THE SEMI-WEEKLY " RIDUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. nSESIH, GAS , i FARM t : OR SUMACH POOLTOT Time itl Pape's Diapepsin ends all Stomach misery in five minutes. Do some foods you eat hit back -tnBto good, but work badly; ferment Into stubborn lump3 and cause a sick, sour, gassy stomach? Now, Mr. or Mrs. Dyspeptic, Jot this down; Pape's Dlapopsln digests everything, leaving nothing to sour and upset you. There nover was anything so safely quick, so cortnlnly effective. No difference how badly your stomach Is disordered you will got happy relief in flvo minutes, but what pleasos you most is that it strengthens and regulates your stom ach so you can eat your favorite foods without fear. You fool different as soon, as 'Tape's Dlapopsln" comes in contact with the stomach distress Just vanishes your Btomach gets sweet, no gases, no belch ing, no eructations of undigested food. Go now, make tho best investment you ever made, by getting a largo fifty cent case of Pape's Dlapopsln from any atoro; You rcalizo in five minutes how needless it is to suffer from indiges tion, dyspepsia or bad stomach. Adv. Squelching a Dealer. "Can I nell you some antiques, sir?" "What have you In stock?" "I've got n chnlr George Washing ton sat In, n cradle Jenny Llnd was rocked in, n mirror used by Catherine tho Great of ltussln, and " "Sny no more. Thcso things nro comparatively modern." ''But consider, sir " "I wnnt some real antiques. In fact, I am anxious to acquire tho set of tools used by Noah In building the ark." Brooklyn Citizen. ACTRESS TELLS SECRET. A well known actress gives tho follow ing recipe for gray linlr: To half pint of water add 1 oz. Bay Rum, a small box of Barbo Compound, and U oz. of elycerlno. Any druggist can put this up or you can mix it at home at very little cost. Full directions for making and use como In each box of Barbo Compound. It will .gradually darken streaked, faded gray lialr, and make It soft and glossy. It will not color the scalp, Is not sticky or creasy, and does not rub off. Adv. A Celebrated Autnor. "Young Blithers has won tho prize In that short-story contest which called for stories containing something never before heard of." "You don't say I What did ho pro duce?" "Ho wrote a ghost story which did not have the sentenco 'how long I slept I do not know,' fn it." Puck. Twenty Years Experience With This Kidney Remedy Some twenty-five or thirty years ago I began to sell Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root and I am satisfied that there is not a superior kidney, liver and bladder medi cine on the market. I enjoy a steady and. satisfactory sale on the remedy and mj customers have nothing but praises in be half of the merits of Swamp-Root. I am so favorably impressed with the prepara tion that I recommend it to those in need of such a medicine because I firmly be lieve it ia a valuable and reliable propri etary. Very truly yours, C. M. COHR, Druggist, 2003 South 10th St. Sept. 21, 1910. Lincoln, Neb. Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton. N. Y., for a eamplo eizo bot tle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable infor mation, telling about the kidneys and blad der. When writing, bo sure and mention this paper. Regular fifty-cent and one dollar sire bottles for eale at all drug atoros. Adv. So Near and Yet So Far. "What are you cooking, mamma?" asked four-yenr-old Margaret. "Cauliflower, dear," answered her mother. A few minutes Inter Margaret saw her father approaching and, running to him, snld, "Papa, what do you link we nro going to have for supper?" '"I don't know; what Is It?" "Why, er, caterpillar 1" A Congressional Life. "You fellows have a pudding," de clared tho merchant. "Fine business." "Ilow'd you like to submit your busi ness to a vote every two years to de cide whether you retain it or not?" "I shouldn't llko that." "That's what It means to bo a con gressman." Loulsvillo Courier-Journal. CUTICURA KILLS DANDRUFF The Cause of Dry, Thin and Falling Hair and Does It Quickly Trial Free. Anoint spots of dandruff, Itching and irritation with Cutlcura Ointment. Fol low at once by a hot shampoo with Cutlcura Soap, if a man, and next morning If a woman. When Dandruff goes tho hair comes. Use Cutlcurt Soap dally for tho toflot Frco samplo ench by mall with Book. Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept L, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. Winged Creatures. "Is your wlfo trying to make a so cial butterfly of you?" "No," replied Mr. Cumrox. "I don't Btnnd any chance of being a winged creature of airy grace. If you want to classify mo you'll have to get away from the Insects and try birds. I'm tho goose that Inys tho golden eggs." Most men would rather borrow than bo cnught begging or stealing. t START IN POULTRY BUSINESS Spring Is Good Time to Dcgln Either Obtain Breeding Pen or Flic Order for Eggs. Spring Is n good time to start in the poultry business. Hither obtnln a good breeding pen from someono who Is reliable and who raises the breed you fancy, or else send for eggs. You do not havo much tlmo to obtain breeding pens, for mos. breeders of purebred stock have their pens mated by this time and without doubt will have disposed of their sur plus choice breeding males by adver tising them Inst fall and selling them to parties wanting good breeders. ' Tho other plan, then, Is to send to these breeders and obtain their price lists at once. Even If you do not care to havo tho eggs for a month or so, 6cnd now and obtain tho price lists and get your order booked, for others nre doing the same thing, and most breeders send out eggs In the order booked. Delays oftentimes cost much, duo to lnublllty of the shipper to fill his many orders as promptly as he may desire. BEGIN FIGHT ON PARASITES Poor Policy to Walt Until Spring When ' Insects Become Numerous Dust ! Birds Thoroughly. A common practice among poultry men Is to watt In tho spring until lice , and other parasites have become so numerous that they will bo noticeable. I By fur tho bettor plan Is to begin tho ' light early and keep them from getting a start. , One of the best means of doing this Is to dust tho birds thoroughly with a ' good Insect powder, at regular Inter vals, beginning In late winter. There is no harm in giving the hens an appli cation occasionally even In midwinter sinco they nro never entirely free from lice, and everyone of thcso pests killed before tho breeding senson may mean a million or two less to fight next sum mer. ROOSTER TO IMPROVE FLOCK In Selecting Young Fowls Use Best Judgment Certain Characteris tics May Be Noted. Tho kind of cockerels used is far more important than most farmer poultry raisers believe. The fact that one bird looks well and is healthy and active Is a good Indication of a good bird. But this Is not enough. Tho male bird should bo of such good breeding that ho will Improve tho llock. If ho Is not capable of doing this ho is not worthy of his place as head of the flock. When you aro selecting tho malo birds from the young cockerels of your own flock you should use your best Judgement and find tho best Indivi duals. In this case you must be In- Silver Penciled Plymouth Rock Cock. fluenced by the nppeuranco of tho birds, as for the most part tho cock erels will bo obout tho sumo in breed ing unless you have trnp-nestetl and kept records on tho hens. It Is rather hard to select young .'oekercls, as they may often deceive one when they are quite young. Llko a calf, n colt, or n pig, there Is much' speculation In selecting for breeding purposes. Nevertheless, there are certain characteristics that mny be noted. From these a curcful breeder will determlno the malo birds for his ttock. CHICKENS KEPT IN BROODERS Much Loss Can Be Avoided by Keep ing Everything Clean Use Cut Straw for Litter. Much of tho loss In raising chicks In brooders can bo obviated by keep ing tho floor of brooders and brooder houses covered with nn Inch of clean snnd. Cut corn stover or cut straw may bo used on the sand for scratch litter. Such material as clover or timothy chaff or buckwheat hulls are objectlon ablo in tho brooder house. The chicks pick up tho pnrtlclos of tho fuzzy stuff and aro not nblo to pass them through tho crop. Tho young chicks necil a dally feed ing of lino-cut green grass If they are to do well. TEST ALL SEED CORN Yield Por Acre Can Bo Greatly Increased Thereby. Work Can Be Done In Lata Winter or Early Spring When Time Other wise Would Be Lost Simple Tester Described. Mr. Avorngo Farmer, is your timo worth $1 an hour? That sounds like a get-rlch-qulck scheme, doesn't It? Well It isn't. J. C. Huckloman of the Mis souri college of agriculture figures that you can make that much testing seed corn. Tho average Missouri farmer raises about twenty-six acres of corn each year, lie falls to test his seed corn whereby he loses ?1.G0 (this Is a conservative estimate) r.n acre. Mr. Hucklemnn says that about ten hours of actual labor would bo required to tost