing In tho efllclunt ...milcul rooting for all typos of .ulldliiRii. In rolls for fnctnrk'H, IiuhIiiphk, mid farm liulMlnca. In artistic Hliilo-.Biirfiiioil uhliigleH tar rcHlilcm-eH. I.lKlit-wulRht, nro-rrtnnl-nt. Conts Iohs to buy. Iosh to lny nnd Irrh per year of llfo. Guanintisod ft, 10 nnd 1.1 ypfirs nrcnrdlnic to IhlchncHH (1. 2 or n ply) and outlasts tho period of irunniiUfo. Irivi-HtlK'tto OlCHTAlN-TI2I3D. Paints and Varnishes nro mndo by export nnlnt mon and Rimrnntuud to glvo satisfaction. Low priced Iiociuibo iniiao by tho largest IniHlnoPf) of Its kind In Ota world, with every facility for reducing costs. The iirofcNRlonal painter who uses ClCIt-'PAIN-TWHD paints avoids all wnsto and left-ovors und gotB a quality-Kiiar-nnteed by a bushiest) of International standing. AVhothor you paint or em ploy a pnlnter, get CRUTA IN-TEED. CEP.TAIN-TEED PRODUCTS CORPORATION Crneral Roofing Mfg. Co., Ctetu VnrnUh Co., Mound City Paint & Color Co. Nw York, CMciio, PbitaililpMa, St. Lauli. 1WI., Cl.TtUod, Pillibunk, Drlrelt, Sin Frtoctm, Milwtoiu, CUtinaitl, N.w OrUani, Loi Angttti, Miaatapnlii, Ktnraa Citf, Statlla, InJianitwlM, Atlanta. Rlcnnaiol, Crand RapIJa, HatSrilk, Salt Ula Citf, Uea Molnti, Hooitoa, Dalolh, Unfoi, Sjiatf, llaiaaa Canada's literal Offer of Wheat Land to Settlers is open to you to every farmer or farmer's son who is anxious to establish for himself a happy home and prosperity. Canada's hearty invitation this year is more attractive than ever. Wheat is much higher but her fertile farm land just ns cheap, and in the provinces of Manitoba, Saskat chewan and Alberta I HO Acre Homestead Arc ArtniOIr Tree to Settlers and Other Land SoM at from Jl J to $20 per Acre Tin great demand for Canadian Wheat will keep up the price. Where a farmer can set near a lor wnrat inn r,.it zu to ,: uusnei to the acre he ia bound to maka money that's what you can -xpect In Western l-nada. Won drrful yields also of Oala, Barley nnd Flax, Mixed Parmlnir 111 Western Canada Is fully as profitable an industry ns grain ruling, TlifteiroliMiiiirnaHua, full of nutrition nro the only food reqnln-d olitinr for l-uf or ilmrr (ioixl aclKHiKt'tmri'liB inarkrUconriiiirnnLcllmatu i-ii-nllitnl. Mllltar; Burvlco U not rouipulaorr In Canada tint thi-rn In uii nniiMinl riviuHnd for farm labor to rmilnce ilm manr younu umn wtiu hum Toliinlrnri'U lor Urn nar Write lur llloraiuro und r v I 11 III mm i.irtVMiluri an to ri-duri-d i.JIwuj rate to bupuot W. V. DENNETT ftoom 4. Hoe Uldfj., Omaha. Neb. Canadian Government Auent