The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 20, 1917, Image 6

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"Unspoiled Child of Alaska" Came
Fresh From a Chicago
Beautiful Elghtcen-Ycar-Old Maiden's
Triumph Harks Back to Kansas
City, Mo. Laborer Claims Her
as His Daughter.
Now York. The swift trail over
which Miss Loulso Snellen linil been
"mushing" nftor her arrival In New
York some time ago announcing slio
was from the wilds of Alaska, seeking
the dollghts of civilization, slowed up
tnntorlnlly a week later when "Nick"
Sachcn, laborer of Kansas City, Mo.,
claimed her as IiIh daughter.
Far from bolng n placor minor In an
Ice-girded gulch, the man who Kays
ho is hor fnther Ih an honest day
worklngman In Kansas City, where chen, her father, of Kansas City, broke
the only Ice attainable comes from the them up.
refrlgoratlng plant, and where the Miss Snellen was the 1017 sensation
stockyards provide the chief touch of In New York. She "put It across," as
real nature. she phrased It. on newspapers, society,
Ho said that his daughter, Louise, and the Jaded Jongleurs of the cab
had Indeed been In Alaska. She bad arets who welcomed her novelty anil
passed two years up there, ho said,
working In a boarding house and get
ting her exercise on the runways be
tween kitchens and dining rooms and
not tho dog trails over the hills. Of
"Jack" Maloncy, the somewhat aston
ished Air. Sachen said he had heard
also. "Jack," according to this evi
dence, Is n saloonkeeper In Fairbanks,
Alaska, who gave Miss Sachen the din-
Miss Sachen In Bear Skin Clothes,
luouds she exhibits In Now York, and
whom, Mr. Sachen said earnestly, he
advised her to marry "whllo tho going
was good."
Instead of matrimony, Miss Sachen
choso to go to Now York "to sco tho
high buildings and big places," and
sho went, ho says, as sho can go
any placo "If sho can ralso tho dough
to bum around on."
Tips HerBelf to Papers.
When sho blow Into Now York, Miss
Sachen took a suite in tho farthest
north of one of tho leading hotels. Not
many hours later a' voice called up tho
city editor of one of tho newspapers,
and said :
"Registered at tho hotel Is n very
pretty girl, daughter of a wealthy
miner of Alaska, who has como out of
tho wilds for tho first time since she
was an infant. Her name is Miss
Loulso Sachen. Her views on tho worn
en of New York, tho trolley enrs which
sho Is seeing for tho first llmo, etc.,
should bo Interesting. She has bear
skin clothes In her trunk, gold nug
gets In her handbag, and everything.
Hurry, hurry, hurry I"
Whltefaced, the star sob reporter
slid down a brass polo and with one
Jump ho was Insldo tho hotel. Sure
enough, there was Miss Suchen, n de
mure, pretty girl with soft brown
eyes. And sho hnd tho bear-skin
clothes and nuggets and everything
uno newspaper columns were
opened to hor not only the next mom
lug, but ovory morning since.
A day hadn't passed until morning
mall of tho unspoiled child of the
frozen north bad begun to mount high
er than any stack of wheats a hard
working girl In a hennery ever saw.
There were letters from kindly men
and women all over the city telling her
that they had read of hor and had seen
her pictures in tho newspapers and
advising her "not to let the great
dreadful city spoil her beautifully
fresh views."
Her Dreams Shattered.
Her dreams of being a "lady among
swell people" shuttered, Miss Loulso
Sachen, who captivated New York by
posing as "tho queen of Alaskn," ad-
mltted hero that sho could not "put it
ucross" In Chicago, where sho got her
inspiration. -
When she went to Chicago from
Kansas City, Miss Sachen suld, sho Just
pinyea the piano" and "ran downtown
for tho lady I was with, who was run-
iilug h beauty parlor."
