The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 23, 1917, Image 1

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    llorth iJlattc
No. 12
t ii t ivwwn
Program of Short Addresses
Musical Selections will be
Itcndcrcd $eglnnlng at
Eight O'clock.
Tonight in tho now Franklin audi
torium, tho board of education will of
ficially announco tho formal opening
of tho Franklin School building. A
good program has been prepared and
cvory citizen of North Platto and vis
clnity Is invited to corao, B. T. Tramp,
president of tho board of Education,
will preside. Following is tho pro
gram: Piano duot, overture, "Poet and
Peasant" (Von Suppe) Emma Uoguo
and Clara Sorcnson.
Invocation, Kov. Cram.
"Tho Design of the Now Duilding,"
B. M. Reynolds, architect.
"The Provision Made for Boys," J.
G. Bceler,
"Com0 Where the Lilies Bloom so
Fair (Thompson) Girls' Gloe Club of
tho Sonior high school.
"The Provision Made for Girls," Mrs.
York Illnman.
"Possibilities as a Community Cen
ter," Ira L. Bare.
Cornet Solo, Earl Stamp.
"Tho Financial Situation." statement
for the board of education by O..E. El.
"Tho Response of the Community,"
Hon. W. V. Hoagland.
Malo quartette, selected muaIc,
Messrs. Mungor, Birge, Harrington and
Bonedlction, Rev. Hull.
Tho whole building will bo lighted
and open to Inspection. Doors open
at 7 p. m.' Program begins at S. No
admission will be charged.
Sunday schools 10 a. m. I
Morning worship 11, Mr. Cram will
preach. I
Evening worship 7:30; special mu
sfc by tho choir and orchestra. Robert
whlto will speak; subject, "Christ's
Teaching Concerning Property."
Card of Thnnks
We express our heartfelt thanks to
frienda and different fraternal organ
izations for their sympathy and as
" iSfanc'lh the death arid burial "of
our beloved son and brother Henry,
and for tho beautiful floral tributes.
MR. and Mrs. T. M. COHAGEN
Episcopal Church
Sunday Fobruary 25th, tho first Sun.
day In Lent Holy communion at 8
o'clock; morning service and sermon
at 11 o'clock. Archdteacon Bowkor
will officiato at both services.
: :o: :
For Sale An organ, a sanitary
couch and a new carpet sweeper and
vacuum cleaner combined. Phone
Black G98.
Town Car $.VJ5, Sedan $015, f. o. J. Delrolf.
Runabout $.'115, Touring Car $!1C0, Coiipelel $50,
L. B. Dick loft last night for Omaha
whcrn ho will transact, business for a
couplo of days.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Smith loft Thnrs.
day nftornobn for Montana, after vis
iting Mrs. Charles Vornon for sovoral
Relative In town hnvft" received
word that a boy baby was born Mon
day to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Murray, of
Tho domestic sclonco club of the
Prcsbytorian church will hold an ex
change at tho Dorryberry & Forbes
storo tomorrow. j
You'll find lots of bargains in shoos
at Tho Leader Mercantile Co.'s. School
"hoes for children especially low
Tho Tllllkum Girls' club will meet
Monday ovening at tho home of Miss
Alleen Gantt, entertained by the Misses
Stcgall, Howes, Cralglo, and Dorram. .
Tho lower houso of tho Nobraska
liOgislaturo by a small majority killed
tho bill providing for tho sale of
ochool lands in wos'tom Nobraska.
Practically all tho 'western mem
bors woro in favor of the bill.
Th0 legislature has killed tho bill
which provide that moving picture
shows might operate on Sunday If a
majority of tho votors favored such.
This rids the average town of passible
stiff fights at tho municipal oloctioin.
A Bohemian namoj Cermac, living
ut Wallace, was brought to toh"n this
week charged with stealing twenty
dollars' worth of coal from tho Bur
lington company. He will have a
hearing this morning and has said that
ho will plead guilty.
Geo. E. Vonlnwegen, who a quarter
of a century ago was a rosldont of;
North Platto, died1 at his home in Coun
cil Bluffs yesterday of heart failure
For a number of years pnst i)e had been
employed in tho Burlington head
quarters at Lincoln.
