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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1917)
or u .41 arm TIIIRTY-TIIIKD YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., FEBRUARY 27, 1917. No. 13 V 4' T lift i II I I l l I J I 11 vTVI TIMHERHAN HURT WHEN ' HIS CAR TURNS TURTLE SUFFKHS DISLOCATED SHOULRKR HUT WIFE AND SOX MIRACU LOUSLY ESCAl'E INJURY Accident Occurs North of Rher Sun. day Afternoon When Tlininennaii Was Sinking Ills Oierland "Uo Some.' A. E.. Tlmmerman Is at a local hos pital suffering from a dislocated shoulder ami a few cute on tho faco and lioad, but ho la extremely thank ful that results woro not worse; In fact he considers that he, his wife and his son madia a miraculous escape. Mr. Timmerman'fl injuries are duo to an auto accident that occurred Sun day afternoon on tho road north of the river at a point near tho J. M..Cal noun ranch. With Mrs. Tiinmorman and tho boy ho started out in his Wil lys-Knight Overland for a rido. As; no noared tiio uamoun rancn no ov ertook Mr. and Mrs. Lcm Bailey who woro Jogging along at a twonty mile gait. Without warning Timerman took tho ido of tho road and flashed by; ho oncountcred alkali mud, his car veer ed,' shot diagonally across tho road, and turned over with all four whoels in tho air. Tha car turned over so closely in front of Bailey that ho nar rowly averted running Into it. He quickly signalled a car ahead and 'with mou from that car and men from tho ranch tho can was lifted so thtt Tlm merman and his wife could be extri cated from beneath, the boy manag ing to exitrcato himsolf. Timiuorman lay with tho back of tho seat across his left shoulder, but tho full weight of the car, due to tho top being up, was not resting upon him. Mrs. Tiinmor man was huddled in a bunch in tho area way back of the front seat. Oth or than a bad jolt and a pain in her back she did not suffer. Mr. and Mrs. Tlmmerman and son were brought to town in tho Bailey car, and lator Tlmmerman was taken to tho hospital. Mr. Bailey says a sim ilar accident could not occur once in a thousand .times iw'lthout resulting in death, for at the time Tlmiuermnn was running fully forty mllos an hour. Tho Tlmmerman car suffered a sprung body, bent fonders and other minor damage. :::: Manager Garman of tho Kofth and Crystal theatres makes the announce ment that hie has contracted for "Tho Seven Deadly Sins" to commence as soon as an opening date can bo ar ranged. Tills lino of pictures is something new dn Aim circles. It is a series of soven B-roel photoplays, each a complete mouern uruma not alle gories nor morality plays and tha ti tles aro "Envy," "Wrath." "firoed." "Passion," "Sloth" and "Tho Seventh Sin." A sepaTato star Is featurcdi in each story and Ann Murdock, Shirley Mason, Nance O'Neill, II. B. Warner, Holbrook Blinn, George LaGuoro and Charlotte Walkor appear. :o::- Insuranco of every good kind writ ten by us at the lowest rates. URATT, GOODMAN & HUCKLEY. ::o:: Miss Bertha Herd, of Lexington, came hero Satiuirday and began work in the O'Connor atora yesterday. Printzess Suits and Coats - , Our garment department is fully equipped with merchandise to suit your every want, Spring Suits and Coals coming in daily and the Printzess Suits and Coats speak the language of exclus iveness. v. The Printzess garments represent, Better Qualities, Newest Styles, Modest Prices.' While prices have been soaring higher and higher we have endeavored, and with success, to keep our prices within the reach of everyone. Now is' the opportune time to select your Spring Coats or Suits while the sizes are still unbroken and all models for your selection. E. T. Tramp & Sons. 1IAUIIIT CASE CALLED IX COUNT THIS MOHXIXG The more or loss celebrated rabbit case, in which James A. Ward sites W. V. Hoagland and Moso McFarland for $500 damagos for tho death of rabbits laid at th0 door of dogs belonging to yJofondanta was called in tho county court this morning. Tho trial is to a Jury composed of J. Q. Wilcox, E. A. Dlenor, Will Hondy, W. A. Skinner and