On her way down State street, said
Miss Sachen, sho envied the dazzling
ladles of society who passed her in
tnoir limousines, gho wunted furs
Franco Is not the only gainer by
comes In for her share. An American
Russia and has gained great praise for
photograph shows one of the American
the Grand Duchess 'latlana, daughter
seen In actual service In the Carpathians.
like theirs and diamonds like they
wore. Ho sue tool: nor savings,
and left for New York, where her
dreams were realized, until Nick Sa-
Innocence as they would a fresh sum
mer breeze.
They had laughed Joyously when
Miss Sachen, "Hie girl who grew up
with sledge dogs and could mush the
trail like an Eskimo," told them:
"Town Stack3 Up Pretty Well."
"Daddy promised me I should see
the States when I grew up. This
town stacks up pretty well besldo
"Queen of the snows," the writers
dubbed the wondering young girl as
they opened her eyes to tho marvels
of New York.
"What Impresses you most In Now
York?" a reporter bad asked her.
'The women, of course," she had
replied. "Tho vast number of pretty
women who look like fairy pictures.
Hut I am astonished at the way they
"Do they not rouge In Alaska?" she
was asked.
"Why paint roses In your cheeks
when you can put them there by bet
ter means," tho little "beauty of tho
frozen north" replied. "Out with us,
now, when a woman wants a touch of
red In her cheeks she goes out be
hind the dog sledge and takes a mush
down tho trail."
Pioneers In Alaska, she (old the city
nabobs who clustered about her and
Invited her to their homes, had given
her tho name of "Queen" when sho
was born.
Her name began to travel, and llnnlly
one day an Immigrant Austrian Jani
tor In Kansas City saw her picture In
tho paper.
"Why, shucks," bo said. "That ain't
no Alaska queen. That's my daugh
ter." "Sure, She'a'My Daughter."
When "Nick" Sachen was asked
about Miss Sachen he said: "Louise?
Sure, sho'S my daughter. Sho enmo
home from Alaska last June. Keen up
there over two years workln' In
Mrs. Diamond Hrown became recon
ciled to her wealthy husband in a New
York court through tho offortR of their
little ciirly-halred six-year-old dnugh-
ter, Dudley.
Mrs. Brown, who Is a tmtlvo of
Louisville, Ky., hnd been suing '.icr
husband for a separation, ttnd for .the
custody of their llttlii daughter,
While awaiting tho bearing Uoforo
Judge Cohaluu, little Dudley mnnou-
vered tho hands of her papn and main-
nui together and pulled them side by
I slue until they were smiling into ench
othor's faces. Smiles led to speech
over the llttlo girl's curly bnlr.
"Let's tulle it over," said Mr. Hrown,
ami Mrs. Hrown consented.
, And tho llttlo girlie sobbed, "I want
to bo with both of you."
9 jj
American generosity, hut Russia also
ambulance division has been sent to
Its valiant and elllclent service. The
ambulances that has been chosen by
of the czar, for her own and Is hero
Fori land, Ore. Jnmcs Avcral
I'lgg of this city, Is so sure that
bis name Is a handicap to his
life thnt he has asked tho coun
ty court to change It. Mr. IMgg
says in his petition that his
name is a constant source of
annoyance and humiliation both
to lilni and his wife. Ho de
clares friends and others com
menting on his cognomen have
caused a nervous strain which
ho Is unable to bear.
boardln' houses, I believe. No, I don't
know nothln' about Kuyukuk. She
played tho big towns for the best Jobs,
"Diamond?" added the parent claim
ant, nnd there was a note of pride In
his voice. "Yes, she sure has 'em.
Got 'eni savin' her wages, sho said.
"Jack? Yes, I heard o' him, too.
Jack's her feller up there. He runs
a saloon up In Alaska. I wanted her
to. marry him while the goln' was good,
but sho wouldn't promise to."
Last June, so Sachen says, his daugh
ter wearied of Kansas City and
yearned for wider fields.
"So," he added, "she bent It to Chi
cago, because she could get $8 a week
there. Now I seen all those pieces In
tho New York pnpers,but someone has
got things twisted."
It was recounted to him thnt Loulso
spoko lovingly of her "dogs," who
whirled her through tho vastness of
northern Alaska on her sled.
