Uw a. Idea 5) DOUBLE SPtCTAC TUf OLD rASHIONlu DlfOGALS it ; i A3 viipruoemcnt SyOO JXCYlCCtiOn i"""0 cusses The originator of the bifocal idea was Ben Franklin. His glosses showed a heavy seam across the face of them. Then followed the cement and past ed bifocals which were not much of an irnnroveinent over i Ben's crude spectacles. The latest development in bifocals is XTRYPT OK GLASSES J.&. THE INVISIBLE BIFOCAU5 Thoy aro tho porfect glasses for near and far vision, without lino, scmm or hump. K II YPTOKS . (pronounced t'rlp.tockH) aro ono olltl crystal clear Ions with smooth von sun fncoB. Thoy aro slnglo vision In nppoaranco. C. S. CLINTON, Registered Optometrist. Tho pig" with tlio Wfr UiiiK CITV AND COUNTY NEWS. Hundreds ot now spring Suits, Coats, Droses, Skirts and Blouses aro now Bhown at IILOCK'S. County CJorlc Allon spont tho latter part of last week transacting uusIil:b in Omaha, returning Sunday. Ur. Brock. Ouutlut, ovur Stono Drug Hior Arthur Uullard, who visited In Oma ha for several days uftor holm? mus tered out of sorvlce, returned homo Saturday. J I). MgDonald returned Sunday from Omaha whoro ho Bpont several days attending tho state convontlon of retail clothiers. For Salo An organ, a sanitary couch and a now carpet swoepor and vacuum cleanor combined. Phono niack 098. Mrs. W. V. Hoagland spent Wednes day In Lexington whoro ns stato prca ldont of tho Hobekulm alio visited tho Iddgo ot that city. W. V. Hoagland returned Saturday! morning from Norfolk whoro ho at-1 tended tho dedication oxorclsos of a now Odd Follows hull. AH tho mon'fl, womon's and chil dren's awoatore nro bolng cloood out ut ono-tlilrd oft fonnor law prices at Tlie Loader Morcantllo Co.'fl. L. 0. Craig, of Ilrady, has sold 040 acres ot land to 1311 Votaw lor a con-i uldoratlon ot $7,000. Tho land Is Bitu atod In tho south part ot tho county. I Mrs. John Llmbaugh, ngod sixty-two,' Bocurod hor third divorce In Omaha last wool:. Sho announced that she ivlll soon bo Tcudy to try out another man. j Tho Yeoman lodgo at Sutherland hold a basket social Friday ovonlng nnd realize,! $107,00 from tho salo ot i baskota. Tho Hershoy lodge will holti ' n Blmllar social noxt Friday. In con-: iioctlon with tho lattor social a pro-1 gram of music and voallinjji will bo elven. , ::o:: i l'OK HUNT I Quarter Huctlon liny laud sjx, miles west of city. IHtATT, (iOOD.MAN & ItlTXLKY. Fred Kosbau, who had beon called 1 horo by tho death of bin mother, and whoso brothor wan killed while he was ! still hero, loft Saturday ffr his home in Minnesota. At tho Close of bualncM Fobruary 13, thf dopofllU in the two banks at Krrnly wore $358,289. Certainly that It good showing for the village and the country which surrounds it. ! Dr. Morrill. Dontist. i J. V. Homlgh received a carlofld of Dodgeb Friday, Uio tenth cur ho ha rocoivod sinco he began bundling the I Dodgo last September. He expects two ! moro culoads this weak. I For Salo or Trad My residence I property at tlie corner rf Maple and B streets. Seven rooms and modern ox- 1 cept heat. Phone Red U10. ! n-3 WM. MOHUIS. i Tho IicavioHt cRlf over born, accord ing to South Dakota collogo records, claims Mitchell as its birthplace. It weight! 128 pounds ai birth, over throo pounds more than he nearest record. Ladlen: If you want to know what's now In spring apparel, JUBt drop In ' Jnulon will bo more than ploneed to i how you all tho new things, (Whether ; you nro rowdy to buy or not. BLOCK'S. I Tho Bailoy pool hall will bo moved , next weok to tho .room two doors oust which bus been relloored nnd repaint ed. Three) now tableB have boon re ceived and will bo addodi to the equip, mont In tho now location. Hogs sold In tho North Platto mar ket Saturday for twolvo dollars por hundred. On tho amo date in 1892 tlie prlcu of hoga In North Platto was $3.8r. On this lattor uato stcors som In South Omaha for $.'1.00 to $3.50. For Salo Three milch cows and two calves at 004 WI11IH Ave. Whlto Leg- ' . . l . , i tin 11 - norn cuicKens uuu miy wuueiucu tuwa nt Hamilton