Tho Trotter Agency received six
Maxwell cars tho early part of this
weok and expect six more tomorrow
Mr. Trotter and a companion went to
Omaha Wednesday night and will
drivo homo two Reo sixes. Mr. Trotter
says sales of cars so far this year have
been very satisfactory.
Statistics show that from February
1 to February 14 th0 grain delivered,
to vessels at eastern seaboards viia'
8,000,000 bushels, compared with 29,- j
000,000 Diishels during tho month or)
January and 58,000,000 in December.!
Certainly tho unrestricted submarine
warfare conducted by Germany Is hav
ing an effect on our exports.
Buchanan Sz Patterson have added
a straw spreadler to tho equipment on
their Villa Vista farm southwest of
town, and aro using it to spread straw
over tho wheat fields. They bollovo
this will provo a great protection to
tho growing wheat should strong winds
prevail next spring. Tho firm will pur
chase a tractor this spring and duriiur
May and Juno break out about 500
acros on thoir sovoral tracts of land
on tho south side.
( ilrB B
32081 7
Havo been built and actually delivered! to retail buyors slnco August 1, 1910,
These figures 320,817 represent the actual number of cars manufactured by
us slnco August 1st, 191C, and delivered by our agents to retail buyors.
This unusual fall and (winter demand for Ford cars makoa It necessary for us ,
to conflno tho distribution of enrs only to those agents who havo orilors for
immediate delivery to rotnll customors, xathor than to permit any agent to
stock cars In anticipation of later spring sales.
Wo aro Issuing this notlco to intending buyors that they may protect them,,
solves against dolay or disappointment in securing Ford cars. If thoroforo,
you aro planning to purchase a Ford car, wo ndvlso you to place your order
and tako tfollvory now.
Immediate orders will havo prompt attontion,
Dolay in buying at this time may causo you to wait sovoral months.
Enter your order today for Immediate dollvory with our authorized Ford agent
listed below and don't bo disappointed later on.
Quartette of Lincoln Girls Furnish
Splendid Program, Supper Is
Sen ed and Dancing and Card
l'lu) Ing lnn Idod
Masons, their wives and their chll
dron to tho numbor of three hundred
nnd fifty woro present Inst evening nt
tho ninth anniversary of the dedica
tion of Mio Masonic temple. This an
niversary each year, sinco the dedlca-,
tlon of tho tomplo has been observed
In a social way, and has proven the
on0 big function of tho year for tho
mombers nnd their families, and is al
ways a very enjoyable occasion.
For tho anniversary exercises last
ovening a quartette of young ladies of
Lincoln woro secured to furnish part
of tho evening's program, and In thoir
selection tho commlttoo made no mis
take. With violin, collo and (lute
threo of tho girls rendored pleasing
selections, tho fourth of tho quartetto
presenting a number of reading Hint
were very much appreciated,
especially those of a Juvenile na
ture. Thoso young lndios wore cos
tumes of the continental porlod, add
ing effectiveness to their selections.
Following this appreciated concert
lunch was sorvod, and later dancing
and card playing indulged in, music
being furnished by the Stamp or
chestra. This feature of the evening
continued until midnight. It Was to all
an levenlng most delightfully spent.
The committee responsible for the
success of tho annivorsary was com
posed 6f Dr. Cressler, Harry Dixon, W.
H. McDonald, Robt. Armstrong and
R. R. Dickey. "
:p: :
Fifteen Dollar Hogs
Will tho price of hogs in South Om
aha reach tho fifteen dollar mark?
Well, yes, if th0 advance in the next
sixty days is as great as it has been
in tho past sixty. December 15, 191G,
tho top prlco was $9.80, yesterday tho
top prlcn was $12.G5, and odvanco of
$2.85 in two months; an advanco of
$2.35 in tho next sixty days will mean
fifteen dollar Jiogs. Yet in tho faco of
those advances, tho government ro
port shows that on January i, 1917,
thoro were 1,700,000 moro hog" In No
braska than there woro January M,
Americans Released.