Knew Dogs All Right.
"She went as a witness In a dog
case to court last summer," suld tho
ulleged pnrent.
Hero a young man, who was listen
ing Impatiently to Sachen, Indignantly
announced that Miss Snellen's old
friends didn't wnnt to bo called
"sledge dogs," and added scornfully
that when sho went to court to testify
in favor of n dog accused of biting u
person, sho "was all dolled up." Sho
wore, among other things, some silk
stockings, n bird of paradlso feather
and a white dress "which was soma)
short," ended the chronicler.
All of this, of course, is contrary to
Miss Sachen. She said when sho nr
rived hero that sho was a child of nn
ture who know naught of civilization
save thnt garnered from Hooting trains
as sho sped to New York, nnd during
a short pause in Knnsns City, whero
sho stayed with a half sister. Sho
told of her log cabin, of tho men-folks
laboring In their chill tcnthouse, and
of "tho spring clean-up" which gave
her gold In "her poke" to como to Now
Admits She Is Impostor.
With eyes reddened from weeping
Miss Sachen admitted in tho hotel that
she was an impostor.
"Chicago was too wise for me," sho
wept, "but it was easy to 'put it across'
hero In Now York. And I'd have kept
it ui, too, if pa hadn't 'spilled tho'
beans' In Knnsns City."
Miss Suchen snld sho got tired of be
ing "Just nobody" In Chicago.. Sho hud
visited Alaska onco with her aunt, nnd
one day sho mentioned Juneau and
Fairbanks to u friend. She noticed
it made a difference. Her other friends
soon began calling her "the girl from
Miss Sachen determined to bo a real
sensation. She took all her savings
and "blew" Into New York with
rush, and registered from Kuyukuk
Says She Is "Done" With Father.
When shu was llnally caught after
her discovery, Miss Suchen had this to
say of her father, Nick :
"And hero's mo maklu' him nn
Alaska miner and strlugln' gold nug
gets nround his neck, when ho'a only
an owl wntchtnun out there, and iio
throws mo down. Well, I'm dono with
him. I'm goln' to keep on being tho
'Girl from Alaska,' I don't caro what
"Just being Nick Snellen's dnughter
never got mo nothln', and when I como
hero and said I was tho dnughter of
an Alaska miner nil the swell pcoplo
of Now York I novcr Imagined would
speak to mo took mo up and I had a
chance to get somo renl money.
"Why, I was going to bring him hero
and mako him my secretary. Now I
snpposo I got tQ go buck to puahln'
"I'ushln' plugs," Miss Suchen ex
plained was tho work cf i telephone
8lit(- tn(li'c form the sum of liuiiuin
And half our misery from trifles
Ob' let the ungentle spirit lparn from
A sin.'ill unklndness Is n great offense.
Hannnh Store.
A light soup taken at tho beginning
of the meal stimulates the stomnch
and prepares It for
the heavier food
which Is to follow.
Clear stimulating
beef soups are for
this reason the
usual dinner soup.
When a soup Is to
be followed by a
light course tho
ream soups are the best, as they con
tain more nourishment and nre ospe-
lally good for aged people or small
Cream of Potato Soup. This Is a
good substantial standby which Is al
ways welcome. Faro three good sized
potatoes, cover with boiling water and
boll live minutes, then drain and ndd
fresh boiling water, a slice of onion, a
half cupful of celery, lluely cut; a bay
eat and three dashes of cayenne pep
per; cover and cook until the potatoes
are tender, then tiress thn wlmln
through a colander. Put one qunrt of
milk Into a double boiler, add two ta
blespoonfuls of butter and two of Hour,
cooked together until well blended.
cook In the milk until smooth and
crenmy, then ndd the potato ; cook for
live minutes, then strain through a line
sieve, reheat and serve. Sweet po
tato, hubbard squash, or pumpkin may
bo used In place of potato In this soup.
