The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 27, 1917, Image 3

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Woman Saved From a Seri
ous Surgical Operation.
LouUvlllo, Ky. "For four years I
suffered from female troubles, head"
aches, and nervousness. I could not
aleep, had no appetito and It hurt mo to
walk. If I tried to do any work, I
would havo t" Ho down before it was
finished. The doc
tors said I would
havo to bo opera
tod on and I simply
broko down. A
friend advised me
to try Lydia E.
Pinkham'e V o go
tab lo Compound,
and the result is 1
feel like a now wom
an. I am well and
strong, do all my
own house work and
have an eight pound baby girl. I know
Lydia B. l'inkham'a Vegetable Com
pound saved mo from an operation
which every woman dreads. Mrs.
Nellie Fishback, 1521 Christy Ave.,
Louisville, Ky.
Everyone naturally dreads the sur
geon's knife. Sometimes nothing else
will do, but many times Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound has saved
the patient and made an operation un
necessary. If you havo any symptom about which
su would like to know, write to the
ydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn,
Mass., for helpful advice given free.
The Wretchedness
of Constipation
Can quickly be overcome by
Purely vegetable
act surely and
gently on tne
liver. Cure
ache, Dizzi
ness and Indigestion. They do their duty.
Genuine must bear Signature
Equal to the Demand.
"I never use any but pasteurized
mHlc in the city," said the new board
er; "enn you furnish it?"
"Vcs, Indeed !" was the confident re
ply ; "our cows 'ro kept In the pasture
tl summer." The Christian Herald.
About the only blow Hint strikes n
man fnvornbly Is his own honst.
You can cure
that cold in a
day. Take
Tho old family remedy In tablet
form safe, sure, easy to take. No
opiates-no unpleasant after effects.
Cures colds In 24 hours Grip In 3
days. Money back If it fails. Get
the eenulno bor with Red Top
und Mr. Hill's picture on lt-25 cents.
At Any Drue Storo
Fire, tornado and hall Insurance, farm and ,
town property, automobile and threshing ma
chinery. Policyholders mid agenta partlclpaU (
In the profits of thla company. Agents wanted
in open territory, l&th jur. Incorporated J. f , IS3J
fresh. rtlUhlci
pre! erted by
uMtn. ttnrtc.
men. beciuso they
protect when other
vaccinal nil.
fr Write for bocVlttuidtMtlmonlAle.
t m n i .it ..I mil. m . An
IU-D0IBPW.OIKlKril2, (i,uu
ftn-ilata Ekff. RlacUlE PHlE. 14.00
Vm ny Wetter, but Cutter' lnip!ert end itronseit.
Tho BiDerloflty ot Cutter product Is duo to oer 1J
U mCuttiftibiritoiT.trtt1W.CiL. if Ctlott, lit J)
Bats Are Dangerous
Kill Them Uy Using
U. S, Government Buys It
SOLO EVERYWHERE 25c and 1.00
A toilet preparation of merit,
nelpe to eradicate duidruO.
f or Kaotortac otor euut
Beauty to Gray or Faded Hair,
toe. and! LOO at Drunrl'te.
CURED in a few day
without pain or a ur
deal operation. Ifo pay nntll cured. Writ
UK. W It A y, 300 ltoo JllUf-.. Omaha, V
fQPTEBITG Wtson E. Ooloman,
tTt,i B Eil I 9 Patent Lawyer. Wublnitun,
I t fcSB D V7 j, 0 Adrlra nnd books tree
lUtoa reasonable. Ulgheat references. Ilestserrlees.
MANUHH I.OAUKK Fully iruarnnteed; fret?
trial: price ttO 18 scraper freo a ahort time
to Introduce. Anderson Co.. OMige Clly, Kan,
Nebraska Directory
Omaha, Nebraska
Koomn from $1.00 up single. 75 cents up double
fifo iHOUsotts aural home roraedy. Write today
a I A ..uMi nm i-ntmvn i.iwer A bloiu&cu rvoir
Tlio love of pralae, howe'er concealed
by art, more or less and kIowj In or
ery heart
Apples In various ways make most
nholesome dishes. Wash, core, cut In
slices, without
peeling and fry In
a little hot salt
pork fat, sprlnklo
with sugar, n little
salt and brown on
both sides. Ar
range in overlap
ping slices around
tho pork roast or
the plutter of pork chops.
