The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 20, 1917, Image 7

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    Serai-Weekly Tribune
IRA L. BARE, Editor and Pabllsker.
Due Vcar by Mall In Alliance... $1.25
One fear by Carrier In Adtnnco..liU0
Entered at North Platte, Nebraska,
Postofllce aB Second Olasa Matter.
TUESDAY, FE11RUARY 20, 1917.
Dr. W. T. Prltchard lert Saturday
morning for Ogalalla on business.
O. R. Robinson spent Saturday-In
towns on tho branch road on business.
H. J. Block is expected to return
today from a three weeks' visit in
Now York.
Mrs. W. II. Blalock.who visited In
Omaha last week returned home Fri
day. -
Miss Margaret Waugh hag returned
from a short visit In Goring and Osh
kosh. Mrs. Russell Wyman has returned
from a visit with relatives In Grand
J. ,Q AVllcox roturned Saturday ev
ening from a business trip In eastern
Mrs. Millard Hosier left Friday af
ternoon for Grand Island and Omaha
to visit for a few days.
Mra, N. E. Darrah and son Delbert
who wer0 visiting In Gothenburg have
-returned home,
, Mlsa Mary Wahl, of Gothenburg, was
tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. E, And
erson last week.
Merle Laws left Friday afternoon
for Central City to accept a position
In a barber shop.
Fred Young, Jr., of Gothenburg, ia
at a local hospital taking treatments
for a broken limb.
Howard Baker, of Denver, came the
'latter! part of last week to visit with
Mr. and .Mrs. Thomas Green.
Miss Ella Weaver who spent several
months in Pocatollo with relatives, re
turned hom0 Friday afternoon.
A baby girl was'born tho latter part
of last week to Mr. and Mrs. Charles
E. Evans, who llvo north of town.
MtB. Wood' White returned tho lat
lor part of last week from Grand
Island where she visited relatives.
Mrs. Carson, of Grand Island, came
Saturday morning to visit with her
parents Mr. and Mrs. George Smith.
C. S. Clinton left Saturday evening
for Omaha to attend tho state Jewel
er's convention which Is In session
this week. "
Jerry Bowen came down from
Arthur Saturday to' visit his daughter
Miss Mario Bowen who Is 111 at the
City hospital.
Wanted to Buy Second hand 2 h.
p, -gosollne engine and a lot of 1
Inch pipe. Stato price. Address XX
Tribune office.
Mrs. Charles Damlero of Suther
land, who was the guest of, Air. and
Mrs. Edward Davis, returned homo
Saturday morning.
Mils. Daniel Murphy of Cheyenne',
formerly of this city, who spent last
week visiting her daughter Mrs, Jos.
Quinn left Friday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McNeil, Jr.,
who reside northwest of tbwn an
nounce tho birth of a daughter the
latter part of this week. i
For Sale or Rent Sec. 5-10-2G, Lin
coin Co., Nobr. Is south of the river,
east of North Plattjo and west of
' Gothenburg. C. E. Fisher, Ottawa, HI.
Messrs, Simon, McMIchael, Green,
VanClovo, Reynolds and Holderness
spent Saturday In Ogalalla where bids
wero opened for a new garage.
Mr3. Olark Buchanan of Los An
geles who spent several weeks In
Chicago came tho latter part of last
week to visit Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Buchanan while enrouto home.
Miss Mabel Witthulm, of Gothen
burg, who submitted to an operation
for appendicitis at a local hospital
recently, returned homo tho latter 'part
of last week.
Mrs. A. J. Caldwell, who has boan ENDORSE PROPOSED NORTH
very ill, Is much Improved. PLATTE-CODY HIGHWAY
Dr. Morrill. Dentist Tho suggesUoa that a hlghway be
Mlsa Alta Sparks of Paxton, spent established between North Platto and
tho latter part of last week with local"' Cody, Wyo., and thence Into the Nn
frlcnds. , tlonal Park 1b bolng favorably recolv-
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Llston, of 1. A special to tho Bco from Mitchell,
Dickens, spenUho week end horo with dated February 16th says:
local frlonds. N I At tho community club dinner to-
. . . ,,, day the North Platto Valley Hlgh-
L. W. Walker will return tomorrow rtsgoclnUo-n wng formca hnvlng
from an extended business trip in for ltg obJcct egtab8lllnR( BradlnB aml
western points. I marking an automobile road to bo
Mrs. Georgo B. Dent left Sunday for known as tha North Platto Valley
California to visit her sister for two Highway, dlvorglng from tho Lincoln
or thrco weeks. " j Highway at Nortli Platto or at a
Registered' Perchoron Stallion for no,nt 'st of, thoro ttIul connecting
sale cheap. Thomas E. Doollttlo,' wlth tho Yellowstone Highway at
North Platte, Neb. 8-8 Wcnddvor, Wyo., This highway will
,.... , shorten tho dlstanco to tho Yollow
Mrs. Paul Gant,t will leavo this week , - , . .. , ,,
r ...,.. . .... , 8oo Parte and will pass through the
LUl -UlU,UlIi IU VIDII Willi till UUUIO - , ... . . . 1
, .. , , . , , . , full length of tho North Platto val-
fnlkn for n. fnrtnlirht. ! .