Blsquo of Turnip. Brown two table-
spoonfuls of onion In a tablespoonful
of butter, then ndd a small carrot,
shopped fine, and two cupfuls of grnted
turnip or rutubnga, cover tho sauce
pan and cook slowly on tho btick of tho
stove for 20 minutes. Put a qunrt of
milk Into a 'double boiler, ndd tWo ta
'jlespoonfuls of Hour, mixed with n
llttlo cold milk, and cool: "five minutes;
add the turnip, n teuspoonful of
kitchen bouquet, a dash of tabasco and
a level teaspoonful of salt; cook ten
minutes; add two tublespoonfuls of
butter, strain through u line sieve and
serve with squares of buttered toast.
Mock Oyster Soup. Cook 12 roots
of salsify, after scraping nnd slicing;
when tender add a half cupful of cod
llsh, a quart of milk, salt, pepper to
taste, and just before serving ndd two
tublespoonfuls of butter. Serve with
oyster crackers.
Vegetable Soup. Wash and scrape
one-half cupful of celery in slices, add
one-half cupful of carrot cubes, two
onions, thinly sliced, nnd one-third
of a cupful of butter. Cook ten
minutes, stirring constantly ; add three
fourths of a cupful of stale bread
crumbs, four cupfuls of boiling wnter,
Cook until tho vegetables are tender;
add two cupfuls of hot milk and two
tublespoonfuls of finely chopped pars
ley. Season with salt and pepper.
May wo have the wit to discover
what la true and tho fortltudo to prac
tice what Is good.
The chestnut with its own delicacy
of flower is u great favorite every
whero It may bo obtain
ed, nnd countless ure
tho ways In which
niny appear to give fresh
delight to the palate.
Cream of Chestnut
Soup. Itemove tho out
er shell from the nut
and cover with boiling
.vnter; as tho wuter cools slip off the
orowu skin from the nuts. Cook
quart of the blanched meats In sufll
:lent water to cover until quite ten
3er; add, whllo cooking, one small
anion, three stalks of celery, a small
oludo of mnco and a bay leaf. When
tho nuts are tender mnsh them
through a puree sieve; return to tho
.Ire, add two quarts of white stock, a
teaspoonful of salt, half a teaspoon
af paprika and a pint of hot milk
When the soup boils, draw it back on
tho stovo and ndd two beaten egg
yolks, mixed with a half cupful o
sweet cream. Havo ready In tho tu
reen a tablespoonful of finely minced
:hervll; pour in the hot soup and
servo at once.
Chestnuts are excellent simply cook
cd until tender and surved In a rich
whlto sauce, or mashed with butter,
fait, and pointer and served as n vege
tablo they aro especially appetizing.
Hrussels sprouts and chestnuts ur
i ravoreu combination, uooi: tno
sprouts until tender, ndd the nuts,
roasted until tender, and serve In a
thick cream sauce. Sprouts and
chestnuts served with French dress
lug makes a nice salad to servo with
chestnuts with lentils as u vegetable
or as a soup Is another good combina
tion. Chestnut croquettes nre a delicacy
aot largely enjoyed. Servo with lem
on quarters nnd parsley.
Chestnut Entree. Mash n pound of
roasted chestnuts to a paste; ndd hnlf
a cupful of thick, sweet crenm, u tea
spoonful of chopped parsley, and two
well-beaten eggs; pour into buttered
tlmbalo cups and set in a pan of hot
water to hake In the oven X minute.
Remove from the molds and serve
with n cream sauce or a tomato sauce.
Cooked chestnuti: served in a rich
lemon sirup are delicious served with
Ice cream.
Carrots nro such a wholesome vege
table that they should be found more
often and in greater va
riety upon our tables.
MInt-Glazcd Carrots.
Wash and scrape three
carrots and cut In quar
ters In slices. Pnrboll
for ten minutes, drain
nnd put Into saucepan
with one-third of a cup
ful each of sugar and butter nnd a
tnblespoonful of chopped mint lenves.
Cook slowly until glazed and perfectly
tender. Serve hot, and as a border
surrounding n mound of green peas.
