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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1917)
Semi-Weekly Tribune IHA L. BAKE, Editor and Publisher. SUUSCIUPTION RATES: One Year In Mull In A titmice. .. .$l-' Oiic Year by Currier In Aihunee. .HMi Entoretl at North Platto, Nebraska, Postolllco as Second Class Matter. l'JIIDAY, FKHIIUAItr 2. 1917. How Nebraska Feels. From tho Fremont Tribune: "Whan wo come to think of our own llesh ana blood being shelled and left In roti hoops before tho engines of awful de struction, with their pallid taeea turn ed to tho sky and their ayo glazed an.. siBhtloM, It Is then tho cruelty and horror of war come to us with crush ing force. Wo then realize- that there Should be no word spoken In Joit or lu disregard or tho solemn situation. We do not want war, for wo love the Iwys and man who must be sacrificed and pay tho awful prleo. Wo do not want war because It will loavo the nation's manhood crlpplod and mained and bind and tho nation itsolf burdened with debt that must be paid with the sweat and toll and tears of tho com ing yoars. Wo must pay the prico In matorlal things with which wo are so greatly blost, but when it comes to oponing tile very veins of the nation, lot It not ba done.except when ovory posslblo oxpedient has been exhausted. This 1ft hdw tho people of Nebraska fool. Mock ItetiiniH From the Ensl. II. I, lllock roturned Tuesday from a nlonth's visit in Now York and ol.h it eastern cltlos and in Montreal, Can ada, Mr. Block's trip was for tho pur- poso of buying spring goods for his gtoro and ho found. tlf manufacturers vory much rusliod 'with ordors, and nuking to lie xiven all tlirio possible In making shipments. Prices aro still asoendlng. and this is particularly tpuo of silk garments. He visited In Montroul and ho could not help but notice Uio vory large number of crip pled mon on tho streets, neraly all of whom worn soldiers who, having hon on tliti flirhting line, lost a log or arm or both, and had boen sont home. The Canadians were nmong tho first roops England sent out against tho Germans. coannssiONK itfr pkoceewnum February 19, 1917. Donrd of county commlssionors mot pursuant to adjournment, present Sprlngor, Ilcrmtughntisen and Koch and county clerk. Omaha ftructural Stool Works al lowed on recount fHOO. Karl H. New appointed rond ovor sior District SO and bond approved. flurrv f'arotliers, ukIho for county pour, Si'.CO. Doll Huntington, court bailiff, $10.00 L. 0. Cecil, bridge work, $4.00. John Holt, brldgo work, $2X0, Llork-Sandall Co., nulso county poor, $i8.20. F. D, Wostonfold, mdao county poor, $99.80. T)lonor& Flolshmnn. mdse county, poor. $21.90, I Adjourned until tomorow I A. S. ALLEN, County Clork.' Fohruary 20. 1917. j Board mot same as yesterday, pres ent full board nnd, county clork. County clork Is hereby instructed tfl"fcorfoc't asBlnent of II. A. Brot aor, 'North Platto, No, 4, a, to assess-' nifont of automobile, ns mild auto was, bought aftor April 1, 1910. lllezoppn Lodge tn bo Iteoiganlzeil. Mans forvtho roorgunlzatlon of Ma Mppa. lodgo No. 115, Knights of Pythi as, woro dlMcusaed at a bantiuot hold at tho Hotel McCabo Monday ovonlng. Ocorgo E. French, who Is tho prime factor in tho reorganization, stated that thoro aro ton who havo kept their membership allvo, tlwonty formor inoin bur who will bo ro-lnstntoa and thoro aro thirty-five application for mombor. ship by Initiation, Tho reorganization will bo effected nnd tho class initiated at tho K. P hull Tuesday ovonlng, March 0th. Tho toam from tho Kear ney lodgo will put on tho .Initiatory work. VMNMURM 0 under tho A Bank Service, to meet your require, meiiis, calls for experience and con. Hen at Ism. Atlvlro In llnauclal