Fig Fritters. Rift together three
fourths of a cupful of Hour, a tea
spoonful of baking powder, a third of
a teaspoonful of salt, udd tho yolk of
an egg, a teaspoonful of olive oil, n
third of a cupful of milk ; mix well nnd
add six soaked figs, coarsely chopped
nnd last of nil fold In the beaten
White of tho egg. Drop by spoonfuls
Into smoking hot fat and cook a goldan
brown. Servo with any hot fruit suuec.
Any Juice left from canned fruit
thickened with a tnblespoonful of but
ter nnd Hour cooked together, makes a
delicious sauce for fritters or pud
dings. Hot mnple sirup Is another sauce
well liked.
Meat Balls With Horseradish Sauce.
Chop one pound of chuck steak nnd
ono onion together. Add one teaspoon
ful of snlt, a quarter of a teaspoonful
of paprika, mix well nnd make Into
firm balls; sear In a well greased pun,
turn until cooked to tnsto. For tho
sauce take a half a cupful of horse
radish, oue-half cupful of cracker
crumbs, ono teaspoonful of snlt, a
dash or two of pepper, one-hnlf cupful
of cream, ono teaspoonful of mustard,
two teaspoonfuls of powdered sugar.
Mix tho dry Ingredients and reduce
the vinegar If the prcpnred horserad
ish Is used; heat and servo hot with
the meat balls.
Fried Biscuits. Shape bread dough
ns for raised biscuit, then lightly drop
Into deep hot fat and cook until brown.
Drain on brown paper.
Belmont Eggs. Brown bread slight
ly in a hot oven, moisten with hot,
salted water and butter. Cook eggs In
hot water until the yolks are a deli
cate pink. Slip one on each slice of
bread and surround with chopped, cold
ment which has been warmed In but
ter. Curry of Mutton or Veal. Pry a
largo onion, cut fino, in two table
spoonfuls of buttor. Mix a taljlo
spoonful of curry powder, ono tea
spoonful of salt, a tablospoonful of
flour and add to tho buttor and onion.
Add a pint of hot water or soup stock.
Cut two pounds of lean mutton or
veal in small pieces and brown thorn
in hot fat. Add to tho sauce, romovo
to tho cooker, using ono radiator or
stoatlto and cook four or five hours.
Placo tho moat on a hot plattor and
servo with a bprdor of boiled rice.
Any sponge cake or plain white
cuke that lias become dry, may he
steamed and served with
a sauce, making a most
dainty pudding.
Whole Wheat Pudding.
Take two cupfuls of
whole wheal Hour, half a
teaspoonful of soda, half
a teaspoonful of salt,
half a cupful of mo
lasses, one cupful of
milk and a cupful of
dates, cut line. Steam In
, small molds for two or three hours,
and serve with sauce.
Suet Pudding. Sift with two cup
j fuls of flour, half a teaspoonful each
of soda, mixed spices and salt, half
u cupful of suet, finely chopped; a half
cupful each of molasses, sour milk ami
, desired chopped fruit, either stewed
prunes, dates or figs. Steam In six
Binall cups for an hour or in a larger
; mold for three hours. Servo with an
i egg sauce.
Qlnger Pudding. Sift two cupfuls
of Hour with two teaspoonfuls of gin-
ger, a teaspoonful of soda, one tea
spoonful of baking powder, and a half
j teaspoonful of salt. Add half a cup
I ful of raisins, half n cupful of sour
' milk, und half a cupful of molasses.
! Beat well, and add three tablesixjon
! fula of melted butter. Turn Into n
; buttered mold and steam for three
Potato Pudding. Take two cupfuls
jf suet chopped fine, one and a half
cupfuls of mashed potato, one and a
half cupfuls of sugar, one cupfill of
currants, half a cupful of milk, three
cupfuls of Hour, two teaspoonfuls of
baking powder, mixed with the Hour;
two eggs nnd it tenspoouful each of
salt, cloves nnd nutmeg. Steam three
hours and serve with any desired
Drown Detty Is another pudding
which will cause dry bread to disap
pear; nso one part crumbs to two
parts choppetl apple. I'ut In layers
In a baking pan with sugar nnd butter
to season; pour over a little canned
fruit Juice, which Is nn Improvement
aver water, nnd bnke until the upple
la done.