Mrs. Charles Weir, .who recently Tto'proscntatlves woro presont from
moved to Grand Isjand, camo last i Bridgeport. Bayard, MInatare, Goring,
week to visit local frlonds. I Scottsbluff, Morrill and Henry, Nobr.,
William EnglG loft yesterday for and Torrington. Wyo. C. H. Blackburn
Goring to -spend some time before lo-'was clccted chairman of tho assocla
catirig In Albuquerque. N. M. I t,on and a d,roctor is bo selected
I by each commercial "organization on
Tho choir rehearsals of Uio Metho- tno TOUto to arrang0 tho dotalis of
dlst and Presbyterian choirs will bo gating 'the road located and put In
held this week on Wednesday ovonlng 8frapo, Aotual work ,wlI1 be bogun at
at 8:15. jonco and tho success of the. project
Farm and Ranch loans' at lowest is nssurcd. About 100 representatives"
rates and best terms. Money on band citizens of tho entiro valley wero
to closo loans promptly. present and all pledged their support
43tf BUCHANAN & PATTERSON, i to tho movement.
: :r:
I commissioners Proceedings. 1
Fobruary 13, 1917.
Board of county commissioners' met,
'present Springer, Hermlnghauson,
Mrs. Anna Seyferth loftjit noon Sat- Koch and county clerk.
urday 'for Omaha where she will visit J Bond of Georgo Shoup, road over-
wlth her daughter,, Mrs. D. T. Qulfe ley, 'seer District No. 5, approved.
for a week or longer. .1 F. B. Marr, rent for Mrs. Clark,
' $5.00.
Efficient and reliable light dxaying .
...... , i i Mrs. M. Post, rent for Mrs. Mpon,
of any kind, taxlcab service and coun-Q nQ
try livery. Spls Parcel Delivery. balance, on road
Call Huffman's Cigar Store. Phone 976. ' work D,st 4
Mrs. J. a. vvaison ana son, oi ivuy- Wm M Dymond, baianco on brlago
stone, who had been taking treatment work( ?32i50 Adjourned until tomor-
ln th0 Nurse urown, nospuai ior some- rovv
. . t 1 -1 A
umo. were ame 10 reiurn nonie oaiur- A R at.t.p.v mntv rrwv
James McCullough and son Donald,
of Brady, came up Saturday morning;
and tho latter will take treatment at
tho City Clinic.
day morning,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Boyle will leave
February 14, 1917.
Board met samo as yesterday, pres-
about March first for Lewellen to make ent full board and county clerk.
thnlr homo. Tho former has accented Board discussed road matters and
a position as manager of a grocery genoral business and adjourned un
store In that town, til tomorrow.
A. S. ALLEN, County Clerk.
Mr. and Airs, Silas Burchara an
nounce tho marriage of. their daugh-
Fobruary 15, 1917.
Bonril Rnent. .Mm rtnv nnnrnlHlni
tor Hazel Ruth to Mr. L McGregor.' school s Md adJournod iQ Febn,.
Mill wouuiiig viii umo ijiuuu iuuitju 1917
14th at Sutherland . I. ' A. S. ALLEN, County Qlerk
Tho Presbyterian aid society will February 1G, 1917,
meet in tho, church parlors Thursday Board mot samo as yesterday pros-
afternoon. Tho regular business ont full board and 'county clerk.
meeting will be held and a picnic lunch
served.- All members "are urged to
bo present. v
Undertaker W. R. Maloney has re-,
celved iwbrd from Mrs. Ora Lindsay,
of El Reno, Okla., to hold th0 body of
her brother, tho late Joseph Wilson,
who .was found dead In a refrigerator
car, until sho has completed arrange-,
mortts for Interment. j
Charles H. Boylo was arrested Sat-
Bond of A. Aborcromble, overseer
Dlst. 34, approved. .