Albert Durbln. The "slaughter of tho innocents" occurred last summor. Ward was a fancier and breeder of rabbits, and ho alleges that while he slopt tho dogs of tho defendants gain ed ontranco to his rabbit yard and wantonly killed and destroyed a larga number of well bred and highly val ,unbl animals: and that the slauchtor 'nut him out of tho rabbit business. ;,which to him gavo promiso of much) ksuccoss. Tne caso will probably oc cupy the greater part of tho day. : :o: : HHIDGE DISTHICT SOUTH OF RIVER IS REFORMED Following tho Haw discovered In' tho formation of tho bridge district south of tho rlvor, tho county conimlssIoiiTs disorganized the district Friday. Those' interested immodiatoly got busy, re-1 circulated a petition asking for tho; formation of the district, secured the' necesary signers and lato yostorday afternoon thopotltion was ipreeonted to tho commissioners. Tho latter imme diately created, tho district as petl itoncd, and anothor petition will now bo circulated asking tho commissioners to call the bloctlon to voto bonds to aid In- tha construction of a bridge across tho rlvor south of town. This petition will ho circulated this week and tho order calling tho election will ibo made by tho commissioners next Monday. Tho notico must bo publish ed four weeks in advance of the elec tion. In tho boundaries of tho first district formed, the bridgo was not within tho district, the north boundary line being tho south bank of the South Platto rlvor, when it should have read tha ,north bank. : ;o: : FOR SALE. Corner lot GGxl32 ft. Faces Locust St., in block 2, Mlltonborger's addi tion. Prlco $400.00 if sold this week. G40 acre ranch 100 acres in cultiva tion. 8 miles from town and only 14 miles from North Platte. Two miles from tho valley and Is well Improved Prlco $G iper acre. MILTONBERGER & LEININGER. 5 REELS. KEITH THEATRE Wednesday, Feb. 28th. 10c and ISc. Chaplin "Revue of 1916." DEDICATORY SERVICES OF THE FRANKLIN SCHOOL NORTH l'LATTK'S Sl'LENDlD NEW BUILDING FORMALLY OI'KNED WITH A SEKIES OF EVENTS Exercises Marked by Athletic Carni val, Entcrtnniiients by High School l'ubllc Meetings of Cltl.ens and i a Banquet to the Hoard. i Though North Platto's now Junior high school building, known ng the Franklin school, erected) at a cost of $58,000, has been 'partially in use for school purposes for sovoral months, tho formal dedicatory oxerclses woro hold last wcok. j Thoso exorcises oponed Thursday ev ening with an athletic carnival In the auditorium at which sovoral hundred woro prosent. The program consisted of a drill by tho high school cadets, a 20-yard Jumlor dash In which Joo VW zor won, a 20-yard sonior da)i in which Baker whs a victor, and a high Jump won by Christ. Then followed a parallel bar exhibition and broad sword exerclsos by A. W. Shilling and Julius Hoga. Tho program closed with a basket ball game botween former players and tho high school team, the latter winning by a score of elevon to soyon. Friday morning tho high school stu dents presented a program for tho en tertainment of itho pupils of the ward schools. Thirteen hundred wero pres ent, and tho program consisted of mu. sic by tha boys' glco club, the girls' gleo club, a chorus by 200 or 300 chil dren and a number of comic stunts woro given, thoso latter assuming bur lesques from tho various class rooms and wore very clovor, and tho repro duction of mythological scenes. In ha uftdrnooni pVaotitcally the samo program twos presontcd to an audience of six hundred adults. Friday evening the fomnl dedication of tho building occurred In the pres ence of an audience of not less than seven hundred people, mostly adults. The exercises consisted of short ad dresses and musical selections. B. M Reynolds spoke on the design of the building, J. G. Beeler on tho provision mado for boys, Mrs. York Ilinman on tho provision mado for girls, Ira L Bare and Miss Annie Kramph on the possibilities as a community ccntor, O. E. Elder on tho financial situation and T. C. Patterson on the response of tho community. Musical