Tho hnrdoHt and best-borne trials nro
those which are never chronicled in
any eurthly rooord and nro suffered
every day.
Tilings cannot turn up of tlumi
elves. Wo must in a tuoasure assist
them to turn up.
A piece
should bo
of toast for an Invalid
carefully prepared. Cut
bread n half-inch thick,
placo In tho oven until
thoroughly hot, then
toast over coals until
well-browned on both
To poach nn egg placo
tho broken egg In a dish
of hot water, set ut onco
on tho back of the stove,
cover, and when tho yolk
Is pink remove to tho
buttered toast and keep It warm.
Another nice way of serving egg ts
to bent the white until stiff, heap It
on a piece of buttered toast, hollow
out tho center and drop In tho yolk,
sprinkle with snlt and bits of butter
and set In a hot oven to set thu egg.
Rice Soup. Scald a cupful of milk,
add one and three-fourths tablespoon
fuls of well-washed rlco, cook In a
double boiler, add a teaspoonful of
scraped onion or onion Juice, a stalk
of celery, a bit of bay leaf, and suit
nnd pepper to taste; add to the soup
when strained. Chicken broth may bo
used Instead of milk; add n tnble
spoonful of cream before serving.
Milk Albumen. Put the white of nn
egg In a pint Jar with a half cupful of
rich milk and a pinch of salt, shako
until well mixed.-
Beef Broth. Cut two pounds of
round steak Into cubes, remove skin
and fat. Put luto a kettle with some
beef bones, cover with a quart of cold
water nnd heat gradually to tho boil
ing point, but do not allow It to boll.
SUnmer for two or three hours, add
ing a little salt. Ueinove the fat after
cooling, strain and reheat.
Chicken Broth. This may be made
from tho bones of n loft-over chicken
or from the wing tips and a little
water, making a small cupful of broth
by adding a little cream.
A well-beaten egg stirred Into any
brolh Just before serving, adds great
ly to Its nutritive vnlue. Serve broth
with toast points or croutons.
Cerenls, to bo served In gruels
should be cooked In a double holler for
several hours, strained and salted
lightly, then cream or milk may be
Whon thou dost toil another's Jest,
Omit tho oathH, which true wit can
not need:
Pick out tho tales of mirth, but not
the sin.
Ho pares his apple that will cleanly
George Herbert
Hottermllk, when It Is easily ot
talnfd, should be used In many dishes
where whole milk
has seemed lndls
p o n s a b 1 e. Dul
Kiirlnn bacteria
may be procured
ami used In skim
milk, making a
most tl e 1 1 e 1 o u s
drink, where tho
rcul buttermilk Is
not to be had, or, If used In whole
milk, a dellclously flavored buttermilk
Is the result.
Date Gems. To ono pint of graham
flour add a pint of wheat Hour, a
half teaspoonful of salt, a teaspoonful
of soda, a quarter of a cupful of su
gar, one cupful of dntes, stoned and
cut In small pieces, nnd lastly, enough
rich buttermilk to make a drop batter.
Hake in hot, well-greased gem pans,
half tilling each, and hake In a quick
ntittermllk soup is a great delicacy
with buttermilk lovers. Thicken with
a tahlcspoonful each of butter and
flour cooked together, and add three
cupfuls of scalding hot buttermilk.
Doughnuts. Mix u third of a cup
ful of sour cream, a cupful of sugar,
one egg, one cupful of buttermilk, one
nnd a half teaspoonfuls of cream of
tartar, half a teaspoonful of salt,
one and a quarter teaspoonfuls of
soda, one teaspoonful of nutmeg, or
cinnamon, or half of each, antl flour
to roll. Chill before rolling out. Fry
In deep fat ; drain on brown paper and
roll In powdered sugar before serving.