fann. Phone C. V. Tur plo, or writo Mrs. Barl Hamilton, 110 j south 38th street, Omaha, Neb. 12-2 I Grand Island pcoplo havtt purchaaed a rosldonco for Bishop Duffy nt a cost I of olovon thousand dollars and the Bishop will remove thereto, thus mak lng Grand Island, instetd of Kearney, tho soo city of western Nebraska Cath olic dloccso. W. II Turplo has about closed out tho shipment ot thoroughbred Short horn and Hereford bulla which ho brought in a couplo of weoks ogo, nnd will go to Iowa shortly to buy a car load of other breeds. Lincoln county stockmen arq buying moro registered stuff this year than ovor before, which means better animals In tho futuro. Sinco tho fjrst of January local deal era havo rccoivW and sold moro than eighty curs, thls( too.'heforo tho rail soiling sooson has begun. It Is prob able that tho business of Uio llvo gurngeii and agencies during 1917 will exceed alx hundred thousand dollars, or a volumo as great as any ton ll.'ma engaged In tho morcantllo business. Tho Harrison Ntirsory Co., York, Nobr., has asked mo to receive orders for nursery stock, and I shall bo glad I to call on request nnd holp plan thoi orchard, hedge, windbreak or land-1 Bca"po. Let mo know your wants along tins lino. II. A. McComb, (formerly horticulturist ut tho North Platto sub station) North Platto, Nobr., Uouto 1. Phone 780F2. 12-3 Tonight's Paramount fcaturo ut tho Kolth will bo "Murla Rosa," flenturlng Uio Metropolitan opera star, Oorald Ino Furrar, supported by Wullnco Rold. In tho tltlei part Miss Farmr uppears ufl n Spanish peasant girl, slnipl of inun nor and clean of thought and llfo, who Is plunged! Into tho midst of tragedy by roason of tho Jealousy of an unworthy Bultor You can flco pictures at any thoatro but yon can only soo Para mount pictures liko this ut Uio cKlth. : :o: ; SKLTIIB IMIIANS l'OK TUB SUM.MITT SI'HINGS HATTLK One of the feature of North Platte's semi-centennial celebration will bo a reproduction of the Indian buttle of Suinmlu, Springs, which wo tha last Inittle of Its kind In Nebraska. To stage this proporly a big bunch of In dians was necosanry and the colobra: Hon comniltteo in doubt whether a sufficient number could be ohtnln rd. Tills fear was abated yesterday when Secretary Moonoy roceivcj word; iroin tn inuian department hi waan Ington that all the rod men necewsnry to mnko the celebration a slice ea could be obtained from the Rosebud agency in South Dakota. Tlietw Indians will probably ride their cayusos from the agency to Norlh Platto which na tin ciw fliicia, is about 150 nillea. They will come pre pared to deck themselves in real war paint and feathors and some will bring tholr squaws nnd papooea. Teepees In which to llvo while here Mil be furnished them. This battle of Sum mit Springs will bo staged on two liuys of tho celebration and promises to h.'j n big fetature. In connection with the) battle will b? the pyrotechnic dis-1 play. ' More Comniprclnl (Jonl . . Tho Rock Springs coal mines, owned by tho U. P. R. It., will shortly stop soiling tho Rock Springs coal to deal ers and tho output ot these famous minds will bo used exclusively by tho railroad company In their different de partments, they having found by con tinued use and severo tests that as an nil around coal It Is far superior to tiny mined by them. This, however, do(3 not affect tho several independ ent mines nt Rock Springs and from them North Platte dealers will con tinue to receive coal. I'rnlrlo Dogs. Supt. Snyder, of the Experimental Sub-station writes: "Inquiries are be ing received concornlng prairie dogs. Thoso lndlcnto that tho dogs aro he- coming a nuisance In Lincoln county. Tho feddrnl government Is spending considerable money in ridding largo tracu? or federal land of these nests, It would seem that tho timo Is ripe ror making a campaign in Lincoln and adjoining countleh. Tho Experitncntnl bUD-station lias on hand a bulletin and a leaflet on pralrio dogs that will no mailed to thoso interested, upon re, quest." : :n: :- TIM: II KN THAT LAYS la tho hon that pays. If Bho doos not lay, kill her, but boforo you kill her glvo hor B. A. Thomas' Poultry Remedy twlco a day for a week, and thon you will not kill her for sho will bo paying you a proilt. It not only makon hens lay but It Is a rem edy for Cholera, Roup, and Gapes Wo guirrnntoo It to euro or wo re fund your money. Sold by Dorryborry & Forbes. 