A dispatch received from Berlin says
that tho American sailors who wero
taken to Germany on th'e steamer Yar
'rowdalo havo been -released.
Tho Americans woro released, the
dispatch says, after tho German gov
ernment had beon Informed officially
.that Gorman ships In America had not
beon confiscated and that thoir crows
had not boon Interned.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Laughlln, of
this city, havo been visiting rolatives
in Sutherland this week.
.MMKii: IlIXLEIt passes
Jmlgo J. W, lllxler, a. former North
Platte resident, died at nine o'clock
yesterday morning at Dantelson, Conn.,
this Information being convoyed In a
tolegram received by John 13. ISvniu.
Tho funeral will bo held Monday foio
noon with interment in tho national
comotory at Arlington, near Washing
ton. D. C.
Judgo Blxlor came to North Platto
p a practicing attorney in the early
eighties and remained until about 1S90,
when ho iwns appointed to a position
in tho department of Justice nt Wash
ington. This position ho held until
about a yoar ago when he suffered a
paralytic stroke which incapacitated
him from sorvlco. IK and Mrs. lllx
ler then moved to Ed Blxler' sum
"mer homo at Dnnlolson. Conn., nnd lat
er ho suffered, ft second stroke. It Is
'supposed that tho third and final stroke
catuo yestorday.
During his residence In North Platto
Judgf, Blxlor gnlnod n state wldo rjp-
."utatlon as n lawyer, was prominent ;
In politics and a loyal moinber of thct
Grand Army of tho Republic. j
Modornfo Building Tills Year.
Tho prosont outlook Is for moderate
building operational! North Platte I
.this yonr. So far as now dovoloned
tho only business buildings will be th ,
Twiuom block on Fifth, tho Plzcr
building on Locust, tho Porter bot
tling workn on east Front nMl1 the
Klnns building on North Locus ti Tho
Keith corner on Dcnvoy and Front will
bo remodoled in the interior, tho front
stairway loading to tho second tloor
to bo removed nnd tho two rnnnm in
bo merged into one.' Tho Reynolds!
apartment homiso nt Locust and Third i. , ., ,. ,
win uu Hiunuu uiiny in uio spring, nnu
Harry Block will erect a homo at
Fourth and WIlloW. Several now res
idonces aro under construction, one
by Harry Portor on west Fifth, another
by Will Klenk on west Second. A doz
en or moro residences are now pro
jected, somo of which nro cortnln to
bo erected.
(From tho Tlmos)
Grandpa and Grandma Eyorly cele
brated their G9th wedding anniver
sary Fobruary 25th. Grandpa Is 81
ami Grandma 83, and their birthdays
and wedding annivorsary all fall In tho
month of Febrnuary. Both aro enjoy
ing vory fair health.
John Bryan returned Tuesday from
Lincoln whoro he had beon for sever
y days among tho employment agen
cies securing help for tho boot grow
ers. He succeeded in "ccuring plenty
of help for all, but tho prlco is a llttlo
hlghor than lust yoar.
Jonns Svcdherg sold his farm a mllo
north of Uorshey the first of tho we-dt
to Wm. F. Smith, of Forks, Neb. Joiihh
had HiO acros -and tin consideration
wa $14,000. Mr. Svedberg Is adver
tising a salo in this issue and intends
to move into Horshoy to live.
Wm. Dyinoivd has scoured a patent
on a disc attachment to a road grad
er that Is said to bo a big huccos. IIn
has received many letters from pro
moters nnd manufacturers who wish
to place It on tho markot for him. but
It Is his intention to mako a trip to th
factory making tho grader on which ho
has attached his patent and sco If
thoy do not wlh to purchase his
U. P. Will Advertise Celebration.
Secretary Mooney, of tho seml-con-tonnial
association, has returned from
Omaha whoro ho transacted business
for several days. Whllo thero ho mado
arrangements for tho nocossary ma
torlal for building tho floats to bo
used in tho historical parado, and aj
so mado very satisfactory arrange
montB with tho Union Pacific relative
to advertising tho colobrntlon. Tho
passongor department of tho road is
vory enthusiastic ovor tho colebratlon
and has proffered its help in any way
posslnlo It will advortlso in ovory
town along Its main lino nnd brnncli03,
both by postors and through tho nows.