- Board went to Wellflect to loolc at
roads and bridges. '
Adjourned to Monday, Feb. 19, 1917.
, A. S. ALLEN, County Clerk.
-::o: :
- Short of Power In East.
Tho story floats west from Buffalo
that there aro flvo thousand carloads
of westbound freight at Buffalo rfnd
nearby terminals awaiting shipment
Bethlehem Steol Will Make Of
fer fo Undo Sam, ,
urday for being Intoxicated and dls- to the west, and that tho roads aro un
orderly. Ho was given a hearing fu ablo to tako them away. It Is said that
tho. county court, plead guilty,- was eqst roads have dovelppod, aftor a
fined ton dollars and costs .-wlilcli ho long sclgo ofstronuous business, are
was unable to pay and was taken to markablo shortago, altho 'warning of
Jail to servo tho sentence. j its coming hns been sounded for some
Charles Echelberry had a Hearing tlm?" -in
tho county court Saturday charged' " tho westbound carloads now
Willi uuyins niuiv" utuoa iium m. iiuii-i
ber of young boys who Had taken tho finals could be moved at ofoo to tho
Rn,n frnm Mm ITnlnn Pnoldr! Bhnna I WC8t' tho Car Shortago WOUld 1)0 80m0.
Ho plead guilty and was fined twen-l what rellovod on "ic Union Pacific, as
ty-fivo dollars and costs, which ho 11 ,s the s"rtago is getting worse- and
i awaiting movement from eastern tor-
worse," remarked oft official.
j u.- wacKieman oi tno wissiouri; Attorney Mudoon returned Friday
College of Agriculture figures that a .ovonlng from a business visit In Ogal-
farmer who tests his seed corn makos" alia,
?4 an hour for every hour engaged
In tho test. Efficient testing, ho main
tains, Increases tho value of tho crop
$1.50 per acre, which represents clear
Reports of J0.000 Cases of Kidney
Trouble, goino of them North
PlaKo Cases.
Rare Bargain In High Grade Piano.1 Each of somo G.000 newspapers of
wo navo a new, mgu-graue piano. tho United States Is publishing from
loated at North Platte, which for im- weok to weok namea f
mmllnta coin rtn VAfiannnhln fifffvt. will! ......
No Chance For Profit In Thorn Undsr
Protent Tosti, Grace 8ya PoRilble
Explnnntlon of tho Prices Made by an
Enollih Firm Which Dlds Under All
American Manufacturers.
Spenklng recently beforo tho Terra
pin Club of Philadelphia, Eugciio G
urnce, Pivsldent of tho Bothlohom
Stool Company, said In part:
Mi a peculiar sense Bethlehdm Steol
senes tho American icoplo.
Kor exaniple. though wo have been
ablo to obtain In Europe almost nny
price. vo have adhered, In our charged
to the United States Government, to
tho basis of prices established beforo
the war began.
We agreed if tho Government would
abandon Its pinna for u Federal plant
to1 inaUa armor for our Navy at any
price the Government itself might con
tidcr fair.
Our onlnanco plants, aro nt tho dis
posal of tho nation at a fair operating
cost, plus a Email margin, thus snrlng
the Government Investment and 'de
predation. One of the special needs of the now
navy Is slxtccn-lnch guns guns sixty
feet long and capablo of hurtling a
2000 pound ahel with such power 'and
accuracy bb to hit a CO foot square tar
get fifteen miles nway.
Wo have undertaken voluntarily to
construct, at a cost of $4,600,000, a
plant fitted to build slxtccn-lnch guns.
Under no conceivable circumstances
can orders which wo may receive for
thlp plant pay even a fair return on
the Investment.
Considerable comment has been mado
upoh the fact that a British manufac
turer recently bid less than American
manufacturers for sixteen and four-tcen-lnch
shells for the navy.
I am unable to stato tho basis upon
which tho English bid was mado. It
should bo remembered, howovor, that
this bid was for a specific shell, sain
pie? of which aro bolng sent over for
test a test not yet made.
Tec years ago wo took an order for
240C fourteen-lnch armor-plorclng shells
nt u contract prlco of $708,000, to bo
delivered within a certain tlmo. or wo
had to pay n lurgo penalty.
Tho only specifications for making
these shells aro that they shall be
of a certain slzo nnd must plorco
armor-plate at a certain velocity on Im
pact It Is Impossible to foretell the
exact conditions of tho tests.
We had made large quantities of shells
In the past which had been accepted.