Caraway Cookieo. Mix one cupful
of sour cream with a cupful of butter
milk, two eggs, half a teaspoonful of
salt, ono teaspoonful of sodu and
enough caraway seeds and flour to
taste, then roll.
Griddle Cakes. Dent well one pint
of buttermilk, half u teaspoonful of
salt, one teaspoonful of soda and flour
to make a thin batter. Dake a golden
brown on a hot griddle.
Cake Frosting. I'ut three fourths of
a cupful each of buttermilk and sugar
into a granite saucepan and bring U
the boiling point, boll until u soft ball
Is made In cold wnter. Hemovo and
bent with a wooden spoon until creamy
and thick and of the consistency to
rhen He Had 6 Mules, $660
Cash and Some Equity Today
He Has $20,000 and Owns
2 Sections of Land.
The story of tho wealth of Western
Canada cannot bo told too often; the
truth will bear repeatlngs. And In
telling of It It Is hoped that ndvnntnge
will' bo taken of tho great opportuni
ties thnt Western Canada offers by
those who nro today struggling for u
mere existence, by those who nre oc
cupying lnnds, high in price nnd high
In rentals.
From grnln, live stock nnd dnlrylng
In 1010, thcro was u return from tho
three I'ralrlo Provinces of $238,000,000,
or nn increnso of four million dollnrs
over 1010, nnd 118 million dollnrs over
A prominent Trust Company says:
Some of our contract holders havo paid
off their purchnse money on lnnds
bought n yenr ngo out of this yenr's
crop, nnd what ono mnn can do anoth
er can do. Thousnnds of Southern Al
lerta farmers harvested nn average
of 40 to 50 bushels of No. 1 wheat to
the acre. These farmers have more
real money to spend than any other
people on tho American Continent. J.
I). Johnston of Dladsworth, Sask., left
Johnson County, Knnsas, seven years
ngo. When ho left he hnd $000 in
cash, sir mules, some settler's effects
nnd an equity In some prnlrlo land.
Mr. Johnston tells his story:
"In my seven years' resldenco In
ansKatcnewan, l nave raised seven
good crops tho vnlue of this yenr's
crop nlono being Twenty thousand dol
tars. I now own Two Sections of Im
proved land, 17 horses and mules, 40
cattle, n large steam thresher nnd n
full line of farm machinery."
We hnvo mnde five trips to Kansas,
ono trip to the Pacific Const nnd re
turn. We hnvo enjoyed the society of
a class of peoplo than whom none oet
ter can be found. The climate Is
healthful and lnvlgorntlng. Tho soil
Is fertile nnd productive, well ndapted
for the production of the best quality
and largo yields of all cereals and
vegetables, wild nnd tnmo grasses. II
Is an excellent stock country."
Tho question of taxes Is one that
carries with it considerable weight.
Coming from n man like Mr. Johnston
the snmo weight should be given the
answer. Ho says:
The tax system especially commends
Itself to me ns being simple, reason
able and Just. All direct taxes nre
levied on the laud nt its nppralseL'
innrkct value, exclusive of Improve
ments thereon. No tax on personnl
property. This tends to dlscourngf
tho holding of lnnds by speculntors
who prevent Its cultivation or Improve
ment, hoping to renllzo profits from the
enhnnced value of their holdings due
to tho Industrial activities of the bons
lido settlers. It tends to encourngo tin
settlers to rear substantial Improve
ments upon their laud without paying
a penalty In tho form of tnxntlon
therefor. It encourages tho raising ol
live stock nnd the possession of othct
personal property necessary to the do
velopment of the country.
"Tho lnws are well antl economically
administered. Citizens of tho Domln
ion vote on election of members ol
parliament nnd members of the Pro
vlnclnl assembly, while on questions
of local Improvements and school mat
tors the franchise Is exercised by rate
payers, irrespective of citizenship.
Tho people are enterprising, school
facilities are good Taxation, Just and
rensonnble. Military service volun
tary. Patriotic fervor unsurpassed
law antl order the rule, and crime the
rare exception. It Is tho lond ol
bnnks. schools, telephones, grain ale-
vntors, broad, fertile ncres, good ell
mate, good citizenship nnd abounding
In opportunities for the Industrious
man or woman of good morals,
short, the land of promise and fulfill
ment, I know of no better nnywhere.