selections woro contributed' by Misses Emma Boguo and Clara Sorenson, the girls' gleo club, Earl Stamp and a male quartetto composed of Clinton, Har rlnton, Birgo and Mungor. In speaking of the financial situation Mr. Elder stated that while only fifty thousand dollars In bonds had boon voted, tho building cost $58,000, and thore was theroforo a deficit or 8.000 In addition to this $7,000 wng needed to eqiu,lp tho manual training and do mestic science departments and for other purposes. It would thereforo he necessary to ask tho people to voto bonds In the sum of $15,000 to pay this deficit and niako tho needed Improve ments. Thls bond proposition will he submitted at tho city election in April. Tho last event of the dedication cere monies was a banquot tendered the board of education and thoso taking part in tho Friday evening oxerclBcs .by tho city teachers. Covors were laid for ninety-three and tho menu was pro pared and serve! by tho domestic acl elco doxMirtiuoiit of tho Twentieth Cen tury club. Mm Aunto Kramph presided as tottstmistross and Introduced tho efponkors in the lighter vein. Those r. sponding woro Mr. Ohmnu, Mliw Nell Hartman, Secretary Stroltz, Mrs. Wil son Tout, and Mrs. Harry Cramor The responses of MIba Hartman and Mrs. Tout woro exceptionally clovor in thoir humor, and niombors of the school board1 and others woro humor ously "rapped." Mrs. Cramer's re sponse was romlnlneent of her North! Platte school days and Mr. Oilman's talk was along the line of the good re sults to young men that are certlnn to follow through tho creation of the gymnasium. Mr. Stroltz spoko along gonoral educational linen. Intorsporseil was a piano solo by Miss Wright and a Mute solo by W. E. Starr. Elementary School Notes. Tho following families hnvo with drawn thoir children from school"bo oauso they are leaving the city: 'Low Cauffman, William Thompson, Ohas. Llnds'.-y, E1 Yates, Chas. Ward. Tho following families ontored chil dren in tho olementnry schools U1I3 week: Mrs. Lamra Moore, Mrs. C. C. Emory, Chas. Dustin, J. M. Salynnl and F. P. Colbum. Somo of the boys caught a crow and tookttQchoonast-'Wcdnesdny. Miss Murray used it as tho subject for a livo languago losson in tho Sixth grndo. About G5 visitors atonded tho Wash ington birthday exorcises in tho dlf- foront rooms of the Washington school. J, E. Evans anl J. S. Hoagland gavo addresses. Tho local chanter of tho D. A. R. has presented tho JofTorson school with a framed copy of tho Nebraska Hag lnlws and a-chart showing tho changes In tho United States Hag stuco Its adoption. A largo number of visitors enjoyed the Washington and Lincoln programs at tho Jefforson school last ThuilsWny. Programs wero givon Jointly by Miss Watts' and MIbs Burke's rooms at which Jutlgo Hoagland and J. E. Ev- aiia spoke; by Miss Stansbury's and Mrs. Stoffregan s rooms Jointly and by Miss Baker s room. All the children of all tho schools woro guests of tho two high schools atj Itho Franklin auditorium FiUday morning, at which they hear,j a pro gram given 1n honor of tho opening of the Franklin school. Abowit 1300 chil dren wero in attendance. Miss Stansbury's room onioyod somo pictures of. Mt. Vernon, tl0 homo of ueorgo wusnington, wincn wore loaneu foil tho occasion by Mrs. Earhart. Ono of tho boys nttondlng Miss Hunter's room brought a collection of moonstones to school for th? fifth grado to study. Specimens of penmnnshlp (rom each -of tho rooms of tho elementary school worn collected bv Mini Johnson nnd 'placed on exhibition in tho Ponman- 4I1JP room or the iFrank'lin school during the recent opening exorcises. Mld-torm report, go out on Wednes day noon of this week to overy ichlld in tho elementary school. :o: ; WILSON WANTS POWER TO DEAL WITH GERMANY President Wilson appeared before congress at ono o'clock yesteiUay af ternoon and asked for authority to placo tho United States In a stato of "armed neutrality to resist tlio Ger man submarine mcnaco. Continued Invasion of tho plain rights of nouitrala oil the high bcua, ships, tho