Perhaps you nover lived down closo
to the earth nnd felt tho pull of tho
outgoing tldf, and fought dosporntely
against tho current, nnd then whon
i you otrctcliod out your hand to grasp
I tho last straw, folt tho1 volvot touch of
i a woman s "palm closlnc about yours
i and lifting you to setety. "Tho World
I Against Him" tho Brady Mado feature
, showing at tho Crystal Saturday after
noon nnd evening 1b a story of a man
who found porfect bliss out boyond. It
Is a thrilling love drama of a mnn
who fought to hold his lawful wlfo
and won. Juno Elvldgo nnd E. K. Lin
coln play the loading toIob.
Garage and Car Burn.
Tho garngo on tho promlsos on John
woioack on south Sycarnoro street to.
gothor with an automlbll0 was dos
troyeu by flro Wodnoedny morning
Hliortly aftor two o'clck. Tho origin
oi uio Jiro la unknown, and It look
a3 though it may have been of in
ondlary origin. Tho car had not boon
a uso for sovornl days, nnd had tho
.'iro originated durlng.tho day it wouL
iiDt llkoly to havo slumbored ho Into
into tho night boforo bursting out in a
fnry. Mr. Wolback had Jeen out on
tna road and arrived homo whllo tho
ll'cinon woro still. at work Tim lmllil
, Ins was doomed boforo tho firo truck
arrived and tho firomon devoted thoir
enorgy to provontlng tho IlnmoB from
spreading to adjoining buildings. Tho
garago and tho car woro a total loss
1 :;a;:
Mrs. E. A. Garllchs leavos tomorrow
for Norfolk whoro sho will visit for a
"hort tlmo preparatory to Joining hor
husband at Meadow Orovo, Mo.
Harry Scott loft Wodnsday for Sld
ny whore ho will open a restaurant.
Geo. Schnrmann, who llv Just oat
of tho Platto Valloy "chool houao, has
cxumlnod 300 of hlH GOO stands of diee
nnd finds that but fivo havo btjen winter
killed. Mr. Sehnrninn Is Lincoln coun
ty's heaviest honoy producor, his crop
last yoar running into many tons. He
still lias on liand 8,000 pound" of last
year's crop, but ho will havo no diffi
culty In disposing of his stock..
, ,o; .
For Sale
Or will trndo for Hvo stock, a four
room cottage, good barn and other
outbuildings located at 420 South
Maple. Must bo disposed of at once.
Call nt promfos or ohone Black 206.
Matinee and Night.
Charlie Chaplin
The Ho and S. Agency.
HAS Lots and Cily properly for Sale.
WRITES Fire, Tornado, Aulombile and Hail Insurance.
LOANS MONEY on City Property.
Buy a Home and pay for it each month like
you pay rent. Some Homes to suit you on your
Let your wonts be known. (
Office Phones Red or Black 612.
Residence Phones See Book.
A- Groocl
e o o m in e xi cl at i o n
The Business man has confidence in the boy or other em
ployee with a bank account. He knows that any one who can
save for himself can save for him, and that the money saved
stands for character.
It does not mean how much you havo saved, but the fact
that you have shown a determination to do a certain tiling; that
a saving bank book is in itself a ljood recommendation.
You can have this kind of a recommendation by coming to
the First National Bank and opening aA nccount. One dollar
will do to start and you can add more whenever you have it.
Four Per Cent Interest Paid on Savings.
First National Bank,
Officials aro Blameless
Washington, Feb. 22. Tho houso
rulos commlttoo today decided to re
port that Its Investigations of an al
.logod "leak" on President Wilson's
peace noto had shown no public offi
cials woro rosponslblo for nny ndvnnco
information on it becoming public.
Tho full roport will not bo prepared
baforo Saturday.
- : :o: :
A Chance to Sell Your Lniid.
Wanted Oattlo Ranch. Must cut GOO
tons of hny,If Irrigated; also pasturo
land. E. I. BOSTON,
Johnson, Nobr.
Admission 15c and 10c