Rice Omelet. One cupful of cold,
boiled rice, one cupful of warm milk,
ono tnblespoonful of melted butter,
one teaspoonful of salt, one-eighth of
teaspoonful of pepper, three well
beaten eggs. Melt one tnblespoonful
f butter In a hot frying pan and pour
in the mixture. Hake In a hot oven;
fold over once and serve on a hot
Alberta Apples. Pare and core nine
medium-sized, firm apples. Prepare a
sirup by cooking two cupfuls of water
with two cupfuls of sugar, adding four
whole cloves. Cook tho apples In the
sirup until they begin to soften, then
remove to n pudding dish. Tho sirup
that remains will bo thick apple jelly
when cool. Into It cut a few stewed
prunes nnd chopped pecan meats. Fill
tho centers of the npples with tho
fruit mixture and top each with a
spoonful of whipped crenm nnd hnlf
a pecan meat. The filling may be va
ried with other fruits.
Nougatlne Cake. Mnko n fine light
butter cake and bake In n square shal
low tin, having it about three-quarters
of an inch thick when dono. Cut this
Into squares and cover with a soft
boiled frosting filled with minced nnd
browned nlmonds ground fine. Cho
colnto mny bo used in tho frosting if
Banana Tapioca. Soak three table-
spoonfuls of tapioca over night. In
the morning ndd sufllclent cold milk.
a llttlo salt and sugar to taste. Boll
until the tapioca Is clear, then stir In
the well-beaten yolks of two eggs;
cook for a moment nnd remove from
tho fire. Whip the whites of tho
eggs very stilt; fold these Into tho
pudding, nnd when cool pour over
sliced bananas.
Illcssed Is ho who has found his work,
Let him ask no other blessedness,
He has a work, a llfo purpose;
Ho has found It and will foster it.
T. Carlyle.
Grnted carrots seasoned with salt and
crenm, covered wltn buttered crumbs
and baked In the
oven until the car
rots nro well
cooked. This dish
may be served In
Individual rame
kins which Is pleas
ing to a child.
Bananas aro
much more whole
some when baked than served un-
cooked. Peel them, din In lmnnn tut
to cover well, roll in crumbs and bnko
with bits of butter on eacli banana.
They may be cut In halves lengthwise;
sugur, butter and lemon Juice added
ami imltcd, basting often with tho
liquid In the pan. About twenty min
utes is sufficient time to make them
well. They may bo served as a garnish
to broil steak or simply with whipped
crenm as n dessert.
Custards. Soft custard made by
using two eggs, a pint of milk and
four tublespoonfuls of sugar, with a
pinch of salt, and a light grating of
nutmeg. If placed In smnll custard
cups, set In wnter, they will bnko
quickly and well.
Glazed Sweet Potatoes Wash some
sweet potatoes and boll 15 minutes
In snlted water, then remove the skins,
cut In halves lengthwise nnd place iti
a buttered pan. .Make a sirup of half
n cupful of sugar and three table
spoonfuls of water, boiled three min
utes, add one tnblespoonful of butler
and brush the potatoes well with sirup,
basting with tho remaining sirup while
they are browning. Keep the sirup
on top of the potatoes.
There is no more wholesome dish
for growing children than baked ap
ples. They may bo varied by stutllng
them with raisins, mnrshniullown or
cinnamon and sugar and lemon Juice,
basting the apples while baking with
the sirup. Serve either hot or cold
with top milk or cream.
Ontmcnl should bo cooked nt least
three hours before It Is good food for
young or old. Servo outmenl with top
Eog Lemonade. Heni ono egg, stir
In two tablespoonfuls vt lemon Juice
nnd beat again. Add two tablespoon
fuls of sugar, mix well, add one cupful
of wnter und serve cold.
They Invested Some of Their
Spare Money in Canadian
S. Joseph & Sons, of Dei Moines,
Iowa, nre looked upon ns being shrewd,
enreful business men. Having somo
spare money on hand, and looking for
a suitable Investment, they decided to
purchase CanaUInn lauds, and farm It.