'r RoglBtorod Porchoron Stallion for salo cheap. Thomas E. Doollttlo, North Platto. Nob. 8-8 Silv erware ABSOLUTELY FREE By Saving Silverware Premium Cards given with each Purchase at The Rexall and Nyal Drug Stores. You can got for nothing, postage prepaid, Wm. Rogers1 1881 Silverware. EVERY PIECE GUARANTEED. 50 Coupons one Toaspoon. 100 Coupons one Table Fork. 300 Coupons one Table Knife. Tho premium runs from ono spoon to a complete set. Come in nnd see our samples and ask for an illustrated premium catalogue. 4 Start saving your coupons nov by trading at North Platte's two Best Drug Stores. The Rexall Store PHONE NO. 4. Accommodations Xcnloil. Ono of tho most sorlous propositions wntPii confronts tlio semi-centennial celebration committee Is taking enro of tho visitors who will be hord dur ing celobrntlon week. There Is no ques. tlon but tho crowd will bb by far tho largest that lias ever visited North Platto. UIlli mnnv nf tlinm will ho linrn not for ono day only but throughout uio onuro nvo days. These peopla must havo slcoplng accommodations nnd 'whllo North Plntto Is better snp- iII10rll With hotels and lmlcitnir liniitou than Is tho average town of its size, inoy nro .insuuicicnt by rat' to moot tho requirements of colehrnt on week, if The ccmmltteo therefore desires to obtain n list of nil thoso Who can ac commodate roomers during tho cele bration nnd th030 who can do so will please phono or ndtlress Secrctnrv Moonoy. ::o:: For Sale Burn 24x40, 2x0 studding, at 102 Wos't 3d SL Could bo mado into a house. Must bo sold nt onco. B. M. Reynolds, Phono Red 588. 13-2 : :o: : John Langdon, of Wallace, was transacting business in town yester day. Miss Dora Moibourn of Ogulalla,i snon Saturday in town visiting with frlonds. A. Short, of Big Springs, transacted business nnd visited! frlonds in this city Saturday. Louis Harris, of Forost City, Pa la visiting his cousin Mrs. Julius Plzor this week. x Iloadquartors for Window glass. STONE DRUG STORE. Mrs. J. B. Illgglns has boon 111 for Bovoral days past at hor homo on soutth Pino. Mrs. E. McOlothon, of Sutherland, spont Saturday and' Sunday In town visiting frlcnud. Tho small son of W. C. Ross, of Co znd, was operated upon ut tho Twlncm hospital Saturday. Mrs. W. T. Wilcox will entertain a number of ladles ut a luncheon nt her homo Friday afternoon. Harrison Welch, of Paxton, cning down Saturday and- Is taking trontmont at tlio Twlilam hospital. Miss Buolah McGraw, who tooch?s school near Brady, spent Saturday and Sunday with hor paronts. Tho salo of Uio property of the late Earl Hamilton, consisting of cnttlo, horses, machinery and. housohold goods will bo hold Thursday, March 1st, at 12:30 p. m. Frteo lunch will bo sorved MRS. E. A. HAMILTON. 452 E. Third St 09 & VA Tel. No. R-104 tef Neb, is an authorized subscription representative of - The Ladies' Home Journal, The Saturday Evening Post and Put the price of a few hours of farm labor into a subscription for the ria tional farm weekly, and save yourself many hours of labor and money and worry for a year to come. Every crop, every kind of farm question is cov ered by The Country Gentleman. Practical farmers, stockmen, dairy men, orchardists, write for it. It has correspond ents in every state. How to get back out of your land the money you put in it is the big idea behind The Country Gentleman. It deals with setting farm crops as well as growing them. 300,000 farmersbought it when it was $1.50 a year. Now it is $1 a year 52 issuesevery week. THE CURTIS PUBLISHING COMPANY Independence Square. Philadelphia JtAILItOAI) NOTES The Nyal Store PHONE NO. 8. Trains from tho western coast were somewhat delayed yesterday by