mutters must be tempered by years of experience and a knowledge of money and market conditions. Our officers are In close touch with business conditions both hero uiwt In tho country nt large. If you are a patron of the l'latte Yulley State Hank you may be assured of our personal Interest In your welfare. Platte Valley State Bank North Platte, Nebraska. TKACIIMtH ASSOCIATION WILL .MEET II EKE JIAKC1I '2!).!ll Tho Wost-Central District Teachers' Association will meet In tho Franklin Auditorium in this city Thursday. Fri day and Saturday. March 29-31. The first day will bo given ovor to visiting the various schools of the city and the (Imt M(milrin will lm held ill tlln 0V0I1- lUg. SIHIV Olil'UI IIIIUIIMUUI. ill II I J v.. w. Urndford of Donvcr. Colorado, and Stato Superintendent W. II. Clemmons of Lincoln, Nebraska, will divide the tlmo In the evening. Friday evoning Judge Hon Lindsey, of Denver, will deliver will his world-famous address on tho boy problom. Saturday Profes sor W. II. Foeht, of tho National Huroau of Education, will make two addresses on various phases of rural school development. Ilurnl and city 'toachorSvfromUuffalov Dawson, Lincoln Logan, KeJth, McPhoraon, Arthur. Garden and Douel counties will be In atendancOrt This Is Ifie Association which wan called off last spring on account of the (luarautlno of tho local city officials. Tho officers of the As sociation are W'lson Tout, North Platte, President; C. E. Collott. Coth onhurg vice-president; Alleen Onntt, North Platto, secretary; Frank Smith, Sutherland, treasurer. i a.. i. ....... n n Bonds In Lump Sum. To provide funds for paving street Intersections where, districts are in tho futures to bn forme It is uggested that fifty thousand dollar bonds be voted. If future districts are to be formed and property owners teem favorable thereto- It Is prolably bst to vote sufficient bonds at one time to covor several districts than to call a bond elctlon each tlmo a district is formed To vote a lump sum would savn election oxpenses and tho bonds need bo Issued only at swell times ai required. This is tho plan Kearnoy Is now pursuing. At the coming spring oloctlon that city will voto on the is suanco of $50,000 for street Intersec tions. Koarnoy, by tho way. Is doing m-nndera In tho way of street paving, having this wook creatod district num ber twonty-slx. : :o: : Lutheran Announcements, Mon'g Meetings bpgln this evoning. at 8 o'clock. Rev. O. O. Woods will mnko tho addrosa. Evory Lutheran mnn should plan on being presont. Church Council will moot nt the close of the meeting hy tho men. Tho rogular Sunday services at the ufflml hours. Sermon subjects: "Tried to the Uttermost." and "Tho Pente cost Conversions." Special music at oach Horvico. Wook-day services oach Wednesday ovonlng for all and oach Friday even ing for tho mon, Cars Increase Kunldlv. County Treasurer Soudor anticipates mat tno numiior or auto llconsos Is sued in Lincoln county this year will not fnll much short of two thousand. So far about 1300 havo boen issued, but many car ownors havo been dila tory In securing tho 1917 Hcoiiho Inrgoly because they have not had tholr cars out of tho garago since January first. It Is probable that at least 300 cars will be Bold to resi dents of tho county thin year. Fivo years ago thoro woro nlnoty-ono cars In tho county. lloycr Caso Continued. Tho caso of tho Stato against Bert Boyor, charged with tho unlawful sale of liquor como up for hoarlng In the county court Tuesday hut was con tinued until tomorrow, fllio rontln uanco wns tnkon on account of th nb- senco of Elmor Chaso, to whomBoyor Is alloged to havo sold tho llnuor, and who 1 the star wUiioss in tho case. Foil' HALF. Corner lot 00x132 ft Facos LoeitRt