But in placing this particular ordor the
Department altered tho anglo nt which
tho tested shells must plcrco armor
plnte. Tho result, however, has been
absoluto inability on our part to pro-
duco In any quantity, sholls which will
meet theso novel tests. In fact, "wo
know of no process of projcctllo-mak-
lng through which It Is posslblo to pro
duco lu quantities sholls which will
conform to tho requirements.
Tho result is that up to now on that
contract of ?70S,00O, wo havo put Into
actual operating expense $-147,881.. nnd
bnyo been pcnnllzed for non-dcllvery
$405,744., a total of $043,025.. with Btf
receipts whatever.
Such wbb tho experience In tho light
of which wo wero called upon recent
ly to bid for slxtccn-lnch shells.
Wo bid on theso shells nt approxi
mately the samo rato per pound as
that of a fourtcen-inch shell contract
of one year ago upon which the Got.
eminent awarded contracts.
Wo have not tho slightest idea what
profit thoro will bo in tho making of
theso shells. Wo do not know that
thero will be any. Thero Is no certain,
ty that it would bo posslblo for us to
deliver a shell to meet tho test
For olllcors lu tho Navy to assumo
that any bid mado under such condi
tions is "exorbitant" Is utterly Unfair.
mediate sale, no reasonable offer will
be declined Liberal terms to a re
sponsible party. It you act quick you
will find tills an opportunity to pur
chase a piano tremendously cheap.
If interested write tho Denver Music
Comany, Denver, Colorado, at bnco
for -particulars. G-0
Duroc - Jersey Sow Sale.
Wednesday, February 28.
Will sell at Public Auction at l;0fJP. Jf, Central time, Wednes
day, February 28, on the Substation Farm, three miles south of
North Platte,
bred to' farrov March flnd, April. Thfcse are a well bred lot of
gowi, straight gttts. They are immune, Registration certificates
Will be furnish, For the Qit of towh giiesti conveyances will
leave; North Platte at 10$) A, M.
Col. E Z, Russell, pf Omaha, AUctipreer.
pairtlcuftiT neighborhood, who havo
used and recommended Doan's Kid
ney Pills for kidney backacho, weak
kidneys, bladder troubles and urinary
dlordors. This mass of proiof includes
over iOtfOO recommendations. North
Platto Is no excoptlon. Ilero Is trno
or mo worm Platto casoB,
M. C. Jtogors, prop, of harness store,
514 Locust St., North Platte, says
"Onco In a while my kidneys havo bo
como disordered. Then if I did not
attend to them, I would jget bad toff.
My back became lamo, and thoro was
a steady acho In It, When I tried -to
straighten up aftor olttlng, a sharp
pain caught me. I know my kidneys
were tho cause of It, for at such times
Uhoy acted too often, especially at
night. Doan's Kidney PIUb havo al
ways roHoyed any signs of BUch
trouble, keeping my kldnoys In a nor
mal condlllpn. I knqw they qan bo
dopended npfcm and I am glad to ro
commend themV
Price BOc, at all dealers. Don't elm
plyvask for. a kidney remedy got
Doan's Kidney Pills the aamo that
Mr. Rogers bai. Fputor-Milburn Co.,
Tlio 'pootlc vlllago blaoksmtth of
Augusta, Wis., J. n. Watorphul, has
had much of tho romance knocked out
of his muse by a Judgmont for $2,000
obtained by a thrifty Chicago doctor.
Tho smithy wnrblod ndont dittlos to
tho doctor's wlfo, picturing hor ns a
"dlvlno carburetor, whore tho holy
throbs of lovo sprang Into bolng." Tho
dootor showed tho effusions, and an
unfeeling Jury did th rest. Oh, "Watorphul.
A Jqtnt leplslalfvo commltteo of
Mow York, after six months' Inquiry,
arrived at tho conclusion that a stnto
commission of seven members bup-
poi tod by llboral appropriations, Is tho
most feasible means of bringing rtlisf
to both coiiBumors and producom: The
rcclpo looks good at tho plo counter.
I now havo funds at 5 per cent
on cholco bottom v tnblo land. Geito
Crook, Rooms 3 & 4, Waltomath Bldg.
1!0!! '
Tho lawyer-guardian of Old Man
Morrison, Chicago's moneyless mil
lionaire, doflantly rcfusod to dig nsp
his shar0 of tho $3,000,000 of which
Morrison was plucked. lie looked tho
court in the oyo as ho mado tho dad.
Judge Landls contered by Bonding
him to tho grand Jury on chargoa
of pwjury and conspiracy.