Natural Proceeding.
"I heard that you had bought the
yacht Hornet. How did you make out
with It?"
"I was stung."
Glad to Recommend
Fine Kidney Medicine
Thin in to certify that I have Bold Dr
Kilmer's Swnnip-Koot for fifteen years in
a retail ilruj; etorc. I have recommended
uevcral bottles nnd alwayB with Rood re
ultH. I personally guarantee every bottle
mil linve ni'vei had one returned.
Englecn-Eade Drug Co.
Julir 23. 1009. Dch Moines, la
State of Iowa,
I'ollc County m:
Personally appeared before tne this 23d
day of July, 11W0. Harry L. Swihart. drug
gist, who subxcribed the nbove utatemcnt
and made oath that the name ia true in
substance and in fact.
Notary Public.
Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do I'or You
Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer &. Co.,
Hinghamton. N. Y., for a eample size bot
tle. It will convince anyone. You will
also receive a booklet of valuable infor
mation, telling about the kidneys and blad
der. When writing, be aure and mention
this paper. Regular fifty-cent and one
dollar me bottles for sale at all drug
itores. Adv.
The Mascllne Way.
lie- Men nuver gossip.
She Of course not. They merely
Investigate rumors.
A woman always thinks she Is bet
ter than other women nnd a man
ihtnks lie's no worse thau other men.
Cows, Barns and Yards Must Be Kept
Clean Small Top Palls Keep
Out Foreign Matter.
(Uy V. 11. JONKS, n.ilry HuBbainlry De
partment. South Dakota State College.)
Cows must ho healthy nnd kept
Darns should he kept clean, well
lighted and ventilated.
The barnyard should ho kept clean
and properly drained.
Utensils should he thoroughly
washed nnd scalded or sttmned nnd
kept In u clean room.
Cows should be fed good wholesome
food nnd puro water.
Milkers nnd attendants who come
In contact with the milk should be
healthy and clean.
Cows should not bo fed nt milking
time or Immediately before. Dust from
feed falls Into the milk and contam
inates It with germs.
Wipe tho udtlcr nnd Bide of cow
with a damp cloth nnd milk with
lean, dry hand.
Use small-topped milking pall. This
nelps to keep foreign matter from the
Itemovo the milk Immediately after
milking to n separate room from the
barn to be strained antl cooled. Cool
milk to as low a temperature ns pos
sible without freezing. Forty or fifty
degrees V. retartls growth of most
germs, ami particularly those that
cause milk to sour quickly.
Iowa College Makes Interesting and
Instructive Comparison Record
of Holsteln Grade.
A very Interesting and Instructive
comparison Is mado between tho rec
ords of Individual scrub cows nnd
their own grado daughters as shown
by experiments at tho Iowa college.
Tho best monthly record of one Hol
steln grade shows an Increase of 07 pet
cent In amount of milk and per cent
In the amount of buttcrfnt as com
pared with the best monthly record ol
her dam, this being the best monthly
record for these two cows during three
lactation periods for each one. The
nverago for tho threo lactation pe-
Holsteln Dairy Cow.
rlods shows that the Holsteln cross
had an Increased production of 101
per cent In milk and SItVd I,(-'r cent in
fat ns compared with her mother
which was one of the original scrubs
Ono Guernsey cross showed un in-
creuso of 110 per cent In milk and 101
per cent In quantity of buttcrfnt us
compared to tho corresponding best
month of her mother; whereas her nv
erago Increase, that Is, her increnso k
total amount of milk und butter foi
tho entire period of luctatlon, showee
nn Increase of 131 per cent In milk
and 1110 per cent of buttcrfnt us com
pared with her mother.
Task of Haltcr-Breaklno Heifer Calves
Cannot Do Begun Too Early
Handle Them Daily.
Ilalter-hrealc ull tho heifer calves
before they get very large. Can't do
it too soon. No matter whether you
ever lead your cows or not you wnnt
them broko to lead. Handle the calves
dally us 'they grow. Rub them, fool
around their hind quarters so that
they will not be Beared or ticklish tho
first time they tiro milked.