St., In block 2. Mlltonborger's addi tion. Prico $400,00 If sold this welt. 040 acre ranch 100 acroa In cultiva tion. 8 miles from toivn and onlv 14 mllos from North Platto. Two mllos from tho valloy and la woll Improved. PHcn $0 hior aero. MILTONMEROEIt & LEININGER. District court has boon In session this wook. thnt Is, Judgo Grimes has boen at tho court liouflo ouch day rondy to hear caaos that tho attorneys may bring hoforo him. Not many cases, howevor, havo been hoard. Houdtiuartora for Window glass. . STONE DUUG STORE. if BANK SERVICE Mutual Building & Loan Ass n. OFNORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. ASSETS $840,000.00 To Prospective Building & Loan Horrowers: Non-resident Building & Loan Companies arc adver tising the fact that they haw, reduced the monthly payments of borrowers to SI. 10 per month on each $100.00 borrowed, making the monthly payment the same as the Mutual Build ing & Loan Association of North Platte. They fail to state that of the SI. 0 paid to the non-resident company, there is only thirty-five cents credited as a principal payment, the halance seventy-five cents heing taken for interest. Of, the SI. 10 monthly payment to this association on each $100.00 horrowed sixty cents is for interest and fifty cents is credited as a principal payment. This difference in the amount credited the borrower will result in the borrower in the non-resident company .be ing compelled to pay not less than S25.00 more on each $-100.00 borrowed in order to discharge the debt than they would if they were doing the business with this Association. Mutual Building & Loan Assocsaiion OF NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. l'lelcher Granted Divorce. In tho district court Wednesday Austin L. Flotchor was granted a legal separation from his wife, Willlo Myrtlo Fletcher, on the grounds of adultery. Thoy woro married in this county in May, 1890, and havo lived here con tinuously. Tho defendant (did not ap pear in court to contost tho Issuance of tho docreo. Nebraska Flag Law. Whovover In any niannor, for ex hibition or display ahall place or causo to bo placed, any word, llgure, mark, picture, design dra'wlng or any advertisement of any naturo, upon any Hag, standard, color or ensign of tho United States or atato flag or en sign of this state; or ahall oxposo or causo to bo exposed to 'public vlow any such ling, standard, color or en sign, upon which ahall have boen printed, palntad or otherwise placed, or to which shall be attache!, append ed, affixed or annoxed, any word, fig ure, mark, picture, design or draw ing, or any ndvortlscmont of any na turo; or who Bhall expose to public vlow, manufacture, soil, oxposo for salo, give away or havo In possession for salo or to glvo away, or for uso for any purpose, any article or sub stanco, being an articlo of merchan dise, or a rocoptaclo of merchandise or articlo or thing for carrying or transporting merchandise upon which shall havo been printed, painted, a -tnched or othorwlse placed a repre sentation of any such Hag, standar I, color or ensign, to advertise, call a4 tontlon to, decorate, inark or distin guish tho articlo or substanct', n Which so placed; or who shall publlr ly mutilate, dofaco, defile or dof . tramplo upon, or cast contempt, elth r by words or act, upon any such flu :, standard, color or ensign, shnll ho doemcd guilty of a misdemeanor, atvl ahall bo punished by a fine not ex ceeding ono huntl roil dollars or bv Imprlsonniont for not mor than thir ty days, or both. Tho words, "flog." "standnrd." "coloi." or "onsign," as used In this subdivision or soction, shall include- any flng, standard, color, ensign or any picture or representa tion of either thereof, made of any