With tho nsslstance of the Canadian
Government Agent, at Des Moines,
Iowa, they made selection near Cham
pion, Alberta. They put 2-iO acres of
land In wheat, and in writing to Mr.
Hewitt, tho Canadian Government
Agent at Des Moines, one of the mem
bers of tho llrm says:
"I have much pleasure In advising
you that on our farm five miles east
of Champion, In tho Province of Al
berta, Canada, this year (1010 we har
vested nnd threshed 10,000 bushels ot
wheat from 240 acres, this being an
average of 44 bushels and 10 pounds
to the acre. A considerable portion
of tho wheat was No. 1 Northern,
worth at Champion approximately
$1.85 per bushel, making a total return
of $10,010, or an uverage of $S1.70 per
aero gross yields. Needless to say, wo
nre extremely well pleased with our
It might not be uninteresting to read
the report of C. A. Wright of Mllo,
Iown, who bought 1G0 acres at Cham
pion, Alberto, for $3,300 In December,
1015. He stubblcd In the whole lot of
it, nnd threshed 4.4S7 bushels Grado
No. 2 Northern.
Mr. Wright, being a thorough busi
ness man, gives the cost of work, and
tho amount realized. These figures
show that after paying for his land,
and cost of operation he hnd $2,472.0T
4,487 bushels, worth $1.55 at
Champion $0,054.85-
Threshing bill, 11c
per bushel $ 493.57
Seed at 05c 144.00
Drilling 100.00
Cutting IGO.OO
Twine 50.00
Shocking 40.00
Hauling to town, 8c. 134.01
Total cost . .
Cost of land
. 3,300.00
$4,482.18 $4,482.18-
Net profit after paying for
farm nnd all cost of opera
tion $2,472.07
A La Billy Sunday.
Observing the success of the "Billy"
Sunday methods In the matter of con
versation, Puck arises to suggest that
tho attempt bo made to npply the same
methods to othor church ceremonies
nnd activities, proposing the following
formulas :
Pastor (christening Infnnt) Whnt
do you wnnt to call this hunk of ex
cess baggage, Bo?
Presiding Parson Whnt miserable
mutt giveth this skirt to be married to
this gink?
The Bride's Father I'm tho guy.
Industrious Usher Slide you lco
carts I Slide I
Passing the Plate Como across with
the Iron men, you low-life tight-wads I
Sunday School Superintendent All
of you little lllvvers that wnnt to swnt
Sntttn stand on one leg.
Gently cleanse your liver and
sluggish bowels while
you sleep.
Got a 10-cont box.
Sick headache, biliousness, dizzi
ness, coated tonguo, foul taste and foul
breath always trace them to torpid
liver; delayed, fermenting food in tho
bowola or sour, gassy stomach.
Poisonous matter clogged In the in
testines, Instead of bolng cast out
of tho system is re-absorbed into tho
blood. When this poison reachos tho
dolicate brain tissue it causes con
gestion and that dull, throbbing, nick
cnlng headache.
Cascarets Inmedlately cloanso tho
stomach, romovo tho sour, undigested
food and foul gases, take tho excess
bllo from tho liver aud carry out all
tho constipated waste matter and
poisons In tho bowels.
A Cascaret to-night will surely
straighten you out by morning. They
work while you Blcop a 10-cent box
from your druggist means your head
clear, stomach sweet and your liver
and bowels regular for months. Adv.
At Home and Abroad.
"Solomon was tho wisest man,
wnsn't he?"
"I nm not sure," replied Miss Cny
enne. "Of courso ho managed to get
a reputation with tho public. But I'd
llko to know whnt somo of those wives
hnd to say about him."
Dr. Pierce's Pellets are best for liver,
bowels nnd stomach. One little Pellet for
a laxative three for a cathartic. Adv.
Both Hara to Manage.
Redd So they are divorced?
Greene Yes, sho's taken the chil
dren and he's tnken the nutomoblle.
"Suppose sho thought tho children
would be ensier to manage." Yonkers
Flour of medium and low grades Is
needed In British East Africa.