Wo bid on tho now battlo-crulscra
sums which Navy department experts,
after examination of our books, found
would yield a profiOof less than ten
per cent. Wo agreed to assumo risks
for Increased costs of materials and la
bor, that mado It posslblo that theso
contracts might yield no profit what
ever. Tho costs run beyond tho amount ap.
proprlatcd by Congress on tho basis of
the cost estimates mado a year ago.
And becauso shipbuilders could not
alter the lnexornblo cost facta and re
duco bids to early estimates of the
Navy Department, tho prices nro called
It would bo a real advantago to bo
rellovod of this naval construction. The
profit from It cannot possibly amount
to mucn, ana tno responsibility is cnor
Wo bavo determined to make thle
offer to tho American Government.
"If you will build two of the battle
cruisers In Government navy yards.
wo will duiio tno outer two at uo as
certalned cost of building tho ships In
jne ooycrnmpnt yards, without add!
tlonal expense or commissions of any
kind. Wo wll also contract to havo
Our ships ready for servico ahead of
tbo Government ships."
Why Pay the Reddler or Canvasser
Twice These Prices?
LmM " y$ciNTiriv I lis
You enn suvo a good deal of money by
buying jour stock (onto nt this stbrc
Instead of paying tho peddler big, fan
cy prices for goods of unknown quail
ty. Look nt these prices for Hint old
reliable and guaranteed stock condi
tioner nnd worm oxpcller.
Dr. Hess Stock Tonic
254b. Pail Costs $2.00
10O-lb. Drum Costs $6.50
Remember, we have no peddler's wagon and horses
expenses to, pay. That's why we can sell you Dr.
Hess Stock Tonic at these Rock-bottom Prices.
Horo Is anothor point, Mr. Farmer, wo want to emphnsizo, that is: Dr.
Hoso Stock Tonic is highly concentrated ; It goes farther, as tho
small doso quantity proves.
Dr Hosa Stock Tonic Is to put yoar animals in a thrlyln,g condition,
mako tho ailing ones healthy an 1 expel' tho worms otliorwlso you get
your money back right hero at our store. Wo also handlo
Dr. Hess Dip and Disinfectant
Dr. Hess Poultry Pan-a-ce-a
Dr. Hess Instant Louse Killer
The undersigned will offer at public sale1 nt the
FEBRUARY 23 and 24
Commencing nt 12:30 p. m. each day, the following:
15 Thoroughbred Poland China Sows with pig, nnd 2 young thor
oughbred Poland Cninn Bours.
1 black mare 0 years old weight 1600, 1 black gelding 4 years old
weight 1050, 1 brown mare 0 years old weight 1500, 1 roan maro
4 years old weight 1500, 1 bay driving mare 0 years old weight
1200, 1 Percheron stallion 5 years old weight 1650. In addition
to these a number of other horses will be offered for sale.
MILCH COWS A number of milch cows will be on sale that
cannot here be described.
IMPLEMENTS 22 wagons of the Old Hickory and Bain makes
complete with boxes and seats, 2 new buggies, 2 spring wagons, 1
carriage, a number of listers, cultivators, two rows, plows, discs,
harrows, gasoline engine, fanning mill, corn sholler, breaking and
stirring plows. All these implements are new. Also a set of
work harness.
AUTOMOBILES 1 new Chandler Automobile, 1 new Elcar
Automobile and a number of second hand cars.
TERMS -All sums under $20 cash, above that sum 10 months'
time at 10 per cent interest. 2 per cent discount for cash.
L. M. MoCLARA Auctioneer. F. C. PIELSTICKER, Clerk.
Mutual Building & Loan Assn.
ASSETS $840,000.00
To Prospective Building & Loan Borrowers;
Non-resident Building & Loan Companies are adver
tising the fact that they hav reduced the monthly payments
of borrowers to $1.10 per month on each 8100.00 borrowed,
making the monthly payment the same as the Mutual Build
ing & Loan Association of $orth Platte. They fail to state
that of the $1.10 paid to the non-resident company, there is
only thirty-five cents credited as a principal payment, the
baqnpe seventy-five cents being taken for interest. Of the
$1.10 monthly payment to this association on each 100.00
borrowed sixty cents is for interpst and fifty cenjs is credited
as a principal payment.
This difference in the amount credited the borrower
will result in the borrower in the nori-reijident company be
ing compelled to pay nqt less lhan $2Q0 more on each
$100.00 borrowed in order to discharge the debt than they
would if they were doing the business with this Association.
Mutual Building & Loan Association
t'rops., Buffalo, N. Y,