Clean Milk, Quick Cooling and Prompt
Delivery Are Factors of Much
Tho number ot bacteria In milk de
pends hugely upon cleanliness of milk
ing nnd handling temperature ut
which milk is kept und ngo of milk.
Therefore, olefin milk, quick cooling,
und prompt delivery uro very impor
tant factors In producing puro dairy
Wild Animal Gave Only Enough Milk
to Nourish Its Young 30,000
Pounds Ynnrly Now.
Thu wild cow gave only enough
milk to support Its young. Proof of
what mnn lias been able to do In Im
proving dairy cattle is fomid in tho
fact that production Is moro than !J0,-
000 pounds, the present world's record
for mlllc per year.
Is Mealtime a
Worry to You
Under such conditions you
cannot obtain the maximum
value from your food.
Give propel help at onco TRY
Stomach Bitters
Fixing the Time.
Dill (coming to nftcr a shell has hit
Ms dugout) Hnvo I been long uncon
scious, William?
Wlllhun Oh, n goodlsh bit, Dill.
Dill What do you call n "goodlsh
bit," William?
William Well, n longlsh time, Bill.
Dill Well, what's thnt white on tho
illl? Is It snow or daisies?
Make It Thick, Glossy, Wavy, Luxur
iant and Remove Dandruff Real
Surprlso for You.
Your hair becomes light, wnvy, fluf
fy, abundant nnd appears as soft, lus
trous and beautiful ns a young girl's
after a "Dandorluo hair cloanso." Just
try this molston a cloth with a llttlo
Dandorlno nnd carofully draw It
through your hair, taking ono small
strand at a time. This will cloanso
tho hair of dust, dirt and oxcosslvo oil
and In Just a fow momonto you havs
doubled tho beauty of your hair.
Dosldos boauttfylng tho hair at onco,
Dandorlno dissolves ovory partlclo of
dandruff; clonuses, purifies and invig
orates tho scalp, forover stopping Itch
ing and falling hair.
Dut what will plcaso you most will ,
bo after a fow wooks' uso whon you
will actually boo now hair fino and
downy nt first yes but really now
hair growing all over tho scalp. It
you enro for protty, soft hair and lota
of it, surely got a 25 cent bottlo ot
Knowlton's Dandorlno from any storo
und Just try it Adv.
The Proof.
"Does lovo really blind a man?"
"It must, when you sco tho way
girls put powder on their noses."
A mounting of recent Inventions
permits n single lens camera to tako
n stereoscopic picture.
Feel Achy All Over?
To ucho ull over In damp weath
er, or utter taking a cold, isn't nat
ural, nnd often Indicates kldnoy
weakness. Uric ncld causes many
queer aches, pains nnd disorders of
tho organs. Well kidneys keep uric
udd down. Tired, dizzy, nervous
people would do well to try Donn's
Kidney Pills. They stlmulnto tho
kidneys to activity nnd so help
clear the blood of Irritating poisons.
A Nebraska Case
Mrs. Geo. B a r 1,
Madison, Neb., says:
"Tho pain and stiff
ness in my back was
awful and I suffered
from dizzy spells and
hot (lashes. Puffy sacs
enmo bonenth my eyes
and my feet and an
kles were Bwollen and
painful. Doan's Kld
noy Pills rid me ot all
thoso troubles and I
havo had but little
causo for complaint
Oat Doan's t Anr Slot, 80s Bm
doan's vrv
When the stomach and liver are In
good working order. In nlnety-nlno
uki out of every hundred t;eneral
good health prevails.
Green's Auuuit Dower has proven a
blcislnc and has been uied all over tlio
civilized world during thu lait fit ty odd
years. It ' a universal remedy for
weak stomach, constipation and nerv
ous Indigestion. A dull headache, bad
(aite In tho mouth In the morning, or
that "tired feeling" are nature's warn
Ings that something Is wrong In the
digestive apparatus. At such times
Urcen's August Plower will quickly
correct the dlulculty and establish a
normal condition. At all druggists' or
dcalers'i 25c and 75c bottles.
August Flower
W. N. If.. OMAHA, NO. 8-19U
Green's I
August Flower