intolerable blockado of Amorlcan commerce almost as or foctual as If tho country woro at Avar have taken tho place of a dreaded "overt act" Milch was oxpoctea to shock tho world and liave forced tho president into th6 next stip toward war. Prosldcnt Wilson, asking to bo om poworod to tnkb whatovor stops aro netaossary, which Includes tho arming of ships, tho convoying of merlchant mon by war vossols, or what other (Steps aro necessary, mado It plain again that ho wanted peace, put not at tho price of Amorican lives and rights, or by driving tho American Hag from tho seas. Your Btoro and ours; tho storo be longs to us; but it's no good to us unleiss it's your storo too. To bo your store, it must contain mercnamuiso that you iwant, it must also bo ar ranged for youn comfort, nnd it must do business in a way satisfactory to you. having and. holding your confi denco. Lots of men nnd women, mor overy day, find that our storo Is their store. If it isn t your storo come m and let us mnk0 it bo. THE LEADER MERCANTILE CO. Wood Whlto lonvew Thursday night for Washington to (witness tho innug uratlon of President, Wilson, and will visit in Baltimore, Philadelphia and Vow York. In tho latter city ho will 3 tho guest of his brother, who is brovot major of tho Sovonth Rogi nent N. N. G., known ns tho "mil lionaire regiment," nnd who also 1"" two sons in tho same organlza tlon. Tho Coniland Hotel at Loxlngton was traded last week for an equity of $20,770 In a 482-acro farm In Iowa, Th" hotol was built in 1891 at a cost of 540,000. A baby boy was born Sunday morn ing to Mr. and Mrs. Win. Van Luc, Who rcsldo on North Locust Btreot. COME IN MEMBERS OF THE MOOSE STAGE BIC SHOW NEAltLY T1IKKE Hl'NDItED MKM. HE ItS AND (JFKSTS IMtESENT AT HANQUET LAST NIGHT FoHowIiifr Seu'ii Course Dinner Col. McDonald and His .Jolly Jesters Stage n Cuban1, that Wins Cast luted Commendation With a real Ford' nutomobllo nnd n real horso n part of tho stago settings, Col. James Boyd McDonnUl as origina tor, dovoloper nnd dlrootor, put an a cabaret at hei Lloyd lust night that outshono anything over boforo at tempted by local tnlont. Col. Jomos wua ably abetted and neelsted by a vonv competent gang of fun producers, and1 tho applauso given tho six acts Jarred tho building from iloor to roof. Tho occasion of tho cabaret and the following hilarity was the third annual banquet of tho Loynl Ordor of Moose, and without exaggerating to tin slight, ost dogrco It can bo said that It wna "somo" banquot it was moro largely attended, thero was more to eat and drink, thero wns more xoal good fel lowship and moro funny fun than any ono of tho 279 present ever saw crowd ed Into a period of 240 minutes. The banquctors assmnhled at tho hnll at nine o'clock, and after a half hour uf greotlngs to National Organizer Murphy, of Chicago, who was an hon ored guest, the (lower bedecked tables woro surrounded, t, toiwt was drank to Governor Keith Noville, a mombor of tho local lodge, and then tho hoys "foil to" the soveu courso dinner of bluo points on half sholl, shad roo, roast turkoy, ct cetora, served by ca terer Hupfer. During the sei'vlng mu sic was rondored by an orchestra, Col. Jim and his peerless performers gavo vocal selections, and all tha banquet-1 ers Joined in rendering rng-timo melo dies with orchestral nccompanlment. At tho conclusion a very oloquont nd drclss was mado by Organlzor Mur phy. Then enmo thft cabaret opening with tho old pioneers' quartetto, with Dave Day, Jim. Clinton, Frank McGovorn and Gcorgo TIgho as ttyo gray-haired, lam0 and "dlscreplt plonoors. Sovoral se lections woro rendered, nnd the Intro duction of Prof. Jnmcs Talkative Keef- ctrlno, vontiifcloqujst, followed. The Professor had an animated negro boy as a dlujumy, nnd his monologue and his acts of "voice-throwing" worci such as only James Tearful coujd oniict. In tho"Karol of tNho ICegs" Day, Clin ton Tlgho and McGovorn In boor lg costume nnd with stoine in hand draw tho amber fluid from tho koga In which thoy wero encased', tho tncantlni0 r?n- ddrlng