the seed for tho 20 acres. By such testing the yield can be Increased at least Sl.fiO worth. Hence the time required to test the seed Is worth about 40, or about $1 an hour. Tho more corn a farmer grows the more money he can make by the test. The man who raises 100 acres can Increase Corn From Tested Seed. his earnings at least $1G0. This Is practically clear gain since testing Is done during late winter or early spring when tho time would otherwise bo lost. Seed corn testing Is comparatively easy. Tho curs that have been pre viously selected for seed are labeled to correspond to tho spaces occupied by the grains from those ears In the germlnator. If any of the samples of grain show poor germlnntlon, the ear from which they came can bo found from the label on tho space the grains occupy, and can bo eliminated. One of tho simplest testers Is the snnd box or sawdust. It consists of a box about 4 Inches deep and 150 Inches square, with about two Inches of snnd or sawdust In the bottom to hold the moisture or to keep water from stand ing around the corn. A piece of old sheeting or other cloth that will ab sorb moisture, but will not allow It to stand on tho surface, should be stretched over the surface nnd marked off Into 2-lnch squares. Put six ker nels from various portions of the mid dle of each eat to be tested into one of theso squares and give the ears and squares corresponding labels. Cover the box to prevent drying and keep It at room tempernturc about 70 degrees Fahrenheit; for six days, then And the ears from which kernels failed to ger minate, throw them Into tho feed box nnd retain those that showed a good strong test. Figures, based on the acreage and yields In Missouri during the last eight years, indicate that the losses Incident to neglect of seed corn testing will amount to about $11,000,000 this year. That amount Is worth saving. SOILS NEED MUCH DRAINAGE Results Given of Surveys Made by United States Department of Agriculture. "According to tho soli surveys made by the United States department of ag riculture about 05 or 70 per cent of soils here need drainage," said Pro fessor Crabb. "Of tlds amount from 25 to HO per cent Is badly In need of drainage and from 40 to .10 per cent would be greatly bonollted by drainage. Orchard surveys that havo been made by the New York stuto department of agriculture show thr.t from 2T to .".0 per cent of the orchards are only fair ly drained, 10 to 12 per cent are poorly drained and 2 to 10 per cent aro badly In need of drainage. -SWINE CRAVIEFOR MINERALS Supply of Coal, Wcod Ashes and Char coal Should Be Kept Before Ani mals at All Tlnrjs. Provide plenty of stone coal, wood ashes and charcoal for the swine. V'ou've seen tho sows trying to eat the soft stones they root up. You havo heard them cracking some thing they found In the ground. They want minerals and especially llmu. 09 01 ' ? DOUBLES EGG HARVEST f The use of milk In feeding I chickens will double egg pro- J I duetlon, according to the poultry ? section of the Nebraska oxporl- ? nient station. The hen never lays i an egg until all the Ingredients I necessary for the complete devel- I I opment of a chick are present. " Since tho egg contains protein as well as carbohydrates, any I amount of carbohydrates fed In I I the form of grain will not offset ? the necessity of protein. Milk '. given to the birds, either as a o drink or In the form of wet J I mash, will double egg yields. ? Commercial meat scrap Is of " 0 equal value, and may be sub- 1 slltuted when milk cannot bo oh- J I talued. I 4 I l TO ERADICATE QUACK GRASS Rye and Vetch Recommended by Wis consln Station Can Be Used for Green Manure or Hay. Experiments nt the Wisconsin stn tlon show the following to be n sue cessful treatment for quack grasi where the acreage Is too largo for sum Tner fallowing: After the grain Is harvested plow and thoroughly prepare the seedbed then sow rye and vetch at the rnjt of two bushels of the former and 2( to AO pounds of the latter to tho acre Both the rye and vetch are quick tc sprout and will come up before the quuck grass gets u chance to recover Winter vetch makes an abundant fal growth and covers the ground like t carpet. In the spring both the rye unc vetch will resume growth at a rnpk rate, until at corn planting time these crops will be from two to three fee' j high. Whereupon the rye and vet el can be turned under for green mnnun or cut for hay, and the land plant et to a cultivated crop at once, with slight chances of quuck