substance, or roproaontod on any sub. stance, nn(i of any slzo evidently pui porting to bo olthor of said lla?, standard, color or ensign of the United Statos of America, or a picture or a representation of elthor thorcof, upon which shall bo shown the colors, tho stars, and tho stripes, In any num bor of olthor thorcof, or by which tho person seolng tho same, dollboratlon may bellovo tho samo to roprosont tho tings, color8, standard or ensign of tho United States of Amor Ira. Tho possession by any "por eon. other than a public offlcor, as such, of any flag, standard, color or ensign, on which shall bo anything mnrtn unlawful at any tlmo hy this pcctlon phall bo presumptive ovidonco that tho samo Is In violation of the section. C100K p. C92; Ann. 2390; Comp 791Bb.) :o: s Lookod Liko n Mistake. Ono of the big eastern structural com imnlesj having a contract to build a traveling crane above a coal handling plant at a tlook, decided to employ a surgeon to nmiuln "on the Job' The honored ono was given a note which read, "Please hand this to the foreman In charge and tell him that you will look after any of tho men who may bo Injured by falling from the work," The doctor without ado went out to the plant. He looked up at the false work that wns being built lu preparation for tho crane, and It was so high that the men on It looked like llllipiitlans. Ho thought of the poHlbllltlo8 If one of them should fall to the dork, and ho said to tho foreman : "1 think the com pany made a mistake. It should have addressed this letter to an undertaker." Argonaut. Stage Art nnd Motion Pictures. As a form of entertainment, not In struction, tho motion picture will prob. ably develop along the linos iff' free, oven fantastic, romance, of melodrama and of simple narrative. Tho stage, ireo ironi mo uurueii or supplying these , forms of enteitalnmont, will probably concentrate more on tho mlsalou of tho spoken work, which Is to convey i Ideas and lllumlnato character, on tho I creation of tho complete Illusion of I reality and on tho pictorial art of sceno I painting. The movies and tho spoken drama are not so antagonistic as wo I ui urst ltesHinilHtlcnlly supposed. Time, wo think, will prove to us that In real Ity they aro two different forms of art. us different as painting and sculpture. IffEN WANTED! THAT aro earning monthly salaries, professional and business men, mar ried and slnglo men, In fact all men in various vocations of life who have MORTGAGED HOMES OR USED BORROWED MONEY to conduct tholr business' Who will replace that monthly salary or financial earning ability of yours that your dependent ones and backers aro looking to you for SHOULD YOU DIE TONIGHT OR TOMORROW? Have you made the proper provisions? THESE ARE among tho MEN WANTED. Our Old Lino Lite Policies protect, create a savings for old age. Delays arc dan gcrous. You cun't carry tho risk, wnen you can get one of these policies ON THE MONTHLY PAY PLAN. For further Information call, phono or address J. E.SJ5HASTIAN, State Mtrr. The Old Lino Life .Man, NORTH PLATTE. NEBRASKA. NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Hall Block North ol Postoflice. Phone 58 A modern institution for the scientific treatment of medical, surgical and confinement cases. Completely equipped X-Kny and dinRnostirJaboratories. Staff: -Geo. B. Dent, M. D. Y. Lucas, M. D. J.B.Rcdfield,M.D. J. S. Sirams, M.D Offico Phono 70 Res. Red C87 DR. LATJIAN Sulpho Vapor liaths WITH REGULAR TREATMENTS Belton Building i.i:;ai. Aiiriri: Charles A. Dorsoy, Harry C. Dorsoy, .iiiiiiiu j.urutj , ami uio unicnown own ers and unknown claimants of tho North Knst quarter (NI3V4) of Section twonty-nlne (L'8), towiiBhiii nine (9), rattRo thtrtv-threo (33), West of tho 