a Gorman song tnpplng tlie, Iloor with thoir (wooden shoes ns nc-j coinpaniment to tho Jingling melody.. As African nulolots Jny Smith audi Clark LoDloyt rodo on to the stago In a Ford! Tunnbout, struck a snag, .. . . ... , i. -11 .1 .1 were piicnoa over uio wiiiiisinuiu, ami then Indulged In jokes with strong lo cal coloring that created much minis ment In the Hawaiian Hula, Messrs. Clinton, McGovorn, Day, Tlgho, Carson nnd Wurtdlo, costumed In white, sang to tho accompaniment of banjo, guitar and mandolin, whllo E. C. Baker, John Mathlcson, Horman Slcheniter audi Tom Guthorlosa woro tho sea-grass skirted dancing girls. Tho final act, "Polly of tho Ciroun," depleted a real circus tont, tho saw dust ring, tho center polo, tho raised scats on Iwhich woro painted llvo-slzcd head pictures, tho spotted horso and! last hut not least tho equostrlonne Dave Day and Ring master Kcnfo, both of whom woro ar- . yot In tnua circus stylo. An nnn ; ex tonded from tho centor tyola and with a rono passing through a pulley wheel nnd attached to a hook bolted around Day, ho was onnblcj, to enact his gy rations on tho back of tho swift mov ing horso and dlvo through the paper covorcd hoops with tho ease of tho most proficient quoen of tho arena. This stAint was about as real ob could bo staged, a vory clovor act indcod. As an entertaining feature tho tiuru A. Groocl Recom m e n cl a td o n The Business man hns confidence in the hoy or other em ployee with n hnnk account. He knows that any one who can save for himself can save 'for him, and that the money saved stands for character. It does not mean how much you have saved, but the fact that you have shown a determination to do n certain thing; that a saving bank book is in itself a good recommendation. You can have this kind of a recommendation by coming to the First National Bank and opening an account. One dollar will do to start and you can add more whenever you have it. Four Per Cent Interest Paid on Savings. First National Bank, NORTH PLATTE, NEBR., nnnunl banquot of thtt Moose will nov er be forgotton by tho attendants. : :o: : Suits! Suits! We nlreudy a beautiful collec tion of suits on dlsplny now and moro of thcin aro coming in daily at BLOCK'S Excluslvo Ladles Shop. ::o:: tiou'rumcnt, Ships Oranges Flvo carloads of orangos passed through this city Wednesday night as third No, 12. Thoy woro accompan ied by Mri'Dannls nnd a holpor, both holng attnchiu of the dopnitmont of agriculture, tho run being mado to as certain which was the best way to ship oranges from California to the ouslorn states. Three of thtUo cars had tem porary racks about II vo Inches nbovo tho door, tho other two ibclng common Union Pacific P. F. E. rofrlgerators. Each of theao cars boro government tags, tho trip being mado wider gov ernment supervision. On tho roar end of tho private car was a government thorniomotor which registered tho tcm poraturo at all points along tho road. For Sale Or will trodo for llvo stock, a four room cottngo, good barn nnd othor outbuildings located at 420 South Maplo. Must bo disposed of at once. Call at 'promises or Dhono Black 20G. A Chaiico to Sell Your tnml. Wanted Onttlo Ranch.' Must cut GOO tons of hay, If irrigated; alBo pnsturo land. E. I. BOSTON. . Johnson, Nobr. ... ;;o:: FOR YOUR AUTO SERVICE Call 125 for Taxi day or night. Also flvo or soven passenger car for funornl sorvlco. MOGENSEN-LOUDEN AUTO CO-, Chandler & Elcnr Agency, Corner Eighth and Locust Sts. A Lass of the Lumberlands HELEN HOLMES. Tho grfcattjst, Amorlcan screen atar in sensational acting. Ono who really does things herself no substitutes, no posing in flno clothes. A favorite of dvorybddy'B. Beginning Wednesday, February 28, and every Wednesday then afterward, 2 reels of tills wonderfully Interesting serial dmma will bo shown. It Is thrilling, daring and well plotted throughout Start with tho boglnnlng nnd! you will follow to tho close, Platte Theatre. El Wo will tell you nil about that good home. lot and farm wo hnvo for sale. J1RATT, GOODMAN & RUCKLEY.