grass making an up peurance. Like clover and alfalfa, vetch Is s legume and as such la valuable as c soil Improver by means of tho nltro 1 gen It takes from the air and restores to the soil through Its roots. Henc( the vetch-rye treatment for qunelt grass can be recommended us doublj useful. FARM MACHINERY RUSTS OUT Much Waste May Be Stopped by Prop cr Sheltering and Keeping Things in Good Repair. More machinery rusts out thnr. wears out. More machinery Is thrown: awny on account of a few parts giving out than because of the wearing out of the entlro machine. Who pays the bill? Who keeps the ninny large ma chlnery concerns in business? Tin farmer. When other lines of business arc slack or dead, there Is practically nc decrease In the manufacture of fanr machinery, because the fanner Is a steady buyer and always In the fleli' for another machine or for some new type of farm machinery. How waste may be stopped: 1. Bj more careful selection. 2. By btiyliif from reliable dealers and nianufactur ers. By keeping mnchlnery In re pair. 4. By sheltering machinery wher not in use. BLHLDINQ FOR FARM SCALES Good Manner of Protection Is Shown In Illustration Shed Is Built to Side of Barn. A good way of protecting the fanr scales Is shown In tho accompanying diagram. The shed, which Is 20 feet long, 14 feet wide and 14 feet high ut the lowest side. Is built to the side oi a 00-foot burn. It is also used foi storing buggies, etc., writes Silas Fun! of McLean county, Illinois, In Farm am' Shed for Farm Scales. Home. A hole (( feet square Is cut li the side of barn near the roof to per mlt of loading hay on the scales so ilu desired amount can be loaded. The large end doors are 10 feet wide by 12 feet high. The small door opposite the scale box has a window In It. Then Is also a door for driving stock on to tho scale from tho cow barn. The scale, being always In the dry, Is never out of balance. WOOD LOT VERY CONVENIENT Important Feature of Agriculture and Worthy of More Attention From All Farmers. Every farm should have a .small wood lot. Forestry on tho farm Is to day an Important feature of ngrlcul turo nnd ought to receive considerate attention from farmers. A wood lot Is very convenient to have, not only as n source of fuel in times of scarce an.l high-priced coal, but to furnish fence posts and timber for various uses and to add beauty to the landscape md premises, and afford shade, shelter and comfort to u lnrge extent for till tho occi'ipantH of tho farm. 1 1 lsdiJ-M-l-UJLLfckMiFsl iRpHfe BUILDING MAINTENANCE OF DIRT ROAD Is Now and Will Continue to Be Real Highway Problem of Kansas Management Is Lacking. Earth road maintenance now Is nnd will continue for some years to bo tho real road problem of Kansas, since It Is not likely that more than a very small per cent of the highways will bo paved In this generation. "Prnctlenlly all the work dono on nn earth road," says W. S. Ciearhnrt, pro fessor of highway engineering In tho Kansas State Agricultural college, and state highway engineer, "except reduc tion of grades, correction of horizontal alignment, building of drnlnago struc tures, and elimination of railway grndo crossings, Is temporary nnd should properly bo considered maintenance. "Doing permanent work Is a compar atively easy matter, for when oneo It . . . . - a v. Good Road In Kansas. Is done correctly It will lust for a num ber of years. Tho maintenance of an earth road, however, Is a never-ending Job. It Is llko milking tho cows nnd doing other chores, for the builder knows that the work of malntenancu will have to be dono over and over again and can never feel that It Is in any sense permanent. "For this reason tho earth road has a bad reputation. t The trouble Is not so much with tho material of which tho road Is composed as with our sys tem or lack of system of management Other types of roads when treated as wo treat the earth roads nro much moro expensive and servo tho traveling public little If any better. Tho vast improvement that can bo made on our present eartli roads by Intelligent dl reetlon In their construction ami main tenanco is llttlo realized by tho pub lic, ami the serviceability of a prop erly maintained earth road Is not ap preciated when compared with other types of roads us to cost of construc tion. "Successful construction and main tenance of any kind of a road depends upon tho recognition by tho public and tho builders of a few fixed and funda mental requirements. - "One practical, well-paid road build er