1. Ji., in Lincoln county, Nebras ka, will horoby take notice that on tho llith day of February, 1917, Stanley CoiiHtantlne, plaintiff herein, nicil his petition In the District Court of Un join County, Nebraska, against' t'ho following named defendants, to-wit: Charles A. Dorney, Harry C. Dorsoy, Minnie Dorsoy, J. A. MasBenRalo (Urst and real nnmo unknown) nnd tho un known owncr-H and the unknown claim ants of the North Kast quarter (NU) of Soction twonty-nlno (29), township nine (9). raiiBo thlrty-threo (33), West of the Cth V. M. In Lincoln coun ty .Nebraska, tho object and prayer of which nro to quiet the tttlo to tho North Kast quarter (NI3U) of Soction twonty-nlne (29), township nine (9), North of ranffo thirty-throe (33), West of the ath 1. M., in Lincoln county, Ne braska, as nKalnst tho defendants and each of them. Plaintiff further prays in his petition, that a cortain docd to said premises from tho plnintlft to tho said Charles A. Dorsoy, bo docrood and de clared to havo boon a niorttfune, and thnt said niorttfiuro ho decreed to hnvo beon wholly paid nnd satisilod, and tho Hen of said mortKRKc thereby wholly extinguished, and thnt tho said de fendant Charles A. Dorsoy, be ordered by decree of court to execute to plain tiff a ro-convoyanco of snld promises, and in dofault thereof thnt the said decroo stand as such convoynnco, nnd that a cortain dood from tho defondant Charles A. Horsey to the defendnnt Hnrry C. Dorsey purporting to convey an undivided one-half Interest In said property to tho Bnld defendant Harry C. Dorsoy, ho decreed to havo passed or vested no Hen, title, interest or es tate In and to said real estate. In tho said Harry C. Dorsey, anil that the plalntlrTs title be quieted as against tho said Charles A. Dorsoy, Hnrry C. Dorsey. Mlnnlo Dorsoy, J. A. Mnssen gale, and the unknown ownors, nnd unknown claimants of the North Kast quarter (NI5H) of Section twenty-nine (29), in township nine (9). range thir ty.three (53), west of th Cth V. M In Lincoln county, Nebraska, and that plaintiff' title In and to said real es tate be forever confirmed, and quieted In him as against snlil defendants claim ing under sftld deeds or otherwise, and that the said defendants nnd each of them tte forever otijolned from setting tip or claiming nay Interest In, or to said real estate, under or by vlrtuo of said deeds or otherwise, and for suoh other and further relief as equity may renulro. You are required to answer said pe tition on or before the 2nd dny of April. 1017. Dated February 19, 1917. RTANLTSV CONRTANTINR, Hy WILCOX & HALLIOAN, fSO-lw His Attornoys. Elizabeth Kaar-Langston Teacher of Singing Studio 122 West Front. J. 11. BEDFIELD. PHYSICIAN & SUItGEOS Successor to PHYSIGIAN&SURGEONS HOSPITAL Drs. Rcdfleld & Redflcld Office Phone 642 Res. Phone t?7f Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L . C . DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - Nebraska. McDonald Rank Building. Phone 308 ALIJEKT A. LANE, Dentist Rooms 1 and 2 Dclton Building North Platto, Nebraska. Phonos Offico 333 Res Black 542 DJt. ILUIOLI) A. EENNElt Osteopath. G Reynold Building Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. 7 p. m. to 8 p. m. DOCTOR 1). T. QUIGLET Practice Limited to' Surgery and Radium Therapy 72S City iNatlonal Rank Iluildlng. Omaha, Ncbraslm. Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention given to Surgery and Obstetrics. Office: Building and Loan ' Buildinp Phones t Office I8fl l nones j- RoBidence 115 Hospital Phone 'Black 633. House Phone Black 633. W. T. PltlTCHAItl), Graduate Veterinarian Bight years a Government Veterinur Ian. Hospital 218 south Locust St., one-half block southwest of the Court Housh DEItltYBERRY & FORBES, Licensed Emlmlmers Undertakers and Funeral Directors Day Phono 234. ,NIpht Phono Black C88. IV. J. HOLDEKNESS Ecctrlcal Supplies Wlrlnp Storage Batteries Morsch Bldg Phono 175. $5.00 Per Ton. $10 Per Ton. Highest Price for Hides and Furs. WE BUY RAGS. L. LIPSHITZ, CORNER FRONT AND LOCUST. Bought and highest market prices paid PHONES Residence Red 63G Office 459 C. H. WALTERS. LET US INTRODUCE QUALITI TO YOU Quality in Cigars has has boen our aim sinco nvo began making cigars in North Platto ovor thirty years ago. Wo put quality in tho first cigars wo niado, and that samo quality is in tho cigars wo mako today. Schmalzrlod's Cigars havo stood Uio test of thoso moro than thirty years. What groater ovidonco of quality could you doslro? If you havo not beon 3mokIng Sshmalz dlod'a cigars, try them thoy nro cor tain to please. J. F. SCHMALZRIED. lOMMttlp DR. JOHN S. TWINEM Special Attention to Surgery, Gynecology nnd Obstetrics. NORTH PLATTE, NEB. Nurse Bncwu Memorial Hospital. Makes a Specialty of Farm Sales, Pure Bred Live Stock and Real Estate. Terms Reasonable. E. L. JONES, Up-to-l)nto Auctioneer. Phone Mnxwoll Stato Bank at My Expense for Dates. JIAX1VELL, NEB. XOTIC14 TO ritHDlTOH.S ltate No. 1441 of Kllzabetli Wlllt Ingr. deceased in tlio County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, s: Creditors of ald estate will take notice that the time limited for presentation and Milne: of claims nxnliiHt said Bntate Is Sep tember 1C, 1917, and for settlement of said Estate Is October IS, 1917; that I will sit at the county court room in said county, on .March 1C, 1917,, nt 9 o'clock a. m. and on Koptomber 10, 1917, at 9 o'clock a. m.. to receive, ex amine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. GEO. 15. FKKNCH, fgQ-mSO County Jude. KSTI.MA'I'H or H.YPKN'SKS North Plhtto, Neb., Jnn. 30, 1917 At a rei?uljijiioetinK held this day the County CommisiilouerH of Lincoln County, Nebraska, proceeded to make and did mako the following estimate of expenses for the year 1917: County general fund.. $fin,O00.OO County bridge fund 40,000.00 County road fund , 40,000.00 Agricultural society 1,000.00 Ulrdwood bridge bonds, prin cipal and interest 1,500.00 South l'latte bridge bonds, principal and Interest .... 1,500.00 l'latte brldKe bonds, princi pal and interest l.fiOO.OO Hostwlck bridge bonds, princi pal nnd interest .100.00 Ilershev bridge bonds, princi pal and Interest 700.00. School DlHtrlct llondx No. 1, principal and interest $10,600.00 No. 7, principal and Interest, 1,780.00 No. 23, principal and Interest . 350.00 No. 37, principal and interest 2,000.00 No. 47, principal and interest 100.00 No. 55, principal nnd Intrest 500.00 No. 67, principal and Interest 300. 0o No. 98 principal and intr -it 200. Oit No. 105, principal ati'1 lnt-.'-. st No. Ill, principal and Interest 200. Oo No. 119, principal and inturost 200.00 No. 120, principal nnd intorest 100.00 No. 122, principal and Interest 200.00 No. 12G, .principal and interest 200.00 No. 137, prinoipal and interest 300-00 No. 37, Judgment 2,000.00 No. 3, special building 300.00 No. 20, special building 300.00 No. 33, special building 2,000.00 No. C9, special building 300.00 No. CO, special building 300.00 R H. SPIUNGEK, V. W. HEltMINUIIAUSEN, S. J. KOCH, County Commissioners. f2f2G. Notice f Final lienor! Estate No. 1409 of Nancy A. Donald son, deceased, in tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. The State of Nobraska, to all persons interested In said Estate take notice that the administrator has filed n final account and roport of his administra tion nnd a potltion for llnal settlement and discharge as such administrator, which havo been sot for hearing before said court on March 2nd, 1917, at 