snowi slides on tli-e- Southern Puclllc. Chairman Boguo, of tho B. of R. T., returned Saturday from a business trip to Omaha and other points east. Thousands, of ties for tho twonty threo miles of now switching tracks In tho yards arts boing unloaded at dllf foront points In tho yards. Clius. Thornburg leaves this weok for Chadron, whoro ho will accept a position as boilornmker In tho shops of tho Northwestern road. For some time past ho has boon employed by F. W. Hanson, tho plumber. Yesterday workmen bogun laying tho concroto foundations for the now do pot, about a dozen men being employ ed on tills work. Crushed rock from a quariry at Louisville, Nob., Is being shipped in for this purpose, W. L. Park, formerly of this city, now vico-prealdent of tho Illinois Ccn- trnl, passed through Friday evening In his private car attached to train No. I 9. Ho 'Was onrouto to California whora! ho will spond two weeks on business.' Blue prints havo been mado for tho ndw freight dopot which tlie Union Pa.j olilc will orect within tho next two years. This dopot will bo erectekl on the wost sldo of Locust street and north of the tracks. It will bo con structed ot brick nnd will bo of siif- flolent slzo to meet the requirements of years to como. HotSpot1 m Every household needs a HOT SPOT gas room heater. A quick clean heat without dirt, soot or smoke. Norih Platte Light and Power Co. A Stock Farm Snap. Fop quick salo, C40 ucre Improved stock farm located southwest of Her shoy, framo dwelling, largo framo barn good woll and windmill, SO acres in cultivation and sovoral miles of fenc ing. For quick salo we can mnko the vory low price of ?5.00 per ncro. Can glvo Immediate possession. 13-4 BUCHANAN & PATTERSON. S1IICHI l'l''SS A I.I j Hy virtue of an ordor of Halo IhbuoiI from the District Court of Lincoln (.'oiinty, -N'obrnskn, upon n Jccreo of foivcloHitro romloroil In snlil Court who rein Franc I h A. Monnott 1h plnlntiff, nml Hobort H. Hopper 1h defendant, and to me directed, I will on tho 31st day of March, 1U17, ut 2 o'clock p. m. at tho east front door of tlio Court House In North 1'lattP, Lincoln County. NofoniH. Ia, hcII at Public Auction to tho IiIkIi eHt bidder for cuhIi, to tmtlxfy said de cree Interest nnd co.sts, tho following described property, to-wlt: Southeast quarter (KICU) of Section Klvo (G), Township Flftoen (15), North of HaiiKO Thirty (30) West of tho Sixth P. M., In Lincoln County, Niibraskn. Hated North l'latte, Neb., February " ' A. J. SALSDIIUY, f27-0w Sheriff. NOTICK OK IMXAI. UUIMIUT ' Kstato No. H23 of Molllo K. Shoup, deceased, In the County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. Tho Htate of Nobraako. to all persons IntoreHted lifi. Bafd Ustato take notlco thnt tho Adinlnutratrlx has filed n tlnal account and report of her admin iMtratlou nnd a petition for final 8et tlement and dlncharBo as such admlnls tratrlx, which havo hoen set for hcor Inir before said court on March 23, 1917, at 9 o'clock a. in., when you may np. pear and contest the same. Dated February ajjWir f27-3v County JuiIko, r2 'S&M? i Who'll Be the Next to Build? Look What A Wide Choice! A Good Store Building for use or for rent. A Nice Home, Cottage, Bungalow or Mansion. A Good Barn, on the farm or in town. A Shed, for Automobile, stock or machinery. A New Porch, or Addition to the House. A Hennery or Fence. Be the Next and See Us for LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIAL Coates Lumber & Coal Co. North Platte, Nebr. National Security Fire Insurance Compaq Nebraska's Only Old Line Stock, Fire and Tornado Insurance Company CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $300,000.00 Home Office: 1406 Farnum Street, Omaha When your policies expire- nnd you nro looking for lnsurnnco wo would uppreclnte very much If you would see thnt tlio business Is written ly the National Security Flro lnsurnnco Company. WAI.TKR A. QEOROE, President. K E. 1IOWELU Vice President. V. J. ZEMAN, Treasurer. O. A. DANIELSON, Secretary. WM. H. C. WOODHURST, Local Agent.