should bo made responsible for tho upkeep of a certain section of road and should be employed throughout tho year, his tenure of office being made dependent entirely upon tho chnrncter of services rendered. Tho graded portion of tho rond should bo elovuted and crowned so that tho wa ter from every section of tho rond surface will flow Into the side ditches." HIGHER COST OF BAD ROADS Substantial Reasons Why Farmers Should Get Together1 and Save Cost of Poor Highways. Tho road that connects your farm with tho -nearest town has more to do with tho cost of living, doubtless, than you realize. Havo you ever thought that every product you sell and every nrtlclo you buy mfist bo hauled over tho road; that your teams and vehicles or your automobile must bear the "wear and tear" caused by a rough road to sell farm products or to bring tho necessities from tho town? Tho fact that your neighbor must also pay the high cost of bad roads' Is all tho better reason why you, he and tho rest of tho neighborhood should Got together and Improve tho road to savo some of this expense. What you and your neighbors lose In hauling farm products over bad roads would soon build a good road and glvo you quick nnd satisfactory service. How long enn you afford such loss? And when shall tho road be Improved? Increased Expenditures. In 1001 the actual cash road nnd nrldgo expenditure In tho United States averaged slightly less than $28 per mile of rural roads. In 3015 the cash rond and bridge expenditure had Increased to an average of $109 per mile of road. Crop Success or Failure. While weather Is perhaps tho most Important factor In crop yield, certain controllable conditions of soil and seed often determlno tho success or failure of the crop. ' Yorar Health IS Paramount and deserves utmost care One of the greatest drawbacks to health is a weak stomach, but in many cases this can be corrected by careful diet and the assistance of HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters It is a Splendid First Aid Misled by the Sound. "I haven't noticed Tootles playing In your orchestra lately." "No; he slipped on tho Icy sldcwnlk and broko his clavicle." "Well, couldn't he got another from tho musical Instrument denier?" Bos ton Evening Transcript. '.'.,..,H,..,.,..,H,.,...l.,,..,.,,l) YES! LIFT A CORN OFF WITHOUT PAIN1 Cincinnati man tells how to dry up a corn or callus so It lifts off with fingers. You corn-pestered men nnd women ueod suffer no longer. Wear tho shoes that nearly killed you before, says this Cincinnati authority, -because n few drops of freozono applied directly on a tender, aching corn or cnllus, stops soreness at once and soon tho corn or burdened cnllus loosens so It can bo lifted off, root nnd nil, without pain. A small bottle of freezone costs very llttlo nt nny drug" store, but will posi tively tnko off every hnrd or soft corn or callus. This should ho tried, ns It Is Inexpensive nnd Is said not to lrrl tato tho surrounding skin. If your druggist hasn't nny frcezono tell him to got n small bottlo for you from his wholcsnlo drug house. adv. THINKS FATE RULES LIFE New York Newspaper Man Decidedly Not of Opinion That Man Can Postpone Date of Death. A well-known physician snys If n man obeys certain rules, Is tcmpernto In nil things, doesn't cnt much, exer cises, eschews liquor and cutH out to bacco, ho will llvo long. Bon vlvnnts and gourmets who nightly tnrry In tho vineyards of tho Great Whlto Way and eat their till, who havo caroused around for many years, dcclaro that It makes no dlfferenco whether ono lives tho gay or tho silent life, ono won't kick off until one's number Is pegged. Somo of tho most careful livers, thoy point out, nro cut off In their prime, whllo hard drinkers, llvo for yenrs. There Is "Diamond Jim" Brady, for Instance, they sny, still under ilfty, 111 nnd tho subject of a council of physi cians, who,' It Is hoped, will mako him well ngaln. Mr. Brady nover drank a drop of liquor In his life. Believing that tea nnd coffee hud a bud effect on tho nerves, Mr. Brady did not uso either, nnd ho refrained from tobacco. Ho wns a good eater, perhaps oto moro than ho should, and that was all. Now. ho Is paying tho pcnnlty for whnt7 Is It possible that abstemiousness lends to Illness? Who can tell? Not doc tors, certainly. Now York Sun. There nro somo pcoplo who novor think of heaven except when they seo u graveyard. You Can Snap Your Fingers at the ill effects of caffeine when you change from coffee to "There's a Reason" POSTUM