10 o'clock a. ni., when you may appear and contest the same. Dated February 5th, 1917. GXZO. E. FUENCII, f6-3w County Judge. Notice. Jackson A. Smith will take notice, that on tho 22nd day of January, 1917. Paul G. Meyer, a Justice of tho I'caco of Lincoln County, Nebraska, Issued an order of attachment for tho sum of $15.00 In an action pending hoforo him, wherein Chas. C. Ilupfer Is plaintiff nnd .Taclcson A. Smith Is defondant, thnt property of tho defondant consisting of wnges, earned by him In the service of and now in the handsiof the Union I'aclllc Railroad Company, a Corpora tion, has been attached under said or der. Raid cause was continued to the 15th day of March, 1917, at 10 o'clock a- m. CHAS. C. Ilupfer, Plaintiff. HIinitlFF'S SALE Cy virtue of an order of sale issued from tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered In said Court wherein Francos A. Bennett is plaintiff, and Robert S. Hopper Is defendant, and to me directed, I will on tho 24th day of Fobruary, 1917, at 2 o'clock 1'. M at tho east front door of the Court House In North Platto. Lincoln County. Nebraska, sell at Public auction to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree. Interest nnd costs, the following described property, to-wit: Southeast Quarter (SEU) of Section Five (5). Township Fifteen (15), North of Range Thirty (30). west of tho Gth P. M.. in Lincoln County, Nebraska. "2D1917l 'NTorth Plntte- Nb., January " ' . A. J. SALSBURY. J23-Ew Sheriff. XOTICI5 FOIl l'VIIMCATIO.V Sorlal No. 05756 tt o Inri;cn or the Interior, U. S. Land Oillce at North l'latte, Nebr. . . . Jan. 16, 1917! Notice Is hereby given that Andrew H. Hnmm. of North Platto. Nebr.. who ?rnv.NvV-nT-V,J9J3' l?r?t Homestead on.' KV4' &?cy2n Lc- Township ic. N. u??K, 2,9, 7 cthpflnclpal Meridian nni 11 notlco , 'ntntion to mako nnal three year Proof, to establish claim to the land abovo described, bo &r,,tiW Jl0f'.8t.or and Kecolvor. at March, 1917 Nebr" " the 7th of Claimant nnmes as witnesses: Robert Batle, of Staploton, Nebr., W,n. Pltt- ?if Nortll pTlatt. Nob- Garfield Gutherlcss, of North Platte, Nebr., Nathan Scott, of Staploton, Nebr. J23-6W R J. EAME3. Register. motich. nnciiiuroinWusTnF stato of Jainos Chambers, Doceased In the County Court of Lincoln Couiw ty, Nebraska. To tho heirs, creditors and all per sons interested in snld Estate will take "ftJ on tho 8th day of Fobrua ry, 1917, Hannah IS. Chambers, heir of n?i!lecell.en.t,.,nie1 l?r petition heroin, alleging that the said Jnmea Cliambers died intestate on or about April 14th, 1909, a resident of Lincoln county, nnd t int at the time of his denth ho was the owner of, or had an estate of inher- "',cik. olB,lt (S)- Hlnman's Second Addition to the city of North Platte, Lincoln coupty, Nebraska, a homostoaci of less value than $2,000.00 In snld Lln co'n county, Nobraska, and that no ap plication has been made In tho said state for the appointment of an ad mlnlstrator. That he left surviving him Hannah E. Cliambers, his widow. ' 2. residing nt Nortll Platte. Neb. I' rank ChnmborH, a son, ago CO, resid ing at North Platte, Neb.; Leona Tift, a dauKhtor. age 47. residing at North l'latte, Neb.; Alex Chambers, a son, age Mary l'lttman, a daughter, age 42, re siding at North Platte, Neb. pain u-rtictiuiH m wnoxiy exompi rrom attnehment, execution or othor mesne praoeBH and not liable for tho payment K that regular administration he crnditorH nml flvlnn ti.n inA v. i" ; : , n vvj uuiu ui ilia doath and the dogroo of kinship of his heirs and the right of descent to said real estate. ft.i. ioiVoU.U2n .,M. Uo ,,earl March 0th, 1917, at 9 o'clock n. in., at tho of Tlce of the county Judge In said county. fir ,n G1J&' FKBNCII. "c-n2 County Judgo.